Treatment of hemorrhoids with ice. What water to wash with hemorrhoids - hot or cold

By treating hemorrhoids with cold water, you can strengthen the blood vessels and make them more elastic. This is explained by the fact that in case of hemorrhoids, cold has the following effect:

  • anesthetic– cold water for hemorrhoids not only relieves pain, but also prevents severe itching. This action occurs by blocking nerve endings with cold. Swelling and redness of tissues disappear;
  • vasoconstrictor– the product helps to narrow hemorrhoidal veins. The reaction allows you to avoid stagnation of blood in the capillaries. Low temperatures also help stop bleeding;
  • vascular tonic– the effect of cold helps the walls of blood vessels to become more elastic and allows them to return to their previous tone.

If hemorrhoids are washed with cold water at the initial stage, the size of the formation can be reduced – until completely cured. However, cold therapy for this disease should be used in combination with other methods of medicine.

If you use cold water correctly for hemorrhoids, you can significantly alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of the pathological process. For therapeutic procedures, you must use only clean boiled water. This is necessary to avoid infection through wounds and cracks.

Indications for the use of cold water for hemorrhoids

With hemorrhoids, low temperatures can not always bring a positive effect. The use of cold water in the treatment of a disease can show effectiveness only in the following cases:

  • the onset of the disease, which is characterized by the formation of nodes inside the anus, as well as the presence of discomfort. In the presence of stages 3 and 4 of the inflammatory process, with more pronounced symptoms, low-temperature water is no longer effective;
  • long-term chronic pathology of external hemorrhoids, in which seals form at the anus.

During a relapse, it is necessary to abandon treatment with cold water. In this situation, the patient needs drug therapy.

Healing procedures

You can treat hemorrhoids with cold water using:

  • suppositories;
  • washing;
  • sitz baths;
  • compresses;
  • lotions.

Each of the above procedures has its own specific use. A proctologist will advise you on how to treat the disease in a specific way.


Rectal suppositories made from frozen water are one of the most popular ways to combat this pathology. To prepare this product you will need to do the following:

  • Roll thick white paper into a tube;
  • fill the container with cold water (instead of ordinary water, you can take a decoction of medicinal plants);
  • put the product in the freezer;
  • the diameter of the cone should not be large so as not to injure the walls of the anus;
  • when the candle is ready, remove it from the chamber;
  • round the sharp tip of the candle;
  • in the very first days, keep the suppository for no more than 30 seconds;
  • Over time, increase the duration of the procedure to one and a half minutes.

The length of the suppositories should be about 7 cm, width – 1 cm.

Steps to enter a candle:

  • take a comfortable position - you need to lie down and bend your knees slightly;
  • relax the anus as much as possible;
  • carefully insert the candle;
  • hold for 30 seconds, remove;
  • lubricate the skin around the anus with ointment or baby cream;

It is better to perform the manipulation in the morning and evening. The treatment course ranges from 10 to 14 days.


If it is not possible to freeze water, then hemorrhoids can be treated in another way. It is necessary to pour cold water into a basin and place the anus in it for 5 minutes. Washing is one of the hygiene procedures that helps reduce irritation of the anal part and remove feces.

The procedure should be carried out correctly. It is necessary to avoid friction so as not to irritate the inflamed area. After these events, you can use ice in the form of a suppository or compress. The procedure is performed as follows:

  • wash the anus with light movements, and the direction of washing is from the anus to the lower back, this will prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the genital mucosa;
  • massage the clean perineum in a circular motion to improve blood flow;
  • blot the passage with a soft napkin or towel;
  • insert a rectal suppository or apply an ointment prescribed by a proctologist.

Washing will be convenient if you use a bidet. Some designs are combined with a toilet, but if the room is not equipped with such a device, a shower head will be an alternative. Cold water organizes hygienic functions, while simultaneously hardening the body, which is important for the prevention of hemorrhoids.

Some patients are interested in whether it is possible to immediately use cold water for treatment? Doctors recommend gradually reducing the water temperature. You should start with a comfortable room temperature, with a gradual decrease.


Sitz baths are another alternative option to combat this pathology. Such measures help eliminate painful spasms and swelling of hemorrhoidal cones. For the procedure you must perform the following steps:

  • pour clean cold water into a bowl;
  • sit over the container so that the anus is in the water;
  • perform the procedure for 5 minutes;
  • carry out the manipulation twice a day.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is advisable to add potassium permanganate to the composition:

  • to prepare such a medicine, you should take 10 liters of boiled water (36-37 degrees) and several crystals of potassium permanganate;
  • perform the procedure three times a day;
  • you can also use applications;
  • thoroughly wash the organ with cool water;
  • place a gauze bandage in the manganese solution;
  • apply the composition to the anal passage for 15 minutes;
  • Apply applications up to 5 times a day.

Increasing the time of contact with cold may worsen the clinical symptoms of the disease. If you experience any discomfort from this procedure, you can use compresses or lotions.


Cold compresses for inflammation of the intestinal walls ensure healing of anal microcracks, relief of burning and itching, and cessation of bleeding. Such measures are well tolerated by most patients. Compresses have a minimal list of complications.

To carry out this manipulation, you need to use ice cubes. If you add a decoction of chamomile, oak bark, yarrow and burnet to their composition, the effect will only increase. Medicinal cubes should be wrapped in a sterile bandage and applied to the rectal area.

Therapy is carried out for 1 to 1.5 months. Perform the procedure in the morning and evening.


Wet wraps are considered an effective and yet simple way to combat hemorrhoids. This technique involves a circumabdominal compress. You need to place a blanket or thin blanket across the sleeping bed. The width of the products is selected so that they cover the body, forming a double fold on the stomach.

Place a damp, wrung out towel on the blanket. Then you need to lie on it, wrap the ends on the abdominal cavity. Such actions must be done with a blanket, and a heating pad should be placed on top. The temperature of the liquid should be comfortable. Wrapping time is 1-1.5 hours. Such activities improve blood circulation in the intestines.

You can use S. Kneipp's method. You should lay a rough sheet, folded in several layers, soaked in cold water. The length of the product should cover the entire back and fall below the anus. Wrap yourself in a sheet and lie down for about 45 minutes. Perform the manipulation 3 times a week.

Contraindications to procedures

Cold water, despite many positive properties, has a number of contraindications:

  • acute pathologies of the genitourinary system (prostatitis and cystitis);
  • allergy to cold;
  • venereal diseases;
  • oncology;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders;
  • dermatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • pregnancy.

The doctor will tell you more about the limitations of this procedure during your consultation.

Can hemorrhoids be treated with cold water during pregnancy?

There are some categories of patients for whom cold water therapy for hemorrhoids is contraindicated. Among them are pregnant women. When carrying a child, no matter what the trimester, immunity sharply decreases. When the anal area is exposed to cold, inflammation of the hemorrhoidal cones may occur, after which the clinical picture of the disease will become more complicated.


Hygiene procedures carried out with cold water are useful not only for the prevention of hemorrhoids, but also for the treatment of the disease. You should wash the anus after each bowel movement. First, you should wash the anus with soap, and only then irrigate the area with cool water.

Hemorrhoids are an unpleasant disease that manifests itself with many uncomfortable symptoms. Due to the delicacy of the pathology, most patients are in no hurry to consult a proctologist, trying to cure the disease with alternative means of traditional medicine. The most interesting way to treat grade I and II hemorrhoids is water procedures. Water for hemorrhoids not only cleanses the mucous membranes of fecal residues. When used correctly, it can eliminate discomfort and relieve irritation.

Varicose anal veins are accompanied by poor circulation of the pelvic organs, swelling of the soft tissues, and pain. Treatment of hemorrhoids with cold water has a favorable result due to the peculiarities of the effect of cold on the foci of pathology:

The effect of low temperatures is based on causing spasm of blood vessels

  1. Cold showers help reduce blood flow to hemorrhoids, reducing their swelling.
  2. Provokes a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels.
  3. Prevents the development of congestion in hemorrhoidal formations.
  4. Cold water works great to stop bleeding.
  5. Relieves pain syndrome.
  6. Helps strengthen blood vessels, making their walls more elastic.
  7. Relieves itching and burning sensation.

Proctologists emphasize to patients that cold water cannot cure hemorrhoids. However, as part of complex therapy, it perfectly relieves the manifestation of the main symptoms of the disease.

Contraindications for treating hemorrhoids with cold water

There are certain categories of patients for whom treatment with cold water for hemorrhoids is contraindicated. These include:

Pregnant women are allowed to use cold water. But the temperature of the liquid for the procedure should be reduced gradually.

Healing procedures

Several types of procedures are used to treat hemorrhoids:

  1. Washing.
  2. Contrast shower for hemorrhoids.
  3. Compresses (lotions, ice suppositories).
  4. Sitz baths.

Each of these procedures has its own characteristics. The doctor will tell you how to treat the disease in each specific way. Washing with cold water for hemorrhoids is one of the hygiene measures that helps reduce irritation of the anal area and remove fecal residues. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can use chilled decoctions of medicinal plants. A proctologist will tell you how to wash yourself with hemorrhoids to reduce the symptoms of the disease. The process is simple:

Cold compresses have an excellent effect in treating hemorrhoids
  • After each bowel movement, you should wash the anal area instead of using toilet paper;
  • wash the inflamed areas from front to back, towards the tailbone. This prevents pathogenic bacteria from entering the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Regular washing of inflamed areas prevents the entry of pathogenic microorganisms that provoke inflammation. Many patients are interested in what water to wash with hemorrhoids. Proctologists advise gradually reducing the temperature of the liquid, starting from a comfortable room temperature.

Sitz baths are another alternative way to relieve pain and swelling of hemorrhoids. To carry out this procedure you will need:

  • pour clean cold water (chilled decoctions of medicinal plants) into a container (bowl, basin);
  • sit over it so that the area of ​​the affected mucous membranes is in the water;
  • The procedure takes no more than 5 minutes;
  • frequency 2 times a day.

If you increase the time of contact with cold, you can aggravate the clinical manifestation of the disease. If sitz baths are not enjoyable, you can use lotions and compresses instead. To do this you need:

  • wet a piece of cloth in cold water;
  • apply to the hemorrhoid for 2–3 minutes;
  • repeat 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 4–6 weeks.

Cold showers are considered beneficial not only because of the cold effect on the affected areas. Jets of water additionally massage hemorrhoidal formations, helping to reduce them. An ascending shower for hemorrhoids is useful because it additionally cleanses the affected mucous membranes from sweat, fecal residues, and pathogenic microorganisms.

Reviews on the use of cold water for hemorrhoids

Reviews from patients and proctologists confirm the excellent therapeutic effect of cold water and ice during the treatment of the initial stage of hemorrhoids. If you start using cooling showers, compresses and sitz baths in a timely manner, you can completely cure the disease without the use of traditional medications. If the pathology is advanced, cold will only help relieve symptoms. But hemorrhoids can be cured only by using medications.

Used since a time when traditional medicine in its current form did not yet exist. But even now this method is widespread and very popular, due to its cheapness, simplicity and accessibility. Despite the ease of using water for therapeutic purposes, it should be used at home only after the recommendations of a specialist. Uncontrolled treatment can lead to unwanted complications for the body.

Features of the method

Treatment of hemorrhoids with cold water is used in combination with other methods of traditional medicine. If this remedy is used correctly, it can have the following effect:

  • anesthetic - water quenches not only painful sensations, but also. This effect is achieved by blocking nerve endings with cold;
  • vasoconstrictor - low temperature water helps to narrow the hemorrhoidal veins. Thanks to this, blood does not stagnate in the vessels. Cold also helps stop bleeding;
  • vascular tonic - under the influence of low temperature, the walls of blood vessels become more elastic and resilient, their previous tone returns.

Using cold water can significantly reduce the size of the hemorrhoid. If you start treatment at the initial stage of development of the disease, the likelihood of completely getting rid of the bumps increases significantly.

It is important to remember that only clean boiled water is used for therapeutic purposes. This rule must be followed to avoid infection through existing ones. The use of sea water for hemorrhoids is also contraindicated. Salt can provoke an increase in painful symptoms.

Methods of use

There are many ways to treat hemorrhoids with cold water. Among the most common of them are:

  • baths;
  • compresses;
  • washing;
  • candles with frozen water.

Chilled water baths are the most common method for treating hemorrhoids. Its advantage lies in the speed and ease of the procedure. To avoid hypothermia, you should use a small basin for baths. They sit in it and draw chilled, pre-boiled water. The duration of the procedure is from 5 to 15 minutes. The exposure time to cold water should be gradually increased. To increase the effectiveness of such therapy, you can add a little potassium permanganate to the basin.

Compresses are the most convenient way to treat with cold water. Its advantage is that the procedure can be performed sitting or lying down in a comfortable position. For the compress you will need natural cotton cloth or gauze, folded in several layers and pre-cooled water. The procedure should last no longer than 7-10 minutes. The tissue is dipped in liquid, wrung out and applied to the area of ​​​​the formation.

For hemorrhoids, you need to wash yourself with cold water after each bowel movement. In addition to being hygienic, this provides hydromassage, which significantly improves blood circulation in the vessels of the pelvic organs. To carry out the procedure, you need to direct a strong stream from the shower head towards the anus for 3 minutes. Some men are worried about whether it is possible to wash themselves with cold water and whether this is dangerous for the prostate. If you do not violate the duration of the procedure, listen to your body, then such a massage will only benefit your health.

Candles with frozen water are the most radical method that must be used with special attention and caution. To prepare suppositories, you need to freeze the liquid in the form of rectal suppositories. To do this, you can use thick cardboard, folded into a cone and sealed with tape or finger pads. It is important that the size of the suppositories is no more than 1 cm in diameter. Ready-made suppositories are inserted into the anus for only 30-60 seconds. The procedure is repeated morning and evening.

Indications for use

Cold water for hemorrhoids is not always effective. Its use in the treatment of a disease will show good results only in the following cases:

  • the initial stages of the disease, characterized by the formation of lumps on the inner walls of the anus, the presence of discomfort. When nodes fall out of the anus (stage 4 of the disease), cold water is no longer effective;
  • chronic course of external hemorrhoids, in which they are localized at the anus.

In case of exacerbations of hemorrhoids, you should avoid using cold water. In this case, the most effective medications will be prescribed by a proctologist. If you have previously been bothered by hemorrhoids, you can wash yourself with cold water to avoid the recurrence of the disease. It is also important to follow other preventive measures.

Contraindications for use

Temperature effects on diseased areas are widely used in the treatment of many diseases and this is no exception. Therapy with cold water and even ice has gained great popularity among admirers of traditional methods of treating the disease. What is its benefit and how it is implemented, we will understand further.

Medicinal properties

With this pathology, low-temperature water has the following positive effects:
  • Analgesic and antipruritic. These two effects are due to the fact that in the affected tissues the nerve receptors responsible for itching are temporarily blocked.
  • Hemostatic. Hemorrhoids are almost always accompanied by slight or heavy bleeding. Cold water has a constricting effect, contracting the vessels and veins of the rectum. Due to this, blood flow slows down and bleeding stops completely or becomes less intense.

    Reducing the amount of blood in the affected area reduces the risk of congestion in hemorrhoids.

  • Anti-inflammatory. Cold improves metabolic processes in affected tissues, reduces swelling, and reduces the permeability of small vessels.
  • Venotonic and capillary protective. Cold water reduces venous stagnation of blood and also normalizes the functions of vascular walls.

How to use cold water?

When treating hemorrhoids, cold water is used in the form of:

  • Classic baths. This is the first aid for relieving inflammation. Pour clean cold water into a suitable basin and sit down so that the anus area is immersed in water. The time of such a bath is no more than 5 minutes. Do it 2 times a day.

    The procedure can also be carried out in a regular bathtub, filling it no more than a quarter full.

  • Bath with potassium permanganate. Cool water with potassium permanganate treats hemorrhoids well. For such a bath, take approximately 10 liters of boiled water at 36-37°C and dissolve potassium permanganate in it in such an amount that the water turns light pink. The bath is taken 2-3 times during the day. If it is not possible to take it, then you can use an application: prepare a light pink solution, moisten gauze folded in several layers in it, and apply it to the anus for 15 minutes. Before the procedure, wash with cool water.
  • Microclyster. For these purposes, cold mineral water is used. Such microenemas not only have a local effect, but also strengthen the body as a whole. Do the procedure for 2-3 weeks in a row every day. You can repeat the course after 6 months. It is useful to alternate mineral water with decoctions of chamomile, string and wormwood.
  • Washing. After each bowel movement, wash with cold water, replacing the use of toilet paper with this procedure. In this case, it is very convenient if you have a bidet at home. If it is not there, then you can replace it with a shower head.
  • lotion. A piece of bandage or soft cloth, folded in several layers, is moistened in cold water and applied to the hemorrhoids for 5-7 minutes. Do the procedure twice a day for a month.

Ice therapy

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, ice has the same benefits as cold water. The simplest method of application is an ice massage, that is, a massage with ice cubes, in which the anus and the skin around it are massaged with light circular movements.

The following means are also used:

Ice suppositories

The optimal thickness of a candle is up to 1 cm, length - up to 7 cm. These parameters must be taken into account when making molds for freezing water, which will require thick paper. It is rolled into the shape of a truncated cone with a blunt end and tightened with an elastic band. The workpiece is filled with water and placed in the freezer. Freezing time is 6-12 hours.

When the candle is ready, it is used in this order:
  • Place the ice blank in hot water for a couple of seconds to easily remove the paper.
  • Lie on your right side and insert a suppository into the rectum, relaxing the anus as much as possible.
  • Leave for 30 seconds and remove the candle from the anus. Gradually the procedure time is increased.
  • Lubricate the anus with baby cream or emollient ointment.

Such suppositories should be abandoned if there are inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system or cystitis. In addition, you need to listen to your feelings. If ice candles cause discomfort and cause illness, then they should be discarded.

There is a more gentle option for making and using such candles:
  • Water is drawn into the finger of a medical glove, the tip of which is tied so that the liquid does not leak out.
  • Transfer the workpiece to the freezer and leave until completely frozen.
The candle is applied to the affected area for 5-7 minutes 3-4 times a day. Course - 1.5-2 weeks.


Ice cubes are poured into a heating pad or plastic bag, which is wrapped in natural fabric and applied to the hemorrhoids. Keep the compress for 3-4 minutes twice a day, course - 7 days.


Not everyone is suitable for cold water treatment. To avoid various negative consequences, you should refuse procedures if there are:
  • acute inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs or their infectious diseases;
  • adnexitis;
  • urethritis;

Hemorrhoids are not a rare disease among the younger generation. A constantly progressive disease with characteristic cyclic exacerbations. The cause of the disease is considered to be dilation of the veins of the rectum, which leads to the appearance of hemorrhoidal internal or external nodes, bringing severe discomfort and pain. Scientists distinguish two stages of development of hemorrhoids: chronic and acute. In the chronic form, the symptoms are mitigated, and the fight against the disease is subject to traditional medicine. In acute cases, immediate assistance from a medical professional is required.

A wide variety of methods are used to treat a delicate disease: with the help of surgical instruments, traditional medicine. The latter includes the official language of cryotherapy - a way to cure hemorrhoids with ice, or more precisely, with cold. The method has been known for centuries, used by our ancestors.

You can use ice for hemorrhoids at home or in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. It is recommended to undergo prophylactic cryotherapy for representatives of “sedentary” professions or those exposed to low temperatures.

Cold treatment came from the Caucasus Mountains. Due to the cold weather and poor nutrition (solid, too spicy food), the highlanders often fell ill with an “unpleasant” disease. To relieve symptoms, they came up with a way to combat it with cold water.

The healing properties of ice

Treatment of hemorrhoids with cold is presented in two directions: temporary alleviation of symptoms and complete elimination. The treatment method is approved by traditional medicine due to the beneficial properties of ice:

  1. Spasmodic action. When the nerve endings are exposed to cold, the areas of the lower rectum “freeze”, which reduces sensitivity, helping to reduce pain.
  2. Impact on blood vessels and weakening of blood flow. Ice helps cause vasospasm, which slows down blood flow, ceasing to put pressure on hemorrhoids and soothing pain.
  3. Stop bleeding. By slowing down the blood flow in the vessels, the process of tissue regeneration is accelerated, and bleeding wounds in the anal area are healed.
  4. Destruction of affected tissues. When treated with ice, dead cells in the lesions are rejected, the resorption of hemorrhoids is accelerated, saving the patient from the need for surgical removal of the latter.

Benefits of cryotherapy and features

It is more effective and safer to treat hemorrhoids under the supervision of a physician in a medical facility. By incorrectly using ice suppositories for hemorrhoids, you risk aggravating the situation, which will entail expensive treatment with surgery.

On pharmacy shelves you will find the Crinus remedy for hemorrhoids in the form of a small plastic tube with a special liquid. The main advantage of using the tube material and liquid is not water, but a solution of chemical elements that help in the healing and restoration of the body. The product does not have to be applied directly to the affected area, risking catching a cold.

Therapy is used for chronic hemorrhoids after surgery. The solution for the Crinus device is placed in the freezer for two to three hours until completely frozen. During the procedure, to treat the external form of the disease, the widened part of the tube is placed between the buttocks; to treat the internal form, the narrow part of the device is inserted into the rectum. These actions are carried out for a quarter of an hour three times a day. After a week of the course, hemorrhoids heal without leaving scars. The recommended course of treatment is three to four weeks.

To avoid adding additional problems to hemorrhoids, carefully read the list of contraindications to the procedure:

  1. Inflammation of the uterine appendages, cystitis.
  2. Prostatitis.
  3. ARVI, viral infections, fear of triggering acute respiratory infections during pregnancy.
  4. Oncology.
  5. Skin diseases.
  6. CNS lesions, epilepsy.
  7. The size of the hemorrhoids is too large, requiring the help of a surgeon.

Proctologists, when prescribing a course of cryotherapy for acute pain and frequent bleeding, recommend suppositories with the effect of reducing swelling. Using “ice” treatment methods is dangerous for hypotensive patients.

Ice in the treatment of hemorrhoids using traditional medicine methods

Many hide a delicate problem, trying to get rid of the disease with folk remedies - using ice compresses, cooling daily baths. When treating hemorrhoids with ice, a fairly long-term effect will be required - one and a half months.

Hemorrhoids include forms of the disease that require individual treatment. Do not hesitate to contact the clinic for help to find out whether it is possible to apply ice compresses or administer cooling suppositories. Manipulating the body at home increases the risk of worsening the disease and surgical intervention.



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