How to treat a child’s throat with a bioptron lamp. Therapeutic effects of the Zepter Bioptron lamp

Nowadays, technology does not stand still. New designs, new inventions and systems are created every day. Medicine, as a science, does not lag behind other industries in development.

One of its new directions was the use of a light therapy system called Bioptron. New inventions are always of interest. Everyone wants to know what's new in the world of science; humanity always strives for ideality in everything. At the same time, the emergence of any innovations is always accompanied by some skepticism.

Many people show a certain uncertainty about the latest techniques and devices. People are confident that it is better to continue to use time-tested knowledge and equipment.

And when applying new knowledge, the question always arises: “Isn’t this dangerous?”, “What consequences might there be?” Understanding that they always have the right to choose, people study new drugs very carefully.

Light therapy of the Bioptron system is one of the strongest in its field. It has existed for about 20 years and during this time it has proven itself only from the best side.

Therapeutic properties of the Bioptron system

The devices of the Bioptron device are of high quality and reliability. It does not contain ultraviolet rays that have a harmful effect on the human body. The range of applications of Bioptron is very wide.

It is suitable for prevention, rehabilitation and treatment. Polarized waves of light emanating from the device are directed only at parallel planes.

It is thanks to them that the apparatus system has a beneficial effect on the human body, stimulates it and has a good effect on the human cellular level.
The operation of the device makes the human body work better.

Metabolic processes improve and energy increases, the body's strength is restored and, therefore, protective properties increase, and this leads to improved well-being.

After using the Bioptron device, your mood significantly improves, your sleep normalizes, your blood pressure returns to normal, and even your skin improves its appearance.
The use of Bioptron light therapy may be needed for diseases such as herpes, rhinitis, osteoporosis.

Thanks to it, the use of medicinal devices is reduced to a minimum, and there are cases when there is no need to use them at all. But these are not all cases when the system can help. In dermatology, he showed excellent results.

After using the device, there was a reduction in scars and scars, wounds, cuts and burns began to heal better.

In case of difficulties with the musculoskeletal system, bone tissue, or dislocations, the use of the device can lead to an improvement in the condition.

Instructions for use of Bioptron

The system can be used not only in hospitals and clinics, but also at home.

But before this, it is still advisable to consult a doctor; his advice will help improve the outcome of therapy.

  • For the best effect, use the device only in a relaxed state. The ideal time for a session would be the morning or a few minutes before bed.
  • The area of ​​skin where the therapy will be performed should be thoroughly cleaned.
  • Take a comfortable position, relax and begin the procedure. The device should be kept at least 10 cm from the place of use and at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Time to use the device: 5-10 minutes daily in the evening and morning
  • If during the entire procedure you want to treat several places at once, then simply repeat the described steps 2 and
  • When using the device in the eye area, keep them closed.
  • At the end of the session, the device must be disconnected from the network.

Disease Prevention

The use of the drug is possible for the treatment or simply prevention of certain diseases.

Bioptron treatment for acne

The device is used for 5-10 minutes, at a distance of 3-5 cm from the problem area, once a day.

If you have warts

Clean the wart area with Bioptron lotion, use a lamp, pointing it specifically at the wart.

The course of treatment is carried out 2-3 times a day until the wart completely disappears. The procedure takes 5-8 minutes.

For herpes

Apply for 2 minutes on the affected areas, once or twice a day, also at a distance of 3-5 cm.

Prevention of aging with the device

Direct the device to the places where wrinkles appear, hold for about 2 minutes and repeat the procedure several times a day.

Allergy prevention

Clean the skin, apply oxy-spray to the skin, treat the area with a lamp, apply 2-3 times a day

For back pain

Take a comfortable position in which your back is straight, relax and point the lamp at the painful area, hold for about 5-8 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day

Treatment of hemorrhoids

Direct the lamp directly to the required area, treatment is carried out 2-3 times a day for 6-8 minutes.

For dermatitis

Before use, clean the skin and direct the lamp to the desired areas. The number of required fields may vary, depending on the stage of the disease.

Session time is 2-4 minutes, several times a day. The distance from the lamp to the skin should be at least 3 cm.

For toothache

Direct the light from the lamp onto the diseased area of ​​the tooth through the cheek. Keep the lamp on for at least 6 minutes per session. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day.

If after a few days the toothache does not subside, you should immediately consult a dentist.
It is possible to describe all aspects of the use of the light therapy system endlessly. Use the device as intended depending on your disease.

Contraindications of the device

Despite the uniqueness of the system and its widespread use, like any device, it has its contraindications. The first prohibited rule is the state of pregnancy.

As you know, during the period of bearing a child, it is prohibited to use and use many medicinal devices. Bioptron was no exception. If you are worried about abdominal pain, then you should also limit the use of the device, at least until a visit to a specialist.

It can also be attributed to those moments when the use of a light therapy system is prohibited. Some kidney, heart and liver diseases may prohibit the use of light therapy.

Diseases of the nervous system, hormonal imbalances and blood diseases lead to failure of the system. Taking into account all the nuances, before deciding to use the drug, it is still necessary to consult a doctor.


Referring to all the beneficial properties, as well as the widely used applications of Bioptron, we can come to the conclusion that it is an excellent solution to many problems and diseases. Its beneficial properties and the absence of ultraviolet rays allow the drug to be used in many areas of treatment.

Thanks to it, the body receives new strength, its condition improves, blood pressure normalizes, skin condition returns to normal, and wound healing accelerates.

Looking at all these positive properties, it is worth saying that the development and appearance of the Bioptron light therapy system was one of the best moments in the field of medicine.

Video: Treatment with Bioptron lamp


The use of polarized light from the Bioptron device in pediatrics.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Children's Physiotherapist of Moscow

Russian Scientific Center for Restoration

Medicine and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 2001.

In order to scientifically substantiate the possibility of using the Bioptron PS device as a method of physical prevention in frequently ill children, studies were conducted on 80 children aged from 1 to 14 years. Of these, 38 patients were prescribed polarized light (PL) to relieve the first signs of a respiratory infection, 20 children - to suppress residual manifestations of acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), 12 - for preventive purposes. The control group consisted of 10 children. The impact of PS was carried out on the middle third of the sternum (projection area of ​​the thymus gland), nasolabial triangle (reflexogenic zone), as well as on the area of ​​the source of infection.

Already after the 1st PS procedure, a decrease in the initial signs of respiratory disease was noted. According to rhinoscopy, swelling of the nasal mucosa and pharynx decreased in all children, nasal breathing improved, after 2-3 procedures, pharynx hyperemia decreased in half of the patients, and in a third of children, cough was noted less frequently or became productive.

In the majority of patients (85%) with a protracted course of acute respiratory disease, the use of PS contributed not only to a decrease in the severity of catarrhal symptoms, but also to a reduction in the duration of the disease compared to the control group.

With the prophylactic use of PS in a short course during epidemic outbreaks of ARVI, 60% of patients had no cases of acute respiratory viral infection.

Immunological studies revealed the immunocorrective effect of PS. After a course of light therapy, normalization of the level was noted Ig E, in all children with initially reduced IgA there was a tendency towards its increase.

An important criterion for assessing the effectiveness of PS in frequently ill children is the state of local immunity. Analysis of data from an immunological study of saliva revealed in 40% of cases a significant increase in the initially reduced secretory IgA , which indicated an increase in local immunological protection of the respiratory tract.

Evaluation of hemogram parameters indicated the anti-inflammatory effect of the PS device “Bioptron”: by the end of the course, the number of children with leukocytosis and lymphocytosis decreased. In the control group, normalization of the hemogram occurred later.

Clinical assessment of the results of using PS in frequently ill children allowed us to establish a positive effect in 91.4% of children, while 54.7% of children completed the course with complete recovery, 31.2% with significant improvement, 14.1% with improvement, without improvement – ​​8.6%.

Report on the use of the Bioptron 2 device.

Children's health center, Novomoskovsk, 2001

Head – director of the center M. Kovtun

In the Children's Health Center in Novomoskovsk, which belongs to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant affected area, 88.2% of children had ARVI in 4 months of 2000, of which 17% were ill twice. A mild course of the disease was noted only in 22.6% of children. In other cases, ARVI was complicated by bronchitis, sinusitis, and pneumonia.

In 2001, the Bioptron 2 device was used to prevent ARVI. Experimental group - 17 children, a course of light therapy for 10 days, the nasolabial triangle, part of the sternum (thymus gland), and solar plexus area were treated once a day for 2 minutes.

Control group (without the use of PS) – 17 children.

Within 4 months, 7 children (41.2%) fell ill in the experimental group without severe forms of the disease or complications. In the control group there were 15 children (88.0%), four of them had severe complicated forms (pneumonia, purulent bronchitis, purulent sinusitis, etc.) with an increase in the duration of the disease in all children of the control group.

Report on clinical trials of the device “ Bioptron Compact”

Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 9, Chelyabinsk, 1999

Head - Deputy chief physician Yugov N.M.

The Bioptron device was used to treat 211 children with diseases of the nasopharynx and respiratory organs. Two groups of sick children were divided.

I group – 39 patients; PS Bioptron 1 time per day for 3-4 minutes on the sides of the nose, bridge of the nose, area under the nasal septum.

II group – 38 patients; PS Bioptron twice daily, in the morning and at 16:00, on the same areas.

B I group, symptoms of rhinitis disappeared by the 5th day, during II group for 2-3 days. The accompanying phenomena of conjunctivitis disappeared after 3-4 procedures.

During the influenza epidemic, from a group of (14) children whose immune points were treated with Bioptron PS (2-4 minutes each), not a single child fell ill after contact with a patient with influenza.

Report on the use of BIOPTRON light therapy in the treatment of children with I mi musculoskeletal system.

Department of Traumatology, Moscow Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 9 named after. G.N. Speransky, 2003

Head – head Department of Traumatology Burkin I.A.

78 children with injuries of the musculoskeletal system were under observation.

1 gr. experienced – 22 children with fractures of long tubular bones, 12 of them with metal fixators.

2 gr. experienced – 12 children with soft tissue bruises.

3 gr. experienced – 14 children in the rehabilitation period after knee arthroscopy.

The control group consisted of 30 children (10 for each experimental group).

Bioptron 2 light therapy regimen: daily, from the first day of hospital stay, for group 3 – started the next day after arthroscopy. The distance of the device to the area of ​​influence is 15 cm. The duration of exposure is from 4 to 6 minutes, depending on age. The procedure was carried out twice a day.

In all patients receiving Bioptron light therapy, a pronounced positive effect was noted (for example, for groups 1 and 2, a decrease in edema already on days 2-3) in comparison with the control (days 5-7). The timing of fracture consolidation was the same in the experimental and control groups.

Report on clinical trials of the Bioptron Compact device in the treatment of children with allergic dermatoses.

Children's Clinical Hospital No. 1, Yaroslavl, 2000

Head – Chief children's allergist of Yaroslavl, head. Allergy Department of Children's Clinical Hospital No. 1 Matveeva G.V.

Bioptron light therapy was used to treat 84 children with allergic dermatoses (allergens: food products, helminths, animals, etc.).

Light therapy regimen: daily, once for 4-6 minutes. on the field (4 fields per session), from a distance of 4 cm, number of sessions 10-15.

1 gr. – 46 children with an acute process (hyperemia, swelling, weeping, itching). All symptoms decreased by 6-8 sessions.

2 gr. – 38 children with a chronic process (dryness, peeling, lichenification, itching). 72% of them had a secondary infection in the form of streptostaphyloderma.

The chronic process was more difficult to treat. The use of Bioptron light therapy made it possible to reduce the doses of pharmacological agents used.

Report on the study of the clinical effectiveness of the Bioptron device.

Medical and health center of the Central City Clinical Hospital No. 2, Perm, 1999.

Head – Head of the medical and health center, physiotherapist of the highest category Gamazinova I.V.

Bioptron light therapy was used in the neonatal department of the maternity hospital of Central City Clinical Hospital No. 2 in the treatment of:

catarrhal phenomena - 147 newborns according to the following scheme: 1 time per day for 2 minutes on the area of ​​the maxillary and frontal sinuses.

116 children of them - positive result without the use of antibiotics.

umbilical wound in the first 2-4 days after the umbilical cord falls off – 64 newborns.

All children have a pronounced regenerating effect.

pain syndrome of the cervical spine – 16 newborns.

Experience of using Bioptron light therapy in pediatric practice.

Antonova G.A., Demina N.V., Komoltseva E.A.

Regional children's rehabilitation center "Krepysh", Tyumen, 1999.

Atopic dermatitis (98 children).

SB regimen: 2 times a day for 6 minutes from a distance of 6-10 cm, course 10-30 days (once or twice a year).

At the 5-6 session, in 85% of children, itching and hyperemia decreased, skin elasticity improved, and lichenification phenomena disappeared at the 14-15 session.

Respiratory diseases.

Bronchial asthma – 48 children

Sinusitis – 52 children

ARVI – 85 children

SB scheme: daily, twice for 4-6 minutes per field (face, submandibular and cervical lymph nodes, pharynx, projection zones of immune organs and reflexogenic zones) . A course of 10-12 sessions against the background of traditional therapy.

Complete normalization of the clinic occurred on the 4th day (2 days earlier than without SB).

Prevention of ARVI.

1 gr. – 30 children aged 1.5-3 years.

2 gr. – 30 children over 3 years old.

SB scheme: daily for 2-4 minutes. on immune points for 10 days.

In children in contact with ARVI of the 1st group, the overall incidence decreased by 32.3%, in the 2nd group the disease did not develop.

Results of using light therapy device "Bioptron" in children with various pathologies.

Furman E.G., Obraztsova T.N.

Perm State Medical Academy, Perm Perm, 2002

Bioptron light therapy (BL) is used to treat a number of common childhood diseases.

Acute rhinitis (11 children from 3 to 7 years old).

SB regimen: once daily for 2-4 minutes. (depending on age), 7 procedures.

The greatest effect was obtained when treating patients in the subacute stage of the disease (43%).

Allergic rhinitis (23 children).

SB regimen: once daily for 2-4 minutes, 15-18 procedures.

The effectiveness of treatment is 61%.

Application Reportpolychromatic incoherent polarized light of the Bioptron device in pediatrics.

Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Moscow, 2001

Head – Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Khan M.A.

Bioptron light therapy (using three types of device) was used to treat the following nosological forms in children, taking into account the child’s age and the characteristics of the course of the disease when comparing the results of experimental

(use of Bioptron light therapy and traditional treatment) and control (traditional treatment) groups.

Burn disease : experiment – ​​11 children, control – 10 children.

Scheme: 2-4 min. on the field (1-4 fields) from 2 min. up to 10 min. depending on age, the course is 8-10 sessions daily.

Efficiency – 52.4%, without effect – 9.6% (experimental).

Rhinosinusitis : experiment – ​​66 children, control – 10 children.

Scheme: 2-8 min. on the sinuses (1-2 fields) depending on age, course 8-10 sessions daily.

Efficiency: experience – 87.5%, control – 69%.

Biliary dyskinesia : experiment – ​​20 children, control – 10.

Scheme: on the area of ​​​​projection of the gallbladder from 2 to 8 minutes. depending on age, course 8-10 sessions daily.

Efficiency: experience – 89%, control – not specified.

Bronchial asthma : experience - 43, control - 32.

Scheme: on the area of ​​​​projection of the roots of the lungs (interscapular), from 2 to 8 minutes. depending on age, course – 8-10 daily.

Efficiency: experience – 88%, control – 75.1%.

Atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases (acne, pyoderma, herpes, boils) : experience - 60, control - not specified.

Scheme: on lesions (2-4 fields) for 2-4 minutes. on the field, only from 2 to 10 minutes. (depending on age), course – 8-12 daily procedures for atopic dermatitis, 3-12 for other skin diseases.

Efficiency: experience – 91.3%, control – not specified.

Bronchitis (acute, obstructive, recurrent) : experience - 34, control - not specified.

Scheme: on the interscapular area and posterolateral surfaces of the chest (1-4 fields) for 2-4 minutes. on the field, only from 2 to 12 minutes. depending on age, the course is 10-12 daily procedures.

Efficiency: experience – 87.3%, control – not specified.

Respiratory diseases in long-term and frequently ill children : experience - 70, control - 10.

Scheme: on the area of ​​the source of infection (nasal sinuses, projection of the palatine tonsils, interscapular area), on immune points and reflexogenic zone (middle third of the sternum, nasolabial triangle) from 2 to 8 minutes. depending on age, course –

8-10 daily procedures.

Efficiency: experience - 91.4%, control - 70%.

Chronic tonsillitis : experience - 40, control - 10.

Scheme: on the area of ​​​​projection of the palatine tonsils from 3 to 14 years and pharynx (with an open mouth) from 6 to 14 years, course - 2-4 minutes. 8-10 daily procedures.

Efficiency: experience – 87.5%, control – 70%.

Neurogenic bladder dysfunction : experience - 25, control - 10.

Scheme: on the projection area of ​​the bladder and sacral zone (2-3 fields),

4-8 min. depending on age.

Efficiency: experience – 82%, control – not specified.

Diseases of newborns (catarrhal omphalitis, umbilical fungus, diaper rash, miliaria) : experience - 20, control - 10.

Scheme: on lesions (1-2 fields) for children from 3 days to 1 month - 2 minutes, course - 3-8 daily procedures.

Efficacy: in the experimental group recovery was 3 days earlier than in the control group.


Prepared by the Russian Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Director - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor A.N. Razumov)

Compiled by: professor, doctor of medical sciences. M.A. Khan, Ph.D. O.M.Konova, Ph.D. M.V.Bykova, Ph.D. S.M.Boltneva, Ph.D. L.I. Radetskaya and others.

The recommendations are intended for pediatricians, specialists (otolaryngologists, pulmonologists, allergists, gastroenterologists, urologists, nephrologists, dermatologists, neonatologists, etc.), physiotherapists and balneologists. Can be used in medical and preventive institutions of practical health care (hospital, clinic, sanatorium, sanatorium health camp, sanatorium-forest school, sanatorium - dispensary, rehabilitation center, children's home, boarding school) as well as in kindergartens.

Detailed schemes for the use of the Bioptron device for the treatment of the following diseases are presented: bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, bronchitis, frequent colds, burn disease, tonsillitis, rhinosinusitis, neurogenic bladder dysfunction, diseases of newborns, biliary dyskinesia.

Prospects for the use of devices of the Bioptron system in pediatric otolaryngology.

Materials of the scientific and practical conference “New projects of the Zepter International company in the field of prevention and treatment of various diseases.

Moscow, Sovintsentr, 1998

Professor of the Department of Otolaryngology, Pediatric Faculty, Russian State Medical University T.I. Garashchenko.

Bioptron light therapy (SB) is used to treat children with:

    nasal injuries (group 1, number of children not specified),

    severe traumatic brain injuries (group 2),

    cosmetic defects of the ears (group 3 – 29 children).

After using SB, post-traumatic edema subsided on the 3rd day in 50% of childrengroup 1, on the 5th day in 80% of children, which made it possible to carry out early reposition of the nasal bones and improve the rehabilitation of children in the postoperative period. In children of the 2nd group, the edematous period of inflammation development also shortened, intracranial pressure decreased, nystagmus disappeared, and their health improved.In children of the 3rd group, stable engraftment of the flap used to form the auricles was observed, in the absence of inflammation and suppuration. "Bioptron is a scientific achievement that has proven itself in clinical practice with almost universal effectiveness."

The conversation will focus on a unique development from Zepter - the Bioptron lamp, which has become an innovative breakthrough in such a field of medicine as light therapy.

The advantage of the device lies in the fact that no side effects are noticed after the procedures, and with a correctly selected course, the results of the treatment are very significant. The lamp is indicated for regular use; its use guarantees the health of the entire body, while no burns or tan marks appear on the body.

Modern technologies that were used in the production of the device provided an excellent opportunity to use the positive properties of light. During operation, the light flux is deformed, absorbed and reflected. Such properties are used in the treatment of certain eye diseases, as they have a soft and gentle effect on the human body.

The therapeutic effect is that when exposed to light flux, cellular energy increases, and microcirculation also increases, which is of great importance for the biostimulation of cellular processes.

Thanks to this, the rate of protein turnover increases, which has a positive effect on the production of elastin and collagen. The use of a Bioptron lamp accelerates the healing processes of various wounds, sutures after surgery and improves the condition of the skin.


Indications for use The use of the healing properties of light flux is shown in more than 60 diseases

and pathologies. The instructions for use that come with the device always contain a complete list of them.

  • Using the device will help with:
  • respiratory diseases;
  • pathologies of male and female genital organs;
  • depression and other problems of the nervous system;
  • the appearance of allergies in both adults and children;
  • pathologies of the joints and skeletal system;

skin problems, such as the appearance of ulcers or ulcers;

And this is not a complete list of diseases that the Bioptron lamp from Zepter can cope with.

It is worth noting that the lamp is widely used in many cosmetic procedures. Its use not only helps get rid of acne, cellulite, and acne, but also helps smooth out wrinkles.

Carrying out light therapy according to the instructions that come with each device gives the most noticeable results when performing long courses. Don't expect immediate improvement after the first procedure. The duration of one session takes only a few minutes, so treatment does not require much free time. To obtain maximum results, it is recommended to perform sessions twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Before starting the session, you should clean the surface of the skin that will be exposed to the device, then direct the light flux onto it at an angle of 90 degrees. The distance between the device and the skin should not be less than 10 cm. After all the nuances have been observed, you should just sit down and relax. After the end of the session, the device turns off, and the person returns to everyday life.

During the procedures there may be a feeling of slight discomfort, but there is no need to worry about this - they are completely safe for the body person. To avoid unpleasant sensations, you should close your eyes.

Important! Performing procedures is not permitted with contact lenses.


Despite the huge list of advantages of the device, its use is not possible in all cases. There is a clear list of pathologies, in which the use of such therapy is not allowed:

  • blood vessel diseases;
  • oncological and skin pathologies;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • presence of transplanted organs;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • kidney and heart diseases;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • epilepsy.

Sometimes the use of the device is allowed, but it should be used carefully and with the permission of the attending physician. This applies to diseases such as:

  • acute thrombophlebitis - a light beam can cause a blood clot to break off;
  • Oncology of any nature - the effect of light on mutated cells has not yet been thoroughly studied.

It is also prohibited to use the device during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The use of the device will not be effective if a person uses corticosteroids, cytostatics, or immunomodulators.

Before you start using the device, you should carefully read the instructions, and for treatment, it is best to consult a doctor.

Where can I buy

When purchasing a device, you should beware of counterfeits, as many craftsmen seek to profit from the well-known name Zepter. If you decide to purchase a product in the online store, then you should definitely read the reviews and characteristics of the potential seller. You can always buy the device from the company’s official dealers. The Bioptron lamp is manufactured only in Switzerland. It is clear that a high-quality device is highly valued, so if a product is offered at an incredibly low price, you should think about it: there is a high probability that it is a fake.

Among the advanced technologies of hardware medicine, light therapy occupies a special place. It is based on an innovative device from the Swiss company Zepter called Bioptron - indications for use include a wide range of diseases of the internal systems of the body and dermatological pathologies, diseases of muscles and joints.

Indications for use of the Bioptron device

The essence of the effect of the device in question is that the light beam is polarized, creating a stream of photons with the same direction. Therefore, the use of Bioptron for light therapy produces three proven effects:

  • restoration of plasma proteins and blood cells in the lymphatic and capillary network;
  • normalization of the functions of the mucous membranes and superficial layers of the skin;
  • activation of acupuncture and biological points of the body.

Thus, the described device can be used to treat the following disorders:

  • abscess;
  • inflammatory eye diseases;
  • periodontal disease;
  • herpes;
  • pain of various localizations - in the back, throat, head (with overwork), ears, lower abdomen (with menstruation);
  • diseases of the gums and oral cavity;
  • bursitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • inflammation of the shoulder joint;
  • cough of any origin, including reflex;
  • wounds, abrasions and cuts;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • allergy;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • depression;
  • eczema;
  • inflammation of the big toe;
  • rheumatism;
  • toothache;
  • curvature of the spine in the cervical region;
  • inflammation of the mammary gland, including nipples;
  • heel spur;
  • infections;
  • warts;
  • large-porous hernia;
  • migraine;
  • hammer toe syndrome;
  • sleep disturbances;
  • burns;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • bruises;
  • leg ulcer;
  • runny nose;
  • scars;
  • hoarseness;
  • muscle cramps;
  • perineotomy;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • scaly lichen;
  • psoriasis;
  • sprains, ligament tears;
  • sunburn;
  • joint injuries;
  • Frontitis.

In addition, the indications for the use of Bioptron allow it to be used in cosmetology to combat wrinkles, sagging skin, intense hair loss and alopecia. The effectiveness of the device in eliminating cellulite, stretch marks and stretch marks, especially in the early stages of development, has been proven.

Treatment using the Bioptron lamp

Depending on the specific diagnosis and the severity of the disease, from 5 to 20 light therapy sessions are prescribed, the duration of which varies from 1 to 8 minutes. You can use the device daily, 1-3 times a day. Consolidation of the results obtained and strengthening of the therapeutic effect is achieved by repeating the course, which is carried out, as a rule, after 14-15 days.

The nuances of light therapy are as follows:

  1. Do not move the beam during the procedure.
  2. Pre-clean and degrease the skin in the affected area using a Light Fluid or Oxy Spray solution.
  3. Be sure to strictly adhere to the specified time frames.

Additionally, you can purchase a set of filters for color therapy using Bioptron. These devices are handmade from glass. The use of filters allows you to stimulate self-healing processes and enhance the work of the body’s energy centers.

Polychromatic incoherent polarized light bioptron has a beneficial effect on the clinical course of bronchial asthma in children: cough and the number of attacks of difficulty breathing are reduced, sputum discharge is improved; PS helps improve bronchial patency, has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity and autonomic support, normalizes excitation processes in the sinus node, has an inhibitory effect on the level of MDA1, which indicates the restoration of the cell’s ability to utilize secondary molecular peroxidation products and the normalization of initially impaired lipid peroxidation processes; reduces allergic inflammation, reducing peripheral blood eosinophilia, normalizes humoral immunity.

Bronchial asthma of mild, moderate and severe course, post-attack, inter-attack period, remission period.
When an intercurrent disease occurs to relieve initial manifestations and prevent relapses.

Attention! Contraindications: Status asthmaticus, General contraindications for physiotherapy

Treatment method:
The impact is carried out on the interscapular region (projection area of ​​the roots of the lungs) from the device:

  1. BIOPTRON-2 from a distance of 15 cm
  2. BIOPTRON COMPACT from a distance of 5 cm paravertebral

Exposure: children under 3 years old - 2 minutes from 3 to 6 years old - 4 minutes from 6 to 10 years old - 6 minutes from 10 to 14 years old - 8 minutes


Polychromatic incoherent polarized light has a beneficial effect on the clinical course of atopic dermatitis in children, promotes regression of the skin inflammatory process, reduces swelling, itching, excoriation, and does not cause adverse reactions; PS reduces the severity of allergic inflammation of the skin, has a membrane-stabilizing effect on the body's cells, and increases adaptive and compensatory capabilities by balancing the processes of lipid peroxidation in erythrocyte membranes. In atopic dermatitis, polarized light has a more pronounced effect when localized on lesions and reflex segmental zones than when irradiating only lesions.

Atopic dermatitis. Acute, subacute period, period of remission
Juvenile acne

In case of atopic dermatitis, the effect is carried out on the lesions and reflex segmental zones of the cervicothoracic and lumbosacral spine, in other diseases only on the lesions (1-4 fields, 2-4 minutes per field) from the devices:

  1. BIOPTRON-2 from a distance of 15 cm
  2. BIOPTRON PRO from a distance of 10 cm
  3. to reflex segmental zones paravertebrally

A course of 8-12 daily procedures for atopic dermatitis, for other skin diseases - 3-12 procedures.


Polychromatic incoherent polarized light has a beneficial effect on the clinical course of acute, obstructive and recurrent bronchitis in children: cough decreases, sputum discharge improves due to a decrease in its viscosity and improvement in the drainage function of the bronchi; has an anti-inflammatory and immunocorrective effect according to the hemogram and indicators of humoral immunity.

A more pronounced effect is observed when affecting the interscapular region and the posterolateral surfaces of the chest compared to using one localization on the interscapular region.

Recurrent, acute and obstructive bronchitis
Chronic pneumonia primary and secondary
Lung diseases with common and limited developmental defects (tracheobronchomegaly, tracheobronchomalacia, Williams-Campbell syndrome, etc.)

Attention! Contraindications: photodermatosis, general contraindications for physiotherapy

The impact of PS is carried out on the interscapular region and posterolateral surfaces of the chest (1-4 fields) from the devices:

  1. BIOPTRON-2 from a distance of 15 cm
  2. BIOPTRON PRO from a distance of 10 cm
  3. BIOPTRON COMPACT - from a distance of 5 cm to the interscapular region paravertebral

Total exposure: children under 3 years old - 2-4 minutes, from 3 to 6 years old - 4-6 minutes, from 6 to 10 years old - 6-8 minutes, from 10 to 14 years old - 10-12 minutes. Course of 10-12 daily procedures.


Polychromatic incoherent polarized light has a beneficial effect on the nonspecific resistance of the body, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and immunocorrective effect, characterized by positive dynamics of clinical symptoms of respiratory diseases, which is accompanied by favorable changes in hemogram and humoral immunity, improves the functional state of the autonomic nervous system, and normalizes excitation processes in the sinus node.

Frequent acute respiratory viral infections with manifestations of rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, pharyngolaryngitis, tracheobronchitis.
At the initial manifestations of a respiratory disease
In case of prolonged course of respiratory disease
For the prevention of respiratory diseases

Exposure to polarized light is carried out: on the middle third of the sternum (projection area of ​​the thymus gland), nasolabial triangle (reflexogenic zone); to the area of ​​the source of infection (nasal sinuses, projection of the palatine tonsils, interscapular area) from devices:

  1. BIOPTRON COMPACT - from a distance of 5 cm

Depending on the location of the process and the age of the child, the following treatment methods are recommended:
Prevention of ARVI:

ARVI with symptoms of rhinitis, rhinosinusitis:

ARVI with symptoms of pharyngolaryngitis:


Polychromatic incoherent polarized light has a beneficial effect on the clinical course of burn disease in children, prevents the development of keloid scars, and has an antipruritic and resolving effect. Higher effectiveness was noted when PS was used at an earlier time and with superficial scars.

Burn I, II, III A, B degrees
Pre- and postoperative periods
Scar formation period
Hypertrophic scar
Keloid scar

Attention! Contraindications: photodermatosis, general contraindications for physiotherapy

The impact is carried out on the post-burn surface (1-4 fields, 2 - 4 minutes per field) from devices:

  1. BIOPTRON - 2 - from a distance of 15 cm
  2. BIOPTRON PRO from a distance of 10 cm
  3. BIOPTRON COMPACT - from a distance of 5 cm

Total exposure:
children under 3 years old - 2 minutes from 3 to 6 years old - 4 - 6 minutes from 6 to 10 years old - 6 - 8 minutes from 10 to 14 years old - 8 - 10 minutes Course of 10-12 daily procedures.


Polychromatic incoherent polarized light has a beneficial effect on the clinical course of chronic tonsillitis: it promotes the sanitation of tonsil lacunae, reducing the size and pain of the lymph nodes (submandibular, anterior cervical, posterior cervical). Polarized light has a beneficial effect on indicators of humoral immunity, peripheral blood reducing the level of eosinophils, leukocytes, lymphocytes to normal, which indicates a hyposensitizing, anti-inflammatory effect. PS has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems, normalizing excitation processes in the sinus node.

Acute tonsillitis
Chronic compensated, subcompensated tonsillitis in the acute, post-acute period, remission period
Relapse Prevention

Attention! Contraindications: chronic decompensated tonsillitis, lymphadenitis of unknown etiology, general contraindications for physiotherapy

The influence is carried out from the device:

  1. BIOPTRON COMPACT - from a distance of 5 cm

Children under 3 years old - 2 minutes. on the area of ​​projection of the palatine tonsils,
from 3 to 6 years - 2 min. on the area of ​​projection of the palatine tonsils, pharynx (with open mouth),
from b - 10 years - 3 min. on the area of ​​projection of the palatine tonsils, pharynx (with open mouth),
from 10 - 14 years - 4 min. on the area of ​​projection of the palatine tonsils, pharynx (with open mouth)

Course 8-10 daily procedures


Polychromatic incoherent polarized light has a beneficial effect on the clinical course of rhinosinusitis, helps reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, disappearance of nasal discharge and nasal congestion, which indicates an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. Polarized light has a beneficial effect on peripheral blood parameters, reducing the level of eosinophils, leukocytes, lymphocytes, ESR to normal, and has an immunocorrective effect.

Acute rhinitis, rhinosinusitis
Chronic infectious rhinitis, rhinosinusitis; acute, subacute period, remission period
Seasonal, year-round allergic rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, acute, subacute period, remission period
Infectious-allergic rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, acute, subacute period, remission period
Relapse Prevention

Attention! Contraindications: general contraindications for physiotherapy

The impact is carried out on the area of ​​the nasal sinuses (1-2 fields) from the devices:

  1. BIOPTRON - 2 - from a distance of 15 cm to the face area
  2. BIOPTRON PRO - from a distance of 10 cm to the face area,
  3. BIOPTRON COMPACT - from a distance of 5 cm to the sinus area.

Course 8-10 daily procedures


Polychromatic incoherent polarized light has a beneficial effect on the clinical course of neurogenic bladder dysfunction and concomitant inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, has a positive effect on clinical and laboratory parameters, does not cause adverse reactions, improves the urodynamics of the lower urinary tract, normalizes the volume and number of urinations, has an anti-inflammatory and immunocorrective effect action, has a beneficial effect on the performance of the cardiovascular system, which is reflected in the normalization of excitation processes in the sinus node.

Neurogenic bladder dysfunction, hyperreflex and hyporeflex type, period of exacerbation and clinical and laboratory remission
Cystitis during exacerbation and clinical and laboratory remission

Attention! Contraindications: high activity of the inflammatory process in the urinary system, general contraindications for physiotherapy

The impact is carried out on the projection area of ​​the bladder and the sacral zone (2 fields) from the devices:

  1. BIOPTRON - 2 - from a distance of 15 cm
  2. BIOPTRON PRO from a distance of 10 cm
  3. BIOPTRON COMPACT from a distance of 5 cm to 3 fields: projection area of ​​the bladder, sacral zone paravertebral

Total exposure: children from 3 to 6 years old - 4 minutes, from 6 to 10 years old - 6 minutes, from 10 to 14 years old - 8 minutes

Course of 8-10 daily procedures.


Polychromatic incoherent polarized light has a beneficial effect on the clinical course of PVD in children, has a positive effect on clinical and laboratory parameters, does not cause adverse reactions, has an anti-inflammatory, desensitizing and immunocorrective effect, characterized by favorable changes in hemogram parameters and humoral immunity, has choleretic and cholespasmolytic effect, manifested in the normalization of the contractility of the gallbladder, normalizes the activity of the autonomic nervous system.

Biliary dyskinesia, hypermotor form, exacerbation period, stage of incomplete or complete clinical and laboratory remission.
Biliary dyskinesia, hypomotor form, period of exacerbation, stage of incomplete or complete clinical and laboratory remission.

The impact is carried out on the area of ​​​​projection of the gallbladder from the devices:

  1. BIOPTRON - 2 - from a distance of 15 cm
  2. BIOPTRON PRO - from a distance of 10 cm
  3. BIOPTRON COMPACT from a distance of 5 cm

Exposure: children under 3 years old - 2 minutes,
from 3 to 6 years - 4 minutes,
from 6 to 10 years - 6 minutes,
from 10 to 14 years - 8 minutes.

Course 8-10 daily procedures


Polarized light has a beneficial effect on various diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in newborns: it improves metabolic processes in the skin, peripheral circulation, has an anti-inflammatory and trophic effect, and does not cause adverse reactions.

Catarrhal omphalitis
Purulent omphalitis
Fungus navel
Prickly heat

Attention! Contraindications: liver cirrhosis, autoimmune hepatitis, general contraindications for physiotherapy

The impact of PS is carried out on the lesions of the skin (1-2 fields) from the device:

  1. BIOPTRON COMPACT - from a distance of 5 cm

Total exposure: children from 3 days to 1 month - 2 minutes
Course of 3-8 daily procedures.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs