How to relieve pain from a duodenal ulcer. Painless stomach ulcer

Pain with a stomach ulcer is the most characteristic symptom of this disease. They can be strong or weak in intensity, typical or atypical, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, heartburn, or occur independently. Usually painful sensations concentrated in epigastric region, but sometimes radiate to the back or other areas of the abdomen. Timely initiation of comprehensive treatment of ulcers, diet and healthy image life contributes to subsidence pain syndrome and complete disappearance of pain.

Cause and mechanism of ulcer pain

The causes of pain due to ulcers are varied. They could be:

  • errors in diet - abuse spicy dishes, pickles, smoked meats, spices;
  • irregular diet;
  • presence of H. pylori in the stomach;
  • stress;
  • consumption of alcohol, vinegar, aspirin and similar drugs;
  • smoking;
  • coffee;
  • grueling physical work;
  • a variety of acute and chronic diseases leading to prolonged ischemia of the gastric mucosa and promoting the formation of ulcers.

Most often, pain is caused by the following mechanisms:

  1. In case of increased acidity, irritation of exposed nerve endings in the area of ​​the ulcer.
  2. Violation motor activity stomach - pylorospasm, spastic contractions of its individual sections.
  3. Circulatory disorders and development oxygen starvation stomach walls.
  4. Reducing the threshold pain sensitivity nerve endings in the area of ​​the ulcer.

Where does it hurt with a stomach ulcer?

Typical pain with a stomach ulcer is felt in the epigastric region, “in the pit of the stomach.” It is paroxysmal, worsens after eating and is observed during exacerbation of the disease. Depending on the location of the ulcer, the nature of the pain syndrome will change.

Pain due to peptic ulcer of the upper third of the stomach

They often have a burning sensation and pressure under the xiphoid process of the sternum. Sometimes such painful attacks can also be mistaken for heart pain due to angina pectoris, because they also radiate to the left arm, under the left shoulder blade and the heart area.

  • With an ulcer, pain is associated with eating.
  • With angina pectoris, pain primarily depends on physical activity.

Middle third of the stomach

Typical localization of pain:

  • epigastric region;
  • a little to the left of the middle of the abdomen.

Pain with pyloric ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (DU)

Felt mainly in the upper right third of the abdomen.

  • They can be paroxysmal, intense, but short-lived, and repeat many times throughout the day.
  • Another option is long-term, gradually increasing, persistent.
  • When ulcers are localized on the posterior wall duodenum near the sphincter of Oddi, its spasm may occur, which entails the appearance of nagging pain in the right hypochondrium due to a violation of the passage of bile and overstretching of the gallbladder.

How does a stomach ulcer hurt?

Pain arising from gastric and duodenal ulcers is in the vast majority of cases associated with food intake and is observed simultaneously with dyspeptic disorders:

  • belching;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea or vomiting.

In this case, the nature of the pain primarily depends on the localization of the ulcerative process and the extent of the existing lesion.

Hunger pain

These are painful sensations that occur when the stomach is empty:

  • 4-5 hours after the last meal;
  • the day before breakfast, lunch or dinner.

It is believed that such pain is associated with an excess amount of hydrochloric acid produced by the gastric mucosa. Typical for duodenal ulcers.

Early pain

The pain appears immediately after eating and lasts up to 2 hours. They often go away on their own and are observed when affected upper sections stomach. As soon as food is evacuated into the duodenum, the patient’s well-being improves significantly. Simple methods help relieve pain antacids:

  • Almagel;
  • Maalox et al.

Night pain

Typical for duodenal ulcer. This is a type of hunger pain that occurs “on empty stomach" At the same time, patients note that they wake up from severe pain, which occurs in the form of spasms, as well as cutting, pulling or aching. It is noteworthy that it subsides after a glass of warm milk or a light snack.

Late pain

Late pain develops 2-3 hours after eating. Typical for:

  • gastroduodenitis;
  • pyloric gastric ulcer.

In case of development stagnation accompanied by rotten belching, as well as a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the epigastric region.

Can you have an ulcer without pain?

Although pain is a typical symptom of the disease, an ulcer may be silent and first appear as bleeding or some other complication. The absence of pain is explained by:

  • congenital features pain sensitivity threshold;
  • small size of the ulcerative defect;
  • its rapid healing.

If the ulcer proceeds without pain, then you need to carefully listen to your body, notice other symptoms of the disease (nausea, belching, etc.), and undergo periodic examinations in order to promptly recognize the period of exacerbation and prevent the occurrence of serious complications.

How to reduce and relieve pain

Ease your condition and remove pain symptoms Can various methods, including following a certain diet, taking medications and herbal preparations.


To relieve pain, the doctor, depending on the situation, may recommend taking medications from the following groups:

  • inhibitors proton pump– omeprazole, lansoprazole, rabeprazole and others (persistent inhibition of hydrochloric acid secretion);
  • H2 receptor antagonists - ranitidine, cimetidine, famotidine, etc. (inhibition of the synthesis of aggressive components gastric juice);
  • selective blockers of m1-cholinergic receptors - gastrocepin, pifamine, pirenzepin (inhibition of hydrochloric acid production);
  • non-selective m-anticholinergic blockers - atropine, metacin, platifilin (relieves spasms, inhibits the secretion of hydrochloric acid);
  • antacid drugs - Almagel, Phosphalugel, etc. (direct neutralization of hydrochloric acid, lowering the pH of gastric juice).

In addition, bismuth preparations and antispasmodics, for example, no-spa, are widely used.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine can only be used as additional component complex treatment and only after the doctor’s permission. Typically, the following is used to relieve pain:

  • for hunger pains, night pains - warm milk;
  • flax seed decoction;
  • potato or cabbage juice;
  • propolis tincture;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • decoctions of plants such as chamomile, calendula, licorice root, St. John's wort, plantain juice, blueberries.

Prevent pain and worsening ulcers

  1. Treat gastritis and duodenitis in a timely manner. The doctor’s recommendations regarding treatment should not be neglected, since the progression of the disease to chronic form is fraught with progression pathological changes in the wall of the stomach and the formation of ulcers. H. pylori plays an important role in this, so timely eradication of this bacillus helps reduce the frequency of exacerbations and speeds up recovery.
  2. Diet for ulcers is a powerful therapeutic and preventive factor. Avoid spicy and fatty foods, hot seasonings, spices, sour, juiced vegetables and fruits, as well as foods containing a lot coarse fiber. Avoid alcohol, coffee and strong tea, drinks with artificial flavors, flavor enhancers, and sweeteners. Try to take food in small portions, fractionally, at the same time.
  3. Quit smoking completely. Nicotine causes spasm of small blood vessels, including the gastric mucosa, impairing the healing of ulcers and any other injuries.
  4. Do not take medications that worsen ulcers without a doctor’s prescription.. These are aspirin, many other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroid hormones.
  5. Avoid stressful situations . Stress worsens digestion processes and contributes to the exacerbation of peptic ulcers. Try to change your attitude towards your surroundings, learn to relax.
  6. Take courses regularly preventive treatment in specialized sanatoriums - Svalyava, Morshyn, Karlovy Vary, etc.

Peptic ulcer disease manifests itself with multiple unpleasant symptoms. One of the most characteristic signs is abdominal discomfort. Pain from a stomach ulcer signals the progression of pathology in the body. As a rule, negative sensations are concentrated in the epigastric region, sometimes radiating to the back or covering the entire abdominal cavity.

Spasmodic syndrome can be of strong or weak intensity, typical or atypical, long or short-term. Its elimination does not yet indicate complete recovery, since only the symptom is muted. Diet, a healthy lifestyle and timely initiation of comprehensive treatment will help get rid of stomach pain and stop the progression of the underlying disease.

Criteria for peptic ulcer disease

Pain in duodenal and gastric ulcers is caused by erosive lesion not only the internal epithelium of organs, but also part of the muscle layer, which contains many nerve receptors. In order to fully characterize the discomfort in the stomach, it is necessary to study in more detail the main criteria of the disease.

Localization and intensity

In approximately 80% of patients, discomfort is felt in the epigastric zone and in the upper abdomen. The localization of the area of ​​the most severe and acute pain depends on the location of the gastric ulcer: they can appear in the left or right side the anterior wall of the peritoneum, under the xiphoid process of the sternum. The nature of the symptom is varied and depends on the stage of the disease and the presence of complications in the body.

Often, the location of the negative sign mimics acute myocardial infarction, so in such cases, doctors should carefully conduct a differential diagnosis.

Pain from a peptic ulcer has different characteristics and degree of intensity. By medical statistics about 50% of patients consider the spasmodic syndrome tolerable, and 20% - very strong. The torment can last from one or two hours to several days, depending on the duration of the period of exacerbation of the stomach disease.

In addition, discomfort increases with physical activity, from poor nutrition, during stressful situations, after drinking alcohol.

The duration of stomach pain may include:

  • constantly;
  • periodically;
  • cramping;
  • seasonally.

Pain in the stomach with an ulcer occurs:

  • aching;
  • piercing;
  • shooting;
  • cutting.

Other signs and sources of pain

For correct diagnosis In addition to pain, dyspeptic symptoms (disruption of the normal functioning of the organ) are of great importance. The most frequently occurring signs of a stomach ulcer include:

  • Heartburn. It is persistent and appears an hour after eating.
  • Belching. It worries almost all patients.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Occurs more often at the peak pain attack. Usually a person feels better after vomiting.
  • Lack of appetite and headache.
  • Abnormal stool. Accompanied by bloating and discomfort in the lower abdomen.

As a rule, the main symptoms of peptic ulcer disease are associated with:

  • adverse effects of chemicals on the stomach;
  • mechanical irritations internal walls organ;
  • the quality of food consumed, its temperature and breaks between meals;
  • uncontrolled use of certain medications;
  • bad habits;
  • long-term stressful situations;
  • increased levels of hydrochloric acid with gastritis.

It is worth noting that the stomach and intestines hurt during any course of a peptic ulcer: both acute and chronic.

Causes and mechanism of pain

The mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum contains many nerve endings. Even the smallest existing injuries are accompanied by pain, and sometimes excruciating spasmodic discomfort can be felt.

Ulcerative pathology is characterized by a permanent erosive defect of the epithelium, and during remission it becomes scarred. At the slightest irritating factor attacks occur, regardless of the stage and form of the disease.

The frequent occurrence of stomach discomfort is due to the following mechanisms:

  • disturbance of motor activity of the organ;
  • availability chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract: ulcerative colitis, perforated ulcers, erosive gastritis and others;
  • insufficient blood circulation and the development of oxygen starvation of tissues.

Where it hurts

The pain syndrome associated with an ulcer in the upper third of the stomach has a burning sensation. With this diagnosis, negative attacks spread to the left arm, under the shoulder blade or to chest area. Sometimes this symptom is perceived as a sign of heart problems. A characteristic feature in such cases is that with an ulcer, the pain intensifies after a meal, and with angina, for example, during active physical activity.

  • For ulcers middle third body of the stomach pain can be localized in the epigastric zone or to the left of the middle of the abdominal cavity.
  • Spasmodic discomfort for pyloric peptic ulcer disease felt mainly in the upper right third of the abdomen. It can be repeated both day and night, be long-lasting, and constantly growing.
  • If ulcerative lesions are located near the sphincter, then nagging pain in the right hypochondrium.

How it hurts

For effective therapy stomach ulcers, you need to know the nature of the pain. At classic form Doctors identify four types of pain syndrome.

Hunger pain

They occur when a person is hungry, or during long breaks between meals. With such severe symptoms we're talking about that the pathological process is already spreading to nearby organs. Usually, spastic discomfort can be reduced by taking a comfortable position, drinking a glass warm water, eat a little.

Early manifestation

They begin almost an hour after the meal and increase gradually, at a slow pace. It lasts about 2 hours and subsides when food moves from the stomach cavity into the intestines. With this type of pain, spasmodic attacks are associated with the mechanical and chemical effects of eaten food masses on the mucous membrane of the organ.

If ulcerative pathology affects the cardiac zone, then pain appears immediately after eating.

Night and late pain

Spasms occur during sleep or closer to the morning hours. They appear quite suddenly and radiate to the epigastric region of the abdomen and in the pit of the stomach. The cause of burning, shooting, spastic pain is an empty stomach. In such cases, the walls begin to deform digestive tract. Intense painful discomfort subsides provided that the patient eats a small snack of easily digestible food.

Late and disturbing a couple of hours after a meal. Unlike other types, they intensify as food passes into the intestines and the acidic contents of the stomach enter the duodenum. The pain is typical for a peptic ulcer located in the pyloric region, and is also regarded as a characteristic sign of duodenitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the duodenum).

The same patient may have a combination of several types of pain discomfort. This diversity is explained by different individual indicators of hydrochloric acid production in the same disease, the presence of several pathologies, various disorders motility of the digestive tract.

Painless stomach ulcer

The disease can occur without obvious manifestations of any signs. In such cases, there may not be any negative discomfort in the stomach. This only happens on initial stage, when the size of the ulcerative defect on the walls of the diseased organ is still very small. The advanced stage is characterized by severe symptoms.

The absence of spasmodic attacks in the patient is also explained by the congenital characteristics of the pain sensitivity threshold.

Much depends on the regenerative abilities of the body, on how quickly healing occurs.

Most often it happens that pathology is detected already at last stage development. This happens because a person ignores the basics. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to your body, undergo periodic examinations and receive timely treatment, especially if a person is at risk.

Ways to get rid of pain

When sudden painful attacks occur, which occur with a gradual deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to urgently take measures to relieve spasms. In order to get rid of pain in the stomach and alleviate the condition, you will need effective medicines And folk remedies.

Drug treatment

On pharmaceutical market There are many drugs that help relieve pain in peptic ulcers:

  • Antispasmodics. You can take No-shpa, Spazmalgon or Papaverine. These medications can quickly relieve pain from pulling and aching sensations.
  • Antacids: Almagel, Maalox, Gastal, Simalgel. For greater effectiveness, they should be taken during acute attacks together with medications from other pharmacological groups.
  • Painkillers. These include Analgin, Diphenhydramine, Baralgin.

Only a doctor should prescribe all medications; you cannot self-medicate.

In severe cases, with a severe spasmodic attack, taking medications is strictly prohibited: the patient needs emergency hospitalization. Therefore, after each manifestation of pain, you should definitely seek advice from a therapist.

Such a negative sign may indicate an exacerbation of a chronic illness or possible complications. For example, about the formation of perforation, which leads to extensive peritonitis. The nature of pain with a perforated gastric ulcer can be different. Unpleasant sensations:

  • sharp, sharp and “dagger”;
  • intense and constant;
  • give to the epigastric region, hypochondrium;
  • quickly spread to the entire abdominal cavity.

Folk recipes

In order to relieve pain, you need not only pills and injections. Folk remedies have positive recommendations and reviews in the fight against spasms due to stomach ulcers. Effective at home medicinal decoctions and infusions are prepared from:

  • rose hips and plantain leaves;
  • calendula, chamomile and mint;
  • immortelle, St. John's wort and valerian root;
  • flax seeds, lemon balm and oats;
  • licorice root, yarrow and anise.

The herbs should be brewed in a thermos or kept in a water bath for 15 minutes; the finished medicinal drink should be consumed warm 3 times a day.

It has been proven that herbal medicine helps relieve stomach pain, alleviate the condition, and in combination with conservative therapy, treat the underlying disease.

During the period of remission of the disease, to relieve spastic attacks, traditional medicine recommends taking sea buckthorn oil, propolis tincture, tincture of aloe leaves and eating blueberries.

Doctors prescribe it for both adults and children. After preliminary diagnostic measures and assessing the patient's condition, decoctions or infusions of specific types of herbs are prescribed. You cannot drink herbal tea at your own discretion, without the consent of your doctor, as they can only cause harm to your health.

Pain at different locations of the ulcer

Typically, pain occurs in areas of the abdominal cavity where ulcerative pathology is localized. That's why the stomach hurts in different ways in some situations. There are several sections of the stomach:

  • Subcardial and cardiac. The negative symptom is mild and appears in the upper part of the peritoneum. As a rule, it is accompanied by nausea, belching and vomiting.
  • Small curvature. There is discomfort in the left side of the abdomen. Most often it bothers you at night.
  • Greater curvature. Ulcers in this area of ​​the stomach are rarely detected. The disease is painless and easily tolerated. There are no typical symptoms.
  • Antrum. The abdomen may be bothersome on the right side. In most cases, pain occurs when the patient is hungry. If you palpate the affected area of ​​the stomach, the pain becomes even stronger.
  • Pyloric canal. Peptic ulcer disease in this area is characterized by a persistent course and rapid development, expressed by spasmodic pain of a paroxysmal type. Patients report constant heartburn, excessive salivation, a feeling of fullness, flatulence and intestinal colic. Complications in the form of cicatricial changes and pyloric stenosis are observed.

Distinctive features of peptic ulcer of different organs

Symptoms duodenal ulcers very important for differential diagnosis stomach pathologies. When the bulb of the anterior wall is affected, then pain occurs on the right side of the epigastrium. Extra-bulbous location speaks of the transition of the disease to small intestine. According to medical statistics, it is up to 10% of total number gastroduodenal diseases.

If the ulcer is localized on back wall duodenum, then most often a sphincter spasm develops, which radiates to the back. Usually, a person suffering from an illness suspects kidney disease, which is erroneous. Therefore, in such a situation, it is very important to consult a specialist for installation. exact reason ailments.

Diagnosis and treatment cannot be done at home, as the patient’s condition can only worsen.

Peptic ulcer disease is different from gastric ulcer the fact that it is characterized by benign development and does not result in cancer. In addition, if complications arise, bleeding does not occur.


To prevent pain in the stomach you need to:

  • Treat in a timely manner pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Follow a diet, food should be rich in valuable substances.
  • Eliminate bad habits.
  • Do not take medications without a doctor's prescription, provoking exacerbation of stomach ulcers.
  • Avoid tense situations as much as possible properly relieve stress 04.11.2018

    A stomach ulcer is a disease in which multiple and single ulcerative defects develop in the area of ​​the stomach and duodenum. differs from gastric erosion in that it penetrates more deeply into its walls, penetrating not only the mucous membranes, but also subsequent layers. Healing is characterized by scar formation.

    Have you had a full medical check-up in the last 3 years?



    To the main reasons development of stomach ulcers include:

    1. Infection of the gastric mucosa pathogenic microorganism Helicobacter pylori. IN favorable conditions The bacterium has a destructive effect on the organ, resulting in the formation of ulcerative defects. You can become infected with it through the saliva of a sick person when using poorly washed dishes.
    2. Excessive production of gastric juice, which contains hydrochloric acid and pepsin.
    3. Duodenogastric reflux, in which the contents of the duodenum flow back into the stomach.

    Also in medicine there are factors, contributing to the development of the disease:

    • genetic predisposition;
    • poor nutrition;
    • frequent stress, mental strain;
    • smoking and excessive consumption alcoholic products;
    • the presence of blood clots in the vessels of the stomach;
    • vitamin deficiency;
    • spinal and abdominal injuries;
    • unfavorable environmental conditions for living;
    • frequent consumption of spicy, sour and rough foods, which stimulates increased production of gastric juice, which leads to inflammation;
    • long-term use medicines, which destroy the gastric mucosa, for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoids and other medications.

    Symptoms of a stomach ulcer

    The disease can be suspected based on characteristic signs:

    1. Paroxysmal aching pain, having a permanent nature, occurring during meals, after meals or on an empty stomach.
    2. Painful sensations radiate to the back, area near the navel, hypochondrium.
    3. Pain at night.
    4. Feeling of heaviness, fullness and burning in the stomach after eating or on an empty stomach.
    5. Nausea and vomiting that occurs 1.5 hours after eating. Undigested food and bile can be observed in the vomit.
    6. Retention of stool, constipation.
    7. Increased appetite due to excessive gastric secretion.
    8. Weight loss due to painful sensations many patients reduce the amount of food they eat and eat much less frequently, hoping to avoid discomfort.
    9. Psycho-emotional disorders, excessive anxiety, bad dream, Bad mood.

    As a rule, the disease develops gradually. IN in rare cases A gastric ulcer is asymptomatic and is detected when complications are diagnosed or scars are detected on the gastric mucosa during medical examinations.


    In medicine there are various classifications illness. Its types are distinguished by the location of the defects, the size and course of the disease.

    By size The following varieties are distinguished:

    • large (more than two centimeters in diameter);
    • gigantic (more than three centimeters in diameter).

    Depending on localization Ulcerative lesions are:

    1. Stomach (cardinal region, antrum, pyloric canal and gastric body ulcer).
    2. Duodenal, located in the duodenum (bulb ulcer, sub-bulb ulcer).
    3. Simultaneously localized in the stomach and duodenum.

    The disease occurs in the following phases:

    • exacerbation (relapse);
    • fading exacerbation;
    • remission.

    Why is a stomach ulcer dangerous?

    The disease has the following complications:

    1. Perforation of the ulcer. Pathology develops due to destruction of the walls of the stomach. The process is acute and requires urgent surgical intervention, since the contents of the stomach come out through the through hole, which leads to peritonitis.
    2. Ulcer penetration. Penetration of pathology into the organs closest to the stomach, for example, the pancreas.
    3. Stenosis of the pyloric part of the stomach. As a result of this pathological process food does not enter the intestines, the patient requires surgery.
    4. Ulcerative bleeding. The disorder occurs due to the fact that the vessels of the stomach walls are corroded in the affected area. A person may suspect it by vomiting mixed with blood or general malaise. As a result of the pathology, the patient loses blood volume, which often leads to shock. The patient needs surgery.
    5. Ulcer malignancy. The disease degenerates into a malignant tumor, which threatens a person’s life.
    6. Perigastritis. The complication develops due to the fact that inflammation near the defect affects the serous membranes of the stomach. Due to the pathology, adhesions form with neighboring organs, for example, the liver, which leads to their deformation.

    Which doctor is treating you?

    The patient must contact medical institution if he is bothered by the following symptoms:

    • stomach pain;
    • unpleasant ;
    • bloating, heaviness, belching, constipation;
    • coating on the tongue,

    First, you should see a therapist, and if he suspects a peptic ulcer, he will refer you to to a specialist- gastroenterologist.


    During the appointment, the doctor conducts a physical examination of the patient, asks him questions about disturbing symptoms, how the patient feels during and after meals, whether the disease has signs of seasonality, etc. The doctor also examines the patient using palpation. A peptic ulcer can be suspected by tension in the abdominal wall in the epigastric zone and on the left hypochondrium.

    To make an accurate diagnosis, the following examinations are prescribed:

    1. X-ray examination of the stomach. Using the method, signs characteristic of the disease are detected: ulcerative shaft, cicatricial-ulcerative deformation of the stomach wall, niche symptom, pylorospasm, index finger syndrome.
    2. Blood test. Determines the content of Helicobacter Pylori antibodies in its composition.
    3. Microscopic examination of a biopsy of the gastric mucosa for the presence of Helicobacter Pylori. The analysis is taken during fibrogastroduodenoscopy.
    4. Endoscopic examination. At this method A fibrogastroduodenoscope is used. It is used to examine the gastric mucosa. The method allows you to determine the location of the ulcer, its size and identify complications if any, for example, bleeding.
    5. Determination of gastric juice acidity (PH-metry). Using a probe that the doctor inserted into the stomach, you can take a certain amount of gastric juice and send it to be tested for acidity.
    6. Chromogastrocopy. The method uses contrast dyes that reveal gastric secretion and the formation of changes in the organ that precede oncology.
    7. Morphological analysis. Microscopic examination confirming the presence of a stomach ulcer gives an assessment inflammatory processes, atrophic and sclerotic changes. The study allows us to exclude the degeneration of mucosal tissue into malignant neoplasms.

    The presence of a peptic ulcer may be indicated by anemia, which is determined by general and biochemical analysis blood, since the disease often causes bleeding from the affected wall of the stomach. Sometimes the doctor asks the patient to take a stool test, as this helps identify hidden bleeding.

    Treatment of stomach ulcers

    Treatment of the disease is a labor-intensive process. There are several types of therapy for peptic ulcer disease, and the gastroenterologist decides which one to prescribe to the patient, based on test results, the form of the disease and the severity of its course.

    Most often, treatment is carried out in outpatient setting. Hospitalization is required only for those patients whose illness is accompanied by severe pain, and whose stomach lesions are gigantic in size and numerous.

    Taking medications

    Modern pharmaceutical companies release large number medications that can effectively fight stomach ulcers. Most often, doctors prescribe drugs from the following groups to treat the disease:

    1. Secretolytics. Medicines that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid and promote the healing of lesions in the stomach walls:
      • M-anticholinergics (Telenzepin, Platyfillin);
      • H2 histamine receptor blockers (Ranitidine, Pilorid, Famotidine, Roxatidine, Nizatidine);
      • proton pump blockers (Omeprazole, Rabeprazole, Pantoprazole).
    2. Medicines for eradication pathogenic bacteria Helicobacter pylori (Tetracycline, Levofloxacin, Metronidazole).
    3. Non-absorbable and absorbable antacids. They allow you to neutralize hydrochloric acid and eliminate muscle spasms (Gastal, Gaviscon, Rennie, Maalox).
    4. Reparants. Medicines are needed to stimulate recovery processes gastroduodenal mucosa and scarring of ulcerative defects (Retabolil, Kaleflon, Etaden).
    5. Psychotropic drugs (Diazepam, motherwort tincture).
    6. Gastrocytoprotectors. They are taken to increase the resistance of the gastroduodenal mucosa. These include:
      • Smecta (the medicine ensures the formation of a protective film);
      • drugs colloidal bismuth(De-Nol);
      • Sucralfate;
      • astringent and enveloping medications (Vicalin);
      • cytoprotectors necessary for the formation of protective mucus (Enprostil, Cytotec).

    The main therapy consists of taking secretolytics and eradication drugs. Other medications play a supporting role. The duration of taking antisecretory drugs depends on the depth, location, and number of lesions in the walls of the stomach. Typically, the patient takes them from two to eight days.

    An adequate therapy regimen allows the patient to get rid of unpleasant symptoms within 2-3 days, but their elimination does not mean complete recovery, so the medications prescribed by the doctor must continue to be taken. You can verify the patient’s complete recovery after a follow-up endoscopic examination, which is done 4-6 weeks after treatment.


    In the treatment of peptic ulcers, diet plays an important role. The patient first needs to avoid consuming alcoholic beverages and strong, freshly brewed coffee. Food should be gentle and not contribute to increased production of gastric juice. The following are excluded from the patient's menu:

    1. Rough, hot, cold, bitter, fried and spicy foods.
    2. Sausages, smoked meats, canned food, fatty foods.
    3. Products that help increase appetite, that is, radishes, onions, garlic.

    A diet for stomach ulcers suggests the following:

    1. Warm, liquid-like food.
    2. It is better to steam or boil dishes.
    3. To heal the mucous membrane, you need to eat lean lean meat, fish, egg whites, dairy products.
    4. The diet should include soothing teas, vegetable dishes, cereals, you can eat bread, but not freshly baked bread.
    5. In order for ulcerative defects to heal faster, the patient’s menu should include vegetable fats, for example, olive or sea buckthorn oil.

    The diet of a person suffering from a disease should be fractional. The number of meals should be 5-6 times, the total calorie intake per day should not exceed 2,000. The patient can drink Borjomi, Arshan or Burkut mineral waters to add alkali to the contents of the stomach.


    There are two types of surgical interventions: minimally invasive and radical.

    The first include:

    1. Applying the medication directly to the affected area (Eikonol). The procedure is carried out through a catheter, which is inserted into the biopsy channel of the endoscopy machine.
    2. Intragastric laser therapy. Ulcerative defects are irradiated through an endoscope with an argon or krypton, helium-neon or helium-cadmium laser.
    3. Local puncture of gastroduodenal lesions with a special needle using an endoscope. Immunomodulators, antioxidants and reparants are introduced. The most commonly used are Interferon, Dalargin, Solcoseryl, Roncoleukin.
    4. Irradiation of ulcerative defects with a halogen lamp.

    For effective treatment using the above procedures they are carried out more than once.

    Doctors more often resort to radical surgical interventions:

    1. Resection. With this type of surgery, not only the ulceration itself is removed, but also the part of the stomach near it that produces excess hydrochloric acid.
    2. Vagotomy. In this type of operation, the surgeon removes nerve endings which are responsible for the production of gastric juice. After the intervention, the defect heals on its own. The procedure is used to treat not only stomach ulcers, but also duodenal ulcers.

    With the permission of the attending physician, you can use folk remedies to treat the disease. The most popular include:

    1. Potato juice. It reduces high acidity, has anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effects, and protects the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. To prepare the product, you need to peel the root vegetable, grate it, and squeeze out the juice using gauze. Drink the prepared juice immediately half an hour before meals. The course of therapy is two weeks.
    2. Sea buckthorn oil. The product contains vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the human body. It protects the mucous membranes of the stomach from damage, eliminates the process of inflammation, and has regenerating and analgesic properties. You need to take the product half an hour before meals, one teaspoon three times a day. The duration of treatment is a month or two.
    3. Aloe. The plant relieves pain, regenerates tissue, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial actions. Aloe leaves older than three years are used for treatment. Two weeks before cutting them, you need to stop watering the plant. Next, the leaves are crushed into a mushy mass, which is taken half an hour before meals, twice a day, a tablespoon. Therapy takes one month.
    4. Pumpkin seeds. The seeds are extracted from the vegetable, dried and fried. Next, they are crushed, brewed with a glass of boiling water, and left for 15 minutes. Drink the composition in the morning. The course of therapy is two months.
    5. Rose hips. Healing decoction It is prepared from berries, which are taken in quantities of 30, poured with 200 ml of boiling water, boiled for about 10 minutes, left for 24 hours and filtered. The drug is taken half an hour before meals in the amount of 1/2 cup for a month.
    6. Honey. This product reduces stomach acidity, eliminates pain, inflammation and irritation, increases hemoglobin levels, relieves nausea and heartburn, and has a calming effect. To treat an illness, one tablespoon of it is dissolved in a glass of warm water. Ready composition drink one and a half hours before meals. The course of treatment is three weeks.
    7. Walnuts. They have an astringent and wound-healing effect. To treat the disease, nuts in the shell are suitable, which must be peeled immediately before consumption. Fruits that have been peeled in advance will be useless, since the medicinal oil in them deteriorates due to exposure to air. To get rid of ulcers, you need to eat six or seven freshly peeled kernels on an empty stomach in the morning. The course of treatment lasts a month, preferably at the beginning of winter.
    8. Chamomile. To treat stomach ulcers, you need to drink tea for three months, which is prepared by brewing chamomile flowers in 200 ml of boiling water. You need to drink at least three glasses a day.
    9. Calendula. The plant has anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects. To treat ulcers, brew 25 g of flowers with 250 ml of boiling water for 15 minutes. Then filter and drink several sips throughout the day. The course of therapy is a month.
    10. Cabbage juice. The drink accelerates the healing of ulcerative defects. To prepare the juice, the vegetable leaves are ground in a meat grinder or blender, then squeezed out using gauze. healing liquid. For treatment, drink a glass of juice three times a day before meals for a week, then take a break for seven days and continue taking it. The course of therapy is two months.

    The advisability of taking any of the above drugs is assessed by a gastroenterologist after examining the patient and studying the results of his tests.

    Prognosis for stomach ulcers

    The prognosis of the disease for each patient is determined by the doctor individually. Much depends on the size of the ulcer, its location, whether the patient has complications and concomitant diseases.

    It is believed that ulcers in adolescence, prone to bleeding and recurrence, have an unfavorable prognosis, since in old age they are likely to death due to complications arising from this background.

    Timely diagnosed ulcerative defects without complications have a favorable prognosis. They often heal without recurrence.

    The outcome of the disease also depends on the location of the lesion - stomach ulcers heal slowly and are often accompanied by complications. Giant ulcerative defects are difficult to treat and in 50 percent of cases degenerate into oncology.

    Prevention measures

    To avoid the development of the disease, doctors advise avoiding bad habits, eat normally, normalize sleep and rest patterns, avoid stressful situations. If the patient suffers chronic gastritis, and he has observed increased acidity stomach, doctors recommend urgently treating the body for Helicobacter pylori.

    Do they take you into the army with a stomach ulcer?

    In medicine this disease It is considered dangerous, as it threatens many complications, including degeneration into oncology. The patient needs to take medication. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by exacerbations, which are treated in a hospital setting.

    Since during military service there are often factors that adversely affect the health of a patient with a stomach ulcer, according to the Appendix on Military Medical Medicine, he is assigned service category D, which indicates the young man’s unsuitability for military service.

    Video story about stomach ulcers

    Information about this disease from a practicing gastroenterologist from the Expert clinic can be found by watching the following video:

    Stomach ulcer has chronic nature, it is difficult to recover from it, because often patients turn to the doctor already at those stages when surgical intervention is required. The disease is prone to relapse. Ulcer in mild degree bothers the patient once every couple of years or less, and the disease, accompanied by complications, can appear twice a year or more often.

    Pain due to stomach and duodenal ulcers statistically occur in 80% of all patients with this disease. For some, the pain intensity is low, for others it is moderate, and for some patients it is terrifying. Moreover, the ulcer provokes not only pain in the abdominal area, but also headaches.

    You can successfully relieve pain from stomach and duodenal ulcers with the help of various drugs or, in more rare cases, folk recipes. The most effective painkillers medications, but there are a number of significant nuances when taking them.

    We will talk about this and much more directly related to pain with stomach and duodenal ulcers in detail and clearly in this article. We will also discuss whether an ulcer can occur without any discomfort at all.

    Pain due to gastric and duodenal ulcers does not always have a clear localization. So, if we talk about pain with a stomach ulcer, it is often localized in the so-called epigastric region, but there are exceptions.

    Thus, there are often cases when pain radiates (“gives”) to the intestines, upper limbs, heart area and even in the lower back. Such a variety of localization of pain creates additional difficulties in making a diagnosis.

    Of course, duodenal ulcer has exactly the same problem with pain irradiation. But in this particular case there is one nuance. Thus, pain in duodenal ulcers occurs only on an empty stomach.

    In medicine, for a relatively long time there has even been a special term “hunger pains”, which describes classic symptom duodenal ulcer.

    One more important point is the nature of the pain. So, with a peptic ulcer of the stomach and, accordingly, of the duodenum, pain, according to modern medical data, can be of the following types:

    1. Moderate character. The patient feels slight discomfort and tingling.
    2. Essential character. The patient feels dull or nagging pain that prevents sleep.
    3. Strong character. The patient feels severe pain, interfering with sleep and work, making it difficult to concentrate and reducing attention.
    4. Unbearable character (so-called “dagger pain”). The patient is in a daze, the pain completely hampers movement, and sometimes loss of consciousness is possible.

    Causes of pain due to ulcers

    Painful sensations varying intensity and duration in peptic ulcers is not uncommon. But why do they appear at all?

    The fact is that the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is rich in nerve endings. If we speak in the language of medicine, then it is colossally innervated. Any, even the smallest damage to the wall of the stomach or duodenum will be accompanied by uncomfortable and sometimes excruciating pain.

    In peptic ulcer disease, there is a chronic defect in the mucosal wall. That is, simply put, a non-healing wound. Even with remission of the disease and scarring of the mucosal defect, the superficial scar is so vulnerable that the slightest trauma to it leads to rupture and pain.

    But not only mechanical trauma can cause very painful pain. In some cases, aggressive chemical exposure is sufficient, and here alcohol and some medications are especially dangerous.

    In the presence of bacterial invasion, pain occurs in response to the introduction of microorganisms into the wall of the mucosal defect. Bacteria literally tear it apart, exposing the nerve endings and provoking an attack. The bacterium H. Pylori is especially dangerous in this regard. It is worth saying that it is responsible for the development of peptic ulcers in 70-75% of all cases.

    Relieving pain from stomach ulcers (video)

    Can an ulcer exist without pain?

    Contrary to popular belief, this disease can go away without causing any pain at all. And it's not just about acute form, but also about long-term, chronic.

    And here the main roles are played by innate pain thresholds the patient and the regenerative capabilities of his body. Moreover, there are often cases when the ulcerative defect is simply small and the scar on it, due to its small size, has an increased margin of safety, speaking purely metaphorically.

    And, it is worth recognizing, this is one of the most dangerous courses of peptic ulcer disease. The point is that in the absence of a pronounced observable clinical picture This disease can last for years without causing the patient to think about visiting a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

    As a result, it may happen that, against the background of complete well-being, either sudden or development occurs life-threatening complications. So, for example, the majority stomach bleeding occurs without previous symptoms, significantly worsening general forecast this critical condition.

    Therefore, during remission of the disease, even if it no longer manifests itself, the patient must undergo a routine diagnostic test annually. Only in this way can the progression of the disease be determined in advance and timely initiation of such important drug (or, less commonly, surgical) therapy.

    Painkillers for stomach or duodenal ulcers

    Painkillers are prescribed empirically and exclusively by a doctor with with utmost care. It is especially important to take a balanced and scrupulous approach to the selection of drugs for pain relief.

    The point is that many painkillers are contraindicated specifically for gastrointestinal ulcers. For example, the familiar “Analgin” and “Ketanov” are prohibited for peptic ulcers.

    As a result, the patient is prescribed to drink mainly anti-spasm drugs, which are not particularly effective, especially in severe forms of the disease.

    The following medications are often prescribed for pain relief for peptic ulcers:

    • No-shpa (in tablets and injections);
    • Spasmomen (only in tablets);
    • Buscopan (in tablets and suppositories);
    • Baralgin (in tablets and injections);
    • Papaverine (in tablets, suppositories and injections).

    Categorically Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prohibited. Despite them high efficiency in relieving pain, they very often become the cause of bleeding (including massive) in peptic ulcers. You should not drink them both in acute and chronic forms of the disease.

    Let us repeat that the selection and use of medications to relieve pain in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is carried out only with the assistance of a gastroenterologist. Self-appointment Such medications often cause serious complications and even deaths.

    How can you relieve pain from an ulcer?

    When pain occurs during peptic ulcer disease stomach and, accordingly, duodenum, the first thing that arises in patients is how to relieve an attack of pain. And what is important here is an adequate and safe way to reduce pain intensity, since when wrong choice the drug may worsen the situation.

    If we talk about medications to help relieve pain in case of ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, the choice should be made only from the following types of drugs:

    1. Anticholinergics: the best option there will be "Platifillin" and "Gastroceptin".
    2. Antispasmodics: the drugs of choice are No-Shpa and Metacin.
    3. Gaglioblockers: the drug “Quateron”, “Dicalin” and “Benzohexonium”.
    4. Bismuth preparations: “De-Nol”, “Bismol”, as well as “Ventrisol” and “Tribimol”.
    5. Antacids (they can relieve not only pain, but also heartburn): “Almagel”, “Maalox”, as well as “Vikalin” and “Phosphalugel”.

    A glass of milk works well as a non-medicinal remedy. However, it is important to understand that not all patients with peptic ulcers can drink milk.

    It should be noted here that in general, all of the listed remedies for pain due to ulcerative pathology can be taken only after consultation with a doctor. If you have an ulcer, you need to find out in advance from your doctor about the type of disease and which ones. analgesics are shown with him.

    Otherwise, the risk of developing complications, including dangerous ones (for example, massive or perforation), is statistically high. Moreover, sometimes so-called heart pain, which is also localized in the upper abdomen, can be mistaken for ulcer pain.

    Any serious manifestations of a peptic ulcer, especially if the pain is intensely cutting or stabbing, should be a reason to call an ambulance.

    According to medical observations, 1/10 adults suffer from stomach ulcers. The disease is in second place in frequency after coronary disease hearts. Men under fifty years of age are most often affected.

    Pain due to a stomach ulcer is considered an important diagnostic sign. However, statistics warn that from 25 to 28% of cases are atypical. In this case, the pain is completely absent or resembles other diseases. Pathology is detected by chance.

    If the course is favorable, then after exacerbations (3–8 weeks) a long-term remission occurs, up to several years. During this period, patients must follow nutritional recommendations and regularly take courses of preventive treatment. In case of trouble - expected severe complications with rupture of the stomach wall (perforation) and the development of peritonitis, perforation into neighboring organs, and cancerous degeneration.

    What criteria characterize ulcer pain?

    Pain syndrome is considered the most typical manifestation of gastric ulcer and. The symptom is caused by direct erosion not only of the inner mucous membrane, as with inflammation of the stomach, but also of the submucosal, muscular layer, where there are quite a lot of pain receptors.

    Gastritis is considered a precursor to ulcers. Ignoring timely treatment worsens the condition of the organ and digestion as a whole. In order to fully characterize which pain is most typical with a stomach ulcer, you should dwell in more detail on the description of the symptom.


    75% of patients have abdominal pain in the epigastric zone and upper part. Depending on the specific location of the ulcer in the stomach, the area of ​​maximum pain varies:

    • if the lesion concerns the cardiac and subcardial region - under the xiphoid process of the sternum;
    • in the body area - left side epigastrium;
    • in the pylorus and duodenum - on the right in the epigastrium.


    In half of the cases, patients consider the pain tolerable, in 1/3 of the cases it is severe. More pronounced in at a young age and for complications. Removable - by taking alkaline mineral water, drugs that suppress the secretion of gastric juice (Omez, Famotidine), antacids (Gastal, Almagel).

    The pain intensifies - from spicy and fried foods, physical activity, with a long break between meals, after drinking alcohol

    What are they connected with?

    There is a clear connection - with food intake, with the time of year (exacerbations in spring and autumn). Depending on the food, it is customary to divide pain:

    • Early - they begin half an hour to an hour after eating, increase gradually, last up to two hours, decrease, then disappear when the food bolus passes into the intestine. More typical for localization of the lesion in the body of the stomach. If the ulcerative process affects the cardiac, subcardial and fundic sections, it appears immediately after swallowing food.
    • On the late side, they bother patients one and a half to two hours after eating, unlike the “early” ones, they intensify as the contents pass into the duodenum. Typical for ulcers located in the pyloric region and in the duodenal bulb.
    • For night or “hungry”- occur two to four hours after dinner and are relieved by eating. Typical for localization in the duodenum, pyloric section of the stomach.

    Different combinations and multiplicity of ulcerations are expressed simultaneously in early and late pain.

    In 75% of patients, the cause is considered to be infection with Helicobacter, so peptic ulcer disease can be attributed to infectious diseases with its own routes of infection and transmission

    Other signs

    In addition to pain, among the signs of peptic ulcer disease is given important dyspeptic syndrome. The signs are more painful for patients, they “drown out” and intensify the pain. These include:

    • heartburn - worries up to 80% of patients, appears one and a half to three hours after eating, is persistent, caused by reflux of acidic contents into the bottom part esophagus;
    • belching - present in half of patients;
    • nausea, vomiting - more often manifested at the height of a painful attack, they alleviate the condition, so patients learn to induce vomiting on their own.

    Abnormal bowel movements in the form of constipation occur during an exacerbation in half of the patients. Changes in appetite are not very pronounced; a decrease in food eaten is associated with fear of pain. Feeling of fullness or bloating in the stomach.

    Does pain depend on the location of the ulcer?

    The nature of the pain depends on the location and size of the damage to the stomach tissue.

    Ulcers of the subcardial and cardiac regions

    Placed immediately under the esophageal sphincter or no further than 5–6 cm towards the stomach. Peculiarities:

    • “early” pain is felt by patients high in the epigastrium, in the area of ​​the xiphoid process;
    • characterized by frequent irradiation to the heart area, always require differential diagnosis with angina pectoris (you must remember that angina attacks are associated with physical activity, disappear with rest, pain is relieved by coronary dilating Nitroglycerin tablets, and “ulcerative” pain follows food intake);
    • weakly expressed in intensity;
    • often contribute to manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux with belching, heartburn, vomiting, as cardiac sphincter insufficiency develops;
    • can be combined with reflux esophagitis, hiatal hernia;
    • Perforation rarely occurs; bleeding is typical.

    The appearance of “coffee grounds” in the vomit indicates the onset of bleeding

    Ulcers on the lesser curvature

    They constitute the largest proportion in terms of number. Peculiarities:

    • common in old age;
    • pain is felt in the epigastrium on the left;
    • are classified as “late”, less often “hungry”;
    • more often they have a low-intensity aching character, but during exacerbation they are very pronounced;
    • accompanied by heartburn, nausea, vomiting is rare;
    • examination of gastric secretion in most cases shows normal level;
    • bleeding occurs in 14% of patients, perforation is rare;
    • up to 10% of cases transform into a cancerous tumor, this applies to ulcers located in the bend area, the pain becomes constant.

    Ulcers on the greater curvature

    Characteristics: rarely detected; there are no typical manifestations based on the nature of pain and symptoms. It is important that half of the cases proceed with degeneration into a malignant tumor, so the localization is considered potentially dangerous and requires enhanced monitoring (repeated biopsies of the edges and bottom).

    Damage to the antrum

    Ulcers are also called “prepyloric” and are found in 10–16% of patients. Clinical features: predominantly observed at a young age, the nature of the pain is classified as late “hungry” or “night”, localized in the epigastric zone.

    Similar to the course of a duodenal ulcer. Often accompanied by heartburn. They are distinguished by “sour” vomiting, since the acidity level is increased. They need differential diagnosis with stomach cancer; this is the most common location of cancer. Up to 20% of cases in clinical course call .

    Ulcers in the pyloric region

    Localization accounts for 8% of cases. They are characterized by a persistent course of the disease, severe pain syndrome, and paroxysmal pain that lasts 30–40 minutes. In 30% of cases, the pain is late, “hungry”, but may, generally speaking, not depend on food intake.

    All patients have a feeling of stomach fullness and distension. Complications in the form of cicatricial changes and the formation of pyloric stenosis. Accompanied by “sour” vomiting and constant heartburn. Patients report excessive, sudden salivation.

    Other complications include: frequent bleeding due to its location in the area copious amounts vessels, perforation into the abdominal cavity, penetration of the pancreas, transformation into a cancerous tumor is observed in 8% of patients.

    How to distinguish stomach and duodenal ulcers by pain?

    Symptoms of a duodenal ulcer are important for the differential diagnosis of gastric damage. If the bulb on the anterior wall is affected, then the pain bothers patients on the right side of the epigastrium, is “late”, begins at night or in the morning, and is rarely accompanied by vomiting.

    If the ulcer is localized on the posterior wall, spasm of the sphincter of Oddi often develops, dyskinesia of the gallbladder is formed with a feeling of heaviness, dull pain in the right hypochondrium, spreading to the back

    Extrabulbous location (postbulbar ulcers) is closer to the transition to the jejunum. They account for up to 7% of the total number of gastroduodenal ulcers. They are characterized by:

    • later development;
    • intense pain localized to the right hypochondrium, irradiating under the scapula, into the back, attacks similar to cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
    • complications in the form of inflammation of surrounding tissues (perivisceritis), narrowing of the bulb, obstructive jaundice when compressed by scar tissue and infiltrate of the bile duct.

    An ulcer in the duodenum has a more benign course and does not develop into cancer. If there is a complication, there is no bleeding, it causes penetration into the hepatoduodenal ligament or pancreas. Stimulates the development of pancreatitis.

    How do combined and multiple ulcers manifest?

    Combined ulcers are the simultaneous detection of ulcerations in the stomach and duodenum (detected in 5–10% of cases), and multiple are non-single ulcers in one organ. It is believed that the duodenum is the first to be affected. Clinical signs express typical symptoms.

    When a stomach ulcer occurs, the patient’s condition noticeably worsens:

    • the pain syndrome becomes almost constant, “late” pains are supplemented by “early” ones;
    • propagation occurs both to the right and to the left;
    • heartburn and vomiting become constant;
    • the feeling of a full stomach bothers you;
    • complications occur such as cicatricial pyloric stenosis, perforation, bleeding.

    In 30–40% of patients, the addition of a gastric ulcer is detected only by fibrogastroscopy, and nothing changes clinically.

    Multiple ulcers often recur and become more complicated, the pain is persistent, and it is difficult to choose analgesics for treatment

    Let's find out how a stomach ulcer hurts depending on its size using the example of signs of giant ulcers. These include identified defects in the stomach wall with a diameter of 20–30 mm. They are more often localized on the lesser curvature, less often in the subcardial zone and on the greater curvature.

    The pain syndrome is intense, the sign of periodicity and dependence on food intake disappears. They become permanent, so they must be distinguished from cancerous tumor. Patients lose weight quickly.

    In the clinical course, bleeding, perforation into the pancreas, and degeneration into malignancy.

    Syndrome in the elderly and young people

    Peptic ulcer disease in old age may appear for the first time after 60 years or continue its course from youth. In this case, a decrease in pain intensity is observed, against the background of an increase in the size and depth of the ulcerative process, a tendency to bleeding, the course of the disease along with developed complications (scar narrowing of the pylorus, adhesions), transformation into cancer.

    IN adolescence pain manifestations may be masked, and the disease may proceed atypically. Complications are rare. More patients are concerned about the tendency to vegetative-vascular dystonia, sweating, and irritability. An examination of adolescents by a commission of the military registration and enlistment office makes it possible to identify and hospitalize young men in a specialized department.

    The following cases are considered atypical:

    • “silent” ulcers, identified only with preventive examination;
    • appendicular-type pain in the right iliac region;
    • Predominant localization in the hypochondrium on the right, in the region of the heart, in the lower back.

    Such forms of the disease are first manifested by complications that arise after an ulcer: unclear bleeding, perforation, detection of pyloric stenosis.


    Treatment of peptic ulcer is combined and is aimed at counteracting the mechanisms of ulcer formation, restoring the gastric mucosa, and combating complications. Pain relief for stomach ulcers - necessary condition effective therapy. For this purpose, special medications are used. But the recommendations begin with strict dietary requirements.

    It is required to exclude from the menu fatty and fried foods, hot sauces, sour fruits and pickles, smoked meats, legumes, chocolate and coffee.

    During an exacerbation, only liquid porridge with water, low-fat broths with white crackers are used, you can drink rosehip decoction. Meals are provided in small portions 5–6 times a day. To find out which painkillers can be used effectively in a particular case, the patient’s gastric acidity and the presence of Helicobacter in the contents are studied.

    IN combination therapy include:

    • antacids that bind acid (Almagel, Maalox), a local anesthetic - anesthesin - has been added to Almagel A;
    • bismuth preparations (De-Nol, Bismofalk, Tribimol, Bismol) are used in the fight against Helicobacter;
    • anticholinergics (Gastroceptin, Atropine, Platiphylline) - relieve impulses from the affected area, help with pain.

    The dosage is determined by the doctor in accordance with the patient’s age and the course of the disease. If the examination shows no signs of degeneration and bleeding, then physical procedures that effectively relieve pain are prescribed (galvanization, magnetic therapy, mud applications). If you have good tolerance and “night” pain, you can drink warm milk or chamomile decoction.

    Beekeeping products are widely used in official and folk medicine to relieve pain from peptic ulcers

    What folk remedies have an analgesic effect?

    Since acute pain is a sign of exacerbation, doctors do not recommend taking folk remedies during this period. You cannot try to cure yourself; prescribed medications and herbal decoctions can interact and worsen the effect.

    During the period of remission, along with diet, propolis tincture, sea buckthorn oil, and a decoction of medicinal collection(field horsetail, chamomile and calendula flowers, rose petals, dried grass, wormwood, rose hips, dill seeds). Brew the herbs in a thermos overnight or keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. You need to drink the decoction warm.

    Intense pain syndrome against the background of a peptic ulcer indicates trouble and requires the selection of optimal medicines. Violation of the regime and diet negates all the best intentions of doctors and loved ones. Therefore, a strong-willed decision is required from patients and serious attitude to health.



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