Manic syndrome symptoms. Symptoms and treatment of manic depression

Manic disorder refers to affective syndromes - conditions that manifest themselves in mood and behavior disorders.

Manic episode or manic disorder – this term refers to the symptomatology (condition), not the disease itself. This mental condition is part of a type of bipolar disorder. But, to simplify understanding, we will use here the most simple concepts and expressions.

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Characteristics of manic disorder

A manic disorder (episode) is characterized by a period of at least one week in which there is increased expansiveness or unusual irritability, and particularly persistent goal-directed activity.
During periods of exacerbation of the disease, mood disturbances associated with manic symptoms, and they are visible to others (for example, friends, relatives, co-workers, etc.). People are in a heightened mood that is not typical for their usual state, which is manifested in the changed behavior of the individual.

Symptoms of manic disorder

Sick people are characterized by: unusual cheerfulness, increased distractibility, attention is significantly reduced, judgments are superficial, the attitude towards their future and present is not critical, not objective and often extremely optimistic. A person is in in a great mood, feel cheerfulness and a surge of strength, he does not feel tired.
Their desire for flurry of activity manifests itself in different ways:

Intellectual excitement manifests itself in:

  • acceleration of thinking,
  • a change in attention is expressed
  • hypermnesia (memory exacerbation).

Patients with mania are extremely verbose - they talk incessantly, sing, read poetry, and preach.
There are often “jumps of ideas” - thoughts and ideas constantly replace each other, but there is not a single completed thought or idea. Characterized by confusion, inconsistency in thinking and actions, often reaching incoherence.
The intonations are usually pretentious, theatrical, and pretentious. Everything that happens, important or insignificant little things, is valued equally, above and beyond to a significant extent, but attention does not stay on anything for long (hypermetamorphosis syndrome).
Patients with mania tend to overestimate their abilities and capabilities:

  • they discover extraordinary abilities in themselves,
  • talk about the need to change professions,
  • they want to become famous as a brilliant scientist, engineer, artist, writer, and often simply begin to pretend to be such.

As a rule, these are not persistent, overvalued ideas and delusions of grandeur. Patients often look younger, have an excellent appetite, and the need for rest and sleep is significantly reduced. Often sleep may be completely absent, sharply increases sexual activity. In manic disorders, there is an increase in heart rate, increased salivation and/or sweating, disturbances of the autonomic system occur.
These symptoms are quite serious and cause difficulty or disruption in a person’s professional, social, educational or life activities. The symptoms of manic disorder, although similar, cannot be the result of drug use. psychoactive substances or their abuse (for example, alcohol, drugs, medications) and are not related to somatic condition body.

Diagnosis of mania

Three or more of the following symptoms must be present:

  • Hyper-estimation of one’s own personality, persistent overvalued ideas of greatness.
  • Decreased need for sleep.
  • Increased talkativeness, talkativeness.
  • The presence of over-ideas, the presence of “leaps of ideas.”
  • Attention easily shifts to unimportant or non-existent moments.
  • Increased “efficiency”, over-activity in various fields activity (social, at work or at school, sexual need), psychomotor agitation.
  • Excessive involvement in other people's affairs or questionable activities (for example, participation in rampant carousing, mindless shopping, sexual perversions, or stupid business investments)

Types of manic disorder

There are several types of manic disorders (episodes).

  • Angry mania - irritability, pickiness, anger, and aggression predominate. Patients are angry towards others and themselves, they are not satisfied with the actions and behavior of others.
  • Unproductive mania comes to the fore high mood, but there is no desire for activity with little acceleration of the associative process.
  • Confused mania - extreme acceleration of the associative process comes to the fore (thought processes associated with associations created by the brain; their violation is a violation of associations in the process of thinking).
    Association is a connection that arises in the process of thinking between elements of the psyche, as a result of which the appearance of one element, under certain conditions, evokes the image of another associated with it.
  • Complex manias - a combination of different affective disorders with symptoms of other psychopathological syndromes. In the context of such manic disorders, phenomena such as staging, fantasy, which the patient himself perceives as reality, oneiroid (qualitative disturbance of consciousness), catatonic states can often manifest themselves. Various hallucinations and mental automatisms often develop. In some cases, in the context of manic syndromes, symptoms appear that at first glance are incompatible with the picture of the condition, such as senestopathy, hypochondriacal delusions, and suicidal tendencies.

Manic states can develop with manic-depressive syndrome, cyclothymia, schizophrenia, epilepsy, various types psychoses, as well as with various organic lesions brain.
In patients with manic disorders Criticism towards the disease is sharply reduced; as a rule, it is absolutely absent; it is quite difficult to motivate such patients for treatment.
Most manic states are reversible. Treatment of patients with manic disorders must be carried out in a hospital setting, where they will be under 24-hour medical supervision.

Manic syndrome (mania) is defined as severe mental illness, which is characterized by a triad of defining symptoms - increased hyperexcited mood, motor activity and the presence of acceleration of thinking and speech function.

Often cycles with depressed mood. So, when 4 appear various periods, which are classified according to the type and intensity of symptoms.

This mental illness affects approximately 1% of the adult population. There may be certain warning signs, but not always. The first symptoms indicating mania may occur as early as puberty or early adulthood.

Causes and etiology of the disease

Not determined to date exact reason manic syndrome. Most often, a complex of factors is involved in the development of mania, which together form a picture of the disease.

Most often, manic syndrome manifests itself within a framework (the so-called manic-depressive syndrome or psychosis), which is characterized by repetition in the family history, therefore, most likely, there is a genetic predisposition to this disease.

In this regard, suggestions have been made regarding the existence of genes for bipolar disorder. However, if manic disorder were caused only genetic factors, then among identical twins, one of whom suffers from the disorder, the other twin would inevitably also have the disease. But medical research this fact has not been confirmed.

On the other hand, the likelihood of disease in such cases increases significantly.

Research shows that, as with other mental disorders, mania (and bipolar disorder) is the result of damage not to one gene, but to a combination of genes that, together with factors environment(narcotics and medicines, surgery, somatic disease etc.) and cause the development of mania.

Risk factors

In addition to genetic predisposition, there are other factors that can cause a manic state. These include:

  • strong emotions (shock, sadness, mental suffering, fear, etc.);
  • physical and mental exhaustion;
  • time of year;
  • taking some medicines(, corticosteroids, etc.);
  • use narcotic substances(cocaine, hallucinogenic substances, opiates).

Clinical picture

Manic-depressive syndrome is manifested by significant mood swings - from unusually “good” to irritation, sadness and even hopelessness. Such fluctuations can be repeated cyclically. An episode of “elevated” mood is called mania, while an episode of sad mood is characterized by depression.

Symptoms of manic syndrome:

Manic tendencies occur if an excessively good mood in combination with at least 3 other symptoms persists for a week (at least).

What does a manic personality look like?

The patient may also be prescribed medications that have auxiliary effects, for example, for insomnia, etc.

The main drugs used in therapy:

  1. Mood stabilizers: a group of drugs intended for preventive treatment. Their long-term use reduces the risk of relapse of depression or mania. Drugs in this group are also used for acute course mania or depression.
  2. Antipsychotics (neuroleptics): drugs used to treat mania or depression. Some of the new antipsychotic drugs demonstrated effectiveness in the long term, prophylactic use, thus, have effects similar to mood stabilizers.

Additional (auxiliary) drugs:

  1. are used to treat depression. It is not recommended to use drugs in this group without a mood stabilizer - this can lead to a worsening of the disease.
  2. Sleeping pills and Intended for short-term use only in the treatment of insomnia, anxiety, tension or agitation.

How dangerous is a maniac for himself and for people?

In about half of the cases, there is an increase in the consumption of alcohol or drugs by the manic person.

Manic syndrome also carries various social risks. A person can cause inconvenience to himself, for example, with inappropriate jokes or arrogant behavior. The public, as a rule, is not sufficiently informed about a person’s mental state, and associates such behavior with the characteristics of his character. This significantly complicates personal and social life manic personality.

Significant financial losses that accompany reckless behavior in manic phase, often lead to subsequent social problems, logically related to partner or marital relationships, which may also be negatively affected by this mental disorder.

Mania refers to mental disorders, which, unfortunately, cannot be prevented, because such disorders are mainly associated with hereditary transmission.

May bring some benefit healthy image life, sufficient physical activity, avoidance of stressful and emotional difficult situations and factors, regular and quality sleep, avoiding alcohol and other psychoactive substances (marijuana, LSD, cocaine, methamphetamine, etc.).

Violation mental state a person in whom there are characteristic three groups clinical symptoms, called manic syndrome. Typical signs manic syndrome include hyperthymia (always in high spirits), tachypsia (fast, sometimes incomprehensible speech and expressive facial expressions), motor disinhibition combined with hyperactivity.

Manic syndrome occurs to the same extent in both men and women. There are known cases of diagnosis in adolescence. Mental changes occur in children against the background of changes hormonal balance. This is usually expressed in behavior that is non-standard for a child: girls become vulgar in their behavior and desire to acquire revealing outfits, boys do everything possible to attract the attention of others (mainly by committing shocking acts).

This condition does not qualify as a pathology, but, nevertheless, requires timely psychiatric care, since it is a borderline element that can develop into a clinical form low-grade schizophrenia or . There is a clear distinction in the clinical picture between the latter disease and mania: with psychosis, phases of excitement are replaced by depressive periods. With mania, depression does not occur; mild depression is possible when negative events occur. However, they are quickly ignored, and the patient returns to his optimistic mood.

Until recently, psychiatrists agreed that manic syndrome is hereditary disease, which can be transmitted through both the female and male genetic lines. This statement was based on many years of observations of families in which several people suffered from mania at once, and they all belonged to different generations.

However, after genetic research It was found that family connection exists in the form of cognitive educational stereotypes of behavioral reactions.

A child growing up in a family where one of the spouses or close relatives suffers from manic syndrome, with early childhood gets a certain standard example positive behavior. IN further development clinical picture can happen at any stage of life. As a rule, mania occurs primarily as a defensive reaction of the brain to the manifestation of external factors with a negative emotional connotation. This could be death loved one, treason or betrayal, loss of job or social status. In response, the psyche includes a stereotypical manic pattern of behavior, in which everything bad is not perceived, ignored and quickly forgotten.

Symptoms of manic syndrome

Primary signs of manic syndrome can only be noticed by close relatives who constantly communicate with the patient. Against the background of standard behavior, after a certain event, a person literally changes before our eyes. He becomes an optimist who denies the existence of any difficulties and problems, overestimates his strength, and avoids facing negative aspects life.

As the pathology develops, the symptoms of manic syndrome increase:

  • motor hyperactivity appears (a person constantly needs to rush somewhere, run, do something);
  • patients are unable to sit quietly in one place;
  • body weight decreases;
  • body temperature may increase by 0.5 - 1 degree Celsius (this occurs due to acceleration metabolic processes and increased consumption of glucose by brain cells);
  • facial expressions become very diverse and flexible;
  • during a conversation, the patient may miss syllables, words and phrases, which gives the impression of chaotic reasoning;
  • speech is very fast and is accompanied by desperate gestures (patients feel that those around them are not able to keep up with their thoughts and words);
  • criticism is not accepted, one’s own personal characteristics patients with manic syndrome are overestimated (delusions of grandeur may develop).

Further, the symptoms of manic syndrome increase, attraction to the opposite sex may intensify, swagger in behavior, importunity, and delusional ideas may appear. Appetite increases, a person constantly feels hungry. Against this backdrop long term The disease may develop constitutional obesity and eating disorders.

Used for diagnostics point system Altman, which evaluates the results psychological testing sick person.

There are several types of manic syndrome: the symptoms of each of them have a number of differences.

The most common is the so-called mania of joy. The patient experiences joy from all events in his life without exception. Mania of anger is characterized by such signs of manic syndrome as anger, constant irritability, nervousness and the desire to teach everyone. These people are very conflicted. Paranoid and delusional manias are characterized by constant fantasies and the occurrence of obsessions, which in fact do not differ in reality. The most dangerous is the oneiric form of mania. In this case, patients have vivid hallucinations that they cannot distinguish from reality.

Treatment of manic syndrome

When the first signs of this type of pathology appear, immediate psychiatric care, since there is a high probability of the condition developing into a serious mental illness. Complex treatment manic syndrome includes the use of psychotropic drugs pharmacological drugs, electrosleep, electroshock, psychotraining.

But first of all, the cause that formed the trigger for the development of a defensive manic reaction must be eliminated. If this psychological factor, then the work of a psychologist comes to the fore. If the reason lies in a behavioral reaction, then correction work is necessary stereotypical thinking. At toxic lesions(nicotine, alcohol, drugs, some medications) it is worth carrying out a preliminary detoxification of the body.

Drugs such as quetiapine, haloperidol, quetilept, zalasta, and resperidone may be prescribed. All of them belong to the group of neuroleptics, which are able to relieve mental agitation and stimulate the normalization of nervous reactions in the brain.

Treatment of manic syndrome is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a psychiatrist. Dosages of medications can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist.

A condition in which mood, mental, motor and mental reaction- this is a manic syndrome, or mania. Individuals with manic syndrome are often unsure of their actions. It is important to know what symptoms and what consequences this complex has.

During manic syndrome, nervous and physical reactions are significantly accelerated


Manic syndrome is also called mania and hypomania. It completely changes a person's life. Affects emotions and adaptation. Such people have a constant high mood, a surge of energy and increased performance.

Due to emotional overwhelm, they are aggressive and can overreact to a given situation. Their actions and decisions are rash, so this behavior negatively affects relationships with family and friends.

Guys and girls with manic syndrome have increased libido. People with the syndrome are constantly in search of sexual hobbies. They always exaggerate their potential and strength.

Manic syndrome can destroy a family and lead to problems at work. The person does not think about what he is doing and is not responsible for his actions.

Types of disease

A condition during which a person feels increased mood and excitement is called mania. Manic syndrome is a whole list of types by which the stage of the disease is distinguished.

  1. Manic-paranoid. The patient has a bad attitude towards the opposite sex. He can follow those who strongly impress him.
  2. Oneiric mania: the presence of hallucinations.
  3. Mania of happiness. In addition to the usual symptoms, motor agitation, hyperthymia and tachypsychia are also observed.
  4. Angry mania tends to uncontrolled aggression, nervousness, anger and frequent conflicts with others.

To detect illness caused by manic syndrome, the Altman scale is used.

Reasons for appearance

The most common theory that explains the causes of manic syndrome is genetic inheritance. People tend to strive to develop manic addiction on their own.

This is due to the fact that the body thus protects itself from problems. Manic syndrome develops a disorder in the part of the brain that controls reactions. Severe stress, shock and life problems can easily develop defensive reaction as a syndrome for a short period.

The disease can often be found with brain infections. Reforms in the structure of the central nervous system may also affect the onset of the disease. External factors have virtually no effect on the formation of the disease.

Mania develops as a result of schizophrenia and nervous disorders. The causes of mania are often caused by taking sedatives and psychotropic substances.


It is difficult to see the symptoms. Many people know that in manic state people don't look their age. The disease makes a person younger, and this mainly applies to women. Symptoms of mania:

  • feelings of happiness, joy and success;
  • the presence of optimism in any situation;
  • a wonderful mood can quickly change to aggression and anger;
  • bad dream;
  • spoken language is fast and unclear;
  • disrespect for your interlocutor;
  • gestures during a conversation;
  • increased libido, appetite and good metabolism;
  • absent-mindedness, fussiness, restlessness;
  • poor assessment of one's own capabilities.

If a person has at least a few symptoms, then we can talk about initial stage. Through short time the disease will develop into a serious problem.

If the patient has a severe form of the disease, then he feels shame and remorse for his behavior. Memories constantly torment him, he cannot for a long time get rid of feelings of guilt.


To determine the diagnosis, use classic way. The doctor observes the patient's behavior and questions him. To determine the presence of the syndrome, it is necessary to tell the truth.

  1. Having relatives with a similar disease.
  2. Possible early mental disorders.
  3. Possible injuries, previous operations.
  4. Status in society, behavior at work and at home.

It is important for the doctor to see the risk factors:

  • presence of life problems;
  • suicide attempts;
  • taking medications, as well as alcohol dependence;
  • chronic diseases.

Getting rid of the problem

When the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes either drug treatment, or treatment with a psychotherapist. Treatment for mania depends on test results and the patient's condition. If he is aggressive, conflict-ridden and has poor sleep, he is sent to hospital treatment.

Psychiatry - ideal option in this case. Apply sedatives and tranquilizers so that the patient is not very aggressive.


Manic syndrome is a disease that overtakes people in at a young age. It may seem that bursts of strength and determination are given to implement big life plans, but the person begins to overestimate his abilities. The syndrome can negatively affect not only the patient, but also his relatives.

Manic syndrome is treated with medications and sessions with a psychologist. If the disease is in an advanced state, the patient is treated in a hospital. Manic syndrome must be noticed in time, its symptoms recognized and treatment started.

Manic syndrome - severe disorder mental state, which is characterized by elevated mood, mental and motor overexcitation, and lack of fatigue. In psychiatry, the term “mania” translated from ancient Greek means “passion, madness, attraction.” In patients, the processes of thinking and speech are accelerated, and instinctive activity is enhanced. Overestimation of one's own personality often leads to delusions and delusions of grandeur. Hallucinosis is a frequent companion to advanced forms of pathology. Increased appetite and sexuality, talkativeness, absent-mindedness, increased self-defense are fickle, but common signs of pathology.

Manic syndrome develops in 1% of the adult population and is often accompanied by depressive syndrome. For the first time clinical symptoms pathology occurs in puberty. This specific human condition is characterized by a hormonal surge and increased vigor. The syndrome manifests itself in children with non-standard behavior: girls become vulgar, wear revealing outfits, and boys commit shocking acts to attract the attention of others. Patients are often unaware that their health is at risk and that they need treatment.

Manic syndrome develops more often in creative individuals, and equally often among both men and women. Such patients are prone to making wrong decisions, which subsequently negatively affect their lives. They behave inappropriately and are often euphoric. Overly cheerful people have a lot of unrealizable ideas. This disease characterized by a discrepancy between energy costs and the rest necessary for restoration.

Manic syndrome is incurable. With the help of modern pharmaceuticals specialists can only make life easier for patients by eliminating the main symptoms. To adapt to society and feel confident among healthy people, must pass full course treatment.

Patients with light forms illnesses are treated independently at home. They are prescribed drugs from the group of antipsychotics and mood stabilizers. In more severe cases, therapy is carried out in inpatient conditions with the direct participation of a psychiatrist. Only timely and correctly provided medical care will not allow the syndrome to develop into one of the forms of schizophrenia or manic-depressive psychosis.


Variants of manic syndrome:

  • Classic mania - all symptoms are expressed equally. It's impossible to keep track of so many ideas. Clarity in the head of patients gives way to confusion. They experience forgetfulness, fear, and anger. Sometimes they feel like they are in some kind of trap.
  • Hypomania - all signs of the disease are present in the patient, but are mild. They do not disrupt behavior and social functions person. This is the most light form manifestations, which usually never develop into a disease. Patients do not complain about their health, they work hard and efficiently. They have many ideas and plans for the future. Things that previously seemed banal arouse increased interest.
  • Joyful mania is characterized by an unusually high mood, a desire to celebrate and rejoice. The patient is pathologically happy about all the events occurring in his life.
  • Angry mania is a decrease in mood due to excessively rapid thought processes and motor hyperactivity. Patients become angry, irritable, aggressive, hot-tempered and conflict-ridden.
  • Manic stupor - motor retardation while maintaining good mood and quick thinking.
  • The manic-paranoid variant is an addition to the main symptoms of the pathology of delusions of persecution, groundless suspicion and jealousy.
  • Oneiric mania is a disorder of consciousness with fantasies, hallucinations and experiences that cannot be distinguished from reality.


Manic syndrome has long been considered a genetically determined pathology that is inherited. Scientists have conducted numerous studies of patients, studying their family history and analyzing their pedigree. Thanks to the data obtained, it was established that the syndrome is not inherited, but is formed from certain behavioral stereotypes - standard patterns, simplified forms, manners, everyday habits. Children raised in families observe the behavior of adults with manic syndrome and consider his behavior as an example to follow.

After some time, modern scientists determined that manic syndrome develops as a result of damage to a whole combination of genes. Together with exogenous negative factors genetic mutation can cause the development of mania. It is not the pathology itself that is inherited, but the predisposition to it. A disease present in parents may not develop in children. Great value plays a role in the environment in which they grow and develop.

Manic syndrome can be a manifestation that occurs paroxysmally or episodically. The syndrome can be considered as compound element this mental pathology.

Mania is a kind of defense of the body against external stimuli, providing negative impact and having negative emotional coloring. The following endogenous and exogenous factors can provoke the development of pathology:

  1. genetic predisposition,
  2. strong emotions - betrayal, loss of a loved one, shock, fear, mental suffering,
  3. infections,
  4. toxic effects,
  5. organic lesions,
  6. psychoses,
  7. cerebral pathologies,
  8. general somatic diseases,
  9. endocrinopathies - hyperthyroidism,
  10. drugs,
  11. long-term use of certain medicines- antidepressants, corticosteroids, stimulants,
  12. surgical operations,
  13. physical and mental exhaustion,
  14. time of year,
  15. constitutional factor
  16. brain dysfunction,
  17. hormonal imbalance - lack of serotonin in the blood,
  18. ionizing radiation,
  19. head injuries,
  20. age over 30 years.


The main clinical signs of manic syndrome:

  • Hyperthymia - painfully elevated mood, unreasonable optimism, excessive talkativeness, overestimation of one's capabilities, delusions of grandeur.
  • Tachypsychia is accelerated thinking, achieving leaps of ideas with preservation of the logic of judgments, impaired coordination, the emergence of ideas of one’s own greatness, denial of guilt and responsibility, the desire to expand the circle of friends and the emergence of new acquaintances. Patients with the syndrome have fun all the time, make indecent jokes and strive to attract everyone's attention.
  • Hyperbulia - increased motor activity and restlessness aimed at obtaining pleasure: excessive consumption alcoholic drinks, narcotic drugs, food, excessive sexuality. In women it is disrupted menstrual cycle. Patients take on many things at once and do not complete any of them. They spend money thoughtlessly, purchasing completely unnecessary things.

Patients feel an unprecedented surge of strength. They do not experience fatigue or pain, and are often in a state of euphoria - extraordinary happiness and joy. Persons with the syndrome want to accomplish feats, great discoveries, become famous, become famous. When the disease reaches its maximum, it becomes impossible to communicate with patients. They conflict, get irritated over trifles, become tactless and unbearable. If what is happening around does not correspond to their desires and requirements, they show aggression, quarrel and conflict.

Mania with psychotic symptoms has slightly different symptoms:

  1. delirium - the presence of “grand” ideas and conviction of one’s importance and superiority,
  2. paranoid tendencies, ideas and thoughts - unreasonable resentment towards loved ones, hypochondria,
  3. hallucinations.

The behavior of patients changes before our eyes. Only close people can notice this. They become unshakable optimists, always cheerful, joyful, sociable and active. Patients speak and move quickly and seem to be self-confident people. Concerns, problems and troubles are quickly forgotten or not perceived at all. Patients are energetic, happy and always in good shape. One can only envy their well-being. Patients constantly make grandiose but impossible plans. They often make erroneous decisions and express incorrect judgments, overestimating their capabilities.

Manifestations of motor hyperactivity:

  • patients are in a hurry, running, constantly busy with “business”,
  • They are characterized by restlessness and inconstancy,
  • they are losing weight before our eyes,
  • metabolic processes are accelerated,
  • body temperature rises slightly,
  • heart rate increases,
  • salivation increases,
  • facial expressions become varied,
  • the patient misses syllables, words and phrases when speaking,
  • fast speech is accompanied by active gestures.

Video: example of manic syndrome, delusions of grandeur

Video: manic syndrome, euphoria, speech motor agitation

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of pathology is based on clinical signs, data from a detailed questioning and examination of the patient. The specialist needs to collect an anamnesis of life and illness, study medical documentation, talk with the patient’s relatives. There are special diagnostic tests that allow you to assess the presence and severity of manic syndrome - the Rorschach test and the Altman scale. Additionally, paraclinical, microbiological and toxicological examinations of blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid are carried out.

To confirm or refute the suspected diagnosis, instrumental diagnostics are indicated:

  1. electroencephalography,
  2. computed tomography,
  3. magnetic nuclear resonance,
  4. targeted and survey radiography of the skull,
  5. vasography of cranial vessels.

The diagnostic process often involves specialists in the field of endocrinology, rheumatology, phlebology and other narrow medical fields.

Treatment of manic syndrome is complex, including cognitive psychotherapy and use of medications. It is aimed at eliminating the cause that formed the trigger for the development of a manic reaction, normalizing mood and mental state, and achieving stable remission. Treatment is carried out in a hospital setting if the patient becomes aggressive, conflict-ridden, irritable, and loses sleep and appetite.

Drug treatment - use of psychotropic drugs:

  • Sedatives provide calming and hypnotic effect- “Motherwort forte”, “Neuroplant”, “Persen”.
  • Neuroleptics have a hypnotic effect, relieve tension and muscle spasms, clarify the thought process - “Aminazin”, “Sonapax”, “Tizercin”.
  • Tranquilizers ease internal tension and reduce feelings of restlessness, anxiety, and fear - Atarax, Phenazepam, Buspirone.
  • Mood stabilizers reduce aggression and agitation, improve the general condition of patients - “Carbamazepine”, “Cyclodol”, “Lithium carbonate”.

Additionally, antidepressants are prescribed, but only in combination with mood stabilizers. Their independent and incorrect use can only aggravate the current situation.

All patients receiving psychotropic drugs, must be under the supervision of a psychiatrist. He selects a treatment regimen individually for each patient and the dosage of medications, taking into account the severity of clinical signs.

Psychotherapeutic conversations are aimed at finding out what caused the development of pathology. They are aimed at correcting the manifestations of the syndrome and improving general condition sick. Psychotherapy courses are individual, group and family. The goal of family psychotherapy is to teach family members to adequately communicate with their loved ones who suffer from the syndrome.

All patients are shown restriction of psychomotor activity. Experts recommend to achieve maximum therapeutic effect lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress and conflict situations, get full sleep, stop drinking alcohol, and get treatment for drug addiction. Psychotherapeutic procedures such as electrosleep, electric shock, and magnetic therapy are effective.

Complex treatment of manic syndrome lasts on average a year. All patients are under constant monitoring at the psychiatrist. The main thing is not to be afraid to go to the doctor. Early diagnosis and adequate treatment of the disease make it possible to preserve familiar image life and prevent further progression of the disease with its transition to clinical forms schizophrenia or manic-depressive psychosis.



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