How to get rid of fears (phobias), obsessive anxious thoughts? How to get rid of fear: understand its causes, choose a method, act. Is it possible to cope with fears without professionals?

My greetings to everyone. There is probably no person who does not face the problem of fear. Let's find ways together to get rid of fear.

What are the fears?

Experts have identified and described more than 300 phobias. A phobia is an obsessive fear that can drive a person to a critical state. Therefore, we must get rid of them by any means.

Phobias are divided into 8 groups, but if you look at their simplified version, the following types are highlighted:

Children's. Numerous childhood fears also include social phobia.

Teenage. This includes fear of space, thanatophobia, nosophobia, intimophobia (when a young man is so afraid of girls that he does not want to establish any relationships with them, not just intimate ones).

Parental. Constant fear for the child.

They are also divided into mental and physical, which have significant differences. With bodily fear, the body becomes covered with sweat, goosebumps, the heart begins to pound strongly, a feeling of lack of air appears, sleep and appetite are disrupted (you either don’t want to eat anything, or, on the contrary, you eat everything).

When you are mentally frightened, you experience anxiety, apprehension, instability of mood, detachment from the world around you, and even a feeling of your body changing.

Long-term anxiety can lead to various types of illnesses. It’s not for nothing that they say that all diseases are caused by nerves. Therefore, it is important to avoid prolonged anxiety or any state of fear.

Methods for getting rid of fear

Anxiety occurs to every person, some often, some sometimes, no one is immune from this. It’s good sometimes, but what if this condition doesn’t go away? The science of psychology has developed special methods, various techniques that will help restore peace of mind.

First of all, you should understand that fear is a defensive reaction of our psyche. Therefore, you won’t be able to get rid of it, you just need to find out the reasons, then it will be easier to deal with anxiety states.

If you are visited by obsessive thoughts, then a good way to get rid of them has been developed through loud reading of poetry, prose, music or drawings. Draw on paper everything that bothers you, then tear up these drawings or burn them. Imagine that bad thoughts have gone up in smoke.

Didn't help? Then use auto-training “immersion in anxiety.” For 20 minutes, imagine all the horrors that dictate your thoughts, then try to forget about them forever.

Another way to relieve stress yourself. One of my friends often uses this method. Sit up straight: inhale courage, determination, everything good, and exhale all worries, anxiety, bad thoughts. Imagine how they left your head, immediately get down to business with the knowledge that everything is going well. Helps a lot!

A heartfelt conversation with a friend helps a lot. Communication is a true protector against low mood and various anxieties. Over a cup of tea, tell your friend about what’s bothering you, and you’ll feel like you’ve been reborn! Have you noticed?

Switching to something exciting or fun is also a great distraction. Find something to do that is truly interesting to you. Believe me, you will not have time for anxious thoughts.

Remember happy moments

If you apply the advice of a psychologist to yourself, you can reduce the number of anxious days.

  1. Don't remember unhappy days, only those when you were happy. Try to stay in this state.
  2. Don't exaggerate the problem. The devil is not as scary as he is painted.
  3. Learn to relax. Aromatherapy, auto-training, sports.
  4. Try to accept the fact that you cannot predict everything, do not think about future problems. My friend is doing very wisely. She says: “When I have something to be upset about, then I will be upset.”
  5. Do not dramatize the situation, do not attract the bad version of events. Imagine a successful solution to your problem.
  6. You don't see a way out of a difficult situation? Try to analyze several options for solving the problem. Reach out to other people. You will see, there will definitely be a person who can “resolve” your difficult situation or turn things around so that the problem no longer seems insoluble.
  7. Run away from worries. How to overcome fear? Play sports. Due to bodily tension, the body produces a hormone of happiness.
  8. Communicate with your fear. Try to find out where it came from, you may have come up with it yourself. Drive him away or try to make friends. Don't let it take over you entirely, switch to positive emotions.
  9. Go towards your fear to defeat it. For example, you find it difficult to communicate with people, you feel panic before talking. Then start calling various organizations, talk to strangers, ask questions. If you are afraid of dogs, then watch them from afar. Look at the pictures depicting them: how pretty they are! Then pet a friend's dog. This is a very effective method.
  10. If you are afraid of the dark, then when you are afraid, talk to yourself, call yourself by name. You can laugh at yourself, this also helps a lot.

You are the best person

Many people have low self-esteem, which is why they develop complexes. How to get rid of complexes? Remember that stereotypes are created by people. Most likely, they had a lot of complexes, so reveal yourself as an individual.

  • Write down in your notebook what you have achieved. Nothing? This can't happen! You will be surprised at what a full-fledged person you are.
  • Think about yourself only from a positive point of view.
  • Express your opinion, even if someone disagrees with it. You are an individual, so you have your own opinion.
  • Change your lifestyle, change your image, have affairs, fight for a better position. After your first success, your self-esteem will skyrocket.
  • Don't communicate with those who lower your self-esteem.
  • Don't compare yourself to others. You are the most wonderful person, period!

Are you being attacked?

Who is attacking you? Ah, it's a panic attack! Don’t worry, this condition occurs to almost every person. Suddenly you have a fear of sudden death or a fear of illness. You feel it so clearly, it seems to you that it should happen right now. The heart begins to beat faster, and the head begins to spin, almost to the point of nausea.

Some are frightened by the fear of life, others are afraid to even go into the subway, others begin to fear disasters, and for some it becomes difficult to swallow. But the fear of dying is especially frightening.

When attacks of PA are repeated very often, then a person develops new phobias. Let's get rid of them without hospitals, at home.

Traditional medicine knows many ways to get rid of this scourge.

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. oregano, pour a cup of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Before meals, drink 0.5 cups. The course of treatment is 2 months.
  2. Motherwort is an excellent stress reliever. Brew 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials with 2 cups of water, boil for 20 minutes. Drink a large spoonful daily for a month.
  3. Before going to bed, drink tea made from mint, lemon balm or linden, then you will quickly get rid of nervous tension.

Tincture of peony, valerian or motherwort will help calm the nervous system and normalize sleep.

Try out techniques to help you overcome panic attacks.

  1. Breathe into the bag. Take a thick bag, inhale deeply, then exhale into the bag. Then inhale from this bag. Repeat 10 times.
  2. As soon as the attack begins, rinse your face and hands with water, moisten the pulse points. Drink 1 glass of water with a pinch of sugar.
  3. Create a good mood for yourself, smile in front of the mirror, you will feel funny, even happy.

Motorist phobia

Many motorists, and not only women, but also men, may develop a driving phobia. To get rid of it:

  • There is no need to listen to scary stories about road accidents.
  • Before leaving, ALWAYS check that the vehicle is in good working order, especially the wheels and brakes.
  • Know the rules of driving.
  • It's good to know how to park in reverse.
  • Have front and rear view mirrors to see the situation on the road.
  • Always have gas in the tank.

Many people are afraid to fly on an airplane. But you must remember that the proportion of airplane accidents is negligible. The most dangerous way is to get to the airport. Before departure, the aircraft undergo a strict check for serviceability, so you have nothing to fear.

If you can’t overcome the trepidation, visit the airport before the flight to get used to the fact that everyone is flying and it’s no big deal. On the plane, take newspapers, books and something to snack with you.

Audience Fear

You envy people who behave so well in front of an audience. It seems to you that they are not worried at all. They are worried, and how! You too will be performing soon, but you have fear of performing.

  1. The first condition is to be confident in your abilities.
  2. Understand that the audience did not come to find a flaw in your performances.
  3. Lighten the mood with a joke, then start presenting your material. A joke really helps to establish contact with the public and overcome embarrassment.
  4. Take a deep breath of confidence and exhale your excitement, feel the solid ground under your feet.
  5. It’s a good idea to stand on stage several times when there are no spectators yet, to get used to the situation, as in the case of an airplane.

Don't be afraid to give new life

Many girls are afraid of pregnancy, so they do not dare to have a baby. Think, maybe your fears come from childhood or from the instructions of adults: “Make sure you don’t get pregnant!” Don't listen to horror stories about childbirth. Childbirth is a natural process, there is nothing scary about it.

Take a different path in your thinking. If you have a child, you will never be alone. Loneliness is the worst thing! He will grow up and continue your family, and this is so wonderful!

Bring joy to your other half

Fear of sex can ruin a relationship, so make it a rule: giving pleasure not only to yourself, but to your partner. A man who is determined to win quickly may misfire, which in the future can grow into a big problem.

Talk about this topic, find out what your significant other likes. A woman should be confident that sex is safe, so prepare yourself and don’t rely on your partner. In a fit of passion, he can forget about safety. Think for yourself!

How to help your child get rid of fears

An advertisement where they explain to a child that a dinosaur lives under the bed and protects the baby is indicative. Never scare children. Even a scary fairy tale should have a happy ending. Never lock your child in a room alone. Loneliness will only make him more afraid. Let him always feel protected by you. He must be sure that he is protected - this is the surest way to avoid childhood phobias.

Do not express fears out loud that the child will fall, cut himself, or bump into himself; develop confidence in him that he will overcome all obstacles. To do this, go hiking, walking, skating, skiing, cycling more often, teach him to be independent. Praise him more often, even for small successes, and increase his self-esteem. This will be of great use to him in adult life. But don’t overdo it; excessive praise will spoil any child.

Ways to get rid of fears

Like adults, a child can depict his fear on a piece of paper. Let him draw his phobia, and on the back of the sheet let him draw how he is not afraid of it. If the child cannot draw, then burn the drawing together with him, saying: “You see, all that remains from the evil monster is ashes, which we will simply shake off!” This technique works extremely effectively.

You can write something funny about fear, play games. If the baby is afraid of the dark, then you can play hide and seek under the light of one night light. Or make your baby a protective amulet, with which he will not be afraid to enter even the dark.

Adults can resort to more complex manipulations. If the phobia lasts more than 6 months, then you need to go to a specialist. If from time to time, use meditation, relaxation techniques, aromatherapy helps a lot. Inhale the aromas of mint, eucalyptus, valerian.

In big cities, many people have become afraid of entering the subway. Just think, how many people died from suffocation in the subway? You won't remember anything, so throw away all the scary thoughts about the subway.

Can't get rid of bad thoughts? Write them down on paper until they begin to have clear boundaries. Then you will see that panic looks so ridiculous and senseless that it is not worth your attention. Deep breathing, described above, will help maintain peace of mind.

  1. You need to think positively. Only a positive attitude will bring a positive solution to any problems closer.
  2. Constantly repeat affirmations, for example, “I let go of my fear.” Your subconscious mind will not immediately fulfill your instructions, but over time it will do so. Just avoid saying the particle “not.” Never say "I'm not afraid." The subconscious will accept: “I’m afraid.”
  3. Do what you fear most. Action is better than inaction.
  4. Laugh at your worries, they don’t like it and... disappear.

Remember the times when you were very afraid of something. You overcame it, which means you will overcome it now.

  • imagine that this has already happened;
  • prepare for what happens;
  • do everything to prevent unfavorable developments from happening at all.

Fear is your enemy, get angry at it, start fighting it with sportive anger.

Many people want to get rid of fear. They ask themselves and others questions: How to overcome fear? How to deal with fear? How to overcome feelings of fear? How to get rid of fear forever? If people can become more familiar with fear, fear will seem to them only an illusion. Let's look fear in the face and see it for what it really is.

Looking at the World Wide Web, I realized that opinions about fear are divided. Here's what different people write about fear and how they define it:

  • Fear is a very strong fear or fear.
  • Fear is an internal state that appears in anticipation and anticipation of something bad.
  • Fear is always slavery, depression and tightness.
  • Fear is a consequence of the unfulfillment of the desire hidden behind it.
  • Fear is a sign of weakness.
  • Fear is a small death that brings oblivion.
  • Fear is a sign of weak faith.
  • Fear is a means of generating aggression.
  • Fear is a disease.
  • Fear is a brake that warns of possible loss in the spiritual and material planes.
  • Fear is a very strong feeling, but a person without fear is sick.
  • Fear is a lack of trust.
  • Fear is poison.
  • Fear is experiences of something terrible, etc.
  • Fear is the unknown.

Perhaps you too could add to this list the various opinions that people have about fear.

Reading various information about fear, which is presented by some psychologists, psychics and magicians, you can really get scared. As a result of reading, a feeling arises that fear cannot be dealt with, it is stronger than us and will always haunt us. But this is only a conclusion based on incorrect or incomplete information.

You can get rid of fear just like you can get rid of any feeling, provided that you do not resist the fear. Because everything we resist persists and weighs on us.
Fear is just an emotion that manifests itself in a person when he feels threatened by loss. This could be loss of money, reputation, life, beauty, influence, loss of relationships, recognition, things, etc.

Like any emotion, fear can come and go, and it can be reduced or eliminated, i.e. let go completely.

Here's what Gail Dwoskin, the person who helped me and many thousands of people overcome fear, writes:
“Fear tries its best to deceive us, intimidating us that if we face it and free ourselves from it, the worst will happen. In my experience, nothing could be further from the truth. It is the ignored feelings dormant in the subconscious that bear fruit. Any fear weakens in the light of consciousness, but in the depths of the subconscious it gains strength and power.”

Gail Dvoskin also offers her own method of liberation from fear.

A simple method for freeing yourself from fear.

“Sit back and focus. Think of something that scares you or makes you feel anxious - you can start with something minor. Try to determine how strong this fear is; perhaps it is just a vague feeling. The intensity of the feeling doesn't matter - just categorize it and accept it.

Now ask yourself:
Can I let go of wanting this to happen?
Many people laugh at this question. “Yeah, okay, stop it, I don’t want this to happen!”

Well, ask the question again and pay attention to your feelings. Basically, if you go back to your rhinestone now, you might feel a difference. So, focus on your fear or something else; you will have to go through questions on freeing yourself from fear.

What could happen that would make you afraid?
What don't you want to happen?
Now, can you let go of wanting this to happen?

Once you get over the first shock of somehow wanting negative things to happen, it will be easy to free yourself from fear, because you don’t consciously want this.

Focus on what you are afraid of. This may be the same question or a different one. Be clear about what could happen that makes you afraid. If you are afraid of heights, for example, this may be an underlying fear of falling.
Can you let go of wanting it to happen?

Focus again on your fear or on something that you don't want to happen, that makes you anxious or nervous. You may be intimidated by public speaking. This may include the fear of making a mistake or looking like a fool in front of a huge audience. Whatever is behind your fear: Can you let go of wanting it to happen?

How do you feel? Isn’t it easy to free yourself using this scheme? This technique will help cleanse the hidden recesses of the subconscious. Once you let go of what you subconsciously wanted to happen, major changes will occur in all aspects of your life, including your well-being. Try experimenting with this simple method yourself...

This method is ideal for those cases when your mind is filled with disturbing, frightening thoughts, and there is no time for a long, deep process. Whenever you find yourself thinking about a potential negative consequence, free yourself from it by asking yourself the question: Can I let go of wanting this to happen?
You can get more complete information about freeing yourself from everything unwanted by reading Gail Dvoskin’s book “The Sedona Method”.

“Take the first step and you will understand that not everything is so scary”
Senneca Lucius Annaeus

If you have an irrational fear of something, subconscious anxiety or a phobic disorder, then here you can find out how to get rid of these negative feelings and conditions, and, if necessary, undergo treatment for fears, phobias and anxiety online.
Fear- innate emotion, i.e. Nature itself has instilled in us a feeling of fear - which means we need it to survive. And this is true, because it is the emotion of fear, caused in a real situation dangerous to life and health, that gives us the strength and energy to survive, i.e. when we are afraid, we are ready to run away or attack the enemy, to confront the threat.

In the process of education and development people's fears can turn into “fake”, fictitious, internal, subconscious... such fears accumulate in the depths of the psyche and become phobias and neurotic personality disorders.

How to get rid of fear, how to overcome, overcome your phobias

The main human fears and phobias that people want to get rid of, overcome and overcome:
Human phobias - list (with explanations)

  • Social fears (social phobia)
    • Fear of speaking in public, stage fright
  • Fear of sex (more precisely, sexual failure)
  • Constant fears and anxieties (as if for no reason)
  • Physical fears, such as fear of nausea and vomiting...

List "far-fetched" human fears you can endlessly... but these are still fears and people - they are felt as an emotion of fear or a state of anxiety... BUT

Many people have a lot of negative emotions, feelings and sensations, general emotional and psychological states that greatly interfere with living happily, but are not regarded by a person as fear.

For example, such concepts as indecision, shyness (timidity), lack of self-confidence... complexes and loneliness;

Such “invented” (not innate) feelings as guilt, resentment, jealousy, envy, revenge and hatred, gloating, pity...inappropriate anger...

Such human behavior as aggression (verbal or physical), withdrawal... overt and hidden lies, betrayal and betrayal, rudeness, humiliation and insult of others... self-destructive behavior and suicide... sycophancy and idolatry...

The list could go on for a long time - but the point is that under these feelings, emotions and behavior of a person - one, an entire people or a country - there is hidden fear, misinterpreted, far-fetched fear - man's main fear that he might not survive... those. fear of death, fear of dying

Many people turn to psychologists with questions: How to overcome fear? How to overcome fear? to stop being nervous and afraid?

The answer is clear: There is no need to get rid of fear as such - it is created by nature and is necessary for survival. But you need to get rid of incorrect interpretations of “scary” situations, change your thinking and unconscious deep-seated beliefs and beliefs based on illusions and distortions of reality, which cause a feeling of fear and corresponding behavior and physiological reactions of the body.

In a word, what prevents you from living happily, growing personally, becoming successful and creating harmonious close relationships is not fear itself, but erroneous thoughts and ideas in your head (essentially fantasies), which include artificial fear... Change your thinking and the pictures in your head - there will be no fear...

If you have already accumulated “scary” images and emotions in your unconscious, then in order to overcome your fear and get rid of it forever, you need the help of a psychotherapist (you can do it online) to work through the accumulated negative images and emotions...

If you want to get rid of fear, overcome and overcome your fear once and for all, then sign up for an online appointment with a psychoanalyst - right here and now!

Psychoanalyst Oleg Vyacheslavovich Matveev will help you get rid of any fear, obvious and hidden in the subconscious, and you will also be able to overcome not only fear, but also its external manifestations in the form of negative emotions, feelings and behavior...
Online psychotherapy for fears and phobias - make an appointment

Fear is a holding anchor.

You need to gather all your strength to fight him and defeat him.

We need to understand that fear does not easily slow us down or prevent progress.

He does not allow us to move forward at all. Many people know absolutely nothing about how to overcome fears and insecurities.

Examples of how fear limits people:

  • If you are afraid to speak English, you will never speak it.
    Until you close your questions about how to overcome fear in yourself, it will continue to keep you silent.
  • If you're afraid to fight, which means that at the right time you will not be able to protect your close friends in battle.
  • If you are afraid of losing your husband or wife, guy or girl, you will never become his or her ideal as long as fear lives in you.
    As a result, your fear of losing your partner will only push him away, and you will separate only because your fate was initially determined by a fear that you could not cope with.

Constant feelings of anxiety and fear greatly limit and hold us back in many aspects of life.

Overcome it and rewrite the script of your life.

Leave the heavy anchors of fear behind and experience the full joy of life.

Where do these phobias come from, the reasons for their appearance?

1. False beliefs and concepts, incorrect perception of the world

All your obsessive and restless thoughts are taken away from false beliefs and concepts in the head.

If there are no false beliefs and concepts, then there are no disorders or experiences.

Watch them, notice them in yourself, and they will begin to clean up. This way, you will worry less and less about how to get rid of fear and uncertainty.

2. Faith and feeding this feeling by the person himself

You can't overcome fear until you let him be in charge and as long as you believe in him.

If you believe in fear, it will only increase. And then your treatment of constant feelings of fear and anxiety will be useless, because the conviction of their existence will only intensify.

Remember that fear in psychology is just an emotion. This emotion shouldn't affect you.

3. Doubts about something unknown and unknown

When something new and unknown awaits a person, the process of evaluating yourself begins. When you evaluate yourself, your strength is called into question.

When evaluating yourself, there is an unnecessary need to always reinforce and confirm this assessment.

Jump into this unknown with pleasure, go towards something new.

In fact, It is the unknown that opens up new horizons, it is there that there is life and new space for growth opens up.

Get out of your comfort zone more often, strive to experience the unknown and no longer think about how to get rid of phobias on your own.

4. Self-preservation instinct - your cowardly self

Every feeling we have is based on evolution, and is rooted in self-preservation instinct. The reason for the appearance of feelings of fear and anxiety is precisely this instinct.

  • If you are feeling jealous, then this is one of the manifestations of the instinct of self-preservation.
    Jealousy protects you from sexually transmitted diseases, which can be fatal.
  • If you are lazy, laziness saves you strength in case of attack by a predator, so that you are ready to flee or fight with fresh forces at any moment.
  • Even love is a feeling aimed at preserving life. If you are in love, it gives you a purpose in life that overshadows everything else.
    Love makes the process of procreation pleasant and free from problems. Lovers simply turn a blind eye to problems.

Love is a feeling that makes sure that nothing interferes with the reproduction of individuals.

Every feeling that we have has a main purpose - save the lives of us and our family.

Fear is just one of these feelings. Know the reason for its appearance, and you will no longer be so bothered by thoughts about how to deal with the fear of death.

After all, this is a simple instinct of self-preservation.

1. Understand that there is nothing valuable in life to cling to.

There is really nothing in life that you can truly cling to.

If you dig deep, then for people, in fact, the most valuable thing is simply sensations (pleasures, good emotions).

But they don't create much value.

To get rid of constant fear forever, you need to be a free person inside.

People do everything in the world for the sake of sensations, good emotions, tactile pleasures.

All human evolution is a race for emotions and sensations.

People are driven by emotions, they want to experience them.

Hence they are afraid of losing them, people cling and depend on sensations and emotions.

See the world through your own eyes, not through the eyes of society.

Otherwise, you will remain shy and timid all your life. Read more about how to remove shyness and modesty, We .

A person’s inaction and inactivity determine the degree of development of his cowardice

Fear is like a virus; it cannot be measured. But you can judge it by the body's reactions.

Antibodies are produced to the virus. Doctors find antibodies in the blood and understand that a virus lives in the body.

Fear is revealed in the same way.

Few people admit that they have it. But fear can be seen in the results of a person's life.

People stricken with fear exhibit inaction. A person is afraid and does not know what to do with feelings of fear and anxiety.

He can also be cowardly due to his big ego and... This all limits people.

When fear levels go through the roof beyond all permissible norms, it causes complete paralysis of activity.

From now on, all types of treatment are pills, powders and promises of how to overcome fear and self-doubt.

But they do not work while the fear virus lives in a person.

What you used to call laziness- are not laziness. This is the fear of leaving your comfort zone, which is carefully disguised by your excuses.

Fear - the real reason for inaction, not laziness. You will know by knowing its reason for its appearance.

As soon as a person’s fears are removed, the so-called laziness immediately recedes and activity comes.

3. To fight fear and anxiety, you need to understand not the consequence, but the cause of its occurrence.

Otherwise they will never leave throughout their lives.

Subconsciously, people themselves avoid fighting fear.

People don't fight for a reason- fear, and with consequences fear - inaction.

It’s easier for people this way, because fighting inaction is much more pleasant than fighting fear.

So people occupy themselves with all sorts of activities, the effectiveness of which is no higher than simple picking their nose.

It doesn't bring results. Questions about how to remove fear and embarrassment and be confident in yourself remain unresolved.

  1. A man who fights fear, does what is most effective, regardless of whether he is afraid to do it or not.
    As a result, a person quickly achieves success.
  2. A man who struggles with inaction avoids everything that he is afraid of and occupies himself not with what is effective, but with what is pleasant to do.
    Such people spend their whole lives on various nonsense, because their goal is just to be busy. And they get what they want - employment. They get busyness instead of results.

All the people around are trying to be busy and are not even looking for an effective method to overcome their fears and phobias.

There are no results because the selected activity is selected people only to avoid their fear, and not to achieve results.

Everyone struggles with inaction, and not with fear.

Because of this, a person experiences and worries about it all his life.

Engage in self-education and self-development!

  • Self-study teaches us overcome fears. It teaches us to do what is effective. Thanks to self-development, we are no longer worried about how to deal with fear and anxiety.
  • The fight against inaction teaches us just keep busy. Endless searches for employment and blind actions bypass fears.

4. Realize that you are not inside the body (all Buddhists know)

The body saves its own skin and is afraid almost always.

Many questions about how to overcome the fear of death or other misfortune will disappear forever and will never return when you realize that you are not in the body.

This does not mean that you will deliberately mutilate your body. Not at all!

No need to exaggerate.

You will also continue to do your favorite things, but there will be an awareness that you are not inside the body.

99% of fears are associated precisely with the feeling that that you are this mortal substance. This gives rise to concerns that you might lose something or be deprived of something.

By associating yourself with some object, in this case with the body, you understand that you are mortal. From here, thoughts constantly arise that you may disappear, or that your body may fall into danger at any moment. This creates a huge amount of fear. How incredibly helpful it is to realize that you are not the body, the skin.

Realize this and you will no longer be bothered by thoughts of how to get rid of the feeling of fear.

5. Let him do whatever he wants inside you - an effective non-resistance technique

Fear is illusory.

The main points and essence of this technique:

During this process you realize that fear cannot do anything other than create an emotion or sensation.

After all, fear is it's a ghost without a reason or basis.

Look straight into fear.

After all, it’s just not a real emotion, it can’t touch you.

By allowing fear to be, you realize that it is like a ghost. There is no real danger. There is only an emotion that appears. And if you don’t run away from it, it appears, grows and then disappears. The more often you DO NOT run away from fear, the faster the fear will disappear.

Without resisting what comes and goes, you close your questions about how to get rid of obsessive thoughts and fears.

6. Know that fear has no power over you, it is simply experienced in the body.

With this mindset, you understand that fear will be experienced in the body and this is the maximum that will happen to you!

Gradually you don't pay attention to him.

For you this is another an emotion that comes and goes.

There is nothing at the root of fear. There is no foundation on which it rests.

Watch the following useful video on how to cope with the fear of death, the future, failure and all sorts of unnecessary thoughts.


If you are haunted by noise in your head and internal dialogue, then meditation will help you.

Meditation will not help you free yourself from fear, but it will allow you to be at peace and eliminate internal dialogue.

7. Laugh in his face, he should only have one role in your life - entertaining

Laugh at the mere feeling of fear.

This laughter destroys any of its manifestations.

This is the only weapon. This is how you can overcome anxiety and fear with just laughter.

You cannot fight it, solve it, or negotiate with it.

You can just see that it's just fake.

Fear is a reflex that develops on its own.

This reflex bypasses the cerebral cortex.

Persuasion and reasoning have no effect on him.

Fear does not go through the cerebral cortex and does not respond to persuasion.

If you feel afraid or afraid of something, laugh and smile at it, and you can get rid of your inner fear.

It makes your life more interesting and exciting. This is how wise fighters in the ring close their questions about this and any phobias.

8. Do your own self-reflection in writing.

Self-analysis allows you to clearly analyze the problem and write your own answers to it.

Grab a pen and paper and do some written self-reflection.

The benefit is that in this way you can independently remove fears from a person and get answers yourself without the need to turn to someone for help.

For example, ask yourself these questions:

  • What is bothering me now, and what is the cause and source of the problem?
  • What makes me feel this way?
  • Is it really real or is it just a feeling?

Everyone will have their own unique answers to questions about how to get rid of fears and phobias.

Everyone can solve the problem themselves.

9. Create new reference experiences, destroy old limiting beliefs.

When you face fear and do something that was previously scary, your brain creates a new reference experience.

The brain understands that there is no fear and there is no reason to be afraid of anything.

This way you gain new insights about how to treat anxiety and fears.

To leave it behind, you have to go through it.

Only by walking through fear will you rewrite and create a new reference experience that will destroy old limiting beliefs.

  1. If you run away out of fear, he will chase you all your life. It will wear you down and turn your life into an escape.
  2. If you follow fear, then at some point you will realize that it is not there. After all, he is left behind and nothing can hold you back or stop you.

That's all. Now you know everything about how to overcome the fear of death and live in harmony.

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers! The function of fear is to keep us alive, a sort of internal safety regulator. That's why we don't jump from rooftops without a parachute, follow traffic rules and avoid packs of aggressive dogs. But it happens that this regulator significantly goes beyond the boundaries, protecting us from everything, including life itself, depriving us of the opportunity to enjoy it. Therefore, there is a need to resort to various methods that provide relief from fear. And that is exactly what I will share with you today.

Where does fear come from?

Fear, in its essence, is an instinct, a helper of all living beings. Due to the fact that man has gone further than other animals in the development of higher nervous activity, his interaction with the world has become more complex. A health threat may not exist, but once he has experienced it, he will fantasize about all sorts of dangers, even if they do not coincide with reality.

Since most of our problems in adulthood stem from childhood, if we do not work on ourselves, they can turn into phobias. They control life, depriving them of all the charms and freedom. A person may understand the absurdity of their phobia, but still try to avoid it.

For example, a child was bitten by a dog, or simply barked, which pretty much frightened him. Since in our society it is not particularly customary to cry, especially for boys, parents could quickly begin to calm him down, without giving him a chance to relieve stress. Then this experience of horror is “pushed” deep into itself, and makes itself felt every time a tailed creature appears, even if it is not aggressive.

In extreme, severe cases, the phobia of dogs can become so strong that he may well stop leaving the house, even as an adult man. It all depends on the degree of injury, mental state and whether there was an opportunity to get support and relieve tension.

Top 15 disposal methods

1. Map of fears


Find communities of people on the Internet with the same experiences as you; understanding that you are not the only one makes the situation a little easier. You can support each other, share advice and life stories. It's easier to cope together.


Next time, as soon as you experience a panic attack, concentrate and try to observe yourself and your feelings as if from the outside, to isolate yourself from what is happening. This technique will help you pull yourself together and calm down.

14. "Brainstorm"

Write down absolutely all the thoughts that arise when you remember the subject of your phobia. This way the subconscious will connect, you will “discharge” a little, and, perhaps, you will become aware of some nuances that will help you cope with your “tormentor” in the future. You can read more about this technique.

15. Auto training

Check out this article. Because auto-training helps in such cases, besides, with its help you will increase your self-esteem and become more confident.

The most important thing is not to ignore your condition, expecting it to go away on its own. Correction is necessary and will bring you relief, you just need to make an effort. So please be patient, strong and calm.

That's all for today, see you soon.



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