Kraurosis treatment at home. Kraurosis: symptoms, treatment, photos, reviews

– a chronic progressive atrophic process of the skin and mucous membrane of the vulva, associated with involutive changes in the external genitalia. Kraurosis of the vulva is accompanied by paresthesia, dryness, itching of the mucous membrane; atrophic and sclerotic changes in the labia minora, clitoris, labia majora; dyspareunia, vulvitis, vaginal stenosis. Kraurosis is diagnosed during an external examination, vulvoscopy, and biopsy of vulvar tissue. Treatment of vulvar kraurosis includes local and general hormonal therapy, physiotherapy, vitamin therapy, and, if indicated, vulvectomy.

Forecast and prevention of vulvar kraurosis

Treatment for kraurosis of the vulva is ineffective and full recovery impossible to achieve. Malignant transformation of vulvar kraurosis can be observed with long-term non-healing erosions, cracks, when combined with dysplasia and leukoplakia.

Kraurosis of the vulva requires constant monitoring at the gynecologist and treatment. Equally important are an individually selected diet, lack of stress, intimate hygiene, right choice underwear To reduce the risk of cancer, patients with vulvar kraurosis need to undergo vulvoscopy once every six months, and in case of suspicious results, cytological and histological examinations.

Hormonal levels determine general health woman, as well as the condition of most of her organs. Metabolism depends on estrogen bone tissue, youthful skin, condition of hair and nails, as well as the epithelium of the vagina and external genitalia. From a lack of hormone, atrophic processes develop, which can be expressed in the form of kraurosis. This pathology can develop into cancer in 20-50% of cases. Therefore, treatment of vulvar kraurosis must be timely and complete to prevent such transformation.

Gradually, the aging of the body leads to the appearance of a whole range of diseases, each of which can be a consequence of the previous one. Therefore, it is not possible to establish the exact cause of many diseases. In such a situation, there is a multifactorial influence on the pathology. Kraurosis of the vulva is no exception. The disease was first described in 1885, and its name was given based on its characteristic clinic - in Greek “krauros” means dry. Other names for the pathology are leukoplakia vulvitis, atrophic leukoplakia, limited scleroderma. ICD-10 code for vulvar kraurosis is N90.4.

A little anatomy

The vulva is represented by a strictly separated anatomical zone. It includes:

  • labia majora;
  • clitoris;
  • labia minora;
  • vestibule of the vagina;
  • hymen.

The epithelium of this area is maintained in wet due to normal vaginal discharge. The tissues of the labia majora have a large layer subcutaneous tissue, and the labia minora are represented skin folds. The skin contains large number estrogen receptors. Hormones determine the condition of the mucous membrane, the microflora of the vagina, and therefore health.

Who is at risk

There is no consensus on what the causes of vulvar kraurosis are. This is due to the fact that pathology can be detected in women of different ages. But more often those who have crossed the threshold of menopause are at risk. There are several main factors that lead to pathology.

  • Climax. Decline functional activity ovaries leads to a decrease in estrogen. In the epithelium of the vulva, a sufficient amount of glycogen does not accumulate, it becomes thinner, and atrophy develops. The processes are especially pronounced after 60 years.
  • Neuroendocrine disorders. In many women, the pathological process develops against the background of a decrease in the activity of many endocrine organs: pancreas, ovaries, thyroid gland. Also, the pathology often accompanies diabetes mellitus and obesity.
  • Infections. The connection with the development of kraurosis is relative. There is no reliable data prescribing pathogens to develop kraurosis. But noticed frequent presence trichomonas, herpes viruses, papilloma, as well as nonspecific infections. Some scholars say that joining infectious process secondary: in the vulva area the environment changes from acidic to alkaline. Preconditions for infection are created.
  • Local damage. Frequent pathological processes that lead to damage to the surface of the vulva can cause kraurosis. For example, a chronic burn from undissolved potassium permanganate crystals, as well as the use of other chemicals. Sometimes in at a young age Kraurosis becomes a consequence of surgery on the genitals.
  • Hygiene. There is a connection between the lack of hygiene of the external genitalia and the development of atrophic processes.
  • Psychosomatics. The appearance of kraurosis is observed in women who are dissatisfied with themselves, prone to depressive states with problems in the sexual sphere. The development mechanism is associated with a disturbance in the transmission of impulses in a certain area of ​​the brain, which is also associated with autonomic regulation. In this case, blood flow to the vulvar mucosa is disrupted, which leads to atrophy.

Often the pathology accompanies other oncological diseases associated with impaired blood flow and lymph circulation:

  • lymphoma;
  • blood leukemia;
  • myelodysplastic syndrome;
  • multiple myeloma.

In this case, kraurosis is considered as an additional symptom of the underlying disease.

Additional factors may include autoimmune diseases and a general decrease in immunity, frequent overheating. Kraurosis of the vulva is not contagious, although it may be the result of an infectious lesion.

Signs you can notice on your own

Symptoms of vulvar kraurosis can initially be confused with other conditions. Itching comes first. It causes significant anxiety and sometimes becomes unbearable. Manifestations intensify in the following cases:

  • after stress;
  • under the influence of soap and water;
  • at night;
  • after overheating.

Itching may be accompanied by a burning sensation, a feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin. The disease occurs in stages.

  • First stage. On initial stage Severe dryness may not be observed. Swelling and hyperemia are the main symptoms. At the same time, blood flow in the tissues is disrupted and they suffer from hypoxia.
  • Second stage. The swelling goes away, atrophic processes clearly manifest themselves. The skin becomes dry and rough. Whitish scales appear - lichenification. They are located in the form of plaques. First of all, the junction of the skin and the mucous membrane on the labia majora is affected, then this process spreads to large areas. The labia minora thicken and the skin becomes less elastic.
  • Third stage. Atrophy comes first. Leukocraurosis in women leads to gradual shrinkage of the external genitalia, the opening of the urethra, vagina, and anal ring decreases. This is accompanied by disturbances in defecation and urination, and sexual intercourse becomes painful.

Sometimes cracks appear in places of sclerosis. The addition of infection turns wounds into ulcers, which are accompanied by significant pain. Long-term existing pathology leads to nervous exhaustion, sleep disorders, psycho-emotional disorders.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis begins from the gynecologist's chair. During the examination, red edematous tissue is detected (at the first stage). As the disease progresses, the labia minora are visually distinguishable, the color of the mucous membrane becomes whitish, it looks thinner, resembling parchment. In the first two stages hairy part the vulva is not affected.

Vulvoscopy helps in diagnosis. It is performed with the same apparatus as colposcopy, but the examination is focused on the surface of the vulva rather than the cervix.

Laboratory diagnostics include examination of smears, as well as blood and urine tests. There may be an increase in glucose levels in diabetes mellitus. Testing for sexually transmitted infections may be recommended. HPV is more important.

During vulvoscopy, a tissue sample is specifically taken for histological examination. This allows you to accurately determine the condition of tissues and their tendency to turn into cancer.

Often, in areas of kraurosis, another type of change is determined - leukoplakia. It has been noted that the transition to cancer occurs due to areas of leukoplakia, and not kraurosis.

Differential diagnosis is more necessary for initial stages. It is necessary to distinguish kraurosis from neurodermatitis, red lichen planus, leukoplakia, diabetes mellitus, dysplasia, vulvitis and vaginitis, which may have a similar course.

Treatment of kraurosis of the vulva

The disease is one of the intractable pathologies. The prognosis in most cases is disappointing - in in rare cases manages to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. They try to treat kraurosis of the vulva conservative ways, only in as a last resort resort to surgical methods. IN therapeutic purposes The following medications are used.

  • Vitamins. Necessary for normalizing the trophism of altered tissues. To a greater extent, vitamin A, E, C, as well as group B affect the condition of the skin.
  • Hormonal agents. Often kraurosis occurs from a lack of estrogen. Therefore, for women during menopause it is effective to use local drugs with estrogens. For example, “Ovestin” in the form of candles. But if the pathogenesis of the disease is not associated with estrogen deficiency, and there are areas of leukoplakia, then the risk of progression to cancer increases. Topical ointments that contain testosterone propionate or methyltestosterone can be used. Hormonal ointments based on corticosteroids can also be used, but in short courses. If the composition contains fluoride, then their long-term use leads to increased atrophy.
  • Antihistamines. Used in the form topical cream, but more often in tablet form orally. Medicines such as Chloropyramine, Cetirizine, and Loratadine are used. They reduce the severity of itching. Some first-generation drugs have central action and promote sedation (calm down), which becomes useful for signs of neuroticism.
  • Sedatives. Psycho-neurological disorders disrupt a woman’s behavior, so sedatives cannot be avoided. In mild cases, valerian extract or motherwort tincture may be sufficient. For more severe conditions, Adaptol and Afobazol are prescribed. In severe cases, use more strong remedies: “Diazepam”, “Chlorpromazine”, “Phenazepam”.
  • Antibacterial agents. Antibiotic ointments are needed when an infection occurs. Oral medications or intramuscular injection do not apply.
  • Blockades. In case of severe unbearable itching, an alcohol-novocaine blockade of the pudendal nerve can be performed.
  • Immunotherapy. Connection pathological process with changes in immunity leads to the conclusion that appropriate corrective therapy is necessary. Prescribed "Tactivin", "Timalin", "Polyoxidonium". Sometimes medications are used plant origin, for example, echinacea tincture. Contraindications for immunotherapy are the presence of oncological pathologies.

Non-invasive treatment methods are also used.

  • Laser therapy. Treatment of vulvar kraurosis with low-intensity laser is one of the modern techniques. Irradiation is carried out in sessions, the duration of courses is individual. After just four to five procedures, the severity of itching is significantly reduced, and the mucous membrane gradually takes on a healthier appearance.
  • Photopapy. The photodynamic therapy technique involves the intravenous administration of photosensitizers - drugs that increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. The area of ​​the vulva is then irradiated. At the same time, active oxygen and radicals are released, which damage the altered cells, while leaving healthy ones intact. The photodynamic consequences of vulvar kraurosis indicate high efficiency method.

Methods such as:

  • X-ray therapy;
  • reflexology;
  • balneotherapy.

If conservative therapy did not bring results, pronounced symptoms of the disease persist, then move on to more effective methods treatment:

  • cryodestruction;
  • laser ablation;
  • denervation of the vulva.

If degeneration into a tumor is suspected, surgical excision of the foci is performed, followed by histological examination. If necessary, treatment can be supplemented with radiation and chemotherapy.

The course of treatment is complemented by lifestyle changes and diet. It is necessary to carry out full hygiene procedures before applying creams and ointments. The diet involves the exclusion of irritating foods: chocolate, coffee, alcohol, sour, spicy, salty. It is also necessary to choose the right underwear and avoid overheating and stress.

Kraurosis of the vulva in women is a difficult-to-treat pathology. Prevention of the disease is possible in the form of personal hygiene, timely treatment of gynecological and somatic pathologies, control of diabetes and correction of body weight if it is excess. In order to notice the malignancy of the process in time, you need to visit a gynecologist at least once a year. Self-apply traditional methods treatments are not always effective. This is also evidenced by reviews from women who have tried everything on themselves.

Kraurosis is classified as dystrophic lesions vulva. The disease manifests itself most often during menopause and menopause. With kraurosis of the vulva, atrophy and hyperkeratosis of the stratified squamous epithelium occurs, the growth of rough connective tissue, leading to deformation and reduction of the external genitalia.

In the process of development of vulvar kraurosis, three stages are distinguished. At the first stage Kraurosis of the vulva is marked by swelling and redness of the genital organs, caused by impaired microcirculation and tissue hypoxia.

In the second stage kraurosis of the vulva appears dryness, roughness of the skin and mucous membranes, tissue elasticity deteriorates, whitish scales appear (lichenification); The labia minora and majora become flattened.

Third stage of kraurosis the vulva is characterized complete atrophy and the development of cicatricial sclerosis of the external genitalia. The tissues shrink, leading to a sharp decrease in the volume of the labia minora and majora, clitoris, narrowing of the vagina, external urethral opening and anus. Kraurosis of the vulva in the stage of sclerosis creates difficulties and causes pain during sexual intercourse, sometimes during urination and defecation.

Hence another name for kraurosis - lichen sclerosus.

The occurrence of deep, poorly healing cracks with kraurosis of the vulva can easily be complicated by infection. Often kraurosis of the vulva is accompanied by leukoplakia, which increases the risk of malignant degeneration.

Causes of development of kraurosis of the vulva

Kraurosis of the vulva occurs as inadequate reaction surface layers stratified squamous epithelium on various factors.

With kraurosis of the vulva, neuroendocrine disorders are often detected: decreased function of the adrenal cortex, ovaries, thyroid gland, and pituitary gland.

In most cases, kraurosis occurs during and after menopause, and at a young age - after surgical interventions on the genitals and thyroid gland.

It is possible that there is chronic infections women's sphere and the existence of a long-term persistent infection: human papillomavirus, herpes virus.

Often women with this disease suffer diabetes mellitus, overweight, pathology of the thyroid gland, other endocrine disorders.

There are observations that kraurosis has psychosomatic roots, that is, it is the body’s reaction to mental trauma, voltage, stressful situations. More often, kraurosis occurs in women with low mood levels, who often feel depressed and experience strong resentment towards loved ones, towards men, towards the whole world. There is a rejection of one's own feminine or suppression of sexuality, a negative attitude towards sexual issues, or a feeling of guilt for the emergence of intimate desires.

IN lately An autoimmune mechanism for the development of the disease cannot be excluded.

Quite rarely, when diagnosing “Vulvar kraurosis”, it is possible to establish the exact cause of its occurrence.

Treatment of kraurosis:

Firstly, before any treatment you need to make sure that you have this particular disease, and secondly: you need to exclude the presence of infection - get tested for pathogenic microflora PCR method(this is now done in all laboratories). You must be sure that you do not have a bacterial, viral or candida infection.

If you are not going to use it in treatment chemicals, hormone therapy, laser therapy, or these methods have already been tried and have not justified themselves, then you have the opportunity to engage in treatment with folk remedies and homeopathy, which I will discuss below.

However, I would like to note that the treatment of kraurosis is a long process, there is no panacea or specific remedy for this disease, there are periods of remission and exacerbations, despite all the treatment. This applies as usual chemicals, and treatment with homeopathy and herbal medicine. The treatment process proceeds in waves, with periods of remission and exacerbations. But the advantages of folk remedies and homeopathy are that such therapy does not damage, treats the entire body safely, periods of remission are longer and exacerbations become less intense and painful over time.

Treatment hormonal drugs and ointments, as well as photodynamic, laser therapy have many negative side effects and an unstable effect, a lot has been said about this, I will not repeat it. Immunotherapy is also not safe, so it must be used with caution; it may stimulate something that is not exactly what is needed for a person.

Based on experience, one of the popular ways local treatment ointments are: methyluracil + levomikol (or levosin) in mixed form, pre-sanitation with chlorhexedine. Methyluracil is one of the strongest regenerating drugs in combination with the anti-inflammatory effect of levomikol, which they initially have positive effect, but after a while the symptoms of the disease return, and these ointments no longer work!

As I have already said, there are no standard regimens in the treatment of kraurosis, since the causes and course of the disease are very different in different patients.

1. General recommendations: it is necessary to observe a work and rest regime: do not overwork, avoid stressful situations if possible, get enough sleep, be at work for at least 2 hours a day fresh air. And it is very important: to have a positive attitude in any situation and more often do what you like, which helps you relax and unwind. Think about pleasant things more often, dream about what you want, and surround yourself with pleasant things and people! Not a day without pleasure for your beloved!

2. Diet: Very important proper nutrition. Excluded from the diet: coffee, chocolate, alcohol - in any form! Do not take: hot spices, salt, sugar, sour, fatty foods, fried foods, smoked and containing preservatives. These foods themselves are often the cause of itching. Sweets are also not recommended, including white bread and rolls.

On the contrary, freshly squeezed juices should be included in the menu: apple, orange, carrot, celery and parsley. You can combine them. It is best to drink the juice in the morning, before meals, dilute a little with water.

Every day you need to eat low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, acidophilus or fermented baked milk. Food should contain complete protein: lean meat, chicken, fish. Moreover, preference should be given to fish and seafood (but not salted or smoked). You can eat nuts (walnuts, almonds). You should eat plenty of vegetables and fruits fresh, lettuce leaves.

Naturopathy also considers kraurosis as a deficiency of vitamins A and E, which contributes to drying of the vulvar mucosa and unbearable itching. Therefore, to provide the body with vitamins A and E, you can prepare carotene oil: grate the carrots on a coarse grater, pour in olive oil or corn oil, and cook in a water bath for 10 minutes. Cool, strain, take a tablespoon with juice. This oil can also be used to lubricate the affected areas.

3. In case of kraurosis, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of water (1-1.5 liters per day), it is best to drink spring water, since it contains a lot of oxygen. But it’s difficult to get such water in a metropolis, so you can buy water from Slovakia at the pharmacy: “Stelmas” with active oxygen or “Stelmas zinc, selenium”, I also recommend “Sulinka” with silicon. Water has good organoleptic properties and contains trace elements and oxygen.

4. Folk remedies, which have proven themselves well: I want to immediately note that all traditional methods of treating kraurosis are good only when they are used systematically for a long time:

A. A decoction of calendula, chamomile, celandine or string flowers is made for baths.
You can use these herbs in turn, choose the most suitable one for yourself, which best relieves itching and promotes healing. Warm baths are used for 10 minutes. It is advisable to take baths daily at night or every other day. On other days, instead of baths, you can wash with cool infusions of these herbs.

B. Parsley compresses: take parsley, finely grind it to a paste, pour in a little fine cooking oil or sea ​​salt, protein chicken egg. Everything needs to be combined and kept in a cool place. From the resulting mass, compresses are made on sore spots.

B. Washing with tar soap, which relieves itching, and then treat the sore areas sea ​​buckthorn oil, fir oil or baby cream (unscented). You can also use baby cream before intimacy. While at home, try to wear a skirt, without underwear, so that enough air can reach the vulvar mucosa.

G. Herbal infusion. Take in equal quantities the following herbs: wormwood, oregano, hog queen, brew 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, then drink this entire solution throughout the day. The duration of treatment is at least three months.

Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of vulvar kraurosis:

Homeopathic treatment for kraurosis is selected individually! Everyone has various reasons onset of the disease, different reactivity, individual characteristics organisms that must be taken into account. In essence, we select medications for a given woman as a whole, with all her illnesses and manifestations, and look for a guiding thread in the maze of symptoms. Everyone gets sick differently and the prescriptions, therefore, will be different. But I can recommend something to everyone.

For example, the German ointment Traumeel C or the gel of the same name, for external use. Removes redness, inflammation, swelling and itching of the mucous membrane. Has no negative side effects.

Can also be used intramuscular injections ampoule homeopathic remedies from the same German company Heel: Ubiquinone compositum, Coenzyme compositum, Mucosa compositum, Traumeel S, if necessary, add Lymphomyosot, Hepar compositum, etc. Choice injectable drugs We determine the frequency and duration of the course of injections at your appointment. But even these are quite effective means It's not always enough.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to select a homeopathic monopreparation that will build the entire defense system in the body and help eliminate damage or deficiency of necessary biologically active factors. Taking into account the whole range of measures, we achieve good results at least long-term remission.

There is an opinion that kraurosis has psychosomatic roots, that is, it is the body’s reaction to stressful situations. Quite often, kraurosis develops in women suffering from depression, depression, rejection of themselves and the world around them, which arise from a negative attitude towards sexual issues. Quite rarely, when such a diagnosis is established, it is possible to discover the cause that provoked it.

One of the dangers of kraurosis is that it creates excellent conditions for development oncological diseases. Thus, vulvar cancer in patients with kraurosis develops on average in thirty-five percent of cases.

Although this disease is quite common, there is not too much information about it in special sources. That is why even at a consultation with a gynecologist it is not always possible to get comprehensive information about your illness. Women suffering from this disease sometimes do not even understand which doctor they need to consult. In this regard, they often first consult a venereologist, after an oncologist or dermatologist. And only the last on the list is a gynecologist.

Main symptom diseases - itching of the external genitalia. A similar, often the only, symptom occurs in other diseases. For example, with cervicitis, vulvitis, proctitis, vaginitis, pinworms, a symptom of the disease is itching, which increases at night. Signs of atrophy of the external genitalia gradually appear. These are symptoms of kraurosis, which is very often combined with leukoplakia. This disease is characterized by keratinization of the mucous membranes; light-colored plaques develop on the vulvar mucosa, the edges of which are slightly raised above the skin level. These plaques can range from a millimeter to two centimeters in diameter. Only one plaque may form, or maybe several that are connected to each other. If the disease develops in diffuse form, large lesions are formed that can cover almost the entire surface of the vulva.

Sometimes diseases are associated pathogenic microorganisms, which further complicates their progress. If there is an infection, the mucous membrane is swollen, reddened, and there may be white deposits and films. Diseases occur in chronic form, with constant relapses.

Therapy for kraurosis and leukoplakia is mostly about maintaining the patient’s body and reducing the severity of the disease. Typically, treatment includes medication, physical therapy, diet, and the help of a psychotherapist. But today it is not possible to completely cure these diseases.



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