How sleep affects the human body. How sleep affects human health, according to scientists

A person spends a third of his life sleeping. Nature came up with such a rhythm of life for a reason. Insomnia, restless juice, lack of sleep - all this has a deplorable effect on the body. Let's find out today about the influence of good sleep on human health and beauty. We will also consider the main phases of sleep, what its lack leads to.

If you have problems with your well-being, psyche, or metabolism due to disturbances in sleep and wakefulness, and they do not disappear after you have had enough sleep, we advise you to consult a doctor (neurologist). Self-medication and self-diagnosis are dangerous to life and health!

Fatigue, decreased concentration, attention, irritability - all these symptoms can appear even after one night bad sleep. What can we say if the disorder occurs constantly (but more on that later).

Human health and beauty are inextricably linked with proper sleep and wakefulness. The ratio of these states is important. It turns out that sleeping a lot is just as harmful as sleeping a little. Sleep that corresponds to the natural biorhythms of day and night is considered optimal. But sticking to such a routine is almost impossible for a modern person.

Human sleep consists of repeating cycles. Each cycle includes a phase of slow-wave sleep and fast sleep, and lasts on average 1.5 hours. A full sleep consists of five such cycles. As a result, you need to sleep on average 7.5 hours. In this case, both phases are important, their correct ratio to each other. Naturally, sleep times may vary slightly depending on individual characteristics body.

Sleep phases:

  • Slow phase. Occupies almost 80% of the time general sleep(60-90 minutes). Consists of 4 stages that change each other in turn. The 4th stage is the deepest, and may be absent in the morning. During this period, organ functions are restored and cells are regenerated. That is, at this time the body “rejuvenates” and recovers.
  • Fast phase. It lasts relatively short (10-20 minutes), but in the morning its periods increase. Responsible for the development of the nervous system, organizing and remembering information received throughout the day.

Dreams occur during all phases. But during deep phase They are calmer, but less memorable. During the fast phase, dreams are dynamic and nightmares may occur. It is easier for a person to wake up during REM sleep.

What does good sleep give?

Proper sleep and its importance for human health should be one of the first places. You must understand that the following vital points will depend on how you rest at night:

  • Rest and restoration of all organs. During sleep (especially slow sleep), all human systems and organs are restored. Scientists have proven that in rats that did not sleep normally long time there is bleeding in the brain. Therefore, be sure to get enough sleep!
  • Normalizes metabolism. During sleep, hormones responsible for digestion are produced. normal work thyroid gland, reproductive system. When you don't get enough sleep, many unexpected problems can arise.
  • Systematizes acquired knowledge. During REM sleep, the brain processes the information received, filtering out unnecessary data. If you don't get enough sleep, it's hard to understand what is important and what is not. As a result, a person reacts emotionally to little things and cannot concentrate on what is important.
  • Man getting ready for a new day. REM sleep prepares the body for awakening. Processes are activated that promote cheerful spending of time during the day.

What does lack of sleep lead to?

Good sleep and night rest very significant for health and beauty. If you constantly neglect your sleep and wakefulness, the following problems may arise:

  • cardiovascular system disorders ;
  • weight disorder (obesity or thinness);
  • hormonal imbalance (problems of sexual function, thyroid gland;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract ;
  • decreased immunity ;
  • physical and mental slowness .

Proper sleep

Healthy sleep and beauty and well-being are closely related. To fully gain strength and energy, follow these simple tips:

  • Try to go to bed before midnight. The most best watch sleep for beauty is from 21-22 hours. This way, your skin will recover better and your body will burn more calories.
  • Sleep at least 6-7 hours every day. And it’s better to take as much as your body requires (everyone’s characteristics are individual). If necessary, go to bed early.
  • Do relaxing activities before bed. Relax and be positive. This way you won't have nightmares and you'll fall asleep easier.
  • Ventilate the room. To ensure deep and restful sleep, keep the temperature around 20°C.

The influence of sleep on human health and beauty is simply enormous. So take care of yourself, relax and enjoy life!


Municipal budget educational institution

"Secondary school No. 46 of Vladivostok"

Author of the work: student of grade 6 “A”.

MBOU "Secondary school No. 46 in Vladivostok"

Kakaulin Sergey

Scientific supervisor

Biology teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 46 of Vladivostok" Pasevich A.A.


    Objectives of the study

    Research objectives

II . Main part: The influence of sleep on human health

II.1. Dream-gift of nature

II.2. Sleep phases

II.3. Lack of sleep

II.4. Lethargy

II.5. Nightmares

II.6. 10 common nightmares

II.7. Surrealism

II.8. Paintings by Salvador Dali

III .Own research

III.1. Study No. 1 “The influence of TV programs on human sleep”

III.2. Study #2: “What time do we need to go to bed to be alert?”



I .Introduction

Nowadays, when pharmacies have an abundance of different medicines, I was surprised by the expression “A dream is best medicine" Why don't we use such a simple and free recipe?

Noticing that my classmates were irritated in the morning and could not concentrate on any topic being discussed all day, I asked why they were so irritated? and heard the answer: “I didn’t get enough sleep...” or “I had some nightmares...”. I also noticed a connection between irritable and sleep-deprived classmates and their frequent illnesses from acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

My mother always says that children should go to bed on time, not watch horror movies or play games. computer games before bed. It is important to get a good night's sleep and then they will be in a good mood, they will feel cheerful, which means it will be easy for them to study and cope with everything.

This topic is very relevant in our “high-speed age” and concerns all ages from children to adults. People are constantly in a hurry, trying to plan their day, but they always have less and less time to sleep.

Curious about how sleep affects human health, I decided to conduct a study.

Purpose of the study – study the influence of sleep on human health, and find out what factors influence sleep.

Research objectives :

    Find out what happens to a person during sleep.

    Define best time for sleep and its duration.

3. Find out what happens to a person in a dream after watching TV shows, scary films and melodramas.

4. Make up “Rules for healthy sleep.”

I .1. Sleep is a gift of nature

So, sleep... In the electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia, I found the following definition: “sleep is natural” physiological process being in a state with a minimum level brain activity and a reduced reaction to the surrounding world, characteristic of mammals, birds, fish and some other animals, including insects.”

The ancient Greeks believed that sleep is a special gift sent to man by the god of sleep - the winged Morpheus, one of the sons of the god Hypnos. And, perhaps, they were right, sleep is truly a gift of Nature, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. According to doctors and researchers, during sleep the processes of accumulation of energy reserves, regeneration, and plastic metabolism occur. As a result, energy resources depleted during the day are restored.

Sleep and dreams are the guardians of our physical body. These processes help a person to completely relax: the muscles and spine rest from a busy day, the heartbeat and breathing slow down, and internal organs are being restored.

During sleep, a person does not age, but the brain analyzes, sorts and “digests” the latest events that have occurred in our lives. It is thanks to this activity that we see dreams and can find in them answers to the questions that tormented us. Creative people often shared that the plots of their future books, poems, images of paintings, technical designs came to them in their dreams. Everyone knows the example of how D. Mendeleev dreamed of the periodic table of elements.

The influence of sleep on human life

The duration of sleep is individual for each person. For some, a couple of hours a day is enough to get enough sleep, while others feel exhausted if they get less than 8-9 hours of sleep. Napoleon believed that it was necessary to spend “four hours for a man to sleep, five for a woman, and six – only an idiot can sleep,” and Leonardo Da Vinci, in order to be available for new ideas at any time of the day, slept only 15 minutes every 3-4 hours. In contrast, Einstein set aside 12 hours a day for sleep.

How to interpret your dream?

In ancient cultures, they believed that dreams were sent to humans by the gods, and only priests, shamans or oracles could decipher them. Scientific interest in dreams began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The impetus for it was the development of psychology, physiology and philosophy. The works of S. Freud became a real revolution in decoding dreams. His main support was that dreams are desires released into freedom, mainly sexual, which are suppressed by a person in real life. Even if in a dream a person saw a vase of flowers or a child walking along the road, the professor’s interpretation still had sexual overtones.

Should you take your dreams seriously? Should we believe the dream books or Talmuds of S. Freud? Most likely, the best interpreter of your dream can be the one who dreamed it. When deciphering the information received, it is worth relying not only on the symbolic images that a person saw in a dream, but also on what he was thinking about the day before, what experiences and events preceded the dream in his real life. Is the dream caused by stress? It is also worth paying attention to external factors, because, for example, a person may have nightmares due to the fact that he sleeps in a poorly ventilated room, i.e. feels physical discomfort.

According to statistics, there are a number of dreams that all people see without exception: teeth falling out, falling from a height, flying, failing exams, death of a person, persecution, situations at school or at work, etc.

It is also believed that in a dream a person more often experiences negative emotions(feelings of anxiety, fear, etc.) than positive ones. Although, perhaps, as in real life, positive, easy emotions require more effort and skill to maintain than those that are uncomfortable and painful.

II .2 Sleep phases

During sleep, a person periodically alternates two main phases: slow and fast sleep, and at the beginning of sleep the duration of the slow phase predominates, and before awakening, the duration of fast sleep increases. In a healthy person, sleep begins with the first stage of slow-wave sleep (Non-REM sleep), which lasts 5-10 minutes. Then comes the 2nd stage, which lasts about 20 minutes. Another 30-45 minutes occur during stages 3-4. After this, the sleeper returns to the 2nd stage of slow-wave sleep, after which the first episode of REM sleep occurs, which has a short duration of about 5 minutes. This entire sequence is called a cycle. The first cycle lasts 90-100 minutes. Then the cycles are repeated, with the proportion of slow-wave sleep decreasing and the proportion of fast sleep (REM sleep) gradually increasing, the last episode of which in some cases can reach 1 hour. On average, with full healthy sleep, there are five full cycles.

slow sleep

Slow-wave sleep (syn.: slow-wave sleep, orthodox sleep) also has its own stages.

First stage. The alpha rhythm decreases and low-amplitude slow theta and delta waves appear. Behavior: drowsiness with half-asleep dreams and dream-like hallucinations. At this stage, ideas may intuitively appear that contribute to the successful solution of a particular problem.

Second stage . At this stage, the so-called “sleep spindles” appear - the sigma rhythm, which is a rapid alpha rhythm (12-14-20 Hz). With the appearance of “sleep spindles”, consciousness is switched off; during pauses between spindles (and they occur approximately 2-5 times per minute), it is easy to wake a person. Perception thresholds increase. The most sensitive analyzer is the auditory one (the mother wakes up to the cry of the child, each person wakes up to the calling of his name).

Third stage . It is characterized by all the features of the second stage, including the presence of “sleep spindles”, to which slow high-amplitude delta oscillations (2 Hz) are added.

Fourth stage slow sleep, deep sleep. This is the deepest sleep. Delta oscillations (2 Hz) predominate.

The third and fourth stages are often combined under the name delta sleep. At this time, it is very difficult to wake a person; 80% of dreams occur, and it is at this stage that attacks of sleepwalking and nightmares are possible, but the person remembers almost none of this. The first four slow-wave stages of sleep normally occupy 75-80% of the entire sleep period.

It is assumed that slow sleep associated with the restoration of energy consumption.

REM sleep

Rapid eye movement sleep (synonym: fast wave sleep, paradoxical sleep, rapid eye movement stage, or abbreviated as REM sleep, REM sleep) is the fifth stage of sleep. The REM sleep stage was discovered in 1953 by Kleitman and his graduate student Aserinsky. EEG: rapid fluctuations in electrical activity similar in value to beta waves. This resembles the waking state. At the same time (and this is paradoxical!) at this stage a person is in complete immobility, due to sharp fall muscle tone. However eyeballs very often and periodically make quick movements under closed eyelids. There is a clear connection between REM and dreams. If you wake up a sleeping person at this time, then in 90% of cases you can hear a story about a vivid dream.

The REM sleep phase lengthens from cycle to cycle, and the depth of sleep decreases. REM sleep is more difficult to interrupt than slow-wave sleep, although REM sleep is closer to the threshold of wakefulness. Interruption of REM sleep causes more severe violations mental health compared to slow-wave sleep disorders. Some of the interrupted REM sleep must be replenished in subsequent cycles.

It is assumed that REM sleep provides the functions of psychological protection, information processing, and its exchange between consciousness and subconsciousness.

People who are blind from birth dream of sounds and sensations; they do not have REM.

II .3. Lack of sleep

Sleep deprivation is an insufficient amount of time spent sleeping. Negative aspects: in the short term, lack of sleep causes the following negative symptoms: weakness, irritability, changes in mood, absent-mindedness, drowsiness, decreased intelligence, laziness, slowness.

In the long term: obesity, diabetes, permanent depression, hypertension, circulatory disorders.

Categories of sleep deprived: in the category of sleep deprived there may be different groups persons: students busy with assignments or preparing for exams at night, workers working night shifts, people suffering from insomnia, scientists, engaged in developing scientific solutions at night, some gamers, programmers, freelancers, etc.

Normal sleep, ideally, should be at least 8 hours (and according to Japanese scientists - at least 7), but no more than 9.5.

Lack of sleep can be dealt with in several ways: creating a specific daily routine, setting a certain time when you need to go to bed, and in special cases, quitting a job that contributes to lack of sleep and, accordingly, harms your health. In cases of insomnia, you need to reduce your workload and also take relaxing substances.

Observations: according to research by scientists from Lübeck, lack of sleep contributes to human dullness.

II .4. Lethargy

Lethargy (ancient Greek λήθη - “oblivion”, and ἀργία - “inaction”) - painful condition characterized by slowness, lethargy, and fatigue. Lethargy differs from coma in that the lethargic body independently supports the vital functions of organs in a slow mode, while coma is a violation essential functions body, without medical intervention leading to fatal outcome. However, it is known that the human body cannot do without water and food for a long time, therefore prolonged lethargy without the possibility of awakening is no less destructive for the body. The medline encyclopedia describes lethargy as a synonym for fatigue.

The concept " lethargic sleep“In its generally accepted understanding, it is a fictitious condition and is described only in works of fiction.

Apathy, extreme weakness, drowsiness, disturbances of consciousness, reduced reaction in response to external stimuli.

Academician I.P. Pavlov described the sick Ivan Kuzmich Kachalkin, who slept for 22 years - from 1896 to 1918. He was in a catatonic state - “laying like a living corpse without the slightest voluntary movement and without a single word." He had to be fed with a tube. IN recent years Before his sixtieth birthday, he gradually began to make some movements, eventually he was able to get up to go to the toilet and sometimes eat without outside help. Regarding his past condition, Ivan Kachalkin explained that “he understood everything that was happening around him, but he felt a terrible, irresistible heaviness in his muscles, so that it was even difficult for him to breathe.” He died in September 1918 from heart failure.

Lethargy may be a symptom of a disease, for example - syndrome chronic fatigue. Diagnosis is aimed at identifying the underlying disease and its causes.

II .5. Nightmares

Nightmares are considered a non-physiological sleep disorder and occur during REM sleep, which varies between a few minutes and half an hour in duration. The nightmare usually ends with a sharp awakening in fright, after which the awareness of awakening from sleep usually comes immediately, associated with the return of the sense of space and time. The causes of nightmares are considered to be unreasonable, unprocessed current events, traumatic experiences, stress, or mental or physical stress.

In mythology, nightmares are often explained by the action of otherworldly forces. In the Russian people, nightmares are considered the pranks of the brownie. In Germanic mythology, elves were considered responsible for nightmares, as they were responsible for dreams. Elves were depicted sitting on the chest of a sleeping person, creating unpleasant feeling pressure Nightmares are often the subject of literary works and horror films.

Medical research dreams show that approximately three-quarters of the dream narrative and associated emotions carry negative character and, in turn, lead to interruption of the sleep cycle and awakening. On average this happens once a month. Nightmares are rare in children under 5 years of age, more common in children junior classes(in 25% of children once a week) and less often in adults - from 25 to 55 years with a decreasing frequency.

Diagnostic criteria ICD-10.

A. Nightmares are anxiety- or fear-filled dreams that the patient remembers in great detail.

B. For a reliable diagnosis, the following are required clinical signs:

1. Awakening from a night's sleep or nap with a detailed and vivid reproduction of a dream of vividly frightening content, usually including a threat to life; awakening can occur at any time of sleep, although, as a rule, in the second half.

2. When waking up from bad dream quickly achieved normal level wakefulness and orientation.

3. Dreams and resulting sleep disturbances lead to significant distress.

Symptoms of a nightmare

Typically, a dream in the form of a nightmare takes on explicit plot forms, with the dreamer himself at the center of the plot. The plot develops in the form of a pursuit, a series of accidents, the result of which is usually the death of the dreamer, but at the very last moment he wakes up.

II .6. 10 common nightmares:

1. You dream that you are lost or trapped.

Unlike most of the nightmares on this list, this dream is very simple to analyze. Feeling lost or trapped in a dream indicates similar feelings experienced by a person in real life in certain situation. Is someone forcing you to do something against your will? Do you think you've exhausted everything possible options solutions to the problem, or maybe you're just confused?

Understand that this dream is a direct warning of the presence internal problems, so it should be the impetus for action before it's too late. Otherwise, you may start having the following nightmares on this list.

2. You dream that you are falling or drowning.

Do you feel like your head is bursting with problems? Or maybe you feel the pressure of some task or responsibility. These anxious feelings may result in nightmare, in which you will fall or drown. Dreams that revolve around endless falling or drowning demonstrate our inner restlessness on any issue. The emotions they evoke can range from loss of control to elation. Your specific reaction in this nightmare is most likely a mirror of your reaction to certain circumstances in reality.

This is also a great opportunity to take part in lucid dream. If you realize that you are dreaming, you can resolve the problem of falling by recognizing that it is just a dream and you are in control. Instead of sinking or falling, take off or swim. After all, it is your dream and you can do whatever you want in it.

3. Your computer breaks down or your phone stops working.

Do you call someone in your dream and hear endless ringing tones? Or maybe hard drive your computer crashed while you were writing an important document? Although, of course, these dreams may not be classified as nightmares, however, for some people, a computer hard drive failure is tantamount to a car breakdown.

If you dream of any technology malfunctioning, especially communication technology, it could mean that you are unable to reach someone on an emotional level. Have you lost touch with a good friend? Or maybe a wall has formed between you and your loved one? If you dream about something like this very often, take time to analyze your relationship and identify areas that need “fixing”.

5. Natural or man-made disaster

Whether you dream about it or experience it in reality, being caught in the middle of a natural disaster is a terrifying experience. Such disturbing dreams are always significant in their meaning, and nightmares about a natural disaster say a lot about current state person.

As a rule, disaster dreams signal an impending disaster in real life. Perhaps you have thoughts that you will not cope with some problem, so you get lost in the large amount of debris left behind by the natural disaster in your dream. If you dream about something like this, think about what you are in present moment overloaded and try to rationally solve the problem.

6. You don’t pass the exam or you can’t solve the problem.

Even if you have long forgotten what a class schedule, preparing essays and the quadratic formula are, you may still have dreams from time to time about failing an exam or something similar. Subconscious worry about failing an important exam is a common dream, and the grade you receive for it is fascinatingly revealing.

If you fail an exam, it describes your thoughts about how deserving you are of the things you have achieved in life. If you could go back and be evaluated for all your past actions, would you be happy with the results? If your answer is yes, but in a dream during an exam you feel that your grade was undeservedly lowered, then your dream reflects your rejection of what you have achieved.

7. Loss or damage to home or other property

If you only dream about your home, do not panic when you see such a dream. This is a completely normal dream. When houses appear in dreams, they symbolize the person himself. The facade of the house speaks about your assessment by others, and the interior speaks about your inner self.

If your house or property is damaged in a dream, it may reflect your inner feelings about violation of integrity. The theft of property and its loss speak about the same thing, that is, it reflects violent feelings about oneself. If you've lost something important or had something stolen from your home, you probably feel like you might be deceived or feel something valuable is at risk.

8. Problems with the car

Having problems with your car is already a nightmare experience, however, if you encounter such troubles in a dream, then in real life it could mean something more serious than just an impending oil or tire change. Vehicles in a dream represent physical shell person, but they can also carry emotional burden. Just like in dreams about home, appearance A car may represent your outer perception of the world, but what's under the hood represents your inner feelings.

Perhaps you're driving an amazingly beautiful car, only to discover that the inside is a mess and isn't working properly. This situation can be transferred to your feelings towards yourself. Sometimes in dreams involving a car, you are driving straight towards disaster, this can indicate a feeling of powerlessness or a lack of control.

9. Suffering from injury, illness or death

Dreams about you having a serious illness or about your death can cause you a lot of stress. However, no need to worry. Although dying in a dream can be very painful, it can actually mean some kind of change or a new beginning. Death can also indicate the end of a life stage and the beginning of the next.

However, not all dreams about death are so positive. In some cases, dreams in which you get injured, become ill, or die may indicate emotional pain or fear of experiencing pain. If a loved one is sick or dies in a dream, it likely suggests that the part of you that you see in that person is being lost or dying. Also, your death in a dream may indicate that you are no longer able to cope with the situation on your own, and you need to ask for help or advice from other people.

10. You are running away from someone or someone is attacking you

Another ubiquitous nightmare that often haunts many people. The scenery or the person attacking you may change appearance, however, if you dream of something like this, this is a signal from our body that it is “ready to face danger head-on” or “to give in.” This reaction is primary for human body, he always has to choose when faced with dangers and fears.

Sigmund Freud characterized such dreams as “what a person dreams of when he is worried.” This anxiety can be associated with anything, both with serious problems and with some trifle. As these fears translate into ghostly haunting, the actions you take to avoid danger indicate how you will react to them in real life.

II .7. Surrealism

Surrealism (French surréalisme) is a movement in art that was formed by the early 1920s in France. Characterized by the use of illusions and paradoxical combinations of forms.

Bosch should be considered the founder of Surrealism; for the first time, the viewer sees reality - imperceptibly, but thoroughly deformed, one might say - a waking dream. In the nineteenth century, Redon re-opened a new page in world painting - surrealism - by creating a realistic face of a man inside a spider (The Crying Spider, 1881). In the twentieth century, the writer and poet Andre Breton is considered the ideologist of surrealism. Guillaume Apollinaire designated one of his plays under the heading “surreal drama” in 1918. Some of the greatest representatives of surrealism in painting were Salvador Dali, Max Ernst and Rene Magritte. The most prominent representatives of surrealism in cinema are considered to be Luis Buñuel, Jean Cocteau, Jan Svankmajer and David Lynch. Surrealism in photography gained recognition thanks to the pioneering work of Philippe Halsman.

The main concept of surrealism, surreality is the combination of dream and reality.

To achieve this, the surrealists proposed an absurd, contradictory combination of naturalistic images through collage and “ready-made” technology. The surrealists were inspired by radical leftist ideology, but they proposed starting the revolution with their own consciousness. They thought of art as the main instrument of liberation.

This direction developed under the great influence of Freud's theory of psychoanalysis (however, not all surrealists were fond of psychoanalysis, for example, Rene Magritte was very skeptical about it). The primary goal of the surrealists was spiritual elevation and the separation of the spirit from the material. One of the most important values were freedom, as well as irrationality.

Surrealism was rooted in symbolism and was initially influenced by symbolist artists such as Gustave Moreau and Odilon Redon.

The surrealists performed their work without regard to rational aesthetics, using phantasmagoric forms. They worked with themes such as eroticism, irony, magic and the subconscious.

Often, surrealists performed their work under the influence of hypnosis, alcohol, drugs or hunger, in order to reach the depths of their subconscious. They proclaimed the uncontrolled creation of texts - automatic writing. One of the techniques of surrealism was fumage, invented by Wolfgang Paalen.

However, the chaotic nature of the images sometimes gave way to their greater thoughtfulness, and surreality became not just an end in itself, but a deliberate method of expressing ideas that seek to break everyday ideas (an example of this is the mature works of the classic of surrealism, Rene Magritte). This situation is clearly visible in cinema, which continued the traditions of surrealism, which over time lost their freshness in painting and literature. Examples are paintings by Luis Buñuel, David Lynch, Jan Svankmajer.

History of surrealism

In the spring of 1917, Guillaume Apollinaire coined and first used the term “surrealism” in his manifesto “The New Spirit,” written for the scandalous ballet “Parade.” This ballet was working together composer Erik Satie, artist Pablo Picasso, screenwriter Jean Cocteau, and choreographer Leonid Massine: “In this new union, sets and costumes are now created, on the one hand, and choreography, on the other, and no fictitious superimpositions occur. In Parade, as a form of super-realism (surrealism), I see the starting point for a whole series of new achievements of this New Spirit.

Poem from Calligrammes

"This is not a pipe" by Magritte. The Treachery of Images 1928-29

Although the center of surrealism was Paris, from the 1920s to the 60s it spread throughout Europe, Northern and South America(including the Caribbean), Africa, Asia, and in the 80s, Australia.

The most significant contribution to the Golden Age of Surrealism is the first Manifesto of Surrealism in 1924, created by André Breton. Five years earlier, Breton and Philippe Soupault wrote the first "automatic" text, the book Magnetic fields" By December 1924, the publication of The Surrealist Revolution began, edited by Pierre Naville, Benjamin Péret and, later, Breton. In addition, the Bureau of Surrealist Research began work in Paris. In 1926, Louis Aragon wrote the book "The Parisian Peasant". Many of the popular artists in Paris in the 20s and 30s were surrealists, including René Magritte, Max Ernst, Salvador Dali, Alberto Giacometti, Valentina Hugo, Meret Oppenheim, Man Ray, Tuyen, Yves Tanguy, Victor Brauner, Roberto Matta and many others. Although Breton sincerely admires Pablo Picasso and Marcel Duchamp and encourages them to join the movement, they maintain some distance from the surrealists, although they do not avoid their influence.

The immediate forerunner of surrealism and Dadaism was the Parisian “school of fumism” led by the writer Alphonse Allais and the artist Arthur Sapek. Many of the fumists' antics, as well as their "paintings" and musical works, seem exact quotes from the creativity and personal behavior of the Dadaists, although they were created almost forty years earlier - at the turn of the 1880s.

Heirs of surrealism

Main articles: Fantastic realism, Visionary art

Salvador Dali, Arno Brecker and Ernst Fuchs made up the Golden Triangle, and all three were members of the Order of Alexander the Great.

Dali once said: “Surrealism is me!”, and also appointed Ernst Fuchs as his “successor on Earth,” thereby informally passing on the line of succession to Fantastic Realism and the styles stemming from it, such as, for example, Visionary art.

Modern surrealism

Currently, the direction has become noticeably commercialized. Continuing the tradition of Dali, Tanguy, Delvaux, Ernst, artists borrowed from them mainly outside directions - phantasmagorical plot. The deep psychological side of surrealism, expression, expression of one’s unconscious fantasies, sexual fears and complexes, transmission of elements of one’s own childhood in the language of allegory, personal life- this internal aspect, considered in the 1920-30s. The titular, defining quality of surrealism is most often ignored. Jim Warren fills his canvases with colorful, life-affirming subjects, considering main goal lift the mood of each individual viewer, instill in him an interest in life and reverence for nature. Lyubov Zubova’s paintings can be divided into “warm” and “cold”: she saturates them either with the pleasant, gentle colors of sunset and the golden sea, or with the cool colors of the night or early morning. Some canvases combine both heat and cold. The paintings seem to encourage the viewer to simply admire the beauty, the crystalline air, the serenity of the sea, without mediating all this with any meaning. An interesting example surrealism in cinema are the experimental films of director Mathieu Seiler. Thus, surrealism has evolved, and nowadays it is difficult to talk about it as a pure direction: it was strongly influenced by fantasy art and classical art.

II .8. Surrealism of Salvador Dali

III . Research with my class.

I've done my research. My classmates agreed to help me.

Study No. 1: The influence of TV programs on human sleep (one of the factors affecting health).

I decided to find outwhich films have a negative and positive effect on a person’s sleep, and, consequently, on health.

A study conducted in my class, in which my classmates (25 people) took part, allowed us to establish that:

    While viewing various kinds educational programs, dedicated to topics health, ecology, economics, everyday life, political situation and so on, the health of classmates does not suffer, but does not improve. In terms of health, these programs are simply neutral, except for the lessons learned from them useful information. In the morning they got up cheerful.

    When watching the news, most children experienced negative emotions, but they are not strong and do not affect health.

    After watching horror films once, some children experienced increased blood pressure and headaches, while others experienced only negative emotions. With frequent viewing (for 3-5 days), the level of aggression in children increased, the quality of sleep worsened, and some had nightmares. In the morning everyone woke up lethargic and in a bad mood.

    When watching comedies, children were in a better mood, this improves blood circulation and increases the production of dopamine in the blood - the “pleasure hormone”, which has a positive effect on health.

    When watching melodramas, there were no changes. It was noted that when watched together by members of the same family, films have a positive effect on the overall well-being and atmosphere in the family. There were no problems with sleep.

As can be seen from the above, best health observed among those of us who watched comedies, melodramas, detective stories, TV series and scientific programs.

Study #2: What time should we go to bed to be alert?

I decided to find out if there is a differenceWhat time do you go to bed? My friends helped me with this.First, for 5 days we went to bed at 8 o’clock, then 5 days at 9 and 5 days at 10. My friends and I noted that at 8 o’clock it was difficult for us to fall asleep, but at 9 o’clock Lenya and I quickly fell asleep after working days. Although Misha noted that it was difficult for him to fall asleep even at 9 o’clock. And when we started going to bed at 10 o’clock, we felt tired and really wanted to sleep after 9 o’clock. Misha said that for him 10 o’clock is the best time to fall asleep. As it turned out, Lenya and I used to go to bed at 9 o’clock, and Misha at 10. And we concluded that it depends on a person’s habits, butyou need to go to bed at the same time, then it will be easier to fall asleep.

But besides a certain time for easy falling asleep, there is alsoother recommendations: “Rules for healthy sleep”

    do not eat food 2-3 hours before bedtime;

    a short walk (30 min.) before bedtime;

    warm bath before bed;

    airing the room before going to bed;

    fall asleep in complete silence;

    sleep on your stomach or left side.

I also checked some of them. For 5 days, my friends and I walked before going to bed, took a bath and ventilated the room. After discussing our feelings, we realized thatThese recommendations really work: We fell asleep faster.

Doctors' advice.

But how Is it easy to get up in the morning? Doctors advise:

    gradually get up, stretching in bed for 10 minutes;

    massage of the fingers and earlobes, since this is where the large number nerve endings, and the body wakes up when stimulated;

    cool, invigorating shower;

    a cup of aromatic tea.

I also learned a little trick... It turns out that there is an interesting exercise that allows you to quickly free yourself from the tenacious embrace of sleep. While still half asleep, half asleep, you need to roll over onto your back, remove the pillow from under your head, lie down straight like a “soldier” and imitate the movements of a caught fish: upper part The torso should remain almost motionless, and the legs—more precisely, the feet and shins connected together—should be moved from side to side (while pulling the feet toward you).

My friends and I started trying out this particular fun exercise. After shaking our tails in the morning, we feel energetic and our mood improves.


We have confirmed that sleep is the most important component of human activity. The better we sleep, the better the results of our work during the day. Sleep is not a time “crossed out” from active life. This is the process during which our body gains strength, preparing us for next day. Good sleep gives us strength, we feel in shape, we think clearly, we create. It allows us to concentrate on work throughout the day. The best way to accomplish everything we have planned is to give our body time to rest while we sleep. Compiled “Rules for healthy sleep.”

We also learned about the effect of sleep on human health, and that frequent viewing of horror films leads to increased blood pressure, headaches, nervous system tension, nightmares and other negative consequences.

As is known, for good performance, good mood For good health, a person needs good and healthy sleep. Nowadays, many people complain about such a problem as insomnia. And they cannot always find ways to solve this problem and find out the reasons why a person cannot sleep. Of course, the quality and duration of sleep is influenced by many factors, including the day itself. But, as it turns out, highest value acquires what a person directly does before accepting horizontal position and plunge into the world of wonderful dreams. Therefore, further we will talk specifically about this period; perhaps these tips will help someone in solving the problem of sleepless nights.

1. Various devices: tablets, smartphones. It turns out that any technology with a blue screen, even TV, negatively affects calm state body. Therefore, if a person wants to fall asleep quickly and easily, then it is better not to use such devices at least one hour before bedtime. Scientists have determined that these devices interfere with the production of a certain hormone that is responsible for sleep.

2. Certain medications. Some medicines contain huge list side effects, including sleep disturbance. If a person is taking a certain medication as needed and is having trouble sleeping, it may be worth talking to their doctor about changing that medication to another.

3. Drinking tea or coffee. Everyone knows that coffee contains a lot of caffeine, and it can remain in the body for more than half a day. This fact should be taken into account when drinking this drink. The same applies to tea.

4. Eating chocolate. Chocolate is made from cocoa, which, by the way, also contains some caffeine. In addition, chocolate contains a substance that can lead to an increase in heart rate, which can disrupt sleep.

5. Spend time actively before bed. You should not spend active time before bed. The body needs to set aside a certain period of time to prepare itself for sleep.

6. Eating spicy and fatty foods. It is necessary to take into account the fact that you should eat your last meal at least two hours before bedtime. This condition is determined by the fact that the stomach needs time to process food. As for spicy and fatty foods, they can cause various negative effects(bloating, heartburn and much more), and they can interfere with normal sleep.

7. Drinking alcohol. It turns out that drinking alcohol before bed, or rather the process of its absorption, significantly reduces sleep time, and in the morning the negative consequences of such sleeping pills often appear.

8. Room temperature. Scientists have long determined that for normal sleep The room temperature should be about 16 degrees. Therefore, if you heat the room before going to bed, sleep disturbance is guaranteed.

9. Water procedures. Of course, body hygiene is important, but it is necessary to take into account a certain rhythm of human life. There are people who accept water treatments only in the morning. It is for this category of people that taking an evening shower can negatively affect sleep.

10. Clarification of relationships. Any quarrels and swearing before bedtime negatively affects the entire body as a whole, leading to nervous condition and various kinds of experiences, because of this person it is difficult to sleep.

It turns out that even in the world of sleep, not everything is so simple. If a person wants to have quality rest and have sweet dreams throughout the night, then he should adhere to certain rules.

Recent studies show that than " longer night", those slimmer body, a stronger heart and a healthier brain. And these are just a few of the reasons why you should go to bed earlier, because quality sleep is vital for physical, spiritual and emotional health.


However, there has been a decline in the average number of people who allow themselves to get good sleep. According to social surveys, every fifth person feels extremely weak, and every tenth suffers from long-term chronic fatigue.

"Dream is natural way providing rest, recovery and energy. There is no better way to renew your energy,” says Professor Colin Espy, director of the sleep research center at the University of Glasgow. “But many people perceive sleep only as a convenience that can be neglected at times. Some even regret wasting precious hours on sleep that could be spent on important things.” But there are also many who are victims of insomnia. Therefore for modern people good sleep is more important than ever.

If a person sleeps less than six hours a night and feels anxious and uncomfortable while sleeping, the risk of death due to heart disease increases by 48%. The chances of dying from a stroke or heart attack are 15%. This is exactly the kind of research published by scientists from the University of Warwick.

The current trend of 21st century society, which involves falling asleep late and waking up early, is a time bomb for health. Therefore, it is important to reduce the risk of developing these life-threatening states.

According to research from Harvard medical university, men over 65 who get little sleep are in the zone high risk development of high blood pressure. A study was published in the journal Hypertension that examined the clinical picture of 784 patients. Those who suffered from insomnia had an 83% risk of hypertension. However, high blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and other health problems.

Experts say lack of sleep explains stress physical condition, in which the heart beats faster. However, they add that oversleeping - more than nine hours in a row - can be an indicator of illness, including a cardiovascular attack.

Weight management with sleep

Sleep management can help in the battle against obesity. The International Journal of Obesity published a study that included 472 people with overweight, including those who ate a maximum of 500 calories per day and spent a lot of time exercising. Anyone who slept too little or too much experienced very little weight loss over the course of six months.

“Research has shown that people who sleep less are more likely to become obese,” says Dr David Haslam, head of the National Obesity Forum. “People think that sleep means inactivity and therefore won’t help you shed extra pounds, but lack of sleep can negatively affect hormones associated with digestion.”

Dr. John Schneerson, President of the British scientific society sleep, explains: “Our usual fat cells produce a hormone called leptin, which suppresses appetite, helping us stay at a healthy weight.

Sleep deprivation reduces leptin levels, thereby increasing appetite. Our stomach and intestines produce another hormone called ghrelin, which increases our appetite when needed. Lack of sleep causes these hormones to rise. The combination of decreased leptin and increased ghrelin causes a person to eat more. Also, the lack of proper sleep puts the body in a state of stress, causing it to produce a lot of steroids from the adrenal gland, holding extra pounds. The upshot of all these things is that no matter how hard a person tries to lose weight, the battle will be very difficult if you don't sleep well."
Radiology of Birds: An Atlas of Normal Anatomy and Positioning

Spiritual health

Most people know that short-term and disturbing dream is the main cause of fatigue, apathy, forgetfulness and irritability. But oversleeping leads to decreased productivity, problems at work, mood disorders and poor spiritual health, particularly depression.

Scientists have also seen a strange connection between lack of sleep and suicide. Researchers from the University of Michigan found that people with at least two symptoms of insomnia were 2.6 times more likely to attempt suicide. In addition, scientists from medical center Columbia University in New York found that 20% of teenagers 12-18 years old who went to bed after midnight were much more likely to think about suicide than those who fell asleep before 10 pm. People who slept less than five hours a night were 48% more likely to have suicidal thoughts compared to those who slept eight hours straight.

Longevity with good sleep

“Recent studies have shown that people who slept seven hours in a row lived much longer than those who slept too little or too much,” says Professor Kevin Morgan from the sleep research center at Loughborough University.

If lack of sleep can be the cause of illness, then staying too long in the kingdom of Morpheus, as a rule, turns out to be only a sign of an already developed illness. Although most scientists have come to this conclusion, Professor Morgan does not share their confidence.

“Sleep is a form of sedentary behavior, so staying in bed for 9-10 hours threatens your cardiovascular health. This alone can lead to a number of health problems,” says Professor Morgan.

Immune system and sleep

"In some previous studies, scientists tortured rats with sleep deprivation, which led to their death," says Professor Morgan. Their autopsy showed that the rats were immunocompromised.

Carrying out immunological research in humans, it was shown that those who worked night shifts had a weakened protective function. This does not mean that working at night is harmful, although it is not particularly beneficial, because many night workers cannot normalize their sleep patterns.”

The effect of sleep on diabetes

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body produces too much insulin but does not effectively use the hormone to lower blood sugar. A gradual progression to a condition called "impaired fasting blood glucose" occurs when the amount of sugar in the blood is too high, but not high enough to warrant a diagnosis of diabetes.

Researchers from the University at Buffalo in New York found that people who slept on average less than six hours per night during working week, 4.56 times more likely to develop impaired fasting blood glucose levels than those who slept 6-8 hours in a row.

How to sleep properly

  • By observing a sleep schedule, that is, going to bed and waking up always at the same time, the body will sleep much better.
  • Cleanliness and order in the bedroom, as well as the absence of a computer and TV, is very important for a good night's rest.
  • Exercise helps you sleep well, but it has the opposite effect if you do it before bed—including sex, which often precedes sleep.
  • You should aim to sleep seven to eight hours. Some people need a little more or a little less, but those are few and far between.
  • If the mattress is more than ten years old, then it needs to be replaced, as its quality has decreased by 75%, which can greatly impair sleep.
  • A special pillow will help to form correct posture, which will certainly have a positive effect on your sleep. In addition, silk bedding helps normalize body temperature.

Health and sleep are integral components of a person’s normal life. At the same time, not only our general condition, but also many internal processes. While the body is resting, the body normalizes and stabilizes the entire metabolism. The energy spent during the day is restored and removed toxic substances from brain cells.

The benefits of sleep are very difficult to overestimate. Almost all body systems work normally only with full sleep. Healthy sleep is as necessary as air, food and water.

This is what happens to our body during sleep:

  1. The brain analyzes and structures the information it has received during the day. Everything we encounter during the day is sorted out, and unnecessary information is crossed out. This is how sleep affects our knowledge. Therefore, it is advisable to learn everything important in the evening.
  2. Weight is adjustable. The most basic substances that contribute to excess appetite are produced during insomnia. Therefore, if a person does not sleep, he wants to eat more, and from this he gains overweight.
  3. The work of the heart is normalized. Reduces cholesterol levels, which promotes recovery cardiovascular system. This is health in the truest sense.
  4. Immunity. The normal functioning of our protective system directly depends on healthy rest. If you suffer from insomnia, then wait infectious diseases.
  5. Restoration of damaged cells and tissues. It is at this time that wounds and injuries heal most actively.
  6. Energy is restored. Breathing slows down, muscles relax, and sensory organs turn off.

This is not a complete list beneficial properties, which affects sleep on human health. Recovering hormonal background, and growth hormones are also released, which is very important for children. Memory improves and concentration increases, so in order to complete urgent work, it is recommended not to sit all night, but rather get some sleep so you can get ready.

Everyone knows that a person cannot live without rest, just as he cannot live without food and water. But nevertheless, most people continue to disrupt their biorhythms and do not devote enough time to rest at night.

Health and sleep are very closely related, so practicing sleep hygiene is extremely important.

Sleep is not as simple a phenomenon as it seems at first glance. This is why we sleep for several hours and get enough sleep, but you can go to bed on time and wake up completely exhausted. How sleep works and how this mechanism works is still being studied by doctors and scientists. The norm for an adult is to rest for 8 hours a day. During this period, you experience several complete cycles, which are divided into smaller phases.

In general, healthy sleep includes:

The ratio between the slow and fast phase changes. A person experiences the full cycle several times during the night. At the very beginning of the night's rest, slow sleep makes up 90% of the entire cycle, and in the morning, on the contrary, the fast phase predominates.

During each period of sleep, the body receives its share of benefits. Therefore for full recovery a person needs to go through the full cycle at least 4 times a night. Good sleep is the key to health. Then you'll wake up in good mood and you will be full of strength.

Proper organization and sleep hygiene is guaranteed strong immunity, normal functioning of the nervous system, and also makes sleep itself sound, which increases its effectiveness for health. Here are the basic rules that must be followed to fall asleep peacefully and have good spirits in the morning.

This is basic sleep hygiene:

In addition, before going to bed, you should distract yourself and not watch TV or listen to loud music. Nervous system must prepare, and for this you can do yoga or meditation.

Warm bed correct position body, sleep hygiene, and lack of stressful situations It will help you fall asleep peacefully and sleep soundly throughout the night.

A very large number of people try to work or study at night, as well as have fun. This can lead to health problems, as well as chronic sleep disorders.

The main consequences of lack of sleep:

The list goes on and on. A person who sleeps no more than 3 days can see hallucinations and also get mental disorders. Staying awake for five days can be fatal.

There are people on the planet who have not slept for several years without harm to their health. But these cases are isolated, in all others long absence sleep can lead to serious illness.

The importance of sleep for human health and normal functioning of all systems is very large. At the same time, in order to fully relax, it is important to be able to organize your best sleep, like all healthy image life.



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