Lymphatic system. Treatment of lymph with currents

Mucus and lymph

The agitation of mucus suppresses the fiery heat, for it has the nature of Earth and Water, therefore the mucus is heavy and cool.

"Chzhud-Shi", tantra of Explanations

Constitution Mucus in the body corresponds to four physiological environments: mucus, lymph, fat and intercellular fluid (water).

When we talk about mucus, we primarily mean the mucous membrane that covers the inner surface of the digestive and respiratory organs, the genitourinary tract and the excretory ducts of the glands. Mucus is a secretion secreted either by individual cells, or by special glands of the mucous membrane, or by endocrine glands.

The main task of mucus in the body is to serve as a barrier to aggressive environmental factors. Wherever the body is in direct contact with the external environment, it protects itself with mucus: it envelops, captures foreign particles (dust, microorganisms, allergens) and removes them out.

It must be said that the conditions inside the body differ significantly from external conditions, and the area of ​​​​contact of these two environments is of great importance for its life. The respiratory tract normally produces about 100 ml of mucus per day (this is mucus from the nasal passages, larynx, bronchi, and lungs). During this time, about 15 thousand liters of air pass through the respiratory tract, and if not for the protective barrier of mucus, a huge amount of impurities contained in it - dust, soot, microorganisms, viruses and allergens - would enter the body with the air.

The upper respiratory tract begins with the nasal cavity, where the primary purification of the air entering the lungs during breathing occurs. The inhaled air is warmed and cleared of dust and smoke, partly from viruses and microorganisms that settle on the mucous membrane and are neutralized by its bactericidal substances. These products are then removed from the nasal cavity using constantly working microscopic cilia.

If the properties of mucus are violated, it loses its protective qualities. A viral disease may occur with swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. Abundant watery or mucous discharge appears, which can then become mucopurulent and purulent when a purulent infection is attached. The discharge is especially troublesome for children whose nasal passages are still narrow - the inflammatory process significantly impairs breathing. Children become restless and capricious, they sleep poorly and eat worse.

Disturbance of the constitution Mucus occurs primarily due to two reasons: poor nutrition and poor lifestyle. If a child is given large quantities of Yin food from an early age - raw fruits and vegetables, milk, yogurt, sugary foods, such as porridge with milk, sugar and butter - then this leads to mucus disturbance already in childhood and the development of corresponding diseases : chronic runny nose, sinusitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, as well as inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids - the mucous organs of the nasopharynx, which serve to protect the body from infections. When inflamed, the tonsils increase in size, making breathing and swallowing difficult; When inflamed, adenoids block the nasal passages with partial or even complete loss of nasal breathing.

A woman, the mother of a three-year-old child, who suffered from obstructive bronchitis and enlarged adenoids of the second degree with transition to the third, came to the clinic. Petya, that was the boy’s name, was born healthy, and everything was fine until problems with the adenoids began. They will treat him a little, he seems to feel better, but as soon as he is taken to kindergarten, the same picture happens again. Signs of choking with phlegm also appeared. “Whatever I do,” my mother complained at the reception, “but nothing helps. He doesn’t sleep well at night, his nose can’t breathe, and he suffers from coughing attacks. I just can’t figure out what to do.” How did she take care of the child’s health? It turned out that she gave him goat's milk and taught him so much that the boy did not accept any other food: give him milk with bread or sweet porridge with milk, but he doesn't need anything else. Abuse of such food caused disturbance of the mucus constitution, which led to bronchitis and problems with the adenoids. We recommended changing the nature of our son's diet: if you cook porridge, do so only in water, and it is advisable to add seasonings such as ginger. In addition, the boy was prescribed the Tibetan herbal medicine “Dali-16”. Thus, it was possible to correct the constitution and avoid surgery, which already seemed inevitable. In addition, the recommended diet helped get rid of asthmatic bronchitis.

Purification of the air entering the body continues in the bronchi through bronchial mucus, which binds and removes microorganisms and other foreign particles, protects the surface of the bronchi from damage, moisturizes and warms the inhaled air. The purification system in the bronchi is so perfect that the air reaching the lung cells is practically sterile. Often the victims of this disease are children. On the one hand, the constitution of Mucus by its nature corresponds to childhood, and on the other hand, the nature of nutrition is an important factor. Children are given an abundance of dairy products, including all kinds of yoghurts, sweet curds with fruits, berries (although fruits and milk are incompatible foods from the point of view of Tibetan medicine), fruit juices, and all this with the best intentions. But the result is the opposite: constant consumption of cold Yin foods promotes the accumulation of mucus and hypertrophy of the bronchial mucosa, which often causes asthma.

Normally, the bronchi produce about 30 g of mucous secretion daily. When they get infected, the mucus secreted by the bronchial glands is saturated with leukocytes, macrophages and other cells that perform protective functions. By destroying pathogenic bacteria, they die themselves and are eliminated by coughing with sputum. If the sputum is easily separated, the person coughs freely; if not, he has to resort to expectorants.

Speaking about phlegm, we immediately note that people with a Mucus constitution (especially in a state of Yang disturbance) have an excess amount of it, as well as saliva and mucus in the nasal passages. As soon as a person even laughs or runs after a bus, sputum begins to be produced with a cough, and during a conversation, especially a stormy one, a lot of saliva can be released.

However, sputum separation does not always occur easily and naturally. When the mucus constitution is disturbed, the physical properties of the mucus change, the removal of microorganisms becomes difficult, which leads to inflammatory processes in the bronchi. The first reason for this is poor nutrition, in particular the predominance of carbohydrates in food. Historical fact: with the advent of carbohydrate products such as bread, sugar, pasta in the diet of northern peoples, the incidence of infectious respiratory diseases among them increased sharply.

Thick, viscous mucus is difficult to separate and accumulates on mucous surfaces, microbes multiply on it, causing inflammation, viruses enter the body, accumulated allergens cause allergic reactions. Thick mucus no longer serves as a barrier, but becomes a favorable breeding ground for microorganisms. The accumulation of mucus leads to difficulty breathing and impaired lung function. A 40-year-old woman, a typical representative of the Mucus constitution, came to the clinic. According to her, she has no particular complaints about her health, but she was tormented by a constant sore throat, which gave her no rest day or night, and in addition, interfered with her professional activity - the work of a journalist. The woman did not smoke, she never had pneumonia, and she was perplexed: “Where does this attack come from, why?” The doctor at the district clinic diagnosed him with chronic bronchitis. I tried to be treated with medication and folk remedies (coltsfoot, thyme, wild rosemary), but to no avail. This went on for two years. At the Naran clinic, the patient was prescribed therapy that corrected the mucus constitution: heating, compresses, treatment with herbal remedies. But first of all, they recommended changing the diet and, in particular, seasoning dishes with pepper, ginger, and other spices. As a result of comprehensive measures, the woman’s health quickly returned to normal, the soreness stopped; within one and a half to two weeks there was abundant sputum production, and then everything just as quickly stopped.

Violation of the constitution Mucus can cause inflammation of the mucous surfaces in a variety of body systems: respiratory (bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, tonsillitis), genitourinary (pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis), gastrointestinal (gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis). When mucus accumulates in the bronchi and trachea, mucus deposits are formed, similar to scale on the walls of a kettle. The first signs of this process are a feeling of a lump in the throat, making it difficult to swallow, and choking when speaking. Sometimes there may be difficulty in inhaling, as if something is preventing you from taking a deep breath. Another sign is expectoration during physical activity (this produces a small amount of sputum that has a dirty appearance with a yellow tint) or choking when laughing. Frequent exposure to hiccups, a dry cough without signs of a cold and even without expectoration are all signs of mucus accumulation in the bronchi and trachea.

Often people, treating themselves without due attention, do not attach importance to such symptoms, considering them to be something completely normal, and yet the accumulation of mucus is not at all so harmless. If this process is joined by an infection, repeated colds suffered on the legs, untreated infectious diseases, then there is a high probability of allergic reactions.

An allergic reaction is an increased release of mucus with which the body responds to various substances (allergens), which are completely normal and common for people who are not susceptible to allergies. These can be odors of smoke or perfume, dust, food that has a special taste, smell (coffee, chocolate, citrus fruits), causing a reaction in the form of coughing, sneezing, swelling of the larynx and other mucous surfaces. The specific reaction depends on where the largest amount of mucus has accumulated. So, if the nasopharynx becomes the site of accumulation, then the person’s allergic reaction will be uncontrollable sneezing lasting from 5 to 20 minutes, vasomotor rhinitis (runny nose): the nose is stuffy, snot flows continuously, there is nothing to breathe, the person is greedily gasping for air.

The nasal passages are the gateway to the lungs, and if this gateway is tightly closed, what can you expect? Of course, congestion in the bronchi and trachea. Inflammation of the adenoids, nasal polyps, sinusitis - all this directly leads to the development of asthma, that is, conditions are created for mucus to accumulate in the bronchi. Due to the obstruction of air through the bronchi, suffocation occurs: narrowing of the lumen causes spasm. The frequency of spasms depends on the degree of development of the disease. At the first stage, attacks can occur once or twice a year, at the second - already once or twice a month or week. And when the third degree of the disease occurs, attacks occur constantly.

The parents of a four-year-old child suffering from bronchial asthma contacted the clinic. The disease began when Tima was only one year old, and by the age of four, the attacks of suffocation became endless. In the summer, his parents took him to the sea, where the boy felt better, but as soon as the family returned to damp Moscow, everything began again. Despite the fact that the child did not go to kindergarten and was virtually isolated from the outside world, the attacks did not become less frequent. When the boy was brought to the clinic, not a single ray of joy illuminated his eyes, there was only fear in them. Tim talked about his illness in detail, like an adult, and it was scary to hear this from a baby who had actually turned into a little old man.It turned out that the basis of the diet is dairy products, as well as juices, pastries, chocolate, sweets, cakes - exclusively Yin food. The child did not receive meat, fish, or vegetable proteins. The treatment began with Tim being fed hot soup, meat, and adding onions, garlic, ginger, and pepper to his food. Tim really liked the ginger drink. Medical procedures were also prescribed: massage, cauterization, warming. In the middle of the treatment process, Tima’s mother complained that one day in the middle of the night, after clearing her throat, the child began vomiting once, releasing a huge clot of mucus (about the size of a glass). We reassured her: this is the same sputum that is released from the bronchi, but the child swallows it without having time to cough up. After just eleven sessions, the boy changed beyond recognition in appearance and no longer remembered the attacks of suffocation.

I immediately asked what the parents feed the child.

If the nasal passages are the gateway to the lungs, then the oral cavity is the gateway to the stomach. The digestion process begins in the mouth: the breakdown of carbohydrates with the help of enzymes in saliva, which is also part of the mucous system. And further, the digestion process is impossible without the participation of mucus. Thus, the mucous protein mucin promotes better movement of food through the intestines, protects the walls of the stomach and intestines from mechanical damage from coarse food particles and the destructive effects of an acidic environment, prevents the autodigestion of the digestive system by its own enzymes, and protects the body from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria from the outside. In addition, this protein is necessary for the functioning of beneficial microorganisms in the large intestine. Another common consequence of mucus stagnation is allergic asthma, when mucus accumulates in the lungs and bronchi, as well as vasomotor rhinitis due to the accumulation of mucus in the nose. In the latter case, it is necessary to instill a warm ginger drink into the nose and warm the points near the nose with a warm, hard-boiled egg, massage biologically active points in the face and chest. The treatment process is usually accompanied by copious mucus secretion.

It must be said that the mucus in the intestines serves as a kind of filter that separates digestive products suitable for absorption from everything that still needs to be digested.

However, I repeat, excess mucus in the body due to a violation of the constitution. Mucus leads to the development of diseases and the formation of cysts, fibroids, mastopathy, and polyps.

Another physiological environment of the body corresponding to the mucus constitution is lymph, which is directly connected with the intercellular fluid (water). In Tibetan medicine it is called “yellow blood.”

The lymphatic system is an important element of the body's defense system. In the Tibetan tradition, it is called the yellow vessels, which complement the red (blood) vessels and white vessels (nerves). The lymphatic system serves as a source of cells that provide immunity, a filter complex, and also ensures the return of intercellular fluid to the blood during the metabolic process, carrying away its various products from cells and tissues. It consists of capillaries, vessels and nodes.

Lymphatic capillaries – these are the thinnest vessels that penetrate almost all organs and tissues; connecting with each other, they form branched and extensive networks. From the fusion of capillaries, lymphatics are formed vessels. Their walls are thinner than the walls of blood vessels; they collect lymph from the capillaries and, following the course of the veins, carry it towards the large lymphatic ducts. Every 3–5 cm, large lymphatic vessels (they are called collectors) form thickenings - lymph nodes, where lymphocytes—cells that produce antibodies—multiply.

Lymphocytes repel attacks from viruses and bacteria, and also protect the body from the development of cancer by destroying abnormal cells as they arise in the body.

In humans, there are more than 400 lymph nodes that filter lymph and expose the particles it contains to lymphocytes. It is these nodes that prevent harmful toxic substances, as well as microorganisms, from entering the general bloodstream with lymph. The transparent, colorless liquid that fills this system and flows through it is called lymph(its total volume in the body is approximately 2 liters). In its chemical composition, lymph is similar to blood plasma; it seems to wash every cell of the body, after which it is collected in the lymphatic vessels and filtered in the lymph nodes, where viruses and bacteria are destroyed and substances harmful to the body are partially disinfected. Thus, the state of the lymphatic system largely determines the health of each cell individually and the entire body as a whole.

The fact is that blood in the body circulates in a closed circle and does not come into direct contact with tissue cells anywhere. Interchange is carried out through intercellular fluid, which plays the role of a link between cells and blood, delivering the products necessary to the cells in the form of a solution.

Water and metabolic products cannot flow back into the blood, because the walls of the capillaries allow liquid to pass only in one direction. Therefore, from the intercellular space, tissue fluid enters the lymphatic capillaries, collects in the lymphatic vessels, and then, after passing through the filters of the lymph nodes and being cleansed in them, returns back to the bloodstream. When the mucus constitution is disturbed, the normal outflow of lymph is disrupted, edema and tumors occur due to the accumulation of tissue fluid.

Swelling can also occur during inflammation, when there is an excessive flow of fluid and leukocytes into the tissue and the outflow of lymph through the swollen nearby lymph node slows down. When lymph saturated with microbes enters it from the source of inflammation, their rapid proliferation begins, which leads to an increase in the size of the lymph node (this is clearly noticeable, for example, with a sore throat, when the lymph node under the lower jaw enlarges). In this case, the flow of lymph from the “damaged organ” is temporarily stopped, which allows, on the one hand, to take protective measures, and on the other, prevents the spread of infection in the body.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis, and an increase in their size without inflammation is lymphadenopathy, in which there is no pain, but alarmed parents are already turning to the doctor. What can a doctor say in this case? He will advise you to treat your teeth, rinse your mouth, and take care of your throat. It is rare to find out the true cause of this phenomenon, but meanwhile it may be an “echo” of a previously suffered cold or the cervical vertebrae need to be checked. And you should first of all find out the child’s lifestyle and nutritional pattern. If he is stuffed with milk and milk porridges, sweets and other Yin products, then one should not be surprised that the child has lymphadenopathy, that he is susceptible to chronic runny nose, bronchitis, tonsillitis and acute respiratory infections, and is prone to obesity and allergies.

The lymphatic system permeates all tissues of the body, is responsible for immunity, and human health largely depends on its condition. At the same time, she is very vulnerable; If in the circulatory system there is an organ responsible for pumping blood, this is the heart, then in the lymphatic system there is no such organ. The movement of lymph is carried out thanks to natural lymph drainage, and very slowly.

Violation of the constitution Mucus leads to the fact that the lymphatic pathways become clogged and narrowed. As a result of poor operation of the cleaning system, moisture ceases to be removed from the fabrics, they swell from excess water and decay products. Swelling, puffiness, fat folds on the skin, and dermatoses occur.

Thus, swelling of the eyelids occurs due to insufficient lymphatic circulation around the eyes. During the day, thanks to the work of the eye muscles, the lymphatic vessels are pumped, which ensures normal lymphatic drainage. At night, the eyelids are immobilized, the process slows down, fluid accumulates in the tissues, they stretch, and swelling forms.

Saggy cheeks and a double chin are phenomena of the same nature. Another sign of constitutional disturbance Mucus is swelling of the fingers in the morning, swelling of the ankles in the evening.

In medicine, the term “lymphostasis” refers to the accumulation and stagnation of mucus, intercellular fluid, lymph and fat cells in the body. People with a mucus constitution are especially prone to this disease, which is usually accompanied by excess body weight. The disease leads to a decrease in mental and physical performance, heaviness in the head, dull headache, as well as pain in large joints - hip, knee and ankle. Mucus is expectorated even in the absence of bronchitis, chilliness is felt, digestion is disturbed, the taste for food is lost, there is no appetite before lunch, but at the same time an evening appetite develops with an inevitable tendency to overeat, sleep is prolonged, trouble is observed in the kidneys, there is a tendency for goiter to grow and the appearance of neoplasms.

Lymphostasis can cause complications in the joints, lower back, cause obesity, goiter without hormonal imbalance, diabetes caused by a decrease in the metabolic rate. Mucus accumulating in the stomach during heavy meals leads to distension and prolapse of the stomach. Because of this, bile may back up into the stomach, which leads to the development of ulcers and even stomach cancer.

A woman with a pronounced Slime constitution - tall, portly and good-natured - suffered from obstructive bronchitis. In winter she did not get sick, but as soon as the thaw began, she was overcome by a cough. Moreover, it was enough to cool down a little, and the chest began to bubble, the phlegm made breathing difficult, and came away with difficulty, in the form of long, stringy threads. The woman was constantly cold and therefore wrapped herself in warm clothes and did not take off her knitted clothes. The team laughed at her: “Nadezhda, you’re so plump, why are you freezing?” And during the working day she repeatedly drank hot tea, sweet and with cookies. It is not surprising that excess weight appeared. Among other eloquent signs of a violation of the mucus constitution, one could see varicose veins and an enlargement of the thyroid gland (without changes in hormonal levels). At the Naran clinic, the patient was prescribed herbal medicines and recommended to change her diet: avoid yin (cold) foods, stop endless tea drinking, introduce ginger and pepper into her diet. The recommendations took effect, and the sputum began to disappear. At the same time, mucus began to be released abundantly, which caused bewilderment in the patient, but they explained to her: this is how the body “swings,” the mucus began to move, and its excess leaves in the form of sputum and mucous secretions. This movement is towards recovery and normalization of the constitution, accompanied by weight loss and elimination of edema. And indeed, soon bronchitis stopped tormenting the woman, her weight dropped, her overall health improved, a feeling of optimism appeared, and her performance increased.

Lymphostasis often develops as a complication in women after surgery for breast cancer. In these cases, a month or two after breast removal, swelling of the arm develops on the side of the operation. Press massage does not produce tangible results, since, like many other modern Western methods, it is not a fight against the disease itself, but only against its symptoms. And the root cause of diseases such as lymphostasis (due to damage to lymphatic vessels and nodes during surgery to remove the mammary gland, prostate adenoma) is a violation of the mucus constitution, and it is necessary to treat not only the arm or leg, but the body as a whole. This is exactly how Tibetan medicine works.

A 65-year-old woman with a mucus constitution came to the clinic with severe lymphostasis: her right arm had practically lost mobility. The swelling was so large that it spread onto the hand, and the tips of the fingers were barely visible from under it. Victoria Ivanovna said that twenty years ago she had surgery for breast cancer, after which her arm began to swell. The course of magnetic therapy did not bring results. Another problem with her arm was added: her weight began to increase, so that with a height of 164 cm, she weighed 105 kg. Having found out the nature of Victoria Ivanovna’s diet, I found out that she eats all her dishes with bread (though with black bread), and does not add salt to her food - doctors forbade it. Occasionally he allows himself to eat a slice of pickled cucumber, and that’s it. She does not consume spicy foods or spices, although her diet consists almost exclusively of Yin foods. Not surprisingly, this resulted in excess weight. First of all, the patient was recommended to walk more and change her diet: add spicy, sour and salty foods. Victoria Ivanovna was amazed: after 20 years of a bland diet, this became a real discovery for her. The course of treatment also included herbal remedies, hand massage (including massage with honey) and warming biologically active points with wormwood cigars. A month later, the swelling decreased, the fingers regained mobility, so that the woman could already perform simple work; The aches and feeling of heaviness in the hand in the morning disappeared. Gradually but steadily, 5 kg per month, my weight began to decrease.

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June 16 Lymph of the arch with infrainguinal nodes Symptoms of problems with lymph of the arch with infrainguinal nodes: enlargement of the lymph nodes and their pain with light pressure, constant and slight increase in body temperature, chills, cravings for products of marine origin. Initial

Lymph nodes are round or oval formations from 0.5 to 50 mm in diameter. They are located near lymphatic and blood vessels. The location of the lymph nodes helps the body create a barrier against various infections and cancer.

There are cervical, supraclavicular, intrathoracic, axillary, ulnar, femoral, inguinal and popliteal lymph nodes. There are also lymph nodes located in the lungs (bronchopulmonary), in the abdominal cavity (mesenteric and para-aortic), and slightly above the inguinal (iliac).

How to independently recognize inflammation of the lymph nodes?

If enlarged lymph nodes are detected, you need to answer the following questions one by one:

1. How quickly and how much did the lymph nodes enlarge?

3. Is the pain in the lymph nodes constant, occurs only with pressure, or is it completely absent?

4. Are the lymph nodes dense, or, on the contrary, very soft?

It is worth noting that an enlargement of one lymph node, not accompanied by pain, is not yet a cause for concern. Perhaps this lymph node simply works more actively than others, which led to this effect. This is often observed in people who have recently had an infection. When the body fully recovers from the disease, the lymph node also returns to normal. But if the recovery process is delayed, or pain appears in the area of ​​the lymph node, a visit to the doctor still won’t hurt.

Medical diagnosis of inflammation of the lymph nodes

First, the doctor must carefully examine the patient and get answers to all the questions stated above. The doctor should also examine the patient’s medical history, i.e. find out what he was sick with before and how the illness progressed. After this, a blood test is usually prescribed. which can help determine the causes of lymphadenitis. To rule out a tumor or find the source of infection, the patient is sent for an X-ray or computed tomography (CT) scan. The latter procedure is not only paid, but also expensive. But the images obtained after it are carried out allow the doctor to see the picture of the disease more clearly. This means that the treatment will be prescribed correctly and will bring greater effect.

Lymphadenitis most often occurs due to harmful microorganisms entering the body.

Purulent lymphadenitis

Sometimes purulent melting occurs, during which large suppuration appears on the soft tissues. In this case, the skin around the lymph node and directly above it turns red. As a result, a tumor with clear contours appears in the area of ​​the lymph node. Its density varies in different areas: in some places the tumor is very hard, in others it is softened. When you feel the tumor, you can hear a characteristic sound, which is compared to the crunch of snow.

The difference between purulent lymphadenitis is a sharp deterioration in general condition. A person's temperature rises and their heart rate increases. headache and general weakness occur.

Acute lymphadenitis(lasts up to 2 weeks).

This stage occurs after the previous one. When the inflammatory process subsides, acute lymphadenitis becomes chronic. Although there are cases of the development of chronic lymphadenitis without a pronounced acute stage.

This condition is characterized by enlargement of the lymph nodes without any unpleasant sensations in them. There are no other manifestations of the disease.

If chronic lymphadenitis is suspected, cytological and histological tests are usually prescribed. The first allows you to study the cells of the lymph node, and the second - the corresponding tissues. These studies are necessary to confirm the correct diagnosis, because chronic lymphadenitis can easily be confused with a number of other diseases.

  • hemorrhagic - in this case, blood predominates in the fluid;
  • purulent - with this type of disease the fluid contains more pus;
  • The causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes are extremely varied. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is usually a secondary disease. In other words, lymphadenitis is always a symptom or consequence of some other disease.

    There are two types of this disease:

    1. Nonspecific lymphadenitis.

    Most often, nonspecific lymphadenitis is associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck, although sometimes the submandibular group is affected.

    2. Specific lymphadenitis.

    Nonspecific lymphadenitis can occur with the following diseases:

    Tooth abscess. An infectious disease, the focus of which is located near the root of the tooth. An abscess (ulcer) may appear due to untreated caries. inflammation of the gums or other dental disease. Mechanical trauma can also cause an abscess. as a result of which a tooth was broken, or an infection that entered the body during an injection during a dental procedure. This disease can lead to the development of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the jaw.

    Other symptoms: a sore throat. worse when swallowing, sore and dry throat, fever; a clearly visible yellowish-white or purulent coating on the tonsils, a sensation of a foreign body when swallowing, bad breath, signs of poisoning. headache, chills. general weakness.

    Lymphangitis. Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels. The causative agents of the disease are streptococci, staphylococci, etc.

    If inflammation of the lymph nodes in women was caused by toxoplasmosis. then the situation is especially dangerous, and urgent measures need to be taken. The fact is that in case of pregnancy, the disease will definitely be transmitted to the child. And with such a problem, children either die in the womb or are born with multiple lesions of the nervous system, eyes and other organs.

    Other symptoms: fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, convulsions. enlarged liver and/or spleen, decreased performance.

    However, the disease can be asymptomatic or with partial symptoms.

    Cellulite (erysipelas of fatty tissue). It is a purulent inflammation that affects the subcutaneous fatty tissue. The disease is caused by harmful microorganisms that penetrate the fiber through damaged skin. May cause inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck or head.

    Other symptoms: redness of a large area of ​​skin, pain in the area of ​​inflammation, swelling, chills, fever, increased sweating.

    Specific lymphadenitis appears in the following diseases:

    Gaucher's disease. An extremely rare hereditary disease in which fat accumulates in large quantities in the liver, spleen, kidneys and lungs. In this case, inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs.

    Niemann-Pick disease. Also a very rare genetic disease associated with the accumulation of fats in the internal organs.

    Systemic lupus erythematosus. A connective tissue disease in which the human immune system begins to attack healthy cells.

    Leukemia (blood cancer). A disease caused by mutation of bone marrow cells. Leukemia can cause both inflammation of the postauricular lymph nodes and other types of lymphadenitis.

    Other symptoms: tendency to bruises, frequent bleeding and infections, pain in joints and bones, general weakness, enlarged spleen, sudden weight loss. lack of appetite.

    Other symptoms: dizziness. migraine. weakness, pain when swallowing, mucus in the lungs, high fever, skin inflammation, enlarged liver and/or spleen.

    Breast cancer. Malignant tumor of the breast. Breast cancer can often be indicated by inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits of women.

    Other symptoms: swelling near the joints, changes in their shape, local increase in temperature, pain in the joints, aggravated by movement.

    Syphilis. Infectious venereal disease. transmitted not only sexually, but also through blood, medical instruments, and also in everyday life - through toothbrushes, razors, towels, etc. With syphilis, inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes usually occurs.

    Other symptoms: hard reddish formations with ulcers located on the genitals, lips, nipples or tonsils; damage to the skin and mucous membranes, immune organs, musculoskeletal and nervous systems.

    Chancroid. An infectious disease transmitted only through sexual contact. Chancroid usually causes inflammation of the lymph nodes in men, because. In representatives of the stronger sex, this disease occurs much more often.

    Complications of inflammation of the lymph nodes

    An abscess is a large accumulation of pus, blood, and dead tissue particles in one area. It can be treated either with antibiotics. or through surgery.

    Blood poisoning is the spread of infection throughout the body through blood vessels. Treated with antibiotics. Without treatment, vital organs quickly begin to fail and death occurs.

    Which doctor should I contact if I have swollen lymph nodes?

    If the lymph nodes in the groin, pubic area, or labia of a woman are inflamed, then you need to contact urologist (make an appointment)(both men and women) or gynecologist (make an appointment)(women), since in such a situation the inflammatory process is caused by diseases of the pelvic organs.

    If inflamed lymph nodes appear in any other area (for example, in the armpit, arms, legs, body, etc.), then you should first contact surgeon (make an appointment) or therapist (make an appointment). Doctors with these qualifications will be able to conduct an examination, determine the most likely cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes, and then either prescribe treatment or refer the patient to another specialist whose competence includes the treatment of a suspected disease in a person. If the lymph nodes in the arms, legs, or armpits are swollen, the physician or surgeon may refer the patient to oncologist (make an appointment) or infectious disease specialist (sign up). if the suspected diseases are not within the scope of the surgeon or therapist. If the lymph nodes in different parts of the body are inflamed, and this is combined with pain in the joints or a persistent rash on the skin. then the surgeon or therapist will refer the person to rheumatologist (make an appointment). since such a set of symptoms indicates the presence of a rheumatic disease (autoimmune pathology, connective tissue pathology, etc.).

  • Therapist (for children – pediatrician (sign up));
  • Surgeon;
  • Urologist (for men and women);
  • Otolaryngologist (ENT);
  • Oncologist;
  • In case of inflammation of the lymph nodes of any location (on any part of the body), the doctor will definitely prescribe a general blood test and a general urine test. and will also conduct an examination, palpate the nodes and ask about recently suffered diseases or any unusual, previously absent sensations, symptoms, changes, etc. These simple studies and tests will help the doctor navigate and understand the nature of the pathological process, and then, if necessary, prescribe additional examinations or a treatment regimen. Most often, doctors prescribe x-ray (sign up) or computed tomography of the desired organs or parts of the body.

    Inflammation of the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes often develops against the background of previous or chronic infectious diseases of the ENT organs (for example, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.). In this case, the doctor must prescribe a general blood test and ASL-O titer, which allow one to understand whether the systemic spread of the pathological process has begun and whether a streptococcal infection has recently been suffered (ASL-O titer). In addition, if, against the background of inflammation of the lymph nodes, a person still has signs of an inflammatory process in the oropharynx or nasopharynx, the doctor may prescribe a blood test for the presence of antibodies to Chlamydophila pneumonia and Chlamydia trachomatis (IgG, IgM, IgA), since these microorganisms can lead to long-term chronic infections of the respiratory system that are difficult to treat.

    In case of isolated inflammation of the lymph nodes in the absence of any specific symptoms, the doctor may prescribe a blood test for the presence of antibodies to toxoplasma, since toxoplasmosis provokes long-lasting lymphadenitis, and otherwise can be completely asymptomatic.

    For inflammation of the lymph nodes located near the site of cellulite (erysipelas of the subcutaneous fat tissue, manifested by redness, swelling, pain in the site, sweating and elevated body temperature), the doctor usually prescribes only a general blood test and an ASL-O titer test. Other studies for such pathology are not needed.

    With persistent inflammation of various groups of lymph nodes, especially those located behind the ears and in the back of the head, which is combined with ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth and genitals, “fibrous tongue”, frequent colds, the doctor prescribes a blood test for HIV/AIDS, since Similar symptoms are typical for this disease.

    When a person has swollen lymph nodes, combined with fat accumulation in the liver, spleen, kidneys and lungs, difficulty swallowing, developmental delay (dementia), or impaired eye movements, the doctor will refer the person for further examination to a medical facility that identifies rare genetic pathologies . And already in this specialized medical institution, a geneticist prescribes specific tests to make a diagnosis. which are carried out in the laboratory of the same organization. For these symptoms, sequencing of exons and near-exon regions of introns of the GBA gene, as well as determination of the activity of chitotriosidase and beta-glucocerebrosidase in the blood, may be prescribed.

  • Antinuclear antibodies, IgG (antinuclear antibodies, ANAs, EIA);
  • IgG antibodies to double-stranded (native) DNA (anti-ds-DNA);
  • If inflammation of the lymph nodes is combined with pain, swelling and changes in the shape of the joints, then the doctor suspects rheumatoid arthritis and refers the person to a rheumatologist, who, in turn, prescribes the following tests to confirm or refute this diagnosis:

    • Antibodies to keratin Ig G (AKA);
    • Antifilaggrin antibodies (AFA);
    • Antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide (ACCP);
    • Antibodies to modified citrullinated vimentin.
    • Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area indicates the presence of an infectious disease of the genital or urinary organs. In such a situation, the doctor prescribes a list of tests that can detect an infection, including:

    • Blood test for syphilis;
    • If a person has inflammation of the lymph nodes of any location, which is combined with sudden causeless weight loss. poor general health, loss of appetite, aversion to meat, as well as the presence of a visible or palpable tumor in any part of the body, then the doctor will refer the person to an oncologist, since such symptoms indicate the presence of a malignant neoplasm. And the oncologist orders an x-ray, Ultrasound (sign up). computer or magnetic resonance imaging to determine the location and size of the tumor. The oncologist also prescribes a general blood test, a biochemical blood test, a general urinalysis and a coagulogram. which allows us to assess the general condition of the body, its readiness for therapy and ability to undergo surgery, radiotherapy (sign up) And chemotherapy (sign up). In addition, for each type of tumor, the oncologist can prescribe specific tests to monitor its progression, treatment effectiveness, etc. However, we do not present these specific analyzes since this is not the subject of this article.

      All described tests and examinations can be supplemented with an x-ray or even a biopsy of the inflamed lymph node. Typically, a puncture of the lymph node and x-ray of nearby parts of the body are performed when there is a suspicion that a person has a specific systemic disease (AIDS, Gaucher disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, syphilis, tuberculosis, measles, etc.) or a tumor process (leukemia, lymphoma, breast cancer, etc.) to identify characteristic changes or atypical cancer cells.

      If a person has lymphadenitis, a doctor should prescribe treatment. It happens that a person himself has identified inflammation of the lymph nodes, but does not know which doctor to contact. In this case, you just need to go to your local therapist. who will prescribe treatment or write a referral to another specialist.

      But on weekends and holidays it is quite difficult to find a doctor. Then the question arises: “How to relieve inflammation of the lymph nodes at home?”

      In case of pain in the lymph nodes and fever, you should take a pain reliever. which can be purchased without a prescription. Naturally, rest and good sleep will be beneficial.

      What is snot?

      When we sneeze, the snot reaches a flight speed of up to 160 km/h. Now get ready: a larger percentage of snot is eaten by us without a twinge of conscience. Small hairs (millions of them) are distributed over the entire surface of our respiratory tract. After we swallow mucus, it is collected by them. Gastric juice, of course, kills a huge number of infections and bacteria. It’s scary to read about this for everyone, but if we didn’t have such a structure, then life would be even more terrible.

      On average, the body of a healthy person produces from 200 to 70 ml of snot per day. Especially a lot of snot occurs if a person cries, because the tears get into the nose!

      When a person gets sick, the amount of snot increases because the amount of mucin to fight viruses increases.

      As you already understand, life without mucus is impossible. Oh, if you have an excess of its production in the body, then you can reduce its production... For this, two types of medications are used: antihistamines and decongestants. If you don't like taking medications, there are other options.

      Blow your nose. Sometimes this method is the most effective, but often we neglect it for various reasons (we are embarrassed or are used to breathing through our mouths).

      How often do we get colds? All you have to do is change from summer to autumn or autumn to winter, and suddenly you have a cold! And, of course, what cold is not accompanied by snot. In our society to discuss the problem snot not accepted, but since you are on this site, you need to talk! They know what it is snot many, but not everyone can explain what it is. Some believe that this is some kind of liquid flowing from the brain, others believe that it is blood cytoplasm. Who to believe remains a mystery.

      According to medical definition nasal mucus (aka snot), this is mucus that is produced by the respiratory system itself right in the nasal cavity, and not something from the brain. Some people think that snot has a bad effect and is even harmful to the body. This is wrong. Their purpose is to protect the lungs and respiratory tract from dehydration. The composition itself suggests that they are not harmful: salt, water, protein, cells, and since snot contains mucin (protein), they can absorb large amounts of moisture because mucin itself consists mainly of sugar. This makes them moist and a little thick. Other proteins protect: antibodies from viruses and bacteria, and enzymes kill bacteria (this includes, for example, lysozyme). Snot is a kind of filter and protects our lungs from the penetration of dust and other small debris.

      Where does mucus come from?

      Nothing fancy - it is produced by the mucous membranes. The mucin already described above gives volume snot. because when it comes into contact with moisture, it can expand 600 times! Here is the answer to the question why there is so much snot.

      How to stop snot?

      Increasing air humidity: moisture will interact with mucin, and it will make the snot thinner; accordingly, they will not “stuff” the nose and will come out calmly.

      And the last thing to completely shock you: it is better not to blow your nose, but to pick it out with your finger, because when we blow it out, it, along with the virus, enters the nasal cavity and the virus remains there and causes complications and infection of this cavity as well.

      What are lymph nodes?

      Lymph nodes (lymph nodes) are organs of the lymphatic system. They act as a filter for lymph coming from different organs and parts of the body.

      Inflammation of the lymph nodes. or lymphadenitis. it's hard not to notice. The first warning sign is an enlargement of the lymph nodes: a bulge in the head, neck, pelvis, etc. In addition, there are other symptoms. painful sensations, especially when pressed; seals; redness. Sometimes purulent inflammation and headache are possible. general weakness and increased body temperature. One lymph node, a group of lymph nodes, or all lymph nodes at the same time can become inflamed.

      2. Are the lymph nodes mobile or in a fixed position?

      5. Is one lymph node inflamed, or several?

      If all of the above methods do not help make an accurate diagnosis, a lymph node biopsy must be performed. During this procedure, the doctor takes small samples of lymph node tissue and its contents, and studies the resulting material in the laboratory. After this, the chances of identifying the cause of inflammation increase significantly.

      How does inflammation of the lymph nodes occur?

      There are two types of inflammation of the lymph nodes:

      This type of disease is characterized by severe and constant, often throbbing pain in the lymph nodes. With purulent inflammation, the lymph nodes seem to merge with each other and with other tissues located nearby. Another distinctive feature of purulent lymphadenitis is the immobility of the lymph nodes.

      The danger of this disease is that it can quickly spread throughout the body and lead to inflammation engulfing the entire body.

      Non-purulent lymphadenitis

      This type of disease brings less suffering to the patient, because the general condition does not change. As for the lymph nodes, they are compacted, enlarged and mobile. Painful sensations occur exclusively when pressed.

      There are also two types of disease:

      This type of disease has a sudden onset. Suddenly, pain occurs in the lymph nodes, which have increased sharply. Acute lymphadenitis is also characterized by fever and malaise.

      Chronic lymphadenitis(lasts over 1 month).

      There is a classification of lymphadenitis according to the types of fluid that appears at the site of inflammation.

      Based on this feature, the following types of lymphadenitis are distinguished:

    • serous - the site of inflammation is filled with translucent liquid, saturated with protein;
    • fibrous - the composition of the fluid is dominated by the fibrin protein, which ensures blood clotting.
    • Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes

      This is the name for inflammation that occurs as a result of exposure to more severe infectious diseases such as AIDS. sarcoidosis tuberculosis, etc. Its difference is that, like any specific disease, it will in any case cause damage to health.

      Other symptoms: prolonged pain in the tooth, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, redness or swelling of the gums, bad breath, pain when chewing.

      Allergy. Particular sensitivity of the body to certain substances.

      Sore throat (acute tonsillitis). An acute disease characterized by inflammation of the tonsils. The causative agents of sore throat are such bacteria. like staphylococcus, meningococcus, etc.

      ARVI. Viral disease of the nasal cavity, pharynx and epiglottis. In this case, several groups of lymph nodes may enlarge at the same time. In adults, during viral infections, the lymph nodes almost always enlarge, but inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child is usually so insignificant that it is not detected by palpation.

      Other symptoms: runny nose, cough, headache, sore throat, vomiting. general weakness, loose stools.

      Cat scratch disease (benign lymphoreticulosis). An infectious disease that occurs after a cat bite or deep scratch. It is this that often causes inflammation of the lymph nodes in children. The disease occurs due to the fact that a small bacterium, Bartonella, enters the body. This disease often causes inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes. But it can also cause inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin. Cat scratch disease is not transmitted from person to person.

      Other symptoms: a small spot with a red rim, which over time turns into a bubble; enlargement of the lymph node closest to it, which occurs after about a week; signs of general poisoning; temperature increase; sometimes concomitant diseases of the nervous system (meningitis, etc.) may occur.

      Other symptoms: narrow red stripes on the skin, chills, high temperature, swelling, weakness.

      HIV or AIDS. A viral disease that attacks the immune system. You can become infected through unprotected sexual contact or using contaminated medical instruments. The disease is also transmitted from mother to child during childbirth and breastfeeding. With this disease, the lymph nodes become inflamed behind the ears and in the occipital region. HIV and AIDS are characterized by massive lesions of various groups of lymph nodes.

      Other symptoms: fever, weak immunity. inflammation of the skin (urticaria), ulcers of the mucous membrane of the mouth and genitals, “fibrous tongue”, etc.

      Other symptoms: strabismus. difficulty swallowing, laryngeal spasms, dementia. bone damage.

      Other symptoms: liver dysfunction, difficulty breathing, developmental delays, nutritional disorders. eye movements and motor coordination.

      Other symptoms: a red, butterfly-shaped rash located on the cheeks and bridge of the nose; general weakness; sudden changes in temperature; headache; muscle pain; fast fatiguability.

      Measles. An acute infectious disease transmitted by airborne droplets. Measles often causes inflammation of the lymph nodes in the intestines.

      Other symptoms: very high fever, dry cough, conjunctivitis. runny nose, rash. signs of general poisoning, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

      Lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes). An oncological disease of the lymphatic tissue that affects many internal organs. Lymphoma can cause inflammation of the lymph nodes under the chin, as well as other types of lymphadenitis. This disease is characterized by damage to many lymph nodes in different parts of the body.

      Other symptoms: weight loss, loss of appetite, weakness, high fever.

      Mononucleosis. An acute viral disease that can be contracted through blood transfusion. or by airborne droplets. Almost any group of lymph nodes can be involved in the pathological process.

      Other symptoms: lumps in the mammary glands; discharge from the nipple. not related to pregnancy or breastfeeding; scales and ulcers in the nipple area; swelling or change in the shape of the breast.

      Rheumatoid arthritis. A connective tissue disease that affects the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the main causes of disability.

      Tuberculosis (lupus vulgaris). A widespread infectious disease that most often affects the lungs.

      Other symptoms: prolonged cough with sputum and/or blood, sudden weight loss, increased sweating at night, general weakness, fever.

      Other symptoms: pain in the groin area, bleeding from the rectum, ulcers on the genitals.

      Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the abdomen, like any other lymphadenitis, can cause complications if left untreated. In particular, an abscess or blood poisoning (sepsis) may occur.

      Since inflammation of the lymph nodes can be caused by various diseases, the treatment of which is within the competence of doctors of different specialties, you will have to contact different specialists for such a condition. Moreover, the specialist who needs to be contacted for inflammation of the lymph nodes in each specific case should be selected depending on in which area of ​​the body the pathology of the lymph nodes is observed and what caused it.

      So, if the lymph nodes are inflamed in the submandibular area, and before that there were any dental interventions or diseases, then you need to contact dentist (make an appointment). since such a situation is most likely caused by an infectious-inflammatory process in the oral cavity, dental sockets, etc.

      If the lymph nodes in the neck area are inflamed, then you need to contact otolaryngologist (ENT) (make an appointment). since in this case the inflammatory process is most likely caused by diseases of the ENT organs (for example, sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, etc.).

      Accordingly, in case of inflammation of the lymph nodes, you may need to contact the following specialists:

    • Gynecologist (for women);
    • Dentist;
    • Infectious disease specialist;
    • Rheumatologist.
    • What tests can doctors prescribe for inflammation of the lymph nodes?

      If the lymph nodes under the jaw are inflamed and in the recent past a person has had problems with teeth, dental procedures (for example, injections, installation of implants, tooth extraction, etc.), injuries to the jaw area of ​​the face, then in such situations the doctor is usually limited to prescribing a general blood tests and orthopantomogram (panoramic image of all teeth of the upper and lower jaw) (sign up). An orthopantomogram allows you to find out where in the jaws and oral cavity there is an accumulation of pus or an inflammatory focus is localized, and a general blood test makes it possible to assess the general condition of the body. Thus, based on the results of the orthopantomogram, the doctor is able to understand exactly what needs to be done to eliminate the cause of inflammation of the lymph node. But the result of a general blood test allows you to find out how systemic the process has become and whether it is necessary to use antibiotics for oral administration, and which ones.

      When inflammation of the lymph nodes of the neck, submandibular region and behind the ears develops against the background of or shortly after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection or influenza. the doctor usually limits himself to prescribing a general blood test and X-ray of the sinuses of the facial skull (sign up) or lymph node.

      If a person has inflamed lymph nodes in the groin, in the axillary area, in the thigh area, and there are no other symptoms and there have been no serious illnesses within a month, but within 10 - 14 days before this he was scratched by a cat, then most likely lymphangitis is manifestation of benign lymphoreticulosis (cat scratch disease). In this case, the lymph nodes located closest to the site of scratches caused by the cat become inflamed. The inflamed lymph node is dense and increased in size by 5 to 10 times, and it remains so for 1 week to two months. In such a situation, the doctor usually prescribes only a general blood test, and sometimes a blood test for Bartonella may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis of cat scratch disease (in case of doubt).

      If the inflammation of any lymph nodes is persistent, does not decrease over time, is combined with a butterfly-shaped rash on the face, cutaneous livedo (the presence of blue or red areas on the skin that form a bizarre mesh pattern), headaches and muscle pain, and fatigue. weakness and temperature fluctuations, then the doctor refers such a patient to a rheumatologist, since such symptoms indicate a systemic autoimmune disease - systemic lupus erythematosus. A rheumatologist or internist may order the following tests to confirm his presumptive diagnosis of lupus erythematosus:

    • Antinuclear factor (ANF);
    • Antibodies to nucleosomes;
    • Antibodies to cardiolipin (IgG, IgM);
    • Antibodies to extractable nuclear antigen (ENA);
    • Complement components (C3, C4);
    • C-reactive protein.
    • Crystals in a smear of synovial fluid;
    • Rheumatoid factor;
    • For an acute infectious disease that resembles a cold, called mononucleosis. Any lymph nodes may be inflamed. With mononucleosis, in addition to lymphangitis, a person has headaches and pain when swallowing. fever, skin inflammation, enlarged liver and spleen. If mononucleosis is suspected, the doctor will prescribe a general blood test with the obligatory preparation and examination of a smear on glass, and may additionally prescribe a blood test for the presence of antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus (anti-EBV EA-D IgG, EBV VCA IgG, EBV VCA-IgM ), which is the causative agent of infection.

    • Analysis for chancroid;
    • Tests of blood, vaginal discharge or urethral smear for sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, syphilis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis, fecal bacteroids, etc.).
    • Inflamed lymph nodes in the upper part of the body, combined with a persistent persistent cough, night sweats, weakness, and fever, lead the doctor to suspect that the person has tuberculosis. In this case, it is necessary to assign Chest x-ray (make an appointment) And fluorography (sign up). sputum microscopy. as well as determining the presence of mycobacteria in the blood, sputum, bronchial washings, etc.

      How to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes?

      If inflammation of the lymph nodes is suspected, the doctor is the best assistant and advisor. Therefore, you need to go to the hospital in the near future. Only a specialist will be able to find out the cause of the disease and make an accurate diagnosis. In addition, only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics for inflammation of the lymph nodes. Based on the tests obtained, the antibacterial drug that will be effective in your situation will be prescribed. If inflammation of the lymph nodes during pregnancy creates problems for a woman, then it makes sense to consult a gynecologist and surgeon.

      What to do if the lymph nodes are swollen?

      You can temporarily relieve the condition with regular warm compresses. A piece of clean cloth should be moistened with warm water and applied to the site of inflammation. In addition, you must carefully ensure that the skin in the area of ​​inflammation always remains clean.

      Before use, you should consult a specialist.

    The muscular vascular organ - the heart - forces blood to move through the arteries; the movement of blood through the arteries and veins is ensured by the cardiac valve structure, and then by the structure of the vascular and arterial systems.

    The lymphatic bed does not have such a “drive”. The movement of lymph is slow and is achieved through muscles. The main muscle for driving lymph is the diaphragm. This is a kind of “heart” of the lymphatic system. With physical activity and deep breathing with the belly, the amplitude of movement of the diaphragm increases, and lymph circulation increases, i.e. its stagnation is eliminated.

    With obesity and the absence of certain physical activities, lymph stagnation occurs in any lymph nodes. At the same time, waste products of cells accumulate in the intercellular spaces (fragments of disintegrated lipids, proteins, waste products, etc.), which even gradually grow into connective tissue fibers (doctors call this process fibrosis). And these cells simply begin to rot - sluggish oncological diseases, hypertension, allergies, etc. arise.

    Lymph cleansing occurs through saliva. The salivary glands belong to the lymphatic system, have access to the oral cavity and, together with saliva, carry waste and impurities from their system into the digestive tract for their further removal from the body.

    When under stress, the mouth usually becomes dry, saliva is not produced, and stagnation occurs in the lymphatic system. And the person is given water to drink. But this is not advisable to do. It is better to stimulate the secretion of saliva by sucking the lips to release saliva in the mouth, and make swallowing movements.

    You can also use chewing gum to enhance the secretion of saliva; half an hour after eating, place salt on the tip of a knife under your tongue.

    You should give up the bad habit of drinking drinks immediately after meals and eating fruits for dessert. Do not store yesterday’s food in the refrigerator, as it (especially when heated) is rich in toxins resulting from the proliferation of putrefactive bacteria, and after consumption it fills with ballast the entire intercellular space and lymph system in the human body.

    The lymphatic system is a system that even doctors have little understanding of. They never seriously studied it. The lymphatic system works in one direction. All lymph flows from bottom to top. Swelling in the legs, arms, eyes, lower back, joints - this is all lymph. A bacteria, virus or fungus enters the body. What does lymph do? A large lymph node, for example, the genital tract, is located near the impact. Lymph nodes block the infection from passing further. If gonorrhea passed through the body and entered the brain, people would die immediately. Lymphocytes emerge from the lymph nodes, and they patrol the entire mucous membrane, urethra, and vagina. If they find something there, they eat it and take it back to the lymph nodes. In the lymph nodes, all this is lysed, activated and thrown out. The first route of lymph discharge in the body is the vagina and urethra. Everything that is connected with leucorrhoea in women, discharge in men, indicates that someone lives in the body, and the lymph eats this someone, at the cost of its own life, and removes it. The second route of evacuation is in the intestine, which contains tens of thousands of small lymph nodes.

    Up to 50% of poisons are released through sweat and armpits. Nowadays people use deodorants that prevent you from sweating for 24 hours. They don't sweat under their armpits, but their palms do sweat. They also do cosmetic surgeries when they cut the lymphatic ducts. The forehead should not sweat. If your armpits are clogged, the entire surface of your body sweats. This indicates the second degree of damage and contamination of the lymph. The face should be relatively dry, and there should be leakage from under the arms, because there is a powerful sweat collector there. There are not very many sweat glands on the face.

    Adenoids are lymph nodes. Everyone who breathes through their mouth has adenoids, which are enlarged lymph nodes in the nose.

    The salivary glands are the most powerful detoxification organ. Up to half a liter of toxic sputum is released through saliva. If a child drools on the pillow, then this indicates serious problems with the lymphatic system. If a person or child sweats in a dream, this may indicate that he has pinworms, lamblia, or something else. Children should not sweat even at an ambient temperature of 30C. Their sweat system is poorly developed. If a small child has a wet head at night, it means he is sick. Everything in a child must go through the kidneys and intestines.

    Larynx. Chronic laryngitis or pharyngitis is the lymph nodes of the pharynx and larynx. With this diagnosis, a person has a chronic infection of a chronic fungus or chronic streptococcus. They are candidates for chronic lymphatic system disease.

    Tonsils are the most powerful springboard for various bacteria. Streptococcus always comes through the tonsils. These are sore throats and rheumatism. Staphylococcus will not go through the tonsils. It goes through the nose. Sinusitis is a lesion of the lymphatic system, not the respiratory system. There is nothing in the nose, there are only holes for air and membranes 1 micron thick. Everything else there is pus. Where does pus come from? From the abdomen, from the lymph, from the blood, from the intercellular spaces, and exit through the nose. Staphylococcus has this path. The fungus will never go through the nose. The fungus is released through nearby organs. If it is a foot one, then it will stand out there. The skin will crack. The lymphatic system will never drag the fungus into the nose, because it will not drag it. It will interrupt all lymphatic collectors. The lymphatic system will open the skin and release lymph fluid directly between the toes.

    The lymph nodes of the bones will never miss the fungus. If the whole body is affected by the fungus, fungal bronchitis begins. The deep lymph nodes of the bronchi are connected, and the person may develop bronchial asthma (we are not talking about psychosomatics, when a person attracts attention to himself with illness).

    Joint inflammation is a damage to the lymphatic system. Everyone believes that swelling in the legs is cardiac or renal. Edema can only be lymphatic. The heart is exhausted and cannot pump blood. But it is not blood that is retained in the legs, but lymph. Elephantiasis is a lesion of the lymph when the inguinal lymph nodes are blocked and the fluid does not rise.

    Swelling of the hands is a blockage of the axillary lymph nodes. Puffiness of the eyes is a blockage of the submandibular and facial lymph nodes. This indirectly indicates kidney blockage. If the kidneys secrete less fluid than needed, then there is more of it in the body.

    SO: For the functioning of the lymphatic system, it is not enough to just “take a pill” - for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, at a minimum, you need to do breathing exercises, “breathe with your stomach,” do at least minimal exercise, try to walk more. This allows you to partially eliminate lymph stagnation.

    And also taking turpentine baths and dousing, or a contrast shower, plus a steam room are friends of our lymphatic system.

    Another article about the lymphatic system


    First, I will tell you what lymph is and what diseases develop with dirty lymph. And at the end is the recipe itself on how to clean it using licorice syrup and enterosgel paste.
    Usually all the lymph in our body is in a thick state. It moves from bottom to top, in one direction. Moves due to muscle contractions. And the entire path of lymph from the tips of the toes to the head takes about 3 months. If a person constantly drinks water, then the lymph is more or less clean, and if there is not enough water, and instead of water drink teas, juice, compotes, soda, coffee, etc., then the lymph turns into a stagnant swamp, which turns sour and in which Anything will develop.

    The lymphatic system is the ONLY system, besides the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, that has a RELEASE THROUGH THE MUCOUS MEMBRANES OUTSIDE!

    If the lymph is broken, we will spit through the skin... The release of poisons can only be through the mucous membranes, because they do not have a hard, dead protective barrier of the epidermis.

    So, FIRST bridgehead of lymphatic evacuation – the first place where bacteria corpses land outside? Remember that lymph flow goes from bottom to top!

    Therefore, the first place is the VAGINA (in women) and URETHA (in men)!

    As soon as something gets into the body, this “something” is immediately HERE and is detected: an uncomfortable state below immediately begins, pain, stinging, something else...

    And we USUALLY “struggle” with all our might against what? – that’s right, WITH EMBODIMENTS from there...

    But our medicine’s main problem is to avoid any discharge, cough, or runny nose!

    And so you insert one super-pill into the vagina - and there is no discharge, but WHERE will it go from one pill? Kilometers of fungal colonies that live in all tissues, in the liver, in the kidneys, in the intestines - where will they disappear if you insert an antifungal tablet into the vagina?! But the tablet can be so strong that when it is absorbed, it sways so much that the liver falls off!

    As a rule, it turns out well: there is no discharge for three days - and then it starts again (thrush, for example). What is thrush, what is DISCHARGE during thrush? - these are the corpses of the fungus that were destroyed by our body with the help of leukocytes!

    Therefore, we must NOT fight CORPSES - they are ALREADY KILLED!

    We must fight LIVE fungi!

    And there is only one way to fight – by RAISING IMMUNITY!

    Because nothing will work out using other methods: you can’t kill ALL LIVING THINGS in the body!!!

    SECOND landing site INTESTINES , a huge amount of poisons are released through it!

    Someone says: “I have dysentery, and there is nothing but mucus in my stool!”

    What is SLIME? - yes, the same PUS - the corpses of viruses, bacteria, fungi, dysentery bacilli, salmonella and other things...

    There are thousands of lymph nodes open into the intestines - so they secrete it all!

    THIRD bridgehead– we go up one floor – these are SWEAT GLANDS, especially in the armpits. A person simply MUST SWEAT - the body removes all poisons (hormones, toxic poisons - medium molecules, not pus) through the skin.

    What do we do to ensure that they NEVER GET OUT? – that’s right, the advertised 24-hour deodorant! And all the problems with sweat are solved: even if you scare you, even if you go on a roller coaster ride, there will be no more sweating!

    WHERE WILL THE POISONS GO??? – to the nearest place – to the mammary gland!

    And hence mastopathy, pollution of the lymphatic basin: the lymph drove everything out - and you sprinkled (anointed)

    Terrible mistake!!!

    Never use 24-hour deodorant! Only for 6 hours, and then give the body a chance to sweat - and wash everything off!

    Unfortunately, chemicals splashed on the skin constrict blood vessels according to a given program - for 12-24-48 hours, and now super-deodorants have appeared - 7-day ones.
    And then the mechanism of your sweat glands will simply be blocked - and that’s the end...

    This is all - the lymphatic system: throughout the skin, throughout all the joints.

    Everything is very simple: here is the knee joint - two bones with a smooth supporting surface, and around them is an articular capsule (capsule). Some people's joints swell... it would seem, WHAT is there to swell?

    But it turns out that behind this joint there is a huge lymph node, and if it is thrombosed (by bacteria, for example, beta-hemolytic streptococcus), which lives in the blood, then here you will get ARTHRITIS (rheumatoid, infectious-allergic, polyarthritis - if there are many joints).

    What does this have to do with joints anyway? Two bones, not suspecting anything, exist for themselves - and suddenly there is TEMPERATURE, what is it for? – yes, to fight bacteria!

    Or edema appears - Why? – and the lymph node does not allow fluid to pass through.

    What do we usually do: warm it up, apply mud ointments, hormones, rubs - and do you think it will help?

    Never! – because first of all, LYMPH MUST BE CLEANED!

    But first you need to see WHO lives there, how many there are - and then start taking medications.

    But until we find out who lives there, you won’t be able to cure your joints, skin, or kidneys!

    To get rid of different “residents” we need different medicines: let’s say a fungus lives there - and we are prescribed a course of antibiotics, but they absolutely do not work against the fungus, and they even feed it! And a powerful fungal arthritis occurs, which is very difficult to cure!

    And after it, ankylosing spondylitis begins (when a person’s joints begin to twist at one moment) - and whatever you want...

    FOURTH bridgehead – NOSE, through it the main amount of airborne infection is eliminated. The adenoids were cut off - they killed their defensive line!

    FIFTH springboard - TONSILS . They constantly swelled, got in the way - cut off - and buried another defensive line!

    SIXTH STOCKHEAD – LARRYN - This is laryngitis.

    WITH EDMY springboard – TRACHEA – development of tracheitis.

    EIGHTH BROADCAST – BRONCHI – development of bronchitis.

    NINTH BROADCAST – LUNGS – development of pneumonia.

    That’s it, there are no more protective barriers - and in orderly rows “to another world”...

    You can block or cut off EVERYTHING for a person, but WHY he will then secrete pus is completely unclear!

    WHAT IS PNEUMONIA? - This is thrombosis of the lymph nodes, preventing the release of fluid.

    What is neurodermatitis, psoriasis? - this is a complete obstruction of the lymph nodes due to fungal pathology, this is a fungus that has cemented EVERYTHING there - therefore the skin opens “fire windows” on the flexor surfaces (in a child - the butt, cheeks, tummy - in areas where lymph nodes accumulate).

    Why do those who pay attention to CHARGE usually have everything in order in their lymphatic system?

    Humans do not have a separate heart for the lymphatic system, but how is the moving flow of lymph created? Here is a lymphatic vessel, and around it are muscles!

    The muscle contracts - the lymph is pushed through, but the valves in the lymph vessels do not allow it back. But if the muscle around the vessel does not work, where does the lymph flow come from?!

    If you feel tired, it means your lymph is stagnant! An accountant sits at work for 8 hours and can no longer understand where her “white cash” is and where her “black cash” is - drink water, move around, do hidden gymnastics - it will become clearer.

    And to avoid hemorrhoids, “jump” 30-50 times on the gluteal muscles - this is a massage of the lymphatic collectors of the small pelvis.

    If there is no such massage, there will be prostatitis, adenoma...

    The lymphatic system cannot be heated; forget about quartz for the rest of your life!

    No compresses should be applied to the lymphatic system; during a massage, avoid the lymph nodes: leukocytes live there, and if you press them and pass against the flow, you will simply destroy them...

    If you damage the lymph node under the knee, it will swell for the rest of your life!

    There is such a disease as ELEPHANTIA - lymph flows from the inside, all EXTERNAL procedures will not help! The lymph can be cleaned from the inside, but only active movements, muscle contractions – gymnastics – can make it MOVE.

    There are no lymphatic vessels in the head - there are lymphatic lakes, from where the lymph simply flows down.

    After cleaning the lymph nodes and going through 10 stages of “customs”, pure lymph (this is the same WATER, or ichor, this is the same part of the red blood, which does not contain red blood cells) flows into the venous bed and mixes with venous blood, simultaneously cleansing it.

    And if the lymph nodes are clogged, nothing flows in, and nothing mixes, it begins to ooze, because the body cannot pass PURPUS LYMPH through the lymph node - it throws it out - onto the SKIN! And there will be eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, dermatitis, diathesis...

    These manifestations depend only on WHO lives there, in the lymph nodes.

    Most often, FUNGI are found there (lives in the lymph, affects the skin), in second place are WORMS, in third place are BACTERIA, in fourth place are VIRUSES (they are so small that they do not live in lymph - they immediately go into the cell!).

    Please note: all anti-psoriasis ointments contain antifungal drugs, but the skin is already very distant from the fungus, because the process of its development occurs inside, in the tissues.

    Licorice is the best lymph stimulant, a plant created to cleanse and renew the lymphatic system!

    And here is the recipe itself: dilute a tablespoon of licorice syrup in a glass of not very hot water and drink on an empty stomach. All lymph begins to liquefy. And don’t be surprised if your nose starts running, for example. In an hour, all the toxins collected and liquefied by licorice will accumulate in your intestines. The largest number of lymph nodes are located in the intestines - tens of thousands of them! And if at this time a sorbent - Enterosgel paste - enters the intestines, then it will collect all the dirt and remove it from the body. A tablespoon of enterosgel should be washed down with a glass of water. And only after 1.5-2 hours you can eat. Enterosgel paste is the best enterosorbent, it removes only all the dirt from the body and leaves all the vitamins and minerals in the body. The cleansing course should be carried out for 2 weeks. As a result, your lymph will go from bottom to top not for 3 months, but will disappear in 2 weeks.

    Thanks to this recipe, your skin will clear and your health will improve, allergies will go away, your blood pressure will normalize and much more! At first there may be an exacerbation, as the body begins to cleanse itself strongly, but in a few days everything will pass.

    I recommended this cleansing to many friends and all relatives. I myself have gotten rid of a chronic cough that lasted for years for some unknown reason. I was examined many times, but the doctors could not detect anything, and the cough remained. Now I don't cough at all. Dad’s cough also decreased, but did not go away completely, because he has been smoking in large quantities for 30 years. Dad’s maxillary sinuses also cleared; he had suffered with them all his life, but at that time we didn’t know that the cause was contaminated lymph, it collected there from the whole body, especially since he doesn’t eat right. And his lifelong headaches, also caused by pollution, disappeared. His blood pressure became like that of a 20-year-old and remains constant. Mom's allergies went away.

    The lymphatic system is also cleansed by bathing and eating raw vegetables, fruits and berries.

    Health and beauty to you!

    Lymph(from Latin lympha - clean water, moisture) - a type of connective tissue. This is a clear, colorless liquid that does not contain red blood cells or platelets, but contains many lymphocytes. Lymph released from small wounds is popularly called ichor or "juice" of the body. Why does a living organism need it?

    Let your body be in motion. Your mind is at peace, and your soul is transparent, like a mountain lake...

    Lymphatic system participates in the creation of our immunity, protects us from pathogenic microbes, and is responsible for the absorption of fats in the intestines. The human body contains 1-2 liters of lymph.

    Lymph passes through the capillary ducts, which at the crossroads are organized into lymph nodes.

    Large lymph nodes are located in the armpits and groin. The tonsils and appendix are also lymph depots that play a barrier and immune role.

    From capillaries lymph moves into the lymphatic vessels, and then into the ducts and trunks: on the right into the right lymphatic duct, right jugular and right subclavian trunks, on the left into the thoracic duct (the largest), left jugular and left subclavian trunks.

    These ducts and trunks flow into the large veins of the neck, passing into the superior vena cava. The task of lymph is to return water, proteins, salts, metabolites from tissues to the blood.

    How does lymph move?

    Do you remember, my dear friend, how the blood moves in our body? Our heart is a powerful muscular vascular organ that forces blood to move through the arteries.

    And the movement of blood through the veins is ensured by the special muscular-valvular structure of the veins. This is how the large and small circles of blood circulation work.

    But the lymphatic system does not have such a “pump”. The movement of lymph is slow and is provided by muscles .

    The diaphragm is the main muscle for driving lymph. This is the so-called “heart” of the lymphatic system. This is why moderate physical activity and deep “belly” breathing are important - the movement of the diaphragm thus increases, lymph circulation increases, preventing its stagnation.

    Deviations in the functioning of the lymphatic system:

    Obesity - in the absence of moderate physical activity, lymph stagnation occurs in many lymph nodes.

    At the same time, the breakdown products of lipids, proteins, waste products, etc.—products of cell vital activity—accumulate in the intercellular space.

    All this “garbage” gradually grows into connective tissue fibers - fibrosis.

    These cells simply begin to deteriorate and rot - this is where sluggish cells arise. oncological processes, hypertension, allergies, etc..

    Adenoids- these are also the lymph nodes of the nose. Everyone who breathes through their mouth has adenoids.

    Salivary glands- this is a powerful organ that removes up to half a liter of toxic sputum. If your child is drooling on his pillow, this indicates serious problems with his lymphatic system.

    If a small child has a wet head at night, it means he is sick. In babies, toxins are eliminated through the kidneys and intestines.

    Chronic laryngitis or pharyngitis - These are problems of the lymph nodes of the pharynx and larynx. In this case, a person has a chronic infection - fungi or streptococci. They are the main cause of chronic damage to the lymphatic system.

    Tonsils - our shield on the way to the respiratory tract and digestion, the most powerful springboard for the development of various bacteria. Streptococcus always goes through the tonsils. What does it entail sore throat, rheumatism. Staphylococcus goes through the nose.

    Sinusitis- this is not a lesion of the respiratory system, but of the lymphatic system. There is nothing in the nose, there are only passages for air and thin membranes.

    But with sinusitis, pus collects there. Where does it come from? From the intercellular spaces, from the abdomen, from the lymph, from the blood, and comes out through the nose.

    Puffiness of the eyes occurs from blockage of the facial and submandibular lymph nodes. This indicates kidney blockage. If the kidneys fail and secrete less fluid than necessary, then there is more of it in the body.

    Joint inflammation - This is also a damage to the lymphatic system. Many people think that swelling in the legs is cardiac or renal. But swelling can only be lymphatic.

    The heart of a person who has led an unhealthy lifestyle is exhausted and cannot pump blood. But it is not blood that is retained in the legs, but lymph.

    Elephantiasis- this is a lesion of the lymph when the inguinal lymph nodes are clogged - the fluid does not rise into these. Swelling of the hands- This is a blockage of the axillary lymph nodes.

    Anyone who does not devote time to physical exercise will inevitably spend it on treating his illnesses. (Bodo Schaefer)

    Paths of purification

    1. Lymph is cleansed through saliva. The salivary glands have an outlet into the oral cavity, which makes it possible, along with saliva, to carry waste and toxins from the lymphatic system into the digestive tract for further removal from the body.

    Under severe stress, the mouth usually becomes dry due to the fact that saliva is not produced - stagnation occurs in the lymphatic system. In such cases, they rush to give the person water to drink, which is undesirable.

    The most correct thing in such cases is to stimulate the secretion of saliva with sucking movements of the lips in order to give it an outlet in the mouth, and make swallowing movements.

    To increase salivation, you can use chewing gum or put salt under your tongue (on the tip of a knife) half an hour after eating.

    Drinking immediately after eating is a bad habit that you should get rid of. You should also not eat fruit for dessert. When mixed with food, they cause fermentation and rotting of the food eaten.

    It is harmful to store yesterday's food in the refrigerator; it (especially when heated) is already rich in toxins that appear from the proliferation of putrefactive bacteria. By using such food, we consciously fill the entire intercellular space and lymphatic system in our body with ballast.

    The lymphatic system always works in only one direction - from bottom to top. For example, a virus, bacteria or fungus enters the body.

    What does lymph do? Near the “infection” there is a large lymph node, for example, the genital tract. Lymph nodes block the passage of viruses further.

    2. Cleansing through the genital tract. In such cases, the lymph throws out the “disease” through the vagina and urethra. Lymphocytes emerge from the lymph nodes, and they patrol the entire mucosa.

    If the protective cells find something there, they eat it and take it back to the lymph nodes, where everything is activated, lysed and thrown away.

    Leucorrhoea in women, discharge in men, indicate that someone “bad” lives in the body, and the lymph eats all this bad stuff, at the cost of its own life, and then removes it.

    3. Evacuation through the intestines. There are tens of thousands of small lymph nodes in the intestines that are actively doing their job.

    4. Cleansing through sweat. Up to 50% of poisons are constantly released through the armpits . It is important to use the right deodorant, for example, which does not clog the sweat glands that remove waste and toxins from the body.

    If your armpits are dry, but your palms are sweaty, there is congestion in the axillary lymph nodes. Stupid people perform operations - they cut the lymphatic ducts so as not to sweat... Can you imagine what this can lead to?

    The forehead should not sweat either. But, if the armpits are clogged, the entire surface of the body will sweat. And this is already the second degree of damage and contamination of the lymph.

    The face does not have many sweat glands, it should be relatively dry, but it should flow from under the arms, because that is where the most powerful sweat collector is located.

    5. Cleansing through the skin. If there is a fungus in the body, it will never go through the nose. Lymph will release the fungus through nearby organs. If this foot fungus, then he will stand out there.

    The lymphatic system will open the skin and release lymph fluid containing the fungus directly between the toes. The lymph nodes of the bones will never let the fungus in.

    If the fungus affects the entire body, then fungal bronchitis, bronchial asthma. This is all very serious! Be attentive to your lifestyle, to your body!

    IMPORTANT! For the normal functioning of the lymphatic system (especially for people leading a sedentary lifestyle):

    • you need to do breathing exercises, “breathe with your stomach”,

      with 15-30% discounts you can !

    Scientists have stated that 83% of all poisons and toxins are found in the intercellular fluid - in the lymph, the amount of which amounts to several kilograms.

    Lymph always moves through the lymphatic vessels from bottom to top (from the ends of the fingers to the central lymphatic vessel in the chest); valves do not allow it to flow back. How do you get a massage? If this happens from top to bottom, against the direction of lymph movement, the system of lymph edema is disrupted and the leukocytes living in the lymph nodes are destroyed, therefore the massage should be done from the fingers, toes upward, along the back from bottom to top.

    If they encounter them, then they are eaten and delivered to the lymph node. In the lymph node, this is all separated, processed, and it all needs to be removed from the body in the near future. What then are the excretory pathways of lymph? Since lymph flows from bottom to top, the first outlet is the vagina for women and the urethra for men. Discharge from the vagina and urethra indicates that uninvited “guests” have entered the body and were killed by leukocytes.

    For example, thrush in women is a dead fungus secreted by the body, but there is no point in fighting dead fungus, you need to fight what has lived and lives in the tissues of the body. The second excretory route for lymph is the intestinal tract, which contains tens of thousands of small lymph nodes through which a huge amount of toxins are released.

    The third excretory pathway is the sweat glands, especially those located in the hollows of the armpits. A person must sweat, but what do we do? Right! We use deodorants. And where do harmful substances remain? In the nearest mammary gland. This is how mastopathy appears and the lymphatic basin of the mammary gland becomes clogged. Never use deodorants that last 24 hours.

    The fourth outlet is the nose. Snot flows from the nose - dead leukocytes, bacteria. The fungus will never be released through the nose; the lymphatic system will remove it through the skin.

    The fifth excretory pathway is angina tonsils. Streptococcus always comes out through the tonsils.

    The sixth output pathway is the larynx. Chronic laryngitis or pharyngitis - people with these diagnoses have a chronic fungal infection or streptococcus. The seventh excretory tract is the trachea (tracheitis). You have a cough.

    Eighth. Bronchi - bronchitis. Ninth - pneumonia, asthma. What is pneumonia? Causes blockage of lymph nodes by bacteria and fungi. Bronchial asthma is not an allergic pathology; it is caused by blockage of the deep lymph nodes of the bronchi by fungi and bacteria. What is neurodermatitis, psoriasis? This is a complete impermeability of the lymph nodes caused by a fungus. He literally “cemented” them, so the skin opens “emergency exits” around the joints and in places where the lymphatic vessels are most concentrated.

    Are your joints swollen? It seems strange what could be swelling here. The joint consists of two bones with a smooth surface, and a joint capsule around it. It turns out that behind the joints there is a large lymph node and if this is blocked by bacteria, for example, beta hemolytic streptococcus, arthritis appears (rheumatoid arthritis), infectious allergic polyarthritis - if many joints are affected. What do we usually do? We warm it up, apply all kinds of ointments, use different hormones. Do they help? No. Because the lymph is clogged. Therefore, you need to cleanse the lymph.

    If the lymph nodes are blocked, the removal of fungi, bacteria, and toxins through the skin begins. Various rashes appear on the skin and the dermatologist gives us the following diagnoses: eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, dermatitis, diathesis. Their character depends on what lives in the lymph nodes. Most often fungi are found there (they live in the lymph and are excreted through the skin). Treating damage caused by fungi with ointments will not help anything, because the process of their development occurs inside the body - in the tissues. Dermatologists treat us from a completely different angle, without touching the main cause - clogged lymph.

    If the heart has been overworked and cannot pump blood, then it is not blood that is retained in the legs, but lymph. The swelling of the hands is associated with the impermeability of the axillary lymph; the eyelids of the eyes were swollen - this indicates that the lymph nodes of the face and jaw are blocked, this indirectly indicates a violation of the kidneys. Coated tongue, bad breath, swelling, frequent colds, runny nose and cough, pungent odor of sweat, unpleasant body odor - all this indicates lymph pollution. Who thought of cleaning their lymphatic system? We brush our teeth in the mornings and evenings, but the smell from our mouth is and remains. Some believe that this smell is associated with dysbiosis in the intestinal tract, but in fact it is due to contamination of the lymph and the source of the smell is the cemetery of dead microorganisms near the base of the tongue, in which there are lymph outlets.

    How to cleanse lymph? There is a scientifically developed cleansing program for the human lymphatic system. Its essence is as follows. All the cells of our body live in the intercellular fluid, which is both a dining room and a toilet. Lymph contains hyaluronic acids, which can be of a gel (like thick jelly) or liquid consistency. This is affected by temperature. After steaming in a bathhouse or sauna, the lymph liquefies and sweating begins, so go to the bathhouse at least once a week, but for the lymph to flow well, do not need more than 600C. To get the lymph moving, you can also use lymph stimulants such as Licorice Root. When you take the pill, the lymph is liquefied and sent out. This process is called lymph stimulation and is performed on an empty stomach. Lymph moves to the outlet (into the skin, intestinal tract). If a sorbent (active carbon or some other) also gets into this time, toxic compounds are bound (absorption). After taking the sorbent, you should not eat for at least an hour. Cleansing the lymph can last one day or even a whole month. The lymph needs to be cleansed after chemotherapy, after an X-ray, after a course of antibiotics, after a serious illness, etc. Unfortunately, micro and macro elements and vitamins are bound and excreted along with the lymph, so after cleansing the lymph, the body needs to be fed with them. Even in the time of Avicens they said: first of all, cleanse yourself, fast, drink water and calm down. If all this does not help, then go to the doctor. If you follow the first part of the phrase (cleanse the lymphatic and intestinal tract), then you will not need to go to the doctor. This way you will help doctors, freeing them from meaningless work .

    What spoils the lymphatic system?

    Let's at least look at a regular fast food place, their menu. The most popular dishes are fried potatoes, ketchup, salad of pickled vegetables with mayonnaise and juice from exotic fruits. In nature, such products spoil very quickly. Peeled potatoes turn black, tomato juice ferments, beaten eggs with milk powder stink very quickly, vegetables will spoil and juices will ferment. But this doesn't happen. This indicates the strong influence of antioxidants and preservatives. What is the connection with the lymphatic system? It is this system that receives the first blow, since it is very sensitive to food. There are a huge number of enzymes in lymph, especially in the lymph nodes. They destroy pus, bacteria and viruses. E-substances make it very difficult for enzymes to carry out this important function. When lymphocytes, which work on the basis of enzymes, are suppressed, pus is not destroyed and a bacterial rash appears on the skin. Resistance to fungus decreases and dandruff, milk fungus, etc. may appear. Continuing to eat such dishes may result in dysfunction of the body's defenses - it will stop fighting viruses.

    The lymphatic system is very sensitive not only to foods, but to cold. We usually hear - the wind blew - my ear started to hurt, I drank something cold - my throat started to hurt, there was a draft - I caught a cold, etc. It would be more correct to say that the temperature in the lymph nodes decreased by 2-3 degrees, the flow of lymph through the capillaries decreased by 2-3 times. Leukocytes, which destroy bacteria every second, did not get to the right places and the bacteria had the opportunity to reproduce. To localize this nest of infection, the body was forced to mobilize the immune system and raise body temperature.

    Temperature is a strong protective reaction of the body and if the cause is serious, one will rise up to 380C. At this temperature, the thermal conductivity of the blood sharply decreases. A person does not sweat and does not give off heat. This is the point of immunity when leukocytes begin to multiply sharply, in other words, to duplicate. They must multiply in huge numbers. Everything that comes out of the nose is actually dead white blood cells, bacteria and germs. This natural cleansing of the body and artificially slowing down this process through medications will not help.

    What happens in a clogged body?

    If you get wet in the rain and get a viral infection, does this mean that some internal organ is clogged? Exactly. While the body manages to cope with toxins, you have a slight fever, runny nose and cough, and in case of more pollution, much more severe diseases appear. Contamination of the body is indicated by appearance: hair growth deteriorates, skin becomes pale and wrinkled, gums bleed, teeth are loose, bags under the eyes, age spots, bad breath, constant bloating (constipation), unpleasant body odor, headaches, joint pain , allergic rash, brittle nails, poor memory, depression, insomnia, excess weight. These are all signs of a clogged organism.

    Why do women live 10 years longer than men?

    In a man’s body, the acids and harmful substances that appear are eliminated immediately, so men often sweat. This way they are freed from harmful substances. And they sweat because of minor physical properties. Male hormones, androgens, deliver harmful substances to the base of the hairs, where they are neutralized by microelements. This is one of the most important reasons why men experience hair loss. American researchers have discovered a strong connection between bald men and heart attacks. Often, men experience hair loss and increased blood pressure at an early age. The result is heart attack and stroke. These are common causes of death as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle. During the period of ovulation, the female body accumulates acids and harmful substances in the blood, lymph, and, before menstruation, female hormones estrogen redirect harmful substances to the uterus, from which they are excreted along with the blood once a month. Premenstrual syndrome, expressed in mild irritability, migraines, edema (dilution of acids), is nothing more than a high level of acids and harmful substances in the body. When the ability to remove harmful substances and acids through the uterus ends, the first phase follows, for some time the female body tries to remove acids and harmful substances through the skin (sweating and wave-like heat), and if the woman continues her previous lifestyle, drinks coffee, does not eat alkaline products, experiences stress, then the second phase follows, diseases such as osteoporosis, varicose veins, rheumatism, swelling of the legs and feet soon appear, and fungi of the nails and feet progress.

    Why does cellulite only affect women?

    As was mentioned, the female body retains acids and harmful substances in the body, in the blood, lymph, in the intercellular fluid, and removes them once a month, during menstruation. Pollution occurs when there are too many of these harmful substances. They are neutralized into toxins and settle on the hips and buttocks. This is called cellulite. Clogging is promoted by liver and kidney diseases, as well as fungal infections of the colon. And men remove harmful substances through metabolism.

    Diseases of a contaminated body.

    Leather. Psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, diathesis and all allergies, the cause is fungi, clogging of the body and lack of water.

    Kidneys. Sand, stones; The reason is lack of water and pollution of the body. Liver. Also - sand (lack of water, pollution).

    Lymphatic system. Its contamination is indicated by discharge from the vagina, throat, nose (viruses, bacteria, fungi).

    Pollution of the body.

    Seven stages of body pollution.

    1. An outwardly healthy person feels only general fatigue, becomes a little irritable, and an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth. Becomes indifferent to favorite activities. This is evidence of the beginning of slagging of the nerve canals, which will ultimately lead to cervical osteochondrosis.

    2. Fatigue is accompanied by headache, aches in joints and muscles, weakness, frequent colds, constipation or diarrhea, increased formation of gases, and unpleasant body odor.

    3. The appearance of various allergic reactions. The stimulant can be a variety of allergens: pollen, household dust, animal hair, medications, food. As soon as the sludge in the body exceeds permissible limits, a person may begin to cough, turning into asthma, and secrete mucus and sputum. Changes appear on the skin: dryness, oiliness, cellulite, acne. Diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, diabetes. Women experience disruptions in the menstrual cycle and vaginal discharge.

    4. Cysts, fibroids, papillomas, polyps, adenomas, thrombophlebitis, tumors appear in the body. Problems such as; weakness and pain in the heart area, chronic fatigue, prostatitis, hypertension, migraine, skin pigmentation, eczema, psoriasis and accelerated aging.

    5. A person is tormented by diseases such as radiculitis, kidney and gall bladder stones, rheumatism, and polyarthritis.

    6. Since the nerve channels are clogged, the transmission of signals through them becomes impossible. Because of this, paresis and paralysis occur.

    7. Oncological diseases, primarily intestinal cancer. This is the final defeat of the immune system, when cancer cells grow unchecked.



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