Laser lipolysis - what it is, how it is done, indications and contraindications. Reviews from doctors and patients, photos

Cold laser lipolysis is a low-traumatic method of body contour correction, characterized by a short rehabilitation period and a lasting effect.

The lipolaser is rightfully considered an advanced development that effectively fights subcutaneous fat. Today, this technique is considered one of the most natural ways to get rid of excess fat. Using laser energy, lipolysis allows you to easily and painlessly get rid of unnecessary fat tissue and at the same time spend a minimum of time.

It also goes by the following names:

  • cold dioid lipolaser;
  • dioid laser lipolysis;
  • dioid lipolysis.


Cold liposuction is used on relatively small areas of the body, namely, where the amount of fat does not exceed 500 ml.

Laser lipolysis is used on the following areas of the body:

  • neck, cheeks, chin;
  • shoulder and forearms;
  • stomach;
  • thighs, buttocks, knees, calves;
  • back.

Photo: areas for liposuction

The essence of the procedure

The process of lipolysis is the process of breaking down fats into their constituent acids. In the case of laser, it means the breakdown of fats using special devices that deliver radiation of a certain wavelength - 650 nm. Clinical studies have proven that adipose tissue is sensitive to this particular wavelength, which stimulates their breakdown. The liquefied fat passes through the cell membrane and enters the intercellular space, from where it is discharged into the lymphatic system.

Photo: cold laser lipolysis technology

As a result, fat cells are reduced, which leads to the effect of a gradual reduction in the circumference of the treated area. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and is not accompanied by severe pain.

Photo: marking the problem area

Non-surgical cold laser liposuction is performed in stages:

  1. The problem area is marked.
  2. A thin cannula with a diameter of 1 mm is inserted under the patient's skin. Subsequently, it serves as a conductor for the optical fiber.
  3. Laser energy destroys fat cells. At the same time, the “soldering” of the vessels penetrating the adipose tissue occurs, which ensures that the procedure is less traumatic.
  4. The production of elastin and collagen is stimulated.
  5. The broken down fat tissue is gradually processed by the liver and eliminated from the body naturally.

Photo: lipolysis procedures

The average duration is from half an hour to two and a half hours, depending on the area being treated and the amount of fat removed.

Lipolaser, edaxis devices

Apparatuslipolaser It is used to dissolve excess fat cells and has a number of benefits. It helps in the fight against cellulite, eliminates channel obstructions, accelerates metabolic processes in the blood, eliminates bags under the eyes, rejuvenates and whitens the skin, and also reduces stretch marks.

Photo: lipolaser device

It has a user-friendly interface and a durable touch screen. German technologies used in the design ensure reliability and complete control over the work.

Edaxis is an ultra-modern device for cold laser lipolysis. It not only takes into account all the features of the human body, but also includes biomechanisms that are capable of regulating metabolic processes in the subcutaneous fat tissue.

Taking this into account, the device includes four manipulators with cavitation effects, it makes it possible to give the body the following:

  • reduce fat deposits;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • activate the human drainage system;
  • activate collagen production.

Special ultrasonic plates, having an energetic vibration of one million vibrations per second, contribute to the absorption of energy by the subcutaneous tissues. This accelerates the flow of liquid and breaks down fat molecules.

Photo: Lipobeltlaser cold laser lipolysis device

Ultrasonic handpieces, reaching a diameter of up to 80 mm. are used for a more powerful energetic vibration and are capable of removing deep fat.

Vacuum diathermic ultrasonic handpiece has its purpose: it is used to enhance the movement of fluid in the tissue, which subsequently leads to the removal of waste, toxins, and various acids through the lymphatic system.

I wonder what methods exist for correcting local fat deposits on the thighs, and how effective are they? Photos before and after thigh liposuction.


The following diseases are contraindications:

  • diabetes mellitus in decompensated form;
  • oncological diseases;
  • colds, infectious and viral diseases;
  • severe chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • elevated temperature;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • herpes in active form;
  • vascular diseases;
  • diseases of the immune system, autoimmune diseases;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • lupus;
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • presence of implants or prostheses;
  • skin inflammation;
  • insensitivity to heat.

Video: Laser lipolysis is an advanced method of liposuction

Cold laser lipolysis is an easy and painless procedure, so the recovery period is very short. A few hours after it is performed, the patient can go home, and the next day return to their usual routine.

  1. During the course of procedures, you need to drink plenty of fluids and drink at least two liters of water daily. This is necessary to facilitate the transport of fat into the lymphatic system.
  2. It is not recommended to consume juices containing large amounts of sugar and, therefore, calories.
  3. Light physical activity is required. Sport helps activate the flow of blood and lymph, which helps remove dissolved fat from the intercellular space.
  4. Lymphatic drainage on a special vibration platform is very useful, which also activates the flow of blood and lymph.
  5. It is worth limiting the consumption of coffee and cigarettes.
  6. Alcohol is contraindicated.


The advantages of cold laser lipolysis include the following factors:

  • low morbidity;
  • lifting effect;
  • short duration of the procedure;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • safety of lipolysis;
  • quick results that become visible after the first procedure.

The lipolaser is also different in that it does not create unnatural reactions in the patient’s body; therefore, it does not harm surrounding tissues, nerves and blood vessels.


The results that patients receive after cold laser lipolysis are comparable to the effect that can be obtained after plastic surgery.

Positive results after lipolaser are visible on ultrasound, which shows a decrease in the thickness of subcutaneous fat up to 30%. And after each procedure performed, it becomes larger.

It is most relevant in the area of ​​the buttocks, thighs, face and abdomen.

Video: Doctors about laser liposuction



The average cost of one treatment zone ranges from 7,000 to 10,000 rubles. To obtain maximum effect, several procedures are recommended.

The cost of cold laser lipolysis procedures is without a discount!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to perform liposuction at home?

Definitely not. Liposuction is a serious procedure that can only be performed in a specially equipped clinic and only by a highly qualified doctor.

Is it possible to do it in several areas of the body at once in one operation?

Yes, you can, but it is worth considering the total amount of fat removed. Cold laser lipolysis allows you to remove no more than 500 ml. in one procedure.

At what age can it be done?

If we are talking about a predisposition to obesity and local deposits, then age does not play a big role, although it is not recommended to have surgery before the age of eighteen. Moreover, written parental consent will be required.

How soon can I return to sports?

Not earlier than in a month. Cold laser lipolysis is stressful for the body, which is forced to work in an “intensified” mode, so it is better to postpone active physical activity for a while.

When will the results be assessed?

The effect is visible after the first session, but the maximum effect will appear no earlier than three months later.

How quickly does recovery occur?

Cold laser lipolysis is a non-traumatic procedure, so the rehabilitation period is as short as possible. The patient can almost immediately return to the usual rhythm of life, but with minor restrictions. For example, you should not drink alcohol, go to saunas or play sports for a month.

Photos before and after

  • Deep thermolifting (safe alternative to Thermage)
  • Myostimulation (cellulite treatment, body sculpting)
  • Removal of papillomas, keratomas, warts, hemangiomas, milia
  • Most people in the modern world are, one way or another, dissatisfied with their body. Even if obesity and excess weight are not your problem, you are probably familiar with dissatisfaction with certain areas of the body with excess deposits. These least treatable “fat traps” are the problem areas that ruin life for most of us. Until now, only products that improve the structure of adipose tissue have been available in the world of aesthetics. Real destruction and mechanical removal of problem areas was provided only by the liposuction procedure. But liposuction is a surgical intervention with its own contraindications, and most importantly, side effects.

    Today we are pleased to offer you an effective, non-invasive and safe method of treating cellulite and reducing the volume of excess fat deposits - CAVITATION or, as it is also called, cavitation liposuction.

    This is one of the most effective therapeutic techniques in aesthetic medicine, aimed at getting rid of local fat deposits. Cavitation liposuction has such a pronounced effect on adipose tissue that the results from cavitation are comparable to surgical liposuction.

    Indications for the procedure:

    • ● Treatment of fat deposits in problem areas:
      side surfaces,
      thighs, buttocks,
      breeches zone
    • ● Reducing the volume of subcutaneous fat
    • ● Reduces the appearance of fibrosis
    • ● Correction of sagging and decreased elasticity of the skin
    • ● Correction of defects after surgical liposuction

    Operating principle:

    During the cavitation liposuction procedure, low-frequency ultrasonic waves generated by special equipment act on the adipose tissue, causing the effect of cavitation in it: the formation of microbubbles (from the Latin Cavitas - emptiness). They increase in size, soften fat and destroy the membrane of the adipocyte, the fat storage cell. Thus, the reservoir itself for storing fat is destroyed, and its deposition in this place will no longer be possible. A special selection of ultrasound radiation parameters makes it possible to have a targeted effect only on fat cells, destroying only them. The released triglycerides, which make up fat cells, are removed from the intercellular space through natural metabolic processes.

    The cavitation procedure itself is simple and absolutely painless. Using the working handpiece of the device, the specialist treats the required area. The duration of the ultrasonic cavitation procedure, taking into account preparation for the procedure, is no more than 60 minutes. It is recommended to conduct sessions no more than once every 10 days. Course 3-4 sessions. If necessary, maintenance treatment is carried out: 1-3 procedures every 6 months.

    Effect of the procedure

    The effect is visible after the first sessions: the volume of fat deposits in the problem area after the first cavitation procedure decreases by 2-5 cm. Over the next week, the effect intensifies. The most important effect is also the restoration of blood circulation and stimulation of fibroblasts, which helps to increase the elasticity and turgor of the skin, eliminating sagging and sagging.

    For better effect and acceleration of the process of removing fat cell breakdown products through the circulatory and lymphatic systems, pressotherapy procedures and hardware vacuum or manual lymphatic drainage massage are recommended.

    A course of procedures creates the effect of a liposuction operation, and since after a certain period of life fat cells no longer multiply, the removal of the hated fat area occurs once and for all in the safest and gentlest method.


    If you have at least once used the services of plastic surgeons to solve obesity problems or simply read, for example, about surgical liposuction, then when you come to our center, you will understand that cavitation is a procedure without the negative consequences that surgical operations can usually cause. But, of course, the choice of “cavitation liposuction” is always yours.

    So, the advantages:

    • ● Non-invasive
    • ● Painless, does not require anesthesia
    • ● Fast visible aesthetic result
    • ● Short procedure time
    • ● Atraumatic
    • ● No rehabilitation period


    In the hardware cosmetology department of our SPA club, the price for the cavitation procedure is based on the optimal duration of the session (40 minutes + 15 minutes of preparation), regardless of the treatment area.


    Answers to questions:

    Irina, good afternoon! Unfortunately, you do not write how much time has passed since the caesarean section, or whether you are breastfeeding. If you are breastfeeding, then it is better for you to avoid any physical procedures now. The procedure helps to get rid of local fat deposits, including on the stomach. You write that the belly is sagging: if we are talking specifically about sagging skin, without obvious fat deposits, then in this case cavitation in its pure form is not very effective. Fractional laser is better for sagging skin...

    Good afternoon, Yana! The procedures differ in the instrument of influence (different physical phenomena) on adipose tissue. In both cases, fat cells are destroyed by heat. Only in the case of laser lipolysis, heating of adipose tissue occurs thanks to a low-frequency laser with a wavelength of 650 nm, and in the case of cavitation - thanks to low-frequency ultrasonic waves that cause a cavitation effect in adipose tissue (the formation of microbubbles, which force the cell...

    Hello, Ekaterina! The procedure is comfortable and painless. The effect is noticeable after the first session and intensifies in the following days (10-14 days). First of all, patients note a decrease in volume from 2 to 5 cm. As with any physiotherapeutic procedure, there are contraindications. The main ones: diabetes, pregnancy, breastfeeding, cancer, kidney and liver failure, skin diseases in the treated area and some cardiovascular problems...

    It all depends on what goals you set for yourself. These are completely different procedures. Cavitation is a hardware procedure aimed at eliminating local fat deposits. If you are interested in this particular problem, then of course it is better to resort to cavitation. Wrapping is not just an effective procedure for combating extra centimeters and cellulite - it is also an opportunity to have a beautiful rest and relaxation. The effect of a course of wraps on the body is gentler than cavitation. With...

    Ask a question

    A lipolaser is a device whose action is aimed at breaking down fat and removing it from the body without surgical intervention. The principle of its action is based on the use of low-intensity therapeutic laser radiation, absorbed by adipocytes (fat cells) and their further breakdown and removal from the body. This whole process in cosmetology is called laser lipolysis, the obvious advantages of which are: speed of action, painlessness, short rehabilitation period.
    Other names for the procedure:

    • diode laser lipolysis;
    • cold laser lipolysis;
    • diode lipolysis;
    • cold diode lipolaser.

    The essence of the procedure

    A device called Lipolaser, emitting waves of a certain length (mostly 650 nm), sends a chemical signal to adipocytes, which destroys them into smaller components - glycerol and fatty acids. These decay elements, passing through the cell membrane, enter the intercellular space, then into the lymphatic system and into the liver. The main part of them is used by the body as a source of energy in the process of metabolism and material for the creation of new cells, and excess fatty acids are excreted in bile and urine. All this is a natural process of the body using its own energy reserves, and therefore lipolysis does not lead to unnatural reactions.

    Important! The lipolaser does not remove or damage fat cells, it only reduces their volume.

    Indications for testing

    The use of cold laser lipolysis is effective for areas of the body where fat accumulation is observed:

    • hips;
    • buttocks;
    • "breeches" zone;
    • knees and shins;
    • belly and waist;
    • inner surface of the hands;
    • rib cage;
    • shoulders and forearms;
    • chin;
    • cheeks.

    In all these areas, the LipoLaser allows you to achieve visible results.
    Also indications for use are:

    • cellulite;
    • sagging skin;
    • stretch marks;
    • double chin

    How does the procedure work?

    Non-surgical cold laser liposuction is carried out in several stages:

    1. Marking the problem area.
    2. Insertion of a conductor for optical fiber under the skin - a thin cannula with a diameter of 1 mm.
    3. Effect of lipolaser.
    4. Vacuum roller massage or myostimulation.

    The last stage helps speed up the conversion of fats into energy. The duration of one procedure depends on the area being treated and takes on average about 30 minutes.

    Important! Within an hour after the session, the patient needs to perform cardio procedures lasting 30-40 minutes (running, brisk walking, swimming pool, cycling).

    Course of treatment

    To achieve visible results, you need to undergo 10 procedures with an interval of 2-3 days. This break is optimal, since the pores created by the laser in adipocytes remain open for 24-72 hours. Cold lipolysis, carried out over a longer interval, will be less effective, as evidenced by reviews from patients and cosmetologists.


    Despite its simplicity, cold laser lipolysis has many contraindications:

    • elevated temperature;
    • autoimmune diseases;
    • oncology;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • infectious and viral diseases;
    • chronic diseases;
    • herpes;
    • vascular diseases (phlebitis, thrombophlebitis);
    • decreased blood clotting;
    • lupus;
    • mental disorders;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • presence of pacemakers, prostheses, implants;
    • inflammatory processes in the treated areas.

    If you hide the presence of these diseases from your doctor, this will be fraught not only with a lack of effect, but also with various complications.

    Rehabilitation period

    Since cold laser lipolysis does not involve surgical intervention, the rehabilitation period is very short: a few hours after the procedure, the patient can return home and do their usual activities.

    1. Drink more than two liters of clean water daily - this is necessary to improve the transport of fat into the lymph flow.
    2. Avoid eating foods high in sugar.
    3. Carry out small physical exercises every day - this helps to activate the outflow of blood and lymph, which helps remove disintegrated fat.
    4. Reduce smoking.
    5. Limit the consumption of coffee and alcohol, as alcohol and caffeine negatively affect the lymphatic system, delaying the removal of fats and subsequent metabolism.

    Important! Despite the simplicity of implementation, laser lipolysis is a stress for the body, forcing it to work in an “enhanced” mode. Therefore, it is recommended to postpone active physical activity and visiting the sauna for a month.

    Results of the procedure

    As reviews show, the results after laser lipolysis are comparable to the effect of liposuction or plastic surgery. According to ultrasound data, in the places where the lipolaser is applied, the thickness of subcutaneous fat decreases by 30. After the procedure, patients are left with no scars, bruises or hematomas. There is also no need to wear compression garments.

    After the lipolaser, the results are immediately visible: about four centimeters are lost in the waist area after the first session. In addition, laser radiation stimulates your own collagen production, thus triggering a natural rejuvenation mechanism.

    Result after using LipoLaser on the stomach and sides

    Surgical methods of local fat removal are becoming less popular due to unsatisfactory results in the form of the appearance of subcutaneous lumps, sagging skin and hematoma formation, and a high risk of postoperative complications. Modern cosmetology uses innovative and safe hardware technologies.

    Which is better – ultrasound or laser liposuction?

    The difference between these forms of eliminating adipose tissue is the method of cell destruction. In the first case, cavitation is used - ultrasonic liposuction or non-contact wave action. During manipulation, air bubbles are formed in the fatty tissues, rapidly increasing in volume. When they burst, the membranes of the target cells are ruptured, and the released molecules enter the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Non-surgical ultrasonic liposuction ensures subsequent natural removal of the fat “emulsion” by the liver and kidneys.

    Laser removal of pathological tissue is a minimally invasive procedure and therefore requires (local). A medical cannula with a diameter of 1 mm with an attached optical fiber is inserted into a pre-marked area. Through it, a laser delivers radiation, the energy of which provokes the destruction of the membranes of fat cells. The number of punctures is calculated depending on the size of the treated areas.

    Ultrasound liposuction, unlike laser liposuction, is an absolutely painless procedure. It does not involve even microscopic damage to the skin and is accompanied by the shortest possible recovery period, which is why it is more in demand and popular. Its only disadvantage is the long course of procedures. Laser removal of fatty tissue occurs faster.

    There are many patented devices for carrying out the process in question. They are produced using the same technology and have identical operating principles. Any device produces powerful acoustic waves that act exclusively on fat cells. The radiation does not damage adjacent tissue structures, muscles and skin. Such devices are equipped with at least 2 nozzles for use in large and small areas.

    Several manufacturers produce high-quality equipment:

    • LipoSonix;
    • Alvi Prague;
    • LipoDerm;
    • New Contour;
    • LipoStyle;
    • Nova;
    • LipoSlim;
    • Echocell;
    • Luna;
    • UltraSlim.

    Ultrasonic liposuction – contraindications

    The described manipulation may be temporarily undesirable or completely prohibited. Cavitation – ultrasonic liposuction is postponed in the following cases:

    • breastfeeding;
    • pregnancy;
    • presence of damage to the treated skin;
    • acute inflammatory processes;
    • relapses of chronic pathologies;
    • menstruation;
    • previous abdominal surgery.

    Situations when cavitation is excluded - contraindications:

    • cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
    • osteoporosis;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • oncological tumors;
    • chronic infections;
    • the presence of metal implants;
    • presence of a pacemaker;
    • viral hepatitis B or C;
    • kidney diseases;
    • cirrhosis;
    • cholecystitis.

    Ultrasonic facial liposuction

    The presented procedure helps not only to get rid of excess fatty tissue, but also to slightly tighten the skin, eliminate “bags” in the lower eyelid area and sagging cheeks. The effect of ultrasonic liposuction in this area is comparable to the effect of plastic surgery. The main advantage of cavitation is the absence of pain and scars. Another advantage that ultrasonic liposuction has is that the patient feels good before and after the procedure. There is no need for anesthesia, hospital stay or rehabilitation period.

    Ultrasonic liposuction of the chin

    Weakening the tone of the muscles of the neck and lower jaw leads to a change in the contour of the face, “blurring” its outlines. Fat deposits under the chin worsen the situation, causing sagging skin and the formation of unsightly folds. Ultrasonic liposuction can quickly solve these problems - photos before and after the procedure confirm that acoustic waves produce positive effects:

    • lifting sagging skin;
    • elimination of double chin;
    • restoration of facial contours;
    • correction of the neck line.

    One of the methods of hardware cosmetology, based on the use of modern equipment, is lipolaser, or laser lipolysis. With its help, without any procedure, in many cases you can restore or maintain the beautiful, graceful appearance of your face and body.

    What is lipolaser

    Laser lipolysis is a modern, effective technique for correcting body contours and improving the figure by removing fat from fat depots without surgical intervention. The method is based on laser technology and has its own characteristics.

    The procedure is carried out by applying and fixing special pads equipped with laser diodes to the problem area. The latter emit cold spectrum light with a wavelength of 650 or 940 nm. Therefore, the procedure is also called “cold laser lipolysis.” This does not mean using low temperatures. The patient does not experience any cold or other unpleasant sensations during lipolysis. The procedure is completely safe.

    Mechanism of action

    The laser beam acts selectively on adipose tissue cells in places where they accumulate. No other surrounding structures are affected, much less damaged. Only the permeability of adipocyte membranes and the penetration of enzymes into them increases. In addition, the laser beam activates biochemical enzymatic reactions, as a result of which fat is broken down into fatty acids, glycerol and water.

    The latter, due to their small size and low molecular weight, as well as the increased permeability of the adipocyte membrane, freely exit into the surrounding intercellular space and enter the liver through the lymphatic ducts. There they are used as a source of energy and material for the construction of new cells, and the excess is excreted from the body with bile and urine. The fat cells themselves, after fat is released from them, significantly decrease in volume and disintegrate, which is reflected in the contours of the body due to a decrease in its volume. This effect is based on the same processes that occur in the body during natural weight loss.

    The duration of one lipolaser session is half an hour. For a good lasting effect, it is desirable to carry out from 6 to 10 sessions.

    Advantages of the technique

    The most important thing is that the cold laser lipolysis procedure is as close as possible to natural weight loss. All surgical methods, including traditional liposuction, are aimed at destroying adipose tissue. The lipolaser technique works to naturally remove accumulated excess fat from fat cells. Thus, the advantages of the method are:

    1. Minimal interference in the processes occurring in the body.
    2. The absence of any traces on the body after manipulations due to the non-invasive method of carrying them out, that is, without violating the integrity of the skin.
    3. The effectiveness of the procedure, unlike other non-invasive methods of lipolysis, is that in one session the technique allows you to reduce the volume of the fat layer by 3 cm. Therefore, the result can be seen immediately. There are results of patients losing up to 20 cm of volume in the affected area within 1 week.
    4. There are no complications and a rehabilitation period - the possibility of returning to your usual lifestyle immediately after the session.

    Use of lipolaser and contraindications

    The use of cold laser technology is effective for any area of ​​the body. You can reduce the volume of the entire body while simultaneously improving its contours. More often, this method, which allows you to get results in the shortest possible time, is used in cases where correction of the entire body needs to be carried out quickly (before a vacation or some special event). The method can also be used to correct individual zones:

    • belly and waist;
    • hips, knees and shins;
    • zones of "breeches" and buttocks;
    • inner surface of the hands;
    • posterior surface of the chest;
    • cheeks and chin area.

    For the last four zones, traditional methods are ineffective or not at all effective. But the lipolaser allows you to achieve good results in these areas.

    Contraindications to the use of lipolaser

    1. Diseases of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas.
    2. Presence of pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
    3. Acute infectious diseases.
    4. Acute or chronic skin processes.
    5. Diseases of the blood, circulatory and cardiovascular systems.
    6. Autoimmune connective tissue diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma).

    The cold laser lipolysis method is the best way to conservatively eliminate and correct the figure even in inaccessible areas of the body.

    Alternative procedures:

    Application of cold laser lipolysis in the thighs and buttocks area

    Results of using the technique in the abdominal area



    2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs