How to cleanse your lungs after years of smoking. Preparations and medicines for cleaning smoker's lungs

Today, the range of drugs used in the treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract is quite wide. It is not possible to consider them all within the framework of one article. We list the main medications for the bronchi and lungs:

  • Bronchodilators (anticholinergics, methylxanthines, β2-agonists).
  • Mucolytics (Ambroxol, Acetylcysteine, Carbocysteine, etc.).
  • Medicines that suppress cough (Sinekod, Panatus, Butamirat).

For treatment to be effective, medications for the lungs and bronchi must be prescribed exclusively by a highly qualified specialist.


According to medical terminology, bronchodilators are drugs that can relieve bronchospasm and improve lung ventilation. Mainly bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are indications for their use. In some cases, it is used to treat patients with acute bronchitis. Features of bronchodilator therapy:

  • Preference is given to inhaled drugs.
  • When choosing a medication, it is necessary to take into account the availability, individual sensitivity of patients to the effects of bronchodilators and the absence of adverse reactions.
  • Despite their effectiveness in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, methylxanthines (Euphylline, Theophylline, Theobromine, etc.) are considered second-line drugs because they have a high risk of adverse reactions.
  • The severity of the disease determines the tactics of using bronchodilators. For example, regular use of bronchodilators is indicated for severe bronchial asthma or COPD.
  • To increase effectiveness and reduce the likelihood of adverse reactions, several bronchodilators are often combined.

There are several different groups of drugs that have a bronchodilator effect. The following may be prescribed as bronchodilators:

  • Anticholinergics (ipratropium bromide, Atroventa, tiotropium bromide).
  • Methylxanthines (euphylline, theophylline, Teopeca).
  • β2-agonists (Fenoterol, Salbutamol, Formoterol).

Most bronchodilators for the lungs and bronchi are administered using metered dose inhalers.


One of the most commonly used drugs from the group of inhaled anticholinergics that block M-cholinergic receptors located in the smooth muscle tissue of the bronchi is ipratropium bromide. It is characterized by good tolerability, effectiveness and safety during long-term use. It is worth noting that prolonged use does not lead to a decrease in the therapeutic effect (tachyphylaxis). In addition, there is no cardiotoxic effect. Simply put, it does not cause heart problems. With age, there is no decrease in the sensitivity of M-cholinergic receptors to the action of this drug. They can be treated freely as long as the clinical manifestations of the disease cause significant discomfort to the patient.

The medicine lasts for 4–6 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out repeated inhalations every 4 hours, which makes it difficult to control the patient’s condition at night and in the early morning hours. It should be noted that the first trimester of pregnancy is an absolute contraindication for the use of ipratropium bromide and its analogues. At later stages of gestation, the attending physician decides on the advisability of its use, taking into account the potential benefits and possible risks.

Representatives of the new generation of inhaled anticholinergics include tiotropium bromide, which is also marketed under the trade name Spiriva. What are the advantages and features of application:

  • It has high selectivity, acting exclusively on M3 cholinergic receptors, which results in a more pronounced and long-lasting effect.
  • It begins to act almost immediately, reaching maximum effect after 30 minutes.
  • The therapeutic effect after a single inhalation lasts for 24 hours.
  • Long-term use (8 months or more) does not affect the duration of the bronchodilator effect of the drug.
  • Long-term treatment optimizes bronchial obstruction, promotes regression of respiratory manifestations of the disease (shortness of breath, difficulty breathing) and significantly improves the patient’s quality of life.
  • Clinical studies show that patients who take tiotropium bromide long-term do not suffer from shortness of breath during age-appropriate moderate exercise.
  • It has been established that Spiriva is superior to ipratropium bromide in the main indicators of therapeutic effectiveness.
  • Adverse reactions are, as a rule, minimal and quite rare, which is a significant advantage of long-acting anticholinergics that have a long-lasting effect.


Despite their effectiveness in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, methylxanthines are now considered as reserve drugs. They have a fairly high risk of developing various types of adverse reactions. As a rule, they are used if other types of bronchodilator drugs do not adequately control the clinical manifestations of the disease. In addition, methylxanthines can be prescribed to patients for whom inhaled medications are unavailable for some reason.

Short courses of theophylline over 2–3 months improve symptoms. But it is very cumbersome to use, since during bronchodilator therapy it is necessary to regularly determine the level of theophylline concentration in the blood. Increasing concentrations above therapeutic levels may result in serious adverse reactions. However, it has a number of extrapulmonary effects:

  • Improves peripheral ventilation.
  • Normalizes the function of the diaphragm.
  • It has a positive effect on mucociliary clearance, which provides local protection of the respiratory mucosa from various pathogenic factors, including infectious agents.
  • Reduces pressure in the pulmonary artery.
  • Increases physical performance.

Uncontrolled use of drugs for the lungs and bronchi often leads to serious consequences.


Today, not a single therapeutic course of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is complete without the use of β2-agonists, such as Salbutamol, Fenoterol, Serevent, Formoterol, etc. This group of drugs is characterized by a rapid onset of bronchodilator effect (about 5 minutes) and a sufficient duration of action , which is observed for 5–6 hours. However, they are considered short-acting drugs, and repeated inhalations must be carried out on average up to 4 times a day. The use of drugs is usually carried out using inhalers, but injection (injections) is also possible to eliminate severe bronchospasm attacks.

Long-acting, highly selective β2-agonists Salmeterol and Formoterol are especially popular in the treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. What are the features of their use:

  • Valid for 12 hours.
  • The optimal mode of use is twice a day, which helps prevent attacks that occur at night and early in the morning.
  • The effect of Salmeterol begins to appear half an hour after inhalation.
  • Formoterol relieves an attack within a few minutes after application.
  • These medications reduce the frequency of exacerbations and reduce the need for glucocorticosteroid drugs.
  • Side effects may occur (heart pain, surges in blood pressure, palpitations, arrhythmia, irritability, headaches, nausea, weakness, etc.).

Combination treatment, combining the use of β2-agonists and anticholinergics, is more effective in improving bronchial patency compared to monotherapy. Combination drugs are widely used. For example, Berodual, which contains ipratropium bromide and Fenoterol. However, it should be noted that for regular treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, it is preferable to prescribe anticholinergics rather than β2-agonists.

Bronchodilator medications for the lungs and bronchi are available by prescription.


Mucolytic drugs are used to thin mucus and facilitate expectoration. The most common expectorants are:

Ambroxol and its analogs are successfully used as a mucolytic for the treatment of various diseases of the respiratory system. In addition to its main effect of thinning mucus and improving expectoration, it also increases the concentration of antibacterial drugs in the lung tissue. In addition, it increases the synthesis of surfactant, preventing the penetration of infection.

Recent clinical studies show that Ambroxol has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It does not have a harmful effect on the development of the fetus, so it can be prescribed to pregnant women. Available in tablet form. On average, the therapeutic course is 1 week. Side effects may include nausea, headaches, dry mouth, allergies, etc. It cannot be combined with antitussive drugs, as there will be an accumulation of sputum in the bronchi.

Another commonly prescribed mucolytic agent is Acetylcysteine, which is better known under the trade name ACC. This drug directly affects the molecular structure of sputum, changing its viscosity and making it easier to cough up. Efficiency is manifested in any type of sputum (mucous, purulent, etc.). It is also characterized by anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Domestic produced acetylcysteine ​​is available in tablet form. It can be taken for six months. If necessary, use a solution of the drug to wash the bronchial tree. It has been noted that during long-term therapy it helps reduce the frequency and severity of exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Side effects are mainly from the digestive system (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.). Hypersensitivity reactions, manifested by urticaria and bronchospasm, are possible.

It is strongly not recommended to take medications for the lungs and bronchi without prior consultation with a specialist.

Cough suppressants

These medications are often used for painful, debilitating coughs. Currently, Sinekod, which is an antitussive drug with a central mechanism of action, is widely popular. Its active ingredient butamirate citrate selectively affects the cough center without causing respiratory depression. The drug can be purchased in the form of drops and syrup for children and adults. What pharmacological properties are characteristic:

  • Successfully provides cough suppression.
  • Has a bronchodilator effect.
  • Makes breathing easier.
  • Helps reduce airway resistance.
  • Does not exhibit central analgesic (pain-relieving) effect.

When taken orally, absorption of Sinekod occurs quite quickly and in full. The maximum concentration level is recorded 90 minutes after application. The antitussive effect is observed after half an hour and lasts for 6 hours. The majority of patients tolerate the drug well. Can be prescribed to children from 2 months and older patients. It does not have a negative effect on the organs of the digestive system. There is no sedative effect. Contraindicated in early pregnancy.

If you need to quickly cope with a non-productive, extremely intense cough that significantly worsens the patient’s general condition, purchase Sinekod. However, it should be noted that it cannot be combined with mucolytic and expectorant drugs. This leads to excessive accumulation of sputum in the lower respiratory tract, the development of bronchospasm and infectious pathology. If Sinekod is not available, you can purchase similar tablets for cough in the lungs at an affordable price.

Description of modern drugs for lung cancer

Medical technology is constantly evolving towards the creation of drugs for lung cancer. In Russia, this is a pressing problem, since pathology occupies a leading position in mortality among men from cancer.

Drug treatment is prescribed in two cases: small cell sarcoma, the last stage of non-small cell pathology.

About the disease

Lung oncology is a malignant neoplasm that forms in one or both parts of a paired organ. The main reason for the degeneration of normal cells and their uncontrolled division is considered to be the entry into the body of tobacco smoke, as well as some other chemicals.

Types of oncological processes:

  • non-small cell – characterized by a prolonged cough in the early stages;
  • small cell – occurs in 25% of cases, is characterized by an aggressive course, rapid, almost asymptomatic development of metastases.

Read more about the disease and the reasons for its development in this video:

Preparations for injections


One of the first drugs that prevents the proliferation of blood vessels. This stops the supply of nutrients and oxygen to malignant tissues. The oncological process moves from an aggressive stage to a chronic one.

Used in the treatment of lung cancer as an adjunct to chemotherapy.

  • sensitivity to bevacizumab;
  • kidney and liver problems;
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

There is a possible risk of developing intestinal perforation, hemorrhage, loss of visual acuity, arterial hypertension and thromboembolism.

Available in the form of a concentrate for preparing a solution. Administered intravenously by drip. The dosage depends on the patient’s weight and the method of therapy. The cost of 1 bottle with a dosage of 100 mg/4 ml rubles.


The drug has a cytostatic, antitumor effect. Created based on plants. The action is the accumulation of tubulin, which disrupts the process of division of cancer particles. Effective for non-small cell lung cancer. The medicine can be combined with other drugs.

  • sensitivity to docetaxel;
  • severe liver problems;
  • childhood.

Adverse reactions are possible in the form of infections, allergies, loss of nails, skin rashes, stomatitis, nausea, taste disturbances, muscle weakness, heart failure, shortness of breath, swelling of the body.

The vial may contain 20, 80, 160 mg of docetaxel in the form of a concentrate. The cost is 20 mgrubles.


The medicine has antibacterial and antitumor effects. It was isolated from a fungal culture. It has a negative effect on the DNA of malignant cells. Used for small cell lung pathology. It can be introduced into the body intravenously or intra-arterially.

  • sensitivity to one of the components;
  • kidney problems (severe);
  • acute viral infections;
  • arrhythmia;
  • cystitis and bladder infections.

The drug leads to a large number of adverse reactions from hematopoiesis, digestion, blood circulation, vision, skin, urinary and nervous systems.

Available in bottles of 5, 25, 50 ml. The average cost is 550 rubles.

This article lists the signs of lung cancer in men.


Antitumor substance. Used for lung cancer. The dosage depends on the type of treatment and the condition of the body. The substance is administered by injection.

  • sensitivity to carboplatin;
  • kidney pathology;
  • significant recent blood loss;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • childhood.

The main side effects of a drug containing platinum include problems with hearing and vision.

The drug is available in the form of a concentrate of 5, 15, 45, 75 ml. Average cost rubles.


Treatment of lung cancer with tablets is often carried out in combination with chemotherapy, although they can be used independently. Each drug has its own characteristics in dosage, contraindications, and side effects.


An antitumor agent can inhibit the growth of malignant particles and also has an effect on normal cells.

During treatment of non-small cell lung cancer, 1 tablet per day is required. The effectiveness of treatment is 2 times higher than with chemotherapy.

  • sensitivity to erlotinib;
  • disorders of the liver and kidneys (severe forms);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • childhood.

The most common side effects include diarrhea, stomatitis, nausea, skin rashes, shortness of breath, infections, fatigue, and depression.

Under the trade name Tarceva, 30 tablets of 150 mg each cost rubles.


The substance is classified as antitumor. It is a powerful irreversible blocker of malignant growth factor receptors. Used for non-small cell lung cancer. The recommended dose is 40 mg once a day, the maximum dose is 50 mg per day.

Contraindications are related to sensitivity to afatinib, childhood, pregnancy and lactation, and liver problems.

  • taste disturbance;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • nose bleed;
  • stomatitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • skin rash;
  • changes in the nails and inflammation of the soft tissue around;
  • decreased appetite.

The cost is 30 tablets of 40 mg called Giotrifrubley.


The main active ingredient is a selective low-molecular inhibitor. It is used for common non-small cell lung cancer. Capsules must be swallowed whole.

Take 1 capsule per day in two stages. The treatment is designed for a long period while it has a positive effect.

Contraindications for use are the same as for previous drugs.

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Side effects (most common):

  • nausea;
  • vision problems;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • swelling;
  • pain in joints, chest;
  • multiple cysts on the kidneys.

Available in the form of Xalkori capsules, the cost is 60 pieces, 250 mg each.


The drug is marketed under the brand name Zikadia. The main substance slows down the growth of pathological particles and blocks the mutagenic protein in them. It is used for non-small cell lung pathology with multiple metastases. Take 5 capsules once a day. The medicine must be swallowed whole with water.

The drug does not combine well with many antitumor and antiviral substances and antibiotics.

Contraindications are related to sensitivity to the active substance, childhood, pregnancy and lactation.

The cost of 150 capsules of 150 mg is on average rubles.

In the comments to this article, reviews about the results of chemotherapy for lung cancer.


The substance disrupts the stability of cell DNA. It begins to act when it enters a malignant tumor. Used for small cell lung pathology. The drug can be administered in different ways, including through the oral cavity. Treatment regimens vary greatly.

  • anemia;
  • extreme degree of exhaustion;
  • serious condition due to liver, kidney, and heart disease.

Side effects similar to chemotherapy, such as vomiting, hair loss, dizziness. The cost of 50 tablets is 1700 rubles.


The substance is characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for diseases of the respiratory system, including malignant ones. The doctor prescribes the dosage individually.

Contraindications for use are associated with sensitivity to the main component and the presence of a fungal infection.

  • decreased tolerance to glucose;
  • nausea;
  • bradycardia;
  • hallucinations;
  • convulsions;
  • vision problems;
  • osteoporosis.

The cost of 100 tablets of 5 mg, produced in Romania, is 110 rubles.


The substance is an antimetabolite. At the molecular level, it reduces the size of a malignant tumor and stops its growth. It is used when it is impossible to treat lung cancer surgically.

The dosage is prescribed individually by the doctor. The capsule is swallowed whole or its contents are dissolved in water and drunk.

Contraindications for use are sensitivity to the main component, thrombocytopenia, pregnancy and lactation.

  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • anemia;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • stomatitis;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • problems with urination;
  • brittle nails and hair.

The average cost of 100 capsules is 500 mg.


The drug is an analogue of hydrocortisone. Effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • immunosuppressive;
  • anti-shock.

It has the same properties as Prednisolone from other manufacturers. The cost of 5 mg tablets is 130 rubles.

Experimental methods

Absolutely effective methods have not yet been created for the treatment of lung cancer. Many treatments are under development, but because lung cancer often progresses very quickly and aggressively, patients are offered experimental methods.

Medicine PD173074

The drug is at the stage of testing its effectiveness. It prevents the formation of blood vessels around malignant tumors. Experiments in test tubes gave positive results. Experiments on mice confirmed the effectiveness of the drug. In the future, it could be used in humans. The substance is administered orally.

Anti-cancer diet Linomel

The anti-cancer diet was developed by German biochemist Joanna Budwig. The scientist spent about 30 years researching the problem of cancer in its final stages and came to the conclusion about the need for proper nutrition.

The research results were quite successful. The diet led to a reduction in the tumor, and the patients felt better. Today the diet is recognized throughout the world; it is used in Western European countries as a treatment for oncology and other diseases.

The basis of the diet is to eat at least 100 grams of freshly prepared low-fat cottage cheese and 5 grams of cold-pressed flax oil daily. The technique was patented under the name Linomel. The amount of flaxseed oil varies depending on the degree of the disease - the more advanced the form of cancer, the more oil you need to take.

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  • benign tumors 65
  • uterus 39
  • women 34
  • chest 34
  • fibroids 32
  • mammary gland 32
  • stomach 24
  • lymphoma 23
  • intestines 23
  • malignant tumors 23
  • lungs 22
  • liver 20
  • blood diseases 20
  • diagnostics 19
  • metastases 18
  • Melanoma 16
  • adenoma 15
  • lipoma 15
  • leather 14
  • brain 14

Cleaning the lungs with pharmaceutical drugs - a review of expectorants

The lungs provide the respiratory process. Their normal functioning guarantees quality breathing. But in the modern world, where tobacco smoke, smog, industrial gases, pathogenic microorganisms are becoming commonplace, there is a need to clean the bronchopulmonary system. Alternative medicine specialists recommend the use of pharmaceutical drugs to cleanse the lungs and restore respiratory function.

The principle of action of the drugs

Secretomotor (expectorant) and secretolytic (sputum thinning) drugs are used for cleansing purposes. They perform two functions: the first is the dilution and removal of stagnant mucus, the second is the fight against inflammatory and infectious processes in the bronchi and lungs.

In order to understand the principle of action of drugs, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the mechanism of respiratory contamination.

Toxic substances from the air settle on the walls of the bronchi and in the parenchyma of the lungs, causing a disorder in their function. The lungs, trying to get rid of foreign particles, trigger the formation of protective mucus - a biological mixture of blood plasma and antibodies. Mucus neutralizes harmful substances, transporting them out. But in conditions of an excess of toxins, it cannot cope with its protective function. As a result, sputum stagnates in the lungs, forming foci of inflammation and infection.

In such conditions, the body requires outside help. It is provided by medications. They stimulate the removal of mucus with all toxic components, while simultaneously exerting an antiviral and bactericidal effect on microorganisms living in the respiratory bronchioles and adjacent areas of the pulmonary parenchyma.

Classification of mucolytic and expectorant drugs

The pharmacy range of secretolytic and secretomotor drugs is huge in our time. Most of them can be used to cleanse the lungs. The Russian Medicines Register classifies medicines according to the active substance:


It dilutes tracheobronchial secretions, improves the function of external respiration, and promotes the effective release of mucus through physiological means. The most well-known drugs with ambroxol: Ambrobene, Ambrolan, Ambrosan, Ambroxol, Bronkhoxol, Lazolvan, Lazongin, Mucobron, Neo-Bronchol, Flavamed, etc.


It has a pronounced expectorant effect by stimulating mucus production and reducing its viscosity. Representatives of this class of drugs: Bromhexine, Bromhexine hydrochloride, Bronchostop, Bronchotil, Solvin, Flegamine, etc.


Reduces the viscosity of sputum, facilitating its separation; activates detoxification processes and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Among the drugs with acetylcysteine: N-acetylcysteine, Acestine, Acetylcysteine, ACC, Mukobene, Mucomist, Fluimucil, Exomyuk 200, etc.


Changes the chemical characteristics of bronchial secretions, dilutes it, increases its volume and removes it out. The list of products with this active ingredient includes Carbocysteine, Bronkatar, Bronchobos, Libexin Muco, Mucodin, Mukosol, Fluditek, etc.


Reduces viscosity and increases the volume of bronchial mucus, facilitating its removal. Among the prominent representatives of this class of drugs are Coldrex Broncho and Tussin.

Ivy, plantain, licorice, marshmallow and other herbal ingredients

The wide list of herbal preparations includes: Mucaltin, Alteyka, Doctor Theiss Anise oil, Bronchicum, Doctor Theiss syrup with plantain, Doctor Mom, Gedelix, Herbion ivy syrup, Herbion plantain syrup, Pectosol, Prospan, Licorice root syrup, Pine buds, Travisil , Dr. Theiss Bronchosept et al.

Characteristics of the most popular drugs for cleansing the lungs

All of the above drugs, to a greater or lesser extent, contribute to the healing of the lungs through their cleansing. Among the most purchased are Lazolvan, Mukaltin, Gedelix and ACC.

Mukaltin. An old, proven and, importantly, cheap herbal preparation. Contains polysaccharides from the marshmallow herb. It copes well with the removal of difficult to separate sputum by stimulating the production of bronchial secretions and the peristaltic activity of the respiratory bronchioles.

For cleansing purposes, Mucaltin is taken pomg (1-2 tablets) before meals 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is at least 14 days.

Lazolvan. A modern representative of the ambroxol group. Stimulates the secretory and motor function of the respiratory tract, reduces the viscosity of mucus, and facilitates its natural elimination.

To cleanse the lungs, 1 tablet 3 times a day can be used. Cleansing course – days.

Gedelix. Representative of the plant group of drugs. Contains ivy extract as an active ingredient. Liquefies and removes mucus, fights infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

Gedelix is ​​taken drop by drop 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is at least 14 days.

ACC. Acetylcysteine ​​preparation. Has a wide spectrum of action. It has mucolytic, expectorant, pneumoprotective and antioxidant effects. Can be used to cleanse the lungs of smokers.

Take 2 tablets 3 times a day. The minimum duration of treatment is 14 days, the maximum is 1 month.

What is important to know

When choosing a medicine, it is important not to forget about contraindications. The instructions for use provide detailed information about them. An absolute contraindication to taking any medication is intolerance to one or more of its components.

The need to cleanse the lungs is indicated by a chronic paroxysmal cough, shortness of breath, a feeling of incomplete inhalation, and a high susceptibility to colds. But these same symptoms can be the result of serious diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, heart failure, bronchial asthma). Therefore, before you start cleaning, visit your doctor and make sure that your bronchopulmonary system is in relative health.

The lungs and bronchi of a smoker are the main obstacle to the path of tobacco poisons into our body. The bronchopulmonary system is exposed to the main impact of nicotine; tobacco smoke, all toxins and tars settle here. And to this every day are added the challenges of a big city - exhaust gases from cars, emissions from factories and just street dust. In such conditions, regular cleansing of the respiratory system is simply necessary, and traditional medicine recipes and special pharmaceutical preparations will help with this.

Why do you need to cleanse the bronchi and lungs?

When smoking, a whole bunch of toxic substances are released, the main place in which is nicotine. Along with it, other alkaloids, as well as poisonous gases, carcinogens and irritants, enter the body. Nicotine tars settle on the walls of the lungs, and toxic gases penetrate into the bronchi.

Carcinogens and irritating substances instantly reach the bronchial mucosa, which swells and begins to produce phlegm in an attempt to remove all poisons and protect itself from dangerous smoke. If a person uses cigarettes very rarely, the respiratory system is able to cope on its own, but with constant smoking, the organs can no longer resist poisoning without outside help.

There is more and more phlegm, the body tries to get rid of it with a cough (“smoker’s cough”). If mucus fills all the bronchi, obstruction develops (impaired patency), bronchitis of smokers, and areas of the lung that are located next to the bronchi suffer. And over time, lung cancer may appear.

Regular cleaning of the lungs helps the respiratory system remove excess mucus and phlegm, cleanse the lung walls of tars and toxins, increase lung volume and ensure adequate oxygen supply to all tissues and organs. And this allows you to improve cell nutrition, regulate metabolic processes and improve immunity.

At home

The most important rule in cleansing the bronchopulmonary system is to act gradually. If you remove mucus too quickly, its amount may only increase, or the mucus will simply get stuck in the respiratory tract. This is fraught with obstruction of the lumens of the bronchi, and the smoker may even choke on phlegm.

To avoid fatal consequences, experts recommend starting with traditional methods of cleansing the respiratory system. Homemade recipes work very gently and have no side effects. And choosing among the many traditional medicines the one that is right for you will not be difficult.

Supply system

To remove toxins as much as possible, you need to drink plenty of water - 1.5-3 liters a day, if you can. It is better to replace part of the water diet with green tea; this is a proven antioxidant that maintains cell health and expels toxins from the body. Since nicotine reduces the absorption of vitamin C, smokers should always have dishes rich in ascorbic acid on their table. These are citruses, kiwi, bell peppers, sauerkraut, rosehip broth.

It is worth paying close attention to products with cleansing “specialization”. This is fresh ginger, onion, horseradish and garlic. Garlic also contains a special component, allicin, which thins bronchial mucus and helps remove it from the body.

It is necessary to add special recipes to the regular daily menu, which also expel phlegm and nicotine poisons from the lungs:

  • oatmeal jelly with milk;
  • milk decoction of fir cones;
  • fir cone syrup;
  • viburnum juice;
  • herbal teas;
  • breast fees.

Traditional medicine recipes

All folk recipes are based on one effect - the removal of sputum from the bronchi. Typically, the cleansing effect begins 3-7 days after the start of treatment - pieces of thick greenish mucus begin to be coughed out of the lungs.

Milk is one of the most famous methods of cleansing the respiratory system from soot, smoke and all kinds of harmful emissions. Does it cleanse the lungs and bronchi of smokers? Yes, and that’s why factory workers used to always be given whole milk – “for being harmful.”

But not all adults can drink it with pleasure and without consequences for the intestines, so it is better to combine milk with other components. This is both healthier and better absorbed.

Oatmeal jelly with milk

This is the simplest milk-based medicinal recipe. For a glass of whole oats, take 500 ml of liquid and cook for about an hour over low heat until the porridge is reduced by about half. The finished mixture can be pureed in a blender or through a sieve. Cleansing course – a week, one serving per day.

Lung cleansing herbs are a classic of folk treatment. To help the respiratory system, you can buy ready-made breast mixtures at the pharmacy or mix healthy tea yourself. Suitable products include wild rosemary, thyme and elecampane (expectorants), coltsfoot and chamomile (relieve inflammation), mint, oregano, marshmallow, as well as licorice - one of the most ancient medicines in Eastern medicine to save the lungs. You can drink these herbs individually or make herbal teas. And one of the simplest recipes is to add oregano or thyme to regular green tea.

Collection of oregano and coltsfoot

Mix oregano, marshmallow and coltsfoot in a ratio of 1:2:2. Pour a heaping tablespoon of the herbal mixture with two glasses of boiling water (half a liter) and leave for 30-40 minutes. For a cleansing effect, it is enough to drink half a glass every time after eating.
The video shows several more methods of cleansing the lungs using folk remedies:

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises will not only help clogged respiratory organs, but also improve the health of the entire body as a whole. Such gymnastics increases lung volume, enriches tissues with oxygen, enhances the movement of mucus through the bronchi and activates the release of sputum.

Regarding how to cleanse the lungs and bronchi of a smoker at home, you can use different methods. The simplest and most enjoyable option is to inflate balloons or blow air into a straw placed in a glass of water. For beginners, special sets of breathing exercises are suitable, which can easily be found on the Internet.

If your lungs need a really serious cleanse, yoga can help. The special “full breathing” technique consists of three preparatory exercises and one main exercise. It is quite possible to do it yourself.

One of the most effective exercises for the health of the bronchopulmonary system is cleansing breathing.

It can be performed every morning as one of the elements of daily exercise:

  • stand up straight, take a deep breath;
  • hold your breath for three seconds;
  • Pull your lips forward and squeeze them tightly (do not puff out your cheeks!);
  • blow out some air, hold your breath again for 3 seconds;
  • blow out the air again, stop breathing again;
  • repeat several times until all the air is released.

Other cleansing methods

Banya is an original Russian medicine for most diseases. All doctors talk about the cleansing effect of the bath - in a hot steam room, all accumulated poisons and toxins are released from the body - not only with sneezing and coughing, but also through the pores of the skin. The moist steam that people breathe in the bathhouse is an excellent way to quickly thin out thick mucus and remove it from clogged lungs.

Inhalation therapy includes several different techniques; heat-moisture inhalers are ideal for smokers - this is traditional breathing over a saucepan of hot water. The principle of operation is the same as in a bathhouse.

The following components can be used for inhalation:

  • decoctions of eucalyptus, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort and calendula - as a water base;
  • onion and garlic juice (proportions 1:20, 1:50);
  • essential oils of eucalyptus, fir, mint, anise (5-10 drops per half liter of decoction or water);
  • baking soda (a teaspoon per half liter of water base).

Drug treatment

Long-time smokers cannot cope with folk recipes alone; they also need to use special pharmaceutical preparations. The principle of action of such drugs is common - they dilute the mucus in the bronchial passages and facilitate its elimination with coughing. Some drugs also relieve swelling and inflammation due to additional components.

An important nuance is that such medications can be used only after the recommendation of the attending physician. Many of them have contraindications and are also capable of dramatically increasing the removal of sputum, which often leads to new complications.

The following medications are usually used in medical practice:

  • "Ambroxol" ("Lazolvan") - tablets, syrup or solution for inhalation;
  • "Acetylcysteine" - tablets and powder for solutions;
  • "Gedelix" - drops and syrup;
  • "Mukaltin" - tablets;
  • "Ascoril" - tablets and syrup.

Complete cleansing of the bronchi and lungs from nicotine tars and poisons is a long process. With little smoking experience, it can take several weeks, in severe cases – even several months. Therefore, cleansing therapy should be comprehensive - you need to eat right, do gymnastics in the morning, take herbal teas and special medications in the afternoon. And on weekends - go to the bathhouse or do aromatic steam inhalations.

After prolonged smoking, a person has a desire to quickly cleanse his respiratory organs of carcinogens deposited with each cigarette smoked. Smokers who want to somehow neutralize the harm that comes from smoking think about the same thing. In this case, no drug will provide complete cleansing and restoration. But still, some remedies can bring some benefit.

Today, the problem of cleansing the lungs worries even people who have never smoked. The modern ecology of cities leaves much to be desired, so it is natural for everyone who cares about their health to protect themselves from the influence of smoking of others, exhaust gases, emissions from various factories, and other pollution factors. The selected methods will also suit such people.

For this, you can use current medications. As a rule, these are preparations based on herbal infusions. Other methods can also be used in combination with medications.

The lungs of a smoker, just like the lungs of a non-smoker, must be cleansed of accumulated harmful compounds. The statement that breathing and leading a healthy lifestyle are strikingly different in color is a myth. But this does not mean that the advertisement is lying about the dangers of smoking, it just exaggerates a little with the color of the lungs. In fact, various harmful substances enter the body of any resident of a big city.

It is necessary to cleanse the respiratory organs not only after quitting smoking, it is recommended to do this from time to time even for a person who has never been dependent on nicotine. Especially if he lives in an industrial area or in a metropolis.

Natural cleansing

The lungs cleanse themselves after quitting smoking. This process lasts quite a long time and can be accompanied by various symptoms. The most common of them is . With its help, organs separate deposits and remove them. But tolerating the syndrome is sometimes difficult, and sometimes harmful. Therefore, it is better to purchase some kind of drug during this period. Various additional methods and even folk remedies will also help.

Popular medicines

There are many remedies for, and each drug acts according to a specific principle. We present the most popular:

  • Ambroxol (Lazolvan). Reduces the level of mucus viscosity, stimulates the production of surfactant secretion. It is responsible for ensuring that the alveoli do not stick together and fall off. This, in turn, prevents the occurrence of accumulations of exudate in the bronchi - a cloudy mixture containing proteins, blood cells and other substances that are not needed in the respiratory organs. In addition, the drug improves tissue metabolism and enhances natural self-cleaning processes.
  • Acetylcysteine ​​also makes sputum more liquid, removes toxins, and acts as an expectorant. Available in the form of a solution for inhalation, granules and effervescent tablets. This is a fairly strong drug that is used by doctors for acute respiratory viral infections, to cleanse organs after operations and in many other cases. Before purchasing it, it is better to consult a specialist.
  • Gedelix is ​​of plant origin. Pharmacological form - drops and syrup. It is considered harmless and universal in terms of age category. The medicine will help both cleanse the respiratory system of a heavy smoker and cure various diseases in infants. Makes sputum more liquid, increases the activity of the bronchi, and expands them. Drops and syrup have an anti-inflammatory effect and destroy bacteria.
  • Preparations based on marshmallow root. The most famous of them is mukaltin. It is affordable and helps even with complex diseases. Liquefies viscous mucus and promotes its rapid removal. Stimulates the functioning of the bronchi, but after very long smoking it may not be very effective.

Despite the fact that the drugs presented are created on the basis of natural ingredients, it is still better to consult a doctor before using them.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies will also help cleanse the respiratory system after using resins for a long time. Alone, separately from drugs, they are not so effective. But in combination with other measures they provide good support:

  • Bay leaf. You can simply place a few leaves in each room. Their aroma will not be felt, but they will have a beneficial effect on health.
  • Lemon, crushed in a meat grinder and mixed with honey (1:1 ratio) increases the volume and intensity of sputum discharge. Take one tablespoon before meals for 30 days.
  • An infusion of pine buds helps remove mucus from the respiratory organs. Preparation: tbsp. Pour 200 grams of boiling water over a spoonful of kidneys and wait at least 2 hours. Take 1/3 cup 2 times a day for 7 days.

The bath stimulates the body well. After visiting it, toxins and harmful substances are removed not only from the respiratory organs, but also from other body systems. In addition, in a classic Russian bath there is always the smell of herbs, which also have a healing effect on the respiratory system. You can visit the establishment once a week. It is worth remembering that it is contraindicated for those who have problems with the heart or cardiovascular system.

Other techniques

Sports will help cleanse your lungs after prolonged use of nicotine and tar. You shouldn’t overload yourself, but you shouldn’t be lazy either.

Morning jogging and cardio training will help a lot. You can use home exercise equipment (this is even more useful in polluted air) - a treadmill, a rowing machine, a bicycle, a stepper. Physical activity of this kind stimulates blood flow and helps cleanse the respiratory system in a natural way.

There is breathing exercises. It allows you to increase the volume of your lungs, quickly restore their natural elasticity, and stimulate the functioning of various organs. Like sports, it is effective for cleansing the entire body of carcinogen breakdown products, which are also deposited under the skin and in blood vessels.

Pneumonia burns the patient like a wax candle in just a few weeks, because this disease is accompanied by severe intoxication, high fever, and it disrupts the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. But thanks to modern medicine, if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, it is not difficult to cure pneumonia; there are various drugs for this. What (injections, solutions, tablets) for pneumonia are used today and what do you need to know about them?

When treating pneumonia, you cannot go to the pharmacy and say: “Give me some pills for pneumonia,” because the treatment of this disease is complex, it involves at least 2-3 drugs, as well as various supporting agents (vitamins, painkillers, herbal teas , lozenges for sore throat).

There are several main types of drugs for pneumonia:

  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bronchodilators;
  • antipyretics;
  • auxiliary (supportive).


This class of drugs is used only to treat bacterial pneumonia, because antibiotics are effective only against living organisms, but they are powerless against viruses. You cannot select these tablets on your own, since they are specific, many of them are suitable for combating only one or several pathogens.

  • Humaglobin;
  • Cytotect;
  • Ganciclovir;
  • Foscarnet.

These drugs are able to stop the multiplication of viral agents in the cells of the body, therefore they are effective against pneumonia. But drugs such as Arbidol, Anaferon, Amiksin and some others are preventive, that is, they are used before the development of the disease, but they are not able to cure an already sick person.

Most antiviral drugs are available in the form of tablets or capsules; much less often they can be injected.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Due to the fact that the immune system tries to independently cope with the source of infection, a lot of histamine is released in places where pathogenic organisms accumulate, a substance that attracts immune cells to a specific place. But histamine molecules, in addition to the “beacon” function, also perform another, less useful one - they cause severe inflammation.

It is because of the activity of histamine that redness, sore throat, burning and swelling appear. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat just such symptoms. Which tablets are most commonly used? Ibuprofen-based medications are the most effective medications for inflammation and also relieve pain and fever. Many of them are available by prescription, so do not try to choose them yourself, follow your doctor's instructions.


Often during pneumonia, especially in people suffering from asthma or severe allergies, swelling of the bronchial mucosa occurs and a large amount of sputum is released. It must be constantly coughed up, because if it is in the lungs, it will not only become a cause of edema, but also an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic organisms.

What drugs will relieve a person of phlegm? They are called bronchodilators, mucolytics, or simply expectorants. They come in a variety of forms: syrups, tablets, powders for preparing suspensions, and rinses. These medications are less specific, so you can choose them yourself; there are many of them on pharmacy shelves:

  • Carbocysteine;
  • Acetylcysteine;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Pertusin;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Ascoril;
  • Mukaltin.

But it is better to consult a doctor and purchase the most suitable drug, because the choice depends on age, stage of the disease, the amount of sputum production and other factors.

Antipyretic drugs

During the treatment of pneumonia, it is important to normalize the patient’s temperature, because fever reduces immune function, prevents the body from recovering, and negatively affects the absorption of drugs, so antipyretic drugs cannot be avoided. They are taken in the form of powders for the preparation of “teas”, tablets, capsules, and in emergency cases they are given as injections.

It is difficult to choose a suitable antipyretic; they contain different active substances and are used for different diseases, so it is better to follow the doctor’s recommendations. To combat high temperature use:

  • Efferalgan;
  • Tylenol;
  • Fervex;
  • Flukold;
  • Calpol;
  • Coldrex;
  • Coldrex-Knight;
  • Opradol;
  • Doloren;
  • Coldrex-Hotrem;
  • Solpadeine;
  • Citripan.

Ancillary drugs

Ancillary drugs include:

  • lozenges for sore throat, as well as sprays and gargles;
  • medications for headaches that are often present during pneumonia;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • herbal preparations.

You can choose them yourself, but before taking them you should consult your doctor to make sure that the auxiliary medications are compatible with the main medications.

Treatment of pneumonia should be comprehensive, because some drugs enhance the effect of others, but alone are not so effective. It is not recommended to choose antibiotics, antiviral drugs, antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs on your own, because these drugs are specific, they must be chosen depending on the pathogen, age, and stage of pneumonia.

Echinacea Nutricea can be used as a general strengthening medicine for the lungs. It contains all the necessary vitamins and substances - flavonoids, anthocyanins, echinazides, polysaccharides, which increase the body's immunity to diseases.

Pau D'Arco is also suitable here, which improves the antioxidant properties of the body. It also has an antitoxic effect.

Medicines for the lungs for viral diseases

For viral lung diseases (ARVI, bronchitis), Florenta spray works very well. It has antiviral, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties thanks to fir extract. Can be diluted, can be used as inhalation. Medicine for the lungs Echinacea Nutricea is perfect for your children to prevent inflammatory diseases.

The Siberian balm also has excellent effects. This medicine for the lungs strengthens the body's immune system well and has an expectorant effect.

Medicines for the lungs based on the preparation of sbitney

Sbiten is a native Russian healing drink, in fact, one of the effective medicines for the lungs. Sbiten "Emerald" includes chlorophyll extract, it must be used when symptoms of bronchitis appear.

Sbiten Liquor and Sbiten Purple are excellent medicines for the lungs and respiratory diseases. It has a tonic effect, increasing the body's performance during illnesses and heavy loads.

Cure for lung cancer

For lung cancer, it is best to use the famous medicine for the lungs - Fitolon Klamin. It contains kelp and chlorophyll, which have a healing effect on the lungs.

Research was conducted on the lung medicine Fitolon-Klamin. Experimental animals were injected with a dose of microbes that cause lung cancer. And then phytolon was introduced. It was noted that phytolon increases the antioxidant properties of the body, suppressing diseases by the body.

Medicines for pulmonary tuberculosis

In this case, it is best to use the lung medicine Populin. The medicine for the lungs contains aspen bark extract, famous for its antibacterial properties.

Numerous clinical studies were conducted at the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis in Moscow on mice infected with a severe form of tuberculosis. The lung medicine Populin was used in doses of one hundred milligrams per kg. After a month of testing, it was clinically proven that the lung medicine Populin extended the life of mice and also enhanced the anti-tuberculosis properties of the body.

Pay attention also to nettle extract, which also has an expectorant effect. A very effective medicine for the lungs in the treatment of tuberculosis during menopause.

What medications are suitable for pneumonia?

Plantain extract. It is used for bronchitis, tuberculosis, tracheitis, and emphysema. You can use this medicine for the lungs and externally, rubbing it into the chest.

Imun Support, Detox. These are colloidal phytoformulas that have a general strengthening effect on the body. The absorption of the substances of these drugs reaches 98%. After taking them, the body's resistance to infections improves for a long time.

Fo Kidz is a colloidal lung medicine for children. It has a general strengthening effect.

Cedar power 2 – general strengthening effect. Most often used in the treatment of chronic bronchitis.

Reishi Kan is used for chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. It will reduce the dosage of toxic substances.

Broad-spectrum medications for the lungs No. 1

This place is rightfully occupied by the Influ-Stop concentrate. It is used for a number of respiratory diseases.

Medicine for the lungs is used for the following types of diseases:

  • Mouth (gingivitis, stomatitis)
  • Nose (rhinitis, sinusitis)
  • Bronchial diseases (bronchitis, asthma);
  • Lungs (pneumonia)

Broad-spectrum medications for the lungs No. 2

Also among these drugs for the lungs is Alfalfa TSN. Due to the huge content of alfalfa and chlorophyll, it has a wide effect on the body. Quickly removes toxins.



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