Prayer for losing weight on the new moon. How to read a strong spell for weight loss on water before bed

It has the following properties:

  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Burns fat deposits
  • Reduces weight
  • Lose weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps reduce weight in cardiovascular diseases

Water spells for weight loss

Water- an important source of energy necessary for the ritual. The method was used in ancient times. The method works regardless of the amount of food consumed.

The conspiracy models a person to lose weight at the subconscious level. The spell is more effective than diets, does not disturb the mental state, and leads to a reduction in stress. You need to choose a goal and strive to achieve the desired result. training is also necessary.

Rite one - Epiphany water

Carry out the conspiracy deliberately, thoughts, prayers only about losing weight.

Features of the ritual:

  • It is more effective to use during the waning moon.
  • Speak until the sun sets below the horizon.
  • Eliminate interference and noise.
  • Don't get distracted.
  • Believe in the ritual, convince yourself of the success of the method.
  • Be baptized in a church.
  • Use the spell only on Epiphany frost days.

The ritual consists of the following:

Rite two - enchanted water


  • Use immediately before falling asleep.
  • Pray to the waning moon.
  • The effect of the spell will end in a month, not earlier.

Carrying out:

  • Fill a glass with 200 ml of water.
  • Whisper, looking inside the bowl: “Mother Luna, dear sister, here’s some water for you. I know that you skillfully control water from the sky, so I ask you, go away and take my extra weight with you! The moon is waning, and my fat is decreasing. Let everything be the way I want it! Amen".
  • Drink the water to the bottom, do not leave any drops.
  • Repeat daily, reducing the volume of water. The amount of water you drink equals the amount of fat you lose. Drink maximum 200 ml.
  • On day 30, stop the ritual. Measure volumes, results. Use the ritual after a month.

Correctly pronounced prayer will speed up the process of losing weight.

Conspiracies for appetite

A conspiracy against appetite will relieve gluttony and eliminate the feeling of not being full. The following rituals will help you in a month.

Weight loss spell before meals

The main thing is to believe in the ritual, to adjust your body to a new way of life. Each time you can create a new prayer. Words are secondary. You need to pay attention to personal shortcomings.

The ritual consists of the following:

  • Set the table, place your favorite dish, prepare green tea.
  • Turn on the water in the kitchen faucet.
  • Think about yourself, imagine your ideal weight. Clearly visualize the number in your head (for example, 62 kg).
  • Tell the water about your shortcomings. The water flows, all words are carried away with it, excess weight goes away.
  • Boast about external data and personal qualities.
  • Come up with your own version of the conspiracy. For example: “Lord, give me strength to overcome gluttony. Teach you how to eat a small piece. Help me lose weight, become slim without excess fat on my sides.”
  • Wash your face, hands, problem areas.
  • Drink a sip of water and start lunch.
  • Say a prayer before every meal.

Spell for food:

An ancient spell for weight loss

To start the ritual, you need to purchase 5 candles: 3 - white, 1 - green, 1 - bright red. It is advisable to use thick, tall candles and candlesticks.

Weight loss ritual with a candle

Prepare three candles, a mirror, and a needle in advance.

At midnight, do the following:

  • Place candles and a mirror next to you.
  • On each candle, scratch the amount of excess weight with a needle.
  • Light the first candle.
  • Whisper: “I light my candle - I get rid of fat. There is no place for him anymore in my life. Goodbye, evaporate, get out of my destiny. So be it."
  • Repeat the ritual with each candle.
  • Then remove them and go to rest.

Soap plot

To carry out a weight loss plot you need:

A powerful weight loss plot from Vanga

To combat obesity, you can use a ritual written by the seer Vanga. The ritual will get rid of excess weight, give you confidence, and direct you to achieve your goal.

To perform the sacrament you need:

  • Understand that losing weight is real. Losing excess weight is within the power of a person.
  • Imagine ideal parameters, see a new wardrobe, the benefits of a slim figure.
  • Say a prayer at midnight. Wait until the moon wanes.
  • It is permissible to use your own version of the conspiracy.
  • Reading is allowed daily.
  • Turn to the moon, stars, sky.

The text of the prayer is as follows: “In the ocean the sea sleeps, hunger is constipated. Three whales are not letting him out. There will be no hunger on the slave (name). The trouble is terrible, calm down, dissolve in the morning fog. Go to the ocean, leave slave (name) slender. The eyes are asleep, they don’t look at the food. The nights will melt by morning, and hunger will leave the body behind, do not harm it, do not break it. It was said in the night, hunger, be silent! Amen!".

You can enhance the effect by reading Vanga’s biography, strengthening your faith in her spells. The seer considered an important fact to be a positive attitude towards the world. You cannot envy thin women, their negative energy will be transferred. You need to eliminate problems in life, think about a good future, love yourself, then the excess weight will disappear.

Consequences of conspiracies for weight loss

Magic rituals necessarily have consequences, the main task is to minimize them:

  • Use rituals carefully. The goal has been achieved - to complete the conspiracies. Do not bring your body to anorexia. You need to be able to stop in time.
  • The use of black magic can lead to physical and nervous exhaustion. Be sure to perform the reverse ritual. The weight will remain unchanged.
  • Tests of spells with the suffix “hood” can drive a person to exhaustion.
  • Positive, kind prayers for weight loss will definitely lead the body to the desired result. You should select rituals that attract at first sight. Such rituals will be the most effective.


Spell- this is a way to tune your body (including yourself) to lose weight. Daily auto-training will increase your chances of losing weight for free. Use the method in combination with regular training and proper nutrition. then your dreams of losing weight will become a reality.

When traditional methods of losing weight do not bring any results, but, on the contrary, deplete the body, then there are quite radical, but effective ways to quickly lose weight - magical spells. Even in the old days, many witches resorted to this method and helped those in need with the help of weight loss spells.

In this article

How do conspiracies work and do they work?

When practically nothing helps in the fight against excess weight, women turn to magic. The strength of any conspiracy depends on the following reasons:

  1. The energy of the sorcerer.
  2. His mood and orientation towards positive results.
  3. Exactly following the instructions in the plot.
  4. The ability to keep your secret secret from strangers.

A conspiracy from completeness is an installation, programming of a person’s consciousness to achieve the necessary goal. If you believe in the power of ritual, then the body itself will begin to focus on the intended result.

Food spells

In terms of frequency of use, these methods are considered the most popular. Magicians identify 8 types of conspiracies for losing weight with food, and you can focus on any of them based on your own preferences, likes and the strength of their influence on the body.

To the apple

When diets are powerless, spells come to the rescue. But remember the possible consequences of any actions in the field of magic.

Features of selecting an apple for the ritual:

  • regular, round shape;
  • size – medium;
  • there should be no abrasions or dents on the fruit;
  • only fresh.

“The apple is round, the apple is red, help me, help me lose weight. Asmuren-nataren, I ask, I make a strong sacrifice, I bear the burden within my power, I will give what you take. The apple is round, the apple is red, help me, help me lose weight.”

It is advisable to eat the enchanted fruit in the morning, without the need to make an additional incantation, even if it does not begin to act within 3 days. The peculiarity of the method is that excess fat will disappear gradually and not always very noticeably within 2-3 months.

For green tea

The peculiarity of this method is that it works almost always. The only drawback is that you will have to repeat the procedure daily to restore the effect of the spell.

Prepare any green tea, preferably without additives. Then whisper the words to him:

“I drink tea, hot tea, let the rattling fat go away. My word is strong, like a stone on the banks of the Ora River.”

Drink it after eating. Such a ritual stabilizes the metabolism in the body and aims it at rapid weight loss. Another advantage is that it helps lower blood pressure for those who previously struggled intensely with hypertension.

On the peach

The advantage of the method is that you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight without any effort. To do this, select a ripe peach for the following characteristics:

  • shape – round, without flaws;
  • without dark spots on the peel and dents;
  • not soft;
  • Do not replace this fruit with others, for example, nectarine.

Place the peach on the windowsill overnight, preferably with moonlight illuminating it. We recommend doing the ritual specifically on the waning moon. In the morning, whisper the following words into the peach:

“Just as the sun rises every day, so I wake up every day. As the day begins to wane, so will my weight. As soon as the week ends, I’ll lose weight.”

After this, eat the peach immediately. Within 7 days you will rapidly lose extra pounds.

And in this video, Martina will tell you another interesting ritual for losing weight on the waning moon:

For green onions

It is best to use this product during its seasonal growth - spring, summer. For the ritual you only need an onion feather. Moreover, their length does not matter.

The peculiarity is that a person begins to lose weight very quickly and can lose up to 10 kg in a week. Excess fat will decrease, and it does not matter what a person eats.

The whole task is to whisper into the green onions:

“Godomun-meregach, help, rescue me. I’ll lose weight, my father, help me, I want to lose weight. Godomun-meregach, I will pay any price, help me.”

On carrots

To lose weight quickly, magic alone is not enough, you need to have a strong desire. A carrot spell will help you achieve optimal weight without depleting your body. Be extremely careful when doing this. We do not recommend repeating the ritual in the next year, as this can significantly harm your health.

And also remember about kickbacks if you violate this conspiracy. If you do it again, there is a high probability that the person will gain excess weight again, but with a vengeance.

Choose a medium-sized carrot, and after the spell, eat it raw, regardless of the time of day. Whisper the following words into the vegetable:

“You little bitch, take away the fat, help me. I'll give you everything, I'll give you everything, help me. I’m a bitch, I want to lose weight, I’ll pay with my soul.”

The effect is not achieved as quickly as with previous methods, but it also lasts much longer. Our readers claim that the spell lasts for at least 1 year. At the same time, you can eat absolutely any food and not torment yourself with constant diets that can harm the body.

For honey

It is advisable not to use such radical methods for those who want to lose only 3-5 extra pounds, since the effect may be unsuccessful. Honey is a fairly new ingredient in the field of magic, but it is very powerful, so it quickly gained popularity.

An ideal method for those who want to lose 10–20 kilograms of weight over 1–2 months. To carry out the ceremony, you only need bee honey, and it can be of any type, the main thing is that the ingredients are natural.

It is advisable to start speaking on Monday morning and pronounce the following words:

“Be beautiful for me, be slim!
Get rid of all the fat from me, get rid of all the fat from me!
I shouldn’t be fat, I shouldn’t live with too much weight.
He will leave me, run away, fly away and not return!
Be beautiful, be slim, be graceful!
Like a thin birch tree, like an aspen tree, so I must be thin,
Like a graceful winch, like a sweet little darling, so should I be slender!
I’ll speak, I’ll put a spell on myself, I’ll treat myself to magic honey!
It can only be this way, there is no other way!
My word is law! My word is true! Amen!".

Then take one small spoon of honey every morning before meals or dilute it in clean water and drink. The ritual can be performed for up to 2 months, after which a break is taken for 1 month.

Lapel from food

An extraordinary way to combat excess weight. We recommend treating the ritual with great caution, since incorrect actions during the procedure can lead to a new disaster - complete exhaustion of the body.

This ritual helps to overcome the most common problem of overweight people - overeating. Often, willpower is not enough to give up your favorite treat, fluffy buns and a sweet chocolate bar. But if you really want to show off your flawless figure, then this method is ideal.

The lapel is made for certain products. For example, a person understands that excessive consumption of baked goods leads to rapid weight gain and wants to give it up. To do this, you need to take an object, place it in the center, and light 3 candles around it. All this is done in the evening.

After this, cast the spell while looking at the desired object:

“As I eat I speak to the servant of God (my name), the food will inhale spiritual strength, blissful strength, that food will become not a stone in the stomach, not fat on the body, but nectar for the soul, nourishing the spirit, peace, and good. Give you, food, pleasure to the servant of God (name), nourish her blood and brain, skin and all veins. What is not good for you, let it go, what is not good for my spirit and my body, then let it go, so that it does not become unnecessary. The servant of God (name) will have to refuse the superfluous and unnecessary, die his desires, turn away from food, it is better to pray to the Lord God once again. God help your servant (name), she will not strive to overeat, she will think more about her soul. Away and at home. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You can perform the ritual on several objects, depending on your desire.

To eat less

This method will also help you lose weight quickly, but you should remember that this method is not suitable for everyone. There are no special criteria. Our readers say that only 25% of people have confirmed quick results using this method of losing weight.

You can try it if you have neither the time nor the desire to diet, engage in active sports, or due to various diseases. Therefore, a conspiracy to eat less will be an ideal option for them. The peculiarity of the method is that after its use, your nutrition will stabilize and the desire to eat will become less annoying. At the same time, it is extremely important to set food intake limits: no more than 3 times a day and in small portions.

The conspiracy should always be carried out at night, preferably on the waning moon. Prepare a glass in advance and fill it with running water.

For effective weight loss and less need for food intake, the following hex is made:

“Just as the water flowed, transparent and clean, so the fat will flow in all directions, away from me. As soon as I’m full of water alone, I’ll drink and won’t want to eat. And when I want to eat, I’ll remember about water and my appetite will disappear again. My words are spoken on water, as if carved in stone. No one can turn them the other way.”

You need to repeat the words 3 times, then drink all the liquid from the glass.

How do you know that the plot has worked? If the ritual is carried out correctly and it begins to affect the person, the very next day there will be less desire to eat. It will reach its peak on the 3rd day, after which the effect will last about a month.

Right now Andrey Rakitsky will conduct a hypnosis session that will remove the obesity code:

Spells with objects

Any ritual gives its results. Sooner or later, but it will happen. Effective spells on everyday objects will also help you remove excess fat. Moreover, any ritual gains its greatest power if performed during the full moon.

For a doll

Make a special doll at home. One made from hay, scraps of fabric or wax is suitable for this. The main thing is to make it yourself, investing all your energy.

The result is achieved within 2 days. An extremely important condition is to never lose this doll, throw it away or give it to anyone.

The conspiracy is carried out completely alone, saying:

“I pinch the sides - I expel fat, I remove lard - I kill gluttony, Small food is good for the belly.”

Such a doll will always work, therefore, if there is no longer any need for it, then you need to get rid of it in the following way: burn it on a dark night near the intersection. Otherwise, it is permitted to burn such an object near the cemetery. It is not advisable to do this in your yard or with places where people may live.

For soap

For an effective ritual you will need a new piece. Make sure that only the person who will read the plot on it can use it. A significant condition is that the soap is either white or transparent (glycerin based). You can also make it yourself, but under no circumstances should you make it from leftover pieces of old soap.

“I’ll run soap over your little body, and I’ll burn all your sagging fat to hell. I’ll lose a lot of weight, I’ll lose weight, and I’ll glorify this conspiracy in my thoughts. So be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Wash your hands every time after eating, this way fat will not be deposited on the body. However, the method is not effective for those who not only want to not gain weight, but also to remove existing fat deposits.

For a comb

This spell, beloved by witches, is not because it is easy to use and has no kickback, but because it is extremely powerful and constantly feeds on human energy. It is done only on the waning moon, not on holidays or Sundays. The best days for such rituals are Thursday and Friday, when any conspiracy gains full power.

Prepare 2 candles in advance and light them. Choose the right comb; it should only be used by the person performing the ceremony. You can buy a completely new one, not charged with energy, and comb your hair with it for 5 minutes. Place the comb between the candles and leave for 10 minutes, then read the plot:

“Let the fat go away like lice are combed out with a comb. Let my weight disappear like nits disappear. Let the pig plump up and get fat, and let my body get thinner and prettier! Amen".

It is advisable to comb your hair every morning, and also place it under your pillow at night.

On a candle

Before the ceremony begins, be sure to buy a candle in the church, and if possible, stand for the entire morning service, holding it in your hands. This way the effect will be stronger and excess fat will come off easier.

At home, in the late afternoon, place a candle on a white canvas and read these words:

“My fat goes away with the moon, take away my fullness, the moon, and make me slim and thin.”

After this, light the candle and let it burn to the ground. Wrap the remaining wax in the same white cloth and store it in your room among your things.

Spells and rituals with water

It has long been believed that water spells have powerful powers. It was not for nothing that lonely girls who wanted to get a man whispered magic words into clean spring water and performed rituals, then gave it to the man to wash or drink. This is how they tied him to themselves.

Water spell

It is on the waning moon that such a conspiracy will have sufficient power for rapid weight loss. We recommend drinking water before bed, after which you should not eat until the next morning.

“The moon is waning, and I am losing weight; the moon is growing, adding my fullness to its own. Whatever extra I have, let it dissolve, fly away, evaporate! To the moon, to the sun, to the steppe, to the field! And it will remain there forever. Amen!".

Afterwards, drink a glass of water. Using this method you can lose up to 7 kg per month. However, there is a significant drawback: you will have to repeat the same procedure every day with a new glass of water. The effect will not be noticeable in the first 2–4 days. And it is also recommended not to carry out the ritual for more than 40 days. It is advisable to take a break for 1–3 months.

Ritual with water before bed

Instead of water spells, perform an effective ritual. To do this, pour water into a transparent glass and place it under moonlight for 9 days. Then cover with a white cloth and leave to stand for another 3 days, place celandine stalks on top.

On the 13th day, drink a glass of water, leaving some liquid at the bottom. At the same time, it is extremely important not to eat anything fatty in the first days after the ceremony. Then eat as before, and the extra pounds will gradually be lost.

Ritual in the bathhouse

A fairly simple way to get rid of fat, and it will also bring pleasure. When entering the bathhouse, be sure to say the words:

“I’ll come to the bathhouse as a fat fat woman, and I’ll leave the bathhouse as a slender birch tree.” The steam room will warm me, it will drive the fat out of me.”

Then go to the steam room and carry out the usual procedures. After leaving the room, be sure to say to yourself:

“Thank you, banya, for the relief, thank you, banya, for the deliverance.”

The advantage of this ritual is that it can be performed every time you visit the bathhouse. But its result will not be as strong as a regular water spell.

Ritual with immersion in water

It is carried out only after sunset in the warm season. Before midnight, choose a convenient place to dive, with no strangers nearby.

Dive headlong into the water once, then emerge and say:

“Mother Water, help me, servant of God (name). I poured you some milk, decorated you with rose petals, and put on a holy cross! Help in my trouble, in my grief! Take all the fat from me, far, far from me! I want to be beautiful, I want to be slim! So that the weight never comes back to me! Amen!".

After the words, once again plunge into the water with your head. When you leave, wrap yourself in a warm towel. We recommend not eating any more this evening, but drinking only clean water.

Rite with bath

Prepare red rose petals, ginger root and lemon in advance. Run a warm bath, then add 5 drops of lemon, grated piece of ginger root and rose petals. Take a bath and place a lit church candle next to it.

After 15-20 minutes, take one rose petal and wrap it around the candle. Wrap it in any plain material and store it out of reach. Every evening, light it for 2 minutes, dispersing the smoke throughout the room. Do this ritual until the candle burns out in a few days.

The effectiveness of the method will appear after 4 days. Sometimes you may lose your appetite. Thus, you can lose up to 10 kg. It is not advisable to repeat the ritual again if the desired effect is not achieved.

Powerful two-stage plot

Quite difficult to use and requires special training. It is advisable to collect all the necessary items for the ceremony in advance and be sure to carry it out closer to midnight on the waning moon.


You need to start about 7 days before the actual event:

  1. First, formulate your main goal: how many kilograms you need to lose for optimal results, and in what area of ​​the body.
  2. Prepare beeswax. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. If you don't have it, do it yourself. To do this, buy a church candle and melt it, removing the wick.
  3. Make a small sausage from softened wax and cut it into small slices.

Pay attention! Cutting off each piece of wax, say “first kilogram”, “second kilogram” and so on until you have cut as many pieces as the kilogram you need to lose.

  1. After which these pieces melt again and a small ball is formed from them. It symbolizes fat deposits on the body and is placed under the pillow at night for 7 days.

Carrying out

During midnight on the 8th day, take the wax out from under the pillow and hold it tightly in your hand, then say:

“I’m throwing you away like my fat, the wax will melt, and the fat will melt.”

Place the wax under your pillow for another night. The next morning, cut a small piece from the ball and melt it, then take it to the intersection of 4 roads and leave it there. Leave without looking back.

Tear off a piece of wax every day and do the same manipulations as with the first until there is no wax left.

Strong conspiracies for weight loss

As a rule, they are carried out only by witches and healers. They were believed to bear all possible consequences of such actions. Therefore, to this day there are still separate rituals that were performed by the strongest women.

Conspiracy from Vanga

The healer, like no one else, knew that excess weight was a rather serious problem. That’s why she helped many people get rid of this during her appointments. She assured that the most powerful spells would be those pronounced on the full moon, closer to midnight.

“The candle is losing weight, I’m losing weight. The candle burned out, I am safe, full of strength and energy.”

Repeat these words at least 7 times. Then light the candle and leave it burning. Then wrap it in white cloth and hide it in a secluded place.

Be careful with the remnants of a burnt-out candle, because if an ill-wisher finds it, he can perform the opposite ritual for fullness and then it will be quite difficult to get rid of excess weight.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

Before starting the ritual, Natalya Stepanova advised visiting the bathhouse. At the same time, take with you a small candle purchased in advance from the church. You need to blow on it a little during bath procedures and hold it in your hands.

After this, on the waning moon, read the following words while holding a candle:

“The monk walked in a cassock, read psalms, ate holy water and prosphora. The monk sweated and lost weight on the road. Let me sweat and lose weight.”

After these words, light the candle and let it burn to the ground. Moreover, you need to carry out the ritual in a good mood and speak the words quietly.

Prayer for quick weight loss

The prayer for weight loss is read for at least 7 days, preferably in the late afternoon and alone.

“Lord, help, Lord, bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is a bed on the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan, and on that bed there is a feather bed. There's a pig lying on that feather bed, guarding my fat. That pig has two heads, three heads, four heads, five heads, six heads, seven heads, eight heads, nine heads, nine mouths.

Eat my fat with the first head, eat my fat with the second head, eat my fat with the third head, eat my fat with the fourth head, eat my fat with the fifth head, eat my fat with the sixth head, eat my fat with the seventh head, eat my fat with the eighth head, and the ninth He will eat up all my fat and take over my fat. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In this video you will find prayers against gluttony:

Consequences of conspiracies: to be afraid or not

Sometimes you can hear “experts” claim that there are no consequences after using magical methods of losing excess weight. But it is worth clarifying that any kickbacks after convictions will indeed not bring any serious consequences to a person’s life, but at the same time they will harm his usual rhythm.

First of all, this concerns health. There may be some complications with previous or chronic diseases. After all, when taking such drastic measures, a person must be aware that he will have to give something as a sacrifice for a quick effect. But since even the most powerful conspiracy does not contain negative energy and is not focused on black magic, then there is an extremely small amount of negative energy in it. Our readers note that one of the ways to roll back such a conspiracy is the lack of effect. As a rule, this is the most common consequence of actions.

There are warnings for those who are about to start weight loss methods:

  1. If it is initially indicated that the ritual is aimed at using black magic, then the person must not forget to roll back from himself. Otherwise, for the rest of the time, he risks exhaustion, physical and mental fatigue.
  2. Think before you take on the rituals of black magic. Misinterpreted methods of application and incorrect actions during the ritual lead to the opposite effect: a person will gain even more weight than before.
  3. In emergency cases, it is advisable to turn to a witch, who will remove all the bad effects of the ritual, and, in addition, will protect the person from possible consequences in the future. Attempts to correct the situation on your own at home may be unsuccessful.

Useful video:

In any case, the decision to resort to using magic or not remains with the person himself. The power of such conspiracies is always quite effective in combating excess weight. The main thing is to strictly follow all the conditions and do not forget to believe in what you are doing.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Simoron rituals are still very young. This teaching appeared at the end of the 20th century and immediately won many fans. Of course, with the help of fun and simple rituals you can quickly fulfill your desire, for example, to lose weight.
What weight loss rituals have Simoron’s fans come up with! We will write some of the most popular and effective rituals for losing weight. Remember that Simoron does not require a thorough repetition of the ritual. All actions are advisory in nature, and you can change, add, or simply remove from the ritual what you don’t like.

Simoron weight loss ritual No. 1.

“Go on a diet!” You just have to do it literally! So, as the Simoron ritual for weight loss teaches us, print or write the word “Diet” in large letters on an A4 sheet of paper and place it on a chair before sitting down. Some simoron fans place the word “Diet” under the mattress, on the car seat, in general, wherever they sit.

Simoron weight loss ritual No. 2.

This is a ritual with an iodine network. Go to the pharmacy, buy simple iodine, turn it into Simoron iodine at home, writing the phrase “Iodine for weight loss” on it. Perform a simple ritual every evening. Draw an iodine grid on problem areas and write with iodine how much weight you want to lose. For example, “-5 kg”. A number that ends in “zero” (10, 20) cannot be written. Your subconscious mind will discard the zero and count it as 1, 2.

Simoron weight loss ritual No. 3.

The rules of siomoron are to appoint someone or something responsible for losing weight. Let's do the same. We buy shower gel that will help us wash off the extra centimeters and grams, we buy a magic washcloth that will remove them from us. Yes, and don’t forget about the body scrub, which will help us strip off all the excess.
Place all these items in front of you and tell them loudly: “Shower gel, from today you are appointed responsible for my weight loss. Scrub, from today you are appointed responsible for my magical transformation to clothing size 44,” etc.
Now, every time we bathe, we imagine how all our new Simoron things help wash off and get rid of excess weight, helping to lose weight. By the way, to make this ritual more effective, you can and should write Simoron names on the shower gel, scrub, lotion or body oil. “Slimming gel”, “Scrub responsible for a slim figure”.

Simoronsky ritual for weight loss No. 4.

Simoron and his rituals soon become a way of life. Therefore, every time you are going to eat or just have a snack, say the following: “Everyone eats to live, but now I’ll eat (for example, this cake) to lose weight and get leaner”.
Yes, don’t forget to perform such a simple ritual every morning, as soon as you wake up and get out of bed. Jump while saying: “Jump, hop, hop, all the extra weight is like a pea out of a pod, hop, hop, jump off me.”.

Simoronsky ritual No. 5 for weight loss on the waning moon.

This Simoron weight loss ritual is performed during the waning moon. To complete this you will need magic water. Where can I get it? You can buy it, you can get it from the tap. The main thing is to write its Simoron name on the water bottle: “Water for weight loss.” You can put water on the windowsill. The main thing in this weight loss ritual is to say while looking at the water:
“The night is full of the magic of moonlight, it charges water for weight loss for me”.
In the morning you should definitely drink “Water for Weight Loss”. The main thing to say before this is:
“Water, water, you are charged with moonlight, work hard for me, help me get rid of fat. 5 kg down with this water."

Simoronsky ritual for weight loss No. 6.

To perform this weight loss ritual, you will need a thick candle. Write “My extra pounds” on the candle. Light a candle every day. The essence of the ritual is very simple. Looking at the candle, imagine that your extra pounds are burning along with it.

Simoronsky ritual for weight loss No. 7.

Call the gnomes! What do gnomes have to do with it? - you ask. Gnomes are very hardworking and work at night. Before bed, ask the gnomes to come and vacuum your butt. Imagine how gnomes climb up the stairs and vacuum their butts, removing all that is unnecessary and smoothing out problem areas.
We have written 7 Simoron rituals for weight loss for you. They all work, you just need to believe in it and do it regularly. And then your shape will soon begin to please you again, and your old skinny jeans will fit again.

Programming water with moonlight

Moon water stabilizes the nervous system, eliminates melancholy and stress, and helps maintain mental balance. It is used before bed to relieve symptoms of insomnia. And the morning reception leads to outbursts of inspiration and insight, the emergence of original ideas when solving intellectual problems and finding a way out of difficult situations. Taking lunar water in the morning increases sexual activity and enhances attractiveness. Since the Moon has been considered the patroness of lovers since ancient times, it helps solve many problems in intimate relationships between young people or spouses who have been living together for a long time. Moon water was traditionally consumed by women suffering from gynecological diseases and pregnant women. It is recommended for existing threats of miscarriage and for the normal course of childbirth. For women over 40 years old, lunar water helps them go through menopause painlessly and maintain health, vigor and attractiveness. In adolescents, it smoothes out pronounced hormonal activity and sexual anxiety, and also normalizes the processes of puberty. Moon water has also been found to have a similar effect on domestic animals.

They charge the water during the period when the Moon is waning, when the energy of the sea tides is concentrated in it. A glass or ceramic vessel with water is placed under moonlight for 3 hours. Ideally, it is recommended to place it in the garden on dewy grass to ensure that the dew and moon rays merge, which increases the effectiveness of its application. Although the charge of lunar energy in such water remains for 7 days, increased efficiency is typical for small portions of water.

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The influence of the Moon on our body has long been proven. This feature can be used not only to achieve prosperity in the family, but also for the beauty of the body. The new moon will help you lose extra pounds and find your desired shape.

Of course, everyone has already heard about the lunar diet and many have tried it on themselves. In fact, this technique helps a lot if you follow all the recommendations. A weight loss ritual will help enhance its effect and get rid of unnecessary weight.

New Moon Ritual: Body Renewal

It consists of several stages. The first is performed two days before or after the New Moon. The next one must be carried out precisely on the evening of the New Moon.

During the first stage, you need to drink as much pure, infused water as possible for a couple of days. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of fluid, but you can reduce the dose if you experience discomfort. Select a special container in the evening and fill it. Place your palms around the jug and whisper the following phrase over its surface: “Help water, give me harmony. Fill me with your energy, Moon. Excess fat disappears once and for all. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Whisper this three times, then place the bottle near the window and go to bed. In the morning on an empty stomach, take a few sips, and then drink all the charmed water throughout the day. The main thing is that by evening the container is empty again. Repeat all over again the next day.

The second stage begins on the New Moon itself. And if in the previous case water helped cleanse the body from the inside, then this time the effect on the body will be from the outside. In the evening you will need to take a bath with aromatic oils. You can choose any scent that you like. When filling it, whisper the same cherished phrase three times and during the dive, imagine that the excess weight is leaving along with the water. You are cleansed inside and out, your muscles are tightened, and your skin appears more youthful and elastic. Say goodbye to those kilograms that will never return, and thank them for protecting and caring for you for so long. Now feel how easy it has become for you, and how now you leave the bathroom as a completely different person. Next, go to bed and don’t tell anyone about this method until you finally lose the desired weight.

However, do not forget that lying on the couch and eating only semi-finished products will make the process longer and less effective. The action of the ritual implies an active lifestyle and a positive attitude. Believe in your willpower, love yourself, enjoy every moment and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.12.2015 01:10

If you are struggling with excess weight, you have tried all possible methods, but have not found...

Spring is a time of change and renewal, so many people decide to lose a few pounds by summer. ...



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