Should baby teeth be treated? Do baby teeth need to be treated: advice from a dentist

Not a single organ in the body can be called unnecessary. This means that since baby teeth appear in a person and function in the first years of life, they are necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor and care for them in the same way as for permanent ones.

The baby's immunity is quite weak and unstable to many infections, since he has not encountered them before. Therefore, a diseased tooth is not only an excellent environment for the development of bacteria, but also a direct threat to the child’s health. The fact is that toxins produced by microbes are very quickly absorbed into the blood, causing intoxication of the body and leading to diseases of the internal organs.

In addition, many adults who have experienced toothache understand perfectly well what discomfort damage to the enamel, inflammation or inflammation can cause. increased sensitivity dental nerve. Therefore, another argument in favor of treating baby teeth is a way to protect the baby from unpleasant painful sensations.

It is worth noting that dental treatment at an early stage of damage is quite painless and does not take much time. If a child from childhood is not afraid of the dental office, this will prevent many problems in the future, because he will not experience inexplicable fear, sitting down in the doctor's chair.

If long time undamaged baby tooth, this may result in it needing to be removed. As a result, the child’s pronunciation of sounds may be impaired, baby teeth may move to the place of the fallen ones, which will lead to incorrect placement permanent teeth in the future.

How to prevent damage to baby teeth

The most important rule, to which a child must be taught from childhood is daily brushing of teeth. You need to brush your teeth twice a day, with a special children's and soft toothbrush. Start using toothpaste from the moment your baby first appears. And as soon as the baby is able to hold a brush himself, teach him to brush his teeth on his own.

Explain to your child that after eating you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly to get rid of any remaining food. Avoid snacking between meals and excess sweets.

Make sure your child's diet contains sufficient quantity hard fruits and vegetables. When chewing such food, mechanical cleaning of the surface of the teeth occurs.

Show your child to the dentist at least once every six months, even if you do not see any lesions on the teeth and the child does not complain of pain. It is better to prevent tooth decay than to treat it later.

There is a misconception that treating teeth in early age, as long as they are dairy, it’s not that important. Many parents pay more attention to permanent teeth, not knowing that diseases of baby teeth can greatly worsen the condition of permanent teeth. In addition, such diseases develop very quickly and can be painless, often causing complications.

Is it worth treating baby teeth?

Treatment of diseases of primary teeth is important due to the following reasons:

  1. Destruction too early baby tooth, which resulted in its removal or loss, threatens improper development bite and changes in the location of permanent teeth. Because of this, at an older age the child will have to wear braces or suffer from psychological complexes.
  2. Due to caries, a child may develop complications such as periodontitis, pulpitis or a cyst. Besides, infection from an affected baby tooth can get to the molar bud. In some cases, bacteria spread to bone tissue jaws, which is even more dangerous for the health of the baby.
  3. Also, due to dental problems, the child’s gastrointestinal tract will suffer. Due to missing teeth, food will not be processed enough, which will impair digestion.

However, there are situations when treatment of baby teeth is not indicated, but only the dentist can determine them after examining the child. For example, if the affected tooth falls out on its own within 6 months, and the disease is sluggish (chronic), it can be left without treatment.

Common problems and treatments

This is the most common dental problem, which is found in 70% of children under 6 years of age. Most often, the disease affects primary molars, which is associated both with the nutritional conditions of children and with the relief structure of these teeth. Due to the accumulation of plaque, microorganisms quickly develop there, the result of which is caries.

It can be quite difficult to notice how it begins in a child, because at first white spots form on the teeth affected by caries, which do not bring any discomfort to the baby. If the disease develops further, the spots become dark, and when the child eats salty, sour or sweet foods, the teeth may react with painful sensations. And then the baby needs to start treatment.

If time is lost, the defeat will spread to inner fabrics, teeth will become sensitive to cold and hot food. In the worst cases, when the decay penetrates very deeply, the affected tooth will have to be removed.


This serious complication caries, caused by the spread of bacteria that have infected the root of the tooth to the surrounding tissue. The disease manifests itself constantly aching pain, which become pulsating and intense over time. The child also complains of pain when biting a sore tooth, and his general condition may worsen (headaches appear, temperature rises).

This is the name for an abscess that appears as a result of dental diseases, in which the child’s cheek swells. The disease is quite serious, because its cause is purulent inflammation. It manifests itself as pain in the tooth and jaw, redness of the gums and the appearance of a “bump” on it. As a rule, the child’s body temperature rises and the general condition worsens.

Flux is treated only in dental clinic, and treatment should be as fast as possible to prevent the spread of infection and the entry of bacteria into the blood.

Stages of treatment

If caries is detected in a child at an early stage, he will be recommended to undergo fluoridation. Apply to teeth special composition, which will protect them from further destruction. Silvering is used in children under 1-2 years of age, but this causes darkening of the teeth and requires frequent repetition of the procedure.

More advanced stages of caries require filling, as do pulpitis and periodontitis. The affected tooth tissue is removed and fillings are installed in their place. If several teeth are affected, they are treated gradually - so that the child does not get tired, one visit should not last more than 30 minutes. Besides, many clinics offer fillings different colors to interest the child.

When filling the roots of baby teeth, a special material is used that can be absorbed in the future. Removal is resorted to only in cases where the tooth tissue is almost completely damaged or the tooth is very mobile, which indicates its readiness to fall out.

How is anesthesia given to children?

Pain relief is not required in all cases of dental treatment in children. As a rule, it is used for severe caries (deep or medium). For anesthesia, a spray or injection is used, which means that in most cases the pain relief will be local. In this case, the concentration active substance in medications used in children is low.

General anesthesia for children under 6 years of age is used only for serious indications. Most parents are afraid of such pain relief, but in reality it is quite enough safe method, used in many countries. Modern drugs effectively affect the child, and the incidence of complications is very low.

Komarovsky's opinion

A well-known doctor names among the main reasons for the destruction of baby teeth genetic factor, and considers other factors provoking caries sweets (especially sweet drinks) and drying of the child’s saliva. If a child’s teeth have already begun to decay, a popular doctor advises not to wait, but to see a dentist.

At the same time, Komarovsky complains about low quality dental care children in our country and emphasizes that it is better to prevent the need for dental treatment proper prevention(limiting sweets and moisturizing mucous membranes).

Most parents think about whether their child’s baby teeth need to be treated? Naturally, they are concerned about the health of the oral cavity, but, on the other hand, you need to think about the child’s nerves. For this reason alone, many parents do not want to take their child to the pediatric dentist and postpone it until a later date.

Meanwhile, experts assure that if baby teeth are neglected, this will cause problems with permanent teeth.

Why do you need to treat baby teeth in children?

Milk teeth are the main structure of a child’s jaw, and the future of permanent molars depends on them. If it happened premature loss tooth, then this will entail bending futures. While the baby is still small and is breastfed, his teeth are protected and will not be affected by caries.

From the moment when complementary foods begin to be included in a child’s diet and he switches to a common table, each time he is more and more susceptible to this disease. And all due to the fact that the primary molars are poorly mineralized, therefore have bad protective properties , and this is an excellent provoking factor for various problems.

Mineralization occurs gradually and children's oral cavity is less susceptible to the formation of caries when the dental tissue has completely hardened. Worth paying attention to children's teeth close attention at 5–6 years of age, it is at this time that the change from dairy to permanent begins to occur.

If oral hygiene and care are poor at this time, the child may develop an incorrect bite, which will affect his physical health. Therefore, at this age it is necessary take your child to the dentist and an orthodontist.

But still, is it necessary to treat baby teeth? There are two reasons for treating primary molars:

  1. Treatment can stop the spread of infection in the oral cavity.
  2. Treatment prevents the formation of bite problems.

If parents accidentally notice stains on the enamel, then this is a reason to immediately consult a dentist. When caries forms, initial stage, the specialist will perform filling or silvering of the enamel.

Childhood caries and the reasons for its development

The reason for this is that caries can develop quickly and destroys the walls of the entire tooth, and then moves on to the next one, so the infection can even penetrate into the internal cavity.

One of common reasons caries formation is improper consumption of carbohydrates. Often parents allow their children to eat sweets at night; this includes not only chocolate and cakes, but it is also harmful to consume sweet juices and soda before bed. At night, saliva, which is supposed to neutralize acids, does not do so, so the natural protection of the oral cavity does not occur.

Most adults are mistaken when they think that it is not worth treating baby molars, and they will fall out on their own over time. If you don't notice acute period of this disease, the infection can settle in the child’s mouth and lead to a chronic form.

For this reason, the child begins to get colds more often and loses his appetite. Then immunity decreases, allergies appear, which creates anxiety for adults.

For caries, partially or the enamel is completely destroyed, while the neighboring teeth begin to shift, which leads to an incorrect bite, and as a result, the permanent tooth that should grow in this place simply does not have room for it. But the worst thing is that the infection can settle deep in the gum and the permanent tooth can also be damaged.


Is it possible to simply silver plate them instead of treating baby teeth? In fact, coating teeth damaged by caries with silver ions stops the process of its spread.

This method works well for superficial caries, but if the infection has penetrated inside the gums, then there will be no benefit from such a procedure. Caries will also continue to destroy other teeth.

To prevent the formation of caries and its spread, you can seal your teeth. Grooves in the enamel chewing surface treated with a special solution. But teeth sealing should only be prescribed by a doctor and the effect usually lasts for several years.

Is it possible to simply remove a damaged tooth?

When a child is bothered by pain in a tooth, then at that moment parents think about removing it. For treatment, you need to visit the dentist several times, and removal only takes a few minutes.

But this is the solution must be taken by the dentist after examining the child’s oral cavity. If the nearby teeth have already changed and the patient’s turn has come, the doctor will remove it. Because in this case it will not affect the displacement of teeth and the formation of the bite. But if the change of baby teeth does not occur, the dentist will recommend treatment.

An interesting fact: usually parents worry about the baby’s front teeth, because they are visible when you smile, but dentists most often pay attention to the back teeth, because they think, first of all, not about beauty, but about their health and benefits.

Under any circumstances It's best if you don't remove them. If premature loss of primary molars occurs, the permanent molars will not have support and will begin to grow prematurely, which may affect the growth of the premolars.

You should not put off a visit to the dentist, because premature loss of teeth entails their curvature and malocclusion, and in the future, correcting this defect will bring a lot of inconvenience not only to parents, but also to the children themselves.

Treatment options

After reading above, there is probably no need to answer the question of whether it is worth treating baby teeth, so it is best to know how to do it correctly. To do this, you need to remember a few rules:

Pros and cons of filling and silvering

As noted above, many people choose silver plating for dental treatment. The advantages of this procedure are that the enamel is coated with a solution containing silver ions to stop the caries process. Silvering is painless and does not require a drill, which not only children, but also adults are so afraid of.

The downside is that the procedures should be repeated every six months, and the already destroyed tooth tissue will not be able to recover. And also after the procedure, the baby’s enamel becomes black. Naturally, this will not matter to children, but parents consider this side effect the main disadvantage of the procedure.

When filling, a part is removed and a filling is placed in its place. Some private clinics with modern equipment use a special chemical-mechanical method for filling primary molars rather than drills.

A special gel is applied to a tooth destroyed by caries; after 30 seconds it is removed along with the carious tissue. And then a filling is applied to this place. The advantage of filling is that damaged tissues are replaced with new ones.

Today, fillings are durable, so there is no need to re-fill the tooth. You can also choose a filling with fluoride ions, and this is considered an excellent prevention of caries. But the downside of the procedure is that it lasts about 20 minutes, which is too long for a child. You need to sit in one place and open mouth, Sometimes required to endure anesthesia in the form of an injection.

Each method of treating primary teeth has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, all the nuances should be discussed in advance with the treating dentist. But it's best with early childhood protect the child's oral cavity.

Parents need to force their child to keep their teeth in order and clean. If caries does not affect the child, and the enamel is healthy and well-groomed, then monitoring in the future will become a habit for the baby.

Constant oral hygiene, proper nutrition, prevention early development caries and its timely treatment are the main measures that all parents should know and then the child will not have problems with teeth in the future.

Therefore, when the question arises whether the baby’s teeth need to be treated, parents should have no doubts. Because healthy primary molars are basis for strong permanent teeth, correct bite and a beautiful smile.

Caries of primary teeth in children and its treatment: what is important for parents to know

Baby teeth with caries in children must be cured. The approach of some parents: “They’ll fall out anyway, there’s no point in tormenting the child and spending money” – this is a crime against the baby’s health.

Timely treatment of caries in baby teeth is even more important than treatment of permanent teeth. And here's why:

From the practice of a dentist

Often parents do not treat even serious forms of caries complications, and periodontitis in a child can turn into periostitis, osteomyelitis, abscess or phlegmon. Moreover, the level of deaths among children from complications of caries is higher than in adults, since with certain factors that weaken the immune system, the process from pulpitis to abscess and phlegmon in a child can take a matter of days and even occur within 24 hours.

Therefore, the first thing to do when discovering caries of baby teeth in a child is to contact a pediatric dentist. After the examination, the doctor will tell you how and which teeth will need to be treated, what methods and means should be used for this, and how to make the treatment as comfortable as possible for the child.

Only very in rare cases caries on baby teeth really can not be treated. Usually the doctor makes this decision if the child’s teeth have already begun to change, caries is found on the tooth that high probability will fall out within six months, and the disease itself is sluggish, chronic nature. In this case, caries simply will not have time to lead to serious consequences. However, we repeat: such a decision can only be made by a professional dentist based on an examination of the child.

Specific features of treatment of primary teeth

Treatment of caries of primary teeth in children is carried out taking into account the specific structure and life cycle the teeth themselves.

For example, baby teeth wear out quite quickly. This normal process, which must be taken into account when selecting filling material. If the material turns out to be harder than the tooth itself, then after certain time the filling will begin to protrude beyond the surrounding tissues and interfere with the child’s ability to chew.

Typically, glass ionomer cements are used to treat caries on primary teeth. In this case, in addition to the abrasion of the filling, which occurs naturally simultaneously with the walls of the tooth adjacent to it, fluoride infiltrates into the tissues surrounding the filling, which, in turn, contributes to their additional mineralization and strengthening.

In addition, children often experience bottle and flowering caries, which develop very quickly. While parents manage to notice the disease and bring the child to the doctor, the pathological process can spread to most of the teeth and damage some of them especially severely. As a result, almost all the teeth will have to be treated, and this will need to be done over several sessions and the therapy itself will be very tiring for the child.

Methods for treating caries at different stages of disease development

On early stages development of caries, when only the tooth enamel is damaged, it is usually possible to manage with conservative remineralizing therapy. It does not use a drill: demineralized areas of the teeth are first cleaned and then processed special drugs allowing to restore damaged enamel.

Today for treatment initial caries ICON technology is also widely used: a special composite material is applied to the damaged area of ​​the tooth, filling all the pores formed as a result carious lesion. This material hardens and provides reliable and long-term protection of the treated area from further destruction.

Thanks to treatment technology caries ICON Regular examinations of the child by the dentist become even more important. Treating caries of baby teeth in the early stages without a drill and fillings is much more effective and simpler than subsequently torturing the baby in case of advanced destruction of enamel and dentin.

It should, however, be taken into account that for cervical defects located close to the gum edge, the ICON technique is limited in use due to the enamel being too thin and poorly mineralized (dentin cannot be infiltrated with the drugs used). It is not advisable for children under 3 years of age to use the technique.

Regular examinations of a child’s teeth allow not only to identify hidden carious processes and determine the cariogenic situation in the oral cavity, but also to identify the complex for parents necessary rules, allowing you to preserve tooth surfaces unaffected by caries. It is important to start cleaning as soon as the first baby tooth appears. In this case, it is enough to wipe the tooth with special napkins or use a finger toothbrush for these purposes.

The first real one toothbrush purchased for a child must be:

  • With very soft bristles;
  • With a small and non-traumatic rounded head;
  • With a comfortable handle for holding.

Learning to brush your teeth should be done in the form of a game. It is worth starting from 1-1.5 years. Control of the cleaning of all surfaces accessible to the brush and assistance to the child in this is carried out by adults. The combination of brushes with children's toothpastes is recommended no earlier than 2 years, when the child learns to spit.

Today another method is increasingly recognized as morally obsolete conservative treatment caries of milk teeth without a drill - silvering. With it, silver salts are applied to carious areas, which leads to the death of bacteria here (silver has bactericidal properties) and subsequently to the protection of these areas from repeated damage by caries.

Finely dispersed silver is restored from silver salts on the surface of the treated area. metallic silver, having a dark gray color. It spoils a lot appearance teeth, and with them the child’s mouth looks no better than with caries. In addition, silvering must be repeated once a month, which can be quite problematic.

In general, the effectiveness of the teeth silvering procedure as a way to prevent the development of caries is quite low.

When caries penetrates under the enamel and dentin is damaged, the infected cavity is excised, disinfected and filled filling material. In some clinics, carious lesions are cleaned without a drill using a jet of abrasive material or special substances that dissolve the affected tissue. In addition, some clinics use a laser to remove affected tissue, but to prescribe it, the doctor must take into account the age of the child and the specifics of the specific clinical situation.

In rare cases, for example, when severe forms bottle caries long before changing teeth, children have crowns installed using a special technology (in this case, the tooth is not ground). For chewing teeth such crowns are usually made of metal, and for incisors - from composite materials. In this case, crown installation is carried out in one visit to the dentist, and crowns on the front teeth are installed in just 20-25 minutes.

Anesthesia, local anesthesia and pain-free treatment: psychological aspects of therapy in children

No less difficult than caries therapy itself is patient control during the treatment procedure. Children themselves are restless, and keeping them motionless in a chair for at least half an hour is incredibly difficult.

The problem is aggravated if the child is openly afraid of the dentist or drill and expects it to hurt. He may simply not open his mouth. And what younger child, the more acute this problem is. It can be solved in several ways:

It is anesthesia that parents are usually most afraid of. This is wrong: most of the drugs used today for general anesthesia, are safe. Moreover, before the treatment itself, tests are taken from the child and necessary examination to make sure that he has no individual contraindications to the use of anesthesia. And the doctor uses anesthesia only if other means and methods do not allow the manipulation.

Many parents are afraid that anesthesia may affect mental development child, will worsen his memory, lead to a delay in speech development. Theoretically, such situations are possible, but they are extremely rare. Statistics show that similar complications Anesthesia in children is extremely rare, and in many cases the cause of developmental disorders is not the anesthesia itself, but severe fright in the hospital or the consequences of an illness for which treatment was carried out under anesthesia.

“In Sweden we have no options other than anesthesia. My daughter is three years old, she trusts the doctor, she sits in the chair, doesn’t cry, but just says no. She said the doctor doesn’t do it. You can’t force her, as this is child abuse, and she refuses. I had to do anesthesia. It took her a long time to get out of it, but there were no consequences.”

In cases with advanced bottle caries in children under 3 years of age, anesthesia is the only opportunity to carry out manipulations. Treatment may require at least 2-3 hours, and it is impossible to force the baby to sit still all this time in an unfamiliar environment.

In any case, the final decision is always made by the parents. The doctor himself will not administer anesthesia or perform an operation if he has concerns about the consequences of using anesthesia for the child.

Practice shows that in the vast majority of cases common sense wins and the parents agree to anesthesia instead of risking the health and beauty of the child in the future.

“My son is 4.5 years old, my daughter is 2 years old. We went for an examination, our son had two small holes, and his daughter had caries on 5 of her teeth, there was plaque and one tooth was already missing. The doctor immediately offered us anesthesia. Even though the clinic is good, I was somehow scared. At home I read about Sevoran, there seems to be nothing wrong with it, but still the anesthesia lasts for 2.5 hours - that’s more than they do for appendicitis! We decided to refuse, but we dealt with our son. And they showed him cartoons, and promised him everything in the world, and read fairy tales, but they healed his teeth, one for each visit. And Sasha didn’t even open her mouth. She said no, that's all. What to do here? I had to be put under anesthesia, but everything was fine, everything worked out.”

Why treat baby teeth if they are going to fall out anyway? Note to parents

Interesting nuances regarding the treatment of baby teeth under anesthesia

Treatment of baby teeth in children is the same mandatory procedure as treatment of permanent teeth in adults.

There are many factors that contribute to the occurrence of dental pathologies in children, which, as they progress, can negatively affect the child’s health as a whole and significantly worsen his well-being.

Modern medicine allows us to solve many problems not only quickly and efficiently, but also with comfort for the baby.

Children's teeth are often exposed to many pathogenic factors. And then parents wonder whether it is necessary to treat baby teeth?

There is still a myth that since they are temporary, there is no need to worry about their condition, as if whether baby teeth are treated or not will not affect the child’s condition in any way.

But in fact, there are no unnecessary or unimportant parts in the body. The body is a system where the problems of one organ will affect the work of others.

And when thinking about whether your baby’s baby teeth need to be treated, it’s worth considering a few facts:

  • at a minimum, diseased teeth should be treated, if only because they cause discomfort to the child;
  • long-term pathologies oral cavity cannot but affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Some diseases without treatment can negatively affect the condition of the permanent dentition, which will soon replace baby teeth.

As you know, a baby’s baby teeth are formed during perinatal period, and their condition largely depends on genetics, the mother’s diet during pregnancy, the woman’s immunity, and even on possible diseases suffered during the period of gestation.

Permanent ones begin to form and form almost in the first months of a child’s life.

It turns out that when baby teeth erupt, the permanent dentition beneath them is already preparing to be replaced.

At different inflammatory processes or infectious lesions, for example, with the same caries, the disease can affect or move from milk teeth to the ones that replace them.

Infect small child dental pathologies are quite easy. Caries is transmitted through the same cutlery or toothbrushes from a person whose teeth are affected by this disease.

Due to insufficiently formed enamel, baby teeth in children are more susceptible to pathogenic influences.

Therefore, it is so important to notice negative changes in time and consult a doctor. Parents should be attentive to the child’s behavior, because the baby is up to of a certain age He can’t even tell himself whether it hurts.

Common pathologies

Many examples of caries were given above, and for good reason, because caries of baby teeth in children is one of the most common diseases.

Almost everyone has encountered this problem, and everyone knows how much discomfort this disease can cause (teeth affected by caries can be very painful).

Caries is caused pathogenic bacteria, under the influence of which tooth structures are destroyed. We can say that bacteria cause dental tissue to rot, softening them.

Often, caries develops due to insufficient oral hygiene when plaque accumulates, creating favorable conditions for the development of bacteria, and they, having overcome the protection of the enamel, literally “bite” into the tooth.

A negative factor will also be the formation of caustic acids, which reduce the strength of the enamel layer. Such acids are formed from carbohydrates broken down by bacteria.

We can say that they are waste products pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, it is recommended to give children less sweet foods.

Another common pathology is the development of tooth enamel defects. Sometimes you may find that your child's teeth become rough and discolored with an uneven coating.

Such a defect can be caused by unequal development of enamel. More often, this phenomenon can be found in premature babies.

Sometimes the condition of the teeth is affected by any difficulties suffered by the mother during pregnancy.

Often there is such a defect as the appearance of enamel drops. It is not dangerous in itself, but it makes teeth more vulnerable.

Discoloration of the enamel is also common. This phenomenon can be a symptom of various diseases.

Sometimes a change in color indicates a mineral deficiency in the body, and sometimes it indicates pathological processes in dental tissues.

The shade of enamel can change due to caries, plaque, destruction of dental tissue under the influence of fluoride, or for a number of other reasons. For accurate diagnosis you should consult a doctor.

IN childhood You may also encounter periodontitis. Periodontitis can develop as a complication caused by other diseases or under the influence of various negative factors.

Periodontitis is easily identified by the swelling of the gums, their bleeding and characteristic looseness. The teeth will be more mobile than usual and less protected.

Causes of pathologies and prevention of dental diseases

Most dental pathologies in children are easier to prevent than to treat, so it is important to understand the origins of the disease and take preventive measures.

Modern medicine knows many ways to identify and treat the disease in its early stages.

First of all, a competent approach to oral hygiene is necessary. It is best to go through periodically preventive examinations at the dentist, starting from the moment the baby’s first teeth erupt.

A specialist, focusing on the individual developmental characteristics of the child, will be able to give competent recommendations on the care of the oral cavity and baby teeth.

Not many parents know that even young children must keep their mouth clean.

But the approach to hygiene in children will be somewhat different from “adult” dental care. The child needs soft brushes, specially designed for delicate and not fully formed enamel.

You can use even simple cotton swabs or disks to clean the mouth and resort to rinsing.

Not every child can be persuaded to follow hygiene rules. It is especially difficult to monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity of very young children.

In this case, you should try to at least avoid eating sweets. large quantities and pay close attention to the diet so that the child does not experience a deficiency nutrients and minerals necessary for the full formation of the body.

The use of toothpastes is a special topic, since the wrong toothpaste will only harm the baby.

For example, young children should absolutely not use fluoride-containing toothpastes for oral care (they can corrode still soft tooth enamel).

Fluoride, even when found in water or food, can be extremely harmful to children's teeth.

If we talk about infants, then caries or other dental pathologies may also occur due to improper breastfeeding or frequent use of pacifiers or bottles.

Often, a baby who falls asleep with a bottle in his mouth experiences characteristic pathological changes in the structure of the enamel of the front teeth or even develops caries.

Similar phenomenon called " bottle caries" The disease develops due to long-term contact with sweetish liquid (as a rule, all mixtures and even breast milk have a sweetish taste) with the surface of the teeth: this way the entire front row of teeth can suffer from caries.

How to treat children's teeth?

It was already mentioned above that one of the important elements prevention dental diseases is to visit the dentist regularly for check-ups.

Having understood why to treat baby teeth, it becomes clear why regular preventive examinations are important.

The dentist will be able to assess the bite and condition of the teeth and suggest possible problems. For preventative purposes, it is recommended to visit the dentist at least twice a year.

Modern dentistry has the ability to quickly identify and prevent most diseases.

How to treat baby teeth that have already undergone pathological changes, depends on the age of the child, the characteristics of the pathology and the stage of its development.

Its main advantage is that it can be used to identify incipient caries at a stage that cannot be detected by visual examination.

In addition, laser diagnostics is comfortable and does not cause negative associations in children.

How to treat caries depends on the specifics of the case. For example, in fact early stage you can simply eliminate bacteria using ozone, preventing the development of the disease and preventing the destruction of the enamel. A tooth treated in this way will remain healthy for a long time.

Most serious interventions in pediatric dentistry are associated with the fact that it is necessary to treat caries of primary teeth in an advanced form.

In some cases, it is even necessary to resort to premature removal of a baby tooth. Sometimes treatment may involve removing the roots of the tooth, pulp and installing a filling.

Modern medicine allows even serious interventions to be carried out painlessly. For this, local anesthetics are used.

They can be applied as an injection or as a spray. In some cases, specialists resort to sedation or general anesthesia (whether it is necessary to use it is decided on the basis of special indications).

Usually any dental procedure on baby teeth should not take more than half an hour. This is the recommended time and does not cause overwork in the child.

If the dental damage is extensive, it is treated in several steps.

It is worth remembering that childhood dental diseases will not stand still - as a rule, they develop rapidly, so if there is a problem, you need to act quickly.

Modern dentistry is a reliable assistant for parents in caring for their children. Attention and vigilance in relation to the health of baby teeth will be fully justified.

At a minimum, this will help the child feel comfortable, and at a maximum, it will be a significant contribution to the formation of a healthy permanent row of teeth.

The problem of caries of primary teeth in children is currently familiar to many parents. Dentists around the world are concerned about the trend of “rejuvenation” of caries: dark spots, and subsequently holes in the teeth, are appearing more and more often in very young children. Nowadays, there are many reasons for dental diseases in children:

  • short-term breast-feeding;
  • eating sweets and juices;
  • night feedings of formula or sweetened liquids from a bottle;
  • general decrease in immunity (frequent colds, manifestations of allergies);
  • poor quality or improper hygiene oral cavity;
  • heredity.

Milk teeth are the “weak link” of a child’s body due to poor enamel mineralization (compared to adult teeth). Hard fabrics teeth mature gradually, within two years after eruption, and during this period they are extremely susceptible to caries.

Is it worth treating caries in baby teeth?

To the question of some parents: “Is it possible to treat baby teeth?” The specialists’ answer is unequivocal: “It’s not just possible, but necessary.”

Despite calls from dentists to be very attentive to the oral health of children, many continue to believe that baby teeth will soon fall out and there is no point in treating them. This is far from true. Let us briefly clarify why we treat baby teeth:

  1. The “life” period of baby teeth not that short. It takes 11-12 years from teething to complete change, and this, you see, is a considerable period. Therefore, there is no need to delay treatment.
  2. Baby tooth caries develops very quickly, literally in 2-3 weeks, and the child will feel pain without timely treatment.
  3. The infection may spread to adjacent teeth located nearby and damage the rudiments of permanent teeth located in the gums.
  4. A tooth affected by caries is a source of infection., which, when introduced into the body, can provoke general intoxication, as well as cause chronic diseases throat, liver, heart and kidneys.
  5. Tooth loss leads to disruption gastrointestinal tract And displacement of other teeth, “striving” to take his place. The result will be a violation of the bite and, possibly, diction.
  6. Unsightly, black, missing teeth can cause ridicule from other children, and this is a direct path to complexes in the baby.
  7. The child develops an understanding that a diseased tooth needs to be treated. general culture care and attention to your own teeth.

It is necessary to treat baby teeth... how to treat caries of baby teeth?

So, you know: there is a problem, the teeth need to be treated. Children's own fears of the dentist surface, and it is not clear whether the child will be able to sit through the entire procedure in the doctor's chair. Let's figure out how caries of baby teeth is generally treated.

First of all, you should contact a pediatric dentist. This doctor will help you create the best treatment plan for your child’s teeth. Besides, pediatric dentist understands how important it is to find an approach to little patient, do not scare him and do not leave negative impressions associated with dental treatment. Good doctor is also, to some extent, a psychologist who can distract and amuse the child.

Traditionally, two main methods of treating caries in children are used: silvering and filling.


Silvering used to stop the growth of bacteria in the area of ​​the tooth affected by caries. A special solution containing silver ions is applied to the diseased tooth, blocking the access of oxygen to the treated area. This is a temporary measure, since the procedure must be repeated every six months. But its significant advantages are its speed and the absence of drilling with a drill.


Modern dentistry has come a long way from the level it was at in our childhood. Used for treatment fillings, which bind perfectly to tooth enamel, last a long time and even prevent re-development caries. There are even multi-colored fillings for children. The treatment procedure takes from 5 to 20 minutes depending on the severity of caries.

Is it painful to treat baby teeth?

Baby teeth have nerves, and accordingly, such a tooth can hurt and is sensitive during treatment. But there is still a difference in sensations compared to permanent teeth. Dentists' opinions on whether it is necessary to small child Anesthetic injection during treatment varies. Perhaps in your specific situation, if the caries is superficial, treatment will take a few minutes, and there will be virtually no pain. However, good pediatric specialists most often prefer to use anesthesia when treating baby teeth. If your child feels pain at a dentist appointment, there is a high probability that after this it will not be possible to persuade him to open his mouth even for an examination. General anesthesia they try to use it as rarely as possible, because it carries some health risks.

Should I remove a baby tooth or treat it?

It is highly undesirable to remove baby teeth. Therefore the deletion remains last resort, which is resorted to in last resort. When a neglected tooth is removed, a space is left and nearby teeth may shift to fill it. For correct formation maxillofacial apparatus After forced removal of a baby tooth, a crown or denture is placed in its place. This measure will prevent malocclusion and diction in the future.

Don't forget: healthy baby teeth are the basis for healthy permanent teeth. Be sure to monitor the condition of your children's teeth. Balanced diet, proper and regular brushing of teeth, visiting the dentist once every six months are the basic principles of caries prevention even in the youngest.

Good health to your children and may their teeth be strong!

Photo from Lori's photo bank

There is a common belief that there is no need to treat baby teeth, since they will fall out anyway and be replaced by other teeth. But it's not that simple. So is it necessary to treat baby teeth? Many parents are especially interested in this. There are some nuances to this issue. This will be discussed further.

Do baby teeth need to be treated?

According to dentists, baby teeth play important role in the formation of a child’s jaw. They are the basis for the future ones that will replace them. When a child loses his baby teeth too early, this affects the development of his jaw. It should also be remembered that future permanent teeth are formed directly in the place where the dairy cells are located. Therefore, there is a possibility of infection spreading into the gums. And this will have a negative impact on future teeth. In this case, new ones will grow up already affected by the infection.

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether baby teeth need to be treated will be in the affirmative. In connection with the above, it should be concluded that temporary incisors need careful care and treatment until the time comes for them to fall out. Usually age period, in which teeth change occurs, is 9-10 years. The front teeth begin to fall out earlier, namely at the age of seven. Usually children come to first grade with missing front ones.

Maybe you can delete it?

Do baby teeth need to be treated or can they be removed? If you pull out incisors affected by caries, this will lead to disruption of jaw development. A similar phenomenon will big problem. This is due to the fact that the process of digesting food is disrupted. How stomach and intestinal diseases can occur. Also when malocclusion facial aesthetics are compromised.

Preventive measures

Children's teeth are highly susceptible to developing caries. This is due to the fact that the enamel is not strong enough and is easily susceptible to caries. The final formation of enamel occurs by the age of twelve.

Due to the fact that the enamel in young children does not have sufficient strength, caries spreads instantly on the teeth. Young children should take special care of their oral cavity. It is necessary to carry out actions related to its hygiene. You need to brush your teeth morning and evening every day. Also, after eating, you should teach your child to rinse his mouth. Sometimes these measures cannot protect the baby from caries.

Despite the fact that modern medicine It is constantly evolving; a remedy has not yet been invented that would protect teeth from caries. In this regard, parents need to take preventive measures in order to avoid its occurrence.

Do baby teeth need to be treated at age 5? If the child allows it, then it should be done. Otherwise, it is worth implementing other measures to prevent caries.
Is it necessary to treat baby teeth at 4 years old? It is still advisable to carry out therapy.

Using a laser

In order to get rid of carious effects on children's teeth, it is necessary to carry out diagnosis through special tests. An examination of the incisors makes it possible to make a forecast of the risk of developing a disease for a child, taking into account his individual characteristics. One of the diagnostic methods is laser. With its help, the dentist can diagnose the localization of infected bacteria and prevent their further impact on the tooth. Tooth decay may not be noticeable during a routine examination.

Using a laser, the doctor will see the spread of infection on the baby’s teeth. The device looks like a small flashlight. This device scans the tooth. It is carried out from all sides. When caries is detected, the device emits beep. This indicates that there are bacteria on the tooth. The latter contribute to the spread of this disease.

A number of European countries routinely test the dental health of children. Fillings are not allowed there, since problems are identified at initial stage. Examination of teeth using a laser does not cause any pain in the child and is tolerated without fear. Also through this method the effectiveness of treatment is assessed. The results of the examination of the condition of the teeth allow us to prescribe individual preventive measures, aimed at strengthening the enamel, removing microorganisms that contribute to the formation of an unfavorable environment. Also, through preventive measures you can do protective barrier for the spread of harmful bacteria.

Treatment of caries with ozone. Is it necessary to treat caries on baby teeth?

When caries is detected at a very early stage, it is possible to completely restore dental tissue. One of effective methods treatment is the use of a gas such as ozone. Its effect is that it kills bacteria that contribute to the spread of caries in the human oral cavity. This is due to the fact that ozone has a high oxidizing effect.

The action of ozone is very fast. In half a minute, it rids a person of all harmful bacteria. Ozone is introduced into the growth cavity through a special silicone cup. It is very soft and does not cause any discomfort. After the ozonation procedure is carried out, a special composition is applied to the teeth. Another property of ozone is that it activates metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, the applied substance will quickly be absorbed and have a positive effect on the condition of the teeth.

It is a well-known fact that caries more often occurs on teeth that have been treated. This is due to the fact that bacteria can remain in the tooth cavity. Treating the tooth with ozone will help prevent the recurrence of caries.

Silvering of teeth

Another way to help young children fight tooth decay is to silver their teeth. During this procedure, the baby’s teeth are treated with a special solution that contains silver. This procedure used to prevent further spread of caries. It is usually given to children under 3 years of age.

Silvering is usually carried out at the initial stage of caries development. This procedure is also an alternative to treatment. Quite often, children do not allow the dentist to treat their teeth. Then they are plated with silver. You should know that this procedure is not a treatment. The action of this procedure is aimed at stopping the spread of carious infection. This procedure should be repeated after six months for it to be effective. The procedure does not cause any discomfort in the child. It's done pretty quickly. Dentist using cotton swab Apply the solution to the affected teeth.

There are a number of disadvantages to the procedure.

It is believed that silvering is ineffective for chewing teeth. However, if no other therapeutic measures, then it is advisable to do this procedure. It will have an antimicrobial effect for a certain time.

The disadvantages of silvering include dark color teeth after the procedure. However, this does not matter for children of great importance. Therefore, you can do this procedure.
Silvering is useless if the child has deep caries. Such tooth damage should be treated in another way.


Now you know the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to treat baby teeth at 6 and 5 years old. Now let's talk about one thing good method. In addition to silver plating, there is such a procedure as deep fluoridation. It does not cause any pain in the child. The solution that is applied to the teeth has high content fluorine During this procedure, the child’s teeth remain white.

Fluoridation refers to preventive measures teeth tracking. It cannot be considered a treatment. This procedure has contraindications. They consist in the fact that it cannot be done to those people whose place of residence belongs to the area where it is present. increased content fluorine It is customary to use it only when the child has caries in the form white spot. At this stage of the disease there will be an effect from the procedure. The decision to use one or another technique is made by the dentist after examining the patient.

How to prepare a child for a visit to the dentist?

Not every adult enjoys going to to this doctor. And children are doubly afraid of this doctor. Therefore, you should have a conversation with your child before visiting a doctor. Tell him that the dentist will look at his teeth and clean them. It will be better to visit the doctor more often.

For example, every 3 months. The fact is that in a child all processes in the body go much faster than in adults. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out inspections as often as possible. The more often the child comes to dental office, the less fear he will have of

What does Komarovsky think?

Do baby teeth need to be treated? Komarovsky has his own opinion on this issue. He believes that it is necessary to treat baby teeth. Silver plating can be used on If the process goes further, then the tooth should be filled.


Is it necessary to treat pulpitis on baby teeth? Of course yes. Pulpitis is an advanced form of caries that affects the pulp. How to treat this disease, determined by the attending physician, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and mental state child.


Now you know the answer to the exciting question about whether it is necessary to treat baby teeth in children. We hope that the information in this article was useful.



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