Acupuncture treatment: what are the benefits and harms of the Chinese medicine method? What are the benefits of acupuncture and what is it treated for? Acupuncture health benefits.

Acupuncture is the oldest method of healing among Chinese healers, which has gained wide popularity in the modern world. This method is used in combination with the main treatment for all kinds of ailments and diseases.

So-called acupuncture needles are used in this therapy to treat various diseases, they even help with weight loss. These needles have a special shape. They are screwed into the skin without injuring, but as if pushing the skin apart due to their rounded edge.

Needles are applied to certain areas (depending on the disease) and have an irritating effect on the nerve endings in the patient’s tissues. So these needles cause a reflex reaction body in parts of the nervous system. Such a procedure can only be carried out by a qualified specialist and only according to the indications of the attending physician, then you can receive the benefits of acupuncture.


Chinese acupuncture has its own rules according to which therapy is carried out, these are:

All three parameters are selected individually for each patient, depending on his state of health. The technique is selected by the doctor. Procedure time varies from 20 to 40 minutes, during which the needles are gently rotated. The therapy itself is not painful, but the sensations may be accompanied by slight tingling, numbness, warmth or cold. If one of the above feelings occurs, then this is a sign that the point “works” and is chosen correctly.

Theories of acupuncture

To date, there is no consensus on what results in acupuncture are achieved, so there are several theories on this matter. The benefits of acupuncture can be considered in the theories of its functioning.

  • Theory about histamine normalization

Some experts are of the opinion that the process of acupuncture affects histadine in the affected tissues. Thus, restores nerve impulse normal state of histadine, thereby improving metabolic processes and blood flow in the capillaries.

  • Hypnosis theory

There are experts who are of the opinion that acupuncture is a process of altering the state of consciousness to pain, when the patient's senses are disturbed during pain relief. That is, acupuncture has a hypnotic effect. Studies have been conducted about hypnosis, where the inhibitory state of pain with increased blood pressure was confirmed. But there is also the exact opposite opinion, where the therapeutic effect of acupuncture in unconscious people has been confirmed.

  • The theory of tissue therapy and normalization of capillary blood flow by acupuncture

The youngest of the theories. Scientists are of the following opinion: when the skin is injured by a needle, protein breakdown substances and necrohormones are formed, which normalize capillary blood flow and lead to a person’s recovery.

  • Electrical theory

This theory is supported by experts who are of the opinion that the human body has a biocurrent. When inserting the needle on the active points of the body, a current arises with a wavelength and oscillations proportional to the human biocurrent. Consequently, a chain reaction is formed, which has a therapeutic effect.

During the impact of the needle on the active point, the acupuncture mechanism assigns the main role to the human central nervous system. Changes begin to occur in the body even with the slightest fluctuations in light or sound. certain organ functions, that is, the brain is responsible for all reflex reactions, and the nervous system helps it with this. It was necessary to find out what leads to excitation and what leads to inhibition in the functions of organs. As it turned out, it’s all about the strength and nature of the impact. For example, when you press lightly on the skin, a white mark remains, and when pressed hard, it leaves a red mark.

How does acupuncture work?

When a needle is inserted into active points, impulses are sent along sensory nerve endings to the brain, resulting in the activation of interneurons. The brain stops receiving signals from the diseased organ, since his impulses are slower regarding interneurons. The exciting impulse from the needle has superiority over the latter. The general state of health improves. When nerve endings come into contact with a needle, these endings are excited and endorphins are released by the pituitary gland. The patient relaxes, the pain goes away.

The blood supply in the capillaries is activated. When acupuncture affects a reflex point, the brain, which is responsible for the functioning of a specific organ, is activated. This stimulates and leads to recovery of this organ.

Let’s summarize the effects of acupuncture on the body:

What does acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture should not be used as an independent therapy. To cure or alleviate a health condition, it is necessary take a comprehensive approach to treatment: medication, diet therapy or other. Acupuncture cannot cure as an independent therapy, but it significantly alleviates the course of the disease. Acupuncture treatment is prescribed for diseases:

Contraindications to acupuncture

Patients for acupuncture can range from 1 year to 70 years of age.

Children's age up to 1 year is an absolute contraindication, since there is a risk of damage to thin and delicate skin, as well as penetration of the needle deeper than possible.

Below is a list of contraindications for the procedure:

  • malignant and benign tumors;
  • blood diseases;
  • mental illness;
  • intoxication (alcohol, drugs);
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • diseases of the immune system;
  • pregnancy.

It is prohibited to insert needles into the face of children under 7 years of age and on the front of the head, into areas of skin lesions, varicose veins, scars.

In any treatment, a positive attitude is necessary for appropriate results. Therefore, if you do not believe in acupuncture and approach it with distrust or have a negative attitude, then no benefit will be achieved for the body. On you need to come for the procedure in a normal state of the stomach (neither hungry nor having just eaten). It is important to warn the specialist about intravenous injections (if any) and medications that are taken at the time of therapy. Before the procedure, do not visit the bathhouse or sauna. The human condition is of great importance - you need to feel calm and comfortable.

How is an acupuncture session performed?

The procedure can be accompanied by light relaxing music; the room is decorated in oriental style. The acupuncturist disinfects the surface of the patient’s skin and then, with gentle movements, screws the needles onto special biological points ( depending on the disease). There are special devices that determine active points for acupuncture. The number of sessions is determined by the physician. The needles are removed painlessly for the patient.

After the first procedure, many experience feelings of relief and significant improvement in their health. Is the procedure painful? There is no clear answer, since the sensitivity threshold is different for each person. In general, there is no discomfort and the session is well tolerated. You may feel pulsation, slight pressure, tingling or a feeling of warmth at the acupuncture points.

If after the session the injection site hurts, regardless of whether it is a leg, arm or other part of the body, the pain becomes worse or the pain worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid complications and infection.

Side effects

No one is immune from medical error. There have been cases where acupuncture caused significant harm to health. The slightest inaccuracy and negative processes can be irreversible.

Side effects may include:

All this indicates violations in the procedure. If after completing acupuncture you experience dizziness, chills, nausea, or the appearance or worsening of pain, you should immediately seek medical help. Normally, such sensations should not exist.

Bottom line

There are quite a lot of fans and opponents of this healing method. Some people argue about the harm and great risks of therapy, for others it is a panacea for all diseases. We can talk for a long time about the benefits and harms of acupuncture: There is no definite answer. Most often, needles alleviate the patient’s painful condition, but do not cure it completely. But it would be wrong to say that a well-chosen acupuncture program does not help or bring benefits.

The maximum therapeutic effect will be achieved if the method was used in combination with other types of treatment. Needles are a benefit and a danger; it all depends on the choice of a specialist, how competent and qualified he turns out to be. It's worth doing the procedure only from a good acupuncturist with a reputation for doing their job well. Take care of your health!

The benefits and harms of acupuncture is an interesting question for many people, since the procedure is often recommended for serious health problems. To evaluate the properties of acupuncture, you need to carefully study the principle of its action.

What is acupuncture

The medical procedure called acupuncture, or acupuncture, has been practiced medically for more than 2,000 years. The essence of the procedure is that thin needles are inserted into certain points on the human body to a shallow depth and left for some time, and then carefully removed.

The beneficial properties of acupuncture are used to treat a wide range of ailments, usually with noticeable effects occurring after several procedures. Acupuncture is a completely official treatment method and is carried out by certified professionals, according to strict rules and under sterile conditions.

How acupuncture works

The health benefits of acupuncture are determined by the fact that medical needles affect biologically active points and contribute to the launch of beneficial processes in the body. In particular, with acupuncture:

  • muscle tissue relaxes - this helps relieve painful muscle spasms and improve the mobility of joints and the spine;
  • blood circulation accelerates, swelling disappears from the tissues, restoration processes in the body begin to occur faster, beneficial substances supplied with food and drinks are distributed faster throughout the body;
  • Serotonin and cortisol are released into the blood - these hormones are not only responsible for a good mood, but also have an analgesic effect and also help fight inflammation.

Acupuncture can be used as an independent method of treatment or as an addition to primary therapy. If beneficial procedures are carried out professionally and in accordance with the rules, acupuncture brings rapid positive results.

Advantages of acupuncture over other methods

Some advantages of acupuncture make the procedure stand out from other treatment methods. The following advantages can be listed:

  • lack of medications, therefore, possible allergies;
  • quick effect - improvement in well-being is observed after the very first procedure;
  • a small number of contraindications and no age restrictions;
  • low trauma to the skin - acupuncture needles are very thin, so there are no noticeable marks left on the body.

Attention! The advantages of acupuncture also include the painlessness of the procedure and the fact that it can be carried out even with an exacerbation of joint ailments.

What are the benefits of acupuncture for the body?

The acupuncture procedure has many beneficial properties. Acupuncture:

  • improves immunity, relieves the feeling of chronic fatigue and increases performance;
  • relieves muscle tension, promotes the disappearance of swelling;
  • normalizes hormonal levels and evens out mood swings;
  • has a tonic and relaxing effect;
  • has a beneficial effect on sleep and helps get rid of nervous disorders;
  • brings great benefits for osteochondrosis, restoring healthy mobility to the joints;
  • helps get rid of migraines and dizziness;
  • improves blood circulation and cardiac activity.

The benefit of back acupuncture for osteochondrosis is that the procedure allows you to abandon the constant use of medications. The pain syndrome becomes less pronounced with regular procedures.

Acupuncture for weight loss

The benefits and harms of acupuncture for weight loss. The beneficial properties of the procedure are that the targeted effect on certain points on the body regulates the functioning of the metabolic system. If you know what the cause of excess weight is, you can eliminate the problem with the help of acupuncture, for example, reduce appetite or speed up the removal of toxins from the body.

Important! Acupuncture for weight loss will not cause harm if you evaluate your weight objectively and do not try to lose too many kilograms. It is also advisable to combine acupuncture procedures with a healthy diet and physical activity.

Acupuncture for cervical osteochondrosis

The benefits and harms of acupuncture for osteochondrosis are widely known - this disease occupies the top position in the list of indications for the procedure. The properties of acupuncture have a strong positive effect, improve blood circulation in damaged areas of the spine, relieve inflammation and swelling, and eliminate pain.

When using acupuncture, the well-being of patients noticeably improves, and it is not necessary to wait until the exacerbation ends to carry out the procedure.

Acupuncture for hernia

The benefits and harms of acupuncture for spinal hernia are also highly valued by official medicine. Acupuncture is part of a comprehensive treatment and is performed both for lumbar hernias and for diseases of the cervical spine. By accelerating blood flow, the procedure can relieve inflammation and pain symptoms and improve the quality of life of patients. Since acupuncture can be performed at any phase of the disease, this allows the volume of medications to be reduced.

Attention! Acupuncture treatment must be combined with other methods - medications, special gymnastics, surgery. Despite all its benefits and valuable properties, the procedure is not able to eliminate the root cause of the disease and return damaged vertebrae to normal.

Acupuncture for infertility

The benefits of acupuncture for women extend to the gynecological area. Qualified acupuncture sessions have a positive effect on the reproductive system. Acupuncture normalizes hormonal levels and restores blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

The body's ability to conceive and bear a child increases. Therefore, acupuncture is highly recommended to be used in combination with other fertility treatments.

Acupuncture for smoking

Acupuncture is one of the most effective ways to quit smoking. According to statistics, most people who resort to the procedure for this purpose succeed in quitting smoking. The beneficial effects of acupuncture are due to several factors:

  • during the process of acupuncture, toxins accumulated during smoking are fully removed from the body, well-being rapidly improves, against which patients want to continue to support their cessation of tobacco smoke;
  • during acupuncture, the body intensively produces joy hormones, and this helps avoid anxiety and depression associated with giving up a bad habit;
  • Due to the effect on biologically active points, an aversion to the smell and taste of tobacco develops.

To achieve a quick effect, it is recommended to supplement acupuncture with walks in the fresh air and normalization of the daily routine.

Acupuncture for alcoholism

When treating alcoholism, the properties of acupuncture work in exactly the same way as when fighting tobacco addiction. The beneficial effect is that the body is cleansed of toxins and the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system is restored. Hormones responsible for a good mood do not allow you to experience negative emotions about quitting alcohol.

Although treating alcoholism requires a comprehensive approach and significant life changes, acupuncture is an important part of therapy.

Indications for acupuncture treatment

The beneficial properties of the procedure have a beneficial effect on almost any disease. But we can highlight a list of the main ailments in the treatment of which acupuncture is especially highly valued. These include:

  • joint diseases - osteochondrosis, scoliosis, arthritis, spinal hernia;
  • neurological ailments - migraines, vegetative-vascular dystonia, radiculitis;
  • diseases of the respiratory system - asthma, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis;
  • obesity;
  • ailments of the reproductive and genitourinary sphere;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • ailments of the stomach and intestines.

Acupuncture is beneficial for allergies; it is very useful to resort to procedures to get rid of bad habits - smoking and alcoholism.

Preparing for an acupuncture procedure

Acupuncture procedures can only be performed in a medical center by a qualified specialist. But at the same time, the patient must follow certain rules for preparing for sessions.

  • Before the procedures, you should not go hungry or overeat; it is best to eat 2-3 hours before the session.
  • In order for the procedure to be comfortable, you need to visit the toilet immediately before the procedure.
  • The body position during the session should be as comfortable as possible; for a successful procedure, the muscles must be properly relaxed.
  • Shortly before an acupuncture session, it is not recommended to subject yourself to intense physical activity, take medications or do intravenous injections.

Before starting the session, you need to talk with your doctor, tell him the details of your disease and inform the specialist about the medications you are taking. If acupuncture is part of a complex therapy, and in addition to it, some other procedures are performed, you should also tell your doctor about them.

How does an acupuncture session work?

Before the first useful procedures, patients often experience nervousness because they do not know what exactly awaits them. Acupuncture sessions take place according to the following scenario:

  • the patient lies down on a special couch and takes the most comfortable position in which he can completely relax;
  • the specialist disinfects the selected area of ​​the skin with an antiseptic solution, after which he carefully screws very thin needles into biologically active points - manually or using a special device;
  • The needles remain in the patient’s body for 20-40 minutes, and at the end of the session the doctor removes them manually or they come out of the tissues on their own.

Most often, up to 10 needles are installed simultaneously during a session, but their exact number depends on the severity of the disease and the patient’s condition.

What does the patient feel during the procedure?

The main question most people worry about is how painful acupuncture is. When a useful procedure is carried out correctly, pain is almost completely absent; instead, the person feels intense warmth at the point of needle insertion or a feeling of pressure and distension.

The secret is that acupuncture needles are not sharp, but have a rounded tip, so the tissues are not injured during the procedure. Pain receptors are not irritated, although during or after the session many people experience a brief numbness in the areas where the needles come into contact.

Points and methods of influence

Acupuncture uses different areas of the body to place needles - specific points depend on the disease.

  • For osteochondrosis and hernias, needles can be installed in the cervical spine and in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, in the lumbar or thoracic region.
  • For migraines and pressure changes, needles are placed on the elbow areas and in the crown area, on the face and on the palms.
  • For heart pain and arrhythmia, acupuncture can be performed not only in the chest and shoulder areas, but also in the wrist area.

Biologically active points are distributed throughout the body, so the placement of needles depends on the ailment and the techniques used by the selected specialist.

Methods of influence are usually divided into two categories.

  • Toning acupuncture. In this case, up to 10 needles are installed on the body at the same time, but they are inserted to a shallow depth of 6-8 mm. This effect has a stimulating effect; the technique is often used to reduce sensitivity in the limbs and after strokes.
  • Sedative acupuncture. In this case, it is customary to use only 4-6 points on the body, but the needles are inserted very deeply, several centimeters deep into the tissue. The procedure can take more than 40 minutes, the effect is relaxing - sedative acupuncture is used mainly for muscle spasms, cramps and pain.

Features of the use of acupuncture

Beneficial acupuncture has almost no restrictions and is allowed for everyone. However, in some cases you need to remember the specifics of its implementation so as not to accidentally harm the body.

For pregnant women

During pregnancy, acupuncture should only be performed as prescribed by a doctor. The procedure can bring both benefit and great harm. In the absence of contraindications in late pregnancy, the properties of acupuncture can facilitate the upcoming birth - make contractions more productive and significantly reduce pain.

However, in the early stages, acupuncture is usually strictly prohibited, as it can cause harm and lead to miscarriage. Also, pregnant women should not have needles placed in the abdomen and thighs - this can harm the fetus.

For children

Acupuncture is beneficial for children, it relaxes muscles and calms the nervous system. Acupuncture is often prescribed for the complex treatment of congenital severe diseases - neurological diseases, infantile encephalopathy and cerebral palsy.

Also, the beneficial properties of acupuncture alleviate the condition of children with vegetative-vascular dystonia and allergies. Procedures can be carried out even for children under 1 year of age, but the needles used in the process are shorter and thinner, and the session takes no more than 20 minutes.

Attention! Since the properties of acupuncture have strict contraindications and can cause severe harm, only a pediatrician should prescribe the procedure for a child.

How many acupuncture treatments do you need to undergo?

The number of acupuncture procedures is determined individually, depending on the ailment and condition of the patient. On average, doctors prescribe from 10 to 20 procedures; it is recommended to repeat treatment courses every couple of months to maintain the achieved results.

Acupuncture harms and side effects

The beneficial properties of acupuncture and possible harm are determined primarily by the qualifications of the doctor who conducts the therapy. Side effects of acupuncture include:

  • small bruises on the skin and pain during sessions;
  • the possibility of infection if the needles are not sterile;
  • the likelihood of damage to tendons, blood vessels and nerve fibers when inserting a needle.

It must be emphasized that when undergoing acupuncture in a certified medical center and under the supervision of an experienced specialist, harm to the body is practically excluded. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is very important to pay attention to choosing a good clinic.

Contraindications to the procedure

In some cases, the properties of acupuncture may be contraindicated for patients completely or temporarily. You cannot carry out a useful procedure:

  • in the presence of oncological tumors;
  • for hypertension;
  • with poor blood clotting;
  • for exacerbations of chronic diseases of the stomach and heart.

It is necessary to temporarily abandon the procedure in case of elevated temperature and severe physical exhaustion, as well as if there are infections in the body; in such conditions the body will be harmed. It is strictly forbidden to perform acupuncture while intoxicated; needles should not be placed on damaged skin, as well as on scars, moles and spider veins.


The benefits and harms of acupuncture are determined mainly by the qualifications of the doctor. If acupuncture is performed by an experienced specialist, then in the first or subsequent sessions its properties will definitely bring health benefits.

Acupuncture is one of those healing methods that are not fully understood, due to which it is surrounded by countless myths. There are those who believe that with the help of needles, specialists are able to perform a miracle and cope even with an incurable disease. There are also people who do not believe in the effectiveness of this method at all, believing that it does not bring any benefit. At the same time, the facts tell us that today acupuncture is a recognized treatment method that has strictly designated indications and contraindications. What is this branch of medicine, what is the cost of the procedure and how real is the positive effect - you can find out from this article.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is called variously: acupuncture, acupuncture and acupuncture. Its essence lies in the impact of the finest needles on special biologically active points, of which the human body has quite a lot.

This is interesting!
The specific time of origin of acupuncture is not known exactly. However, some scientists believe that a similar procedure was carried out using especially sharpened stones, starting from the Neolithic. The hieroglyphs found telling about this treatment method are dated by archaeologists to 1600–1100. BC e. Today, acupuncture is popular not only within China, but is also widely used in Asian and European countries.

The duration of an acupuncture session depends on indicators such as:

  • type of impact points;
  • disease;
  • needle installation technique.

The duration of the procedure sometimes reaches an hour. The sensations that accompany the procedure differ both from person to person and from one person to another during different sessions. The process of inserting a needle usually turns out to be absolutely painless, but it also happens that the patient feels pressure, bloating, slight soreness and even itching at the injection site. Any of these reactions is considered normal. Most often, acupuncture sessions do not cause much discomfort in patients, up to complete relaxation, as a result of which some people even have time to take a nap during the treatment process. There is no reason to be afraid of this treatment method.

Types of acupuncture

Acupuncture is divided into corporal and auricular types. The first involves influencing points throughout the body. In the second, knowledge about the reflexogenic zones that are located on the auricle is used. It happens that these two types are opposed to each other, although in fact the acupuncturist needs to master both types of techniques. At the same time, there is an opinion that even within the framework of one treatment course, one technique can be supplemented with another to achieve maximum effect.

It is important to note that there are different variations of needles used in acupuncture. Their choice is determined by the impact zone. High quality metal is used in the manufacture of corporal needles, and surgical stainless steel is used for auricular needles. Needles can be either disposable or reusable; in addition, gold and silver needles are sometimes used.

Sometimes acupuncture is accompanied by the application of electric current using needles as conductors. In addition, together with the installation of needles, the following methods of influence are used:

  • cauterization;
  • warming up;
  • pressure on reflexogenic points;
  • use of substances that can cause irritation;
  • other manipulation options.

These methods are not considered acupuncture, although they have a similar principle of influence.

According to Chinese acupuncturists, acupuncture can cure many different types of ailments (more than 250 different types of diseases). Among those susceptible to cure are attributed:

  • diseases of the nervous system, including paresis of the facial nerve and osteochondrosis;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the digestive organs, heart muscle, and kidneys.

Some people turn to acupuncture as a “last resort” after traditional medicine fails to treat their condition. This position cannot be considered correct due to the fact that the greatest effect from acupuncture is achievable when applying to it in the early period of development of the disease, before deviations in the functioning of organs have time to provoke organic changes in them.

The works of Eastern scientists claim that any disorders that occur in the body, excluding traumatic ones, occur as a result of a prolonged malfunction of specific organs. Such subtle disruptions, including those of a psychological and emotional nature, can develop over many years. They can be considered the primary indicators of disease. Only at this stage can acupuncture achieve maximum effectiveness, as well as prevent the development of diseases and irreparable changes in organs.

Contraindications for acupuncture treatment

Acupuncture cannot cure everything, it cannot cope with all diseases. Acupuncture is just one of the official treatment methods, albeit a rather specific one. This indicates the presence of contraindications for use, such as, for example, high body temperature or any type of infectious disease.

Acupuncture is not a first aid remedy applicable to people with acute abdominal diseases, including appendicitis, acute pancreatitis, or various types of injuries, including fractures - with which acupuncture can do little to help. In these circumstances, it is necessary to urgently contact surgeons, and after that, during the recovery period, it is permissible to undergo a consultation with an acupuncturist.

Pregnancy is also considered not the best time to use this treatment method, especially in the later stages.

When applied to children under seven years of age, as well as to people of advanced age, this method is much less effective than for the average age group.

There is also no positive effect on cancer, refuting the myths about the miraculous nature of this technique.

Modern medicine has stopped disputing the positive effects of acupuncture on human health. This is undoubtedly due to the numerous reviews of patients satisfied with the treatment, but, in addition, it is confirmed by the results of recognized clinical studies.

During 2006, at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientists carried out work to study the therapeutic role of acupuncture in relation to diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system, connective tissues, respiratory, nervous and genitourinary systems. Many indicators were studied, including analysis of the components of blood cells, their oxidation abilities and biochemical parameters, the results of ultrasound examinations, and monitoring of blood pressure levels. As a result, the study proved the significant effectiveness of acupuncture, which ultimately had a success rate of 80 - 91%.

Other researchers are also working on similar works. The achievements of these studies are actively discussed at international scientific conferences. However, the question of the mechanisms that trigger recovery processes as a result of acupuncture still does not have a clear answer and causes controversy among scientists.

There are about 20 different theories born after certain studies, clinical, biochemical or immunohistochemical in nature.

Thus, the capillary theory states that the effective effects of acupuncture are directly related to the fact that the installation of needles stimulates the activation and restoration of blood flow moving through the capillaries located under the skin. This, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the mutual blood exchange between the skin and tissues. The disadvantages of this version include its inability to explain the positive effects received by internal organs.

The tissue theory suggests that placing a needle at the level of the upper layers of the skin activates the release of biologically active substances located in damaged cells and tissues. Thanks to these substances, the body is stimulated, leading to the activation of pressure and the restoration process in cells, the passage of oxygen through tissues improves and the body’s resistance to external negative influences increases.

This is interesting!
To confirm the tissue theory, a full-scale study was conducted in 2010. Before facelift surgery, specialists (with the patients' permission) inserted acupuncture needles into reflexogenic points on the face, then took skin samples to determine the content and distribution of a substance called histamine. These manipulations actually served to increase histamine levels; in addition, there was a difference in its distribution throughout different skin structures.

The neuro-reflex theory has achieved maximum popularity among scientists today, suggesting that from irritation of points located in a certain way on the skin area, a stimulus is transmitted through nerve fibers to the spinal cord. And then - to special parts of the brain. As a result, all this triggers a complex chain of reactions, including changes in blood circulation, as well as causing the release of biologically active substances and obtaining a hormonal response. Among other things, a certain amount of endorphins, also called “happiness hormones,” is produced. They, in turn, have a positive effect on the emotional component of the condition and on reducing the perception of pain. The study of nervous, biochemical and electrical reactions resulting from the impact of needles on reflex points continues to this day. The difficulty of establishing unambiguous patterns is associated with the complexity of the biophysical system that the human body represents.

The skillful hands of a sufficiently qualified specialist are the key to the success of an acupuncture procedure. In such conditions, this treatment modality is valuable for those who have functional disorders.

If the acupuncturist is not sufficiently qualified, the result of acupuncture may be disastrous; at best, there will be no benefit, and at worst, harm to health will be caused.

  1. In conditions where reusable needles are not sterilized and are used for different patients, there is a high probability of contracting a serious infectious disease or developing an inflammatory process. It is for this reason that it is necessary to pay attention to the storage conditions of the needles before agreeing to carry out the procedure.
  2. Equally important is the correct selection of points for proper treatment, otherwise the effect will not be therapeutic at all. Here, any mistake threatens both the loss of a significant amount of money in the hope of improving health, and a violation of the condition of blood vessels, nerve endings, and reflexogenic zones, provided that the basic norms for installing needles are not followed. To achieve the maximum effect of treatment, the acupuncturist should meet some important conditions.

First of all, it should be noted that the diagnosis must be made correctly. In this case, it is allowed to use the gifts of traditional medicine, which allows you to undergo a fairly detailed preliminary examination. Do not neglect the results of blood tests, ultrasound and MRI. In addition, the traditional diagnostic technique widely used in China can be used. The key to correctly selecting an acupuncture regimen can be a simple diagnosis based on the pulse and the condition of the tongue. The choice of method for obtaining information about the patient’s health status is determined individually by a specialist who needs to know exactly the anatomy and location of all 1,700 acupuncture points.

A doctor with the appropriate qualifications will cope with this task without difficulty, because most of the points are associated with landmarks of anatomical origin, which include the exit points of nerves, blood vessels, and some muscle and tendon areas. In addition, there is a special device that can also be used to easily determine their position.

The most difficult condition for a successful session is the correct combination of acupuncture points that require action for a specific diagnosis. Unorganized influence on the points, including if they are “indicated” in the treatment of an existing disease, will not help to bring the cure closer. Throughout the session, it is very important to follow many conditions and rules of acupuncture. This is precisely the reason that competent acupuncture on the human body can only be carried out with sufficient qualifications, that is, a specialist must undergo a long and comprehensive course of training.

Cost of acupuncture service

Many are surprised that with a fairly short duration of the “needling treatment” session, its cost can be quite high, because the procedure does not require the use of expensive medications or medical equipment. In fact, the price of the service is determined by the qualifications of the acupuncturist. For example, training in acupuncture in China takes place over several years and requires basic medical education. This time should be enough for a detailed study of the topography of acupuncture points, the theory of meridians, the principles of combining points, and the technique of placing needles. The learning process is carried out exclusively on a full-time basis, and therefore entails time and financial costs. Of course, training courses for a period of three months do not compare with the quality of training in the traditional style conducted at universities in China.

Based on the above, we can conclude that when choosing a clinic, you should evaluate not the cost of services, but the level of qualifications of acupuncturists. On average, the duration of an acupuncture course is about 10–15 procedures. In fewer sessions it is usually not possible to achieve the desired level of therapeutic effect. If we consider various Moscow clinics, then we should focus on the amount of 15,000–55,000 rubles per course. It is advisable to repeat the procedures 2-3 times at intervals of several months.

Video: acupuncture - what it treats and how it works

Treatment with needles has become relevant due to its therapeutic effect and complex effect on the body. applicable in eliminating a whole list of pathologies of human organs and systems. What is its essence, what is the principle of action based on, and how such treatment helps - we will consider in this material. After all, before making a final decision on the use of one or another treatment measure, it is important to study all the nuances.

Acupuncture is a popular and widespread treatment measure that helps get rid of many pathologies. During the procedure, the irritating properties of an instrument - a needle - are used, which affects the skin surface, or more precisely, the nerve endings. The direction is based on the ancient eastern method of medical intervention. The practice of Chinese methods has been relevant since ancient times and has retained its significance to this day. Over time, more and more techniques appeared, and more and more diseases could be treated with thin needles. The effectiveness of this treatment is evidenced by numerous reviews of people who have undergone similar treatment and received results.

What are the indications for the procedure?

Acupuncture has plenty of indications, they include the following conditions:

  • problems with the musculoskeletal system: therapy is provided for arthrosis, arthritis, fractures, spurs, bursitis, and acupuncture is also carried out, which gives a positive result;
  • diseases of the nervous systems: these are numerous groups of neuralgia, migraine, radiculitis, hernia, neurosis and other similar conditions;
  • diseases of the respiratory tract: asthma, pneumonia, exacerbations of pathologies;
  • problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system, consisting of arrhythmias, hypertension, hypotension, blockades;
  • difficulties with the functioning of the digestive system, consisting of nausea and vomiting, peptic ulcers, constipation;
  • indications include diseases of the genitourinary system, the list of which includes prostatitis, nephritis, cystitis of acute and chronic nature;
  • gynecological problems - infertility, hormonal disorders, problems with the functioning of the ovaries, menopause, menstrual irregularities;
  • ophthalmological pathologies, including strabismus, decreased visual acuity - a reason for acupuncture;
  • allergic reactions, manifested by itching, eczema, redness, urticaria;
  • endocrine disorders in the form of diabetes mellitus, hypothalamic disorder;
  • the presence of bad habits in the form of alcohol abuse, drug addiction, smoking;
  • overweight and obesity due to various reasons.

These are the indications for the use of this treatment, which does not act as an independent method of treatment and is not universal in nature. It can be used exclusively as part of complex treatment in combination with drug treatment, diet and physiotherapy. Before starting this process, it is worth consulting with your healthcare professional.


You should definitely pay attention to contraindications to acupuncture, which are absolute or relative.

Absolute contraindications

Absolute contraindications:

  • infancy in children (due to the thinness of the child’s skin and, as a consequence, the likelihood of damage to the insides);
  • availability;
  • blood fluid diseases, including leukemia, hemophilia;
  • mental disorders (after all, therapy causes pain and stress);
  • the patient is in a state of intoxication, which may be of alcoholic or drug origin;
  • conditions of fever, increased body temperature;
  • diseases associated with infectious processes, purulent inflammations;
  • the use of the method is impossible in the case of acute surgical pathology, manifested in the form of appendicitis, strangulated hernia in the groin, or rupture of a cyst;
  • acute pain of unknown cause, because they can act as signs of serious diseases;
  • pregnancy with pathologies: the procedure promotes contraction of the uterus and stimulation of premature labor.

Thus, the list of contraindications to acupuncture is quite wide and varied. And it is important to take them into account so as not to harm yourself, but, on the contrary, to get the desired effect as quickly as possible.

Relative contraindications

The list described above is not complete, since there are a lot of relative contraindications that also need to be taken into account:

  • stay over 70 years of age;
  • excessive exhaustion;
  • pregnancy;
  • problems with blood circulation in the brain;
  • multiple sclerosis condition;
  • muscular dystrophy in a progressive stage;
  • emotional stress;
  • physical fatigue.

So, we have looked at what are the indications and contraindications for acupuncture, and now we have a more complete picture of this method. In addition, the use of acupuncture is not appropriate in the case of certain conditions:

  • age up to 7 years;
  • simultaneous impact on some points of the face;
  • the presence of skin lesions together into which the needle is inserted;
  • varicose veins;
  • the presence of scars and moles on the skin.

In other cases, treatment with acupuncture gives the desired result. This is also evidenced by numerous patient reviews.

Therapeutic properties of the procedure for osteochondrosis

There are several theorems in the medical and scientific world that confirm and prove the healing properties of acupuncture. Based on them, one can judge whether acupuncture helps, and how exactly it changes the state of health towards recovery.

  1. During the procedure, the electrical discharge changes at the local level. The potential spreads through the channel, which promotes irritation of other reflex points.
  2. The action of bioelectric currents entails the creation of resonance, which has a therapeutic effect. If the oscillation frequency coincides with the wavelength, then this is a good result.
  3. The equalization theory suggests stabilization of histamine and histidine levels, the needles act on the central nervous system and spinal cord. As a result, metabolic processes and capillaries return to normal.
  4. The theory of normalization suggests that the influence of needles entails the normalization of blood flow, which leads to a secondary effect.
  5. The theory of tissue therapy assumes that the therapeutic effect is achieved through the influence of elements formed during protein breakdown.
  6. The thermoelectric type theory suggests that the needle is a special probe that affects homeostasis, which, immersed in a special environment, acquires an electrical potential.
  7. The theory of hypnosis, during the use of which the patient’s state of consciousness changes. This leads to an increase in blood pressure, which affects the stimulus of a painful nature.

Acupuncture can be used in many pathological situations, because there are many good reviews about its benefits.


The influence of acupuncture has its basis in the form of the principles of Taoism and Chinese astrology. Through rational influence on special points, it is possible to eliminate obstacles that form on the path to restoring harmony. The objective benefit of this method has been proven by modern medical practice. The influence of needles contributes to the launch of several mechanisms simultaneously.

  1. They excite sensory nerve fibers, which makes it possible for nerve impulses to enter the brain more quickly. Then they entail the activation of special inhibitory cells and block those parts of the brain that previously perceived pain from the affected organ. This effect provides an analgesic effect.
  2. Nerve endings are located at the reflex point. The centers of the system to which they belong are located in the region of the nuclear raphe and the central gray matter. If they are excited, this will cause the pituitary gland to begin to secrete substances that have a strong analgesic effect, which is compared to opiates (narcotics).
  3. During acupuncture, the brain region is activated, which is responsible for regulating the functioning of individual organs. This allows you to improve the process of innervation and blood supply, which leads to a speedy recovery process. This theory has been fully confirmed by MRI and other types of examinations.
  4. Acupuncture is traditionally based on the “placebo” effect, that is, on self-hypnosis. In this regard, the following phenomenon is observed: the more the patient himself believes in a speedy recovery, the faster the desired result can be achieved. However, in contrast to this opinion, we note that the measure is relevant for children and animals, of course, without the use of this effect.

Considering acupuncture, its benefits and harms, it can be noted that basically only beneficial qualities are present here.


Side effects:

  • the presence of pain and bleeding;
  • the likelihood of infection with dangerous diseases - AIDS, hepatitis;
  • damage to blood vessels and tendons, as well as injuries to nerve endings;
  • development of tumor processes of a malignant nature and benign pathologies;
  • a decrease in general blood pressure indicators, the formation of dizziness, tinnitus, weakness and gag reflex, fainting and severe stress.

The presence of certain effects from the application of the measure depends on the skills and abilities of the specialist.

Conditions for achieving results

For a quick and high-quality action of this procedure, certain conditions must be met:

  • complete trust in the specialist performing the procedure;
  • use of strictly disposable sterile devices;
  • combination of procedures and diet: the interval between food and the event is at least half an hour;
  • treatment should be started only after a good rest from intense physical activity;
  • It is strictly forbidden to perform acupuncture if you have recently visited a sauna or bath;
  • You should not succumb to hypothermia, because it leads to muscle spasms and reduces the effect.

If these principles are followed and ensured, the measure will certainly help you achieve the desired result and feel much better.
Thus, we examined what are the features of acupuncture treatment and the directions of its action in general. We also looked at the conditions and measures that help improve the general condition of the patient in various pathologies. Only a competent and comprehensive approach to acupuncture will help achieve the desired result.

Acupuncture is a fairly popular treatment technique, which is a type of reflexology that allows you to get rid of many ailments. During the procedure, external irritants are used - needles, which affect an extremely small area of ​​the skin surface, namely the nerve endings that are located in the tissues. However, this therapeutic manipulation has a number of contraindications, so it cannot be performed without a doctor’s testimony.

The treatment technique is based on the practical experience of oriental medicine - Chinese acupuncture was practiced before our era and is still popular in this country. Over time, the capabilities of the technique have expanded significantly, and today more and more diseases can be cured with the help of thin needles.

The uniqueness of acupuncture needles lies in the triggering of different reflex responses, which depend on the depth and method of placement of the needles. Reflex reactions are capable of changing the functional state of absolutely all parts of the nervous system and affecting tissue trophism.

Theories explaining the therapeutic effects of acupuncture

There are several theories that explain the healing effects of acupuncture.

    Changing the electrical discharge at the local level; when placing a needle at a certain point, the electrical discharge of the body changes. The potential from the acupuncture point spreads along the channel and further stimulates other reflex points.

    Bioelectric currents create resonance, which provides a therapeutic effect. When the wavelength and frequency of biocurrents coincide with the same indicators of the tissues of the diseased organ, a positive therapeutic effect occurs.

    Electrical theory.

    Histamine leveling. Normalization of levels of histamine and histidine, which are formed in the affected organs at the reflex level, due to the impact of needles on certain areas of the spinal cord and sympathetic central nervous system. This leads to normalization of capillary blood flow and metabolism.

    Theory of tissue therapy. It is believed that the therapeutic effect is exerted by protein breakdown products and necrohormones, which are formed at the point where the needle is inserted as a result of skin injury.

    The theory of normalization of capillary blood flow. The impact of needles provokes the normalization of blood flow through the capillaries, which has a secondary effect - eliminating the pathology of the system or organ.

    Thermoelectric concept. The needle is a thermal probe and is capable of influencing thermal homeostasis. When a needle is immersed in an electrolyte medium, an electrical potential is formed on it, which optimally affects the nervous system. In this case, a two-phase temperature is observed - during excitation, the local temperature rises as a result of activation of blood flow; during inhibition, there is a local decrease in temperature. Gold needles have lower thermal conductivity and have an exciting effect, while silver needles provide an inhibitory effect.

    Theory of hypnosis. Hypnosis is a special state of consciousness that allows you to have a targeted effect on memory and perception. Blood pressure during acupuncture increases to the level of response to a painful stimulus, but the analgesia is significantly higher than with conventional hypnosis. Unlike psychotherapy techniques, acupuncture works by irritating the peripheral nervous system and somatic receptors of nerve fibers.

Reflex mechanisms of acupuncture

The reflex principle of action is officially recognized by medicine, which explains the benefits of acupuncture. The reflex response involves neural and humoral mechanisms and the participation of most of the brain structures. Knowing the visceral and cerebral innervation, it is possible to purposefully influence certain functions of the body or a specific organ through external reflex action.

The choice of acupuncture points and the depth of needle insertion is based on the area of ​​influence and the structure of the irritated tissues. The response is realized through the nervous system. Stimulation of a reflex point causes the strongest reaction of the particular metamer or spinal segment with which the point is most associated.

This principle is called “metameric reflexology”. Today, this mechanism of action has a neuroanatomical basis, since spinal segments include not only skin areas, but also blood vessels, internal organs, bones, ligaments, and muscles.

How does a needle work?

Anesthesia. The needle irritates fast sensitive nerve fibers: thus, the nerve impulse is transmitted faster to the brain than the pain impulse from the affected organ, which spreads along the “slow” fibers. When the impulse from the needle enters the brain, it activates inhibitory interneurons that block areas of the brain that perceive pain from the diseased organ.

Improvement in general condition. At the acupuncture point there are nerve endings related to the endorphinergic system. The stimulation of such endings leads to the secretion of endorphins by the pituitary gland, which have an analgesic and relaxing effect that can be compared to the drug opium.

Activation of innervation and blood supply. The needle, through a reflex point, activates a part of the brain that is responsible for the functioning of a particular organ. Its blood supply is stimulated, innervation improves, which significantly speeds up the healing process.

The effect of acupuncture on the body:

    improvement of skin condition;

    normalization of hormonal levels;

    anti-inflammatory effect;

    increasing immunity;


    elimination of edema;

    improvement in mental state, which is manifested by stimulation of the central nervous system and relaxation;

    normalization of metabolism;

    improving blood circulation.

Acupuncture treatment - indications:

    respiratory diseases: chronic tracheitis, laryngitis, non-exacerbated chronic pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma;

    pathologies of the nervous system: nervous tics, hysteria, neurosis, nocturnal enuresis, migraine, dizziness, vertebral hernia, radiculitis, neuralgia, neuritis, vegetative-vascular dystonia;

    diseases of the musculoskeletal system: scoliosis, heel spurs, fractures, bursitis, sprains, myositis, arthrosis, periarthritis, osteochondrosis, arthritis. Quite often, acupuncture is used in the presence of osteochondrosis - a complete cure with acupuncture is impossible, but it is possible to significantly reduce the manifestations of the pathology. Acupuncture gives the best effect if there are problems in the cervical spine;

    allergies: urticaria, eczema, neurodermatitis, skin itching;

    eye diseases: decreased visual acuity, strabismus, oculomotor disorders;

    diseases of the female sphere: menstrual irregularities, menopause, ovarian dysfunction, infertility due to hormonal disorders;

    genitourinary diseases: nephritis, chronic cystitis, prostatitis;

    diseases of the digestive system: constipation, stagnation of bile (cholestasis), peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, gastroduodenitis, nausea, gastralgia;

    pathologies of blood vessels and heart: hypertension 1-2 degrees, hypotension, arrhythmias, heart blockades;

    endocrine diseases: hypothalamic syndrome, mild thyroiditis and thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, type 2 diabetes mellitus;

    obesity. Acupuncture is especially effective for losing weight at turning points in a person’s life, when motivation and willpower leave the person who wants to lose weight;

    bad habits: drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism. Acupuncture for smoking and other addictions has a positive effect on the patient’s motivation on the way to getting rid of the bad habit.

You need to understand that acupuncture cannot act as an independent technique - it is effective only in complex therapy with drug treatment and diet therapy. Needles help most actively in treating the spine, but you shouldn’t expect miracles. For example, if treatment of a hernia is possible only through surgery, then acupuncture cannot be the main method of therapy.

Contraindications to acupuncture


    Children under 1 year of age. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to perform acupuncture for children under one year of age if they have central nervous system pathologies in which this procedure can have a positive effect. In such cases, it must be understood that age under 12 months is an absolute contraindication for acupuncture, since there is a high risk of damage to thin skin and subcutaneous tissues and structures.

    Fever is a violation of the mechanisms that provide the therapeutic effect of the procedure.

    Drug or alcohol intoxication - an inadequate reaction on the part of the patient may also occur.

    Mental illness - even minimal discomfort and pain during the procedure can provoke an unpredictable reaction and an attack of agitation in the patient.

    Blood diseases (hemophilia, leukemia) - deterioration of the condition of the blood and hematopoietic organs.

    Benign tumors and oncological diseases - activation of blood circulation provokes an acceleration of metastasis and tumor growth.

    Complicated pregnancy - the procedure can stimulate uterine contractions, which can cause premature birth or miscarriage.

    Acute pain of unknown origin may be a manifestation of diseases for which this procedure is contraindicated.

    Diseases of the immune system – the risk of developing autoimmune diseases.

    Infectious diseases (open form of tuberculosis, AIDS, purulent inflammatory diseases, venereal diseases, hepatitis) - the procedure can contribute to the spread of pathology throughout the body.

Relative contraindications - the decision on the possibility of treatment is made only by the doctor on an individual basis:

    emotional stress, physical fatigue;

    period of menstruation in women;

    progressive muscular dystrophy;

    hypothalamic syndrome with neuroendocrine and trophic disorders;

    multiple sclerosis;




    the patient's age is over 70 years;

    pregnancy, in the second half of pregnancy this treatment method is not recommended, even in the case of normal pregnancy;


Local contraindications:

    scars, scars;

    varicose veins (it is forbidden to place needles in the projection of the veins);

    skin lesions of various origins at the site of needle placement;

    Acupuncture points on the face and front of the head are not used in children under 7 years of age.

Special instructions

    During the procedure, a person needs to feel calm. Hypothermia is undesirable, since spasmodic blood vessels and muscles reduce the effect of treatment.

    During the first course of therapy, you should refrain from drinking alcohol.

    Before the procedure, it is not advisable to visit a bathhouse or sauna.

    You should tell your doctor about all medications you took before the procedure.

    You should not come to the procedure on an empty stomach or immediately after eating, and it is also undesirable to perform acupuncture after intravenous injections.

    Even official medicine recognizes that for treatment to be successful, the patient must believe in a positive outcome.

How is an acupuncture session performed?

The acupuncture room is equipped in such a way that the patient experiences a feeling of psychological comfort. If several patients are being admitted at the same time, then each should be provided with an enclosed couch or an individual booth. The procedure can be accompanied by light music, which has a good effect on the treatment of hysteria, neurosis and other diseases of the nervous system.

After disinfecting the skin, the doctor carefully screws the needles into certain biologically active points; the placement of the needles can also be done using a special apparatus. The points are selected depending on the pathology that is present in the patient (for example, in the presence of cervical osteochondrosis, the points for placing needles are located near the inner edge of the scapula).

Typically, one session involves the installation of 8-10 needles, which are present on the body for about 20-40 minutes. By the end of the procedure, the needles come out of the tissue on their own or are removed by the doctor.

The duration and frequency of treatment is determined individually, but in any case you need to be prepared for a course of 10-12 daily procedures. To treat pathologies that have arisen for the first time as part of complex therapy, 1 course of acupuncture is sufficient; in the presence of chronic diseases, a course of treatment is required once a quarter.

Some patients report significant relief after the first therapy session, while others see improvement several weeks after the end of the session. In any case, the effect of the procedure is an individual indicator, which depends on each individual organism.

How does the patient feel when the needles are inserted?

In general, the procedure is tolerated quite well and does not cause discomfort, and most importantly, severe pain. The sensations at the moment of placing the needles are purely individual and depend on the patient’s sensitivity threshold.

The needles have a rounded edge, so they do not pierce the skin, but spread it apart. During the procedure, the patient feels pulsation and slight pressure at acupuncture points. You may also experience slight warmth, itching, or tingling. Also in some cases there is a feeling of electric shock, numbness, and heaviness.

Harm of acupuncture, side effects

After an acupuncture procedure, some patients may develop undesirable effects:

    drop in blood pressure, even to the point of fainting;

    malingization of benign formations when they are damaged by a needle (keloid scars, moles);

    damage to underlying tissues as a result of a violation of the technique of placing needles with low qualifications of the doctor;

    infection with blood-borne diseases (HIV, hepatitis B, C), which is associated with a violation of needle disinfection techniques;

    pain and bruising where the needles were inserted (due to damage to a blood vessel).



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