How to prepare a hookah at home instructions. How to make a delicious hookah? List of what is needed for a hookah

One of the most enjoyable pastimes is smoking a hookah. It was originally popular in eastern countries, but in the last few years it can be seen in every cafe or restaurant. Also, many people buy it for home use. If you are just going to try it in action and have not had such practice before, use our tips.

How to use a hookah: instructions

The choice of devices is huge and you can easily choose the most budget option, and a more expensive model. At first glance it seems too complicated, but don't panic. Very soon you will learn how to smoke a hookah correctly, it’s not difficult.

Hygiene: Since bacteria and germs accumulate on it after use, do not forget to clean it after each use. hygiene procedures on cleaning. Simply clean it with a soft sponge or brush, then rinse with water. Not all parts need to be washed; for example, it is better not to wash the cup. But for top part and the pipe needs to be looked after and washed regularly.

How to use a hookah correctly:

  • You will see a glass flask, you need to fill it with water to a certain level (focus on the metal rod, water should cover it by 2-3 cm). If the hookah is small, 1.5 cm is enough. If you want to freshen up, add pieces of ice to the container.
  • The second step is to insert the so-called shaft into the glass flask and cover it with a seal on top. It can be made of either rubber or silicone. The seal doesn't want to go in? Moisten it with a small amount of water, after this manipulation you will not have any problems.

  • There is a hole on the side of the shaft, you need to insert a hose into it. It is important that air flows through it, draw through it, and do not forget to close the rod at the top. If you notice that there is a leak, close the valves more tightly.
  • Place a metal tray on top of the shaft and distribute the tobacco. You need to fill the bowl to the top, then make a hole. Cover the container with tobacco with foil and wrap it. To ensure maximum density, use two layers of foil. Which side should I put it on? The shiny side is located inward.
  • The bowl should be located on top of the shaft. Make 10-15 holes in the foil, you can use a regular needle or pin, or a toothpick. Try to make the holes evenly, not next to each other or vice versa.
  • Light a couple of hookah coals; they should glow orange. Place them on the foil, along the edges. To heat coal, use a lighter or a flame from a gas stove.
  • Once the bowl is hot, take the hose and inhale. It should not be long, as you will inhale burnt tobacco and may cause a cough. If there is no smoke, take a few breaths, this will light the tobacco and the hookah will give out more aroma. After 15 puffs you will feel the aroma and taste of tobacco.

To ensure that the procedure brings you only pleasure, choose high-quality tobacco, and do not skimp on it. You won’t have any problems choosing a flavor, as there are a huge number of them.

How to choose quality tobacco? Pay attention to its consistency: it should be slightly moist. Dry tobacco will be rancid.

How often should I refill it? One refill will be enough for 1 hour of smoking, add as desired new tobacco. Try a few different flavors, don't be afraid to experiment!

What to do if the hookah has not one tube, but two? This makes the task more difficult, as you will have to resort to some tricks. When your interlocutor smokes, you should close the hole in your pipe at this time so as not to disturb the air flow.

How to use a hookah: video

If you have not yet practiced, check out the video presented. Thanks to simple tips you will learn how to hammer a hookah in just 1 time.

Men's online magazine website

If you like to smoke hookah, then you are in the right place. Exists huge variety ways to plug a hookah, there will always be differences of opinion. There is no single the right way refill the hookah. As they say, as many people as there are, so many opinions, and in our case, ways.

Beginners or just amateurs generally prefer lighter hookahs, while heavy smokers or professionals prefer it when it is vigorous and strong.

It seems that it makes no difference how to hammer a hookah, because the essence and process do not change. In fact, this is the most important and crucial stage in preparing a hookah. The duration of smoking, the transfer of taste, the thickness of the smoke, the ease of inhalation, etc. will depend on the filling.

Team website I figured out how to properly refill a hookah and did it interesting selection most popular ways to plug a hookah, let's go...

Let's start from the very beginning simple way which is called - Air laying tobacco. Why is it the simplest, because it does not require any skills and any beginner can handle it.

Before pouring tobacco into the bowl, you need to put the tobacco, for example, on a napkin, fluff up him and stand up All the branches are from it.

After this, put the tobacco in the bowl. Very important point , the smaller the distance from the tobacco to the foil, the stronger the strength of the filling will be felt. Optimal value- 2-3 mm, if you want to make the cup a little lighter - 4-5 mm. If the distance is greater, then you will not feel the brightness of the taste that tobacco could convey.

After you have placed the tobacco in the bowl, you need to press down the top layer with a needle or toothpick. If at least one leaf sticks out and touches the foil, during the smoking process it will light up, and after it the whole cup will light up.

The next way to hammer a hookah is called Tamping. It should be noted right away that this method of driving only works on bowls with one hole in the center.

However, this method of driving produces very thick smoke, because more tobacco fits into the bowl. Tobacco absorbs more It's hot and the smoke is intensely thick.

A bowl hammered in this way will smoke significantly longer than a bowl hammered using the air method. When packing in this way, we take the tobacco and, without loosening it, immediately place it in the bowl, compacting it well. The edges of the bowl itself should remain dry so that the tobacco does not burn to the foil. IN this method driving More tobacco will smoke more smoothly than less.

The next method will be using foil rings in the center of the bowl.

To begin with, it would be a good idea to put the hookah pipe in the freezer for about thirty minutes. Now we move on to filling the bowl itself. First, take tobacco and squeeze out it on a napkin, after which choose all the branches.

That's it, the tobacco is ready, pour it into the bowl and place it like this so that the center remains free.

Then we take foil and make it out of it ring, as shown in the picture, which we place in the empty center of our bowl.

Cover it all with four layers of foil, matte side out. Next we take coal And put it on the bowl exactly in cents, right above the ring. To light the hookah as quickly as possible, cover the coal with foil. That's it, the hookah is ready.

This method of filling a hookah is notable for the fact that the ring in the middle of the bowl prevents tobacco from clogging holes, therefore the smoke passes freely and is easier to puff. Because Since the coal is in the middle, there is no direct contact with the tobacco, which allows distribute heat evenly throughout the bowl, thereby prevents tobacco from burning quickly.

Well last method filling the hookah will be for more professional smokers, which is called Overpack.

In this case, twice as much tobacco is placed in the bowl as in the method called Tamping. This method allows feel the brightness of the taste well tobacco used. Top layer baked with coals and creates an additional protective screen from ash. We stack the tobacco, which should be exactly twice as much as the amount of tobacco you put in the bowl. Cover the whole thing with foil, pulling it tightly on the sides. Place coals on top. Perfect for this type of stuffing Tobacco that is not too moist is suitable.

Now you know some good ones ways to plug a hookah that you can show off to your friends. Try each of them and decide which one is right for you.

Well, if you are not a hookah lover, but prefer to smoke with a Vape, then there is an excellent article for you, you will not regret it -

A traditional oriental smoking device in which the inhaled smoke is filtered and cooled is the hookah. What this name means is now known all over the world. In Farsi, this word is a borrowing from Arabic, which means “boiling, burning.” Smoking a hookah is a philosophy that allows you to create a relaxed special atmosphere, something akin to aromatherapy and immersion in a special world of smells, thoughts and ideas. This exotic device is now popular all over the world.

History of tradition

Hookah comes from India, from there it spread throughout all Muslim countries, and from Turkey merchants brought it to Arab countries. The main parts of the device are the mouthpiece, or chibouk, the top, the tube, the vessel, and the smoking bowl. Masters competed in skill and art, making a special device loved by everyone - a hookah - from gold, silver and copper with decorations. That such a device would quickly become popular could have been foreseen when the fashion for oriental rituals quickly spread throughout the world. Now the bowl of the device can be made of metal, as well as orange or grapefruit, which gives the smoke a special flavor.

The essence of smoking

Fans of hookah smoking argue that what matters is not what the vessel is filled with, but who the smokers are with. The essence of a hookah is a pipe of peace, a means of uniting guests, friends, and relatives. Its difference from regular tobacco smoking is that the smoke is cooled, which is why ice is used. Other names in Eastern countries are nargile, bori, jajir, chilim, shisha, gouza.

Amateurs often argue about how to properly inhale hookah smoke. Should you take a deep drag, drawing more of it into your lungs and exhale slowly, or should you take small but frequent puffs? Every smoker is sure that he knows all the secrets and smokes correctly. The beauty of this process lies precisely in the fact that any method, if it brings pleasure, will be correct.

For a party and peaceful conversation

Hookah smokers are in no hurry; tradition involves a peaceful atmosphere, relaxing music, a small amount of light wine and abstract conversations. This process is as significant in Middle Eastern countries as serving pilaf or a tea ceremony. Therefore, it is best to smoke hookah at home or in restaurants and hookah bars, where visitors will be provided with everything they need to get full enjoyment.

It is not customary to refuse if a guest is offered a hookah. There is no doubt that you will like this special pleasure.

Tobacco and accessories

Hookah tobacco is different from cigarette tobacco. It can be divided into several types: most often these are pleasant berry-fruit or spicy mixes for mixing - “Al Fakir Fresh”, “Afsal Pan Raas” and others.

The taste of tobacco is aromatized by syrups:

  • apple;
  • strawberry;
  • watermelon;
  • cardamom;
  • cinnamon;
  • licorice;
  • menthol;
  • coffee or chocolate.

In almost every package of modern tobacco you can find syrup based on honey or glycerin.

The process of producing smoke is quite simple - hookah coals transfer heat to glycerin-soaked tobacco, which, in turn, begins to burn and give off aroma.

Coals are needed to prevent tobacco from dying out. They should light up quickly and not overpower the smell of tobacco. Good to use charcoal, not tableted. It is safer for health and does not add an unpleasant odor.

How to choose the right device

A good hookah can become the central attribute of cozy parties and dinner parties. It is easy to assemble, and externally it has a height of at least 40 cm, optimally 70-100 cm.

The metal part of the device must be stable. The quality of the assembly can be checked by covering the tobacco bowl with your palm and trying to draw air through the tube: the assembled device is sealed, if this is difficult to do.

The price of the device depends on the decor; the main thing when purchasing is to carefully inspect it. It must be sealed, without cracks. When disassembled, you should check for the presence of seals.

The choice of device size also depends on the purpose of its use:

  • To decorate a stylish interior, a tall hookah over 1.5 m with two or three pipes, with gilding and crystal, is suitable.
  • for smoking alone - a small mobile device that you can take to friends and carry with you, or buy a regular hookah at least 50 cm.
  • For big company the device should be from 70 to 120 cm in height, with decoration.

Feel free to buy modern devices: new technologies and materials ensure durability and ease of use, and appearance changes under the influence of bold design ideas.

However, in countries with traditional production, most hookahs are still made using old technologies.

Where is the best place to buy abroad?

The best countries to purchase quality smoking apparatus Saudi Arabia, UAE, Syria, Iraq are considered, in as a last resort- China, Romania.

Where you should not buy a hookah is in Turkey or Egypt. The goods there are often of poor quality, but the product for tourists there is most often just that. Your new exotic smoking device must, however, be manufactured industrially, not artisanal.

Hookah: harm or benefit

For a long time it was believed that hookah smoking does not harm health, since it was believed that a significant part harmful substances dissolves in water, and the smoke cools before entering the lungs. But this is not entirely true. The most harmful component in the smoking mixture is carbon monoxide from coal. In an hour of smoking a hookah, a person inhales ten times more smoke than from a cigarette. At the same time, in respiratory tract tar, nicotine and harmful heavy metals- their quantity depends on the type of tobacco. The content of toxins in comparison with cigarette smoke slightly lower due to low temperature burning the mixture in a hookah device.

How to assemble a hookah and use it at home

If you would like to learn how to make a hookah yourself, use the diagrams and choose the right ingredients:

  • the bowl must be made of clay;
  • charcoal - pressed coconut;
  • foil - 14 microns thick, especially durable;
  • food grade silicone hose;
  • The mouthpiece can be anything you want.

The main thing in assembly is to ensure tightness, otherwise you will not enjoy smoking.

Device preparation steps

To organize a party in oriental style A hookah will be handy. To ensure you get pleasure and not waste time replacing accessories, it is recommended to follow all stages of preparing an exotic smoking apparatus.

  1. Cleaning. Before first use, rinse all parts with water except the hose; if it cannot be washed with water, wipe with a towel and leave to air dry.
  2. Filling the vessel. Pour liquid: water, milk, juice or light wine.
  3. Add ice if desired.
  4. Insert the shaft into the vessel, lowering it so that the rod is immersed in water.
  5. Check the tightness of the device by covering the tobacco bowl with your hand and drawing air through the tube. If the connections are tight enough, air will not flow through.
  6. Connect the hose to the side hole on the shaft.
  7. Double check the water level, making sure that it does not come close to where the tube is connected, otherwise the water will damage it.
  8. Place the tobacco into the cup using tongs.
  9. Cover the cup tightly with foil and poke thin holes in it.
  10. Light charcoal - it is better to use special charcoal.
  11. Start smoking - when the container is filled with smoke, the device is ready for use.

It is correct to wash the device after use and clean it if sediment appears in the vessel or the smoke has an unusual taste.

A beautiful, stylish hookah is a good purchase for adding a new atmosphere not only to the interior of your home, but also as an alternative to the smoking habit. Where it is thoughtfully sipped to the music, there is no vulgarity or vulgarity. A hookah can also unite like-minded people and accept others with their strengths and weaknesses. What are familiar cigarettes compared to a sophisticated device, a pleasant aroma and a leisurely conversation among friends? Especially if you know when to stop and save fancy smoking for special occasions.

Currently, almost all tourists in our country choose to holiday in Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Syria and Egypt. All local residents of these countries constantly smoke hookah. But our fellow citizens who decided to try this exotic food for the first time must follow certain rules.

The fact is that hookah smoke can cause a terrible allergy - Quincke's edema. If the swelling spreads to the larynx, the airways narrow and allow very little air to pass through. In this case, there is a risk of suffocation. Only doctors and special medications can help.

If you don’t want your first experience with hookah to be your last, you must follow safety rules. First of all, people who are allergic to fruits should exercise caution. So, if you are allergic to a certain fruit, you should avoid similar fruit tobacco.

Hookah tobacco is a special mixture consisting of molasses, fruit essences and the tobacco leaves themselves. Moreover, fruit essences are contained in tobacco mixtures in quantities that can easily provoke allergies.

Therefore, it would be a good idea to take an ampoule of an antiallergic drug with you on vacation. In this case, tablets are not suitable, since taking them will be difficult due to obstruction of the larynx. To liquid medicine It worked faster, you need to keep most of it under your tongue.

Of course, anti-allergic drugs can help in an emergency, but what's the point in bringing it to this point? Of course not! If you have never smoked a hookah before, then first you should check yourself to see if you can allergic reactions for this tobacco.

Moreover, there is no need to smoke yourself, just sit next to a smoker. When the puffs of smoke do not lead to any trouble, you can safely begin “tasting” the hookah.

But for the first time it is better to take only a couple of puffs, and then only with the tobacco that you have tested yourself for. In about fifteen minutes it will become completely clear whether you are allergic to it or not.

  1. You need to clean the hookah, rinse with water using soft brush, wash off all contaminants. To do this, separate all parts and clean them separately, wipe with a towel and air dry.
  2. Now you need to fill the flask cold water, it should cover 2.5 cm of the metal rod inside. It is important to leave room for air to dilute the smoke and allow it to flow more easily through the hose.
  3. Add ice if desired. Despite the fact that when smoking a hookah you need to inhale the smoke quite strongly, it is not at all harsh, and the pleasant coolness will bring more pleasure.
  4. Insert the shaft into the glass flask, lower the shaft so that the rod enters the water. On the top of the flask, a silicone or rubber gasket should be sealed.
  5. Now you need to connect the hose, check the water level, air flow, try to inhale through the hose. If air is leaking, it means the connection has become weak.
  6. All that remains is to place the metal tray on top part mines to catch the embers that will fall.

First you need to grate the tobacco; for the first time it is better to use molasses without tobacco. Loosen the tobacco pieces and place them in the bowl, leaving about 2mm at the top to prevent the tobacco from burning.

Now you need to cover the bowl with heavy-duty foil and tighten the material. Or use special remedy for such a purpose - kalaud. Place the bowl on top of the shaft and make several holes in the foil.

Some pierce the tobacco completely to create channels for heat and air to pass through. We light the coals according to the instructions, depending on the type of coal that is available.

Stir the charcoal onto the foil, but don’t put it in the center. This way you can burn tobacco, and the smoke will be sharp and short-lived. Some smokers prefer to let the tobacco heat up for 5 minutes before smoking, this will enhance the flavor of the tobacco and make the smoke easier to inhale.

To complete the procedure, you need to inhale the smoke, the saber will heat up, and you inhale slowly and patiently, so as not to cough from the bad-tasting smoke. If smoke does not form in the flask, you need to take a series of short and quick breaths to light the tobacco.


  1. Smoking a hookah can cause serious problems with health.
  2. Hot coal can be dangerous, so you need to make sure you handle it with steady hands.

Take care of your health and do not abuse tobacco smoking in any form; it is best to carry out this procedure in specialized institutions, without experimenting with your well-being!

Attention: This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age. The hookah is a traditional Middle Eastern smoking device that has spread its popularity throughout the world. However, it is one thing to simply smoke a hookah periodically, and quite another to prepare it yourself. If you're confused and need a little help, you've come to the right place.


Preparing the hookah

    Clean the hookah. Before first use, rinse the hookah with water using a soft brush to remove all dirt. First, separate all the parts and wash each one separately, except hose Check the label to make sure it can be washed in water. Dry everything with a towel and leave to air dry before continuing.

    • Ideally, the hookah should be washed after each use, and be sure to rinse it if you notice sediment in the flask or feel a strange taste of smoke.
    • A long, narrow brush will help you get inside the long parts. You can find good brushes in stores that sell hookahs.
  1. Fill the flask with cold water. The flask is the large glass container at the base of the hookah. The water should cover 2.5 cm (or a little more) of the metal rod inside. It is important to leave room for air to dilute the smoke and allow it to flow through the hose more easily. If you have a small hookah, it may be enough to cover 1.25cm of the shaft to preserve air space and avoid getting the hose wet.

    • The rod is the metal part at the bottom of the central shaft of the hookah. Insert the shaft into the flask to see how deep the rod goes.
    • Water does not filter nicotine and others chemicals as strong as many smokers believe. Therefore, by adding more water, you will not make hookah smoking safer.
  2. Add ice (optional). Despite the fact that when smoking a hookah you need to inhale the smoke quite strongly, it is not at all harsh. And the pleasant coolness will give you even more pleasure. You may have to pour out some water to reach the required level as described above.

    Insert the shaft into the glass flask. Lower the shaft so that the rod enters the water. There should be a silicone or rubber piece on the top of the flask, which is necessary for sealing (insulating air). If the shaft does not fit tightly to the bulb, the smoke will be thick and difficult to draw.

    • If the rubber thing is too tight, wet it with a little water or dish soap.
  3. Connect the hose. The hose is connected to the side hole on the shaft. Just as with the flask, the holes must fit the hose. Some hookahs seal the holes unless there is a pipe attached. In other models, you need to connect all the hoses, even if you smoke alone.

    • Double check the water level before connecting. If the water level is too close to where the hose attaches, the water will ruin it.
  4. Check air flow. Place your hand on the top of the rod to block the air inlet. Try sucking through the hose. If air is leaking, then one of the connections is not strong. Check the rubber and silicone seals and tighten everything as tight as possible.

    • If a part is missing somewhere, look for something to replace it that will serve as a “plug”. Tightly wrapped athletic tape may help temporarily.
  5. Place the metal tray on top of the shaft. This tray is there to catch any embers or excess tobacco if or when they fall.

Smoking hookah

    Rub the tobacco. The tobacco is packaged with a liquid that gives the smoke flavor and thickness. Liquid tends to pool at the bottom, so give the tobacco pouch a quick rub to ensure even distribution.

    • If you are smoking hookah for the first time, use tobacco-free molasses. Tobacco can be very harsh if you make a mistake.
    • There are many different flavors of tobacco that significantly change the smoking experience. As a beginner, try several types to find the one you like.
  1. Remove the tobacco and place it in a bowl. Loosen the tobacco pieces and place in the bowl. Press lightly to create a flat layer without compacting the tobacco. It should remain slightly loose so that air can flow through it easily. Fill the bowl almost to the top, leaving about 2mm at the top to prevent the tobacco from burning.

    Cover with heavy-duty foil. Place a piece of heavy-duty foil over the cup and fold it over the edges and secure it until it's taut.

    • If you have standard-weight foil, fold it in two layers.
    • You can also use a special device for this purpose called a kalaud. However, most hookah users prefer foil.
  2. Place the bowl on top of the shaft. It should fit snugly against another rubber piece to ensure a seal.

    Make several holes in the foil. To make holes in the foil (you need 12-15 of them over the entire surface), use a toothpick or paperclip. Then check the air passage by blowing into the tube. If the air doesn't flow well, make a few more holes.

    • Some people like to pierce the tobacco completely to create channels for heat and air to pass through.
  3. Light two or three coals. There are two types of hookah charcoal. Follow following instructions, depending on the type of coal you have.



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