Medicinal properties of fly agaric. Red fly agaric (Amanita muscaria)

Few people know that these mushrooms with bright warning colors can be used as the basis for medicines for many diseases.

However, treatment with fly agaric is a common practice, confirmed over the years and even centuries: they first began to be treated with it in the era of Ivan the Terrible.

Let's find out what diseases this inedible mushroom can cure, and how medicines based on it are prepared.

Fly agaric mushrooms: treatment with tincture

The tincture, created on the basis of the components of the red fly agaric, has the following beneficial properties:

In addition, the tincture accelerates wound healing, eliminates inflammation and strengthens the immune system.

Fly agaric: recipes for tinctures

Here are several recipes for fly agaric tincture, ointment and other remedies to be used in the treatment of certain diseases.

For skin diseases

To cure dermatitis, psoriasis or eczema, make the following infusion:

  • We chop the hats from ten mushrooms and put them in a liter container.
  • We seal it with a tight-fitting lid and put it in a warm place for 3 days.
  • Fill the mushrooms with moonshine so that there is a centimeter layer of liquid above the mushrooms.
  • We seal the container again and leave it for a month.

Lubricate the affected areas of the skin with a cotton pad soaked in this infusion overnight. The infusion itself can be stored for 3 years.

Fly agaric juice for quick wound healing

The infusion is used to heal wounds of various origins, including burns and frostbite.

To make wounds heal faster, prepare fly agaric juice:

  • Chop several mushrooms, sprinkle with salt, put in a glass jar and leave for 4 days.
  • Squeeze out the juice and store in a glass container.

We treat the wounds with this juice 4 times a day.

Fly agaric ointment for joint pain

Treatment of fly agaric joints can be carried out with ointment, which is prepared in two ways:

  • Mix dried fly agaric powder with olive oil.
  • Chop the mushroom caps and mix with olive oil or sour cream.

Rub the ointment into the inflamed area or make a compress. The ointment will relieve pain and inflammation.

For varicose veins and thrombophlebitis

To restore health to the veins, we prepare medicine from fly agaric juice:

  • Grind five fresh mushrooms in a blender.
  • Place the mixture in a glass container and seal with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Let the mixture sit until the juice appears.
  • Using gauze, squeeze out the pulp.
  • Pour the juice into another container and keep it in the refrigerator.

Before use, take some of the juice and dissolve it in boiled water 1:1.

In the mornings and evenings, lubricate the bulging veins with this composition and wrap them with a bandage.

Traditional medicine: fly agaric mushrooms treatment

For multiple sclerosis, arrhythmia, epilepsy, stroke

Infuse a mixture of 1 part fly agaric hat and 4 parts moonshine or vodka for three days. Pour clean water into a tablespoon and drop 10 drops.

We take it once a day.

For osteochondrosis, radiculitis and arthritis

We make a composition for rubbing the affected areas:

  • Place 8 fly agaric hats in a liter jar.
  • We cover them with water so that it is 1 cm higher than them, and seal them with a tight-fitting or vacuum lid.
  • We dig a hole one meter deep in the ground and bury a jar of mushrooms in it.

After five weeks, we dig it up and get the medicine: the mushrooms should have decomposed by this time. We rub it on our joints or lubricate our spine.

For seizures, sleep disorders and nervous diseases

Inhale dried fly agaric powder - 0.1 g twice a day.

For migraines, chronic fatigue, stress, weakened blood vessels and immunity, gastrointestinal diseases

We make the fly agaric infusion as follows:

  • We chop seven mushroom caps, place them in a glass container and fill them with vodka 1:1.
  • Seal with a tight-fitting lid and place in a warm place for a month.

We filter the infusion and take it like this: on the first day - 1 drop, on the second - 2, and so on increasingly - up to 30 drops.

For colds, pneumonia, bronchitis and tuberculosis

We chop the mushroom caps, put them in a glass container and fill them with alcohol so that it covers the mushroom raw materials. Leave for half a month and filter.

We use it according to the following scheme: dissolve 4 drops in a spoon of water and drink twice a day.

For oncological diseases

Treatment of cancer with fly agaric mushrooms is not fiction: an infusion of them helps to cope with benign and malignant tumors.

The tincture is used and made as follows:

  • Chop the mushrooms and leave them in a closed container for a couple of days.
  • Squeeze out the resulting juice, pour in the same amount of vodka or moonshine and keep for 10 days in a warm place.

We make a compress with the infusion on the areas affected by the tumor.

Cancer is also treated by taking this tincture orally: on the first day we drink 3 drops of the tincture, dissolved in 50 ml of goat milk! On the second day, we drink 6 drops, and go progressively until we get 30 drops. Then take the tincture in the reverse order, reducing the intake by 3 drops.

Then we rest for a month and carry out the same course. You may need 2-3 courses.

Important: If you need dried fly agarics to make medicine, you need to dry them properly: remove the plates from the hats and string the mushrooms on a thread. Dry in a ventilated place.

Now you know how fly agaric treatment is carried out, and how ointments and tinctures from these mushrooms are prepared. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipes and instructions for use so as not to exceed the dosage and harm your health.

Fly agaric is a poisonous hallucinogenic mushroom that has medicinal properties in micro doses, but is deadly in large quantities. Fly agarics are common in the forests of Europe, Asia, and North America. There are especially many “magic mushrooms” in Siberia and the British Isles. In ancient times, fly agarics soaked in honey or milk were left on windows as protection against insects. Hence the name of this bright mushroom.

It is not surprising that many poisonous mushrooms are used in medicine. Medicines are obtained from them. So, in France, a sleeping pill is made from fly agaric. The drug "Agaricus muscarius", which was obtained from the fly agaric, is used by modern medicine for epilepsy, sore throat, vascular spasms and spinal cord disorders. Fly agaric tincture has an immunostimulating and antitumor effect. On the basis of fly agarics, an ointment from the company Sun LLC is also obtained, which is considered an effective remedy for joint pain, varicose veins and other ailments.
The benefits of fly agaric

Fly agaric was indispensable in folk medicine many centuries ago. It is still used in alternative medicine to cure many diseases. For example, as an external remedy for rheumatism and abscesses in the form of a tincture. But ointment with fly agaric is very effective for arthritis. Treatment with fly agarics is also used when the sciatic nerve is inflamed, there is radiculitis or osteochondrosis. The healing effect of fly agaric in oncology is also known. There were cases when he helped to recover from cancer, however, at the initial stage of the disease. And if you are concerned about any problems related to the gastrointestinal tract, then fly agaric is effectively used in such situations. A tincture of fly agaric has gained popularity in folk medicine, which is used successfully to treat women's, skin, joint, eye diseases, impotence, tuberculosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. An alcohol-based tincture relieves spasms in blood vessels, seizures and epilepsy. It also effectively heals wounds, treats burns and frostbite. Fly agaric tincture is also used for ear diseases and toothache, and some use it to remove bad breath.

The bright red cap with white spots makes the mushroom one of the most beautiful forest inhabitants, however, it is also the most poisonous. And although this mushroom poses a mortal danger to people, for forest animals such as deer and elk, it serves as a medicine that helps get rid of worms. If necessary, these animals easily find the mushroom they need, after which they eat it with great pleasure.

The medicinal properties of fly agaric were known to ancient healers who used it in medical practice. Historically, ancient Greek athletes ate a portion of fly agaric to energize themselves before competitions. In addition, there are many historical examples when traditional healers treated patients with fly agarics.

Benefits in cosmetology

Fly agaric extracts used in pharmacology or cosmetology contain virtually no toxins. On the contrary, they are rich in beneficial enzymes, polysaccharides and antioxidants with high bioactivity. Red fly agaric extract is beneficial for skin care. This product promotes the production of collagen and the regeneration of skin cells, makes it firm and elastic, smoothes out fine wrinkles, improves complexion by lightening age spots. In addition, creams containing fly agaric extract are useful for combating cellulite and stretch marks on the skin. By the way, creams containing the extract of these mushrooms will also help get rid of calluses and cracks on the skin of the feet.
Fly agaric in lately began to be used for the preparation of many medicines. However, they can only be taken orally under medical supervision.

But fly agaric is used externally with ease, as it gives a good healing effect. For example, fly agaric has very strong wound-healing properties. You can take fresh fly agaric mushrooms, tear off only the caps from them, knead them and use gauze to bandage the finished mass to the wound. After a couple of hours, the skin wound will begin to heal.

Fly agaric is used in the treatment of inappropriate behavior, sclerosis and paralysis. This mushroom helps get rid of heaviness in the stomach, gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea.

Fly agaric is used for impotence, painful menstruation, sexual arousal and irritation of the genitals.

Oddly enough, fly agaric is used for spots in the eyes, decreased vision, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelid margins, myopia and cataracts. Ear pain, itching and swelling of the ears can also be cured with the help of preparations made from fly agaric.

In folk medicine, fly agaric has found its use for toothache, belching, increased salivation, prickly pain in the heart and bad breath.
Fly agaric tincture for compresses, bandages and rubbing. To prepare it, you need to take mushrooms and chop them, then leave the chopped mushrooms in a cool place for three days. Next, take a glass jar and place the mushrooms in it so that the jar is not filled to the top. After this, you need to take vodka and pour over the mushrooms so that they are completely in the vodka. Vodka should be 1 cm above the mushrooms. After closing the jar, leave it in a dark place for 2 weeks. Not only the tincture, but also the mushroom pulp has a healing effect. The tincture can be stored for no more than three years, since after this period it loses its medicinal properties.

Fly agaric ointment for radiculitis and arthritis. It is prepared as follows: you need to take fresh fly agarics and grind them with an equal amount of sour cream. In the evening, apply the prepared ointment to the sore spot, cover with film and wrap it up overnight. Early in the morning, remove the bandage and wash the sore spot with warm soapy water. You can store this ointment in a ceramic or glass container, but under no circumstances store this medicine in a metal container.

Infused fly agaric juice for compresses. Take fresh mushrooms and chop them. Next, take a glass jar and fill it with chopped mushrooms. Then we close the jar, but not airtight! And leave it for a month in a dark place. During this time, the mushrooms will produce juice, which will accumulate at the bottom of the jar. The mushrooms are thrown away from the jar, but the extracted and infused juice is used for medicinal purposes.

Contraindications to the use of fly agaric

You must always remember that fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom, and therefore you must not only use preparations from it in strict compliance with dosages, but also store them correctly and away from children. When the first signs of poisoning appear, such as nausea or vomiting, action must be taken immediately, because slowness and lack of action can be fatal.

Harm and side effects of fly agarics

Amanitas are extremely toxic. Eating raw mushrooms can cause liver and kidney failure, and if consumed in large quantities, can be fatal. Signs of poisoning appear within an hour after eating poisonous mushrooms, and reach their peak after 3 hours, although some side effects may persist for 10 hours. Mushroom poisoning is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe salivation, dilated pupils, confusion, and excitability. If a person receives medical attention on time, there is a chance of recovery within the next 12 hours. In case of fly agaric poisoning, you should rinse your stomach as quickly as possible, drink a laxative (30 g of magnesium sulfate per 100 ml of water) and call an ambulance.

Do not exceed the dosage of medications containing fly agarics. Even in micro doses, products with mushroom extract are prohibited for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, people with gastritis, stomach ulcers, liver, pancreas or duodenal dysfunction.
Just 5 mushroom caps eaten by an unlucky person can lead to death. And, as a rule, this is exactly what they lead to. A person develops paralysis of the nervous system and respiratory muscles, and dies from hypoxia.

In case of fly agaric poisoning, you should:

  • Call an ambulance immediately;
  • Before her arrival, induce vomiting in the patient by any means;
  • Give magnesium sulfate as a laxative;
  • Provide gastric lavage - drink warm water, followed by inducing vomiting.

However, it is difficult to unintentionally become poisoned by this mushroom. Its red caps seem to warn of danger; it is very difficult, if not completely impossible, to confuse the mushroom with anything else.

Fly agaric tincture

Before you prepare a remedy to treat any diseases yourself at home, you must remember that you are still dealing with a poisonous mushroom, which can have a therapeutic effect only in a small dosage and limited use externally as an ointment. How can you use fly agaric? Treatment: a tincture of this mushroom can be made with vodka, and you can also use both pure and infused juice. For medicinal purposes, red fly agaric can be harvested throughout the year, collecting only the caps of young mushrooms. If you do not plan to use them immediately, you can dry them in a well-ventilated place and store them away from food.
Chop the mushrooms and keep in a cold place for 2-3 days. After cutting, pack tightly into a jar and fill with vodka so that the liquid protrudes above the mushroom mass by about 0.5–1 cm. Close the container with a lid and place in a dark place for 2 weeks. The product can be stored for 2–3 years and used in treatment both the juice itself and the pulp.

To get the infused juice, you need to chop the mushroom caps, fill a glass container with them to the very top and close with a plastic lid. Place in a dark place for one month. During this time, the mushrooms will release juice, which will settle at the bottom of the container. It is used for treatment, and the cake is thrown away.

Treatment for joint pain

Treatment of joints is carried out both with pure mushrooms and infused ones. However, pure mushrooms are recommended for use for injuries and bruises, but joint pain is best treated with infused juice prepared according to the recipe described above, mixed in equal parts with vodka. Make compresses once a day. Store the composition for no more than 5 days. Amanita for joints can also be used this way: mix dried mushroom powder with Vaseline, sunflower oil or animal fat in equal parts. Use the product to rub sore areas.

If you don’t have dried mushrooms, and you don’t have time to make infused juice, you can grind fresh mushrooms, mix them with the same amount of sour cream and apply a compress to the sore joint overnight, and wash it off in the morning. Store the ointment in a glass or ceramic container in the refrigerator.

Fly agaric for oncology

Treatment of cancer with this mushroom is widespread. Perhaps the whole point is that the poisons in its composition have an effect on the body similar to traditional chemicals. However, there is no scientific evidence of its effectiveness, so cancer patients use it at their own peril and risk, when hope for help from doctors fades. They are treated with the same vodka tincture. You can also prepare it with alcohol by chopping 4 medium-sized caps and pouring 150 ml of alcohol into them.

Application is carried out according to the same scheme. Regardless of the volume of the prepared tincture and its strength, start drinking 1-2 drops per day, increasing the dose daily by the same amount of product. Having reached 20-30 drops, do not increase the dose any more and drink it for 3 weeks, and for advanced cancer or more - up to six months. Then you need to reduce the dose in the reverse order and, having reached 1-2 drops, take a break. During the break, experts advise cleansing the body in the same way as after chemotherapy - rinsing, and also drinking a lot of liquid - fruit drinks, compotes and decoctions of medicinal herbs that have a cleansing effect. We are talking about immortelle, galangal, plantain, birch buds, chaga, pine buds, oats, etc.

However, damage to all internal organs and systems will be caused in any case, and patients may feel even worse than after chemotherapy. If possible, consult your doctor or an experienced healer before starting to use the tincture. Of course, desperate patients are ready to grasp at every straw, but in this case they should not lose their minds.

What to do if you are poisoned by fly agaric

Despite the fact that treatment with fly agaric can be quite effective, the dosage of the drug or medicinal infusion must be strictly observed. Otherwise, instead of improvement, the patient may feel severe pain in the abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea may occur, severe nausea and increased salivation and sweating, the person may see hallucinations, or even lose consciousness. All these signs will indicate poisoning of the body with fly agaric poisons. If such symptoms appear, you need to act immediately:

Call an ambulance immediately!

Before the doctor appears, the patient should be given four glasses of water to drink and induce vomiting (you can press on the root of the tongue). Continue these steps until clean water appears from the stomach.

Then give the following solution as a laxative: a tablespoon of magnesia sulfate (Epsom salt) in half a glass of water.

After a few days under the supervision of a doctor, noticeable relief should occur.

The red fly agaric is a representative of the genus of cap mushrooms. The body of the fruit of this mushroom has one common cover. It turns into a film or scales at the base of the leg. Many red fly agarics have another cover. It is presented in the form of a ring at the very base of the leg. The red fly agaric is a mildly poisonous mushroom. But if taken in large quantities it is deadly. In our country, the red fly agaric is widespread. It can be found in every forest belt from June to the end of October. There are especially a lot of mushrooms after the rains, because... Due to increased moisture, their growth increases significantly.

Preparation and storage of fly agaric

You can collect red fly agaric mushrooms during the entire period indicated above. It is necessary to choose not very large mushrooms. Of course, preferably those that are either dark red in color or have rounded (almost regular shaped) caps. As soon as you have collected them, you need to cut the small mushrooms lengthwise and place them in the oven at a temperature not exceeding +50°C. You need to heat until almost all the moisture has evaporated. You will be able to understand this when the smallest mushrooms begin to darken.

It is advisable to dry large red fly agaric mushrooms in the open air, but in a place protected from sunlight, for 1-2 days. After that, carry out the same procedure with them - cut them lengthwise and dry them in the oven. You can store the resulting dried mushrooms either in a glass jar or in a plastic container. The lid must be closed; it can be stored at room temperature, but always in a dark place.

Use in everyday life

In everyday life, fly agaric is used as an insect repellent. It is necessary to boil 5-6 mushrooms in 1000 ml of water, then moisten the places where absolutely any type of insect may appear or reproduce. Even after heat treatment, many toxic substances remain in it, becoming a lethal dose for insects.

Composition and medicinal properties of fly agaric

  1. Today, fly agaric is used throughout the pharmaceutical industry. The components of this mushroom cope well with diseases such as tonsillitis, epilepsy, spinal cord pathologies, vascular spasms, bedsores, boils, varicose veins, arthritis, psoriasis, fungi, dermatitis, papillomas and many, many others.
  2. Preparations based on red fly agaric are used both internally and externally. In the latter case, ointments or solutions based on it are used to treat poorly healing wounds, vein pathologies, as well as pathologies of the nervous system.
  3. The only country in the world that adds elements of the fly agaric to sleeping pills is France. Their doctors confirmed not only the absence of any harmful effects, but also a beneficial effect. Using such drugs, people stop worrying for no reason, and the amount of stress and neuroses that can cause other, more serious diseases of the central nervous system decreases.
  4. Tinctures of the red fly agaric perfectly cure atherosclerosis, insomnia, hypertension, impotence, coronary heart disease, diabetes, seizures, and epilepsy.
  5. Red fly agaric is especially useful for women's health. Thus, taking drugs not based on it alleviates severe forms of menopause, as well as painful menstrual cycles. The mushroom in question contains substances that have an antitumor effect. It is this fact that has become the basis for the use of various drugs as a remedy against cancer. Of course, in the latter case, there was no official confirmation on this matter.

Use of fly agaric in folk medicine

Despite the fact that the mushroom in question is poisonous, in small doses it copes well with many diseases. Let's consider several popular and safe recipes for preparing drugs based on it.

Tincture for the treatment of skin diseases

You need to chop 5-6 mushrooms finely and place them on the bottom of a 1-liter glass jar. Close the lid, place in a dark place at room temperature, then let it brew for 3 days. Then add vodka to the indicated jar so that the top edge of the liquid is exactly 1 cm above the mushrooms. Close the lid and put it away for 3 whole weeks. Apply the indicated tincture using a cotton swab to damaged areas of the skin, while the reaction to alcohol must be tolerated. You can cover the damaged area with a bandage. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day. If pronounced allergic reactions occur, stop the procedure. This tincture can be stored for a maximum of 3 years under the same conditions as during preparation.

Red fly agaric juice for the treatment of varicose veins on the knees

You need to chop 5-6 mushrooms as finely as possible. Place the resulting mass in a 1-liter glass jar, close the lid and place in a dark place at room temperature. As soon as the mushrooms give juice, you need to drain it and squeeze the remaining mass into a container as much as possible. Dilute the resulting juice with warm boiled water in equal proportions. The specified solution must be applied with a cotton swab to areas of the skin where varicose veins are visible. Be sure to wash your hands after the procedure. After wetting the skin areas, use a bandage to cover the treatment area. Repeat the procedure 2 times – in the morning after getting up and in the evening before going to bed. Store juice only in the refrigerator, out of the reach of children, with the lid closed. It is advisable to use glass containers. Dilute the juice of the red fly agaric only immediately before the procedure. One serving of prepared juice can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 4 days.

Tincture of red fly agaric for the treatment of psoriasis

You need to take 8-10 dried caps of this mushroom, place them in a glass jar and fill them with vodka. The top edge of the liquid should be 1 cm higher than the mushroom particles. Close the jar with a lid, then leave for 40 days in a dark place at room temperature. After the specified time, strain and apply to areas of skin damaged by psoriasis using a cotton swab. After this, bandage the treated area with a bandage or gauze bandage. You can store this tincture for as long as you like, the main thing is not to forget to close the lid.

Tincture of red fly agaric for oral administration as a general prophylactic agent, as well as for the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract

It is necessary to chop 5-6 red fly agaric caps, then place them in a glass jar, pour in the same amount of vodka, close the lid, and place in a dry, dark place at room temperature. It is necessary to insist for a month. Then drink 1 drop in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 time per day, increasing the dose by 1 drop daily. By the 30th day, the number of drops should be 30. Then you need to interrupt the procedure for at least 1 month, and then repeat everything according to the same program. The tincture should be stored in a glass jar in a dark place at room temperature with the lid closed.

Red fly agaric tincture for the treatment of cancer

You need to take a 500 ml glass jar and fill it to the top with pieces of just collected red fly agaric. Let it brew for 1 month with the lid closed in a dark place at room temperature. Then drain the fly agaric juice and add vodka to the top of the jar. After this, close the jar with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. After 1 week the tincture is ready. On the 1st day of administration (on an empty stomach), take 1 drop diluted in 30 ml of boiled water 1 time, increasing the number of drops by 1 daily. As soon as the number of drops reaches 20, it is necessary to reduce exactly 1 drop per day. The maximum course is 1 month, then also a month break. Repeat the procedure at least 2 times.


It is extremely contraindicated to take doses that differ from those recommended, since a large amount of red fly agaric can cause poisoning. At the first signs of dizziness, vomiting, headache nausea, it is necessary to rinse the stomach with water with a small addition of potassium permanganate. Be sure to call an ambulance.

In small doses, it is forbidden to take any drug based on red fly agaric for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as for the following diseases: gastritis, stomach ulcers, pathologies of the pancreas, diseases of the liver and duodenum.


What is fly agaric

Red fly agaric (lat. Amanita muscaria) is a poisonous psychoactive mushroom of the genus Amanita, or Amanita (lat. Amanita) of the order Agaricales (lat. Agaricales), belongs to basidiomycetes.

Amanita muscaria was used as an intoxicant and entheogen in Siberia and had religious significance in local culture.

In many European languages, the name of this mushroom comes from its ancient method of use - as a means against flies (English fly agaric, German Fliegenpilz, French amanite tue-mouches), the Latin specific epithet also comes from the word “fly” (lat. musca). In Slavic languages, the word “fly agaric” (Polish muchomor, Bulgarian fly agaric, Czech muchomůrka, etc.) became the name of the genus Amanita.

The cap is from 8 to 20 cm in size. Its shape is hemispherical at the beginning, then opens to flat and concave. The skin is bright red, of varying color density, shiny, dotted with white warty flakes.

The pulp is white, light orange or light yellow under the skin, with a slight odor.

The plates are 0.8-1.2 cm wide, white or cream, frequent, free, there are numerous intermediate plates.

The stem is cylindrical, 8-20 cm high and 1-2.5 cm in diameter, white or yellowish, with a tuberous-thickened base, hollow in mature mushrooms.

Remains of bedspreads. The flakes on the skin of the cap are cottony, white, and may fall off. A membranous ring in the upper part of the stalk, hanging, stable, the edges are often uneven, the upper surface is sometimes slightly ribbed. The vagina is adherent, multilayered, very fragile, and looks like several rings of whitish warts near the base of the stalk.

Spore powder is whitish, spores are 9×6.5 microns, ellipsoidal, smooth.


Fly agaric is a genus of mycorrhiza-forming lamellar fungi of the Amanitaceae family. The same name is used for a mushroom with a red cap with white speckles. Fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom. The Latin name for the genus of fly agaric mushrooms is Amánita. There are more than 600 species in the fly agaric family. There are several options for the taxonomy of these fungi, the most famous are the classifications of E. Gilbert, Garsens, and Jenkins. In the modern scientific community, the most authoritative system is R. Singer.

The color of the fly agaric depends on its type. The caps of different types of fly agarics can be red, yellow, white, green, brown, orange. The most famous fly agarics are the red fly agaric, the pale toadstool, the stinking fly agaric, the royal fly agaric, and the Caesar mushroom.

It is very easy to find fly agaric in the forest. This beautiful but poisonous mushroom is found almost everywhere; its varieties are found even in Australia. In Russia, fly agaric grows in both coniferous and deciduous forests. You can also see fly agaric in the tundra, among dwarf birches. Amanita mushrooms grow both in groups and individually. The growing season is quite long: from early summer to November.

Medicinal properties of fly agaric

Throughout the European part of Russia, red fly agaric has been traditionally used for many centuries not only to prepare a liquid for killing flies, but also as a medicinal mushroom. Infusions and compresses from this mushroom help with the healing of wounds, bruises, rheumatism, stomach diseases, diseases of the nervous system, gland tumors, tuberculosis and a host of other diseases. The results of biochemical experiments showed that the skin of the red fly agaric cap contains the antibiotic substance muscaruphine - a fiery orange pigment that inhibits the development of tumors. The pulp of the mushroom also has valuable medicinal properties. By the way, back in the 16th century, Paracelsus recommended the red fly agaric as a good remedy for diabetes and for the prevention of tuberculosis.

From red fly agarics, folk healers, and later certified doctors, learned to make preparations for those suffering from spasms of blood vessels, cerebral sclerosis, chronic tonsillitis and such serious diseases as chorea and epilepsy, various forms of cancer and tuberculosis. These drugs have also passed pharmacological tests, but have not gained a foothold in official medicine everywhere, due to the high toxicity of the starting material. Meanwhile, preparations from fly agaric and its medical use are legal in many countries of the world: the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Italy, Finland, Russia, Japan, New Zealand.

Red fly agaric is very widely used in homeopathy. In this type of alternative medicine, the mushroom is indicated for almost all existing diseases. For more detailed information, I refer you to the book “Treatment with fly agaric mushrooms” by T.V. Makeenko, which provides recommendations from homeopathic doctor T.D. Popova.

It is difficult to say where people got the knowledge about the healing properties of fly agaric. Maybe from observing wild (elk, deer) and domestic ungulates, which are undoubtedly treated with fly agarics. Squirrels, bears and magpies also crack the fly agaric on both cheeks. I have heard several reliable stories about sick cows that were fed fly agarics until they completely recovered (one was cured of worms, another was cured of something very complex). Many modern veterinarians add crushed fly agarics to feed intended for sick animals, believing that such treatment helps much better than medications.

It is reliably known that it was the Slavs who primarily used fly agarics for healing. Even in Siberia, fly agaric was used as a medicinal mushroom by newcomers from beyond the Urals and people from the Far North, and not by local residents and certainly not by shamans. There is simply no information about the existence of a long-standing medicinal practice based on one or another use of fly agaric among the indigenous peoples of Siberia. Quite the contrary, it seems that the current infrequent medicinal use of fly agaric was borrowed by them from the Russians. And at present, the medical use of red fly agaric is limited mainly to Eastern Europe.

It is interesting that in the old days, Russian healers used only the lower part of the stem of the still immature fly agaric in fresh form, and the other parts were dried and made into powder. Here we can draw a parallel with the Mexican mescaline-containing hallucinogenic peyote cactus (Lophophora williamsii), the highest concentration of active alkaloids of which is concentrated precisely in the lower part of the stem and the upper part of the turnip root.

Fly agarics are usually taken externally in the form of an ointment or infusion and used for treatment

ulcers, abscesses, burns and frostbite, external tumors and cancerous ulcers, skin diseases, including eczema. Also, ointments and infusions help with pain in muscles, bones, joints, lower back and salt deposits, and with many eye diseases.

People use fly agaric externally with ease, as it gives a good and reliable healing effect. For example, fly agaric has very strong wound-healing properties. You can take fresh fly agaric mushrooms, tear off only the caps from them, knead them and use gauze to bandage the finished mass to the wound. After a couple of hours, the skin wound will begin to heal. Externally, fly agaric is used for spots in the eyes, decreased vision, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelid margins, myopia and cataracts. Ear pain, itching and swelling of the ears can also be cured with the help of preparations made from fly agaric.

Internal use of fly agaric is used not only in folk medicine, but also by homeopathic doctors. In folk medicine, if fly agaric is used internally, it is used “for everything.” This is a real panacea, possessing all the necessary universal healing properties, from general strengthening to curing all diseases and granting longevity.

What does fly agaric tincture help with?

For internal use, use an infusion of alcohol or vodka. I could give a list of diseases that can be cured by taking fly agaric orally, but it’s easier to buy a thick medical reference book and read it a couple of pages at night. The list of recipes would be no less thick, and the list of evidence of real cases of successful treatment through fly agaric would be absolutely enormous.

As an example, I can cite the following range of indications: toothache, belching, increased salivation, stabbing pain in the heart, bad breath, inappropriate behavior, sclerosis, paralysis, heaviness in the stomach, gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea, impotence, painful menstruation, sexual arousal and genital irritation.

In many countries, including Russia, preparations from fly agaric are used in official medicine.

Below I will give several examples of folk recipes based on fly agaric for different occasions.

Fly agaric ointments

Finely chop the red fly agaric mushrooms, pour them into a bottle, cork them and put them in the stove or oven over low heat overnight. The next morning, rub the contents of the bottle through a sieve and place in a glass jar. Rub on sore areas at night and wrap well.

Grind the red fly agaric in half with sour cream and apply it to the sore spot on a cloth. Use for paralysis, rheumatism, sciatica, radiculitis, polyarthritis.

Take a large red fly agaric, chop it finely and pour half a liter of vodka. Bury in manure for a month. Rub the resulting jelly (the smell is very unpleasant!) on the sore spots. Use for paralysis, rheumatism and radiculitis.

A clay pot is filled with pieces of red fly agaric, coated with dough and baked in a hot Russian oven. Then the contents of the pot are filtered using gauze or a strainer. The thick liquid squeezed out of the mushrooms is stored in tightly sealed, tarred bottles or vials. The ointment is used for pain in the muscles and spine.

To treat cutaneous tuberculosis, several fresh mushroom caps are placed in a pot and sprinkled with salt, tightly closed and heated for 15 minutes. The resulting mass is applied to the affected areas of the skin.

For radiculitis and arthritis. Take fresh fly agarics and grind them with an equal amount of sour cream. In the evening, apply the prepared ointment to the sore spot, cover with film and wrap overnight. Early in the morning, remove the bandage and wash the sore area with warm soapy water. You can store this ointment in a ceramic or glass container, but under no circumstances in a metal one.

Fly agaric pulp

Keep the cut red fly agarics in the refrigerator for two days in a plastic bag. Then cut into pieces, put in a jar, pour in vodka so that it covers the mushrooms to the thickness of a finger. Place the jar in the cellar or refrigerator to maintain a uniform temperature. After 2 weeks, strain. The drug relieves rheumatic pain well. Radiculitis is completely cured with regular rubbing.

Fly agaric tincture with vodka, option 1

Fill a liter jar with red fly agaric caps, add vodka, and bury them in the ground for a month. Then strain and put in the refrigerator. Use for spasm of blood vessels, cerebral sclerosis, chronic sore throat, stomach and skin cancer. Drink 1 drop in a teaspoon of distilled water for 20 days 3 times a day 1 hour before meals, with a further break for 10 days.

Fly agaric tincture with vodka, option 2

Keep 3-4 fly agaric caps for two days in a cool place (for example, in the refrigerator), finely chop them, put them in a jar and fill them with vodka so that the liquid protrudes above the mushrooms by the thickness of a finger, put the jar in the refrigerator. After two weeks, strain the tincture, after which it can be used.

Treatment regimen: “slide” - first a gradual increase in the number of drops, then a decrease. For example, the first forty-day course begins with one drop, and increases by one drop daily. On the 20th day the maximum is reached, then the daily dose is gradually reduced to one drop. Repeated courses can be up to 40 drops.

Drops are diluted in warm boiled water up to 20 drops per 0.5 glass of water, more than 20 drops per glass of water. Dilution protects the digestive tract from irritation. It’s even better to dilute the drops not in water, but in milk.

Fly agaric tincture for compresses, bandages and rubbing

To prepare it, you need to take mushrooms and chop them, then leave the chopped mushrooms in a cool place for three days. Next, take a glass jar and place the mushrooms in it so that the jar is not filled to the top. After this, you need to take vodka and pour over the mushrooms so that they are completely in the vodka. The vodka level should be 1 cm above the mushrooms. After closing the jar, leave it in a dark place for two weeks. Not only the tincture, but also the mushroom pulp has a healing effect. The tincture can be stored for no more than three years, because after this period it loses its medicinal properties.

Infused fly agaric juice for compresses

Grind fresh fly agaric mushrooms and fill a glass jar with them. Close the jar with an airtight lid and leave it for a month in a dark place. During this time, the mushrooms will produce juice, which will accumulate at the bottom of the jar. Discard the mushrooms from the jar and use the extracted and infused juice for medicinal purposes.

Fly agaric tea (tonic, restorative drink)

Boil a small amount of water, as much as you can drink at a time. Add 2-3 crushed vitamin C tablets or a teaspoon of lemon juice. Add one chopped dried fly agaric cap and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. During the last three minutes of boiling, add a tea bag to cut out the flavor of the mushrooms (optional). Strain the tea, discard the remaining mushrooms, cool and add a little sugar to taste.

Rules for collecting and preparing fly agaric for medicinal purposes

Both young (not yet opened) and mature mushrooms are collected throughout the fruiting season. The best option for preparing food for future use is drying; for quick preparation, water and alcohol infusions are best suited.

Contraindications for fly agaric

Mushroom-based treatment should not be prescribed to pregnant and nursing mothers or people with individual intolerance. For children under 16 years of age, the red look is also contraindicated. The drug containing the mushroom composition should be taken in the indicated dosages.

In addition, we should not forget that fly agaric is a very poisonous mushroom. A lethal dose is considered to be the amount of muscarine contained in 4 to 5 mushroom caps. Symptoms of poisoning vary depending on the severity. In mild cases, nervous overexcitation occurs, like euphoria, and visual and auditory hallucinations.

Poisoning of moderate severity manifests itself in the form of dizziness, confusion, disturbances of the visual, speech and auditory centers, acute stomach pain, nausea (often vomiting).

In case of severe poisoning, loss of consciousness, muscle cramps, delirium, and suffocation are possible. Death occurs from paralysis of the respiratory center.

Due to the high risk of severe poisoning, self-medication with fly agaric preparations (internal use) is unacceptable!

Based on the book “Medicinal Mushrooms” by M. Vishnevsky.

You don’t need to be a mushroom picker to answer the question: “What class does the fly agaric belong to?” Since childhood, everyone knows that this is a poisonous plant. Today, the mushroom is used as a raw material in pharmacology. In the article we will talk about alcohol, what the tincture cures, and how to use it.

A little history

We owe the discovery of the healing properties of the mushroom in question to observant people. They noted that animals ate it during various illnesses. As you know, nature has deprived only humans of this gift. Animals unmistakably, on an instinctive level, know which plant they can use to overcome their illness.

It is worth noting that taking medications based on fly agaric should only be done after consulting a doctor. Today, tinctures can be ordered from pharmacists. At home, you can also prepare fly agaric using alcohol. What it treats This and its properties will be discussed further.

Description and properties

The plant belongs to the category of lamellar mushrooms, belongs to the Amanitaceae family. The fly agaric has a dense body, a white leg, and a sphere-shaped cap. It comes in red and deep orange with white speckles. The mushroom is quite large. It can grow up to 20 cm in height. Available in groups or one copy at a time. It is considered a mildly poisonous mushroom. But in large doses it is dangerous. It grows everywhere in Russia. You can meet it in summer and autumn in every forest, regardless of the weather.

Hundreds of years ago, shamans knew about the psychostimulating properties of fly agaric. After consuming various decoctions based on it, the senses became heightened. The warriors became more resilient in battle and stronger. Modern research explains these facts by the presence of serotonin in the mushroom. This substance stimulates nervous activity. Fly agaric with alcohol is not only used internally. What does the tincture cure if used externally? The product will help in the healing of wounds, ulcers, and abscesses.

Fly agaric in alcohol and vodka: what does it cure?

Since ancient times, tinctures have been prepared from this mushroom for many diseases. Thanks to their antiseptic, wound-healing, restorative properties, people have successfully fought such terrible ailments as tuberculosis and cancer. Here is just an incomplete list of what tincture of fly agaric with alcohol treats:

  • Epilepsy.
  • Neuroses.
  • Insomnia.
  • Sclerosis.
  • Male impotence.
  • Problems of the female genital area.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Wounds, ulcers.
  • Joint diseases.
  • Decreased vision.

You can also prepare fly agaric at home using alcohol. What it treats, how to use the product, recipes for tinctures - we will consider all the questions in the following sections of the article. Let's start in order.

Let's go for mushrooms, or How to prepare raw materials

There are different methods for preparing medicines. In accordance with the recipe, the raw materials are prepared in several ways. To begin with, you must remember that picking mushrooms is allowed only in ecologically clean areas. Forest products growing near industrial production are unsuitable for preparing medicine.

You can use rubber gloves during collection. As a rule, fresh raw materials are taken to prepare tinctures. First, the mushrooms must be sorted out, spoiled specimens, as well as forest debris must be removed. After washing, we can prepare fly agaric in alcohol. What does the remedy treat? We'll look at this in more detail in the following sections.

Tincture for the treatment of joints

The prepared raw materials must be crushed. Then squeeze out the mushroom juice. Add exactly the same amount of alcohol. This is the easiest way to prepare fly agaric tincture. We keep the product for 3 weeks. Store in a cool, dark place. It is necessary to make a mark on the container so as not to confuse the medicine with other drugs. The finished product is suitable for rubbing sore joints.

Fly agaric in alcohol: what does it cure? An ancient method of preparing the product

Many years ago, our ancestors also prepared medicine. We can repeat the ancient method. We will need a lot of mushrooms. Fill a ceramic or glass container with them. The mushrooms should be compacted tightly. Cover the neck with film or a lid. Then our ancestors buried this container in the ground for 30-40 days. We can simply place it in a cool, dark place, for example, in a cellar. A signal that enough time has passed will be the separation of liquid and pulp. The juice will remain on the bottom, and the mushrooms will be on top.

The pulp must be squeezed out and discarded. The advantage of this method is that during the separation of the juice, it also undergoes fermentation. This infusion should be stored in the refrigerator. Traditional healers recommend diluting it with vodka or alcohol (40%) immediately before use. The parts are taken in equal proportions. The finished drug is used for rubbing and compresses. Used for joint diseases, dermatitis, abscesses, ulcers.

Recipes for preparing tinctures for oral administration

Traditional healers have long been treating cancer with fly agaric. These products must be prepared with extreme caution and care. Efficacy and safety will depend on adherence to technology and dosage regimen. We will look at several examples of how to properly prepare with alcohol. What does this remedy treat? The regimen is very effective for malignant tumors of the uterus, stomach, and lungs. It is worth noting that cancer cells are destroyed only in the initial stages of the disease.

So, preparing the tincture is simple. Five peeled mushrooms are poured with a liter of vodka. The jar is sealed tightly. Infuse for 30-40 days in a dark, cool place. Then the contents must be filtered. The course of treatment with this remedy begins with taking 1 drop orally. Every day we increase the dosage by one unit. When it reaches 30 drops, save it until the end of the course. It will be completed in 6 months. Next we take a break for 30 days. Then we repeat the course, starting again with 1 drop. We bring the dose to 30. Sore spots can be rubbed with grounds. During the spin cycle, do not throw it away, but store it in the refrigerator in a glass container.

Here's another recipe. The crushed mushroom caps must be filled with alcohol. We take the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio. After all this has been infused in a dark place for 40 days, squeeze and filter. Store in a glass container. Place the medicine in the refrigerator. You need to start the course of treatment by taking two drops. Add them to warm milk and drink before bed. Every day add two more drops. When the dose reaches 20 units, we begin to reduce it every day. Take 2 drops each. We take a break after the course. It is 1 month. At this time, healers recommend taking the mummy solution on an empty stomach. To prepare it, you will need 10 g of raw materials. Dissolve the mummy in half a liter of warm water. Take 25 ml of this product every day.

When the body has rested, repeat the mushroom course - carry it out for 20 days. Next is a break. It will be 30 days. Use this time to cleanse your body. Prepare a collection of the following plants: plantain, galangal root and immortelle (10 g of each herb), pine and birch buds (100 g each), birch chaga (500 g). Mix all ingredients and prepare decoctions.


Before starting treatment with an alcohol extract from fly agarics, you should consult with specialists. After all, we said that no matter how much the effectiveness of the method is praised, we must not forget about what class the mushrooms in question belong to. It is also necessary to undergo examination at a medical institution. The diagnosis must be confirmed by specialists. Alcohol tincture should not be used for prophylactic purposes. In cases where the origin of the disease has not yet been determined, the use of the method should also be postponed.

As for absolute contraindications to the use of the product, there are only a few. Firstly, the tincture should not be used in the treatment of children (under 18 years of age). Secondly, this method is not suitable for people who have an individual intolerance to any component of the medicine. Thirdly, this is pregnancy. Fourthly, the tincture should not be used during breastfeeding.

In addition to all of the above, every person who intends to use the tincture for medicinal purposes must be aware that there is a possibility of poisoning. The drug cannot be classified as a harmless drug. And it must be used under the supervision of specialists.

Signs of overdose

We looked at how to prepare fly agaric using alcohol yourself. You also now know what it treats and how to take the medicine. It remains to talk about the symptoms of poisoning. Knowing about them is no less important. Even if the patient follows all the recommendations and does not exceed the dosage, he should be alerted to the following signs:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Pupil dilation.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Deterioration of vision and memory.
  • Drowsiness.

In some cases, symptoms can be very serious: hallucinations, delirium, convulsions, coma. If these signs of illness appear, you must immediately stop taking the medication. Try to empty your stomach by inducing vomiting. Drink warm salt water and some absorbent drug. Regular activated carbon will do. It must be taken in the following ratio - 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. In case of severe poisoning, you must immediately go to the hospital. In such situations, you cannot do without gastric lavage.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the article does not call for preparing fly agaric with alcohol. What does the tincture treat? The list of diseases shows that it also contains harmless ailments. You can cope with them with medications that involve a lower risk of side effects.



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