Treatment of cervical erosion by cauterization. Is it possible to cauterize erosion for nulliparous women?

Speaking about cauterization of cervical erosion, women generalize a complex of medical techniques, the effect of which is not always based on the formation of a burn.

For example, applying nitrogen freezes the affected area, and a laser beam vaporizes the damaged cells. And although the name for erosion control methods remains general, they differ in the technology of influence.

How is cauterization of cervical erosion done? Is the procedure painless when it is cauterized - before or after menstruation? You will find answers to all these questions in our article!

Basic techniques

The main methods most often used by modern gynecology are:

When deciding on the need for a particular method, the gynecologist takes into account the general condition of the patient, her age, concomitant ailments and other factors.

Preparing for burning and performing the operation

Before allowing the patient to undergo surgery,. They differ depending on the chosen cauterization method, but usually fall into the following spectrum:

If the result confirms that there are no contraindications, the woman undergoes the chosen procedure.


During the operation, erosion is cauterized with a small electric current., but deep cross-country ability.

This method of treatment is considered the most effective; it has been used often and for a long time, however.

Before the procedure, the woman is given local anesthesia.

After that, a passive electrode is placed under the sacrum, and with the help of an active electrode, which can have different shapes, the area affected by erosion is treated.

After coagulation, a scab will appear on the wound surface, which after a week is rejected by the body and comes out with scant bleeding.

Complete recovery occurs after a month and a half.


This method is also based on the use of electric current, but there is a difference: with diathermocoagulation, a spherical active electrode is used, and in the case of diathermoexcision, it has the shape of a loop, which allows not only to cauterize, but also to separate the disease-prone area of ​​the cervix. This procedure is effective for deep erosion.

Diathermoexcision is performed under local anesthesia. A rubber cuff is placed in the woman’s vagina to prevent burns, then an electrode is inserted into the cervical canal and rotated around its axis. In this way, the area susceptible to erosion is removed. If the vessels are damaged during the cauterization process, ligatures are applied to them.

Complete restoration of the cervix will require one and a half months, as with the method described above. After the operation, minor bleeding is possible, which will last 10, maximum 12 days.

Radio waves

How does the process of cauterization of cervical erosion with radio waves take place? The procedure is new and not widely used., however, it is painless, effective and non-contact, since the effect is produced by radio waves that heat the damaged tissue, affecting the fluid inside the cells.

There is no bleeding after this operation, and the possibility of negative consequences is considered minimal.

The procedure is carried out using an electrode that produces radio waves, but does not need to come into contact with the surface of the cervix.

Radio waves, heating the liquid in the cells, evaporate it, and the surrounding vessels coagulate. There will be no scab during such an operation; instead, a thin film will appear on the affected area.

The method is gentle, no anesthesia is required.

Recovery takes a maximum of a month, complete cure is achieved in one session.

Laser vaporization

During the procedure, the boundaries of the affected area are outlined with a laser., and then they begin to evaporate cells from the cervical canal to the previously designated boundaries. It is completely painless and the operation is performed on an outpatient basis. There is no bleeding after it, because the vessels instantly coagulate.

However, large erosion cannot be cured with this method in one session., you will need two or three laser treatments at least a month apart. The lining of the uterus is completely restored in 6 weeks.

The procedure is also indicated for nulliparous patients. No anesthesia is required.


Treatment is carried out using a cryoprobe, which affects affected cells with converted liquid nitrogen. The cells crystallize and die, this is effective for small erosions, but it will take two to three months for the cervix to recover. The treatment of damaged tissue itself takes no more than 5 minutes.

The procedure is considered painless, but a burning sensation may occur.. At the patient's request, local anesthesia is given. The method is not suitable for deep erosions.

Chemical method

How is cervical erosion cauterized using this method? During the procedure, the doctor uses a special drug that promotes the death of eroded cells.

In the past it was Vagotil, now they use a more modern and effective remedy - Solkovagin.

First, the affected area is dried with a cotton swab, then another swab is soaked in medicine and the area affected by erosion is treated.

It takes no more than three minutes, and after the procedure is completed, the doctor dries the treated area again to remove any remaining medication.

This treatment does not require anesthesia and is painless. However, the effect is mild, so several sessions (from 5 to 10) are needed for complete recovery.

Again, this method is effective for small erosions; it cannot cope with deep ones.

When can cervical erosion be cauterized and on what day of the cycle after menstruation is it usually cauterized?

  • the cervix dilates at this time, which makes it possible to examine erosion and the changes caused by it more thoroughly;
  • excluded ;
  • the menstrual cycle will not be disrupted, and the absence of discharge ensures that an infection will not develop in the treated area.

Moxibustion is not done during menstruation, since the risk of infection greatly increases, and erosive changes are not visible. And before menstruation, you can carry out laser vaporization or radio wave irradiation: with such methods the damage is minimal, which means the possibility of developing complications is minimal.

You can cauterize cervical erosion in the antenatal clinic, where such a procedure is done free of charge, or in any private gynecological clinic.

But in antenatal clinics, cervical erosion is cauterized using diathermocoagulation and diathermoexcision methods, since they do not require expensive equipment, which hospitals most often do not have.

Private clinics usually provide the opportunity to perform laser vaporization or radio wave irradiation, but this will not be a free service.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that after cauterization of the erosion, it is recommended to abstain from sexual activity, excessive physical activity, and the use of tampons for two months. To avoid relapse of erosion, you will have to monitor your hormonal levels and regularly go to the gynecologist for examinations.


Currently, cervical erosion is one of the most common diseases of the female reproductive system. It is characterized by damage to epithelial cells as a result of injury, surgery or an infectious disease.

There are several types of treatment for erosion, including cauterization. But this method is not suitable for all women. Does cauterization of cervical erosion have consequences in nulliparous girls? What alternative therapies are there? All this will be discussed in this article.

Possible consequences

Cauterization has remained the classic treatment for cervical erosion for many years. In this case, the affected areas were cauterized using electric current. Is it possible for nulliparous girls to cauterize erosion and will this lead to any consequences? Absolutely not. Research in the field of medicine has proven that the effectiveness and safety of this method is very questionable.

Cauterization has serious consequences for the body of a nulliparous girl, namely:

  • formation of scars on the surface of the cervix;
  • damage and disruption of the functioning of healthy cells;
  • possible risk of subsequent miscarriages;
  • fusion of the cervical canal;
  • the likelihood of infertility.

All these complications are explained by the special structure of the organs of the reproductive system. In nulliparous girls, the opening of the cervical canal leading to the uterine cavity is quite narrow and has a rounded shape. In this regard, very often cauterization of the affected cells can cause clogging of the canal and, as a result, infertility.

The opposite situation can also happen - the walls of the cervical canal become greatly stretched due to extensive scarring and disruption of the normal structure of the cervix - as a result, isthmic-cervical insufficiency develops. This will lead to serious consequences in the future and may cause a miscarriage. And the scarring that occurs during cauterization can lead to severe ruptures and heavy bleeding during childbirth.

This does not mean that cervical erosion should not be treated. This can only aggravate the situation and lead to a number of consequences. In the future, the affected areas of the epithelium can degenerate into tumor cells, which lead to malignant formations of the cervix, namely cancer. Since cauterization of cervical erosion is strictly prohibited for nulliparous girls, there are other, more gentle treatment options.

Safe treatments

All types of elimination of erosive processes in nulliparous girls must meet several important requirements: a gentle effect on the tissue, minimal consequences and the absence of scars or adhesions.

Taking medications. This method is used only in the earliest stages of cell damage to eliminate the source of inflammation. If erosion is caused by various infections, then the doctor may prescribe drugs to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Also, the use of suppositories or ointments may be prescribed as topical medications. The complex action of these agents enhances the regeneration of the epithelium and also significantly accelerates the healing process. Antiseptic suppositories, antibiotics, antiviral agents, immunomodulators, suppositories and ointments with healing components are used.

It is very important to strictly follow the dosage and form of the drug prescribed by your doctor. This will prevent complications, as well as successfully become pregnant and give birth later.

Laser therapy. The essence of this method is the direct impact of laser beams on the affected area of ​​the epithelium. Is it possible to cauterize erosion in nulliparous girls in this way? Yes, you can. One of the main advantages of this method is that the laser penetrates only the affected areas and does not affect healthy areas at all. In addition, there are no scars or bleeding wounds left at the site of laser cauterization, and healing occurs much faster than with other methods. Thus, after cauterizing cells with a laser, there are no serious consequences.

Action by radio waves. The method is highly effective, non-invasive and provides rapid healing. The recovery process lasts 1 - 2 months. Immediately after the procedure, slight bleeding may occur. You should refrain from sexual intercourse for 15-20 days, and a month after cauterization, be sure to visit a gynecologist.

Cryodestruction. The affected areas of the epithelium are treated with liquid nitrogen, which has a freezing effect. As a result, areas of affected tissue die, while healthy cells remain intact. It is considered one of the best ways to treat erosion, since the action of liquid nitrogen does not cause scarring or deformation of healthy tissue.

Cauterization with drugs. In this case, local drugs are used, for example, Solkovagin and Vagotil. These products can remove eroded areas in one procedure without compromising the integrity of healthy tissue.

All of the above methods are excellent for removing cervical erosion in nulliparous girls. Their main difference from electric cauterization is the absence of consequences, as well as the preservation of all healthy cells and tissues, which is a necessary condition for the successful course of pregnancy and childbirth.

In any case, the treatment of any disease, including erosion, requires an individual approach to each patient. That is why only a doctor can choose the most suitable method for eliminating cervical erosion.

Pregnancy after erosion

Cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current is strictly not recommended for nulliparous girls, since serious problems may subsequently arise both with conception and the course of pregnancy, and with the process of childbirth.

All other methods allow the girl to successfully become pregnant and give birth in the future. Laser treatment of affected areas of the epithelium remains the most effective and widespread treatment method. A month after the procedure, you can start planning your pregnancy.

With cryodestruction, radio wave cauterization, laser vaporization, complete recovery occurs after 1.5-2 months, but it is best to plan a pregnancy after 4-6 months. When treating erosion with chemicals, healing occurs faster.

Treatment of erosion with chemical drugs also does not lead to the formation of scars, but its main disadvantage is the high probability of re-damage to epithelial cells. That is why this method is used only at the very initial stages of the erosion process.

It is important to remember that regardless of the type of treatment chosen, erosion cannot be an obstacle to conception. and successful pregnancy. However, before planning a pregnancy, it is imperative to undergo a full examination, eliminate all existing pathologies and get rid of bad habits.

Timely detection and treatment of any disease is the key to successful and speedy recovery. for girls who have not yet given birth has its own characteristics and limitations. It is strictly forbidden to eliminate erosion by cauterization with electric current, since this method can lead to a number of serious consequences. Only safe modern methods will preserve the integrity of tissues and prevent further complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Congenital cervical erosion is a disease of the vaginal mucosa, in which thinning of the mucous epithelium occurs. In this case, first, cracks form on the mucous membrane, and bleeding may occur. Then, at the site of these cracks, tissue degeneration occurs; normal epithelial cells are replaced by a more rigid columnar epithelium of the uterus.

    1. Pain and burning during or immediately after sexual intercourse. This symptom is caused by the fact that during sexual intercourse the inflammation of the mucous membrane intensifies even more.
    2. Non-menstrual bleeding. Sometimes discharge occurs after sexual intercourse. Cracks in the mucosa can sometimes bleed, which leads to such discharge.
    3. Vaginal leucorrhoea throughout the entire cycle. They may be colorless or streaked with blood.
    4. Frequent exacerbation of candidiasis, which is due to the fact that damaged mucosa is easily infected by pathogenic microorganisms

    Causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous women

    There are many reasons that can lead to the occurrence of a pathological process.

    • sexually transmitted diseases (including syphilis);
    • infectious processes, in particular;
    • viral infections (human papillomavirus, herpesvirus);
    • immune deficiency;
    • diseases of the endocrine system and disorders of normal hormonal regulation;
    • mechanical damage to the mucous membrane, for example, as a result of abortion;
    • early onset of sexual activity.

    Congenital cervical erosion: does it need to be treated?

    Often, cervical erosion in nulliparous women is asymptomatic. Girls learn about the pathological process only during a routine examination with a gynecologist. Since the disease does not cause them any inconvenience, girls do not strive to begin timely and adequate treatment. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong.

    Firstly, the disease can trigger the development of cancer. The likelihood of this process is very high, so it is important to begin treatment for the disease as soon as it can be detected.

    Secondly, congenital erosion of the cervix often indicates disturbances in the normal functioning of the body, in particular, hormonal imbalance. Therefore, it is important not only to carry out local treatment of the disease, but also to find out what its causes are.

    In addition, if the disease is not treated, the situation may worsen, and congenital erosion of the cervix will begin to manifest itself with unpleasant symptoms. This is especially dangerous during pregnancy. In addition, erosion is dangerous because the epithelial layer of the vagina ceases to be elastic. During childbirth, this can cause additional complications: ruptures of the mucous membrane, difficult labor, and possible suffocation of the fetus. Therefore, if a woman plans to have a child soon, it is important to carry out preliminary treatment for this disease.

    Why can’t nulliparous women treat cervical erosion with cauterization?

    Traditional medicine suggests using moxibustion to treat the disease. In this case, erosive lesions are cauterized with a laser, electric current, radio radiation or liquid nitrogen. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to cauterize erosion for nulliparous women.

    It is not recommended to treat cervical erosion in nulliparous women using cauterization, as this can lead to infertility.

    In women who have given birth and those who have not given birth, the size and shape of the cervical canal, the opening that leads to the uterus, differs. In nulliparous girls, this opening is round and very narrow. When cauterization is performed, healthy tissue may be damaged, and then a scarring process will occur. If the procedure is performed by an incompetent doctor, this can lead to closure of the cervical canal and, as a result, to infertility.

    Another danger of such cauterization is that severe damage to healthy tissue can subsequently lead to the fact that the cervix will spontaneously open during pregnancy, and the girl may have a miscarriage.

    Another danger of cauterization is that during scarring, epithelial tissue is replaced by connective tissue, which is not capable of stretching. Thus, if a girl manages to become pregnant and carry a fetus to term, she may experience severe ruptures and bleeding during childbirth.

    Based on this, many prefer to begin treatment for the disease after the birth of the child. However, cervical erosion in nulliparous women is also treated. For this it is advisable to use folk remedies.

    Congenital cervical erosion: folk remedies

    Traditional medicine offers many recipes for the treatment of this disease. Local treatment with herbal decoctions and honey and ingestion of medicinal potions will be effective. Herbal decoctions have an anti-inflammatory, healing effect on the vaginal mucosa, normalize microflora, and stop the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

    For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to combine different procedures: douching, tampons with herbal decoctions and taking drugs orally. Treatment procedures must be performed daily. Herbal decoctions are taken 3-4 times a day. Drugs for treatment need to be changed every 2-3 weeks, otherwise the body may get used to it and they will no longer have a healing effect. Only with an integrated and systematic approach will therapy be effective.

    Recipes for oral administration


    For douching, herbal infusions at a comfortable temperature are used. A bulb with a soft silicone or rubber tip is best suited for the procedure. Before starting the procedure, you need to pour boiling water over the pear and pour boiling water inside for disinfection. You cannot douche with a jet under pressure.

    1. Calendula. 2 tbsp. l. Calendula is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, left for 4 hours, then filtered. Douching is done with a warm decoction.
    2. Bergenia is thick. 3 tbsp. l. crushed root of this plant is poured into 1 cup of boiling water and simmered over low heat for half an hour, cooled and filtered.
    3. St. John's wort. 4 tbsp. l. St. John's wort is poured into 2 liters of boiling water, simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour, left for half an hour and filtered.
    4. Salt. For 1 liter of warm boiled water take 2 tbsp. l. salt. The procedure is carried out twice a day.


    To make tampons, gauze is soaked in herbal decoction, sea buckthorn oil or copper water, rolled into a tampon and inserted into the vagina. Decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, and oak bark are suitable for the procedure. Tampons are usually worn overnight. Before carrying out the procedure, it is useful to douche with herbal decoctions.

    Honey. You can wrap the honey in several layers of sterile gauze and insert it into the vagina. Tampons can also be made with copper water. The product is diluted in warm boiled water in a ratio of 1:2.

    Onion swab. Onion tampons are an effective treatment for the disease. To do this, a medium-sized oblong onion is wrapped in two layers of gauze, wrapped with thread and dipped in melted unsalted butter. The bulb is kept for 5-7 minutes, then cooled and inserted warm into the vagina. Therapy lasts 10 days.

  • According to medical data, every fifth girl has encountered an illness such as cervical erosion at least once in her life. Cauterization (we will consider reviews of this procedure in this article) is an effective solution to the problem that has arisen. But, unfortunately, most of the fairer sex are in no hurry to receive timely medical care and try to treat themselves. However, experts argue that such an attitude towards one’s body is dangerous not only for a woman’s health, but also for her life. After all, although erosion is not a problem, the risk of its development in this condition increases several times.

    General information

    Obstetrics and gynecology describe this deviation as follows: cervical erosion is the most common disease in the weaker half of humanity. This condition is characterized by defects in the mucous membrane of the organ. Most patients think that this disease is not so serious that, after its discovery, they should immediately consult a doctor for immediate treatment. But that's not true.

    It should be especially noted that in some cases this deviation can be diagnosed from the very birth of a girl, that is, it can be a congenital pathology. Although this happens very rarely. As a rule, this condition in young children goes away on its own after hormonal changes occur in their body. Obstetrics and gynecology also describe cases where the cervical mucosa was restored in the fairer sex after childbirth.

    In addition, women are often diagnosed with true erosion, which is a common wound on the membrane of the mentioned organ. In most cases, it heals on its own after a certain amount of time. However, the most common is the so-called false erosion. This disease is the most dangerous. This disease is distinguished by the fact that it cannot go away on its own. That is why the patient requires special treatment.


    What causes cervical erosion in the fair sex? Experts say that the main reasons for the appearance of this pathological condition are:

    • Early onset of active sexual activity. The fact is that the entire mucous membrane of a woman’s genital organs fully matures only by the age of 20-22. If a random infection interferes with this delicate process, then the girl cannot avoid false erosion.
    • Vaginal dysbiosis, infections, as well as various inflammatory diseases of the genital area.
    • Diseases that are transmitted to partners after sexual intercourse (for example, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, herpes simplex virus and others).
    • Any trauma to the cervix. As a rule, the main causes of such conditions are abortion and childbirth. After all, the cervix acts as a kind of corridor through which the baby’s head must pass. As a result of this natural process, she is often injured.
    • Decreased protective functions of the body.
    • Any hormonal problems.

    How to treat cervical erosion?

    If you are diagnosed with such a disease, then it should be treated. The medicinal method involves taking certain medications. Non-drug therapy is used only when the first one does not produce positive results. It includes:

    • cryodestruction, which is performed using liquid nitrogen;
    • cauterization of erosion using electric current;
    • laser treatment of damaged mucous membranes;
    • chemical coagulation method.

    Afterwards, in 87% of cases, rapid healing is observed, followed by complete recovery of the patient. Let us consider in more detail how these procedures are carried out.

    Liquid nitrogen

    This substance is used in cryodestruction. This treatment method involves carefully treating the resulting erosion with liquid nitrogen. Very low temperatures cause the fluid that is part of the pathologically altered cells to crystallize and die. According to experts, with this procedure, nitrogen is applied to the wounds pointwise. For this, a special device is used to preserve all healthy tissue. After the cervix is ​​sprayed with liquid nitrogen, swelling forms on it, and in some cases even heavy discharge is observed. The advantage of this non-drug method is that it is bloodless and painless. Wound healing occurs within 5-7 weeks after the procedure.

    Disadvantages of the method

    Why is liquid nitrogen least often used to treat diseases such as erosion? Gynecology answers this question quite simply: as a result of such cauterization, a significant shortening of the cervix is ​​possible. Moreover, this method does not allow us to say with complete confidence that all affected tissues were thoroughly treated. That is why the patient’s recovery may be incomplete.

    It should also be noted that liquid nitrogen is used to treat only women who have not given birth. In addition, this method is not used for deep erosions. If the affected area is irregular in shape, then during its treatment it is possible to capture healthy tissue. This is due to the fact that the tip of the device used has a standard size. By the way, scars are practically not formed after such a procedure.

    Electric current

    How is it used against a disease such as cervical erosion? Moxibustion has positive reviews. During such an operation, all affected areas of the mucosa are treated with current. It should be especially noted that this procedure is carried out only in the first half of the menstrual cycle. After such treatment, a kind of scab, or so-called necrotic tissue, forms at the site of erosion. After several days, the rejection of dead particles and restoration of the epithelium begins. However, the patient’s complete recovery occurs only after 55-60 days.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the method

    Cauterization of cervical erosion (the price of such procedures can be different and varies between 2000-4000 rubles) using electric current is highly effective. Such intervention is performed in almost every gynecological clinic. However, it should be understood that this method also has its drawbacks. With a high degree of probability, representatives of the fairer sex may develop scars at the site of former wounds. This fact often leads to problems during childbirth. After all, damaged mucous membrane significantly complicates the opening of the uterus. In this regard, this method is not recommended for use in relation to women who have not yet given birth.

    Laser cauterization of cervical erosion

    The discharge (usually pinkish in color) that accompanies this disease should necessarily make a woman think that she has obvious health problems. After an examination by a gynecologist and some tests, the doctor may recommend laser treatment. It should be noted that this method is the most preferable to modern medicine. This is due to the fact that the surgical intervention is carried out without contact. In other words, treatment is carried out using a laser beam affecting the affected area of ​​the mucosa. By pointing a laser beam at pathological cells, the specialist seems to evaporate the liquid from them. Subsequently, such exposure leads to the formation of a scab. As practice shows, the resulting crust is rejected by the body after 7-12 days.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

    This method of treating erosion is the best. She has quite a lot of supporters. It should also be noted that most patients choose laser treatment. This is primarily due to the fact that this method is painless, does not leave scars, there is no risk of bleeding, and the effectiveness of treatment is very high. Such therapy can be recommended for both nulliparous and parous women. After such a procedure, the site of former erosion heals very quickly. As for the disadvantages of laser therapy, they include only relative accessibility. After all, such a procedure is quite expensive, and the equipment for its implementation is available only in individual modern clinics.

    Chemical coagulation

    How is cervical erosion treated using this method? Cauterization (reviews about this method are very different) using chemicals is used only if the affected mucous membrane is small in size. Pathologically changed areas are treated with special agents that destroy unhealthy cells. The main disadvantage of this method, as women note, is the need to carry out several procedures.

    Radio wave treatment

    In addition to all of the above methods, today there is also a method of curing this disease, such as radio wave exposure. The principle of its implementation is very similar to the use of electric current. But unlike radio wave surgery, it does not leave any scars and is therefore suitable for both women who have given birth and those who have not given birth.



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