Minor hemorrhages on the skin of the legs. What is petechiae?

Many people constantly face bruises and other various injuries, especially if they play sports. It is worth remembering that you must follow the rules, especially if you are doing extreme sports. Otherwise, you can get so-called petechiae.

Petechiae, what is it?

Some people, when they see these small effusions of blood, ask the question: “Petechiae, what is it?” Petechiae are small red or purple spots on the skin. They appear due to damage to the capillaries. If you look at the problem from the outside, you can find a slight resemblance to bruises. The size of the inclusions, as a rule, does not exceed three millimeters. The color of petechiae depends on which vessels are damaged: venous or arterial.

Petechiae: causes

The cause may be tension during vomiting, coughing, crying, complicated and prolonged labor. Weightlifters also often notice petechiae. Aspirin, indomethacin, quinine, naproxen - these drugs, in large dosages, can also lead to this problem. If you believe that petechiae is caused by taking any medications, be sure to discuss this with your doctor. Perhaps the medications can actually be replaced with others. Petechiae often indicate the presence of an inflammatory focus in the body due to the influence of viral, bacterial, and fungal infections.

Werlhof's disease sometimes leads to petechiae; it is this disease that causes serious problems with blood clotting, as the level of platelets decreases. Platelets are capable of clogging minor vascular damage. If their level is low, the vascular walls are not restored, and hemorrhages appear under the skin. Outwardly, it looks like red spots. Spots of small diameter are called petechiae, and larger ones are called purpura. This problem may appear due to leukemia, scurvy, or after chemotherapy. Now you know the causes of petechiae.

Symptoms of petechiae

These dots can be either multiple or single, they can be confused with a regular rash. However, the rash usually protrudes above the surface of the skin and changes color if you press on the damaged areas. Petechiae occur as a result of injuries, as we have already written, or due to the use of certain medications. They may also indicate that there is some kind of blood disease. They often form on the chest, neck, and also face. The symptoms of petechiae are very characteristic.

Petechiae on the face

Petechiae on the face look like small reddish dots. As a rule, they occur as a result of a very strong cough, as well as vomiting. They can also form around the eyes.

Petechiae on legs

May indicate an allergy or blood disease. You should definitely see a specialist.

Mucosal petechiae

On mucous membranes, petechiae often occur due to scurvy or other diseases. In some cases, this may indicate the presence of sepsis.

Petechiae: treatment

From the very beginning, you should contact a specialist. If you additionally have bruises for no apparent reason, go to the clinic. Petechiae only indicate that something is wrong in the body. These hemorrhages usually go away on their own.

But it is still worth checking for infection. In this case, doctors may prescribe antibiotics or antimicrobials. It is especially dangerous if petechiae appear on a fairly large area of ​​skin. Then you should sound the alarm if this is not caused by injury. Treatment of petechiae should be aimed primarily at identifying the cause and then getting rid of it.

If you are no longer young, then take care of your body, since petechiae often occur in older people. In this case, you will have to protect yourself from injury as much as possible. Sometimes it can be quite problematic to avoid bruises, but it is worth minimizing the risk. Try to use a stick if you find it difficult to maintain balance due to some illness. It is very important.

If you know for sure that you have received a minor injury, then in this case simply apply a cold compress. To do this, you can use ice from the refrigerator or gauze soaked in ice water. Cold will reduce the inflammatory process and prevent petechiae from spreading. This method will be especially useful if you have injured your face as a result of a fight or fall. It is enough to apply a compress for fifteen minutes to relieve pain. Do not apply ice to the skin; wrap it in gauze.

Petechiae in a child

Petechiae can appear in a child for a variety of reasons. But, as a rule, injuries, as well as severe stress during crying and vomiting, affect. A child may fall while playing or playing sports. Petechiae sometimes occur due to sepsis, when pathogenic bacteria enter the body. Young children have the weakest immunity; they suffer from sepsis more often than others.

As a result of the negative activity of microbes, toxins and toxic substances are formed that damage blood vessels. If sepsis is severe, it may be accompanied by delirium and fainting. In case of sepsis, you must immediately send the child to the hospital or call an ambulance. Here delay is dangerous. If there is vitamin deficiency, vitamin K deficiency or scurvy, this can also lead to the appearance of petechiae on the skin.

To treat sepsis, very strong antibiotics are used, and they are infused intravenously. Vitamins, blood transfusions, administration of globulins and red blood cells are prescribed. If sepsis was caused by an abscess, it must be opened surgically. Some babies with petechiae suffer from endocarditis, in which case hemorrhages may appear on the torso and mucous membranes.

If red dots appear on the skin surface, then you should pay attention to this. It is necessary to obtain specialist advice. Sometimes it can be a symptom of a systemic (or infectious) disease.

Features of the disease

The rupture of the capillaries allows a small portion of blood to get under the skin - this is how small red dots (petechiae) appear.

Small frozen subcutaneous bruises are created as a result of an insufficiently functioning blood coagulation system.

Another mechanism for the appearance of petechiae on the skin is possible. As a result of pathological processes in the body, red blood cells leak through the walls of capillaries into nearby tissues.

Petechiae on the skin (photo)

Classification of petechiae

  • Petechiae are:
  • single,


  • Possible localization of spots:
  • face,
  • oral cavity (mucous membrane),
  • torso,
  • conjunctiva of the eyes,
  • skin surface of the legs,
  • the same hands
  • eyelids,


  • Petechiae are also distinguished: primary spots
  • – formed as a subcutaneous bruise, secondary spots

– when red blood cells penetrate from capillaries into tissues.


  • The appearance of petechiae can be caused by factors of different nature. Some diseases can cause the following reactions in the body (petechiae):
  • capillary toxicosis,
    • diseases of an infectious nature:
    • mononucleosis,
    • scarlet fever,
  • hypercortisolism (hormonal dysfunction),
  • leukopenia,
  • thrombocytopenia,
  • hypovitaminosis,
  • childhood scurvy.

Petechiae can be a side effect of treatment measures:

  • mesotherapy,
  • long-term use of medications:
    • indomethacin,
    • atropine,
    • penicillin,
    • naproxena,

Reasons that cause rupture of capillaries as a result of physical impact on them:

  • Petechiae may appear in small numbers during intense weightlifting.
  • Trauma is the most common cause that contributes to the appearance of petechiae. Damage to the integrity of the capillary walls makes it possible for small amounts of blood to leak outside the vessels.
  • Clothing that causes discomfort, including because it does not fit, can initiate the appearance of petechiae.
  • Tension in the body, for example during a strong cough, can cause rupture of capillaries in the face.
  • Aging skin contributes to the formation of spots.
  • can create tension that will provoke the appearance of petechiae.


Petechiae are spots on the skin or mucous surface that have the following characteristics:

  • do not protrude above the surface,
  • not detectable by palpation,
  • are small in size - up to two millimeters,
  • at first they are painted in a bright color (purple or red), but over time they fade (become brownish) and often disappear on their own;
  • after pressing, the spot does not disappear.

The symptoms in children and adults are identical - the appearance of reddish dots. In children, petechiae can be caused by injury to muscle tissue (and as a result of capillaries) during games or childhood illnesses (whooping cough - from a tense cough).

In very young children, this problem can occur if, due to poor skin care, an inflammatory process, streptoderma, begins.

Whether spots on the skin are urticaria, petechiae or purpura, this video will tell you:


The specialist sets himself the task of determining the cause that initiated the appearance of petechiae. It is necessary to understand whether the appearance of spots is due to an infectious disease, a systemic disease, or whether the petechiae arose from physical impact on the tissue.

Takes into account:

  • whether the patient had contact with infectious patients,
  • what medications did you take?
  • were there any falls, bruises, injuries;
  • what environment does the patient live in?
  • Is the patient prone to allergies?
  • what infectious diseases have you suffered from before?
  • appearance of petechiae, their number;
  • how does the process of spots appear,
  • were there any vaccinations?

To clarify the diagnosis, a specialist may prescribe:

  • analysis for microorganisms and antibodies,


If the spots appear after a bruise, then, as a rule, they go away on their own. In the case when petechiae signal the presence of a disease, the doctor aims a course of treatment to overcome this disease.

Petechiae on the tongue

In a therapeutic way

  • A cold compress is applied to the bruised area. The time for applying ice (wrapped in a towel) is 15 minutes.
  • Patients who are weakened by the disease are prescribed restorative therapy (vitamins, globulins).

By medication

  • antihistamines (as part of a course of treatment) - in case of an allergic reaction of the body;
  • antibiotics (as part of a course of treatment) – for an infectious disease;
  • If the patient has an autoimmune disease, then a course is prescribed:
    • corticosteroids,
    • vasoconstrictors,
    • desensitizing drugs.


If petechiae are secondary, they do not disappear on their own. It is recommended to remove them. The operation falls under the category of cosmetic procedures.

Disease prevention

To avoid the appearance of petechiae, it is necessary to take preventive actions:

  • avoid injuries and bruises,
  • eliminate tight clothes from your wardrobe,
  • eat healthy foods and vitamins that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels,
  • try to treat emerging diseases in a timely manner, avoiding a chronic course.


In severe cases, petechiae can spread throughout the body and cause fever. Sometimes it comes to fainting. The person may become delirious and have seizures.

Such phenomena occur more often with children. Also, with systemic diseases (autoimmune), a sick person may experience:

  • cardialgia,
  • pain in joints and muscles.


If petechiae are caused by mechanical damage, then the spots will go away on their own over time. Petechiae caused by various diseases can disappear if the cause of their appearance is eliminated. The prognosis depends on whether the disease that caused the spots to appear can be cured.

Even more useful information about petechiae is contained in the video below:

Petechial hemorrhages are small round spots that form on the skin, serous membrane or mucous membrane. The cause of petechiae formation is considered to be subcutaneous bleeding. As a rule, spots appear on the skin, as well as on the eyelids and oral mucosa. Some of the causes of petechial hemorrhages do not require special treatment. However, other factors can be quite serious.

Petechiae may resemble a normal rash in appearance. The reasons that provoke such a pathology can be very different. Therefore, if you encounter this problem, you should consult with a specialist about the formation of these elements.


Petechial hemorrhages resemble a rash in appearance, but they are more clearly defined and look quite scary. The spots themselves may resemble very small patterns of purple, red, brown colors, which is associated with subcutaneous bleeding. As a rule, petechiae are flat to the touch, which is a distinguishing feature from a regular rash. When pressed they do not lose their color. This way, you can determine whether it is a rash or another skin abnormality.


Petechial hemorrhages appear as a result of damage to small blood vessels - capillaries. When the capillaries burst, blood begins to leak under the skin.

Experts identify a huge number of reasons that can provoke the appearance of petechial hemorrhages on the skin of an adult or child. These include the following:

  • traumatic injury to the skin or local injury;
  • sunburn;
  • allergies to certain insect bites;
  • autoimmune type pathologies;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • radiation, chemotherapy - methods of treating cancer;
  • the level of platelets in the blood is significantly lower than normal;
  • bone marrow cancer, leukemia. These diseases significantly reduce the number of platelets in a person's blood;
  • severe vomiting and dehydration - more common in newborns;
  • strenuous physical activity. For example, lifting weights, labor;
  • sepsis;
  • vasculitis;
  • scurvy;
  • fevers of viral origin - Ebola, dengue fever, yellow fever cause the blood to clot poorly and bleeding to occur under the skin.

Petechial rashes can also occur as a result of taking certain medications. Medicines that may cause rash as a side effect include the following:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-depression and sedatives;
  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • blood thinners;
  • medications that help regulate your heart rhythm;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs;
  • sedative medications.

If, after taking certain medications, you notice the formation of a petechial rash on the face and other parts of the body, then you should immediately consult with your doctor and select other medications.


Depending on what exactly triggered the development of petechiae, they may differ from each other. Experts identify several main types of pathology.

  1. Vasculitis and autoimmune pathologies. In this case, petechiae form on the lower and upper extremities. After recovery, such petechiae disappear, and the skin at the site of their formation begins to peel off greatly.
  2. If the disease is provoked by staphylococcus, then petechial hemorrhages are observed on the mucous membrane of the hard palate (there is a photo of the examination in this article) and the skin.
  3. Due to gonorrhea, petechiae affect the lower part of the legs. At the same time, other symptoms of gonorrhea are clearly expressed.
  4. Enterovirus infection. In this case, petechiae indicate a person’s recovery. They form on the back, chest and face. They disappear within a couple of days, and not a trace remains after them.
  5. Meningitis. Petechiae look like a hemorrhagic rash that very quickly covers the entire body. Most of the formations occur on the buttocks, legs and abdomen of the patient.

Signs of pathology

The only sign of the disease is the appearance of a petechial rash on the skin (you can see the photo in this article). Along with the rash, some other symptoms of the pathological condition may occur:

  • hematomas;
  • gums begin to bleed;
  • nosebleeds begin;
  • critical days are very difficult;
  • hemorrhage occurs into the joint cavity.

Petechiae in children

In most cases, petechiae appear in children as a result of various injuries. Children prefer active games, so bruises and abrasions are their constant companions and are considered quite normal.

They can also develop in the child’s mouth. They are located on the mucous membrane and palate. The cause is food that is too hard for the child, which has severely damaged the oral mucosa. In addition, the formation of a large number of petechial-spotted rashes can be provoked by insufficient nutrition, a lack of vitamin K in the child’s body, or childhood scurvy.

Another common cause is septicemia. In most cases, this cause manifests itself in very young children who have a weak, incompletely formed immune system. It cannot completely kill all pathogenic microflora. Septicemia can occur along with other diseases. This concept refers to infection of the blood by a variety of bacteria. The skin rash will form very quickly and then spread to the entire body, which may cause the child to faint or become delirious.

Important! If you suspect septicemia in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor, because petechial septicemia can be fatal. But still, in most cases, petechiae begin to appear in children due to various injuries received during play.

When should you contact a specialist?

In any case, immediately after the appearance of the rash, you need to consult a specialist, because this rash can signal the development of quite serious diseases. The doctor will examine the mucous membranes and skin, after which he will be able to tell you what causes the problem and whether they can be classified as serious.

Along with the formation of petechiae, some other symptoms may appear that will indicate a serious condition of the person or child. These include the following:

  • loss of consciousness or confusion;
  • very high body temperature rises;
  • bleeding begins;
  • I constantly have a severe headache.

If any of these symptoms are present along with the rash, then you should consult a doctor immediately, because this may be a signal of the development of a very serious pathology.

Treatment of the disease

The treatment method will be completely influenced by the cause that provoked the development of the rash. If the rash appeared due to taking medications, then after stopping the medications, the problem will disappear after some time.

If the development of the disease was caused by a virus or bacteria, then the petechiae will disappear after the infection is cured. To choose the right therapy, it is first necessary to establish the cause of the rash.

Treatment with medications

After determining the cause of the problem, the specialist may prescribe the following medications:

  • antibiotics are prescribed to treat bacterial infections;
  • to reduce the inflammatory process, it is necessary to take corticosteroids;
  • if an autoimmune pathology is present, then medications such as Methotrexate, Azathioprine or Cyclophosphamide may be prescribed;
  • Biological therapy or chemotherapy is used to treat cancer.

If petechiae began to develop not due to the appearance of some disease, then rest, drinking plenty of warm liquid and special means to eliminate painful sensations will be an excellent therapy. Your doctor may prescribe pain relievers such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, or Acetaminophen.

If subcutaneous hemorrhage occurs due to injury, there is no need to worry, because this does not pose any threat to human life. In this case, the rash must be treated with ointments against bruises. If the problem occurs in the oral mucosa, then you should exclude solid foods from your diet, and after some time the rash will disappear on its own.

Can complications arise?

The formation of subcutaneous hemorrhages of the petechial type does not provoke the appearance of any complications. As a rule, such manifestations disappear without any trace and do not even leave scars.

But if a petechial rash occurs as a result of an underlying pathology, then certain complications may arise, for example:

  • damage to internal organs;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • infections begin to develop in other parts of the body.

Preventive measures

The main method of prevention can be called avoiding the causes that can trigger the development of underlying diseases. To minimize the risk, you should follow these simple tips:

  • play sports;
  • avoid infection;
  • observe the rules of hygiene;
  • practice only protected sex;
  • Avoid taking medications that can cause petechiae.

Of course, you cannot avoid all the factors that can trigger the problem, but these simple tips will help reduce the risk of developing many diseases.

Sometimes children and adults develop red, purple or violet spots on the body, this is a petechial rash. Quite often, this disease is confused with marks from insect bites, and only a doctor can find out exactly what it is.

Why do petechiae occur?

Petechial rash is the result of rupture of small blood vessels located under the skin. Its color is due to the fact that red blood cells from the vessels enter the space between the tissues. The spots look like tiny bruises, measuring 1 to 2 mm in diameter. They are flat and smooth to the touch and can appear one at a time or in large numbers. The peculiarity of such formations is that upon palpation they do not change their color.

If petechiae appear, the reasons can be quite varied. They indicate a large number of disturbances in the functioning of the body. Their presence is mainly explained by diseases of the circulatory system, autoimmune diseases, and the presence of certain infections.

The causes of vascular rupture are divided into two groups: physiological and pathological. Most often, a rash in healthy people occurs as a result of injury. Due to the physical impact of great force on the skin, capillaries rupture and blood enters under the skin. Children often receive injuries that cause hemorrhages, which is explained by their high activity. However, adults are also often injured. The oral mucosa can be damaged by eating solid foods.

In addition, petechiae can form as a result of severe overexertion during coughing, vomiting, and crying. The consequence of such processes is rupture of blood vessels near the eyes, mouth and other areas of the face. Overexertion during labor is the cause of rashes in women in labor.

In addition, pathechial rashes may have other causes:

  • heavy physical exercise;
  • clothing that is too tight;
  • high blood pressure;
  • applying a tourniquet to stop bleeding;
  • skin aging.

All of the above reasons are classified as physiological. Often, over a short period of time, the spots become lighter and then disappear completely. Such formations can appear in different parts of the body: arms, legs, torso, face, mucous membranes of the mouth.

The group of pathological causes is quite extensive, but is mainly represented by autoimmune diseases (scleroderma, hemorrhagic vasculitis, etc.) and blood diseases (thrombocytopenia, leukopenia).

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In addition, other pathological causes are known that affect the formation of petechiae. These include:

  • deficiency of vitamins K or C;
  • hormonal disorders represented by hypercortisolism;
  • capillary toxicosis;
  • the presence of various tumors;
  • drug use;
  • radiation therapy and chemotherapy sessions;
  • some infectious diseases (smallpox, typhus, sepsis, tonsillitis, meningitis, etc.)
  • long-term use of medications such as Heparin, Atropine, Penicillin, Indomethacin, Naproxen (a group of anticoagulants).

Features and types of petechiae

In appearance, petechial rashes are very similar to other skin rashes: allergic dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, roseola. Despite this, they can still be distinguished by making some observations. First, you need to try to press on the stain. If it does not change color or disappear, then this is the first sign of petechiae. Secondly, you need to carefully examine the speck. It will be smooth, not protruding above the skin, without bubbles or crusts. And thirdly, such a rash does not itch, there may only be a feeling of irritated skin.

If a child begins to rash, then most likely he hit a blunt object while playing. Most often, petechiae do not pose any danger. However, in cases where the rashes recur sporadically without any injury occurring, you should seek specialized help. Your doctor can use a blood test to determine the cause of the rash.

It is important to know that a petechial rash may indicate infectious diseases or immune system dysfunction, which are serious disorders. Therefore, you should not leave the solution to chance. In infants, such skin rashes can occur due to poor skin care on the buttocks, arms, legs, and tummy. If hygiene is not observed, petechiae can actually become a very serious disease.

Hemorrhages can be a symptom of certain diseases, depending on which they will be of a slightly different nature. For example, petechiae in meningitis look like small stars and are pale in color. They appear throughout the body in a fairly short time and have the ability to merge with each other. The result of this fusion is large ecchymoses, the tissues of which often begin to die. Such manifestations of meningitis are often located on the skin of the thighs, legs, buttocks, feet, and lower abdomen.

Diseases associated with dysfunction of the immune system are also accompanied by the formation of petechiae. First it starts to rash on the arms and legs, and after 2-4 days it spreads all over the body. A distinctive feature of this type is that along with the rash, the temperature rises, malaise appears, and arthralgia occurs. After the rash disappears, the skin at the sites of its dislocation peels off and becomes pigmented.

Petechial rash can also occur with enterovirus infection. In contrast to a number of symptoms of this disease, the resulting petechiae often bring relief to the patient’s condition and a decrease in body temperature. It is known that such hemorrhages disappear after 2 days, leaving no traces.

In addition to the described types of petechiae, there are similar rashes with gonorrhea, staphylococcal infection, vasculitis, and Schamberg's disease. Despite their similarities, they still have certain differences.

Treatment and prevention of rash

Although in most cases the appearance of reddish formations on the skin does not pose a particular threat to health, you should not leave everything to chance. If you are not sure about their safety, it is better to consult a doctor. If necessary, he will prescribe special treatment, which will depend on the causes of the rash.

So, in case of injury, it is recommended to apply a cold compress to the injured area of ​​the body. With its help, you can relieve the inflammatory process and prevent the appearance of new rashes. Ice wrapped in a towel or some natural fabric is used as a cold compress. Its exposure time is 15 minutes.

If the cause of hemorrhages is an infection, then you cannot do without taking antibiotics. Antiviral drugs are also prescribed, drugs that relieve symptoms of the disease and enhance immunity.

Petechiae resulting from allergic reactions are treated with antihistamines: Suprastin, Zodak, Zyrtec. After this, desensitization is carried out.

In case of systemic dysfunction of the immune system, a long therapeutic course (from 4 to 8 weeks) will be required. The main drugs for such treatment: Ascorbic acid, Calcium chloride, Rutin. The following methods will also help strengthen the immune system: taking vitamins K, P, C and liver extract; blood transfusion; immunoglobulin infusion.

  1. Balanced diet. It is necessary to consume as much vegetables, liver, and grapes as possible, which are rich in iron. Fish will compensate for the lack of folic acid. For normal blood clotting, you need to eat a lot of spinach and parsley.
  2. Avoid stressful situations whenever possible.
  3. Limit physical activity.
  4. Wear loose, comfortable clothes and shoes.
  5. When resting while lying on a sofa or bed, you should raise your legs up. This position helps reduce blood flow.

Thus, petechiae in themselves do not pose a threat to health, but their appearance may indicate serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. Therefore, the best way out is to consult a specialist.

Petechiae are considered pinpoint hemorrhages, which are round in shape and are formed when small blood vessels rupture under the skin. The spots may be red, violet, or purple in color. They arise due to the fact that red blood cells end up in the bloodstream. We note that petechiae do not hang over the surface of the skin; they can be multiple or single. As a rule, several flat spots form at one time, but they do not change their color and do not disappear if you press on them with your finger or stretch the skin.

Physiological reasons

Most often, petechiae are a consequence of an injury that causes physical impact on the skin. In this situation, capillaries rupture and blood begins to accumulate under the skin. In adults, petechiae often appear after a blow. Occurs when a child falls. Sometimes hemorrhages form on the mucous membranes of the mouth. There is no need to panic; perhaps you just eat solid foods often.

Due to excessive overexertion, which occurs during a coughing attack, during vomiting, or crying, it leads to rupture of capillaries in different parts of the face, but the area around the eyes can especially suffer.

Quite often, petechiae appear in a woman, as well as a baby, after the birth process. They can be explained by severe overexertion, stress, which is reflected on the skin.

Sometimes single petechiae form if a person engages in strenuous sports (athletics). Rarely, rashes are caused by tight and not entirely comfortable clothing.

In addition, petechiae appear when the tourniquet is pulled, as well as when there is increased pressure on the soft tissue. In this case, hemorrhages are not dangerous to health and disappear completely after a few days.

Pathological causes

Petechiae are a serious symptom of an autoimmune hematological disease. It is important to consult a doctor immediately if hemorrhages are caused by:

  • Spondyloarthritis.
  • Scleroderma.
  • Infectious diseases - typhus, endocarditis, mononucleosis, tonsillitis, cytomegalovirus infection, scarlet fever, meningitis.
  • Hypovitaminosis – lack of vitamin C, K.
  • Hormonal dysfunctions – hypercortisolism.
  • Hematological disorders - leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
  • Drug abuse.
  • A tumor.
  • Taking certain medications - anticoagulants: Heparin, Atropine, Warfarin, Penicillin, Naproxen, Indomethacin.
  • Radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

In children, the disease can appear if they are not cared for enough, as well as with an unbalanced diet. The oral cavity suffers the most.

It is important to note that petechiae can be primary - they are small dots of bluish-black, purple color, then become yellow-brown. Over time, the petechiae fade. Secondary petechiae do not go away on their own, so they need to be operated on.

Sometimes in children, petechiae can accompany certain infectious diseases. In this case, the following unpleasant symptoms appear:

  • Dyspnea.
  • Intense heat.
  • Tachycardia.

Due to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms begin to actively produce toxic substances, the vascular walls are affected. If a hemorrhagic rash or subcutaneous hemorrhages appears, one may suspect. In severe cases, the rash begins to actively spread throughout the body, the patient may lose consciousness, suffer from convulsions, and become very delirious.

Types of petechiae in various diseases


A hemorrhagic, star-shaped, pale rash appears. The symptom occurs on the first day. Most of all it sprinkles on the legs, thighs, feet, buttocks, and lower abdomen. If the disease worsens, the rash forms ecchymoses, in the future everything may end.


The rash appears over large joints. They can also affect the pharynx, anorectal area, and genitourinary system.

Staphylococcal infection

Purulent petechiae form. In this case, the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, which are affected by microbial toxins, may increase. Dotted petechiae appear on the skin, in the sclera of the eyes and in the oral mucosa.

Vasculitis and autoimmune diseases

Exanthema is observed on the hands, and the following unpleasant symptoms are disturbing: fever, malaise, myalgia. After a few days, the petechiae disappear, leaving peeling and pigmentation in their place. Quite often, such a rash affects the arms and legs. As a rule, severe abdominal pain occurs, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.

Schamberg's disease

Skin hemosiderosis develops due to autoimmune inflammation of the skin capillaries. First, small red dots appear, then they become brown, brown, and after a while they become lighter.

Enterovirus infection

The patient has been bothered by muscle pain for a long time, the soft membranes of the brain become inflamed, and the functioning of the intestines and stomach is disrupted. After the rash appears, the patient feels much better and the temperature normalizes.

Diagnosis and treatment

First of all, the doctor prescribes a general blood test, a coagulogram, and a bone marrow biopsy. Petechiae appear spontaneously and have no clinical symptoms. If petechiae are caused by injury, it is necessary to use a cold compress. With its help you can relieve the inflammatory process: take ice, wrap it in a towel, and apply it to the affected skin. In case of infection, the patient may be prescribed antibiotics, and detoxification, antiviral, immunostimulating, and sensitizing therapy is also carried out.

When petechiae are triggered by allergies, it is necessary first of all to get rid of the allergen, then desensitization is carried out. In case of severe itching, antihistamines are prescribed - Zirtek, Suprastin, Zodak.

Of no small importance is general strengthening treatment, including taking vitamins P, C, K. In severe cases, blood transfusion and globulin administration are necessary. Pay close attention to your health!



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