What is the name of the largest parrot? Types of large parrots

Bright plumage, interesting habits and the ability to copy human speech have made parrots one of the most beloved pets. Together with representatives from the corvid family, or ravens, parrots are considered the most intelligent birds living on Earth. Parrots are very sociable, cannot stand loneliness and get along well with people.

From the huge number of different birds that live on our planet, you can always single out one representative who can be recognized immediately. And in fact, there is not a single person who would not recognize a parrot at first sight. Today there are approximately 300 species of parrots, but today we will talk about the largest of them.

Yellow-headed Amazon

Yellow-headed Amazon (lat. Amazona oratrix) is a very beautiful green and yellow parrot. Found in moist forests and tall deciduous forests of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and northwestern Honduras. These colorful birds have a body length of 37 to 41 cm. They are classified as endangered. There are about 6 thousand of them left in the wild.

Blue-faced Amazon

Blue-faced Amazon (lat. Amazona versicolor) - lives exclusively in the Lesser Antilles. This Amazon, like the yellow-headed Amazon, is on the verge of extinction. In 1980, the Blue-faced Amazon was declared the national bird of Saint Lucia ( Saint Lucia). Is under state protection. At this time, only 450 individuals remained in the wild. This is a fairly large bird - up to 43 cm in length.

Large parrot vase

Large parrot-vase (lat. Coracopsis vasa) - considered one of the most unusual parrots on the planet. An inhabitant of the dry deciduous forests of Madagascar and the Comoros Islands and the owner of unremarkable gray plumage. The length of this parrot can be up to 50 cm. Most of the parrot's length comes from its tail.

Yellow-eared mourning cockatoo

Yellow-eared mourning cockatoo (lat. Calyptorhynchus funereus) is a rather large bird - up to 55-60 cm in length, weighing about 900 g. It got its name thanks to its black plumage and a yellow spot on the head in the ear area. In females this spot is much larger and brighter than in males.

Kakapo, or owl parrot

Kakapo, or owl parrot (lat. Strigops habroptilus) is a rather rare parrot, large and even heavy in build. The kakapo has lost the ability to fly actively. Prefers to walk more than fly. Its body length is 60 cm, and its weight is about 4 kg. This type of parrot has a pleasant and strong odor that resembles the aroma of flower nectar or honey.

Black cockatoo

Black cockatoo (lat. Probosciger aterimus) is a larger representative of parrots. Body length is from 70 to 80 cm, weight – 700-1000 g. It has a characteristic black plumage with an almost imperceptible shade of green. On the head there is a beautiful large crest, which consists of long narrow feathers. In addition, this parrot has a large massive beak (8-10 cm in length). The black cockatoo is considered one of the largest parrots on Earth.

Red Macaw

Red macaw (lat. Ara macao) is a very colorful and large bird, which once you see, you will never forget. The body length can reach 90 cm, the wingspan is about 80 cm, the tail is 50-62 cm in length. In some areas, these parrots are considered pests, as they often triple raids on agricultural land.

Blue and yellow macaw

Blue-and-yellow macaws (lat. Ara ararauna) is another representative of the macaw genus. One of the most popular parrots that can be kept in the home. These are very sociable birds that require a lot of attention. The body length of the blue-and-yellow macaw is approximately 80 to 95 cm, and the wingspan is the same as that of the red macaw - about 80 cm.

Hyacinth macaw

Hyacinth macaws (lat. Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) is the largest and most “titled” parrot in the world. It is considered the most expensive, rarest and largest bird of its family. Hyacinth macaws can grow up to 85-98 cm in length, and their weight can reach up to 1.5 kg. However, the wingspan of these parrots is smaller than that of previous representatives (about 70-75 cm).

As we see, representatives of the Ara clan (lat. Ara) are the largest among all parrots currently living on Earth. It is worth noting that today there are more than 350 species of parrots, but about 1/3 of them are under threat of complete extinction. In addition, 72 species, as well as 14 subspecies, are listed in the IUCN Red Book.

When thinking about purchasing a large breed of parrot, many people have in their heads the image of a colorful, bright bird, which will also turn out to be an excellent conversationalist and companion.

But it is worth understanding that such a pet involves enormous responsibility, because its needs, duration and lifestyle are significantly different from those of representatives of small breeds of parrots.

The largest parrots in the world

There are several breeds of large parrots in the world that can be kept in captivity. They all differ in character, temperament, habits, as well as requirements for living conditions.

It is the largest representative of large parrots - its sizes vary from 40 to 100 cm. In the wild it lives in the forests of Central and South America, but at home among amateurs it is not so common due to its huge size, strong voice and powerful beak, which can destroy a lot of things in the house.

It is a talking parrot, but it can only be taught to speak with constant painstaking training, otherwise the parrot will only repeat a couple of phrases and everyday sounds (a door creaking, an animal barking, coughing). This breed is extremely intelligent, intellectually developed, trainable and inquisitive.

There are 15 species of Macaw, but the most commonly chosen species for captivity are:


A very beautiful species, common among bird lovers. Dimensions range from 40 to 60 cm, weight - in the range of 0.3–1.2 kg. In nature, it lives in Australia, New Guinea, and the Pacific Islands.

It is distinguished by a special beak, uncharacteristic of other species: the lower part is wider than the upper, making the beak look like a ladle. The parrot is also distinguished by a crest that contrasts with the main plumage, which the bird straightens during strong emotional arousal.

Pack animals, therefore, when kept in captivity, will be very attached to the owner and all family members, very sociable, love attention, often show artistic abilities, and perform many tricks.

With training, a bird can be taught a dozen words and several phrases. It is worth remembering that this species has an unstable psyche, sudden mood changes can be observed, and the parrot can be vindictive.

Main types:

Did you know?Parrots are able to eat food by holding it with one of their legs. No other bird species can do this.


They differ from previous species in smaller sizes - from 25 to 45 cm. The color of the plumage is green; different subspecies have inclusions of other shades. They naturally live in the forests of Central and South America. They can live up to 70 years.

With training, a bird can be taught to pronounce a dozen phrases and words. This type of parrot is well suited for beginning birders. He is distinguished by intelligence, intelligence, friendliness, activity and curiosity. There are 29 species of Amazons in nature.

Popular types:

A relatively small parrot with a body length of up to 30–35 cm. The main color of the plumage is ash-gray, the tip of the tail is bright crimson. Birds can live up to 50 years, but generally have a shorter lifespan. They live naturally in western Africa.

They are well suited for beginner parrot lovers; unlike their large relatives, they have a phlegmatic temperament and quiet behavior. intelligent, with excellent memory and the ability to learn and imitate human speech.

Did you know?It is believed that the intellectual abilities of gray parrots are comparable to those of children aged 3-4 years. Parrots not only learn and repeat words, but even intonation. Moreover, thanks to the ability to recognize the situation, their speech is often meaningful. Can remember up to 1500 words!

A very common species for home keeping, but such popularity leads to the fact that every year hundreds of birds are caught and illegally transported from their habitats, which leads to a decline in the population.


This species is native to Madagascar and the Comoros Islands. Body length ranges from 35 to 50 cm in the small and large varieties. It has a relatively unremarkable and simple appearance: the main color of the plumage is black-gray, the tail has a brown tint, and the eyes are black or brown. It is believed that this breed is transitional between pigeons and parrots.

The breed, due to its rustic appearance, is not the most popular among breeders, because when you think about an exotic parrot, the image of a bright, colorful bird immediately comes to mind. However, as pets they are friendly, make good contact with people, and love affection and attention.

Waza parrots love to swim and sunbathe, and they can lie on their backs and fly in the sun's rays or spread their wings and catch every drop. In nature, during the rains, parrots can hang upside down with their wings open.

Owl parrot (kakapo)

Originally from New Zealand. Due to the absence of natural enemies, these birds have lost the ability to fly, and therefore are now the only species that cannot fly. However, with the settlement of the territory by dogs, cats and other predators, the number of kakapo began to decline sharply and they are now endangered.

The front part of the head of these birds is very similar to an owl, which is why the parrot got its name. Their body length is not the greatest, only 60 cm, but they are superior in weight to all their counterparts: females and males weigh about 3 and 4 kg, respectively. Color: yellow-green.

These are long-lived birds - under favorable conditions they can live 95–100 years. The habits of the owl parrot are similar to those of other species: curiosity, distrust, openness to contact with people, affection and need for attention. Keeping birds at home is undesirable and difficult due to the difficulties of keeping them.

Advantages and disadvantages of keeping large parrots at home

It’s worth looking at the situation soberly and objectively assessing the pros and cons of having such a companion in your life.

  1. Pronounced ability to imitate speech and conversation in many species.
  2. Sociability, sociability, attachment to the owner.
  3. Bright appearance, pleasing to the eye (in most species).
  4. High intelligence, ability to learn and perform tricks.
  5. Long life expectancy - with proper care, you will find a friend for more than a dozen years.
  6. General advantages of keeping parrots: cleanliness, lack of smell, ease of cleaning, no need for walking.

On the other hand, keeping a large bird is associated with some objective difficulties and features:
  1. Very high cost. However, some species can be very difficult to obtain.
  2. The lack of professional ornithologist doctors and the high cost of an appointment if medical assistance is required.
  3. The need for sufficient space (a large cage, sometimes even an aviary or a separate room in the apartment, plus perches in all rooms).
  4. A strong, harsh, sometimes unpleasant voice that the pet will demonstrate very often. If you don't like noise, large parrots are not for you.
  5. Curiosity and activity, together with a powerful beak, mean that at times the pet will damage furniture, objects in the house, and clothes. He will also move things from place to place, chew, and disassemble for parts.
  6. Risk of being bitten or injured. Given the bird's large size, weight and strength, as well as changes in mood and personality, damage can be significant.
  7. The need for constant (!) communication. Parrots are flocking birds, and if you have no time to take care of your pet, you are constantly at work or do not want to devote enough time to your bird, the result can be sad. If a bird does not receive enough attention, it develops depression and self-plucking, which sometimes leads to fatal consequences due to severe bleeding.

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If you still haven’t given up on the idea of ​​acquiring a large winged friend, it’s worth learning about the basic aspects of care and maintenance so that your pet is as comfortable as possible with you.

Important!Statistics show that only a quarter of parrots survive to old age in captivity and die a natural death. The majority (60%) die as a result of improper care, disease and injury.


It is advisable to keep the largest representatives - macaws and cockatoos - in an aviary or a separate room. However, given that the pet will spend about 90% of its time outside the house, you can equip a cage for it.

Be sure to take into account not only the length of the body, but also the wingspan. For these breeds, the dimensions are as follows: 100*100*170 cm, for smaller varieties the parameters 65*50*80 cm are suitable.

The bars of the cage must be made of high-quality durable metal with a thickness of at least 4–5 mm, otherwise the parrot will easily damage or chew them. The cage must not be painted or galvanized. Also, take care of a reliable lock on the door - due to the bird’s natural intelligence, strength and curiosity, it will not be difficult for the bird to open the lock.


In addition to the cage itself, you need to purchase many more accessories:

  1. Feeder. Can be external or internal. It is advisable to choose feeders made of high-quality and durable stainless metal.
  2. Wooden perches and squats. They are available on sale from a variety of materials (textiles, pumice, cement, plastic), but wood is preferable because of its safety and environmental friendliness. Keep in mind that parrots simply love to chew on them, so be prepared to replace several perches every day and remove splinters of broken wood underneath them. Therefore, it is better (more economical) to make them yourself.
  3. Drinking bowl. Must be placed inside the cage. You cannot use open drinking bowls, because the water in them will immediately become contaminated with droppings. It is better to opt for vertical containers with a pocket at the lower end.
  4. Mineral stone. Necessary to meet the body's needs for micro- and macroelements. Attached inside the cage.
  5. Toys. A large number and variety of toys will not allow your pet to get bored and will reduce the likelihood of damage to prohibited (valuable) items in the house.
  6. Net. Required to catch the parrot until you tame it.
  7. Taming stick. It looks like a long plastic pole (100 cm) with a fork at the end. Fruits are placed on it and offered to the bird. By gradually reducing the distance from the fruit to your palm, you can tame your pet.


When purchasing a large pet, you should be prepared for its large appetite and huge portions of food (compared to ordinary parrots). Birds are fed twice a day.

The diet is typical for most parrots:

  • grain mixtures;
  • fruits;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • vegetables;
  • sprouted grain;
  • tree branches;
  • fermented milk products;
  • porridge without salt and seasonings;
  • green;
  • berries.

Important!All dishes from the human table, including sweet, salty, pickled, smoked, as well as seafood and meat, are prohibited.

It is prohibited to feed birds twigs of certain tree species (pine needles, poplar, oak, wild garlic, pear), some fruits and vegetables (avocado, persimmon, potatoes), and herbs. And of course, we should not forget about constant access to clean, fresh water.
Thus, buying a large breed parrot is an extremely responsible decision, because the parrot will remain with you for many years, if not for life. It is worth realistically assessing your financial and time capabilities, as well as the reserves of strength, energy and attention that you are ready to constantly devote to your feathered pet.

You should not choose large breeds that are difficult to maintain if you are not confident in your abilities, because birds become very attached to their owner and a constant change of flock (in this case, family) can be disastrous for the bird. We hope our publication helped you better understand the features of keeping large parrots and make the right choice!

Currently, more than forty live on our planet. Their total number is about one hundred billion individuals. Among such a variety of birds, there is one order, the representatives of which anyone can recognize at first sight. These are parrots. They are distinguished from other birds by their bright plumage, energy and ability to speak. Such a pet can surround its owner with love and affection no worse than a cat or dog. The article describes existing Photos and the names of each of them are also attached.

A little history

Parrots are one of the few representatives of the animal world that have survived to this day and have practically not changed their appearance. This is evidenced by numerous excavations of ancient human sites, during which the fossilized remains of this order of birds were discovered. Historical facts indicate that the first to teach parrots human speech were Indians. Representatives of this order of birds appeared on the European continent along with the soldiers of Alexander the Great. At that time, parrots were considered sacred because they could talk like people. Later, these bright and energetic birds spread throughout the territory of European countries, gaining fame as beloved pets.

How many species of parrots exist today? The answer to this question can be found below.

Types of parrots

The parrot order is divided into two families:

  • cockatoo;
  • parrots

The cockatoo family is divided into three subfamilies. They include twenty-one species.

The parrot family is divided into two subfamilies. The total number of species represented in them is more than three hundred and fifty.

Below we will describe how you can determine the species of a representative of the order Psittacidae.

How to determine the type of parrot?

In order to answer this question, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • body length and weight of the individual;
  • beak shape;
  • plumage color;
  • the presence or absence of a crest.

After analyzing these characteristics and comparing them with photos and descriptions of various species of birds, you will be able to understand what kind of representative of the parrot order is in front of you.

Let's look at the most famous types of parrots, photos and names of which are given below.


This species of parrot is an ancient inhabitant of New Zealand. Nestor is strongly built and comparable in size to a crow.

One of the subspecies - kaka - is an inhabitant of mountain forests. These parrots have a lively and sociable character and make a lot of noise. The kaka tongue is well developed and adapted for extracting nectar from tree flowers. These birds love to eat berries, seeds and larvae of harmful insects. The parrot extracts the latter from under the bark of trees, plucking out affected areas of wood.

Another representative of the nestor species is the kea parrot. Such birds live in high mountains. They feed mainly on berries of various trees, honey, roots and insects. It is believed that kea can attack flocks of sheep and pluck small pieces of meat from the backs of the animals.

Owl parrot

This species of parrot got its name due to the original shape of the facial disc, soft plumage structure and nocturnal lifestyle. Until recently, such birds lived in large numbers in New Zealand. This is now an endangered parrot species that can only be found in remote wild parts of the island.

Such birds mainly live on rocky slopes, in bushes and along the banks of mountain rivers. Owl parrots lead a terrestrial lifestyle. And this is their main difference from other species. These birds have poorly developed wing muscles, so they fly poorly. But owl parrots run well. They can also easily climb a tall tree using their tenacious claws and beak.

Like owls, such parrots sit in their nests during the day, and at nightfall they go out in search of food. At night, these birds navigate in space using special long hairs located on the facial disc. The main food of owl parrots is moss and various berries. Their favorite delicacy is snow grass.


The most numerous species of parrots, the budgerigar, lives in Australia. Its representatives can be found in any part of this continent. They live in savannas, eucalyptus forests, semi-deserts and even in cities. Budgerigars create large colonies, the number of which can be up to a thousand individuals. They always locate their place of settlement near a water source.

The budgerigar is a small, slender bird with bright plumage. Its length is 17-20 centimeters, and its weight is only 40-50 grams. Most budgerigars have a characteristic grass-green or greenish-yellow feather color. Individuals of white, blue or bright yellow colors are often found. On the back, wings and back of the head of such birds there are dark brown stripes. Budgerigars have a friendly character.

The main food of such birds is wheat grains and grass seeds. An extremely important component of their diet is water.


The main habitat of cockatoos is such island countries as the Philippines, Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia. These parrots live in alpine, tropical and mangrove forests. They like to exist in close proximity to civilization. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see them in a city or agricultural area.

The plumage of cockatoos is mainly colored yellow, pink, black and white. A distinctive feature of this parrot is its high crest. Its color differs from the main color scheme of the plumage. The cockatoo's body length ranges from 30 to 80 centimeters, weight - from 300 to 1200 grams.

Such birds in flight can reach speeds of up to 70 km/h. They are also good at climbing trees. Representatives of this species of parrots love to swim and spend a lot of time caring for their plumage. The basis of their diet is seeds, fruits and insects.

Cockatoos are a species whose representatives can be taught to pronounce individual words and even phrases. Also, these birds are capable of showing extraordinary ingenuity to achieve their goals. You should not offend cockatoos, because such birds are extremely vindictive.


Which type of parrot is the most talkative? Without a doubt, it's hot. Another name for it is gray parrot. Ornithologists distinguish two subspecies of these birds: the red-tailed gray and the brown-tailed gray. The first lives in Central Africa, Togo, Kenya and Northern Angola. The length of its body can reach 35 centimeters. Such a bird weighs on average 400 grams. The wing length is about 24 centimeters. The plumage of this parrot is colored in ash-gray shades. Its chest, head and neck are usually slightly darker or lighter than the base tone. The tail and back of the back are colored red.

The Brown-tailed Gray is found in Southern Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. This subspecies is smaller in size compared to the red-tailed one. The body length of such a parrot can reach 34 centimeters. This bird weighs on average 350 grams. The wing length is about 21 centimeters. The tail plumage is painted in dark burgundy colors.

The gray parrot is able to remember and reproduce up to 150 words or even phrases. Such a bird can have a meaningful conversation with its owner. In addition, Grays can skillfully imitate various sounds, for example, the trill of a telephone call or an alarm clock. Gray parrots also have the ability to distinguish shapes and colors.


This type of parrot lives in Australia. In addition to the name “corella”, which was given to this bird by the aborigines of the continent, there is another name - “nymph”. European scientists awarded it to the parrot.

Externally, the cockatiel looks like a small pigeon. The length of the bird can reach 33 centimeters. Half of them are in the tail. A striking feature of this type of parrot is its yellow crest. The cockatiel's plumage is light olive or gray, with round spots of bright orange on its cheeks.

Corella feeds mainly on plant seeds, wheat grains and insect larvae.

This type of parrot is not easy to teach to speak. Despite this, the cockatiel is still able to remember up to 100 words. The males of these birds sing well and can even imitate nightingales.


The macaw is the largest representative of the parrot order. Its main habitat is the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. Macaws form flocks and lead a nomadic lifestyle.

The length of an adult can reach 100 centimeters. The macaw has a large, long tail and a powerful beak, with which the bird can even bite through steel wire.

The diet of this type of parrot is based on grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

Some of the macaw subspecies are on the verge of extinction and are listed in the world Red Book.


Lovebirds are called love birds because of the extraordinary mutual affection between the male and female. In nature, this species of birds can be found in Africa and on the island of Madagascar.

The male and female are always together. Even if one of them flies away, he tries to be within such limits that he can hear the sounds of the other half’s voice. Lovebirds do everything together: they get food, fly to water, rest, picking each other’s feathers. They are agile and dexterous and can fly quickly.

These birds feed on berries and small seeds.


Parrots stand out among other birds. Their bright appearance and ability to reproduce human speech and imitate various sounds make it possible to recognize representatives of this order at first sight. The article describes the most famous species of parrots. There are many more species of such birds in the world, some of which are even listed in the Red Book.

Parrots are one of the most unusual and exotic birds. Thanks to their interesting and original habits, as well as the ability to imitate human speech well, parrots have become one of the most popular pets. They differ not only in plumage color, but also in beak shape, life expectancy, level of intelligence and size.

Top 5 largest parrots

Today, more than three hundred species of parrots are well known and studied.. A significant part of these birds inhabit Australia, Central and South America. Despite the fact that at home you can most often find , and , as well as and , recently bird lovers are increasingly giving preference to the largest and most exotic species with unusual plumage.

The leading position in size and cost is deservedly occupied by this representative of the parrot family. The length of some adult individuals reaches 88-98 cm, with the tail accounting for about 40-45 cm. The average wing length is 35.0-36.5 cm. The weight of an adult, fully formed individual is one and a half kilograms or a little more.

This is interesting! Lovers of exotic pets are happy to have this bird, because, despite its impressive size and very powerful beak, it is a very gentle and loyal, intelligent bird.

A distinctive feature of this parrot is the presence of a very beautiful and bright dark blue plumage, which effectively contrasts with the yellow border around the eyes and the same color spot under the beak. Currently, this species belongs to the category of rare and endangered parrots. In part, this has become the determining factor in pricing and has a negative impact on the ability to purchase such an unusually intelligent and beautiful bird.

This is the only species belonging to the genus Palm Cockatoos. This species belongs to the category of the most ancient and inhabits the northern part of Australia, as well as the Cape York Peninsula, New Guinea and many nearby islands. The size of the parrot is quite impressive. The average body length varies between 70-80 cm with a tail length of a quarter of a meter. The weight of an adult can reach 1 kg. The color of the plumage is slate black, with a subtle and very attractive greenish tint. The beak is massive and very large, black in color.

Important! As the owners of the black cockatoo note, the bird is distinguished by a rather unpleasant, creaking, and sometimes very loud and harsh voice, which accompanies a significant part of its wakefulness.

The crest is quite large, represented by narrow, long, curved back, original ribbon-like feathers. The cheeks are devoid of feathers and are characterized by a red coloration. The non-feathered areas located around the eyes are black in color. Legs are medium size, gray in color. Females are always smaller than males and have a smaller beak.

This species can be considered a true long-liver, with an average life expectancy of just under a century. Birds settle in high-trunk tropical forest zones and savannas, gathering in small groups, or lead a solitary lifestyle. The basis of the diet is represented by eucalyptus and acacia seeds, larvae of various insects.

This is a very popular bird, which is highly valued by lovers of decorative feathered pets. The species is highly intelligent and, subject to training recommendations, is capable of remembering approximately seventy words. The body length of an adult varies between 80-95 cm. The wing length is 38-40 cm, and the tail is approximately 50-52 cm. The weight of an adult parrot often exceeds 1.0-1.1 kg. The upper part of the body plumage is characterized by a bright blue color, while the side of the neck, chest and belly area are orange-yellow.

Important! The bird has a strong and loud voice, so it can create some inconvenience for all household members. To prevent your feathered pet from gnawing on interior items or cutting through the wire of the cage, it must be provided with a sufficient number of toys and surrounded with attention.

The coloring of the tail coverts is bright blue. The throat area and key are black. The blue-and-yellow macaw parrot lives in virgin tropical forest areas, but prefers coastal river areas. Often found in mountain valleys and subalpine meadows. The species is strongly attached to its habitat, and is capable of leading both a paired and solitary lifestyle. It takes root quite easily at home, but requires education and attention from the very first days.

The nocturnal flightless parrot, according to some scientists, may belong to the category of the most ancient of all living bird species. The plumage has a very characteristic yellowish-green coloration with speckles of black. The kakapo has a very sensitive facial disc, vibrissae-like feathers, a huge gray beak, short legs and small wings. The presence of a relatively short tail is also characteristic.

This is interesting! A very unusual feature of such a tropical pet is that it has a strong but pleasant smell, reminiscent of the aroma of honey, herbs and flowers.

Owl parrots do not have the ability to actively fly and are nocturnal.. The skeleton of this bird has significant differences from other species from the parrot family. The owl parrot has shortened wings, the ends of which are rounded. The thoracic region is small, with a low and underdeveloped carina. The average body length of an adult is 58-60 cm with a weight of 2-4 kg. The bird's plumage is soft, with characteristic black stripes on the back. The facial feathers form a kind of facial disc, making the bird slightly reminiscent of an owl. The voice is hoarse, slightly croaking, sometimes turning into loud and shrill sounds.

One of the most prominent representatives of its species. Such a parrot is, of course, slightly inferior in body size to the common black cockatoo Goliath, and is also its complete opposite in plumage color. The size of an adult bird varies between 40-55 cm, with a weight of 750-800 g or a little more. Parrots of this species gather in large and very noisy flocks that can cause significant damage to Australian farmers.

Important! It should be noted that the Australian subspecies of yellow-crested cockatoos are much larger than the subspecies inhabiting the territory of New Guinea.

Adults have a bright yellow crest, which looks very impressive against the background of snow-white plumage.. This is not only a very beautiful and intelligent bird, but also a friendly, affectionate bird that can be tamed easily and quickly, and also becomes strongly attached to its owner. Thanks to its good external characteristics and trouble-free character, the yellow-crested cockatoo has become very popular among all lovers of exotic feathered pets.

The largest parrots that are ideal for keeping at home include species such as the Great Vase Parrot, the Red-fronted Shiny Lory, the Yellow-eared Mourning Cockatoo and the Blue-faced Amazon.



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