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The nutrition of a one-year-old child directly affects his development. The lack of vitamins and elements in the diet and non-compliance with the daily routine lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the joints, cardiovascular and immune systems.

For normal growth and development, a child must eat well, since up to 5 years the body is actively building and adapting to the environment.

During this period, children awaken interest in adult food, which is associated with the appearance of teeth, improvement of the gastrointestinal system and the activation of new enzymes in it. The diet needs to be more complicated; breast milk or formula will no longer be enough.

But when introducing new products, there are certain rules that must be followed. First of all, the following products are prohibited for infants:

  • mushrooms;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • confectionery and sweets;
  • foods with a lot of salt;
  • sausage and fatty meats;
  • spices and seasonings;
  • canned food

But there are foods that should be introduced into your baby’s diet first. The article provides a list of healthy foods that your child will grow up healthy if consumed.

Baby's feeding regimen

  • If the baby is breastfed, then it is better to leave 5-6 meals a day so as not to injure the digestive tract, and introduce other foods in addition to milk. Or gradually transfer the baby to the adult mode - 4 times a day.
  • Feeding should occur every 4 hours.
  • Keep snacking between meals to a minimum. Don't give your baby cookies just to make him stop crying.

Snacks, especially sweet ones, worsen appetite and disrupt the smooth production of enzymes and intestinal motility, causing substances to be less absorbed.

  • The diet should be at least 1300 kcal per day and cover 1000-1200 ml.

The most high-calorie and satisfying lunch should be a soup and a second course.

  • It is important to consume animal fats, which are found in meat, fish and dairy products: cottage cheese, cheese, milk. They should be on the menu every day.
  • Ready meals should be chopped, but not as finely as during complementary feeding. Leave complete pieces in the ground food.
  • Instead of cow's milk, it is better to use formula, as with artificial feeding. Cow's milk is too heavy for a one-year-old baby.


    Children's yogurt, kefir

    You can consume up to 200 ml per day. Make sure they are kid-grade or low-fat.

    Cottage cheese

    You are allowed to consume up to 70 g per day. You can eat it as fresh cottage cheese or as an ingredient in other dishes: casseroles, puddings.


    No more than 12 g per day. Served with meat, pasta or other side dishes.

At this age, you can offer your child butter spread on bread or add it to porridge.

Meat products, fish, eggs


It should be present on the baby’s table daily in the amount of 100 g. It contains a lot of healthy proteins and iron.

Use beef, veal, chicken, rabbit, turkey - types of meat that have a low fat content so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract.


Daily in quantities of up to 40 g. These products are served in the form of cutlets, steamed meatballs.

You can give it to children a couple of times a week. They contain a lot of protein and microelements.

It should be served boiled or as an omelet in the microwave, as fried food is harmful to the child’s body.

Flour and bakery products, cereals

At 12-18 months, cereals are especially relevant:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • corn grits;

Porridge has an excellent effect on intestinal development and normalizes peristalsis.

You can give your baby white bread, up to 100 g per day.

Pasta is allowed several times a week, in soup or as a side dish.

Fruits and vegetables

Give them in small portions and carefully monitor for an allergic reaction. Each fruit must be introduced separately.

Allowed fruits:

  • cherry;
  • strawberry;
  • peaches;
  • apricots;
  • raspberries;
  • tangerines;
  • oranges;
  • blueberry.

  • Daily norm up to 250 g

They can be eaten fresh after the main meal, or together with cereals, cottage cheese, yoghurts, or as an ingredient in casseroles.

Vegetables are on the same level of importance as fruits; they are also full of vitamins and minerals necessary for proper development, and they also help cells absorb protein. It is better to eat them in crushed form along with meat and fish.

Around the age of one and a half years, offer vegetables in pieces.

Vegetable or fruit juices with pulp are welcome in the diet, daily norm– 100 ml. Exceeding the norm causes allergies.

Other necessary products


    Pure water. But you can give juices, unsweetened tea and fruit compotes, herbal infusions, kefir or yoghurt.


    Maximum 1 g per day.


    Natural marshmallows, marshmallows, jam and honey (if there is no intolerance).

How and what to feed a child after one year and up to one and a half years, nutritional features, sample menu. How and what to feed a child after one year and up to one and a half years, nutritional features, approximate menu Diet for 1 5 years

The age of one and a half years is the time to expand the child’s diet. His digestive system improves, the number of teeth increases, which helps him chew harder foods. Mom does not need to carefully grind food, as in the first year of life. The components of the dishes can be cut into small pieces without resorting to a meat grinder or blender. A varied menu introduces the baby to new tastes and ensures the supply of valuable vitamins and microelements.

A child’s diet after one year should be drawn up taking into account the recommendations of specialists

Diet of a one and a half year old child

The diet of children after one and a half years includes 5 meals. Three of them are main and two are snacks. Some kids refuse second breakfast and switch to 4 meals a day with a 4-hour break between meals. Whatever the baby’s habits, the main thing is to invite him to the table at a strictly allotted time. This will develop a food reflex and create favorable conditions for digesting food.

Baby's diet after one year

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When choosing food for a child after one year, you should give preference to light dietary products. Children's menus must include porridge, light soups, fermented milk dishes, fish and meat cutlets. To season dishes, use vegetable oil and low-fat sour cream. It is allowed to add salt, herbs, and ground pepper.

Porridge, vegetables, meat on the menu

Porridge can be served every day, at any time. The most valuable of them are oatmeal and buckwheat, which contain many useful microelements. Rice is well digested, but it should be limited if you are prone to constipation. Less popular corn and millet porridges are a source of silicon, calcium and phosphorus. You can also offer barley, which contains iron and potassium, and pearl barley is introduced after three years.

Vegetables and fruits can be given every day, in any form. They contain fiber, which prevents constipation and promotes easy digestion. Summer is the best time for light salads. Baked vegetables and mashed potatoes are suitable as a side dish at any time of the year.

The children's menu should not only be varied, but interesting and beautiful

For cutlets and meatballs, you should use lean meats - turkey, beef, veal. A blender, a double boiler and a slow cooker will help you prepare it. Low-fat fish dishes should be included in the diet at least 2 times a week. A piece of baked fish will provide the body with important amino acids, iodine, potassium, lecithin, magnesium, and phospholipids. However, it should be remembered that fish is a strong allergen.

Eggs, dairy products and fats in the diet

Milk, fermented milk and dairy products provide children with calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, protein, vitamin D. They contain milk sugar, easily digestible acids, carbohydrates, and minerals.

You can use cottage cheese to make cheesecakes, casseroles, and lazy dumplings, which your baby can try.

Chicken eggs are valued for their amino acids and lecithin. A whole egg can be given to an older child for breakfast every other day or steamed into an omelet and added to dishes. If there is an allergy to protein, it is removed from the menu. You can also try dietary quail eggs.

A child over one year old can be given a whole egg (every other day, or half daily), and not just the yolk

Fats are oils (sunflower, olive, butter, corn) that are useful in their own way. The vitamins, minerals and fatty acids they contain give strength and support metabolism. The daily norm of butter at the age of 2 years is from 6 to 10 grams. (including adding to porridges, puddings, casseroles).

Bread, pasta and sweets

The diet of one and a half year old children may contain pasta made from durum wheat. They contain carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B9, PP, B2, calcium, phosphorus and other microelements. Up to 2 years, the inclusion of baked goods with bran is not recommended by WHO and pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky. However, at 1.5 years old you can introduce your child to bread made from rye flour.

The daily intake of black bread should not exceed 10 grams. In total, a two-year-old child is allowed to eat up to 100 grams of bread per day (70 grams of wheat and 30 grams of rye). If a child refuses bread, do not insist - porridge can completely replace it.

Sweets and chocolate should be given to the baby in very limited quantities; it is better to prefer dried fruits and biscuits (see also:)

You should not include sweets and confectionery in the diet of a 1.5-year-old baby. Once a week you can have marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows, honey, biscuits and dried fruits (see also:). The daily sugar intake is 40 grams (sugar added to porridge, pies, and cottage cheese is considered).

You should not try unhealthy and heavy food from an adult table at this age. Heavy, fatty, fried foods are prohibited. Mushrooms, pickled vegetables, smoked meats, seafood, and marinades should not be given. The taboo applies to concentrated juices, sparkling water, margarine and spread, and coffee.

Menu for the day at 1.5-3 years

A varied and balanced diet is the basis for the harmonious development of a 1.5-2 year old child. The basis of a child's diet should be foods containing protein - eggs, fish, meat, dairy products.

The daily correct set of dishes that should be given to the baby is given in the table:

Name of the dish Age 1.5-2 years Age 2-3 years
Liquid buckwheat porridge with milk150 ml180 ml
Steam omelette50 g60 g
Fruit juice100 ml140 ml
Beet salad with sour cream30 g50 g
Vegetarian vegetable soup50-100 ml150 ml
Lean beef puree or pate50 g70 g
Boiled pasta with butter50g50-60 g
Dried fruits compote70 ml100 ml
Afternoon snack
Kefir150 ml180 ml
Galette or oatmeal cookies15 g15 g
Fruits (apple, banana, pears)100 gr100 gr
Vinaigrette or fresh vegetable salad with butter100 gr100 gr
Fish balls50 gr70 gr
Mashed potatoes60-80 gr100 gr
Tea with milk100 ml100 ml
Total calories: 1300 kcal 1500 kcal

The calorie content of the daily diet is distributed evenly 30%/35%/15%/20% (breakfast/lunch/afternoon snack/dinner). Nutritionists and WHO recommend calculating calories and sticking to a similar ratio during feedings. If your child asks to eat at night, it is better to feed him kefir, low-fat yogurt or milk.

Weekly menu for children 1.5-2 years old

In order for the baby to eat with appetite, his menu should be as varied as possible.

Despite the limited time for preparing food, it is important for the mother to diversify the child’s diet as much as possible and introduce him to new tastes. This will also be additional preparation for kindergarten, where children do not have to choose what to eat. An approximate menu for a week after 1 year and 6 months is shown in the table:

Day of the week Type of meal Dishes
MondayBreakfastSemolina porridge, wheat bread, weak tea with sugar.
DinnerLight vegetable soup, grated beet salad, steam cutlet, mashed potatoes, compote.
Afternoon snackFruit juice, cottage cheese, bun.
DinnerVegetable stew, bread, tea.
TuesdayBreakfastOatmeal porridge with milk, bun, cocoa.
DinnerBeetroot soup, salad of grated carrots and apples, fish meatballs, barley porridge, berry juice.
Afternoon snackBiscuits, yoghurt.
DinnerStewed potatoes with chicken fillet
WednesdayBreakfastRice porridge with raisins and milk.
DinnerMeatball soup, cabbage-carrot salad,
Afternoon snackCompote, cheesecakes (more details in the article:).
DinnerSteamed vegetables, juice.
ThursdayBreakfastSteam omelette, black bread, tea (we recommend reading:).
DinnerVermicelli soup, fresh cucumber, millet porridge, goulash, compote.
Afternoon snackDiet bread, kefir.
DinnerFish cutlet, mashed potatoes, compote.
FridayBreakfastCurd casserole, tea.
DinnerRice soup, fresh tomato, stewed vegetables with meat, jelly.
Afternoon snackSandwich with cheese, berry compote.
DinnerBread with butter and cheese, buckwheat porridge with milk, tea.
SaturdayBreakfastSteam omelette, cottage cheese, compote.
DinnerGreen cabbage soup, cabbage salad, battered chicken, buckwheat porridge.
Afternoon snackOatmeal cookies, fermented baked milk (see also:).
DinnerVegetable stew, jelly.
SundayBreakfastLush pancakes with gravy and cocoa.
DinnerSoup with dumplings, fresh cucumber, pasta, beef meatballs, compote.
Afternoon snackBaked apple, bread and butter, tea.
DinnerSteamed vegetables and fish, bread, tea.

To my mother's piggy bank: healthy recipes

It is important for a mother to pay careful attention to both the selection of products for the child and their careful culinary processing. It is advisable to make cottage cheese, jelly, yoghurt, minced meat, oatmeal and shortbread cookies yourself. Finished products are not always stored in proper conditions, and manufacturers are often silent about their composition. You need to gradually master recipes for children's dishes and introduce them to your child.

Millet porridge “Kaprizka”

Millet porridge “Kaprizka”

Initially, boil viscous millet porridge by pouring half a glass of cereal with a glass of hot water. Then add a little sugar and salt to the pan with the millet and cook until tender, cool to 40 degrees and serve with one of the toppings:

  • finely chopped dried apricots and raisins, nuts and butter;
  • carrot puree (chopped carrots should first be stewed, then mixed with porridge and garnished with prunes);
  • pieces of stewed fillet placed on porridge.

Tender cream of chicken soup

To prepare one serving, you need to make broth by boiling 20 grams of chicken fillet in 150 ml. water and adding salt, half an onion and carrots. Grind the finished meat and vegetables in a blender, adding half the broth, and grind. Separately, dry a tablespoon of flour in a frying pan, add the rest of the broth and 1 tsp. butter. Keep on fire until thickened, stirring constantly.

Mix the sauce and mashed meat puree with vegetables. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. At the same time, combine a fresh egg with 30 ml. warm boiled milk, boil until thickened in a water bath. Add the resulting mixture to the slightly cooled soup and stir. Serve with greens.

Beets stewed with prunes

Beets stewed with prunes

Grate medium-sized red beets on a coarse grater. Melt 1 teaspoon of butter in a frying pan and heat the chopped root vegetable in it. Add 50 grams of chopped prunes, salt and sugar, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until tender. It is important to stir every 2 minutes so that the beets become tender and fragrant.

Fish stewed in milk

Prepare a good cod fillet, sprinkle with salt. Separately, chop the new potatoes, add water and cook until half cooked in a ceramic pot. Drain the water, add the chopped half of the onion and the prepared fish. Pour a glass of milk over the food and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Before serving, decorate with herbs.

Meat soufflé

Chicken soufflé

Grind 350 grams of good tenderloin in a blender or food processor. Continuing to beat, add a little salt, 50 g. butter, a good raw egg. Gradually pour in 0.5 cups of low-fat cream. Place the well-prepared mass in an oiled mold, which should be placed in a bowl of boiling water and placed in a preheated oven.

During baking, it is important to ensure that there is always boiling water in the bowl and add it when it evaporates. Signs of a dish being ready are an increase and compaction of the mass, its separation from the walls of the mold. Before finally removing the dish, mom should try it. You can serve the soufflé on a flat plate, adding herbs and fresh tomatoes.

Rice casserole with cottage cheese

Rice casserole with cottage cheese

Boil the fluffy rice. Add raisins, an egg beaten with a little sugar, butter and grated cottage cheese. Mix the mixture well and place on a baking sheet, previously greased with oil and covered with breadcrumbs. Brush the mixture with the previously combined egg and sour cream or pour melted butter on top. Bake for 10 minutes at medium temperature. Serve garnished with berry syrup.

Note to mom

A two-year-old baby may refuse meals prepared by his mother. New products may cause particular aversion. Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend insisting.

Every day your child is getting older, which means it’s time to adapt to his new pace of life, new rules, new daily routine and, of course, a new adult menu. If up to a year the baby could be fed with breast milk, formula, soft purees, cereals, cottage cheese and only some products from the general adult table, then already at 1.5 years the child’s diet should change. This is not even due to the fact that it is necessary, but to the fact that your child’s energy expenditure requires it. By the age of 1.5 years, he became more mobile, his gastrointestinal tract works differently (able to digest solid food), his liver and pancreas are fully functioning. All these organs have reached their maturity.

If parents do not take care of their baby’s digestion, this can result in serious problems - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, slowdown in physiological growth, etc. Therefore, all that needs to be done at this stage is to pay closer attention to what the child eats and how he does it.

Calorie content of foods

A 1.5 year old child should consume a total of about 1300 kcal. If the baby is already older, then his diet increases to 1600 kcal per day. Moreover, the total calorie content is distributed as follows - breakfast and lunch should be the most high-calorie, that is, they should be 25-35% of the total daily diet, the afternoon snack should be as light as possible, and dinner should be about 25%.

The amount of food consumed depends entirely on the child’s appetite. It is wrong to force a baby to eat something he doesn’t like, to blackmail him with food, games, and to put moral pressure on the child. In this case, you will only make things worse and the child will refuse to eat altogether. If you overfeed a child by force, this will certainly lead to consequences such as excess weight, lack of mobility in the baby, and as a result - health problems.

What to do if a child refuses to eat?

Does your child refuse food during the day? What to do in this case? Force him to eat or are there other methods?

So, if a child has a decreased appetite and refuses to eat all the foods that you offer him, then in this case it would not be a bad idea not to follow the established routine, but to offer the baby meals at the time he wants.

For example, at 9-10 pm or vice versa - early in the morning (if the child wakes up early). Children usually enjoy eating yoghurt with cookies, dairy products, sweets, and sticks.

How to process food?

It is very important for children aged 1.5 years to 3 to process food correctly. If before your baby was 1-1.5 years old, then you probably pureed meat, fish, cereals, prepared light cutlets, meatballs, soufflés for him. You also did not give your child whole, fresh fruits and vegetables; you had to grate them or chop them in a blender.

When a child is 1.5 years old, such careful processing of products is not needed. You can already give him a hard apple, carrot, etc. The consistency of other dishes should not be liquid, but more dense. The child must learn to bite food and chew it (after all, it’s not for nothing that he got teeth).

At the age of 1.5 years to 3, fried foods appear in the child’s diet - cutlets, fish, but stewed and boiled foods should not be excluded (combine and combine them). Try to use less processed foods - cereals, purees, juices, canned food. Remember, in principle, homemade food cannot be better and healthier.

How to organize your diet?

It takes about 3-4 hours for an older child to digest food. This means that you need to eat every 3 hours. Even if we are not talking about a full meal, then at least a snack. Of course, no one forces you, as a parent, to observe the established time limits, but, nevertheless, it will be better for the child’s health. By the way, snacks should also be healthy - fruits, yoghurts, and not sweets, cakes and pastries. If the child is 1.5 years old and has a weak appetite, then a fifth feeding is possible - morning or evening.

High-calorie foods containing large amounts of protein should prevail in the first half of the day so that it is easier for the child to digest it.

Answers to parents' questions

Yes, milk is very important for a 1.5-3 year old child. If we talk about a certain amount, then a baby at that age needs to receive about 600 ml of dairy products (pure milk, curds, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.). These are the products that should be available daily. As for cheese, sour cream, cream, cottage cheese casseroles - they can be alternated daily.

How much meat can a child eat?

Protein should be in a child's diet. It promotes the synthesis of DNA (genetic information), RNA, as well as the production of calcium and nitrogen. But not all types of meat are good for a child. Thus, duck and goose meat contains a large amount of fats, which are not always well digested by the child’s stomach. Poultry, veal, turkey, and rabbit are suitable for children's diets.

What kind of fish should I give my child?

From one year of age and older, fish must be included in a child’s diet. The protein of this product is quite well absorbed and tolerated by the baby. It is recommended to give your baby 3-4 dishes made from fish per week. The ideal option is sea fish (hake, sea bass, cod). But it is not recommended to give caviar to children, as it contains a large amount of salt (if you decide to experiment, then only a little).

Can eggs cause an allergic reaction?

Eggs can indeed cause a persistent allergic reaction. Therefore, it is not recommended for children to consume them in large quantities. For children, eggs are only suitable hard-boiled or in the form of an omelet with fresh vegetables. Under no circumstances should you give eggs raw.

Regarding vegetable oil, a child over the age of 1.5 years can have 5 grams of oil and 15 grams of butter.

What kind of cereals can be eaten at the age of 1-3 years?

Buckwheat, barley, oatmeal, wheat and pearl barley. As the baby gets older, you can introduce more buckwheat. It is recommended to add vegetables and fresh fruits to porridge. The amount of cereal per day is no more than 20-25 grams.

The older our baby gets, the more foods we can safely introduce into his diet, but there are still a number of restrictions. Children's menus from 1 year of age should be varied, healthy and tasty, but they are far from being suitable for adults, since the baby's body is not yet strong enough. From this article we will learn how to choose the right diet for children over 1.5 years old, so that they eat both profitably and with pleasure.

What should be on a little fidget's plate after a year? Let's look at the most important nutritional principles for children of this age.

Principles of nutrition

4 meals a day

A child of this age should eat 4 times a day - this will allow him to form the right eating habits and follow a daily routine.

At breakfast, the baby should receive 25% of the total daily ration, at lunch - 35%, at dinner - 25%, and in the afternoon - 15%. This distribution will teach him to continue to eat properly.

Food structure

Now that the child already has significantly more teeth, it is not necessary to wipe or grind food in a blender; it will be enough to mash it with a fork or grate it on a coarse grater.

Soft foods such as bananas, berries, soft bread can be given whole, cut into slices.

Meat can now be offered not only in the form of puree or souffle, but also cutlets, meatballs and meatballs.

Heat treatment

Fried foods are still unacceptable in the diet. It doesn’t matter what we are talking about, meat, cereals or vegetables, we steam them.

So, let's look at specific examples of what breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner should look like for children aged 1.5 years.


As we remember, it should be quite high in calories, protein and carbohydrates. It is optimal to cook porridge with milk or water.

Children's menus from 1.5 years old may include oatmeal, wheat porridge, buckwheat and millet. They are the most useful. As for rice, it is better to cook it less often, since unpolished, that is, brown, is still rough for the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, and white is less healthy.

We offer you several sample breakfast options.

Option I - porridge


Let's prepare milk millet porridge. The serving should be approximately 150 – 170 ml.

To prepare the most healthy porridge, you need to cook it as little as possible, and for this you just need to soak the cereal for a few hours or overnight. Millet is the densest and most difficult to boil, so it makes sense to soak it in the evening.

  • Pour 2 tbsp. cereals and leave overnight.
  • In the morning, we wash the cereal, fill it with clean water so that it covers the millet by less than half a finger, add salt and put it on the fire.
  • As soon as the porridge boils, add 2 tbsp. milk, add 1 tsp. sugar and cook for another 5-7 minutes.
  • Turn off the finished porridge, let it stand under the lid for 5 - 10 minutes and serve. You can add 1 tsp per serving. butter.

Instead of sugar, you can use jam or preserves as a sweetener, but it is better to avoid honey for now - it is too allergenic.


We prepare it for children over 1.5 years old only from regular Hercules flakes. No instant cereals, since there is no benefit left in them, only extra sugar and preservatives. But if you want to cook it as quickly as possible, we also soak 2 tbsp. cereal.

Fill them with boiling water in a ladle so that the water is level with the cereal, add some salt and cover with a lid. Let it sit for about half an hour, pour in 3-4 tbsp. milk and put on fire. Bring to a boil, that’s it, you can turn off the porridge, it’s ready!

We also fill it with oil and either add 1 tsp. sugar or jam.

In addition, it is good to add fruit to oatmeal. It is better to do this 5 minutes before the end of cooking, and if the cereal has been soaked, then immediately after the porridge boils.

Children's cottage cheese

We choose a product with medium fat content, 9 or 15%. Nutritionists categorically do not recommend eating village cottage cheese for children 1.5 years old because the fat content in it is too high.

The serving should be approximately 100 - 150 g. You can use children's store-bought cottage cheese. If desired, add fresh fruit to it: cut an apple, pear or banana into slices and mix.

If the child eats cottage cheese well, but avoids porridge, or vice versa, we will prepare an original breakfast by combining both ingredients.

Cottage cheese with oat flakes

To begin, grind 3-4 tbsp in a blender or coffee grinder. oatmeal. This amount is enough for several servings.

Take 100 g of cottage cheese, add 1 tbsp to it. the resulting oatmeal, sweeten it with sugar or jam at your discretion, mix and serve! From such a curd mass you can form a hedgehog or any other figure familiar to your baby.

It’s also good to add ¼ banana to the cottage cheese - you can simply cut it up or other seasonal fruits. We remember that for children from 1.5 years old, apples and pears need to be grated.

Option III - omelet

Since we do not yet offer fried food to children of this age, we will prepare the same omelet as for adults, but in a different way.

  1. Mix 1 egg with 3 tbsp in a plate. milk, salt.
  2. Then take a small jar with a lid, grease the walls with vegetable oil, pour the egg mixture into it and place it in a pan with cold water. The level should correspond to the height of the omelette.
  3. Place on the fire and cover the pan with a lid. After boiling, cook the omelette for 20 minutes, turn it off, let it cool without opening it and take it out. To do this, you need to shake the jar, then the omelette will slide out on its own.

If your baby loves this dish, you can begin to diversify its taste by adding grated vegetables: zucchini - literally 1 tbsp for this volume, broccoli or cauliflower.

In addition to this breakfast, you can offer a slice of bread and butter. From the age of 1.5 years, a child can already receive up to 15 - 20 g of this product per day. The best option would be a sandwich with white bread or a loaf, since rye varieties are much more difficult to digest and can cause bloating.


Lunch should account for the largest amount of food, as we remember, so for starters, you can offer your child a salad. The portion should be purely symbolic so as not to kill your appetite before the main course, but fresh vegetables improve peristalsis and have a positive effect on the body as a whole, so you shouldn’t neglect the salad either.

Well, if the child is not a fan of first courses, it will even more so become a worthy alternative to soup.


In the summer we cook from seasonal vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers. We chop everything finely or grate it. The serving should be about 1.5 tbsp, fill it with ½ tsp. vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream.

In winter and autumn we make salads from boiled beets, Chinese cabbage (cut very finely) and carrots. It is better to leave cabbage until 2 years old - its fibers are too coarse.

First course

Children's menus from 1 year of age include the preparation of soups, both vegetable and meat broths, so we can safely choose what the child likes. The main condition is that if the first is vegetable, the second must contain animal protein.

Option 1 – beetroot soup with rice

Thanks to the vegetables included in the composition, it combines the qualities of a salad.

  • To prepare 2 servings, take a piece of chicken fillet 60 - 70 g. Fill it with 2 glasses of filtered water and put it on fire.
  • Meanwhile, grate 30 g of raw beets (3 x 2 cm block), peel ½ of a medium tomato and finely chop along with ¼ of a bell pepper.
  • As soon as the chicken boils, salt it to taste and, after waiting 10 minutes, add the vegetables to the broth. We also put ½ tbsp of white rice there. Cook until the cereal is ready.
  • Cut the meat into small pieces and serve with 1 teaspoon of low-fat sour cream or the same amount of olive oil.

Option 2 – fish soup with cauliflower

We choose the fillet at our discretion: pangasius, tilapia or sole. We will need 60 - 70 g. Pour in 2 glasses of water and put on fire.

1 large cauliflower inflorescence (50 g), washed well and finely chopped. We also chop ¼ of a small onion and the same amount of bell pepper.

As soon as the fish boils, add vegetables to it and add some salt. Cook until the cauliflower is ready.

If desired, you can add ½ tbsp to this soup. “Gossamer” noodles, this will make him more filling, but remember that you shouldn’t give pasta to a 1.5-year-old child more than 2-3 times a week.

Second course

You should not often choose potatoes - they contain too much starch; it is better to accustom your baby to stews made from other vegetables. At this age, he can already eat zucchini, broccoli, carrots, onions, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes and bell peppers - there will be plenty to choose from!

We also prepare side dishes from cereals.

Option 1 - vegetable stew with rice and egg

For 2 servings we will need: 100 g of zucchini, 30 g of carrots, 20 g of onions, 30 g of bell pepper and 60-70 g of broccoli. Finely chop everything and put it in a small saucepan. Add ½ tbsp there. rice, salt and pour 1/3 cup of milk.

Simmer until the cereal is ready and at the end of cooking add a separately beaten raw chicken egg. Stir the stew several times to cook the egg faster, turn it off and serve.

This dish, as you can see, combines both vegetable and protein components.

Option 2 – liver soufflé with vegetables

To prepare the soufflé, we will need turkey or chicken liver - they are more tender and milder in taste than beef.

Place 200 g of liver, crumb from one slice of white bread, 50 ml of milk and 1 egg into a blender. Beat everything well until smooth. Add some salt, mix again and place in silicone molds, filling them 2/3 full.

We bake the soufflé either in a slow cooker using the “steam” mode, in the microwave (2-3 minutes) or in the oven. To do this, place the molds in a baking tray half filled with water and cook at 180°C for 20 minutes.

Serve with vegetable stew from the previous recipe, but without rice and eggs.


One and a half year old children love dried fruit compote. We make it almost unsweetened, since the taste will already be very rich.

  • For a liter of drink we will need 50 g of dried apricots, prunes and raisins.
  • We thoroughly rinse everything in a colander, add 1 liter of filtered water and put it on the fire.
  • Cook for half an hour after boiling, add a couple of teaspoons of sugar and cook for another 10 minutes, taste for sugar, if there is not enough, add a little more and turn off.

Serve cooled.

Afternoon snack

During the intermediate meal, we offer the baby something light, like fruit - 1-2 slices of apple, crackers or unsweetened cookies.

It is better to abstain from confectionery products such as cakes and chocolate cookies, as at 1.5 years of age they can cause allergies.

Or you can make a wonderful carrot casserole, older children will also appreciate it, so let’s make more.

  1. 200 g of carrots, three on a fine or coarse grater and simmer with the addition of 2 tsp. butter over low heat along with 20 g of semolina, making sure that they do not brown, but simply cook.
  2. If necessary, add water.
  3. Let cool and beat in 1 egg.
  4. Mix, add 80 - 100 g of cottage cheese.
  5. Add sugar to taste and stir again.
  6. Place the mixture on a greased frying pan, baking sheet, or fill silicone molds with it and bake for 25 - 30 minutes at 180°C.

Serve the finished casserole with sour cream and jam.


For dinner, the portion on the children's menu for 1.5 years old should be small, but high in calories.

Option 1 – fish pilaf

We choose fish fillets based on the child’s tastes, remembering that it should not be fatty and bony.

  • Grate ½ medium carrots, finely chop ½ onion.
  • In a small deep frying pan or saucepan, heat 2 tsp. olive oil and add vegetables to it, salt.
  • Keep them stirring for 5 – 7 minutes.

While they are cooking, cut 100 g of fish fillet into pieces. Add to vegetables and mix. Wash 50 g of round rice well and also place it in a frying pan. Pour water onto your finger and close.

Cook over low heat until the rice is completely cooked. If necessary, add water.

Serve sprinkled with herbs.

Option 2 - turkey cutlets with buckwheat

  • Cut 200 g of fillet into cubes and place in a blender bowl along with 2 quail eggs (or ½ chicken), 1 tbsp. breadcrumbs and 1/3 chopped onion.
  • Grind everything, add a little milk if necessary, and salt.
  • Let the minced meat sit for 15 – 20 minutes and form the cutlets.

You can cook them in a double boiler, multicooker (“steamed” mode) or in the oven - the children’s menu from 1.5 years old does not prohibit this. Serve with buckwheat.

You see how tasty and interesting your baby’s food can be! The children's menu from 1 year is very varied. Cook and delight your little one with new tastes!

Many parents They mistakenly believe that a one-year-old child can eat everything that adults eat. In fact, young children need a more balanced diet and not all adult foods are suitable for them. The child’s body is still imperfect and weak, so improper nutrition can lead to serious illnesses for the child. For children under 1.5 years old, meals should be five times a day, and hot food should be given at least twice a day.

Nutrition child older than one year should meet his needs for energy, microelements and. Many children by this age already have 8-12 milk teeth, their digestive ability of the gastrointestinal tract increases, the microflora in the large intestine stabilizes and the volume of the stomach increases. If up to a year old a child was rubbed food through a sieve, then a baby over a year old can begin to give food in small pieces. The transition to an adult diet should be gradual, and nutrition should remain the nutrition of the child's development. Many one-year-old children continue to receive mother's milk, but breast milk alone is no longer enough for their normal growth and development. Therefore, an important place in the diet of children 1-1.5 years old should be given to milk, dairy and fermented milk products.

Milk, kefir, yogurt should be included in the baby’s diet daily, and cottage cheese, sour cream, cream and cheese should be given every other day. If the child is not overweight, then we do not recommend giving him low-fat dairy products; it is best to choose milk, kefir and yoghurts with a fat content of 3.2%, and sour cream and cream with a fat content of 10-15%. The total volume of dairy products consumed per day should be 2-3 glasses, taking into account the preparation of dishes using milk. Of these, it is mandatory to consume 200 ml of kefir per day; it improves intestinal microflora and digestion, and increases the child’s immunity.

Should not be given to a one year old baby yoghurts intended for adults. For your baby, it is better to choose special children's milk yoghurts with a moderate content of fats and vitamins; the baby's diet should contain 100 ml of them per day. Children at this age need 50 grams of cottage cheese. per day, it is an essential source of calcium and protein for a growing body. Sour cream or cream can be used no more than 10 grams. per day for seasoning first courses, and crushed hard cheeses - no more than 5 grams. in a day. We do not recommend giving whole cow's milk to children under 3 years of age.

Meat and fish dishes Baby must receive at least 100 grams. in a day. It is advisable to serve meat dishes at lunch, in the form of meatballs, fillets and minced meat. We recommend giving your baby meat dishes five times a week and fish two days. If you decide to feed meat at lunch and use fish in the evening, then the amount should be reduced. Meat dishes should be prepared from lean beef, chicken or rabbit; you can use the liver, tongue and heart to prepare food for the baby.

Fatty varieties pork, it is better not to give meat of ducks and geese to small children, they are difficult to digest. You should also not feed your babies sausages, as they contain monosodium glutamate, dietary phosphates and nitrates, which can negatively affect the child’s health. As for fish, preference should be given to sea and river fish, with the exception of fatty and delicacy varieties. These are sturgeon, salmon, salmon, halibut and others. Fish should be given to children without the bones if the fish is boiled or fried. Children should not eat smoked or canned fish; we also do not recommend giving black or red caviar. Caviar is a fatty product; in addition, it causes allergies in many children.

Chicken egg a mandatory product that should be present in the diet of children. The egg contains a lot of protein, vitamins and other useful substances necessary for the growth and development of the child. A one-year-old baby should eat one egg every other day in the form of an omelet or hard-boiled.

In nutrition children Various cereals are used for 1-1.5 years. It is recommended to give buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, rice and millet porridge once a day, no more than 150 ml. Children under 1.5 years old should not be given pasta and pearl barley porridge. The food set for children should include coarse rye or wheat bread of no more than 40 grams. per day. You can give 1-2 pieces of cookies or biscuits along with tea. Sugar in the diet of a child under 1.5 years old should be present in small quantities only to improve the taste of dishes. Chocolate and honey are not given to children under three years of age.

Vegetables and fruits should be widely used in the nutrition of children 1-1.5 years old. Mashed potatoes, dishes from cabbage, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin with the addition of herbs and onions should be present in the diet in the amount of 150-200 grams. You should also include turnips, radishes, radishes and legumes in your diet: peas, beans and beans. Vegetable puree should gradually be replaced with finely chopped salads. Fruits and berries should be an obligatory component of a child’s daily menu.

Kids like it gnaw apples, pears, carrots, turnips, and also bananas, cherries, plums, currants and kiwis. The introduction of pineapples, tangerines and oranges into the diet depends on the child’s absence of allergies to exotic fruits. In the absence of allergies, children should receive up to 200 grams of fresh fruit. per day, and fruits and berries up to 20 grams. It is useful for young children to drink fruit, berry and vegetable juices, rosehip decoction, compotes and fruit drinks without sugar. Jelly should not be used in the diet of children under 1.5 years of age, as they contain a large amount of carbohydrates and their nutritional value is low.

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