Composite veneers: price, reviews. What a composite veneer looks like: before and after photos of teeth

If there are bacon-flavored chips, wood-look plastic panels, and false nails with a pearlescent design, what's worse about pearl-look fake teeth?

What is a veneer? The best answer is to follow Kozma Prutkov: “Look at the root!”

Veneer (English) – veneer, cladding, surface layer. Veneer of culture - the appearance of culture (alas, this applies to many). When this word refers to dentistry, it simply means the thin lining of a tooth. Hence, there are different technologies for creating such a surface.

Hollywood veneers

If all the teeth are healthy and a person is not satisfied only with the color or shape, then the best way out is not to do anything with them other than disinfection, but to try to correct the appearance using only thin overlays, which in this case are called Hollywood veneers. For example, if two large central teeth stand out in size from the others, then instead of grinding them down and reducing them, it is enough to simply enlarge a pair of adjacent teeth on the left and right with overlays.

The photo before the procedure and after the correction clearly shows that amazing changes are sometimes achieved by very modest means: a change in color and minor adjustments in shape. To avoid a horse-like smile, Hollywood veneers are made as thin as possible up to 0.3 mm, and in order to distinguish them from the group of ordinary ones, brand names such as lumineers, vivanirs ultraneers, etc. are invented.

Veneers for teeth

Dental defects that can be easily corrected with Hollywood veneers:

  • irregular teeth shape;
  • unsatisfactory color;
  • visible filling, traces of restoration;
  • enamel abrasion;
  • chips and cracks;
  • spaces between teeth (front or side).

Lumineers are thin ceramic onlays made individually, based on exact dental impressions. They have great strength, hardness, excellent appearance, and are transparent like tooth enamel. The durability and aesthetic qualities of ceramic lumineers justify their fairly high cost. On the American website, the price of lumineers per tooth is indicated from 800 to 2000.

The cost of such branded ceramics Cerinate (USA) in Russia is indicated: from 35,000 to 50,000 rubles. The discounts are explained by well-established connections with the manufacturer. Such high cost It is connected not only with the lack of high-tech production in Russia, but also with very good application statistics, and in appearance such a thing looks beautiful and very expensive.

Composite veneers

Dental onlays made in a laboratory from impressions are called indirect, composite or porcelain veneers. Due to the high temperature required for ceramics, such veneers are only indirect.

Composite veneers can be done directly in the mouth, on the teeth, with the enamel ground down to 0.3-0.7 mm. Prepared tooth etched with a special gel and an adhesive layer is applied that connects the enamel and dentin with subsequent layers of composite material. Each layer is polymerized under the influence of light of a certain wavelength, and for some photopolymers the reverse process is possible: if it is irradiated with light at a higher frequency, the depolymerized material can be washed off with a solvent.

After the color is selected and the desired appearance of the tooth is formed, it is processed with cutters, ground and polished. The entire procedure can be completed in one session - this, along with the relatively low cost, is the main advantage of direct (directly on site) composite veneers.

The list of disadvantages of such a restoration layer is much longer:

  • Composite veneers are noticeably inferior to ceramic ones in strength;
  • possible color change under the influence of vegetable dyes;
  • over time, the border of the restoration with a composite veneer may appear;
  • low service life: the procedure must be repeated every 5 years.

At large quantities problem teeth, the procedure is delayed and even longer low cost does not justify the direct method.

The shiny surface of composite veneers loses its smoothness relatively quickly and requires re-polishing.

Indirect composite veneers are made in the same way as porcelain veneers. laboratory conditions, and their strength can be higher than that of those made on site. Strength and aesthetic properties of composite materials depend on particle size, included in its composition, and changes in the size of grains cause contradictory changes in properties.

Some features of composites

With a particle scale of about 30 microns, the result is a material with maximum strength, but with the worst aesthetic content: it cannot be polished and quickly tarnishes. With a particle size 3 orders of magnitude smaller (from 0.04 microns), everything happens smoothly and vice versa - a perfectly polished, color-resistant surface has insufficient strength, suitable only for filling. You don't really have to choose golden mean- hybrid composites with particles up to 2 microns.

Among other things, direct composite veneers require great experience and skill from the doctor: do the required form tooth and choosing the color is easy for a sculptor, but not for any doctor.

The usual contraindications also apply when installing composite veneers:

  • thinned enamel;
  • straight bite;
  • grinding teeth as a persistent habit;
  • mobile teeth;
  • caries and inflammatory processes until cure.

The cost of composite veneers, depending on the clinic and the complexity of the procedure, ranges from 2,500 to 15,000 rubles. In most regular mid-level clinics, the price range is much smaller: direct veneers range from 4 to 6 thousand rubles. But in a composite, even under a ceramic veneer, after 5 years defects may be detected, that is, this maximum term services of such material.

Ceramic veneers

Hollywood veneers, as the most gentle option, are, of course, the most preferable, but it is not always possible to do without grinding the enamel. This procedure is not as simple as it may seem: all edge points especially at the gums require almost jewelry precision and good modern instruments. The service life of ceramic veneers depends on the thoroughness of the grinding and subsequent treatment of the teeth, that is, everything is on the conscience of the individual doctor.

Reliable statistics on how lucky the average person is Russian patient hardly exists. In other countries where execution discipline similar procedures does not raise such doubts sample surveys are carried out patients. Thus, in Belgium, ceramic veneers were tested after 5 and 10 years of use.

As a result, it turned out that after 5 years of using veneers, the likelihood of developing negative effects: secondary caries, marginal permeability of the adhesive and other easily removable defects. In some cases, serious deficiencies in clinical procedures were cited as the cause. (This is in Belgium!). After 10 years of use, only 4% of ceramic veneers were in perfect condition. Most of the detected defects were easily fixable.

Relationships Russian doctors and patients are incomparably different from European and American orders. The responsibility of our dentists to a bandit or official may be disproportionately higher than to an ordinary patient, even in the case trial. In addition, some of them came to this profession only because of the opportunity to make good money, without looking at their abilities.

Despite this good doctors We still have them, and these are exactly what you need to look for when deciding on an expensive procedure with veneers. Only a conscientious doctor can justify high price beautiful smiles. Ceramic veneers on carefully prepared teeth will last for many years, but still periodic inspection should become a mandatory procedure, as well as personal hygiene.

A beautiful smile brightens the face and is usually the first thing people notice. Any imperfection in relation to teeth has a significant negative impact to the overall picture, and can actually ruin the first impression of a person, and in an instant.

When it comes to oral health, several factors throughout life can cause defects, imperfections and changes in tooth shade varying degrees. The reasons for these changes may be:

  • genetics. Gaps, tooth misalignments and irregularities are most often inherited;
  • Lifestyle choices: Coffee, tea, tobacco, red wine and certain foods can darken teeth over time;
  • antibiotics. Use of tetracycline by young children causes gradual staining of adult teeth;
  • injury. Mechanical stress can lead to cracks or tooth loss;
  • age. Teeth become darker as their structure matures. Likewise, old fillings will wear out and become stained over time.

Today dentists offer various methods improvements appearance any superficially damaged or stained teeth and therefore the smile as a whole. One of the most common treatment methods is veneers.

Veneers are thin layer a material that is placed over unsightly teeth to improve their appearance. There are two types of veneers: composite (known as “direct”) and porcelain (“indirect”). Below we will talk about the first ones.

There are several treatment options that can be used to improve the appearance of your smile, depending on what aspect needs to be addressed. Beauty treatments can even be used to improve not only the aesthetics of teeth, but also their functionality and general condition. Composite veneers are an effective and durable solution to some of the most pressing problems in cosmetic dentistry.

What is it?

Composite veneers (often called direct) are an alternative to porcelain veneers. There are different opinions regarding their functionality and usually they are both positive and negative. Each veneer is made by a dentist (rarely in a laboratory) who applies a natural-colored composition directly to the teeth. Since the material is handmade, it is especially important to do your research and find a professional who has the artistic eye and experience. This is the only way to achieve a natural result. This is one area where you need to invest in an experienced dentist.

The installation process is a kind of art, and requires knowledge of the details of the shape of the teeth, their morphology, translucency and the principles of smile construction. Composite veneers can whiten teeth more effectively than conventional peroxide whitening procedures. They also make your smile look a little wider and correct some damage, such as worn, crowded or gapped teeth. Composite veneers typically cost about half as much as porcelain veneers.

In other words, they are custom-made shells made of composite material. These veneers are used to improve the appearance of natural teeth that have damage, discoloration, stains, unsightly gaps, or are not aligned correctly. Unlike porcelain veneers, composite veneers are created by a dentist so that aesthetic improvements to your teeth can be achieved in one visit. Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, are always created in a laboratory and typically require two/three dental appointments to complete the procedure.

Problems that composite veneers usually solve

Decayed or damaged teeth

Teeth that have been damaged by tooth decay can be improved with composite veneers. It's economically more effective solution to correct both aesthetic and functional aspects of the smile.

Crooked teeth

Composite veneers can improve the appearance of crooked or misaligned teeth so that your smile ends up looking natural and beautiful. Veneers offer more quick results teeth straightening compared to orthodontic treatment. Opaque spaces between teeth can also be eliminated with composite veneers.

Irregularly shaped teeth

To achieve a beautiful smile, misshapen teeth can be improved with composite veneers. Staining, discoloration of the tooth surface, or stains that are particularly resistant to the whitening procedure can be corrected with composite veneers. Custom-made shells are placed over the affected teeth to improve their appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages of composite veneers

Composite veneers are created by a dentist so treatment can be completed in one visit. There is no need to wait for the veneers to be created in the laboratory, as is the case with ceramic veneers - this will take two to three visits.

The composite veneer procedure requires little or no intervention (through drilling) into the tooth structure, making it minimally invasive. In this way, the outer shell of the teeth is guaranteed to be preserved.

Installation of composite veneers is more economical compared to ceramic ones. This is because there is no need for invasive procedures drilling, and also due to fewer visits to the dentist.

The disadvantages of these veneers are that it is much more difficult to achieve extreme changes to your smile. If teeth are overly crowded, there is moderate/severe wear, or there is a change in bite, there are significant benefits to using porcelain veneers. Composite material is more likely to develop small cracks and stains. While this material is quite durable, it is not as strong as ceramic. The good news is that in most cases this problem can be easily fixed.

Composite veneers will gradually darken over many years, and the only way lighten them - replacement. Composite also loses its shine more quickly, but can be polished when cleaned. The service life of composite veneers is 7-10 years. Porcelain veneers do not stain or smooth out over time. They last 15 years or more and are created by ceramists in dental laboratories. Unless the ceramist or dentist is highly skilled, porcelain veneers will still look just as good as well-made composite veneers.

When a dentist trims and stains a composite veneer, it can appear translucent and similar in appearance to a good porcelain veneer. In turn, the best dental laboratories with professional ceramists can create ceramic veneers that are more natural and beautiful in appearance than any composite ones. Make sure your dentist works with the best laboratories.

How are composite veneers applied?

They are usually installed in two stages.

Stage 1

The first stage is “preparation”. The dentist adjusts the patient's tooth using a small drill so that it is ready for the veneer to be applied.

He scrapes a small piece of the tooth under local anesthesia. Then the tooth already has the correct size and shape for the veneer. The goal of this stage is to ensure that once the veneer is installed, it will look indistinguishable from natural teeth.

A model or “impression” taken from the teeth in the form of an impression is used to create a set of veneers. These veneers are created personally by the dentist.

Stage 2

At the second stage, composite veneers are installed. The dentist places them over the teeth and checks for compatibility. Then they clean up.

The dentist then reapplies the veneers to the teeth before securing them in place with dental cement. This process is accelerated by the use of a “curing light,” which causes the cement to harden and secures both the veneer and the tooth.

The last point is that the dentist removes excess cement and other substances.

Video - Composite veneers

What is the difference between porcelain and composite veneers?

Requires very little tooth structure removal.Requires the removal of a relatively large portion of the tooth structure (but significantly less than a dental crown).
As the teeth are prepared for the installation procedure with minimal or no intervention, the patient will experience little or no discomfort during or after the procedure.Before veneers are placed, teeth that are treated are more sensitive to extreme temperatures, touch, and air.
Composite veneers are often installed in one visit.Usually two or three visits to the dentist are required.
Impressions and laboratory fabrication are not required in most cases, as composite veneers are directly applied to the tooth by the dentist.An impression is taken of each tooth and sent to a ceramist dentist, who makes the veneers.
The cost of composite veneers is lower than ceramic ones.The cost of ceramic veneers is higher than composite ones.
Even months or years after the procedure, the shape and color of these veneers can be changed or repaired by your dentist.Once a veneer is bonded to a tooth, it cannot be changed, so the shape and color must be carefully examined.
Removal of composite veneers can in some cases be done without any damage to the underlying tooth structure.Future removal of porcelain veneers will inevitably result in further loss of underlying natural tooth structure.
Composite veneers are not as strong as porcelain veneers and are more likely to crack or break over time.The ceramic veneers and cement used during the fitting phase are comparable in strength to natural teeth.
Requires more dental care than ceramic ones.Porcelain veneers require less dental care than composite veneers.

Other Considerations for Porcelain and Composite Veneers

While veneers can in some cases improve the appearance of superficially damaged or stained teeth, they are not a substitute for corrective treatment. necessary for people with severely clenched, misaligned teeth or significant jaw defects. In these more difficult cases Consultation and guidance from a specialist orthodontist is recommended.

In addition, the functional and aesthetic longevity of veneers depends on the health of the patient's gums. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain good oral hygiene by thoroughly brushing your teeth and tongue every day.

Restoration with composite veneers has several techniques that are essentially similar.

Indirect composite veneers - compositors

Componeers, like direct composite veneers, are used to correct the color and shape of teeth. But they are not made according to individual casts, and according to templates, and are offered to the patient in finished form. Overlays formed from pressed composite are installed indirect method. The structures last 5 - 7 years. You can learn more about the methodology.

Restoration with composite veneers instead of bleaching

Restorative bleaching, or lamination, is the application of tooth surface thin layer of composite. Unlike restoration with composite veneers, plates only change the color of the teeth without affecting the shape.

Artistic restoration

The technique of artistic restoration involves the correction of dental surfaces with composites for chips, cracks, irregular shapes and others. aesthetic defects. The technology is similar to installing composite veneers on teeth. However, the procedure is carried out in both the frontal and chewing areas. Filling also applies to this technique.

Service life of direct veneers and their care

Unfortunately, the service life of composite veneers is another aspect in which they are inferior to ceramic plates. Unlike the latter, which last for decades, composite overlays require renewal approximately every 4 years. As for care, in addition to the standard thorough daily hygiene with the participation of a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and irrigator, composite restorations also require periodic polishing. Therefore, you should not skip visits to the hygienist. There is no need to expose the pads to unnecessary mechanical impact: to gnaw or bite something with force. You can wear protective mouth guards at night to avoid accidental breakage. It is recommended to visit a doctor once every six months for a professional assessment of their condition.

What is the difference between composite veneers and ceramic veneers?

These are two fundamental different techniques With big difference according to the cost of the procedure. The average price of one ceramic veneer starts from 30,000 rubles; for a composite they will charge you around 7 – 10 thousand rubles. However, the aesthetic effect will be different. Today, modern composite materials make it possible to create beautiful restorations, but not every dentist can do this directly in the patient’s mouth. For more information on how composite veneers differ from ceramic veneers, see the table below.

Composite and ceramic veneers

Differences Ceramic Composite
Manufacturing In the laboratory using individual impressions of the patient’s teeth On the tooth surface directly during the procedure
Material Ceramics Composites
Aesthetics Excellent appearance, indistinguishable from natural teeth Lack of transparency affects aesthetics: teeth look somewhat artificial
Correction Correction of linings is not possible, only replacement If necessary, polishing of the top layer is acceptable
Strength High Average
Service life More than 10 years 5 - 7 years
Price High Relatively affordable

Pros and cons of direct veneers

  • The main advantage of composite veneers over ceramic ones is, first of all, price. Composite veneers do not require complex installation technology and expensive materials, so prices are aesthetic dentistry They are low.
  • Another benefit of composite overlays is the time it takes to install them. Therapeutic veneering is possible in one visit, as it does not require taking impressions and making plates in a dental laboratory. But this advantage is not always relevant, since technologies have appeared that make it possible to install ceramic veneers in one day.

Veneers – closure technology outer surface front teeth with an aesthetic material that restores the shape and color of the tooth. Veneers are made from different materials - ceramic, zircon oxide and composite. Here we will tell you about composite veneers.

Composite veneers for direct method are done directly on the tooth in the dental chair by a dentist. What's the difference? There will be no fundamental differences in the material. Composite veneers are made from the same composite in both versions. But the dentist will not be able to influence composite veneers in the oral cavity high temperature or pressure. But a technician can. Therefore, composite veneers from a technician are stronger than from a doctor. Although this difference when using the latest generations of composite materials is negligible or non-existent. Here are examples of how we make direct composite veneers.

Composite veneers are made from composite, a special filling material. When dental composites first began to be produced, their qualities and properties were far from perfect. Now composite materials are approaching the properties of ceramics. Many consist of both composite and ceramics. Composite veneers have significant advantages over ceramic or zircon oxide veneers. Since direct composite veneers cannot be used to treat the entire tooth, but only the part that needs to be adjusted in shape or color. Direct composite veneers have this enormous advantage. Differences from other veneers.

If these were composite veneers made by a technician, all of the healthy outer areas of the teeth would have to be treated. Irrational.

Indirect composite veneers are especially convenient when there are several of them. The patient spends in the dental chair not an hour or two for each veneer, but only two hours, no matter how many veneers are done. One hour is needed for preparation for veneers and impressions, the second, a few days later, to install composite veneers. Indirect composite veneers are rational for large violations of the tooth surface. If the defects are small, then direct composite veneers will be much more optimal.

Not every person has a perfect smile. However, it can be created using composite or ceramic veneers. However, before installing them, you need to understand what these products are, how to care for them, and what the pros and cons are.

What are dental veneers

Dental veneers are microprostheses, the main function of which is to restore the shape or color of one or more teeth. Unlike crowns, they do not completely cover the entire tooth, but only top part, which is visible when you smile.

If you need to achieve the required dental aesthetics, composite veneers will help you achieve perfect shape and color. With the help of such microprostheses it is possible to return beautiful smile with darkening of tooth enamel, chips and stains, as well as crooked teeth.

Thanks to the high quality of the material used, they can last for many years.

What types of veneers are there?

There are the most various types veneers for teeth, among which it is necessary to highlight such as ceramic and composite. Among the main advantages ceramic products You need to highlight their beautiful appearance and complete color stability, since over time they do not darken or fade. In addition, it is worth highlighting reliability, since their service life is almost unlimited. They are made in special dental laboratories from porcelain or zirconium dioxide.

Porcelain is considered the best and most durable material for making veneers. The main advantages of this material are:

  • strength;
  • high levels of transparency;
  • maintaining the original color.

Thanks to all these advantages, it is possible to achieve high dental aesthetics. There are several ways to make porcelain veneers, which is why to choose the right option, you need to consult a doctor.

In addition, a structure can be made from zirconium dioxide, onto which a porcelain mass is then applied. The frame is made using a special technology, which completely eliminates the error factor.

Composite veneers have quite good reviews, since such products are affordable and, with proper care, durable. Such veneers can be made in a special laboratory or directly in the dental chair on the patient’s teeth.

Features of direct veneers

They got their name because special way installations. Direct veneers differ from indirect ones in that they do not have a specific shape. They are a mass made of a special composite material, which in its structure resembles filling material. When using direct veneers, you need to remember that the correction process consists of several stages, namely:

  • carrying out diagnostics;
  • Preparation;
  • installation.

Diagnostics involves a thorough examination of the oral cavity to identify existing defects or diseases. At the end of the examination, the doctor makes a diagnosis and decides how safe the correction will be and whether this type of veneers can be used.

If no problems were found during the diagnostic process, then using a special scale the doctor selects the shade of the material from which the veneers will then be made. The preparation also concerns the teeth themselves, since they need to be slightly ground to ensure the required tightness of the material. Once preparation is complete, thin layers of composite coating are applied to one or more teeth. This process does not require too much time, but this work is quite labor-intensive and can only be carried out by qualified doctors.

Indirect veneers are largely similar in appearance and characteristics to ceramic ones. To make them, a thin impression is initially taken from the tooth, which is used to model the future onlay. It is made according to the shape of the tooth, and then given the required color and ground. Due to the fact that they are made outside the human mouth, the result is that they are quite durable.

Veneers are applied to the teeth very carefully, but there is a slight pressure applied to the coating, which may cause minor discomfort. The linings are made in special laboratories, which is why it is possible to make it as strong and durable as possible.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The composite veneers used have their pros and cons. The main advantage of this restoration method over all others is its affordable cost. In addition, you can highlight the following advantages:

  • good preservation of your own teeth;
  • quick installation;
  • comfort of use;
  • natural appearance of teeth.

Composite veneers have a wide variety of colors, so it is possible to choose a shade and texture that is close to natural parameters. Thanks to this, it is not necessary to restore all teeth, but only damaged ones. However, despite all the advantages, there are also certain disadvantages, among which the following should be highlighted:

  • rapid loss of original appearance;
  • the surface of the material is not polished well enough;
  • low level of strength.

Composite veneers wear out much faster than other materials, and they also develop various chips and cracks. According to reviews of composite veneers, they stain very quickly under the influence of pigments contained in consumed food and drinks. In addition, they absorb dyes from mouth rinses, toothpaste and tobacco resins. Therefore, a few months after installation, the surface of the veneers will need to be polished to restore their aesthetic appearance.

In what cases are composite veneers installed?

Basically, veneers made of composite material are used for dental restoration only at the request of the patient; for this, there is absolutely no need for indications or a doctor’s referral. They are used to improve the color and shape of teeth, and also if a person wants to have a perfect smile. However, there are still certain indications for which veneers are installed. Such indications include:

  • severe yellowing of the front teeth;
  • curvature and irregular shape teeth;
  • change in tooth shade after depulpation;
  • wide space between teeth.

In addition, they can be used if other recovery methods have not brought the desired result. Dental restoration with composite veneers allows achieving very good result and make your teeth perfect.

Features of making veneers

Depending on the type of veneers, the features of their manufacture have certain differences. Composite veneers are made using two different technologies. The first manufacturing method means that everything happens in the doctor’s office. These products are called therapeutic or direct. During the manufacture of veneers, the doctor removes top layer enamel from the teeth, then a light-polymer material is applied to the surface in layers. In this way it gradually happens full recovery surface of the tooth and eliminate existing defects.

The second method of making veneers implies that the plates are created in a laboratory. Before starting the process of making veneers, a layer of enamel is removed from the surface of the teeth and an impression is made. Based on this impression, a composite veneer is made.

How veneers are installed on teeth

Dental restoration using microprostheses is considered a rather complex and labor-intensive process. The installation of composite veneers is carried out in several stages. Initially, you need to decide on the color of the material for prosthetics. For this, doctors use a special shade scale. When choosing a color, the patient's wishes are also taken into account. After this, the tooth is prepared. Before making a composite veneer, you must first remove the top part of the tooth enamel by about 0.5-1.5 mm.

When preparatory stage Once completed, an impression of the tooth must be taken and a temporary plastic veneer installed. The main goal of this stage is to protect the teeth from an aggressive environment for the oral cavity until a permanent prosthesis is made. In the laboratory, an accurate impression is made from the prepared impression. plaster model tooth, on the basis of which the veneer is created. At the final stage, the veneers are fixed by using a special composite glue.

It is worth remembering that if the veneer is single, then it must strictly match the color and structure of all other teeth.

The products can be installed directly in the patient's mouth. Restoration with veneers made of composite material requires great professionalism of the doctor. This process involves the following steps:

  • examination of the oral cavity;
  • removal of caries, stone and plaque;
  • determining the shade of the material for the microprosthesis;
  • preparation of tissues of the anterior surface;
  • applying adhesive to the prepared surface;
  • creating a prosthesis by layer-by-layer application of a pre-prepared composite material;
  • grinding and polishing the veneer, as well as creating enamel relief.

This entire procedure takes no more than 1.5 hours, during which it can be used local anesthesia. If veneers need to be installed on all front teeth, the procedure is carried out in several stages.

You can install composite veneers without grinding, while maintaining the natural beauty of your teeth. In this case, thinner products are used that resemble petals. They are glued with a special glue to the front surface of the teeth. This method of restoring the surface of teeth has a whole series indications, in particular if necessary:

  • change color;
  • close minor defects;
  • eliminate enamel cracks;
  • fix a chipped cutting edge.

It is worth noting that such a design does not have a high degree of reliability, which negatively affects its service life.

How to properly care for veneers

After installing veneers made of composite materials, it is forbidden to eat or drink for 2 hours. During the first day it is forbidden to eat too much solid food. For 2 weeks after dental restoration, it is recommended to follow white diet. It means avoiding all foods and drinks that contain dyes. The menu should be dominated by colorless and white products, in particular the following:

  • kefir;
  • chicken;
  • cottage cheese;
  • white fish;
  • milk;
  • eggs;

Will help extend the service life of composite veneers proper care for oral cavity. You need to brush your teeth thoroughly and very efficiently. To do this, it is best to use a paste with low abrasiveness and soft brush. The spaces between the teeth should be thoroughly cleaned using floss.

Composite materials can react to temperature fluctuations, so it is not recommended to combine too hot and cold drinks or dishes. Dental clinics They provide a guarantee for the installation of veneers, but in order not to lose it, you must visit a dentist for preventive examinations and polishing of linings.

Contraindications for installation

Before correcting teeth using veneers, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the available contraindications. Initially, you need to visit a dentist who will diagnose the oral cavity and, if there are contraindications, recommend another method of correction. Among the main contraindications are the following:

  • enamel erosion and various tooth surface defects;
  • in the presence of severe abrasion or mobility of teeth;
  • dental diseases;
  • if there are no chewing teeth;
  • bite pathologies;
  • poor oral hygiene.

In addition, veneers are not installed if certain bad habits. It is not recommended to use this correction method if professional activity or the person's hobbies involve wrestling or other activities that may provoke mechanical failure teeth.

Some people have very thin enamel, and the top layer of enamel is removed before installing veneers. This may lead to the fact that the installation of these elements will need to be done on the surface of dentin, which has a low level of strength. In this case, it is possible to install lumineers, which do not require removal of the enamel.

Cost and reviews

Composite veneers are installed quite often; the price of products made in the patient’s mouth is approximately equal to the cost of a conventional tooth restoration and is about 4500-5000 rubles. If you install a product made in a special dental prosthetic laboratory, then its cost will be comparable to its ceramic counterpart, but its quality will be inferior to ceramics. In this case, their cost will be approximately 15-17 thousand rubles.

Composite veneers receive rather mixed reviews. Many talk about their high quality and reliability, and some claim that they very quickly lose their attractiveness and darken. According to available reviews, composite veneers are only good as a temporary measure, since literally after a year they begin to darken, even if you avoid consumption coloring products. You can polish these products, but it is worth remembering that there is a risk of damage.

In addition, according to patients, there are a lot of restrictions, since you have to drink tea and coffee through a straw, and also not consume too solid food. Even before you eat an apple, you have to first cut it with a knife.

Before installing a composite veneer, you should read the reviews first, as this will allow you to determine all the pros and cons of this product. In addition, this will make it possible to determine the feasibility of their installation depending on the existing problems of the oral cavity.



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