How to make a wife leave her husband. Turning away from your husband: how to create a work ritual without consequences

There are two types of turning a wife away from her husband:

  1. One of your relatives or friends is married. But their marriage is not going well. Her husband treats her badly, beats her, drinks. If a woman cannot leave the family on her own, you need to use a conspiracy.
  2. The second option is when you are married. Just yesterday he gave flowers, pleased with gifts, but today his feelings have faded away. You don't want to love someone who doesn't feel anything for you.

For both options, there are effective conspiracies and rituals that help in any situation.

Who is this ritual suitable for? For those women who broke up with a man, but still continue to love. To console yourself and remove strong feelings from your heart, follow the ritual instructions below.

Go to church, buy 13 candles. Also bless some prepared spring water. While in church, place 3 candles to the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant. While looking at the burning candles, say a prayer to yourself:

Just as you, Lord, brought me and my husband together, so you separated me forever. Have mercy, O God, and send me coldness of soul and clear my memory of the image of your servant (say your husband’s name). So be it! Amen!

Now cross yourself three times, silently go home without turning around, without talking to anyone. Remember: the bag should contain purchased candles and blessed spring water.

Around midnight that day, take the prepared candles, place them in a circle, and light them. Place a picture of your husband in the center of the circle. It must be of high quality and bright. Place a container filled with prepared water nearby.

An important stage of the ritual! Sit in front of the photo, look at the photo of your husband with an open mind. It's like you don't know him. No hate, no contempt, no love. Only calm, indifference, coldness. Look carefully, concentratedly, without evil thoughts or requests to him. When you are ready to begin, start reading the plot:

Lord Jesus Christ, son of God. I know that sorrow is a righteous cleansing. Help me cope with mental anguish and take away my sinful thoughts. Eliminate the evening longing for your servant (say the name of your ex-husband) and the night suffering. Give me strength for quick oblivion. Just as you united your servant (say your proper name) and the servant of God (say the name of your ex-husband), so destroy my feeling of sorrow. As candles burn, as water is drunk, so my soul will manage without (say the name of your ex-husband in the genitive case). May it be so forever and ever! Amen!

You should read exactly 7 times. Afterwards, take a couple of sips of holy water from the bowl. By this time, if everything was done correctly, the candles should already be extinguished. Wait until it fades out completely. Wrap the cinders in a conspiracy sheet and throw them away from the house. You need to hide your husband’s photo so that you don’t stumble upon it. It is important not to throw it away - the consequences will be bad, and the plot will not be fulfilled.

The ritual should take effect in a couple of weeks. In some situations a little longer. If nothing happens before the next waning moon, repeat the ritual.

Conspiracy for relatives

From the name you can understand: this ritual is used when they want to help a dysfunctional family. A woman in such a family is unhappy, you just help her understand this and leave. In such cases, the lapel from the husband is read by close relatives and friends of the wife.

We prepare for the ritual in this way: in the evening we collect clean soil from a place where people don’t walk and cars don’t drive. At night, we lay it out on a piece of paper in a dark place so that no one can see. The next dawn we leave the house and face east. Having collected a handful of earth in your left hand, we begin to pour it onto your right and back. As we pour from hand to hand we say the words:

The cold earth lies,
Dreams of warmth and water,
About the red sun, about the clear month.
Spring will come, it will warm the earth,
Will wash her with fresh dew,
Will clean with melted snow.
And then summer will come,
And the earth will forget about winter,
When I dreamed of warmth,
The earth will dry out from the sun,
Winter will wait.
Just as the earth forgets winter in the summer, so let the servant of God (name) forget and stop loving him.

After pronouncing the spell, close your eyes, throw the earth under your feet, and turn around three times over your left shoulder. Stay in this position for several minutes. Close your eyes, feel your breath. Once you have calmed down, go home. At home, take a shower and read the Lord’s Prayer.

What to expect? Already in the first days, the first changes in the family should appear. If there is no result after a week, the spouses are energetically connected too tightly, the ritual must be repeated again.

So, the wife will begin to gradually move away from her husband. Repeating the ritual will promote further cooling. But if the relationship was weak, it might work just once to make her leave the family.

Consequences of turning away for everyone

Each ritual performed takes away your strength and affects the energy of each participant, even those who unwittingly participate. To be clean before unwitting participants in your magical affairs - after the rituals, go to church, light candles for the health of people, pray for them, for yourself.

The consequences of a woman breaking up with a man can affect the health of the spouses and their future lives. By lighting candles for their health, you atone for this. If one of the spouses feels bad at first, sleeps little, loses appetite, and apathy appears - this is normal. Such symptoms of lapel disappear on their own after some time.

Remember that by interfering in someone else’s family, you are destroying it. And the consequences can affect all participants in the ritual, even involuntary ones. You should be wary of the consequences; God's punishment will overtake you after a while. Therefore, you need to resort to magic, especially black magic, only in the most extreme and difficult situations.

A family is a small unit of society that is created by two lovers in the hope that this unit will be strong, durable and indestructible. Both spouses live in joint conditions that they create for themselves. Most often, they simply do not need the advice of a psychologist, relatives, loved ones and friends - the spouses cope well on their own with all the problems that arise and require resolution. Situations when help is really needed arise quite rarely if the family is prosperous and the spouses take into account each other’s opinions, taking into account the wishes of the other person and showing him respect.

Mutual understanding is important in a family; it is necessary to give in to each other in small things. If one of the spouses deliberately provokes a quarrel, then the other spouse just needs to quietly express his point of view and remain silent where it is really needed. Most often, it is the woman who provokes quarrels, because the fair sex is considered weak, and the husband’s advice in such situations is met with hostility. The waiting method works great here. As soon as the wife calms down, the man can express his point of view. But the final decision must still be made by both spouses.

Causes of family discord

In a small cell of society, discord is simply inevitable. Especially during so-called “psychological crises”. In the first year of life, spouses adapt to each other, get used to the new situation, and establish rules. Which the family will subsequently follow. Crisis of 3 years - the birth of a child. The time when lovers adjust to a new regime. This is followed by the 7-year crisis and the “empty nest crisis.” The psychology of relationships is limitless, and only an experienced psychologist can help in situations where crises seem insoluble.

Discord in the family often leads to divorce. A woman most often endures her husband’s reproaches to the last, but this patience is not unlimited. And at one “wonderful” moment she can simply go into nowhere, loudly slamming the door goodbye. What to do if your wife leaves? There is simply no clear answer to this question. After all, you first need to find out the reasons why she did it.

Main reasons for divorce:

  • Lack of attention. It often affects children, but this concept can also extend to the female sex. A man's lack of attention to a woman can affect her psychological state. The reason may be the husband’s banal busyness, but the consequences of lack of attention are very sad. A woman who often finds herself alone may simply not be able to stand it and leave.
  • Quarrels and scandals. A spouse's temper can also quickly lead to discord in the relationship and subsequent divorce. Frequent quarrels, no matter which spouse provokes them, lead the family boat towards divorce. The inability to give in to each other, to live together, to be interested in the opinion of another person leads the family to a state of collapse.
  • Birth of a child. Oddly enough, it is the birth of a child that can provoke a wife to leave her husband. The concept of “postpartum depression” is present in 10% of women, and the advice of a psychologist is simply necessary here. An experienced specialist will help you understand the current situation and help the young mother find peace of mind.
  • Bad habits. The presence of bad habits in a husband, such as regular drinking of alcoholic beverages, computer addiction, substance abuse, drug addiction and even smoking, can provoke the wife to leave. The young wife, of course, will try to help her husband overcome his bad habits, but if that fails, she will move away. The presence of a child in the family will inevitably affect a woman’s decision, since bad habits can affect the health and upbringing of the child.
  • Communication on the side. One of the most important reasons for divorce. A misunderstanding arises between the spouses; the wife cannot stand the presence of her mistress with her husband, feels abandoned and leaves so as not to interfere with her husband’s happiness.
  • Long trips. Frequent business trips can also cause divorce. The absence of male warmth nearby, loneliness kills all the love for her husband in a woman. A vacation together can significantly improve the current situation.

What can improve relationships?

If the love boat crashes, you must first try to set it up. This is a figurative expression that tells us that we should not immediately rush to extremes and wonder what to do if the wife leaves. First of all, it is necessary, having found out the reasons for the discord, to try to rebuild the relationship anew. In many situations, family life can be improved before something irreparable happens. The main thing is that both spouses must want this.

An experienced consultant can be your main assistant in resolving family conflicts. He will restore your relationship if you come to see him and openly talk about what happened in your family. Follow the psychologist's advice strictly. Start the conversation with what you would like to change in your family. Both spouses must be present during the conversation and each must express their point of view. After a few sessions, you will become completely different people and understand whether you need further relationships or not.

Establishing relationships is the job of the spouses themselves, and only them. There is no need to involve relatives and friends in this act. If you don’t want to see a specialist, then your friends and especially your relatives won’t help you. If a wife leaves her husband, then there is a reason for this, and strangers can only aggravate the situation. Constant annoying advice, talk about how the broken relationship must be returned, will make the woman even more inclined to divorce. It's better to talk together. A frank conversation between two lovers will help more than the presence of strangers in your family.

Bringing romance back into relationships

Bringing romance back into a relationship means trying to restructure yourself in a romantic way. You need to add some zest, come up with something unusual. If you want to arrange a romantic evening for your wife, do it in such a way that she does not guess anything in advance. Women love secrets and riddles. Surprise her with a long-awaited surprise, having previously found out what she would like to receive as a gift. Don't forget about candles - they will add extra romance and passion to your evening.

Give your wife flowers, she will appreciate it. For a romantic evening, purchase everything you need in advance - cake, champagne, fruit. Play some beautiful classical music and invite your spouse to slow dance. A close hug will help you both relax. Confess your boundless love to her, but don’t expect a quick answer if the breakdown in the relationship is your fault. Let your spouse decide right away whether to forgive you. Don't rush her, she must draw all the conclusions herself.

Listen to the advice of a psychologist. If he tells you that you need to be patient and not rush your wife into making a decision, then that’s how it should be. Any specialist will tell you that in such a complex issue as marital relations, haste in making decisions can be an extremely bad step. If your wife leaves, you need to return her, but this must be done gradually, step by step proving your love and devotion to her.

You can answer the question of what to do if your wife leaves if you listen to the advice of experts. You need to rethink your entire family life. Get in the right mood, overcome all the obstacles that have arisen between you, try to convince your spouse that the step you have taken is reckless. Before getting a final divorce, you need to think, is it worth doing? Maybe there is an opportunity to return to the family and rebuild the relationship again? If your wife left you, find out all the reasons and act. Bring her back, maybe all is not lost. Show her how lonely you feel. Talk about how you feel being away from her. The main thing is not to push for pity - women don’t like you, contrary to popular belief.

1. Go on a binge (binge, glutton) for the period from approximately March 8th to the girl’s birthday. Do not pick up the phone, do not respond to appeals, appear on New Year’s Eve with a statement that you always congratulate only your mother (this is sacred!) and your elderly aunt in Konotop (where you spent all this time) on such minor holidays. However, such a legend may not help with a good hit with a frying pan. But it is unlikely that she will remain your girlfriend. As a last resort, take your failed passion to prison for causing bodily harm with a heavy object (frying pan).

2. Write her an SMS that you have fallen in love with someone else. After that, call her “babe” and offer to meet tomorrow “for half an hour anyway.” If this doesn't help, quit your job, sell your property, and sink below the social base.

3. Descend into the abyss of debauchery and drag your girlfriend there. Demand the presence in the bed of your best friend, her younger blonde sister and your elderly lap dog. Handcuffs with a pink edge, your grandmother's apron, sex at the zoo next to a hyena cage... the fancier the better - that is, if you somehow didn't succeed in kicking the girl out of bed. If you don’t rely on your own imagination, turn to Internet resources, they will help you. The main thing is to ask in a completely serious tone. Either he will run away, or you will have a wonderful, cheerful mistress, you won’t want to leave!

4. Disappear quietly and unnoticed. Just don’t grab the girl’s family millions: otherwise, not only she, but also her younger brother, a weightlifter, and the district police department in full force will want to see you. If you live together and have a stupid habit of valuing your acquired property, gradually remove small items in your pockets: in the right - a set of panties and socks, in the left - shaving accessories and in the back - a small stereo system.

5. Stop feeding the girl. Literally. Pretend to be an adherent of fasting or an unbearable diet. Or demand that marinated bat wings be cooked on the grill every day, because you can’t stand any other food. Back up your words with action by occupying the toilet for a long time.

6. Buy a computer for home and start a LiveJournal. Maybe she will leave on her own by the time you are pulled away from the monitor.

7. Marry someone. Of course, if you have just such bizarre ideas about freedom. As a last resort, marry the girl. Then she is no longer your girlfriend, but your legal wife. And you can always divorce your legal wife.

8. Well, change your gender, finally. For something more useful. Or at least orientation in space to orientation in time. Being a woman is good and pleasant, believe me.

Most men believe that it is the man who should chase women. However, those guys who are successful with women do not share this point of view.

That's why they're always at parties with the coolest girls. What would your life be like if instead of chasing girls, they chased you? Here are 10 tips to help you find out.

1. Use the "reverse approach"

The “reverse approach” is when you say and do everything the opposite of what you say and do to pick up a girl. However, this approach assumes that the woman already knows and trusts you.

Your goal is NOT to try to be nice and nice to earn her approval. How to do this?

One way is to use sarcastic comments that are the opposite of what the girl wants to hear.

Or your answer to her question should be the opposite of what she expected to hear, and this should be done in a tone that clearly implies that you are simply laughing at her. If you do this, a reverse polarity connection will be formed, implying that it is she who will haunt you.

2. Read between the lines

If you are talking to a girl on the phone and she says that she is seeing someone else, then you need to understand that she is saying this more for herself than for you.

Perhaps she just accidentally agreed to go on a date with another guy, but she still feels sympathy for you, and she needs to tell you this in order to convince herself that she is not single.

If you find yourself in this situation, then tell her something like: “Yes? Congratulations. Or do you think that I was trying to run after you?” She won’t know how to answer you, and will begin to understand that you are an independent guy who doesn’t need any woman, and this is exactly the type of man that girls LIKE.

Don't be surprised if she calls you back within a week and says she'd like to go out with you because she doesn't want to see the guy she dated last week again.

3. Don't limit yourself to "sexual relationships"

When I first started studying the question “How to be successful with women,” the idea of ​​“sleeping with a girl” seemed much more interesting to me than now, because I believed that if I could learn how to seduce a girl, then I would be successful with any woman.

Well what can I say now. A lot of guys who are great at seducing women can't find the right woman to spend their life with.

And when they do find one, they cannot keep it. I think it is much more interesting and useful to understand how and why a woman is attracted to a man, and why she stays with him. With this knowledge, you can find “your” woman and keep her close.

There is nothing wrong with seduction, but it is only a piece of the puzzle that alone will not make you happy and successful in life.

4. Stop courting and start winning her attention.

There are two main ways a man meets a woman: courtship and attraction. If you base your relationship on ATTRACTION, then the approach is significantly different from courtship.

If you are courting a woman, her first reaction will be to “run away,” and this turns you on even more, and you continue to run after her.

And if a girl likes you, then her natural reaction is to want to pursue you. This subtle, barely perceptible difference makes up all the diversity of the world.

5. Dominate

Courtship is based on your ACTIONS, OFFERS and what you GIVE, which mainly means gifts, dinners, flowers, compliments, etc.

Attraction involves the way you communicate, your personality traits, and your masculinity. Courtship involves a "become a friend" strategy, you need to be very nice to get her to like you.

Attraction doesn't mean all that, because a woman doesn't have to like you to be attracted to you.

Courtship is a challenge, and attraction is a challenge. Courtship means being a suitor, submissive and weak; attraction is leadership, strength and dominance.

Stop courting, start getting her attention, and you won't BELIEVE how it will turn your relationship with a woman around.

6. Be strong

Women change their opinion about a man if they see that he behaves confidently. Therefore, you need to show the girl that you are one of those rare guys.

And if she told you that another guy is interested in her, or that she is busy tonight, then you need to understand that she is just testing you.

Simply answer: “Come on, I know that’s not true,” and she will understand. And more importantly, she will understand that she is dealing with a real man.

7. Stay the course

Most men immediately focus themselves on courting a woman and seeking her affection. She leads, you follow.

In fact, she doesn't even lead. The man is simply trying to convince her of this with the help of appropriate questions and body movements.

This is a terrible mistake that will lead nowhere. Instead, stay the course, even if it isn't "leading." Let her change her behavior, body language, mood according to your behavior.

Never let her get ahead. Show her that you are the type of man who is used to being the captain of his ship, and this will undoubtedly attract her.

8. Never stop halfway and don’t explain your actions.

If you did something that seemed to upset her, don't try to apologize or do anything to make her feel better.

There is no need to feel or act like a guilty person or show her that you feel bad about what you did. Just act like nothing happened.

Move on to the next topic or story. If she starts complaining, just say it was just a joke and move on with your story.

If you try to stop and start apologizing for what you said, you may consider it over for you. If you say something and she doesn't like it, then that's HER problem.

Women often complain just to see how you will behave in such a situation. And if you don't give in to this, her respect and attraction for you will increase significantly.

9. Show that you are a normal man

There are a lot of different idiots, perverts and psychologically unstable guys in our world, so it is very important to demonstrate with all your behavior that you are not one of such subjects.

Tell the girl that you are busy and hang up without even asking her to come on a date. Make fun of the stupid behavior of other guys who act like wimps. If she calls you but doesn't leave a message on your answering machine, tell her she's stalking you, and normal people leave messages.

Doing this will show her that you are not one of those creeps who is desperate to get into her panties. And she will understand that you are better than those other guys she usually dates.

10. Use her own games on her

We all know that women love to "play games." And when you turn the situation around and start playing her own game with her, it shifts the emphasis in your favor.

One of my favorite games is “You are a poorly behaved child and I don’t like it.” I don't think this requires any explanation.

Others use the “Let’s see who will be more interested” and “I’m hard to win, and you’ll come running to me” method. Use these methods and you will soon find that she realizes that she cannot resist you as an individual.

Getting your girlfriend back can be difficult, especially if your relationship ended on a low note. However, if you believe that there is an incredible connection between you, then it is worth gathering the cooled coals and trying to rekindle the extinguished flame. If you want a girl to want you back, give her time to remember and realize how amazing you are. And to understand how to do this, just follow the next steps.


Step aside temporarily

  1. Give the girl some freedom. While you may think that the best way to get your girl back is to fight for her with all your might and by any means possible, it's actually better to give her some breathing space than to jump straight into the fray. Unless she's in a serious relationship with another guy and you're determined to break it up, play it casual and give her time to heal and reassess the relationship with fresh eyes.

    • This doesn't mean you have to cut all ties unless you think it's best. But you shouldn’t text her every five minutes or ask her to go out with you all the time, as you will only push the girl away.
    • If you leave her alone, she will likely think about you too. She'll think she hasn't heard a word from you for a while. For a girl, this will mean that you are happy without her. This will intrigue her and make her think about how you are doing there.
    • If she initiates meetings fairly early, that's good. But don't rush to get too close when you're together.
    • Giving the girl some freedom will make you look more mature. This will make her want you back even more.
    • Of course, you shouldn’t delay taking active steps. Give her enough time to heal her wounds, but not too much time that she forgets all the wonderful moments with you. Cases are different - trust your intuition. However, the general rule is to give it at least a couple of weeks, but no more than two months.
  2. Think about what went wrong. When giving the girl some freedom, do not sit idly by, watching the movement of the clock hands. Instead, think about why things ended between you. If the reason is obvious, like you didn't spend enough time on it, great. But if the situation is more complex, for example, you did not let her know how much you value her and spent too much time partying, then you need to pinpoint the problems that caused feelings to cool down.

    • If the girl was the initiator of the breakup, then the problem is more serious. Think about all the reasons that could have pushed her to break up. If things ended abruptly, look through your emails and text messages to find a possible reason for the breakup.
    • If you've ended a relationship, it's a completely different matter. You need to convince the girl that you won't break her heart again.
  3. Make a plan to solve the problem. Do you understand the essence of the problem? The decision is yours. If there are multiple problems, you need to find multiple solutions, or one comprehensive solution that solves each of them. If your relationship is broken because you spent too much time with friends, find ways to give her more attention by having weekly date nights and finding more activities to do together. And if the reason is your inability to communicate normally, bring honesty and compassion into everyday relationships.

    • First of all, you need to work on yourself. It's clear that you weren't perfect in your relationships.
    • Change your attitude towards the girl. If her hobby of horses is driving you crazy, find a way to not be so annoyed by it before moving on.
    • If there are a lot of problems, make a long-term plan of action, regardless of whether it relates to psychotherapy, addiction cessation, or a kind of overhaul of the soul.
  4. Work on yourself. Even if you think that you have pinpointed the problem and found a solution that will instantly get your girl back, nothing comes that easy. Instead, work on becoming a more attractive person overall. And when you appear in front of the girl again, she will feel the difference. We are talking about both internal and external work on ourselves. A new hairstyle is unlikely to impress a girl, but the cheerfulness and conscious changes that you make to your image will make her pay attention to you.

    • Devote more time to your favorite hobbies, be it cycling or mechanics. When a person devotes himself to something he enjoys, he becomes more positive and becomes much more pleasant to communicate with.
    • Develop a more positive attitude towards life. If a girl feels happier just being around you, she will most likely want to see you as often as possible.

    Make a girl want you back

    1. Show the girl that everything is fine with you without her. If she finds out that you are completely miserable, crying in public and screaming her name at every corner, she will forget about you faster than you can say that you miss her. Instead, make sure she knows and sees that you are having a great time every day without her. She will see you as active and full of vitality, and will wonder why you don't openly demonstrate that you miss her more and more.

      • Have fun in places where you're likely to meet her. Show that you're having fun with your friends, let her see you laughing and having fun, but don't overdo it.
      • If you see her socially, for example at a party, don't drop everything to run and ask how she's doing. Ultimately, approach her, but make it clear what an active social life you have without her.
    2. Let her friends know that she needs you. Here's a fact: it's impossible to get a girl back if her friends don't support your candidacy. If your friends don't like you because you were too controlling, neglectful, or simply because you're a bad guy, then your goal is to convince them that you're not that bad, and then they'll pass on that information. girl.

      • When approaching her friends, try to make nice conversation without seeming too intrusive.
      • When communicating with her friends, do not immediately mention her. Although you can casually ask how she is doing and really let them know how hurt you are if you are capable of being so vulnerable.
    3. When the time comes, slowly approach her. Once enough time has passed and you are back in her sight, you need to slowly begin to come back into her life. When you run into her, stop and talk for a few minutes, or casually place your tray next to hers at dinner, or even text her if you know her favorite show is coming on TV.

      • Stay calm. Be nice to the girl, making it clear that you just want to remain friends. Don't shower her with compliments on the second date after breaking up.
      • Once you start communicating again, raise the stakes slightly. Offer her something simple, like drinking coffee or getting ready for a class in the library together. It's not time for romance yet.
    4. Show how you have changed. Shouting "Look how I've changed!" - no need. Just spend more time with the girl so that she understands that you have changed your attitude towards life, if necessary. If she thought you were too sloppy, work on your appearance. If she criticized you for always being late, make an effort to show up early for your next coffee date. You should not focus on what you have changed in yourself. Let the girl see everything for herself and she will be truly impressed.

      • Change should come naturally to you. Don't change anything just to appease the girl, otherwise everything will return to normal as soon as possible.
      • If you feel like you really hurt her when you were dating, it's never too late to apologize. She will be touched that you thought so much about the relationship after it ended.
    5. Stimulate your worth. Yes, that's right. Even when you think you've almost got your girl back, even when she finally realizes what a tasty morsel you are, it's not time to declare your love. Instead, cast the bait so that she understands that she still has to fight for your love, and not just rush into your arms. As you start dating more and more often, don't forget that you don't have to be available all the time.

      • Disappear for a few hours and let her wonder where you are. She'll just go crazy.
      • After dates, mention them without too much detail, and she will think that she might actually lose you.
    6. Make sure she wants you back. Once you feel like you've got her attention and made her jealous, it's time to make sure she really wants you back before confessing your feelings. You don't have to know her feelings with 100% certainty, but the more confident you are in them, the less you will have to blush. Here are some signs of her desire to rekindle the relationship:

      • Pay attention to her body language. When you speak to her, does she lean closer to you and look into your eyes? Does she look down every time she gets embarrassed?
      • See if she is jealous. Does she ask if you date other women or does she seem upset when you talk to girls? If so, then she wants you to be only with her.
      • See if she's started to treat you like her boyfriend again. Does she hug you, compliment you, and ask you out on dates with particular enthusiasm?
    7. Confess your feelings. Once you're sure she shares your feelings, there's no point in beating around the bush. Find a time when you can be alone and a romantic place with the right atmosphere. Now look into her eyes and tell her how much you missed her and how much you want to be together again. There is no need to humiliate yourself, but you need to show that you have thought a lot about the failed relationship, and are now determined to change everything for the better.

      • Be convincing. Show how much effort you have put into changing instead of making empty promises.
      • Give her time. If she turns you down at first, don't get angry or disappointed. Remember, even if the girl wants you back, her emotional wounds may not have healed yet.
  5. Don't take relationships for granted. Just because you're dating again doesn't mean you shouldn't rush to show her how much you love her.
  6. Take your time. Treat the relationship like a new one instead of falling back into the old relationship. Don't spend all your time together, even if that was the case before the breakup.
  7. Don't repeat the same mistakes. There is no need to constantly think about unsuccessful relationships, but you need to be aware of what caused the breakup last time. If the reason was that you were spending too much time with friends and you find yourself doing it again, settle down a little. And if it all ended because of the girl’s actions and everything repeats itself, have the courage to talk about it.

    • Remember how terrible you felt after making mistakes the first time. You don't want to feel that pain again.
    • If you feel like you can't be yourself without setting your relationship up for failure, then you need to rethink your priorities.
    • Be confident. Remember, the girl loves you, not the meek version of you who needs her attention.
  • Be discerning. Evaluate your ex-girlfriend before you do anything - she may have changed for the better or for the worse. Either way, you either won't like the changes or it might be easier to get her back.
  • When spending time alone with your ex, don't openly insult her new boyfriend, as this will make your true intentions obvious and put you in an awkward position.
  • Put aside all differences and leave no unresolved issues before embarking on this mission.



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