What's the best way to sleep? How to fall asleep quickly and sleep well

Our expert - Head of the Department of Sleep Medicine of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, somnologist Mikhail Poluektov.

Everyone knows how important sleep is for a person. But still, we will remind you again.

We were very tired during the day

Only in our sleep do we recover psychologically and physically, “charge our batteries”, recover faster, and even look younger, since it is at night that skin cells are effectively renewed and collagen is produced. By the way, we need collagen not only for the beauty of our skin, but also for the health of our joints and spine.

During sleep, our body intensively cleanses itself of toxins, produces hormones and regulates the passage of biochemical processes. Night rest promotes good functioning of the immune and nervous systems. In addition, it is during sleep that the brain processes the information received during the day and, most importantly, stores it in long-term memory. Therefore, students' night vigils before the session are much less effective than sound rest. Finally, when we sleep, we lose weight because we don’t eat, but the metabolism in the body does not stop for a minute. Therefore, in 8 hours of sleep we can lose as many calories as in an hour of swimming in the pool or riding a bicycle. Think about this when you are delaying your bedtime because of some errands or an exciting TV series. Is it worth it?

Lack of sleep and oversleeping

The debate about how much sleep you need to be healthy has been going on for a long time. And everyone has their own opinion on this matter. Nevertheless, in 2015, world experts determined for certain that night rest should take 7-9 hours. Of course, you can hold out for a while, even if you close your eyes for only 5 hours a day, but it’s still better not to stay at this rhythm for long. After all, as scientists say, if a 5-hour sleep is a dream for life, then a 7-hour sleep is a dream for a good life. Well, regularly sleeping less than 5 hours a day is strictly forbidden - in this case, the body will not have enough strength to restore even basic functions.

According to statistics, those who regularly do not get enough sleep are more likely to develop arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and diseases associated with decreased immunity (infections primarily). And also higher risk premature death.

As for the harm of excess sleep, expert opinions differ. Although statistics have confirmed that people who consistently sleep more than 9 hours a day have more high risk premature death and some diseases, this fact cannot serve as proof that being a sleepyhead is dangerous. Perhaps here we are dealing with pseudo-statistics: that is, people lose health not because they sleep a lot, but they sleep a lot because due to illness they need a longer rest to recover.

Edison effect

Before the invention of electricity, people lived in harmony with biorhythms. We went to bed early and got up at first light. But thanks to Edison's light bulb, man was able to extend his period of wakefulness. But there are still only 24 hours in a day. Where can I find time for everything that is interesting? Of course, just take it away from sleep. Even such a term as “student’s sleep” has appeared, because it is in youth that a person has a lot of strength and desire to live to the fullest, albeit to the detriment of a night’s rest.

Is this dangerous and is it possible to find a healthy compromise between our desires and capabilities? It turns out yes! And although they say that you can’t do three things for the future - eat, sleep and make love, this trick still works better with sleep than with the other two. So, if daily sleep for 7-9 hours is an impossible luxury for you, then you should at least get enough sleep when possible. The body knows best, and if it demands to lie in bed longer on the weekend, then there is no need to argue with it - sleep! He'll take his anyway.

Is that what Leonardo said?

Today in fashion various techniques to reduce the time of night rest. For example, adherents of the so-called polyphasic sleep, according to which they should go to bed every 2 hours for 15 minutes, they are advised to follow their example, since thanks to this regime they manage to get enough sleep in just 3 hours a day. This technique seems strange only at first glance. After all, this is how animals and babies sleep, as well as many mothers of these babies. They say that Leonardo da Vinci himself adhered to such a regime, however, there is no written evidence of this, so, most likely, this is a legend.

Nevertheless, scientists became interested, studied polyphasic sleep and came to the conclusion that it is indeed possible to live in this rhythm. However, none of the participants in the experiment switched to a similar regime upon its completion. After all, man is a social being, and it is difficult for him to get out of society.

A more acceptable option for polyphasic sleep is the tradition of siesta, or afternoon sleep, which still exists in some southern countries (Spain, for example). A short nap after lunch has been proven to improve well-being and productivity. However, those who suffer from insomnia and older people should not go to bed in the middle of the day.

About "owls" and "larks"

According to scientists, there is no justification for the idea that sleep is super valuable from 21.00 to 00.00. There is an opinion that every hour of such sleep is equal to two hours after midnight. But somnologists say that there is no difference in when to go to bed and get up. The main thing is that total time in the arms of Morpheus took at least 7 hours a day. Therefore, switching from “night owls” to “larks” is completely unnecessary. If necessary, life itself will force you to do it - it's just a matter of motivation. In addition, with age, most “night owls” naturally fall into the category of “early birds.” So just wait a little.

1. Almost a quarter of a century to sleep

If for middle age Take 70 years, then a person sleeps for about 23 years, of which only 8 years he sees dreams.

2. Sleeping after lunch is good for your heart.

A study conducted in Greece found that a half-hour afternoon nap reduced the risk of heart attack by 37%.

3. Sleep management

Sometimes a sleeping person realizes that he is in a dream and can control it. This state is called lucid dreaming.


Nobody likes tossing and turning in bed all night trying to sleep, because it’s so unpleasant to fight the hated insomnia!

There are several secrets that can help you fall asleep and rest peacefully during the night.

If you consistently follow these tips before going to bed, you will be able to fall asleep without difficulty.

Accept hot bath

Your body temperature typically drops at night two hours before bed and reaches its lowest point around 4 to 5 a.m., according to research conducted in 1997 medical center New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center in the city of White Plains. When you immerse yourself in a hot bath, your body temperature rises, but when you leave the bath, you suddenly cool down, and at that moment you relax.

"Two hours before bed, take a hot bath for 20 to 30 minutes," recommends Ph.D. Joyce Walsleben New York University School of Medicine. "If you warm your body one or two degrees with a hot bath, the temperature difference when you get into bed will help you sink into deep sleep" , she said. A shower in this case is less effective, but it also helps.

Set yourself a switch for different light intensities

In the evening, as darkness falls, your body produces a hormone melatonin, which makes a person drowsy. This occurs when the brain receives certain signals from the environment that it is time to go to bed. "Melatonin is your darkness hormone; it will not be produced in bright light."- says Wollsleben. "Day turns to night in the summer from about 9 to 10 p.m.. Being in a dimly lit room before you go to bed can help your body settle into sleep more easily."

Useful habits

You can help your body understand that it's time to go to bed by establishing certain rituals for yourself and following them every night. “In this case, the brain will easily switch to sleep mode”, - speaks Gary Zammit, Doctor of Philosophy, head Institute for the Study of Sleep Problems in New York (Sleep Disorders Institute in New York). "For example, if you take your pajamas out of the closet, comb your hair, and then go brush your teeth, these daily rituals can prime your body for bedtime."

Avoid stimulants in the evening

Skidding your usual cup of coffee in the evening will help you fall asleep faster because caffeine is a stimulant. “I don’t understand why people drink coffee in the evening if they don’t sleep well.”, says Wolsleben.

Even decaf drinkers have something to worry about. A 2007 consumer report found that decaf coffee served at several restaurant chains actually contains caffeine, at about 32 milligrams. The same amount of caffeine is contained in 0.33 cola.

Nicotine is also a stimulant, but not sleep, but wakefulness. Nicotine increases your heart rate and sends an alarm signal to your brain.

Turn off the TV and computer

You may think that checking in with your friends before bed is calming, but online chatting can leave you tossing and turning in bed for a long time trying to fall asleep. Monitor (or TV) light is stimulating, according to Wohlsleben, so It's best to avoid sitting at the computer or watching TV before bed.

"Before you go to bed, try to calm your brain by doing something relaxing, like reading in a comfortable chair or somewhere other than in bed."- she said. "Stop watching TV before bed or checking email."

Put on your socks

If cold feet keep you awake, especially in winter period, keep them warm with a pair of warm socks. This will help improve circulation in your limbs, so you can fall asleep faster, says Dr. Phyllis Zee, Professor of the Department of Medicine Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.

Don't eat or drink before bed

Eating large meals or snacks with spices before bed can cause your digestive system to work overtime, making it difficult for you to sleep well. Alcohol may make you sleepy, but it will cause you to wake up in the middle of the night and prevent you from falling into deep sleep, leaving you feeling groggy in the morning.

If you drink a lot of fluids before bed, you may have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. “Many middle-aged adults get up at night for this reason.”, - speaks William C. Dement, professor of psychiatry at Stanford University. "If you limit your fluid intake before bed, you won't wake up."

Insomnia is a serious problem for many people, and if you are experiencing something similar, then use our simple recommendations to restore healthy sleep, because sooner or later its absence will negatively affect general health body and appearance.

Causes of frequent insomnia

    Bright light. Bright light is often the cause of insomnia. It is known that hormones that are responsible for falling asleep quickly can only be produced in the dark. Make sure that the windows are carefully curtained and there are no other light sources in the room. If this is difficult to achieve, then use a special sleep mask. Noise. Sometimes we have to fall asleep to some annoying noise, and naturally this becomes one of the first reasons restless sleep. If you have such a problem and you don’t see a solution, then buy earplugs at the pharmacy - this will make it much easier for you to fall asleep. By the way, for some, on the contrary, it is the sound that helps them fall asleep - for example, recording the sounds of nature. Air. Note that the optimal air temperature should be maintained in the bedroom - you should not be cold or hot. It is also important to avoid drafts and ensure that the air is always fresh - to do this, ventilate the room shortly before bed. Of course, if there is little oxygen in the bedroom and there are unpleasant odors, it will be difficult to fall asleep. For such cases, we recommend not only ventilating the room, but also using essential oils of chamomile, lavender or linden. Pose. Uncomfortable posture can also cause insomnia. Try to lie down in a way that makes you as comfortable as possible. It is also better to use a medium-hard pillow - periodically turn it over so that you lie on a cool fabric surface. Determine for yourself what is more comfortable for you to sleep in - in loose pajamas, or completely naked. Bed sheets. It is important not to forget about hygiene and change bed linen regularly, because, of course, it is not pleasant to fall asleep on sheets and pillows that are soaked with sweat or simply dirty for other reasons. Choose a blanket that is not too heavy or too light.

How to fall asleep if you can’t sleep while away or away

Many people find it difficult to fall asleep in an unfamiliar environment - not in their own bed, but in a hotel room or with guests. If you know that you may also have similar problem, then start preventing it in advance. Earplugs. As a rule, in such cases, unusual sounds interfere with sleep - road noise outside the window, some conversations, loud wall clock and the like. You may simply not hear all this if you stock up on earplugs in advance, which can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. Sleep mask. Also irritating factor There may be an unusual environment around, bright light and other visual factors. This inconvenience is completely preventable when using a comfortable sleep mask.

How to quickly fall asleep in 1 minute anywhere

It will be quite difficult for you to fall asleep in a minute if, in general, you do not have this feature. The fact is that there are people who fall asleep with their heads literally pressed to the pillow - while for others it is not so easy to move to the kingdom of Morpheus in such a short period. In this case, only a suitable sleeping pill, or very extreme fatigue accumulated over the course of a day. There is also such a thing as “reverse psychology.” You should take an action that is opposite to what you want - in this situation you should try to stay awake. Lie down in bed, open your eyes wide, and repeat mentally: “I must not fall asleep, I must stay awake.” According to some scientists, this method helps you fall asleep quickly. Of course, this method cannot be called the most effective, but sometimes it still works.

Yoga method to fall asleep quickly

In turn, Indian yogis use this technique, which is also called “4-7-8”:
    Calmly inhale air through your nose for 4 seconds. After this, hold your breath for 7 seconds. Slowly exhale air through your mouth for 8 seconds.
Many experimenters note that this method helps you fall asleep quickly!

How to fall asleep if you don’t want to sleep, but get up early

Eliminate evening snacks If right before bed you want to eat something tasty, like a pastry or a piece of cake, then it is better to overcome this desire. Otherwise, your blood sugar levels will rise and your desire to sleep will decrease accordingly. If the craving for a snack is too strong, then choose something light and with low content Sahara. Create conditions for sleep If you need to fall asleep quickly, then create all the conditions necessary for sleep. So what are we talking about? First of all, ventilate the room in which you plan to sleep. Make sure the bed linen is fresh, there are no extraneous sounds, turn off the lights or dim them as much as possible. It would also be a good idea to drink a cup of warm herbal tea or milk - you can add a spoonful of honey to any of these drinks. Give up the Internet If you decide to wander the Internet before bed, but you have to get up early tomorrow, then it’s better to abandon this idea. Such a pastime rarely contributes to falling asleep quickly - most likely you will simply be immersed in studying some information and you yourself will not notice how dawn is approaching.

What to do to fall asleep quickly when thoughts distract you

Sometimes you can hear advice that in order for sleep to come faster, you should “disconnect from all thoughts.” Unfortunately, this advice is rarely applied in reality. Some people can be distracted by reading at night, but moderation is also important here - opt for some light and exciting work. If you do not consider yourself a book lover, then you can occupy yourself with what you like - draw, make some kind of plan, do simple needlework, and so on. By the way, you can also distract yourself from your thoughts by doing something interesting film. As soon as you notice that you are starting to feel sleepy, leave the chosen task, turn off the light and try to fall asleep. It also makes sense to consciously force yourself to switch to some other thoughts - think about something really pleasant. In this case, meditation is quite appropriate - imagine a picture that gives you positive feelings. For example, you can close your eyes and imagine that you are sailing in a boat along a picturesque river, swimming in the sea waves, or walking through a flowering field on a fine and pleasant day. Think about what natural conditions If you would like to find yourself now - imagine yourself in these conditions. Most likely, you have once heard the recommendation that in order to fall asleep faster, you should count some animals in your thoughts - for example, sheep jumping over a fence. This advice may not help everyone, but it did not come out of nowhere, and sometimes it actually turns out to be quite useful. This activity puts a moderate load on both hemispheres of the brain, and under such conditions it is easier for the body to switch to sleep. Of course, you can also visualize other animals that do not cause negative emotions in you. To distract from unnecessary thoughts, we recommend lying down as comfortably as possible and mentally relaxing all the muscles of the body. Having achieved the desired result, stretch while lying in your bed - this will help the body to completely relax and relieve tension. Of course, in such circumstances it is much easier to fall asleep. We also note that for some people, pressing a pillow between their knees helps relieve stress - this promotes relaxation and pain relief.

How to learn to fall asleep quickly if you want to sleep, but sleep does not come

Ventilate the room As you know, in a cool room we fall asleep faster and subsequently sleep more soundly - this is how our body works. When we fall asleep, our internal body temperature becomes lower - the faster this happens, the faster sleep comes. Get ready for bed in the morning If you want to fall asleep faster, but you don’t always succeed, you need to do this trick, which has a wonderful subconscious effect: be sure to make your bed in the morning, hide bedding and sleep clothes. According to scientists, people who regularly make their beds suffer less from insomnia than others. It's small but useful action as if it triggers a sleep mindset in our subconscious.

How to fall asleep faster with sleeping pills, tablets, drops

If you have tried many methods, but have not been able to achieve the desired result, then it makes sense to pay attention to medications in the form of drops, tablets, or sleeping pills. Of course, your doctor should prescribe the medicine for you. If you decide to purchase some easy drug, which is freely sold in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription, then be extremely careful when taking it next. Follow all recommendations contained in the instructions. Do not increase the dose, thinking that this way the effect will be more noticeable - this is not so! By exceeding the dose, you can only harm your body and provide yourself serious problems with your well-being. So, what drugs should you pay attention to? It could be something based on herbs such as mint, valerian, chamomile, motherwort, and so on. In addition, tranquilizers, which are designed to calm people, are considered very effective. nervous system, dull emotions - often they are the only way out if insomnia is provoked by some serious stress. Sleeping pills, as a rule, have an effect on nerve receptors, helping them produce the sleep hormone - of course, for the problem under discussion, this is a good way out. Also, do not reset from the accounts of various vitamins. Quite often development chronic insomnia occurs due to the fact that the body urgently needs vitamins B and D, calcium, magnesium.

Ways to fall asleep quickly during the day

If you slept well the night before, it is unlikely that you will be able to quickly fall asleep during the day without resorting to such additional means as a sleeping pill. However, if you slept restlessly at night or were completely awake, and now want to catch up. Try the following:
    Lie on your back in a comfortable place (ideally your bed). Close your eyes. Try to rotate eyeballs under drooping eyelids - first do it in one direction, and then in the other. Repeat each stage of action for a minute - in the end it will take you two minutes to complete the full exercise. However, in general, it should be repeated 5 times - this will take about ten minutes. Now you need to stretch your arms along your body. Try to relax, imagining how the tension goes away from all your muscles - starting from your toes and higher and higher. Pay special attention to relaxation facial muscles. Try to maintain even breathing.

What to do to fall asleep at night - folk remedies

By following certain recommendations, you will not have difficulty falling asleep at night. So, take a look at some very effective tips.
    People who play sports should be aware that their last workout of the day should not be right before bed, but no less than three hours before it. It is important to note that regular walks on fresh air in the evenings, on the contrary, they can be useful. If you have problems falling asleep at night, you should exclude daytime naps from your daily routine - this way, the problem will probably be solved. A wonderful way to relax before bed is taking a bath or shower. It is better to give preference to water procedures with various useful additives - essential oils, foam, sea salt. Most often, the main cause of insomnia is stress, and if it is present in your life, you need to find a way to get rid of it. It is important to be in a calm and relaxed state before going to bed, so avoid watching heavy movies, sitting for a long time in front of the monitor, communicating in a raised voice. Keep a routine: try to go to bed at approximately the same time.

To quickly fall asleep and stay asleep, proper preparation for bed is important.

Minimum excitement and emotions The more you worry during the day, the more likely that at night you will continue to mentally participate in the past conflict situations, and, accordingly, you will not have time to sleep. Learn to restrain negative emotions! If you are faced with some unpleasant circumstance, find an opportunity to calm yourself down, distract yourself at least in the first minutes, until your emotions subside. Once you start taking care of your psychological comfort, you will probably overcome sleep problems. Relaxing shower or bath Taking a warm bath with various aromatic oils or aromatic foam also helps you fall asleep quickly. However, no less good effect has and warm shower. After water procedures put on soft socks. Note that in the bedroom the air temperature should be about three degrees lower than your daily comfortable temperature. Lie down under the blanket and try to sleep. Don't overeat at night Eating a hearty dinner the night before bedtime in no way helps you fall asleep quickly. If you do not want to suffer from insomnia, then we do not recommend eating heavily late in the evening. However, if you are hungry, you are unlikely to be able to fall asleep quickly. It is believed that a certain category of products can contribute to good sleep. It's about about warm milk, nuts, bananas, fish, whole grain bread. At the same time, protein can prevent you from falling asleep quickly, as can drinks containing caffeine, fatty or sweet foods, nicotine, and alcohol. Drink warm tea or milk If you plan to have a restful and comfortable sleep, drink a cup of warm milk or herbal tea with honey. Such drinks, unlike those containing caffeine or alcohol, help you fall asleep quickly and have a pleasant sleep. Quiet atmosphere or calm music As we have already mentioned, many people need complete silence in order to fall asleep, but there are also people who feel most comfortable falling asleep listening to a recording of the sounds of nature - a crackling fire, a waterfall, the sound of the sea, birdsong, and so on. However, the list of possible sounds is not limited to this. It is quite possible that you will be able to fall asleep faster if you turn on some calm and relaxing music; of course, it should play quite quietly.

Beauty and Health Health

Problem falling asleep quickly today it is familiar to many people, and not only the elderly, as was previously thought. Very often, insomnia torments precisely those people who are actively engaged in various professional activities, and especially those who are engaged in mental work.

Why can't we sleep?

What could be the cause of insomnia? It could be chronic diseases, overstimulation or overwork, and most people aggravate these problems with their behavior, attitude towards the world around them and lifestyle.

If insomnia is caused by a disease, then it is best to consult a doctor - after all, if you cure the disease, the cause of insomnia will disappear.

You can cope with overexcitation or fatigue by adjusting your daily routine, changing best image life, as well as turning to folk remedies, which for some reason are called unconventional.

Meanwhile, exactly folk traditions, both in nutrition and in the treatment of various ailments, helped many generations of our ancestors survive and withstand the most difficult times. In addition, the medicinal mixture, if it is correctly formulated and used correctly, can relieve not only insomnia, but also the disease from which it is a consequence.

How to fall asleep quickly: rules before bed

Before you choose medicinal fees And folk remedies, try to evaluate your lifestyle and behavior in general. Perhaps you lie down and try to fall asleep at all costs, or try to take a nap during the day - you don’t need to do this.

Just start following a diet, don’t eat at night; do not drink coffee, black tea and chocolate after 18:00; Before going to bed, avoid physical activity and stress, but do exercises during the day; exercise at least a couple of times a week, and go for a walk before bed.

Never go to bed in bad mood, and do not try to use it as sleeping pills alcohol: It sometimes seems to help you fall asleep, but the sleep may be shallow and short, and you may feel weak and have a headache in the morning. After this it is hardly possible normal operation, and insomnia will only get worse.

Many experts recommend reading something before bed that you never wanted to - for example, a complex technical or humanitarian textbook, some work instructions or other rather boring text. The brain refuses to perceive such information, especially after working day, and you want to sleep much more - this method helps many people.

Try to go to bed at the same time, and be sure to ventilate the room before going to bed - even if it’s cold outside. By the way, optimal temperature in the bedroom it’s not 22 degrees at all, but 18 or even 15 - it’s at this temperature that we sleep well. In general, these recommendations are known to everyone, but we often forget about them.

Regarding traditional methods, then they include not only herbal infusions and decoctions. You can fill your pillow with herbs: take mint leaves, hazel, laurel, fern, oregano, geranium, rose petals, pine needles– falling asleep on such a pillow is much faster and easier.

Sleeping pills at home

You can eat a whole onion at night if your stomach can handle it - onions calm you down and help you sleep.

A proven way to fall asleep quickly is to drink a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of honey at night. It's even better if you can drink warm milk with honey and cinnamon: it helps you fall asleep even when you're very excited. If you have been suffering from insomnia for a long time, warm milk will also help - however, few people use this method, and not everyone likes milk.

Lavender oil is also known for its calming properties. If you lightly lubricate your temples with it before going to bed, the tension will subside and you will fall asleep peacefully. You can also drop 2-3 drops of this oil onto a piece of sugar, put it under your tongue and suck it before bed.

If you do not suffer from varicose veins, then you can make a hot foot bath– it will relieve fatigue and also calm you down. A general warm bath with pine infusion, or infusion of lemon balm, oregano, mint, calendula will help everyone - you need to take it for about 10 minutes.

How to fall asleep quickly: medicinal decoctions and infusions

And now about medicinal decoctions and infusions. We will bring you the most simple recipes: from those components that can be easily bought in the city - at a pharmacy, at the market or even in a store.

An infusion of hop cones has a relaxing and mild analgesic effect. 2 tbsp. Chop the cones and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for about an hour, then strain and drink 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day, ¼ cup.

Pour a glass of boiling water over crushed valerian root (2 tbsp), leave, strain, and take 2 tbsp 4 times a day. Additionally, inhale the aroma of the infusion at night, for about 10 minutes.

Motherwort has a calming effect. 4 tbsp. dried herbs pour a glass of boiling water in a thermos and leave for 2 hours. Take the infusion during the day, warm, 1/3 cup half an hour before meals.

Hawthorn has long been known in folk medicine as a mild but effective sedative. An infusion of crushed fruits is taken ¼ - ½ glass after meals, 3-4 times a day. To prepare the infusion, pour 100 g of fruit into 2 glasses of water, boil over low heat for half an hour, cool and filter.

You can use pharmaceutical hawthorn tincture mixed with 20% propolis tincture, taking 20 drops 2-3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals. However, the usual infusion of fruits is still preferable - it does not contain alcohol.

An infusion of a mixture of caraway seeds, dill, motherwort herb and valerian root also has a calming effect and helps cope with insomnia. The ingredients are taken in equal parts; then pour 2 tablespoons of boiling water into a glass. mixture and leave for half an hour. Take 2-3 times a day, ½ cup.

Tea made from lemon balm, orange peels and valerian also helps improve sleep. You can add 1 tsp to the mixture of lemon balm and peels (1 tsp each) infused for 10 minutes. valerian - pharmaceutical tincture. The mixture should be prepared and drunk with honey 3 times a day, as regular tea, pouring a glass of boiling water over the ingredients. Do not put honey in a glass, but eat it and drink it with tea.

Melissa can be mixed with mint, coriander fruits (20 g each), and prepare an alcohol tincture for compresses, infusing the ingredients in a mixture of alcohol (100 ml) and water (20 ml) for 24 hours. Then strain the tincture, squeeze out the raw materials, and apply compresses to the temporal and occipital areas before bed.

Apple cider vinegar with honey helps you fall asleep within 30 minutes after taking it. In a cup natural honey you need to stir apple cider vinegar - 3 tsp, and take 2 tsp. mixture before bed. If you are very excited, you can take the mixture again at night. Honey combined with apple cider vinegar has a more pronounced calming effect.

Dill seeds boiled in red wine (port or Cahors) promote healthy and deep sleep. Wine – 0.5 l, dill seed – 50 g, cook over low heat for half an hour, take 50 ml before bed.

Lemon juice with honey and walnuts will not only help you fall asleep faster, but also increase your protective forces body. Lemon juice – 1 glass, honey (preferably buckwheat) and crushed walnut– 2 tbsp. Mix everything until smooth and take 1 tbsp before bed.

When you go to bed, wear comfortable and light clothes: pajamas, a loose shirt - your body should feel calm and rested. It’s good if there’s nothing else under this shirt - that’s ideal option for relaxation. Avoid sleeping in tight-fitting T-shirts and synthetic underwear.

Clothing should provide the optimal temperature for you: if you are often hot, wear a silk shirt, if you are sensitive to cold, choose cotton or linen.

If you find it difficult to sleep, there is one way, although it is not very comfortable: open the window and throw back the blanket for a few minutes. When you get cold, cover yourself - as soon as you start to warm up, you will fall asleep.

Using any means, first of all, stop worrying and obsessing over the fact that you won’t fall asleep. Anxiety due to insomnia exhausts us even more: if you try to fall asleep and look at the clock, noting what time you can “switch off”, you can drive yourself to sleep. nervous breakdown, and then you’ll have to turn to a specialist for help.

Try to go to bed no later than 10, or at least 11 o'clock in the evening - after all, in the morning you will have to get up at the usual time, and the body must rest for at least 8 hours, and it does not matter what day it is - a weekend or a work day.

And of course, in order for us to quickly and peacefully fall asleep, the bedroom should be dark and quiet - otherwise all the above recommendations are unlikely to help.

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Frequent insomnia contributes to the development of chronic fatigue in the body, since sleep is the only powerful way to restore strength. Due to regular lack of sleep, a person faces nervous breakdown. Lack of sleep is one of the main problems modern people. How to fall asleep in 5 minutes? What should you do for this? Such questions bother many insomnia sufferers.

Causes of sleep disturbances

In order to know how to force yourself to sleep, you first need to eliminate the causes of sleep disturbance. Insomnia can be caused by the following problems:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • hunger;
  • painful sensations;
  • viral diseases (colds);
  • stress at work;
  • as a result of taking medications;
  • presence external stimuli(noise).

How many hours do you need to sleep to feel good?

Experts who study sleep duration and its main indicators claim that 8-hour sleep is optimal for maintaining beauty, youth and health of the body. Moreover, each person is an individual organism: one needs 10 hours to sleep, another needs 5 hours. Therefore, it is important to determine how much time you need to rest at night in order to feel in shape.

There is a very simple way to do this. Wait until you go on vacation and figure out how much time you need for night sleep. This is a great time to experiment - there's no need to wake up to an alarm. This knowledge is very important for building your own sleep schedule. By sticking to it, you will no longer need to rack your brains over the question of how to fall asleep in 5 minutes.

Dream and interior

It often happens that even after drinking a couple of drops of valerian or mint tea, sleep does not come, and it’s as if you become the hero of the story “How not to fall asleep at night at home?” What to do? How to fall asleep immediately?

Often the reason for frequent insomnia is hidden in your interior. Therefore, good arrangement sleeping place is the key to quality and quick sleep. It is known that pastel colors in the interior calm the nerves, relieve stress and have a beneficial effect on sleep.

Also important is such a basic attribute as a bed. This must be convenient place for relaxation: the mattress is hard, the pillows are thin and preferably filled with herbs or buckwheat. It is not recommended to use silk underwear, because it is only so popular and elegant in films, but in reality it does not live up to expectations at all and contributes to insomnia. Silk is slippery and cold material, under which it is not very pleasant to relax, especially in winter time. Use natural cotton underwear to ensure quality sleep.

Basic rules for REM sleep

  1. Go to sleep for at least 8 hours. This will ensure normal sleep and establishment of a sleep schedule.
  2. You shouldn't worry too much about insomnia - any worries will only make it worse.
  3. It is advisable to go to bed before midnight and at the same time.
  4. To develop the sleep reflex, it is necessary to carry out the following rituals every evening: changing clothes, brushing your teeth, preparing the bed.
  5. Before going to bed, you need to ventilate the room. It is known that fresh and cool air in the room helps you fall asleep quickly.
  6. You should never go to bed on an empty stomach, but overeating is also not recommended. The best sleeping pills are, oddly enough, sweets. But they should be consumed in moderation, otherwise you can soon gain extra pounds as a dowry for bed.
  7. Study active sports should be at least 6 hours before bedtime. Particularly excites the nervous system physical activity. Morning exercises also should not be neglected.
  8. Only positive thoughts help fight insomnia.
  9. Comfortable pillow, bed and other attributes of a sleeping place. Wool socks, if it's cold, comfortable underwear– all just for the sake of quality rest.
  10. No extraneous sounds (too noisy clocks, music, radio). They distract and activate the brain. If you can't sleep because of sounds outside the wall or window, you can use headphones.

If insomnia has been tormenting you for several days, it’s time to get your body out of this state. Are you interested in the question of how to fall asleep in 1 minute? High quality and REM sleep will ensure strict compliance with the following recommendations:

  • Read a boring book or watch a boring movie before bed.
  • Accept soothing bath with the addition of a few drops of oil (essential) or sea salt.
  • Drink a cup of milk or a glass of kefir (yogurt) before bed. Dairy products contain tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes the production of serotonin. The latter, in turn, relaxes the body.
  • It is undesirable to use alcoholic drinks at night, as they negatively affect the quality of sleep itself.
  • Provide complete absence Sveta. It negatively affects the brain, preventing it from relaxing and resting.

Traditional medicine recipes for healthy sleep

Many people suffering from insomnia, of course, are not interested in the question of how to fall asleep for an hour. On the contrary, they are looking for reliable ways to dive into deep sound sleep. In this case, recipes are very appropriate traditional medicine, which are the most short terms will help restore correct mode sleep.

  • Brew a teaspoon of mint, add a little honey to the tea and drink before bed.
  • Place flowers (lavender, chamomile, geranium, mint) next to the pillow.
  • Pour boiling water (1 glass) over a tablespoon of dill and leave for about 2 hours, drink before bed.
  • Prepare a tincture of wormwood roots: infuse two tablespoons of these roots (crushed) in 400 ml of water for no more than 2 hours, drink before bed.

Techniques and exercises for REM sleep

You can cope with insomnia with the help of special exercises or techniques. They will tell you how to fall asleep in 5 minutes and fall into a sound, healthy sleep.

The Chinese technique contains methods by which the influence on active biological points, as a result of which the problems associated with insomnia will be left behind. For example, you need to press on the space between your eyebrows for 30 seconds. The second method is to massage the ears for the same amount of time in a clockwise direction. You can also try kneading the pits (about 5 minutes daily before bed), which are located on the inside of the wrist (namely under the protruding bone).

The relaxation method involves performing simple exercises. For example, you need to lie on your back, close your eyes and relax. Then - do deep breath and start observing your feelings in different parts body (from feet to head). Perform exercises for about 5 minutes daily.

Prevention of sleep disorders

  • Avoid salty foods at night.
  • Exclude from the menu drinks that invigorate, fatty foods and foods containing proteins.
  • Do not have emotional conversations, watch exciting films or read exciting books before bed. Also, don't spend a lot of time in front of your laptop.
  • Avoid daytime sleep as it can seriously interfere with nighttime sleep.

Only integrated approach to the problem of sleep disturbances, applying the above recommendations and following the rules will help you cope with insomnia quite quickly. Avoid Stress, Live Healthy active image life, learn to rest properly - and then a sound sleep is guaranteed!

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Sleep is naturally very significant for normal functioning process in the human body, and therefore the question: how can you quickly and easily fall asleep if you don’t want to sleep, and sleep soundly at night, is relevant for many people who have problems sleeping.

The importance of sleep

Why is sleep important?

  1. In a dream a person is real relaxes, disconnects from all problems, which is a kind of psychological relaxation that has a beneficial effect on the body.
  2. In the process of human sleep the body regains strength, wasted while awake.
  3. In a dream the body synthesizes about one hundred hormones necessary to ensure normal life person. During sleep, the body produces such important hormones, like melatonin and endorphin, one of which is called the hormone of youth and beauty, and the other – the hormone of happiness, joy and pleasure.

This good reasons, in order to find out how you can quickly and soundly fall asleep at night if you don’t feel like sleeping.

Many modern people have problems falling asleep

How quickly should a healthy person fall asleep?

Do you ever think about how many minutes it takes? to a normal person to fall asleep? 1, 2, 5 minutes? Or 10 seconds? It’s unlikely that after a hard day you fall asleep as soon as your head touches the pillow, or within a few minutes after that. You, most likely, do not even suspect that not all people manage to fall asleep quickly - for some, the process of “falling asleep” takes hours, and for others, they do not manage to fall asleep at all. That’s why we will discuss the question of how to quickly fall asleep in 5 minutes if you can’t sleep.

Overwork and stress become an obstacle to sound sleep.

Why can't I fall asleep quickly?

Sleep problems affect approximately 20 percent of the inhabitants of our planet, which makes it all the more important to know how to learn to sleep soundly and not wake up at night. Problems falling asleep can be due to many reasons:

  • stress;
  • mental and physical stress;
  • change of time zones;
  • working at night, in such a situation it is important to know what to do in order to quickly and soundly fall asleep during the day - after all, a person should at least sleep sometime;
  • "Edison effect" associated with a large number lighting in modern homes, which prevents the formation of melatonin in the human body, a hormone “responsible” for regulating rest and sleep cycles;
  • violation of daily cycles;
  • taking “heavy” food and tonic drinks before bedtime;
  • nicotine and alcohol;
  • lack of regular physical activity;
  • spending a lot of time in front of the computer is why those who like to sit for hours at the “computer”, of which there are many in our time, cannot fall asleep;
  • the presence of problems requiring solutions that “hold” human brain in tension, do not allow you to completely relax;
  • the presence of somatic or mental illnesses;
  • hormonal changes that may be associated with pregnancy, the period after childbirth, the onset of menopause, etc.;
  • age-related changes in the body, etc.

Some people feel drowsy but cannot sleep

How long should a person sleep daily?

Experts say that optimal time for complete rest – 8 hours. This is an average and varies depending on individual characteristics. Some people get enough sleep in 5 hours, while others need 9 hours or more. Set yourself the amount of time you need to sleep soundly and get enough sleep.

This can be done at home by conducting an experiment. Choose a time when you don't have to wake up to an alarm every morning. Record the time you go to bed and the time you get up. Add up the hours and divide by the number of days. You will get an average value for a good rest. By sticking to it, you will always get enough sleep. Moreover, you won’t have to think about what to watch to quickly fall asleep at home?

If you cannot fall asleep quickly for 2-3 days, you should take emergency measures.

How to fall asleep quickly?

What should you do to instantly make yourself fall asleep in 1-2 minutes? It's difficult to fall asleep so quickly if this doesn't happen. naturally. True, you can take anti-insomnia pills before bed to fall asleep instantly in 10 seconds and sleep soundly at night. However, this option for combating insomnia can only be considered as a one-time option, since the medications taken in such cases are not harmless, and a person gets used to them quickly enough, and therefore they are to a large extent lose their effectiveness.

  1. Accept hot bath with aromatic salt or essential oil. The duration of the bath should be at least half an hour.
  2. What should you drink to instantly fall asleep at night? A cup of milk with honey. Milk can be replaced with kefir or yogurt. Ingestion of the amino acid tryptophan into the body along with dairy products promotes the production of the hormone serotonin, which has a relaxing effect.
  3. What should you do to make you want to sleep? Don't eat right before bed– the last meal should take place no later than an hour before bedtime, while giving preference to protein and carbohydrate foods, which, like dairy products, contribute to the production of the hormone serotonin.
  4. You can read at night to help you fall asleep easier. However, it should not be an exciting thriller or detective story - give preference to some boring book. A suitable option for reading before bed is a Russian-English textbook. Perception new information loads the brain, causing it to get tired faster and sleep soundly.
  5. Before going to bed, make sure that nothing irritates you after turning off the lights. Eliminate noise effects, create complete darkness. Light has an exciting effect on the brain, forcing it to work.
  6. If you are wondering what to do, to help children fall asleep faster, then our answer will be as follows: read to them at night Russian folk tales and sing lullabies.

Some people find that counting imaginary sheep helps them fall asleep faster.

Chinese technique for healthy sleep

Ancient Chinese writings have brought down to this day techniques through which you can learn ways to fall asleep using points on the body if you don’t want to sleep. We are talking about the so-called biological active points on the human body, influencing which you will achieve long-term positive effect, which means that you will no longer have a reason to be puzzled by the question: how to fall asleep easier?

  1. Some points responsible for sound sleep are located on ears. Place your warm palms on your ears and massage in a clockwise direction. The duration of the procedure is up to 0.5 minutes.
  2. The second group of points is in temporal region. Affects the areas with massaging movements for 0.5 minutes.
  3. The third point is located between brow ridges. Also act on it for about 0.5 minutes.
  4. Find the fourth point on inside wrists under the protruding bone. Warm up the zones on both hands 5 minutes before bed.

How can you fall asleep better during the day in five minutes if you can’t? Additionally perform relaxation exercises:

  • lie on your back;
  • close your eyes and relax your muscles;
  • take a deep breath and feel all parts of the body;
  • Monitor your own feelings for 5 minutes every day.

Place a handkerchief with a drop of chamomile or sage essential oil under your pillow

Fall asleep quickly using the secret services method

Do you want to know how to fall asleep instantly using the secret services method? You need to lie on your back and place your arms along your body, palms up. Now close your eyes and relax all your muscles as much as possible. Imagine that you are in a quiet, peaceful place, for example, in a flowering garden.

Think about how nice it is here. After this, under closed eyelids, roll your eyes up. This is believed to be their natural sleeping position. Give it a try. He helped intelligence officer Viktor Suvorov, who described this method of falling asleep in one of his books. Main secret The success of this technique is that you need to roll your eyes effortlessly- then everything will certainly work out.

Traditional medicine against insomnia

A very pressing problem is to force yourself to fall asleep and get enough sleep if you can’t sleep at night. However, normalization of night sleep seems to us more important issue, and therefore we decided to present to your attention several traditional medicine recipes that will definitely help you cope with insomnia.

  1. Drink tea brewed with 1 teaspoon of mint. For sweetness, add honey to taste.
  2. Drink a boiled solution brewed with 1 tablespoon of dill (1 tbsp/1 tbsp). Leave for at least 2 hours. Drink dill water necessary immediately before bedtime.
  3. Grind 2 tablespoons of wormwood roots and add 400 milliliters of water. The medicine is infused for up to 2 hours. You should drink before bed.

In 30 days you can develop the habit of falling asleep in 5-10 minutes

Get ready for a good night's sleep

The bedroom and bed must correspond to their purpose. You can’t watch movies or work in the bedroom. This room should be associated only with night rest. Ventilate the room in advance to bring in fresh air.

60 minutes before bedtime, start preparing for it. To fall asleep in 5 minutes, you should relax in advance. Physical activity and prolonged laughter overexcite the nervous system, activating the body. To calm down and sleep soundly, read a poem from memory, read classical literature. Place a couple of drops of essential oil on a handkerchief and place it next to your bed.

As soon as your head touches the pillow, leave work and family problems aside. Relax every cell of your body. Remember the pleasant moments when you swam in the sea, river, sunbathed on the beach or relaxed in the country. Feel the smells again, play the sounds.

Create a bedtime schedule and stick to it. Train your body to go to bed at the same time. After about 30 days, your legs will carry you to the bedroom. Don't rush to accept sleeping pills. If you can't sleep on your own, see a therapist. He will prescribe medicine or refer you for consultation to a specialized specialist.

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For many people, and for me in particular, the issue of healthy sleep is very frequent and relevant. Often, before falling asleep, we have to stare blankly at the ceiling for several tens of minutes, or even several hours. Due to computer work, stress, bad movies and TV series, worries, depression, low activity during the day, infrequent exposure to fresh air, or for other reasons, we are unable to fall asleep quickly, and, accordingly, get enough sleep and be alert in the morning.

The intense pace of life of people in the 21st century determines the development of this type of sleep problems such as insomnia. In total there are as many as 84 various problems sleep disorders, but insomnia itself is the most popular, because it affects not only our sleep, but also the mood and well-being of the entire next day.

In the article, I analyzed, selected and structured all the useful ways to quickly fall asleep and get enough sleep that I found on our and the English-speaking Internet.

I believe that the single described methods of dealing with the problem of falling asleep and falling asleep are not always suitable for people, because we are all different and what is good for one may not work for another. Therefore, thanks a large number Using the methods described below, you may be able to find one that suits the characteristics and habits of your body.

Attention! This list The ways to quickly fall asleep are planned to be endless, because every day someone comes up with more and more new methods of combating insomnia. Therefore, my selection of ways to fall asleep will be updated as I learn about something new. I also invite you, dear readers, to participate in the fight against insomnia and suggest your own methods of falling asleep quickly in the comments.

All the tips described will not be related in any way to taking any medications. You should only take sleep medications when absolutely necessary, but before then, you can re-read and try any of the techniques described below.

  1. First and very important advice- don't sleep during the day! Are you babies who need a lot of sleep? It’s better to do something useful during the day, for example, work, run (after girls), read a book, go to the store, write an interesting, relevant article and post it on my website
  2. Go to bed only when you are sleepy. If you see that the clock says 12 at night, but you don’t want to go to the side at all, then it’s better to wait another half hour until sleep comes.
  3. Don't use your bed for anything other than sleeping: don't read on it, don't eat, don't watch TV, don't study, don't play games on the bed. The only exception to this rule is sex.
  4. If you can't sleep, get up and go to another room. Stay there for at least 5-10 minutes, and then come back and go to bed. Repeat this until you fall asleep instantly. The main goal of this tip is to associate your bedroom with sleep and falling asleep quickly. If you lie down in bed and cannot fall asleep within 10 minutes, then this rule does not apply to you.
  5. Set your body's alarm clock and wake up at the same time every morning, no matter how long you slept. This will help your body develop its own sleep rhythm.
  6. Most people fall asleep easily and sleep only when complete darkness. Lanterns or car headlights on the street, lamps or night lights can interfere with falling asleep quickly, so I recommend three simple solutions. Cover your eyes with your hand, buy dark (those that let in less light) curtains, or buy yourself an eye mask.
  7. The temperature of the room in which you fall asleep is very important for sleep. It should be between 16-18 °C (assuming you are sleeping under a blanket). If you're still cold, wear pajamas or a T-shirt. Make sure you are neither cold nor hot in bed.
  8. The position in which you fall asleep is equally important. Although it is purely individual - different people It's easier to fall asleep in different positions, but it's usually easier to fall asleep lying on your side. It is not recommended to sleep on your stomach, because your chest will be compressed and your face will be wrinkled from the pillow in the morning. And my favorite sleeping position is the so-called “royal” position, on your back with your hands behind your head.
  9. Sleeping with music. Interestingly, music helps some people fall asleep quickly. If you are not one of those people, then this advice is not for you. So, a couple of recommendations for falling asleep to music: firstly, don’t make it too loud, it’s better to keep it very quiet so that you can listen to it only in complete silence, secondly, make your own playlist of songs that make you feel better fall asleep. They say that the sounds of nature help you fall asleep: the sound of rain, surf, water or wind.
  10. Read. Reading can help you fall asleep faster. When reading, we concentrate our attention on one thing (the plot of the book) instead of chasing thoughts from one event to another that happened to you today or is about to happen in the future. Try reading something light, calming (not science fiction or detective stories), perhaps even boring. It’s not for nothing that students often fall asleep while reading textbooks.
  11. Try breathing techniques. Deep breathing will help you relax faster and turn on “dream mode”. You need to inhale and exhale deeply about six times a minute. We inhale for 4 counts, hold our breath for 2 counts and exhale for 4 counts.
  12. 3-4 hours before bedtime, do not load your body with heavy physical exercise(sports), since on the contrary they awaken the body and reduce the release of melatonin, which is necessary for sleep. It is better to carry out active physical activity in the morning or during the day.
  13. Play some games. Even those on a phone or tablet are suitable, but by games I mean logic riddles or puzzles, not shooters, etc. The game can distract you and help you quickly find yourself in the land of dreams. Personally, Sudoku helps me fall asleep very well: I don’t even have time to solve half of it on the hard level before it makes me sleepy. If you don’t like games, then try simply counting baby elephants, as Petya Pyatochkin did. The rhythm and monotony of counting can put you to sleep.
  14. Watch your diet. Some foods that promote sleep include bananas, peanuts, figs and dairy products. Others, on the contrary, interfere with falling asleep. These are mainly foods that contain a lot of protein and are very spicy food. You shouldn't stuff your belly overnight. At the same time, don't go to bed hungry - because again, it will be difficult to fall asleep. In this matter, it is important to observe moderation.
  15. Don't indulge in sweets. It turns out that sugar and sweets also have a bad effect on sleep, so in order to avoid taking all kinds of pills to fall asleep, it is better to limit yourself to chocolate and cakes in the evening.
  16. Let's move on. Coffee and tea are also contraindicated before bedtime. Although, of course, there are some unique people who manage to sleep without caffeine even after a dose of caffeine. hind legs, but there are very few of them. There is a lot of discussion about drinking tea before bed, but it is known for certain that it is contraindicated to drink chemical (in bags), black and especially green tea, since they all contain caffeine. If you really want to sip tea, then it’s better to drink herbal tea, for example, chamomile or mint.
  17. Don't drink a lot of alcohol before bed. I think this is all clear, alcohol is evil, and if you take it in excessive doses before bed, you won’t be able to fall asleep quickly. In addition, headaches or stomach pain are unlikely to benefit healthy sleep.
  18. A warm (not hot!) bath will help you quickly immerse yourself in the world of dreams. It normalizes your core body temperature and helps you relax. Immediately after the bath, try not to walk back and forth for a long time, but go straight to bed and sleep. Just be careful not to fall asleep while taking a bath.
  19. Aromatherapy. As far as I know, smells and aromas also have a positive effect on the body, so they will help us fall asleep. I myself have never used this method to quickly fall asleep, but it is likely that lemon balm, chamomile, lavender or marjoram oil will help someone.
  20. Try not to sleep in a room where there is a computer or other electronics. It has long been known that electronic devices generate radio waves. In turn, they affect our brain, so try to limit yourself as much as possible. modern technology before you go to bed: send the laptop to another room, turn off the phone, the TV should also be turned off, and not run all night. Finally, realize that your bedroom is for sleeping, not working.
  21. Try counting from 1 to 300. I think somewhere above 100 you will get bored and fall asleep.
  22. An interesting option for falling asleep quickly is to go to bed with your pet. Usually this is a cat or a dog, but even livestock (horse, duck, goat, chicken, pig) will do, as long as they have a calming effect on you and make you sleep comfortably. But at the same time, if your pet is very playful and often wakes up, it will often wake you up at night. Therefore, there is another option with your favorite soft toys.
  23. Try not to fall asleep anywhere in the house other than the bedroom. As I mentioned above, it is the bedroom that should be associated with sleep, and not a sofa in front of the TV or an easy chair and a newspaper.
  24. Have a little drink warm water or milk and eat nutmeg before bed, they will help you fall asleep easily and quickly.
  25. Try, if possible, to read everything in the room: posters, titles of books and magazines on the table, and everything that you can see. But try to avoid numbers, because numbers help your brain focus and therefore make it harder for you to fall asleep.
  26. Close your eyes and think about something good. Remember all the good things that await you tomorrow and give yourself the command that the faster you fall asleep, the faster tomorrow will come and pleasant events will take place.
  27. Bend and straighten your toes, holding them in bent position for a few seconds. This way you will relax your mind and body.
  28. Before you go to bed, drink a real glass! cherry compote (juice). It contains a lot of melatonin and will help overcome insomnia.
  29. Think about what you did during the day. Remind yourself in detail of what you did, from morning until evening, create some kind of chronological sequence. Sometimes like this mental load promotes easy sleep.
  30. I'm almost sure that each of us at least once in our lives fell asleep with the music on, the TV on, or the noise of guests in the next room. Sometimes people get so used to it that they also cannot fall asleep in complete silence. It is for such situations that white noise exists - this is a kind of noise that has no differences, it is monotonous. Turn on sounds for yourself at night white noise and sleep peacefully, it will distract you from any obsessive thoughts.
  31. Rub your belly. Do you think I'm crazy? No, this is another way to quickly visit the land of dreams. Start at your navel and move your palm in a clockwise circle, gradually making larger and larger circles. Then do the same, just start from the edge of the abdomen and work towards the center clockwise. Repeat until your arm becomes heavy and you feel sleepy.
  32. Have sex. This is one of those activities after which you need some rest and relaxation, and sleep is the best solution for this. And what? Who said that falling asleep quickly can't be fun?
  33. Think about your loved one. If she (he) is not around, then think about her (him) before going to bed, how good it would be for the two of you.
  34. Prayer. Focus on prayer and do not let your thoughts wander. Think and list in your head everything for which you are grateful to God and what you strive to achieve. After you pray, relief will certainly come, and with it a quick, carefree, healthy sleep.
  35. Stretch. Remember what cats do before bed. Yes, they stretch, arch their backs, stretch their back and front legs. If this method helps cats, then why don’t we try it? Stretch in bed, tense and relax each muscle in turn, and then with a calm soul move to the side.
  36. And the last tip for falling asleep is to read these tips. I think somewhere in the middle your eyes will become heavy, and by the end you’ll just fall asleep

Yes, the list turned out to be pretty good, but that’s exactly what I was hoping for. So that every visitor can find a suitable way to fall asleep quickly and feel refreshed in the morning.

Do you have your own exotic tips for falling asleep quickly? Please share them in the comments.



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