Levomekol ointment: can it be given to children, instructions and indications. How to inject ointment into narrow deep wounds

"Levomekol" is available in the form of a white ointment with a slight characteristic odor. The ointment is packaged in polymer tubes of 40, 100 and 1000 g. The drug has anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antimicrobial effects. With frequent use of many antibiotics, the body begins to become accustomed to it, but to Levomekol such resistance develops slowly.

Methyluracil, which is part of the drug, actively stimulates metabolic processes in cells, restores tissue and quickly heals wounds. Studies have also shown that it has a good effect on and increases it. And the base of the ointment - polyethylene oxide - penetrates deep into the tissues without damaging the membranes, so when you spread it even on top of pus.

"Levomekol" is prescribed for purulent wounds of various types, including E. coli, staphylococci and pseudomonas infection. It is recommended for cleaning wounds from dead and purulent masses, for restoring infected tissues and reducing swelling. Doctors also prescribe the drug for infectious diseases and treatment. The medicine draws out pus well and in most cases leaves no traces.

Instructions for use of "Levomekol"

"Levomekol" is strictly used topically and externally. You need to take sterile gauze pads or cotton pads, soak them in ointment, apply to the cleaned wound and secure well with a bandage. If the cavity is filled, then the ointment is injected there through the drainage tube using a syringe. For this procedure, the ointment is heated to 40°C. The dressing should be changed daily until the wound is completely clear of pus.

If Levomekol ointment is prescribed for infectious inflammation of the mucous membranes and skin, then you should first clean the affected area and apply a thin layer of ointment. This should be done twice a day until recovery. The ointment can also be used as a complex treatment.

In rare cases, the drug can cause allergies in the form of skin rashes due to hypersensitivity to the substances contained in the ointment. Before using the drug, you should definitely consult your doctor. Dispensed from the pharmacy without

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Ointment Levomekol has existed on our market for quite a long time and has proven itself to be excellent. Levomekol is an external agent that has an antibacterial effect, while simultaneously improving the restoration of the normal tissue structure of wounds of various forms. Thus, Levomekol is simultaneously antibiotic and a reparative that cleans the wound and promotes rapid healing. Levomekol ointment is often called “the surgeon’s favorite assistant”, since this composition is used frequently and widely by doctors in this specialty (treatment of purulent wounds, healing of sutures, etc.), with excellent effect. Today the ointment is popular, affordable and very effective.

Composition of Levomekol ointment

Levomekol ointment is available in aluminum tubes of 40 grams or in glass jars in quantities of 100 g or 1000 g. The jars are made of dark glass. Levomekol ointment contains two active components - chloramphenicol And methyluracil. Chloramphenicol is a chemical with antibacterial effects. And methyluracil has the property of accelerating wound healing, tissue regeneration and any repair processes. 1 gram of Levomekol ointment contains 7.5 mg of chloramphenicol and 40 mg of methyluracil. To evenly distribute the active ingredients throughout the volume of the ointment, as well as to facilitate the application and penetration of the composition into the tissues of the human body, auxiliary components are added to the composition - polyethylene oxide-400 and polyethylene oxide-1500.

Good quality Levomekol ointment has a uniform structure and medium thickness. The composition is painted pure white, or white with a slight yellow tint.

Scope of application and therapeutic effects

Levomekol ointment is a combination drug, the active components of which have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and regenerating effects. The antimicrobial effect is due to chloramphenicol, which has a detrimental effect on a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms. Levomekol is also effective against resistant gram-negative microorganisms, for example, staphylococci (Staphylococcus spp.), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and Escherichia coli.

The regenerating effect of Levomekol is due to methyluracil, which easily penetrates deep into tissues, activates the process of synthesis of new cells and restoration of the normal structure of organs. The regenerating effect is closely related to the dehydrating effect, which consists of eliminating excess fluid in tissues and relieving swelling.

Methyluracil has a stimulating effect on metabolism at the cellular level, which accelerates wound healing and tissue restoration. It is also an immunostimulant that stimulates the production of interferon, a substance that has an antiviral effect and a number of other effects.

The destruction of pathogenic microorganisms in combination with the anti-edematous effect creates the anti-inflammatory effect of Levomekol ointment. The ointment is able to penetrate into cells, into the deep layers of tissue, exerting its therapeutic effect. Penetration into the deep layers of tissue is not accompanied by damage to cell membranes, which remain intact and functionally active. The presence of pus and a large volume of dead tissue does not reduce the effectiveness of the ointment. According to the degree of influence on the human body, the product belongs to the group of low-hazard substances.

Thanks to this, Levomekol can be used to disinfect and accelerate the healing of various wounds, sutures, traumatic injuries, purulent inflammations, etc. The ointment can only be used externally - therefore, the scope of application is limited only to those parts of the body and places to which it can be applied.

Indications and contraindications

The ointment can be used for prevention or treatment. The main indication for the use of Levomekol is the treatment of purulent wounds that have become infected with mixed microflora. The product is used to stop the active inflammatory process, eliminate pathogenic microbes and cleanse the wound of purulent contents and necrotic masses, as well as relieve swelling. Levomekol is also used to treat the following pathologies:
1. Burns of 2 and 3 degrees.
2. Trophic ulcers.
3. Boils and any other purulent skin diseases.

As a preventive measure, Levomekol ointment is applied to stitches, wounds, cuts, calluses, eczema, bedsores and any other damage in order to prevent infection and accelerate healing.

The only contraindication to the use of Levomekol ointment is the presence of hypersensitivity or allergy to the components of the drug. If you have any other diseases, including chronic ones, the product can be used.

Levomekol - instructions for use

Levomekol ointment is used externally. The composition is applied in a thin layer to the surface of the lesion, after which the treated area is tightly covered with a clean cloth or sterile gauze, folded in several layers. Treatment of infected surfaces is carried out once or twice a day, until the wound is completely cleansed of purulent discharge. Typically this process takes from 5 to 10 days.

If the purulent wound is deep, large, or located in the body cavity, then the ointment is applied to gauze pads, which in turn are introduced into the wound surface. To do this, Levomekol is heated to body temperature - 35 degrees, after which gauze napkins are impregnated with the composition. Then napkins with the drug are sequentially introduced into the wound until it is completely filled. The wipes should fill the volume of the wound loosely, not tightly.

If the wound is deep and narrow, has a shape, configuration and location that does not allow gauze pads soaked in ointment to be inserted into it, then the drug is injected through a catheter with a syringe. To do this, a drainage rubber tube is inserted into the wound, into which a regular disposable syringe filled with Levomekol is inserted, and the ointment is squeezed out inside. After which it goes down the drainage and gets to the very bottom of the wound.

After filling a large wound with napkins containing Levomekol, a fixing bandage is applied to the affected area of ​​the body. Wipes with ointment are replaced with new ones as they become saturated with pus and necrotic masses accumulate on them. Sometimes it is enough to change the dressing once a day, but in other cases you will have to change the napkins every few hours.

Treatment of wounds with Levomekol ointment is carried out every day, until the purulent discharge and necrotic masses are completely removed. If wound treatment was missed for some reason, then further dressings continue according to the existing schedule.

Levomekol is excellent for the treatment and prevention of bedsores in bedridden patients. The ointment can be used to treat purulent pimples, any cuts, puncture or lacerations, as well as weeping eczema or torn calluses.

If there is an inflammatory purulent process on the outer part of the ear canal, thin tourniquets are made from sterile gauze or bandages. Then gauze bundles are soaked with Levomekol and inserted shallowly into the ear canal for 12 hours, preferably overnight. In the same way, ointment on gauze flagella can be administered through the nasal passages into the sinuses to treat sinusitis.

If there are purulent pimples, apply a thin layer of Levomekol overnight. After opening and removing any pimple, it is recommended to lubricate this area of ​​skin with ointment and place it in the resulting hole if a deep skin defect has formed.

When applying Levomekol, you should not use other medications that are also used externally. Even when treating large wound surfaces, including burns, there have been no cases of drug overdose.

When applying the ointment, avoid contact of the composition with the eyes, mucous membranes and inside. In case of contact with eyes and mucous membranes, rinse them immediately with plenty of running clean water. In case of accidental ingestion of Levomekol ointment, it is necessary to rinse the stomach with water and activated carbon.

Levomekol during pregnancy and children

The drug is approved for use in pregnant and lactating women, since it is used topically, is not absorbed into the systemic circulation in small affected areas, and does not have a systemic effect. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, Levomekol can be used in the following cases:
1. For the treatment of sinusitis and otitis.
2. For treating cuts, abrasions, mosquito and midge bites, minor burns, ingrown nails, inflammation after trimming manicure, etc.

You can treat acne on the face or other parts of the body. However, you should not self-medicate - it is better to consult a doctor for qualified help.

Levomekol ointment can also be used in children. Since it is almost absolutely safe, it is allowed to be used, if necessary, even in newborn babies. Levomekol can be used to treat umbilical wounds, cuts and insect bites, wounds and pustules that appear on the skin. You can lubricate the festering sites of vaccinations or injections. Typically, in children, the product is used to prevent suppuration in case of various injuries to the skin - scratches, abrasions, bruises, etc. If small wounds have festered, then the ointment is suitable for their treatment.

For broken or torn nails in children, you can also use Levomekol ointment to prevent inflammation and suppuration, as well as accelerate healing and tissue restoration.

Side effects

Levomekol is a low-reactogenic drug, so the range of side effects is very narrow. The ointment can only cause local allergic reactions in the area of ​​application, which are expressed in redness, rash and itching. Sometimes an allergic reaction can occur in the form of hives. Allergies are usually caused by chloramphenicol.

Treatment with Levomekol ointment

Let's consider the procedure for using Levomekol ointment for the treatment of the most common diseases for which the use of the drug is highly effective.


The ointment has a good effect in treating acne. The tactics of application depend on the severity and number of rashes on the facial skin. If there are a lot of small pimples on your face, then the product can be applied to the entire surface of the skin in the evening for several hours, and washed off before going to bed. Within two weeks, the pimples go away, the skin of the face smoothes out, and small scars heal well. If there are single red and inflamed pimples, Levomekol is applied pointwise in a thin layer, covered with a small piece of cotton wool on top and left for 2 - 3 hours. After this, remove the cotton wool and wash off the ointment.

Within two days, the pimple significantly decreases in size, and the redness subsides the next morning. After 2 - 3 days, the pimple either completely resolves and disappears, or takes on an organized appearance when it can be squeezed out, and the place where the formation was treated with an antiseptic and lubricated with Levomekol. The ointment can be used to treat pimples not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body - back, neck, arms, shoulders, etc.

In the treatment of inflammation of the uterine appendages, tampons with Levomekol are a way to deliver the active substance to the affected area. This means that the treatment does not take place in the vagina, but through its mucous membrane, the active components of the drug are absorbed into the surrounding tissues, including the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Thus, the drug is delivered almost directly to the site of the pathological process. However, only tampons with Levomekol for the treatment of inflammation of the appendages are not effective enough; systemic antibiotics are also needed to completely eliminate the pathological process. Tampons are inserted into the vagina in the same way as when treating cervical erosion. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the severity of the inflammation of the appendages, and is determined by the gynecologist in each case individually.

Wound treatment

Any wound can be treated with Levomekol ointment. If the wound does not fester, the drug will speed up healing and prevent infection. If the wound is purulent, then the ointment will clean it, relieve inflammation and speed up the healing process. You can treat any wounds with the drug - insect bites, cuts, cuts, scratches, abrasions, etc.

If the wound is not purulent, then the affected area is treated with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide 3%, alcohol 70%, etc.), and Levomekol is simply applied directly to the wound surface, if necessary, covered with a gauze cloth on top. Treatment can be carried out once a day until the defect heals.

If the wound festers, then you should first remove all the discharge from it using cotton-gauze swabs moistened with an antiseptic. After such treatment of the wound, Levomekol is placed into it; Cover the top with a gauze cloth, also soaked in ointment. Treatment is carried out as needed: if a lot of pus is released, then the bandage with ointment is changed several times a day - otherwise, double dressing is enough. The wound is treated with the agent until the separation of pus stops.

Levomekol in the nose (for sinusitis) and in the ear

Levomekol can be used to lubricate the nasal passages of children and adults to treat chronic runny nose. The effect occurs within a few days. Lubrication is done with a cotton swab 1 – 2 times a day. In addition, the ointment is successfully used in the treatment of sinusitis. To do this, make gauze turundas, which are generously soaked in ointment and inserted into the nasal passages. Then the person should lie down and throw his head back, remaining in this position for 30 minutes. After this, the turundas are removed from the nasal passages. During the day, turundas with Levomekol are inserted into the nose 3-4 times. The course of treatment is 5–7 days. Before administering turunda, you must rinse your nose with salt water or regular saline.

For boils or purulent inflammation of the external auditory canal, placing Levomekol in the ear is a great help. To do this, twist turundas from gauze, soak them generously in ointment and insert them shallowly into the external auditory canal. The turundas are left overnight - that is, for 10-12 hours, and taken out in the morning. The course of treatment lasts 5–10 days, depending on the severity of the pathological process.


Levomekol for hemorrhoids is used only during periods of exacerbation. The ointment helps relieve inflammation and kill pathogenic bacteria. In addition, it accelerates the restoration of anal tissue and quickly heals damaged areas. Use for 10 days, the anus is lubricated every day before bed. Before applying the ointment, wash the perineum and anus with soap and water and dry with a soft towel. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, the property of the ointment to have a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect is used. After the inflammatory process has resolved, you must consult a doctor and get a plan for further treatment of the disease. Levomekol is an excellent drug for healing anal tissue with hemorrhoids, but to completely cure the disease, you need to take special medications, which this ointment will perfectly complement.


Levomekol is very effective for balanoposthitis because it has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. The ointment quickly cleanses the glans penis and foreskin from pus and necrotic tissue, and also accelerates the healing process and restoration of the integrity of the skin. Before applying the product for balanoposthitis, the head of the penis is washed with solutions of potassium permanganate or furatsilin, removing pus and dead tissue. After treatment with these solutions, Levomekol is applied to the affected area in a fairly dense layer. The ointment is applied 1-2 times a day, and the course of treatment lasts until the penis is completely healed. After the inflammation is relieved, the drug will have to be applied to the penis for another week, 1 time per day - in the evening, before bed.


Levomekol for burns is used to prevent infection of the wound surface and accelerate healing of the damaged area. If the burn becomes inflamed and begins to fester, then the ointment will also perfectly help cope with this problem. In addition to purulent discharge, Levomekol is good at cleaning a burn wound from necrotic and dead tissue.

If a 1st or 2nd degree burn has a small area, you can apply ointment to the wound surface yourself. Correctly, the ointment is applied to a sterile gauze pad, which is applied to the wound surface. Before treating with Levomekol, the burn should be washed with cold water. The bandage is applied for a day, dressings are done every day. If necessary, the dressing can be changed more often, but no more than 5 times a day. The burn is treated with ointment until the wound surface is completely healed. For minor household burns, the course of treatment is usually 5–14 days.


Levomekol has drugs that are synonyms, that is, drugs that contain the same chemical compounds as active ingredients. The following drugs are synonymous with Levomekol:
  • Levomethyl ointment, used externally;
  • Netran ointment is used externally.
In addition to synonyms, Levomekol ointment has analogues - drugs that have similar effects and therapeutic effects, but contain other substances as active ingredients. The following drugs are analogues of Levomekol ointment:
  • Salicylic-zinc paste with chloramphenicol, applied externally.
  • Levosin ointment, external.
  • Lingezin ointment, external.
  • Protegentin ointment, external.
  • Streptonitol ointment, external.
  • Ointment Fastin 1, external.
  • Fugentin drops are used for instillation into the nasal passages and ears.


Over the period of long-term use of Levomekol ointment, the drug has earned a good reputation. The vast majority of reviews are positive, since the drug is effective in treating various wounds, injuries, injuries, some purulent infections, acne, etc. The use of Levomekol can significantly accelerate the healing of any damage to the skin, which makes this drug a “lifesaver” for children who constantly scratch themselves, break their knees, get injured by various objects, etc. Satisfied parents almost always leave positive feedback about the drug.

In addition to the excellent healing effect that Levomekol has on skin wounds, it has the property of healing some inflammatory processes - sinusitis, otitis media, chronic rhinitis, inflammation of the uterine appendages or cervical erosion. The effectiveness of the ointment for sinusitis and otitis is high, people are satisfied and also leave positive reviews.

Negative reviews about Levomekol are found only in relation to a specific situation in which the drug turned out to be completely ineffective. But there are no negative reviews in general about Levomekol ointment, since it may seem ineffective in one situation, but in another it will eliminate the problem very well and quickly.

Levomekol or Vishnevsky ointment?

For treating inflamed or festering wounds, it is preferable to use Levomekol ointment, since its antibacterial activity is much higher and its repair properties are better. In addition, Levomekol has another advantage over Vishnevsky ointment - the absence of odor. Vishnevsky ointment smells very unpleasant, and also often causes irritation at the site of its application, which is not observed when using the first one.

When treating boils, Levomekol leads to the formation of an abscess and the opening of an abscess much faster, followed by wound healing, compared to Vishnevsky ointment. In principle, today Levomekol is superior in its characteristics to Vishnevsky ointment. But if a person uses Vishnevsky ointment, and the composition works effectively, then there is simply no point in switching to Levomekol and trying another drug.

Levosin or Levomekol?

Levosin ointment, unlike Levomekol, also contains an anesthetic and sulfonamide antibacterial (sulfadimethoxine) components, but both drugs contain chloramphenicol and methyluracil. The antibacterial and wound-healing effects of Levosin and Levomekol are approximately the same, but the former also has an analgesic effect.

According to reviews from people who have used both drugs, they are practically no different, so you can choose whichever one you like better for some subjective reasons. According to objective studies conducted against the background of the use of ointments for the treatment of the same conditions, no advantages or more pronounced therapeutic effect were identified with either Levosin or Levomekol over each other. Therefore, we can say that Levomekol and Levosin ointments are practically the same thing. The cost of the drugs is also approximately the same, so the choice of Levomekol or Levosin lies solely in the plane of personal subjective preferences. However, if there is a significant pain symptom, then it is better to use Levosin, which will help relieve the painful sensation without the use of painkillers.

Voskopran with Levomekol

Voskopran is a special wound-healing dressing impregnated with Levomekol ointment. Voskopran consists of natural wax, which accelerates wound healing. Together with Levomekol, they potentiate each other’s action, significantly enhancing the effectiveness of each drug. The Voskopran dressing with Levomekol does not stick to the wound at the initial stages, which allows you to change it painlessly and calmly. And at the healing stage, on the contrary, it sticks tightly to the skin, which can no longer be changed, but left until the normal tissue structure is completely restored. After complete healing, the bandage itself moves away from the skin, under which there is a healed surface without scars or deformations.

The Voskopran dressing with Levomekol is used to treat the following conditions:

  • purulent and infected wound surfaces;
  • bedsores;
  • diaper rash;
  • temperature, chemical or radiation burns of 1, 2, 3 degrees;
  • purulent and inflammatory lesions of the skin.


Today the cost of Levomekol is low, so anyone can afford it. The product is produced by Russian pharmaceutical concerns, so the price may vary. In addition to the manufacturer's selling price, the cost of the drug depends on the trade markup of pharmacy chains, the costs of transportation, storage, etc. In general, Levomekol ointment can be purchased in Russian pharmacies at prices ranging from 65 rubles to 81 rubles per 40 gram tube.

Levomekol is an ointment for external use. Its active components have antibacterial and antiviral effects. They inhibit protein metabolism, destroying the cells of these microorganisms from the inside.

The drug is produced in aluminum tubes or glass jars of 40, 60 or 100 grams. If the ointment is created in accordance with the standards, it will be uniform, medium thick, white or with a slight admixture of yellow.

Levomekol is a popular ointment for external use.

If you pay attention to the description of the drug, levomekol contains active ingredients, such as:

  • polyethylene oxide;
  • chloramphenicol;
  • methyluracil;
  • polyethylene oxide

Let's look at what levomekol helps with and what side effects are possible.

Indications for use

This drug is used in the treatment of the following ailments:

  • for treating bedsores;
  • heals and neutralizes purulent wounds;
  • has a disinfecting effect on wounds;
  • helps with furunculosis;
  • used for trophic ulcers;
  • softens the affected skin with second or third degree burns;
  • improves the condition of purulent-inflammatory pathologies;
  • heals cuts (deep and superficial);
  • softens calluses, heals cracks;
  • promotes the healing of postoperative sutures.

Basic information about Levomekol

The antibacterial effect of this drug helps to successfully fight viruses such as staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. The ointment has the properties to stop infection of the damaged area of ​​the body and speed up the process of natural regeneration.

How is Levomekol used?

The ointment must be applied externally, applied in a thin layer. Afterwards, a sterile dressing is usually applied, for which a bandage is often used. The wound is treated 3-4 times a day for a week or a little more, until it stops festering.

The packing method is used for treatment if the wound is deep with a large amount of pus, or a cavity wound. In this case, a sterile swab with ointment is inserted into the wound cavity so that it is completely filled.

For particularly complex wounds, in which packing is impossible, the method of application is as follows: the ointment is administered through a catheter, and then fixed with a bandage. Change the ointment as needed, from 1 to 5 times a day. It is advisable that the ointment does not differ in temperature from body temperature.

It is also possible to use levomekol to treat the skin after opening and remove acne. The product is applied to the area that has experienced this unpleasant procedure. If removing a pimple has left a deep defect on the skin, it is worth filling the resulting space with ointment.

Levomekol antiseptic formula

When and how should you not use Levomekol?

Having considered the positive effect of the drug Levomekol on the body, let us pay attention to contraindications. This drug should not be used if the patient is allergic or hypersensitive to levomekol or one or more of its components. Remember that such a problem can arise not only due to intolerance to the active components of this ointment, but also to the excipients.

Also, do not take lightly the combination of levomekol with the use of other medications. Therefore, before prescribing therapy with this drug, the doctor learns about all the treatment methods used by the patient. This is important to ensure that this therapy is safe for humans.

Levomekol has no indications for use in certain diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema or fungal infection. Remember that the drug mainly treats through external use, so getting it inside the body is extremely undesirable. In the worst case, you can expect poisoning with this substance.

You need to be especially careful if levomekol is prescribed for treatment of children under one year of age, who have the habit of touching everything with their fingers and then putting them in their mouths. For the same reason, the doctor will prescribe Levomekol during pregnancy with great caution.

Fragment of instructions for use of Levomekol

In order to avoid unpleasant problems during treatment, follow the storage conditions and periods of the medicine. Remember that the optimal storage temperature for Levomekol is not higher than 15 degrees. The place should be dark and cool so that the beneficial properties are preserved as long as possible.

Can the drug be used to treat pregnant women and small children?

If there is no reason for another decision, the doctor may prescribe levomekol during pregnancy. In this way, you can use the effect of the ointment on sinusitis, otitis media and purulent skin lesions. The drug is not dangerous to the fetus if it has a local effect without entering the internal organs. The main thing is that the components of the medicine do not enter the woman’s blood vessels, because this can negatively affect the development of the child.

Danger arises when even a small concentration of levomekol appears in a woman’s milk, which can result in problems during breastfeeding. This can lead to the baby refusing the mother's breast, since the milk will contain a bitter taste. More serious difficulties with a newborn will be early allergic reactions or poisoning. Therefore, the use of ointment must be in moderation and during lactation. And perhaps you shouldn’t carry out such procedures before feeding.

Levomekol is prescribed to children

The use of levomekol is also possible for the treatment of children under three years of age and older. However, you should be careful when treating purulent wounds of a child. Make sure that no signs of adverse reactions appear on his body that indicate an allergy to this drug or its components. Place a bandage on the treated surface during the procedure so that he does not remove it.

Levomekol - side effects

Although levomekol is quite safe, some side effects may still occur. These include:

  • skin itching,
  • rashes (often urticaria),
  • swelling in the area where the ointment is applied.

If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, stop using the drug. Contact a specialist who will prescribe an alternative medicine to combat the disease.

Poisoning with levomekol is extremely rare.

Although no cases of overdose of levomekol have been recorded in humans, any medicine in high concentrations can become poisonous. Therefore, if you apply ointment to the affected area of ​​skin for yourself, your baby or your pet, pay attention to how much it needs to be done.

If classic signs of minor poisoning occur, you can take several tablets of activated carbon according to the instructions. If the harm to the body is more serious (stomach pain, nausea, fever), you should call an ambulance. And then doctors will be able to quickly and competently help the victim.

Let's summarize: Levomekol is an effective remedy in the fight against inflammatory processes in the human body. If certain precautions are taken, this ointment manifests its properties, providing a minimal number of side effects.

It is especially important to use levomekol wisely during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Taking all precautions into account, you will experience the healing power of the ointment without unnecessary difficulties.


Do you want to learn more about the use of levomekol? Watch this video.

The ointment contains a tissue regeneration stimulator dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine (Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine) at a concentration of 4.0 g per 100 g and antibiotic chloramphenicol (Chloramphenicolum) at a concentration of 0.75 g per 100 g.

Excipients: polyethylene oxides 400 and 1500.

Release form

Ointment. External therapy agent. It is a white (slightly yellowish) substance. Packaged in 40 g tubes, as well as 100 or 1000 g in dark glass jars.

Pharmacological action

Dehydrating, antimicrobial.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The product is a combined composition for topical use. Relieves inflammation, is active against Gram (+) and Gram (-) bacteria: Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Without damaging cell membranes, chloramphenicol easily and deeply penetrates tissues, stimulating their regeneration.

The antimicrobial effect persists, including in the presence of necrotic masses and purulent discharge.

Indications for use: what is Levomekol ointment used for?

The drug perfectly relieves inflammation and draws out pus. Indications for the use of Levomekol are purulent (including those infected with mixed microflora) wounds in the first phase (inflammation phase) of the wound process.

Levomekol is used as an ointment for wound healing and bedsores , as an ointment for boils , used for advanced forms , at calluses , at (from herpes the drug is prescribed for suppuration of ulcers - the drug promotes their cleansing and faster healing), for purulent inflammation in the outer part of the ear canal, as well as for treatment purulent acne .

The ointment is also prescribed as a topical treatment for during their inflammation (acute and chronic ). The main treatment is aimed at eliminating lymphadenopathy .

The patient is prescribed antiallergic and restorative drugs, , . In some cases, an operation to open the abscess may be required, antibacterial And detoxification therapy .

Use of Levomekol for a runny nose

There are no instructions in the annotation regarding the use of the drug for the treatment of colds, so its use for runny nose only possible with the approval of the attending physician.

Nose ointment runny nose And used in cases where the cause of the disease is bacterial infection . Since at home it is possible to determine what exactly provoked the disease, prescribing antibiotic is possible only on the basis of the results of appropriate analyses.

Why does Levomekol ointment help in dentistry?

  • trophic ulcers ;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • periodontal disease .

In surgical dentistry, it is used during implantation and extraction of teeth as a means of helping to relieve painful symptoms and reduce swelling of tissues.

Levomekol in gynecology and urology

In gynecology, the drug is used as a topical wound healing , anti-inflammatory And antibacterial agent after childbirth and operations.

Some doctors consider it advisable to prescribe Levomekol to suppress pathogenic microflora in .

For men, the drug is prescribed for balanoposthitis And balanitis .

Is it possible to smear Levomekol on a tattoo?

This question is often asked by people who have recently gotten a tattoo. Experts say that drugs that have wound healing effect (especially if they include antibiotic ), stimulate the skin's immunity, which is why the pigment is perceived by the body as a foreign body and is more actively rejected by the skin.

If there is no inflammation, it is optimal to use ointment for tattoo treatment. , or a special healing ointment Tat Wax . The use of Levomekol is allowed only when inflammation And suppuration .


The drug has the following contraindications:

  • increased sensitivity to dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine (methyluracil ) or chloramphenicol ;
  • fungal skin diseases.

Side effects

Local allergic reactions :

  • skin rashes;
  • burning;
  • local swelling;
  • hyperemia;

Sometimes general weakness may appear.

Such symptoms are a reason to stop treatment with Levomekol and consult a doctor.

The use of Levomekol in the form of vaginal tampons can cause the development , and therefore the drug is contraindicated in .

Levomekol ointment, instructions for use

The ointment is intended for the treatment of adult patients and children over 3 years of age.

Levomekol is applied to an open wound using a sterile napkin or cotton wool: the napkin/cotton is soaked in ointment, applied to the affected area (loosely fill the wound with napkins), and then secured with a plaster or bandage.

In the same way, the ointment is used for boils : after the surface boil will be processed , apply gauze soaked with Levomekol to it and secure the bandage with a plaster.

Also, the medicine can be injected into the purulent cavities with a syringe through a drainage tube (catheter). In this case, the ointment is preheated to 35-36°C.

Dressings are carried out daily until the wound is completely cleared of necrotic masses and pus. If the wound surface is extensive, the daily dose of ointment in terms of should not exceed 3 g.

Levomekol is used for 4 days from the first day of the lesion. Due to the hyperosmolar base, the drug cannot be used for longer than 5-7 days, since in this case it can provoke osmotic shock in undamaged cells.

From 5-7 days of treatment, the patient is transferred to medications that restore the integrity of damaged tissues.

Levomekol for calluses

Ointment is often used to treat calluses . Open, burst calluses are treated with the product every 2-3 hours (preferably under a bandage).

If the callus is watery, it is carefully pierced with a sterile needle in 2 places (having previously disinfected the puncture site with a solution of brilliant green or), and then, carefully pressing a cotton pad, the liquid is removed from it. After this, the callus is generously lubricated with Levomekol, and the leg is bandaged.

Levomekol for runny nose, sinusitis, ear inflammation

In case of purulent inflammation localized on the outer side of the ear canal, a flagellum twisted from sterile gauze should be soaked in ointment and placed in the ear for 10-12 hours. In a similar way, Levomekol is used for purulent sinusitis .

At runny nose (if the mucus is thick, green and difficult to clear), doctors sometimes advise inserting thick cotton swabs soaked in ointment into the nasal passages. The duration of the procedure is 4 hours.

Method of use in dentistry

In case of lesions of the oral mucosa, when removing or implanting teeth, the drug is rubbed into the affected tissues with light circular movements. It is recommended to use the ointment 2-3 times a day.

After treating the wound, you should not eat, drink or rinse your mouth for half an hour.

Instructions for use of Levomekol in gynecology and urology

At gynecological diseases Levomekol is applied to a sterile swab and injected into the area of ​​damaged tissue. Tampons are made from sterile gauze; when inserted, the tip of the gauze should remain outside (this will make it easier to remove the tampon).

Tampons/dressings are changed daily, because... they become saturated with tissue decay products and pus.

The drug can also be injected into the wound area using a syringe. Before administration, it is warmed to body temperature.

Thus, the drugs have different indications for use, which makes their comparison incorrect.

For children

In pediatrics, the drug is prescribed to children over 3 years of age.

Levomekol during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of ointment during pregnancy and lactation is possible in cases where, in the opinion of the doctor, the positive effect for the mother outweighs the risks for the fetus/child.

Levomekol ointment is a drug for external use that was developed in the late 1970s. To whom this drug is indicated, what are the features of its use, we will consider further.

Composition of Levomekol ointment

Levomekol is a combination drug containing two active substances:

  • antibiotic chloramphenicol;
  • immunostimulant methyluracil.

The ointment does not contain any excipients, so the therapeutic effect is achieved only through the combined action of the above active ingredients.

Pharmacological action of Levomekol ointment

The ointment perfectly penetrates deep into tissues without damaging biological membranes, while having the following effect:

  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerative.

Levomekol is active against most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, rickettsia, spirochetes and chlamydia. The bacteriostatic effect of the drug is due to inhibition of the process of protein biosynthesis in the cell of the microorganism. Moreover, the presence of pus and a large amount of dead tissue does not reduce the antimicrobial effect. The drug promotes rapid tissue restoration.

Indications for use of Levomekol ointment

  • purulent wounds (including those infected with mixed microflora);
  • trophic ulcers;
  • purulent-inflammatory dermatological diseases;
  • burns of II - III degree.

To prevent infection and speed up healing, the ointment is applied to stitches, cuts, calluses, bedsores and other injuries.

How to use Levomekol ointment

Levomekol is used externally. The ointment is applied to sterile napkins, which fill and cover the affected area. A fixing bandage is usually applied on top. The napkins with the applied ointment should be changed 1-2 times daily until the wound is cleansed of purulent contents.

Levomekol is injected into deep and narrow purulent cavities using a syringe after preheating the ointment to body temperature.

Use of Levomekol ointment in gynecology

This drug can also be used for the following pathologies of the female genital organs:

  • inflammatory;
  • inflammation of the uterine appendages;
  • separation of vaginal sutures applied after ruptures during childbirth or surgery.

In such cases, tampons with Levomekol are used, which are administered at night. The course of treatment can be 10–15 days, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process.

Use of Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids

The ointment can be used for exacerbations of hemorrhoids to relieve inflammation, remove pathogenic microflora and speedy restoration of affected tissues. The product is applied around the anus at night for 10 days.

Use of Levomekol ointment for burns

To prevent infection of the affected surface, accelerate healing and tissue regeneration, Levomekol ointment is used for burns. Before using the ointment, it is recommended to rinse the burn surface under running cool water and blot with a soft cloth. Next, the ointment is applied to a gauze bandage, which is applied to the affected area. The dressing should be changed every day, more often if necessary. The course of treatment ranges from 5 to 14 days.

Levomekol - contraindications

The only contraindication to the use of this drug is hypersensitivity to its components. The ointment is allowed to be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, because it is not absorbed into the systemic circulation.



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