How to overcome the spring blues? “Eternal glory to the water!” How to get rid of depression in spring

How to deal with spring blues.

The ringing of spring drops, the loud chirping of birds, the warm sun are just around the corner, which means spring! It's time to change your hairstyle, overhaul your wardrobe, and get rid of those extra “winter” pounds. But not everyone is happy with these changes. Some people, after a long winter, feel tired, drowsiness, apathy, anxiety, and changes in appetite. And this is not laziness, but spring blues. Today we will figure out how to deal with spring depression.

Spring blues - reasons.

Blues, drowsiness, depression, fatigue, irritability - all these are sure signs of a not very pleasant condition called “spring fatigue”. One of the reasons is the transition from winter hibernation to summer wakefulness. Changes atmospheric pressure and temperatures, an increase in the duration of daylight hours cause the ticking inside us to malfunction biological clock regulating the functioning of the heart, stomach, lungs, and brain. Another reason is hypovitaminosis, or lack of food intake. essential vitamins. Almost no of them remain in overwintered fruits and vegetables. And those that we stocked up on for the winter were used up long ago in the fight against influenza and other respiratory infections. In addition, in the spring we have a rather low metabolic rate.

No matter how hard we try to behave correctly in winter - eat a varied diet, spend more time on fresh air, don't forget about physical activity, - winter still takes its toll. None, not even the most correct image life will not protect against the main winter problem - short daylight hours and lack of sun.

It is believed that during the winter the body practically exhausts the entire supply of serotonin - the so-called hormone of happiness, without producing new ones due to a lack of sunlight. But the special serotonin system, operating as part of the central nervous system, controls our emotions, appetite, mood, has anti-stress, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, is involved in the regulation of sleep, tones and stimulates the immune system. A holy place is never empty, and instead of the hormone of happiness, the sleep hormone, melatonin, the regulator of the daily rhythms of the body, comes first. Because of this imbalance, we tend to fall asleep in the spring, and our mood is unstable.

Interesting facts!

  • Women are eight times more likely to suffer from seasonal depression than men
  • Spring blues is more common among people living in northern countries, which are characterized by short daylight hours
  • People who are forced to work in premises with minimum quantity natural light are also at risk

How to deal with the blues

How to cope with seasonal depression and is it possible to fight it? We present to your attention the advice of psychologists and nutritionists that will help you get rid of the symptoms of spring apathy:

  • Walking in the fresh air Sunlight is a great helper in the fight against the blues. Get up early and walk for half an hour, while giving up sunglasses- perceive sunlight with the “naked eye”
  • Quality sleep. Try to improve the quality of your sleep: go to bed at the same time, don’t get carried away watching TV before bed, sleep with the window open - let the spring air fill your body with a good mood
  • Warm bath before bed. Sitting in the fragrant fir cones a bath, reading your favorite novel or listening to your favorite performer relaxes your nervous system
  • Bright life. Try to decorate your home in a very positive and bright style using spring colors: green, yellow, orange. Even a small bright trinket in the form of a flowerpot or kitchen towel will help lift your spirits
  • Music. Music is always a good way to combat depression. It is important to avoid melancholic, sad melodies
  • Once a week, arrange a course of aromatherapy using essential oils: orange, patchouli, cinnamon and juniper. Herbal teas and infusions will also be useful as prophylactic from spring depression.
  • Proper nutrition. The spring blues will easily leave you if you add a few natural antidepressants to your diet. For example, cardamom - its aroma will calm the nerves. Give up the winter habit of rich, fatty and high-calorie foods. You don’t have to adhere to special diets, just introduce more vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy products into your diet, various cereals. By the way, you can at least partially adhere to the spring fast, which exists in many religions. The main thing is not to overdo it, not to exhaust the body, but to give it the opportunity to rest and use the energy that it spent on digesting heavy food for other purposes.
    Fish and seafood are especially important in spring, at least seaweed, which are rich not only in vitamins, but also in microelements, especially iodine, which the body usually lacks in spring. Don’t forget that food should make you happy, because in spring it’s so important positive emotions. There is a whole range of “foods of joy”, which include dark dark chocolate, bananas, citrus fruits, figs, dates, persimmons, strawberries, hot red peppers, tomatoes, cheese and feta cheese. Don't forget about herbs and spices, which can give the simplest food an exquisite taste. Try to drink more natural juices, compotes, tea with medicinal herbs which helps strengthen the immune system.
  • Hobbies and pets. Interesting hobby allows you to take your mind off the drab everyday life and lifts your spirits. A petbest medicine from any melancholy.
  • Be sure to do what you have been putting off for a long time, citing lack of money and time, reluctance to stand in line or go somewhere, etc. Go to the theater, to the cinema, to an exhibition, to a museum, spend an evening in a restaurant, buy something you have long dreamed of - a fashion accessory, perfume, cosmetics, new clothes, jewelry. If possible, go on a tour. You can take advantage of a weekend tour, which is now offered by many tour operators. Invite guests or go visit people you like. In spring, we need new impressions, meetings, sensations that will help the body quickly adapt to a new way.
  • And be sure to praise yourself and rejoice at every action or deed you have done, no matter how small. Look for the positive in everything. The elevator broke down and we had to walk up the stairs to the 12th floor. Well done, you lost 300 calories. We decided to make something important phone call- just a heroine. We planned an aerobics class for tomorrow and went, although I absolutely didn’t want to - great!

Remember that clinical depression not much different from seasonal sadness, so it is very important to correctly diagnose and distinguish serious disorder nervous system from temporary spring blues.

After a long winter, all girls want to finally be beautiful. Tired of a red nose, a ruined hat and five sweaters under a down jacket, we ultimately want a spring mood. However, often instead of a good mood we get blues.

The off-season is a very strange period, which begins in March and ends in April, when winter is already far away but real spring is not yet in sight. It is during this period that we notice discomfort: there is not enough energy for either work or entertainment. And everything that previously brought pleasure is annoying. Why does this happen and how to deal with the spring blues?

Causes of spring blues

Although spring is already on the doorstep, we feel a slight apathy. And that's quite normal phenomenon. Our body has not yet had time to receive required dose sunlight, under the influence of which serotonin is produced - the “happiness hormone”, as well as vitamin D, which is responsible for good mood and appearance.

The blues and depression should not be confused - they are not the same thing. Blues is more of a bad mood, while depression is mental disorder. Depression usually occurs due to certain life situations(health problems, loss loved one). And the spring blues are a temporary condition that, as a rule, lasts no more than a few days.

Strengthen your immunity!

Lack of sunlight, sedentary work and vitamin deficiency - all this significantly reduces immunity. As a result, we are attacked by the blues. If this problem is not corrected in a timely manner, it may begin to develop. various kinds diseases that will then have to be fought for a long time. To do this, you need to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. In order to get the necessary dose of vitamins and vital important substances You need to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables per day. As practice shows, this is impossible. That is why, in order to be on the safe side, they came up with special vitamin complexes, the range of which is very wide today. Of course, it is better that “live” vitamins predominate in your diet.

Do what you always put off until later

Hooray! Every day now it will become warmer and warmer, and in the mornings we will be pleased with sunny weather. You will no longer have to quickly run from the office to the metro because of the cold. Now you can take leisurely walks every day. This is why spring is a great time for new beginnings. Take a piece of paper and a pen and write down everything you would like to do this spring. Starting from little things to bold actions. Have you always wanted to learn how to draw? - It's time to do it right now! After all, very soon it will be possible to retire with an easel and paints on the shore of the lake and sketch what nature gives us. Have you ever wanted to jump with a parachute? If yes, then you shouldn’t put it off either. This will bring, at a minimum, a sea of ​​adrenaline. The main thing is to do everything on this wish list and not miss anything. These are the rules!

Start with yourself, beloved

Spring is a time of transformation. Believe me, you really need a new haircut, new color hair, new manicure and pedicure. The list may be longer, depending on your financial capabilities. But now is not the time to save on yourself. After all, self-care is best prevention and treatment of spring blues. Do you remember the last time you updated your wardrobe? Go for it! This season, bright, rich colors will be fashionable. And the bolder they are combined, the more feminine you will be. What colors will be trendy this spring?

Overcoming spring apathy is actually easy. It is enough to just sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. In addition, strengthen your immunity, follow the regime motor activity and distribute your energy wisely. Remember: you can be mopey in autumn or winter, but in spring and summer it is prohibited!

Spring depression is a special psychological condition, the symptoms of which are decreased emotional mood, loss of the sense of joy of being, as well as a pessimistic assessment of all current events. In the spring period of the year it can develop depressive state, provoked as psychological reasons, and endogenous.

The difference between this affective disorder is its seasonality - the appearance negative symptoms in February-March and their disappearance by the end of April-May. In this case, any irreversible deviations in mental sphere the person is not diagnosed.

Women are predisposed to emotional fluctuations, blues and depression in the spring months. They are the ones who suddenly notice their tendency to excessive tearfulness and moodiness. However, men also become more irritable and grouchy in the spring. Therefore, everyone should be able to recognize and deal with depressive disorder.


Numerous studies by specialists do not give a clear answer as to why signs of spring depression appear in people from February to May. Many different hypotheses have been put forward on this score. The priority version is that it is in the spring months that the human body experiences acute shortage useful vitamins and microelements. And currently, not everyone can afford to purchase and consume daily variety of vegetables and fruits, take the necessary vitamin and mineral complexes.

In addition, during the autumn-winter months, people’s tissues and organs become “slagged”; they accumulate the remnants of those heavy dishes that were in the diet throughout the period from November to February.

The causes of depression also lie in the failure of the production of the joy hormone serotonin. It ceases to enter the brain tissue in the proper volume due to a deficiency of vitamin D, produced under the influence of sun rays in human skin. As you know, in most regions of the country in the winter months sunny days short, they are clearly not enough to replenish the supply of vitamin D and produce serotonin. Therefore, by spring there will be a clear shortage of them.

In addition to all of the above, the causes of spring depression may be hidden in the following:

  • sudden change in weather - today there is a snowstorm and strong wind, and tomorrow there will be drops and bright sunshine in the morning;
  • changes in atmospheric pressure - everything more people become weather-dependent and susceptible to such “games” of nature;
  • frequent temperature changes and, as a direct consequence, seasonal colds, additionally depleting human bodies;
  • oxygen starvation - in the winter months, people prefer to go for walks less often, they get to work by transport rather than on foot, so fewer molecules of pure oxygen enter the brain;
  • weakening of immune barriers - due to vitamin deficiency and such “winter” diseases as influenza, ARVI, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Less commonly diagnosed is a smooth transition to its spring course. People whose nervous system cannot withstand the pace of modern life at all.

The onset of depressive disorders in the spring-autumn period, with pronounced fluctuations in symptoms during the day, peak deterioration in the morning and improvement in the evening -.

Signs and symptoms

Since the symptoms of spring depression have a clear resemblance to depressed psychological state people developing for other reasons, then specialists have made successful attempts to distinguish between affective disorders.

General clinical signs of spring depression:

  • constant feeling of incomprehensible anxiety;
  • emotional emptiness;
  • depressed, sad mood;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • – from short-term euphoria to deep despondency;
  • a clear decrease in appetite and subsequent weight loss, or, conversely, too much increased appetite and a sharp increase in body weight in the spring;
  • loss of vital activity, interest in everyday affairs, professional responsibilities;
    weakening libido - the opposite sex ceases to arouse interest;
  • change in negative side concentration, weakening of memory, increased absent-mindedness;
  • frequent symptoms of exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • increasing confidence in one’s own uselessness and worthlessness;
  • causeless tears.

Symptoms of depression in men

There is an opinion in society that men are less susceptible to seasonal affective disorders. In fact, this is far from the case. It’s just that spring depression in men can be hidden and not always realized by them.

Often the changes that occur to them in emotional sphere attributed to excessive workload, physical fatigue, or family troubles. However, exacerbation of spring depression can be recognized by the following signs:

  • Dark thoughts often begin to occur;
  • insomnia appears;
  • Carrying out daily professional duties requires significant volitional and physical efforts;
  • significant decrease in self-esteem;
  • daily stay in bad mood;
  • , frequent anger;
  • changes in appetite, taste preferences;
  • absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate on completing the task;
  • deterioration of health - exacerbations peptic ulcer stomach, pancreatitis, prostatitis.

Even sexual activity, as a rule, increases in men in the spring months, against the background of a depressive disorder, can significantly decrease. That's why men keep to themselves. Instead of consulting with a specialist to find out how to deal with spring depression, they prefer to suffer and suffer in silence.

Treatment tactics and prevention

Even though depressive disorder is seasonal in nature, it must be dealt with as a real disease. Because every year the symptoms can increase and worsen.

  1. adjust the diet - it should be dominated by vegetables and fruits of bright, spring colors, which contain huge amount useful vitamins and microelements;
  2. there is no need to follow any strict diet, you just need to replace “harmful” foods with “healthy” ones;
    do active species sports – adequate physical activity help increase the production of the “joy” hormone, but this point will not be feasible;
  3. make it a rule to walk more in the fresh air - on weekends, go to the forest, the countryside, go to the country;
  4. normalize sleep - the processing of information accumulated during the day occurs precisely at night, so quality rest will help improve brain activity;
  5. rearranging the furniture in the apartment or updating your wardrobe, new acquaintances and meetings will give meaning to life and become an impetus for getting out of a depressive state.

If all of the above did not bring visible changes in better side– the mood continues to remain negative, the blues haunt you, it is recommended to consult a specialist and find out how to overcome spring depression. The doctor will offer various special trainings and psychotechnics that can change a person’s outlook on his life.

In severe cases, for example, a suicide attempt has already been made, treatment of spring depression should be carried out in inpatient conditions. In this case, in addition to working with a psychotherapist, the person will be prescribed specific medications that correct the activity of his mental structures.

The first rays of spring, instead of joy and anticipation, can bring a minor mood into our lives. A condition similar to spring is experienced by thousands of people every year. And admitting to yourself that you are among them is the first step towards recovery. But how to recognize the disease and what methods of combating it exist? About this in our article today.

Spring has arrived, and with it, depression has entered the lives of some of us. Loss of spirit, despondency, minor mood, despondency, melancholy, blues - no matter how many words characterize this state of people who find themselves in the grip of spring depression. She can enter the life of each of us with the first rays of the spring sun. The condition couldn't be worse.

In the morning it’s hard to get up, in the afternoon tears well up in your eyes, in the evening you fall off your feet, as if you’ve been unloading cars all day, although all this time you’ve been sitting on a chair, silently looking at the computer monitor in a stuffy office. It doesn't get any better even after sleep. The mood is at zero from morning to evening and sadness around the clock for no reason. A familiar state, isn't it?

It is important to clearly establish how long ago this all started. If melancholy and blues have become your faithful companions recently - for about a week or so, then it’s just a matter of spring depression. If according to inner feeling If everything has been bad for more than a month, then depression can hardly be called spring. And this condition requires medical intervention. In our article today we will talk about spring depression, how it manifests itself, and what methods of struggle will be most effective.

So, what is spring depression? This is a disease that requires immediate and long treatment or something completely different? As experts explain, spring depression is stressful state an organism in which, at the end of winter - beginning of summer, performance noticeably decreases, despondency and sadness are constantly present. On top of that, all this is accompanied by increased fatigue.

Spring depression can manifest itself in mild form- that is, it lasts only a few days, but it can also occur in a more severe form. In this case, its duration may be more than 2 weeks. In the most advanced cases, you cannot do without visiting a doctor. In the mildest cases, you can cope with the disease on your own.

The symptoms of spring depression are very diverse. But their general definition comes down to just a few words - loss of strength and spirit. So, you may suspect that you are sick if you have:

Constant despondency and bad mood;

Tears for no reason;


Irritability over every little thing;

Restlessness, feeling of anxiety;

Feelings of worthlessness and uselessness plus low self-esteem;

Constant feeling of fatigue, resulting in decreased performance;

Apathy towards everything, and with it a reluctance to work or study;

Inability to concentrate on something;

Loss of appetite or, conversely, an obsessive desire to constantly eat;

Obsessive thoughts about death.

It is not necessary for a person to exhibit all the symptoms of spring depression at once. However, the presence of at least 2-3 of its manifestations indicates that we're talking about exactly about her.

If you have discovered several of the above symptoms, which you have not been able to cope with on your own for about a month, the best solution would be to contact a specialist. He will be able to determine how deep melancholy has settled in your soul and will tell you what methods you will use to fight it.

For those who decided to fight spring depression on their own before it drags them into its abyss, experts have prepared some tips.

1. Change of scenery

This is one of the most effective ways combating spring depression. Going somewhere warm right at the end of winter or beginning of summer is simple, but not always feasible. And the bosses won’t let me go, and a lot of work has accumulated. Well, if finance also sings romances, then the resorts will clearly not be affordable.

But who said that a change of scenery requires a lot of money and a vacation? Isn't the weekend a reason to get out of the house? A dacha will do. If you don't have your own, you can use your friends' dacha. Perhaps they will like it if you keep them company when they next go out of town.

No dachas and friends? Then book your theater tickets. If you don't like acting, go to a museum. Don't limit yourself to your hometown. For example, go with organized group on an excursion tour of estates near Moscow or the cities of the Golden Ring. New experiences, meeting new places and people will help you unwind and take your mind off sad thoughts.

2. Sports

Even if it seems like you have no strength for anything, try to exercise regularly. Join the fitness center or pool. Or better yet, both here and there. Alternate swimming sessions with exercise classes. Perhaps you will like dancing? Who knows, maybe it’s time to learn how to dance fiery Sambo or passionate Latin?

Move as much as possible. Make it a rule to walk at least one stop before work or take an evening walk to the nearest park.

3. Sleep

Even if the advice - sleep more - seems banal, you have to believe that it is very effective. Getting enough sleep means sleeping at least 9 hours a day, or even more. How to force yourself to fall asleep? A walk in the fresh air before bed, a warm bath with aromatic foam and a special herbal tea from insomnia. Herbs do not help - consult a doctor. He must recommend special tablets. Just don't get too carried away with sleeping pills. Getting used to them is not the most pleasant consequence drug control with insomnia.

You can fight increased fatigue with the help of vitamins, which are abundant in fruits. The table should contain mainly their brightest representatives - green apples, oranges, bananas, pomegranates. In addition to them, also add to your diet fresh vegetables. Try to prepare salads more often, without sparing greens. If you can’t afford to eat such foods often for financial reasons, stock up on a good vitamin complex.

5. Brightness and color

Brightness and color should accompany you everywhere. Starting from the clothes you wear to the interior in which you live. Buy bright bedding and put it on your bed, hang bath towels in bold colors in the bathroom, paint the walls in your room a new color, start drinking tea in the morning from a mug of red, bright orange and yellow.

Add some bright colors to your wardrobe. If you can’t decide on bold, bright clothes right away, then start with accessories. Scarves, berets, gloves are suitable - and in the same color scheme, which will allow you to stand out from the gray mass. In general, use anything to lift your mood - from a handbag to shoes.

Bright colors can be added to workplace in the office. Attach funny stickers and stickers with optimistic inscriptions near your computer monitor (For example, “Summer is coming!”), place photo frames with images of summer and people close to you.

6. Not alone

If it is not always possible to communicate with work colleagues on unrelated and pleasant topics, in no case should you deprive yourself of communicating with them outside of work hours. And, of course, don’t forget about your friends and loved ones. Visit your relatives, visit friends, invite your friends to the cinema, have picnics in groups. The main thing is not to sit at home alone.

7. Love yourself

Pamper yourself in any way you can. It all depends on your preferences. Start small - buy something tasty. Then go to a beauty salon to update your hairstyle or radically change your haircut and hair color. Go shopping for spring outfits and summer dresses. Yes, yes, remember - summer is just around the corner. Now it seems that winter, and with it the loss of strength, will never end. But very, very soon, the heavy spring gloom, when nothing makes you happy and you don’t want anything, will definitely be replaced by a time of bright sun and warm days. Remember this.

Play cheerful music that brings back good memories more often, try to smile at those around you and surround yourself with things and people you like. And very soon - you'll see - there will be practically no trace left of the symptoms of spring depression!



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