Kiwi, beneficial properties and contraindications. Vitamin composition of kiwi fruits

Kiwi is the berry of the tree vine Actinidia sinensis. This hairy fruit is native to China, which is why kiwi is sometimes called "Chinese gooseberry." The plant got its name from the similarity of the shape of its pubescent fruit with the body of the bird of the same name. What vitamins are in kiwi? See table below.

Nutritional value of kiwi

(per 100 g of product)
Kiwi is considered a dietary and low-calorie product.

Energy value 61 kcal 255 kJ
Squirrels 1.14 g
Fats 0.52 g
Carbohydrates 14.66 g
- disaccharides 8.99 g
0.026 mg
0.027 mg
0.025 mg
0.341 mg
0.63 mg
25 mcg
92.7 mg
34 mg
0.31 mg
17 mg
34 mg
* 312 mg
0.14 mg
0.098 mg

*This component determines the nutritional value of this product

Useful properties of kiwi

Kiwis are rich in many useful substances, for example, fiber, amino acids and also contain fructose, glucose, vitamins C, E, PP, A, B 6

Kiwi strengthens immune system and stimulates collagen production. And potassium normalizes blood pressure. In traditional Chinese medicine This fruit has been used for centuries to improve digestion and prevent rheumatic diseases, to prevent the formation of kidney stones, reduce nervousness, and prevent premature graying of hair. Kiwi renders beneficial influence on the stomach gallbladder, small and large intestine, bladder, as well as on muscle tissue, reproductive system, muscles of the external and internal genital organs.

Scientists have found that kiwi fruits inhibit the formation of nitrosamines in the body, have antitumor, antimutagenic, antioxidant effects, and improve physical performance.

One berry can replace one or three oranges. In terms of content, kiwi ranks second after blackcurrant. And during storage, the amount of vitamin C in these fruits does not decrease over time due to the skin, as well as the acids contained in this fruit. Contained in kiwi ascorbic acid enhances protective functions body and prevents colds.

Recently, scientists from Norway found that kiwi can help people with heart disease because kiwi has the ability to burn fats that block arteries, which reduces the risk of blood clots.

Due to its high magnesium content, kiwi is used in the production of cosmetics. It perfectly tones the skin, strengthens, smoothes it and gives a slight whitening effect. So what can you do great masks for the face and at home.

Dangerous properties of kiwi

Despite huge amount beneficial properties for humans, kiwi has some harmful qualities.

Some batches of fruit were found to contain high levels of pesticides. For example, in one of the shipments of exotic fruits - kiwi - brought to Primorye from New Zealand, a health hazard was discovered. Laboratory tests have shown that it contains extremely harmful substance hexachlorocyclohexane. This pesticide is dangerous to health and life. Its content in fruits is 23 times higher than normal! Another pesticide, chlorpyrifos, is found in quantities exceeding acceptable indicators almost 19 times. In addition, laboratory staff discovered the content of the pesticide cypermethrin in New Zealand kiwis. Its presence in food products strictly prohibited!

Regular overuse kiwi can cause hypervitaminosis of vitamin C, which is this product more than in a lemon. It is also not advisable to use it for those who suffer from diarrhea, increased stomach acidity, and various gastrointestinal disorders.

  • Now breeders in the Middle Kingdom are working on creating kiwi with bright red flesh;
  • In New Zealand, the second homeland of kiwi, the collection of this fruit has become a national event, which is marked by fireworks and folk festivities. New Zealanders can understand, because it is one of the main export products in this country, and now New Zealand is the largest exporter of this fruit in the whole world;
  • Kiwi is very popular among European residents. It is bought much more often than other exotic fruits, and in the ranking of the best-selling exofruits it is second only to pineapple:
  • in Russian the word kiwi is a noun feminine. This is quite understandable, because this word meant, first of all, a rare non-flying bird. And now the phrases “ripe kiwi”, “big kiwi” are allowed and such word forms are not considered an error, because in this case they mean fruit;
  • this fruit has found its way wide application and in cosmetology. Useful components, included in its composition, help make the skin elastic, young and velvety. They also moisturize, cleanse, and also saturate it with all essential vitamins and minerals. The fruits of this fruit are considered to be an excellent remedy for irritation on the face, as well as acne;
  • if after have a nice lunch eat one fruit, then you will not have heartburn and heaviness in the stomach;
  • To make it more convenient to eat this berry, a special spoon was invented. This spoon is shaped like a kiwi bird. With the “beak” of a spoon, you cut the fruit in half, and with the “body” of a spoon, you scrape out the halves, like an egg.

The general name of cultivated varieties of dicotyledonous plants from the Actinidiaceae family. The plants belong to the species Actinidia deliciosa and Actinidia chinensis, which outwardly resemble large woody vines. Kiwi fruit oval shape with a brown peel covered with small fibers. Interior fruit juicy and fleshy, green or yellow(depending on the variety). The core contains many small black grains. The weight of the fruit depends on the variety and area of ​​growth, ranging from 30 to 100g. The kiwi fruit has a bright taste and combines the aromas of gooseberries, bananas, strawberries, melons, etc.

The benefits and harms of kiwi

The kiwi fruit can be classified as a dietary product. Nutritional value fresh fruits shows how much calories in kiwi per 100 g product and is 60-65 kcal. The mineral and vitamin composition of kiwi is rich and varied. Kiwi fruit contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates (disaccharides). The predominant vitamins include ), acids and. The fruits also contain, and Mineral composition kiwi fruit is clearly expressed by the presence of , and . , and are represented in smaller quantities. In terms of antioxidant content, the peel of the kiwi fruit is three times higher than the pulp. Kiwi peel is endowed with antiseptic properties. Can't help but appreciate beneficial properties kiwi. Due to its composition, the kiwi fruit has the ability to burn fats that block arteries, which significantly reduces the risk of blood clots and heart failure. Kiwi consumption during elevated blood pressure, renders positive influence to reduce it.

Benefits of kiwi due to the presence of lutein, which has a strong antioxidant effect. Consumption of no more than 2 fruits per day during pregnancy relieves nausea, helps get rid of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn and belching. High content Potassium and vitamin C make kiwi essential for normal heart function. Folic acid found in kiwi takes active participation in the formation of the neural tube of the embryo and correct formation placenta. The fruit is consumed as dietary product for weight loss, dietary fiber(fiber) cleanse and normalize intestinal function. Enzymes contained in kiwi fruits speed up metabolism and promote the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. For those who are on a diet, consuming kiwi will help avoid vitamin E deficiency. The presence of potassium reduces the symptoms of iodine deficiency. Vitamin C content significantly reduces the risk of infections respiratory tract in children and adults. Regular consumption of kiwi reduces symptoms bronchial asthma in children early age. The benefits of kiwi are important as a product with antitumor properties. These properties are used in prevention oncological diseases(eg colon cancer). Kiwi has the ability to remove excess sodium from the body. It is included in the diet to get rid of kidney stones. Kiwi is used in many cosmetics. Fruit antioxidants help maintain youthful and healthy skin. Vitamins E and C tighten pores, nourish the skin and prevent it premature aging. There are contraindications for consuming kiwi. Must be taken into account possible harm from occurrence allergic reaction per fruit, and consume it in in moderation. Children and older people should limit kiwi in their diet. Kiwi is incompatible with dairy products.

Healthy eating is a tribute to modernity. More and more more people today are thinking about their diet, which would not only satiate the stomach, but also deliver useful and nutritious substances to the body. There is a certain list of products that help improve metabolism, stabilize the functioning of the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs and other organs. Among the fruits that boast a particular abundance of beneficial substances is kiwi, which contains many interesting elements. Let's consider what its benefits are. Let's find out what vitamins are contained in kiwi, how to use it, and how it is useful.

Kiwi is an amazing and beautiful fruit of tropical origin. It has managed to fall in love with many people of all ages due to its excellent taste and benefits for the body. This fruit is often called the king, which has a full valuable vitamin composition, because useful substance contained in it in harmonious proportions.

Essential vitamins

Kiwi contains a rich set of vitamins. By including the product in your daily diet, you can avoid difficulties with developing immunity and promoting health. 100 grams of this fruit contains large number vitamins And how many benefits they bring to our body!

Group C

The amount of elements of this group contained in this fruit is simply amazing - 92.7 mg/100 g. This is almost twice as much as in an orange, pepper or grapefruit. Just imagine: one small fruit can fill our body with almost everything necessary substances in a matter of time. It is worth knowing that during storage and transportation the fruit loses a significant part of this vitamin, but other elements are retained.

Group E

Typically, this element is found in foods with a high calorie content, for example, seeds and nuts. The only and most significant advantage kiwi – lacks a large amount of calories while containing the same amount of vitamins.

Group B

Eat certain products, rich in this vitamin, but their range leaves much to be desired. Mostly greens, some vegetables. But in these sources the content of folic acid, the main carrier of the vitamin, is extremely low. Cooking the vegetables will destroy the amount of acid. Kiwi, in turn, should be eaten raw, which promotes 100% absorption of all vitamins. At heat treatment the loss rate sometimes reaches 80%.

The fruit contains about 4% of the daily value of vitamin B6. Everyone needs it, in particular pregnant women and mothers during lactation. It is also indicated for use by representatives of the fair half who use oral agents contraception. Increased need in the vitamin is observed in young children and the elderly. And its use for preventive purposes will help improve well-being and immunity.

Other vitamins

Since kiwi is a fruit rich various vitamins, then it is necessary to estimate the number of other substances contained in its composition. This is, for example, vitamin PP in the amount of 0.36 mg. It helps improve immunity and overall health. Kiwi is also rich in vitamins B2 and B1, the amount of which is 0.04 mg and 0.02 mg, respectively. The fruit contains 0.02 mg, which helps improve the condition of human skin.


In addition to the rich composition of vitamins, the fruit contains undeniably useful microelements. This makes it more useful, nutritious and the most essential product in the daily diet. modern man who rarely thinks about his own health. Regular consumption of kiwi will help you forget about many problems.

  • Potassium

The amount of this microelement in kiwi is 294 mg, it helps improve immunity, kidney and heart function with blood vessels.

Amount – 45 mg, removes toxins and waste, is easily digestible.

  • Calcium

Strengthens the condition of bones and spine, increases endurance. This microelement is contained in kiwi in an amount of 35 mg. It helps improve the condition of teeth and nail plates.

  • Phosphorus

Strengthens the body as a whole, it is included in kiwi in the amount of 30 mg.

  • Magnesium

The 20 mg of magnesium found in each fruit is designed to provide daily requirement person in this microelement. It is necessary to improve your overall health.

In addition, the composition of kiwi includes substances such as:

  • aluminum,
  • sulfur,
  • sodium,
  • iron,
  • manganese,
  • zinc,
  • copper,
  • fluorine,
  • cobalt,
  • molybdenum.

Other properties

Kiwi is best fruit. It helps speed up metabolism, which will be good news for those who have decided to get rid of extra pounds. You can eat it in large quantities and not be afraid of the harm that may be caused to your figure. Kiwi eliminates the likelihood of blood clots and promotes rapid, effective treatment eye diseases.

Cosmetic effect

In addition, kiwi is an excellent product used as a cosmetic element: applying masks containing it will provide your skin with youth and excellent health for a long time. for a long time. The fruit will solve problems with dryness and lethargy, since it contains a full “bouquet” of substances necessary for regeneration and improved well-being in general.

In this article you will find information about the beneficial properties and contraindications of kiwi.

Kiwi is a very tasty exotic fruit of the Actinidia genus, whose homeland is in China. It is sometimes called Chinese gooseberry. Today, kiwi grows in many countries such as Spain, Japan, Greece, Italy and the USA.

Kiwi, composition

The kiwi fruit consists of 80-85% water, 1% fat and 10% carbohydrates, the rest is dietary fiber. This fruit is a low-calorie product, only 48 kcal per 100 grams.

Vitamins and microelements contained in kiwi:


Kiwi contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements, most of which are not destroyed during preservation, all due to the fact that the pulp has a certain acidity, which retains useful substances.

This fruit is very rich in vitamin C, and it contains even more vitamin C than other citrus fruits. It also contains very valuable vitamin E and vitamins A, B and D.


Microelements contained in the fruit: iron, iodine, zinc, manganese, phosphorus and others. It has the ability to normalize digestion, break down proteins and improve blood clotting.

It has a special taste and is liked by many people. Its taste is associated with banana, strawberry and gooseberry.

Kiwi benefits:

  • Strengthens immunity;
  • Has a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • Prevents colds;
  • Removes cholesterol;
  • Neutralizes the effect of net waste;
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • Normalizes metabolism;
  • Reduces the symptoms of heartburn;
  • Normalizes the level of blood clotting;
  • Strengthens blood vessels and capillaries;
  • Removes kidney stones;
  • Burns body fat;
  • Restores energy.

What are the benefits of kiwi for women?

Kiwi is useful for women and girls of any age due to its beneficial properties. By consuming it daily you can significantly improve your health and improve your appearance. Also, this fruit is useful not only for internal consumption, but it is also very often used for cooking. various masks for face, body and hair.

Benefits of kiwi for weight loss

Kiwi is a natural fat burner that contains a large amount of vitamin C, thanks to which old fat deposits are burned. It is recommended to eat at least a small piece after eating, this will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, remove toxins, increase hemoglobin, normalize weight over time, and so on. To reset overweight, you need to eat up to 3 fruits daily.

Kiwi, contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance to the product;
  • Allergy to citrus fruits;
  • According to the testimony of the attending physician;
  • Strongly increased acidity stomach;
  • Gastritis;
  • Acute food poisoning.

Kiwi benefits for men

Kiwi brings great benefit for all people, also for men. Regular consumption of this fruit will help improve your appearance, increase energy, lose excess weight, improve the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract, and significantly increase and strengthen potency.

This fruit is really very good for men's health. It is enough to eat one or two fruits a day to strengthen men's health.

How many kiwis can you eat per day?

One fruit a day will strengthen the immune system and cover daily norm vitamin C, will increase energy and cleanse blood vessels.

If you overeat and have a heavy stomach, it is enough to eat half a fruit to improve your condition.

Kiwi, benefits for pregnant women

Pregnant women are recommended to eat 2-3 pieces a day, this amount will help replenish the body with vitamin C and avoid the development of anemia, since the fruit contains sufficient quantity gland. Kiwi can be safely consumed during pregnancy only if there are no contraindications and especially individual intolerance.

What are the benefits of kiwi for the intestines?

To cleanse the intestines and normalize its functioning, you need to eat 2 fruits a day. Normal operation intestines will help in better digestibility vitamins and microelements necessary for the life of any person. Kiwi will help eliminate the problem of loose stools.

Kiwi, harm

Kiwi can only be harmful if it is used incorrectly or if there are any contraindications for its use. Before use, be sure to wash it and peel the skin.

Most healthy fruit should be ripe and pleasant to the taste. Green fruits can be harmful, increase acidity and have a negative effect on the stomach. Do not eat spoiled fruits, eat only ripe, juicy and tasty ones, they will bring maximum benefit.

Kiwi, also known as chinese gooseberry, is one of the delicious fruits that has promising health-promoting phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals. This widely recognized, unique fruit is native to the eastern Chinese province of Shaanxi. And for the same reason, it is known as the national fruit of China.

The kiwi plant is a semi-tropical, deciduous, large woody vine belonging to the Actinidiaceae family, genus Actinidia. Scientific name: Actinidia chinensis.

Today we will tell you what vitamins kiwi contains, what its benefits and harms are, we will tell you how to select and store it, and also list the properties of kiwi.

A little about kiwi

In the early years of the twentieth century, kiwi seeds were carried by missionaries to New Zealand, where it became a naturalized plant. From New Zealand it has spread throughout the world and has now grown on a commercial scale in Europe and the USA.

During each season, which lasts from September to November, the kiwi vine produces many oval, brown fruits. Each berry is approximately the size of a large one. chicken egg and weighs up to 125 g. Inside, its emerald green colored flesh is soft, plump, studded with rows of tiny, black, edible seeds. Its texture is similar to strawberries or sapodillas, and its aroma is reminiscent of a mixture of strawberry and pineapple fruits.

Besides the typical green variety of kiwi, several other varieties were also grown in the gardens. "Hardy kiwifruit", also known as baby kiwi, is smaller than regular kiwi. Its size is similar to the size large grapes, with smooth, edible skin. Inside, it resembles the regular one in color and texture, but has an even more intense aroma and sweetness. Developed by hybrid agricultural research in New Zealand, the "Golden Kiwi" has smooth, sparse hair, bronze skin, a pointed cap at one end and distinctive golden-yellow flesh with a less tart and more tropical flavor than the green kiwi. Commercially it has a higher market value than regular green kiwi.

Health Benefits

The fiber found in kiwi is unique and behaves differently than other commonly known dietary fibers from other fruits. This is because kiwi can bind a lot of water. After a person eats kiwi, the fibers bind water and swell, becoming gel-like. As your breakfast is digested, the food is broken down into simple sugars, which are slowly transported by this gel. As a result, sugar is absorbed more slowly, which means the energy from consuming it lasts longer.

Healthy glycemic control means that your blood sugar levels are neither too high nor too low. This helps avoid fatigue and hunger between meals. Poor glycemic control is associated with chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. So, kiwi just helps maintain healthy glycemic control.

Improved glycemic control may also help:

  • Lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Because the energy from sugar lasts longer and you don’t overeat.
  • Maintain stable blood sugar levels.

The glycemic index (GI) indicates how much your blood sugar (glucose) levels increase after eating a certain carbohydrate product. Low products GI (55 or less) are digested and absorbed more slowly. In addition, metabolism takes longer, meaning blood sugar increases more slowly. Kiwis have a low GI value (38), which means that glucose is absorbed by the body more slowly and gradually enters the bloodstream.

Kiwi is an ideal breakfast snack, healthy and an ideal alternative for those suffering from diseases such as diabetes type I and II and insulin resistance.

Athletes' ally

  • Muscle contractions.
  • Maintaining normal blood pressure.

Natural Source of Folate

Vitamin B9, also called folate, is a substance that is synthesized by plants. Human body unable to produce it nutrient, so it's important to look for folate-rich foods.

Folate does many things important functions in the body and especially before and during pregnancy, the body requires quite a large amount of folate.

If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, your doctor will advise you to take extra folic acid supplements as this vitamin supports fetal growth and central nervous system development. nervous system. Kiwi fruit alone is not sufficient to meet folate requirements, but it is a first-class and delicious addition to any folic acid supplement. Read more about folic acid for pregnancy, you can read about what other products contain it.


Green and yellow kiwis are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E and polyphenols. These antioxidants protect your body from free radicals, elements that damage the cells of the body. If your body does not have enough antioxidant substances, it cannot protect itself from free radicals.

An antioxidant such as vitamin C has endless health benefits, such as:

  • Promotes collagen formation and slows down skin aging by protecting skin from damage from UV rays, pollution, stress.
  • Supports the nervous system.
  • Strengthens the immune system.


Below we have given a table of vitamin content in kiwi.

nutritional value per 100 g
Nutritional value RDA percentage
energy 61 Kcal 3%
carbohydrates 14.66 g 11%
protein 1 g 2%
Total fat 0.52 g 2%
cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary fiber 3 g 8%
B9 25 mcg 6%
B3 0.341 mg 2%
B2 0.025 mg 2%
B1 0.027 mg 2%
A 87 IU 3%
WITH 92.7 mg 154%
E 1.46 mg 10%
TO 40.3 mcg 34%
sodium 3 mg 0%
potassium 312 mg 7%
calcium 34 mg 3,5%
copper 0.130 mg 14%
Iron 0.31 mg 4%
magnesium 17 mg 4%
manganese 0.098 mg 4%
zinc 0.14 mg 1%
Carotene-ß 52 mcg
Crypto-xanthine-ß 0 mcg
Lutein-zeaxanthin 122 mcg

Selection and storage

The kiwi season starts in September and lasts until November. Although they may be available most of year; It is best to buy them from August to December in order to extract the maximum beneficial properties from kiwi. Unripe berries have a hard, starchy, inedible flavor and are very similar to the sapodilla fruit.

Place raw kiwi fruits in plastic bag for 4-6 days to allow them to ripen. Storing them in a paper bag along with an apple, banana or pears will help speed up the ripening process.

In stores, choose kiwis with intact skin, without any superficial blemishes or cuts. Ripe kiwis are slightly soft. After maturation they have short term shelf life and spoil quickly if kept open at room temperature. For long shelf life, store them in the refrigerator at high humidity.


Allergic reactions to kiwi fruit are rare. Pregnant mothers and children can safely use them.



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