St. John's wort oil application. Solar oil from St. John's wort flowers

From fresh plant You can make a decoction and infusion, as well as brew tea. But these are short-life products; they are used immediately after preparation. Therefore, it is better to harvest dry grass for them. But it’s good to always have alcohol tincture and St. John’s wort oil on hand. And these preparations are made only from fresh plants. They can be stored for a long time - more than a year.
Ointment for healing wounds and abrasions Take equal parts of fresh leaves of St. John's wort and wild sage. Grind with fresh lard, then squeeze well through several layers of gauze. Move to glass jar and close firmly. Keep refrigerated.
Place 1 tbsp in an enamel pan. spoon with the top of fresh finely chopped St. John's wort herb and add 250 ml of water. Then heat to a boil and immediately remove from heat. After a few minutes, strain. Drink 2-3 cups of tea per day. It is especially good for nervous anxiety, sleep disorders and dyspepsia.
Recipe No. 1
Take 1 cup of fresh, just-blooming St. John's wort flowers and thoroughly crush them in a mortar and then gently grind. Add 500 g of olive oil to the resulting mass, mix well and pour this mass into a bottle from white glass with a wide neck (it can be painted with white paint). It should first be left uncovered and placed in a warm place to ferment. The contents must be stirred periodically.
After 3-5 days, fermentation will end. Then the bottle is closed and kept in the sun until the contents become bright red. This will take about 6 weeks. After that clear liquid drained. What remains is pure St. John's wort oil, which is stored in closed bottles.
This oil is used not only as an external remedy, but also internally. For example, as a choleretic or stomach soothing. They drink it 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. Externally used for rheumatism and lumbago, for healing wounds, relieving pain from tendon sprains and dislocations, as well as burns and muscle pain.
Recipe No. 2
This recipe for preparing St. John's wort oil is easier, but its effectiveness is slightly inferior to that described above. However, it is not always possible to carefully fulfill all the conditions, so oil made in the following way is quite suitable for external use.
Pour 2-3 tbsp into a glass jar or bottle. spoons of fresh crushed St. John's wort flowers along with leaves. Pour 200–250 g of olive, sunflower or linseed oil. Leave for 2-3 weeks in a warm place, stirring constantly. Then strain through two or three layers of gauze and pour into a dark glass bottle (you can wrap it in paper or paint it in dark color). The oil should be stored in the refrigerator.
Place 1.5 tbsp in an enamel bowl. spoons crushed fresh leaves St. John's wort, pour 1 glass of water, cover and put on a boil water bath. Keep for 15 minutes, then cool for 45 minutes and strain. Add to the resulting decoction boiled water to the original volume.
Take it 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. The product is also used for lotions, washes, etc. The decoction is stored in a cool place for no more than two days. It stimulates the functions of the glands internal secretion, regulates work gastrointestinal tract, strengthens protective forces body.
Tinctures can be made with vodka (40%) or alcohol (90%). Depending on their strength, they are used to cure various diseases. The next chapter will provide recipes for using tinctures of different strengths.
Place 4 tbsp in a glass jar or bottle. spoons of crushed St. John's wort herb along with leaves and flowers. Fill with 40% vodka and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then filter and store at room temperature.
There is another version of the recipe. Place 1.5 tbsp in a glass jar or bottle. spoons of fresh crushed St. John's wort herb along with leaves and flowers and pour in 50 g of alcohol (90%). Leave in a dark place for 10 days. Then squeeze well and filter. Store in a sealed bottle at room temperature.
Take 4-5 glasses of a fresh plant, chop well and squeeze out the juice - preferably not in a juicer, but through cheesecloth. Pour it into an enamel or porcelain bowl and place in a water bath to evaporate. When the volume is reduced by half, remove the dishes from the stove and cool the liquid. Mix the juice, of which 50 g or 1/4 cup should remain, with fresh butter(200 g). Grind well and store in the refrigerator.
Juice from fresh St. John's wort contains 1.5 times more active ingredients than tincture.
Herbal balm
A mixture of herbs and black tea has a beneficial effect on the body. For 250 g of tea you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of St. John's wort and mint, 1 tbsp. spoon of thyme and valerian root. Mix the tea and herbs thoroughly and pour into a glass jar with a tight glass, but not plastic, lid (otherwise all the aroma of the balm will disappear). You can cover the container with foil.
It is recommended to brew the balm in a warm, dry porcelain or enamel teapot. Pour the tea mixture at the rate of 1 teaspoon of herbs per 1 glass of liquid and pour boiling water. Cover the kettle with a napkin and wait 5-10 minutes.
It is recommended to drink the balm 5–7 glasses per day. pure form or with milk. You can add boiling water to the kettle twice after drinking the tea. This is great prophylactic from colds.

St. John's wort is a valuable plant from the point of view of medicinal properties, which has been used in the manufacture of medicinal decoctions, infusions and oils. The last folk remedy is used to treat a variety of ailments. The healing properties of St. John's wort oil allow it to be taken internally and also used externally. If desired, a folk remedy can be made with your own hands at home or purchased at finished form at the pharmacy.

Benefits and harms

St. John's wort oil contains a complete set of vitamins and microelements contained in the plant of the same name. The folk remedy contains:

  • vitamins A, E, C and P;
  • minerals – iodine, copper, iron, zinc;
  • carotene, tannins, ether.

The finished product has a rich brown with a hint of red. It has a liquid consistency and is quite greasy to the touch.

The benefit of St. John's wort elixir is that it has wide range actions. The folk remedy has antimicrobial, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antispasmodic and wound-healing effects.

Thanks to your healing properties medicine from St. John's wort is used to treat diseases of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system, respiratory organs. This healing elixir is also used in home cosmetology, since St. John's wort, due to its composition, improves the condition of the skin and hair.

If a person intends to use such a medicine for therapeutic purposes, then he should familiarize himself with the contraindications to the use of this remedy. St. John's wort can cause harm to the body if used folk remedies, made from it, along with mint and lemon balm. When combined, these plants have a negative effect on the liver and kidneys. It is worth remembering that St. John's wort, provided internal use, interferes with the full absorption of estrogen and progesterone. If the patient is taking medications containing these hormones, then he is not recommended to use decoctions and oils containing St. John's wort during therapy.

It is also necessary to take into account that active ingredients St. John's wort helps to increase blood pressure, therefore this remedy is prohibited for use for hypertension.

St. John's wort oil becomes a real poison if a person takes it in excessive quantities!

How to make?

To be completely confident in the high quality of St. John's wort oil, you can prepare this remedy traditional medicine on one's own. There are 2 popular simple recipes manufacturing healing medicine from St. John's wort at home:

  1. 1. Take 500 milliliters of olive or unrefined sunflower oil. It is then heated in a water bath in an enamel container. While the workpiece is not heated, you need to pour 100-130 grams of dry St. John's wort into it. The oil is boiled for half an hour, but no more. The folk herbal remedy is infused for 3 hours in a dark place. As soon as the oil is infused, it must be strained and poured into a glass container. The finished medicine is stored in a cool place for up to five months.
  2. 2. It is necessary to prepare 30 grams of unopened St. John's wort buds and grind them. Flowers are placed in a glass bottle, which is then filled olive oil. In this case, the bottle is left open. The dishes with the preparation are placed for 4 days in warm room, remembering to thoroughly shake the container with the future oil once a day. During this period, the phytoraw material will ferment, and this phenomenon will end on the fifth day. After this time, the bottle should be corked and placed in a sunny place. The dishes are stored in this state until an oily liquid of a rich red-brown hue begins to form in it. Making St. John's wort oil this recipe It will take an average of one and a half months.

If desired, the finished medicine is enriched with essential oil of lavender or rosemary, but only if listed components no allergies.

Use in folk medicine

Features of application natural elixir depend on the specifics of the disease for which it is used to treat. General instructions:

  1. 1. For constipation, it is useful to take one teaspoon of pure St. John's wort oil twice a day before meals. It is recommended to drink this folk remedy with a small amount of boiled water. For gastritis, stomach ulcers, poisoning, take the elixir one teaspoon 2 hours after meals twice a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, but no more.
  2. 2. The use of St. John's wort oil for hemorrhoids helps eliminate inflammation of the hemorrhoids, as well as fast healing anal fissures. Abundantly soak a clean cotton cloth with a folk remedy and apply the prepared compress to the outer hemorrhoids for 10-20 minutes.
  3. 3. Natural folk remedy known as effective medicine for the treatment of vitiligo. Areas of the skin that are deficient in melanin are susceptible to sunburn, and the active components of St. John's wort oil protect the dermis from negative impact. For vitiligo, compresses with elixir are used. To make them, you need to generously soak a piece of cotton cloth with the folk remedy and apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin for 40 minutes. The course of treatment lasts 40 days.
  4. 4. St. John's wort oil is widely used in gynecology for treatment painful menstruation, violations menstrual cycle, inflammatory process uterus, ovaries and vagina. To treat diseases of the reproductive system, cotton swabs soaked in oil are used, which are inserted into the vagina at night. The course of therapy in this case is determined by a gynecologist.
  5. 5. A healing elixir is used to treat runny nose and sore throat. To quickly get rid of a runny nose, you need to instill 3-4 drops of heated oil into each nostril several times a day. Also a folk remedy is used for lubrication inflamed tonsils and throat.
  6. 6. If a person suffers from stress, insomnia and physical fatigue, he will benefit from baths with the addition of healing agent. A teaspoon of oil is mixed with several handfuls sea ​​salt, and then add the resulting mixture to the water with which the bath was filled. The water temperature should fluctuate between 35-37 degrees.


Biologically active substances, contained in St. John's wort oil, make it a healing folk remedy used in skin and hair care.

Recipes for use on hair:

  1. 1. Mask to strengthen curls: take 5 milliliters of St. John's wort and wheat germ oils, and then mix them with a drop of rosemary oil.
  2. 2. Mask for oily hair: 6 milliliters of patchouli oil are mixed with St. John's wort and almond oil, taken in an amount of 20 milliliters.
  3. 3. Mask for the treatment of dandruff: 3 parts of St. John's wort oil are mixed with part of jojoba oil and 5 milliliters of peppermint ether.

Regardless of the chosen preparation recipe, any of the listed masks is used according to the same scheme: the mixture is rubbed into the roots of pre-washed hair with massaging movements, a bath cap is put on the head, and after half an hour it is washed off with water and shampoo.

The healing agent is used for facial skin. If you need a soothing mask for irritated dermis, you need to take 10 milliliters of folk remedy, mix it with 50 milligrams of honey and massage the composition into the skin, avoiding the areas around the eyes. After 15 minutes, remove with paper napkins.

An anti-acne mask is prepared from 15 milliliters of olive oil and lavender, St. John's wort, sandalwood, taken in quantities of 5 grams. Use in the same way as in the previous recipe. If you need to tighten the pores, apply a mixture of egg white, St. John's wort oils and tea tree, taken in quantities of 5 grams.

A composition made from 10 milligrams of oil and the same amount of kernel pulp will help strengthen your nails and moisturize the cuticles. walnut and coconut milk. The prepared product, slightly heated, is rubbed into the nail plates and cuticles. Regular implementation of the procedure allows you to make your nails beautiful and strong.

St. John's wort oil, provided it correct use may become universal remedy to maintain health and beauty.

Back in Ancient Rus' a miraculous plant called St. John's wort was used to treat various diseases. Tea or a decoction of the “sunny” herb allowed you to quickly get rid of the disease, lifted your mood, and had a beneficial effect on the tone of the whole body.

It is not for nothing that the plant received an amazing name - St. John's wort, but indeed a potion prepared on the basis of this herb can easily overcome many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the skin.

St. John's wort oil perfectly cares for hair and skin, saturates them with vitamins, useful substances. That is why it is worth not only conducting courses of treatment with St. John’s wort oil, but also using it as a highly effective cosmetic product.

The medicinal qualities of this amazing herbal product are explained by its rich chemical composition. St. John's wort oil extract contains vitamins C and E, flavonoids, complex tannins, triterpene saponins, esters, as well as many other active components.

The beneficial properties of St. John's wort oil will allow you to use this herbal product as a regenerating, wound-healing agent. The vitamins and minerals contained in the oily solution help strengthen the immune system, as well as quick recovery already when a viral or cold disease has appeared.

Medicinal properties

Due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, it is widely used in medicine as an effective therapeutic and prophylactic agent. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on nervous system, allows you to quickly get rid of muscle pain, spasms, and helps restore blood circulation.

Why is St. John's wort oil valuable? The use of such a product when neurological diseases due to its pronounced sedative properties. During depression or nervous overstrain This herbal remedy will be much more effective than pharmaceutical drugs. The use of St. John's wort oil for violations of the integrity of the skin will help accelerate regeneration processes.

This remedy is indispensable for bruises, wounds and bruises; in case of burns or pet bites, you can use St. John's wort essential oil - it will kill germs and relieve pain.

This herbal remedy quickly penetrates not only into the skin, but also into the tissues of the spine, helping to restore cartilage. That's why good results brings treatment with St. John's wort oil for osteochondrosis. It is worth carrying out a treatment and prophylactic course with such a remedy only after consultation with a specialist.

Use of St. John's wort oil extract V for cosmetic purposes due to its anti-inflammatory, regenerating properties. It has a beneficial effect on skin, curls, as well as the nail plate. With regular use of this herbal remedy you can restore the functions of the epidermis, as well as strengthen the hair.

If you use an oily solution as a solution, it shows excellent antioxidant properties. It is also possible to use it with other oils to prepare a massage mixture.

St. John's wort oil can be used for hair either in its pure form or as part of a wide variety of masks. It is perfect for caring for oily curls, regular use will give the strands a rich dark shade and a healthy shine. In addition, the use this remedy will allow:

  • get rid of dandruff, seborrhea;
  • normalize the hydrolipid balance of the scalp;
  • strengthen hair follicles, will restore curls along the entire length;
  • stimulate hair growth.

How to use St. John's wort oil for healthy hair at home

Prepare nutritious cosmetics caring for curls is very simple; when used in masks, this ether will not cause burns to the skin or increase its sensitivity. Exists huge amount recipes for masks based on St. John's wort oil, each of them has its own purpose.

1. Mask to strengthen hair roots.

To prepare it you will need to mix 1 tsp with 5 ml and St. John's wort.

2. Caring mask for oily curls.

Add 6 ml to a mixture of 40 ml of oil (almonds and St. John's wort in equal quantities).

3. Mask against seborrhea and dandruff.

Connect 1 part sesame oil with 3 parts of St. John's wort ether, add 2 t.

4. Removal mask mild inflammation and itching.

Mix St. John's wort oil and jojoba at a ratio of 3:1, add 5 tsp. essential oil mint.

Apply the prepared nutrient mixture lightly massage movements first on the skin, and then on the curls themselves. After this, you should put on a polyethylene cap and leave the mask on your hair for half an hour.

Rinse hair warm water using the usual detergent. At the end of the creasing procedure, you can rinse the strands herbal infusion. A decoction of St. John's wort flowers or oak bark is perfect for this purpose.

Blooms at the end of June - July yellow flowers St. John's wort, a plant that is popularly called a remedy for 99 ailments for its healing properties. Used in medicine dried grass and St. John's wort oil. The latter form has also found application in cosmetology.

Basic or ethereal?

St. John's wort oil is obtained in various ways:

  • By maceration (infusion in neutral oil) or extraction carbon dioxide- basic cosmetics. Macerate is less stable form and is not stored for long (2-3 months). But it can be prepared at home. Whereas carbon dioxide extract can be stored whole year without changing its properties.
  • Using steam distillation - ethereal. Its yield from the feedstock is extremely low. Therefore, St. John's wort essential oil is extremely expensive product. And if we consider that in terms of its healing properties it differs little from the basic one, then it does not find wide application in cosmetology.

Home Recipes

At home, you can prepare macerate from both fresh herbs and dry raw materials. This is very valuable considering that it does not have for a long time storage In both cases, the stems and leaves of the plant are used in the flowering phase.

  1. From freshly picked plants. Do it the same day when they are still full. vitality. Sort and fill with flowers (or tops flowering plants) a third of a liter jar, add oil there (olive oil works well, but you can use sesame, sunflower or corn). To prevent the oil from going rancid, the raw materials and hands must be dry. Place in a sunny window for 21 days. Cover with a paper towel and secure it to the neck so that the moisture evaporates. After 21 days, strain through cheesecloth, do not squeeze. Pour into a clean jar and close the lid. Store in a dark place.
  2. From dry plants. To do this, 150 grams of crushed leaves and flowers are added to half a liter of olive (sunflower) oil and placed in a water bath. Keep on low heat for an hour, then leave for two or three days, then strain, pour into bottles and place in a dark place.


St. John's wort oil contains many useful elements:

  • vitamins A, C, E and PP;
  • carotene;
  • minerals;
  • various micro and macroelements;
  • tannins;
  • fatty acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential substances.

Useful properties

In dermatology, St. John's wort is used for all kinds of skin lesions: burns, frostbite, acne, bruises, inflammation.

St. John's wort oil is easily absorbed into the skin of the face without leaving an oily sheen. Within just a few minutes it exhibits its soothing and restorative properties.

In cosmetology, this is a real balm for dry, inflamed and problematic skin.

Suitable for oily and combination skin. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties and therefore can be used against acne.

Excellent for facial skin prone to dryness. Prevents dehydration and restores the composition of the hydrolipid layer of the dermis.

Sensitive, irritated and allergy-prone skin “loves” it. The beneficial properties have been used to treat porous skin and serve as a unique cleansing and whitening agent.

St. John's wort oil (especially essential oil) slows down skin aging because it is a strong antioxidant.

Other properties include the elimination of rosacea on the face. The oil is rich in flavonoids and vitamin C, which will strengthen capillaries, make them more elastic, soften the skin and reduce swelling.

Recipes for the face

There are many recipes for using St. John's wort at home:

  • For acne. Wipe your skin with oil at night. In two weeks the acne will go away. For prevention, wipe your face with it 3 times a week.
  • From rosacea. take 1 tbsp. Heat a spoonful of St. John's wort oil slightly and add a few (2-3) drops of rosemary or cypress essential oil, wipe the areas of the face affected by rosacea. After half an hour, rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.
  • From bruises and inflammation. Soak a napkin or cotton pad with oil. Apply several times a day.
  • From burns and abrasions. Lubricate the damaged areas with St. John's wort 2-3 times a day, without covering.
  • For dry skin. Mix 1 tsp. oatmeal (grind in a coffee grinder), 2 tbsp. watermelon pulp and half a tsp. St. John's wort oil. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes.
  • For irritated skin. Apply a mixture (in equal proportions) of St. John's wort oils for 15 minutes, grape seeds and honey.
  • To tighten pores. Egg white mix with 1 tsp. St. John's wort extract and 5 drops of tea tree oil. You can add 1 drop of Leuzea to the mixture.

Features of use and contraindications

St. John's wort oil has phototoxic properties (makes the skin sensitive to the rays of the sun). Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to use it in its pure form. Before use, it must be mixed with another base oil, so that the proportion of St. John's wort is 10-20%. In undiluted form, only spot application is permissible.

Other contraindications for use include pregnancy and lactation, as well as individual intolerance.

Belongs to herbaceous perennial plants family St. John's wort. Found in Russia, Ukraine, and European countries. The medicinal properties of St. John's wort were noticed in ancient times. They were used in Rus' and in medieval Europe. In European countries, St. John's wort was called the herb of John the Baptist.

How to make St. John's wort oil? This will be discussed in the article. The upper parts of the plant during the flowering period are used to prepare medicines. They are collected, dried, and then placed in boxes or linen bags. They store it this way all winter. To properly dry St. John's wort, you need to put it in a dry and ventilated place, for example, in the attic.

The plant contains substances such as saponin, carotene, ascorbic acid, various essential oils.

St. John's wort oil: application

This oil has a number of beneficial properties. The scope of its application is enormous. It will help a person with a burn or a wound that does not heal for a long time. If St. John's wort oil is added to the bath, it will help improve general tone and health status. You can get rid of insomnia and depression, and recharge with optimism.

Stretched muscles can be healed with linen napkins soaked in St. John's wort oil. cured by taking two tablespoons of St. John's wort oil per day. Gastritis with increased acidity It can be easily treated by taking two teaspoons of the product per day. The entire course of treatment takes about a month.

For human skin, St. John's wort oil has special meaning. It can help a lot for those who have oily or combination skin, by cleaning sebaceous glands. Acne on the face will disappear after regular use of this oil. The main advantages of the product are anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial properties. Using this oil, dry skin no longer loses moisture, and oily skin will not produce as much oil. The product is an antioxidant and can slow down skin aging.

St. John's wort oil added to an evening bath provides healthy and sound sleep, and also relieves stress. If there is cold infections, then you can also use this tool. When warm, it is instilled into the nostrils.
St. John's wort oil helps treat ulcers. Dry St. John's wort is mixed with oil, and a teaspoon of this drug is added to the tea.

How to prepare St. John's wort oil

How to make it at home You need to take half a liter of refined, sea buckthorn or corn oil and heat it in a water bath. Before doing this, collect St. John's wort flowers or plant tops and chop them. Then they need to be added to the oil and boiled for 30 minutes. After your product is ready, you need to remove it from the heat and place it in a dark place. After three days the oil can be used.

St. John's wort oil can be prepared at home according to the second recipe. Here you will need only 25 grams of flowers and plant tops. All this must be fresh, just collected. Crush the raw material in a mortar, then add it to a bottle of olive oil. The volume of the bottle is approximately half a liter. Then leave it in a warm place and wait until the process will go through fermentation. The oil and water should separate. Then pour the mixture into bottles.

Other recipes for preparing St. John's wort medicine

As mentioned above, in addition to the oil, other medicines can be prepared from this plant. For example, alcohol tincture from St. John's wort is one of the popular folk remedies. It is prepared according to this principle: you need to mix half a liter of vodka with dry St. John's wort herb. All this must be placed in a glass bottle and closed. The container is placed in a cold place for 7 days, then the resulting infusion is used for oral administration before and after meals.

How to treat diseases with St. John's wort oil

We already know how to prepare St. John's wort oil at home. Now let's talk about treatment with this remedy. Although St. John's wort oil is a universal method of treating many diseases, one must remember that self-medication can be harmful to health. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

So, if you have the flu, you should consume one spoon of St. John's wort oil per day. A person with a sore throat should suck on it.

Burns can also be treated with St. John's wort oil. But before this, the wound needs to be treated with an infusion of vodka and celandine.

St. John's wort oil contains imanin, which acts as an antiseptic, so treatment with it can completely relieve allergies.

The oil perfectly treats ailments such as stomatitis, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. To do this, hold a little of the product in your mouth, then spit it out and rinse the cavity with warm water. When brushing your teeth you need to dip toothbrush into a glass with St. John's wort oil. It will help you clean effectively oral cavity and get rid of plaque.

Oil as a cosmetic product

St. John's wort oil, the preparation of which does not take much effort, can be an excellent product to have in your cosmetic bag. It is known that natural medicines have an excellent effect on human skin. Sometimes they bring more benefits than professional facial care products. St. John's wort oil is often used in cosmetology; it has many beneficial properties.

This excellent remedy for people with problem skin. St. John's wort oil helps cleanse the face of acne and dries out excessively oily pores. It also has an excellent effect on abrasions, burns and cuts, promoting their healing.

St. John's wort is often added to remedies sunbathing, in sunscreens. In this case, you need to carefully calculate the proportions of adding the product, because in case of exaggeration required quantity You may get burns.

Treatment of herpes with St. John's wort oil

Many have encountered the phenomenon of herpes. This disease appears in the form of small blisters on the lips and has viral nature. Herpes can for a long time does not manifest itself in any way, but when the body weakens, it makes itself felt. It may be caused by stress, malnutrition, infectious diseases. Also, the likelihood of its exacerbation is high during pregnancy.

The best option in this case is treatment folk remedies. They are the most forgiving. Many people use St. John's wort oil. A tablespoon of St. John's wort herb is poured sunflower oil. You need to let it sit for a day, then strain and lubricate the affected areas.

St. John's wort oil for hair

St. John's wort is great for all hair types. Many people use it to cure dandruff. To do this, prepare the following composition: two hundred grams of St. John's wort flowers are poured with a glass of vodka. The resulting product should be infused in a dark place for about 10 days. It is used to rub into the hair roots after washing your hair.

Massage with St. John's wort oil will also bring healing effect. It is rubbed into the roots of the hair, the head is wrapped in a terry towel and left for two hours. Then the oil needs to be washed off.

Christmas ointment made from St. John's wort oil

St. John's wort oil is used to treat many diseases. The so-called Christmas ointment is often prepared with it. It is created on the basis of St. John's wort oil, willow and poplar buds, and marigold flowers. The entire collection is placed in a half-liter glass jar and filled with refined sunflower oil.

This Christmas ointment is used to treat seborrhea on the head, as well as eczema. Its preparation does not take much time, usually two to three days. Therefore, this ointment is prepared if the patient needs help quickly.


Despite the fact that St. John's wort oil has many beneficial properties, there are certain contraindications. You can't get carried away excessive consumption extract from this plant. The fact is that it contains poison, which large quantities harms people. Therefore, before starting this oil, consult your doctor and take only the doses recommended by him. If you use too much of the product, you may experience an increase blood pressure and the blood vessels narrow. Also, when treated with St. John's wort, the body's sensitivity to light can significantly increase. Therefore, while undergoing treatment, avoid direct sunlight.

There are other contraindications. Treatment with St. John's wort oil cannot be carried out at the same time as tumor therapy. If you want to take St. John's wort oil and at the same time use other medicines, then you need to consult a doctor. The fact is that the effect of St. John's wort can weaken the effect of other drugs.



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