Treatment with the ASD fraction for lung cancer. Questions

Many doctors back in the twentieth century began to talk about this drug when using it in oncology. Moreover, the medicine helped with both benign and malignant neoplasms. At the moment, there are no accurate studies of this medicine in the field of cancer, but there are a huge number of reviews both on the Internet and among oncologists.



The drug itself is freely available at any veterinary pharmacy. It was invented by A.V. Dorogov back in Soviet times. It has a very specific, bad smell. Made from meat and bone meal. It is a non-medicinal drug and is often used to increase the growth of cattle.

Tolerability of the drug itself may vary, so it is necessary to select the dosage individually. At high temperatures, the bone and meat mass decomposes and releases the main substance of this drug.

There have been no scientific tests and the drug is not a drug. In Soviet times, this drug was classified. Often used in combination with chemotherapy to improve the effect of the main treatment. ASD 2, unlike ASD 3, has less toxicity, which is why it is safe for humans.


NOTE! There is not a single mention of this drug in world practice. And many doctors cannot advise it, since its effect has not yet been scientifically explained or proven. Usually it is prescribed for oncology only in the most desperate cases.

The main strength of the drug is, of course, enhancing the body’s immune system. Strong immunity itself begins to fight the cancer tumor and destroys it. Plus, this is quite useful during chemotherapy, since after it the number of leukocytes drops and the immune system is greatly impaired.

Well, the most important action is to create an unfavorable environment for the tumor. Cancer can only develop well in an acidic environment, which is why many doctors still try to treat cancer with soda or other alkaline drugs. ASD in oncology helps reduce the acidic environment and make it alkaline.

Treatment of other diseases

  • Runny nose, ARVI, tonsillitis and other colds.
  • Thrush.
  • Myoma
  • Ulcer.
  • Trichomoniasis.
  • Impotence.
  • Asthma.
  • Toothache.
  • Inflammation of the bladder.
  • Fibroma.

Method of taking the drug

There are two types of therapy with this medicine. The first involves internal use of the medicine diluted in boiled water. The second way is to apply various lotions to the affected areas of the skin or do enemas.

Scheme No. 1

Helps with cancer of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.

  1. We take the drug every 4 hours at the same time every day.
  2. For example: at 8:00, 12:00, 16:00, 22:00.
  3. We dilute 5 drops in 100 ml of water. We hold our nose and drink. If the taste or smell remains, drink more water.
  4. In the first five days we drink 5 drops, then in the next 5 days 10 and so on until we reach 50 drops. Then we take a break for 15 days and continue again, but with 50 drops.

Scheme No. 2

  1. Pour 150 ml of water into a glass.
  2. Add 3 ml of the drug.
  3. Drink 30 minutes before meals once a day. Increase the dose by 3 drops daily. The course is 4 weeks, then a week break. But now we start not with 3, but with 5 drops.


Helps with intestinal cancer, prostate carcinoma, cervical carcinoma.

  1. Dilute 15 drops in 30 ml of water.
  2. Take an enema. Use 1-2 times a day for a week. Then we take a break for 3 days, etc.

Scheme V.I. Trubnikova

You need to drink once a day half an hour before meals. Can be taken both morning and evening.

To boost immunity

This drug has virtually no side effects and can be used even by ordinary people to improve immunity.

  1. Dissolve 15 drops in 300 ml of water.
  2. We drink once a day half an hour before meals. 5 days, then 3 days break. The course is 3 months, then a break of 2 months.

Melanoma, breast cancer.

  1. Take a cotton pad or gauze.
  2. Apply 40 drops and press onto the sore spot.
  3. Lotion 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes.

NOTE! Follow all prescriptions only with the permission of your oncologist. Monitor the dosage and never exceed it. If you feel unwell or have any bad sensations, nausea, or rash, stop taking the drug immediately.

  1. You can drink it not only with water, but also with warm milk.
  2. It is better to store the drug in a cool and dark place. Do not store it in the refrigerator.
  3. Drinking alcohol is prohibited.
  4. Try to eat more plant foods: greens, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, etc.
  5. For cancer patients, it is strictly prohibited to take this drug without the knowledge and permission of your oncologist. Only after consultation and permission can you take it.

Should I accept it or not?

The most important thing is to consult with your doctor before use. This is especially important for cancer patients, since only he knows what type of treatment and what is best for you to take. If you were told that you can’t have it, then you don’t need to be willful and go buy ASD.

The drug ASD was created by scientist Dorogov in 1947. The substance was intended to strengthen the human immune system. The experiments carried out made it possible to create a new pharmaceutical product with unique antiseptic properties. Initially, ASD was produced from frog tissue. The study of the properties of meat and bone meal made it possible to replace the original product without losing its healing properties. The ASD-2 fraction, created by the scientist as a result of a non-standard approach to processing the starting material, is used to this day for the treatment of many diseases, including cancer.
Find out more about lung cancer

Properties of the ASD fraction

The drug is a dark brown liquid with a strong unpleasant odor. It is officially allowed to be used only in veterinary medicine. The successful treatment of lung cancer in animals has made it possible to use this unique drug for the treatment of cancer in humans.

The ASD fraction has antiseptic, antibacterial and adaptogenic properties.

The structure of the substance is similar to a living human cell. This makes it possible to integrate and contribute to the healing of the body at the cellular level. It is this most important property of the fraction that is used to treat cancer. The ability of ASD to influence the body’s metabolic processes is also considered unique. The drug, unlike most similar products, does not act on bacteria and microbes, but adjusts the entire body to work properly.

Studies have shown that ASD-2 is not addictive and does not cause any allergic reactions. Treatment difficulties can only arise when taking a fraction that has too strong an unpleasant aroma.

ASD for lung cancer

According to statistics, the fraction of precancerous conditions can cure completely. It is used both internally and externally. Despite a medical incident in which the status of the drug does not allow treating a person, most doctors advise taking ASD for cancer.

If benign tumors or initial neoplasms of cancer cells are found in the lungs or bronchi, then the fraction can be taken according to the general scheme. Lung cancer of the second stage requires an increase in drug intake. In advanced forms of lung cancer, treatment with the ASD fraction alleviates the patient's condition.

General scheme for taking the fraction

The drug is taken on an empty stomach diluted with water.

The dosage regimen consists of an active phase and rest.

  • For 5 days, take 5 drops of the fraction per 100 g of water
  • Break 3 days
  • 3 days 10 drops
  • Break 3 days
  • 3 days 15 drops
  • Break 3 days
  • 3 days 20 drops
  • Break 3 days
  • 3 days 25 drops
  • Break 3 days.

Further use of the drug is recommended in a dosage of 25 drops of the fraction per half glass of water. The active phase is 3 days and a break of the same duration. The admission period is unlimited. Test confirmation of a positive treatment result is required.

Intensive scheme

The use of ASD as a treatment for lung cancer relieves pain and stops the growth of a cancerous tumor. The most powerful adaptogen mobilizes the body's internal forces to fight cancer cells. You should not give up other treatments for lung cancer. The fraction makes it easier to endure chemotherapy and recover after surgery. The similarity to the human body’s own cells means there are no side effects when taking the medicine.

The doctor must decide how to take ASD for lung cancer, depending on the degree of development of the disease. Intensive use of the drug is recommended starting from the second stage. Reviews from patients in oncology clinics who took the fraction on the advice of doctors indicate a consistently positive result.

The intensive treatment regimen involves taking ASD-2 four times a day every 4 hours. The dosage starts with 5 drops, increasing by 5 every five days. The highest dose is 50 drops at a time. The duration depends on the result of treatment. You should not refuse the drug if tests show qualitative changes in your condition. Treatment can last for years. When the risk of relapse decreases, they switch to a gentle regimen of taking the fraction. It is possible that you will have to take ASD for quite a long time.

Gentle regimen

The fraction is diluted with drinking tea. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves a second time and cool. Dilute the remedy in half a glass of liquid. The dosage regimen is designed for a week. On the first day, 3 drops are enough, and then increase by 2 drops for 6 days. Then follows a break and another week of taking it according to the same principle. Then a week break and repeat the course, but with an initial dosage of 5 drops. If no deterioration of the condition occurs, then you should rest for a month and after testing, you can repeat the full course of treatment using a gentle regimen.


Treatment of lung cancer with ASD fraction 2 can cause some unpleasant reactions in the body. They are not dangerous and do not require stopping the drug.

  • Belching or bloating may occur. It is recommended to drink a glass of kefir about half an hour after taking it.
  • The amount of liquid you drink per day should be increased to 2-3 liters. This is required to remove toxic substances from the body. It is useful to drink juices and compotes from lingonberries, cranberries and dried fruits.
  • Taking ASD does not require any special changes in diet. But it will be useful to exclude fatty, spicy and fried foods from your diet. Replace with fruits (pomegranate, apples), vegetables (onions, beets, garlic) and cereals.
  • With long-term treatment with the fraction, blood pressure may decrease. You can take stimulant medications. Golden root, ginseng and other natural remedies will help normalize blood pressure.
  • Sometimes renal colic is possible. Kidney herbal preparations will help to avoid this.

Do not forget about constant monitoring of the condition. All changes should be discussed with your doctor. Although there are no strong side effects in the fraction, the general condition of the body and the course of the disease may require a change in the dosage regimen or temporary refusal of ASD treatment.

Scientists have proven that the tumor can be treated not only with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, but also with immunostimulants. In the mid-twentieth century, a drug was developed in experimental veterinary medicine by Professor A.V. Dorogov ASD-2, which over time began to be used for lung cancer and lymphogranulomatosis. Officially, it is used in veterinary medicine and has antiseptic, wound-healing, and stimulating properties. V.V. Tishchenko studied it and used it for cancer patients. An effective result was obtained in .

About the drug

At the beginning of the production of this medicine, the raw material was frog tissue, which was subjected to heat treatment. Then they began to use meat and bone meal, but the properties did not change, and even improved. Proteins, fats, and nucleic acids are converted into low molecular weight components under the influence of high temperatures. Many sources contain information that it was ASD-2 that once cured Beria’s mother of lung cancer.

General characteristics

This drug contains carboxylic acids, aliphatic and cyclic carbohydrates, sulfide group compounds, and amide derivatives. It is sold in the form of a light yellow liquid and has a brown tint with a rather specific odor. Apply externally and internally.

Meaning of the drug

ASD-2 for lung cancer strengthens the body and fights the disease. Due to the fact that the drug itself is made from the tissues of long-living animals, its structure is identical to a living cell, and it is not rejected, but is effectively absorbed, and is an excellent adaptogen. It maintains a stable hormonal balance and metabolic processes in the body, coordinates the work of internal organs, and is a powerful immunomodulator.

Use of the drug

In the treatment of lung cancer, ASD-2 is taken orally according to a dose escalation scale.

Use the drug four times a day, starting with 5 drops. The quantity gradually increases (maximum up to 120 per day). If the patient's condition worsens at a certain dose (for example, 30), it is necessary to abruptly stop taking it. Take a break, drink milk with manganese and after a week return to small doses, do not exceed the limit until complete recovery.

The drug should be stored in a cool place. Drink plenty of water during the day, it softens its effect. Keep an individual diary. Strictly follow the dosage: a large amount of medicine is poison. Check with your doctor before starting to take this drug.

There are legends about this drug. Official permission ASD fraction 2 I got it only from veterinary medicine. However, the world is filled with news about the effectiveness of this drug for treating cancer and people. According to one of the legends, the authenticity of which is not supported by anything, with the help ASD fraction 2 Beria's mother was cured.

Therefore, when making a decision to heal with means for which a license from the Ministry of Health has not been issued, you take responsibility for your life only on yourself, unless, of course, you are Beria.

Interest in ASD fraction 2 against cancer has increased recently, largely due to the exaggeration of this topic in the press.

They say that ASD greatly improves immunity, this is a valuable property.

ASD method 2 cancer treatment

The drug itself was developed in 1947 in the laboratory of the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine (VIEV), where frog tissue subjected to thermal sublimation with liquid condensation was used as raw material. With this type of sublimation, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids are decomposed to form low molecular weight components.

The resulting drug had antiseptic, stimulating, and wound-healing effects. They dubbed it ASD (Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant).

Making ASD for cancer treatment

In modern conditions, ASD liquids are produced using special technology from the tissues of long-lived animals. LSD fraction 2 is a tea-colored liquid with a very specific odor. It is used both externally and internally.

Scientists believe that ASD fraction 2 against cancer has a clearly expressed antibacterial effect, while it is a powerful adaptogen, that is, it easily passes tissue barriers, since its structure is similar to the structure of a living cell and is not rejected by it. Therefore, there are no side effects, there is no negative impact. ASD not only supports the coordinating role of the peripheral nervous system, but also provides the necessary hormonal levels. It takes part in all metabolic processes and manifests itself as a modulator of the body's immune system. Restoring the normal ratio of cells that regulate various processes necessary for the body ensures the normal functioning of all organs and systems. ASD does not act on a specific microbe, but on the entire human body, which, due to the action of the drug, itself destroys this microbe, enriched with the resulting forces and material.

Cancer treatment ASD 2. Disadvantages

Its downside, perhaps the defining one for some, is the strong, nauseating smell.

No addiction to the drug has been registered.

When treating ASD, it is necessary to take a large amount of fluid (2-3 liters per day) to remove toxins and waste from the body. No special diets are required when treating with the drug, and overdoses are also not dangerous.

“For” treatment of lung and stomach cancer using ASD

Precancerous forms of the disease are perfectly treatable with ASD fraction 2. In this case, a general dosage and scheme are used, compresses are applied to external tumors.

The patient's age, location and nature of cancer lesions are of primary importance in the treatment of cancer. ASD F-2 quite quickly stops the course of the disease and relieves pain. In advanced stages of cancer, not a general dosage is used, but up to five milliliters of ASD per one hundred milliliters of water twice a day. All these actions are only with the approval and under the supervision of a doctor.

Intensive cancer treatment using ASD

Intensive technique Cancer treatment with the use of ASD is carried out according to a progressive scheme (four doses), in which the doses of the medication taken are gradually increased.

Take at 8:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00 daily. Doses increase every five days. The first five days - five drops, the second - ten, the third - twenty, etc., until you reach a dose of fifty drops. After this, take fifty drops until recovery.

A gentle method of treating cancer using ASD

On the first day (for example, Monday) in the morning 30 minutes. Before eating, pour 30-40 milliliters of drunk tea into a cup and add three drops of ASD F-2.

Tuesday - five drops, Wednesday - seven, Thursday - nine, Friday - eleven, Saturday - thirteen, Sunday is a day of rest and analysis of your feelings.

The second, third and fourth are also devoted to taking the drug according to the same regimen. Then a week off. After the break, taking ASD again begins according to the same scheme, but they start not with three, but with five drops of ASD, adding two drops daily. Treat for a month (four weeks), then rest for a week and the entire course is repeated.

Be sure to monitor your health; any deterioration in health is a signal to stop using the drug.



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