How to pass a job interview with dignity. Interview questions for employers

First, let's try to figure out how to speak correctly during an interview when applying for a job, and what should not be said at an interview, as well as how to behave in general.

The best option is to be polite to all employees of the organization you meet, be it an HR employee or the boss himself.

On your first visit, you will almost certainly have to fill out some forms or, it is better to do this willingly, without being indignant at the number of questions.

Look into the eyes of your interlocutor, don’t let your gaze wander.

You shouldn’t be overly nervous or allow yourself to be too cheerful.

When you first meet, you need to pay special attention to your personality. For example, choose a formal business suit that will instantly make you look significant.

Take care of cleanliness, your hairstyle and accessories. Under no circumstances should you appear in dirty, wrinkled clothes, open-style items, or too flashy accessories.

So, the preparation has been completed, and what should you say at the interview in order to get hired?

How to communicate with an employer correctly?

The employer will first of all pay attention to the following qualities of you::

  • appearance;
  • sociability;
  • intelligence;
  • competence in issues that need to be resolved in the workplace;
  • non-conflict, accommodating;
  • presence of work experience;
  • desire to work and achieve career growth;
  • energy.

When meeting an employer for the first time, it is important. And clearly understand how to communicate during an interview.

The following points are of great importance:

The boss asks questions. You shouldn’t bombard him with endless “whys” and “whys”; it’s best to listen carefully to the information he tells you. How to talk at a job interview?

Try to answer all the questions posed as completely and clearly as possible. Answers must be detailed and contain only the necessary words.

Dont lie. You should not come up with false reasons for leaving your previous job or embellish your merits and abilities. Remember that all this is easily verifiable, and if you do not want to end up in a stupid position, always tell the truth.

Prepare your resume in advance and print it out when going to the interview.

Use terms from the field of the position you want to get. For example: “I believe that sales at your car dealership could be increased by 10% by implementing a new sales model.”

If an employer asks you about your shortcomings, there is no need to “denigrate” yourself in advance by stating that you like to surf the Internet, sleep long hours, and are often late. What is better to say at an interview in this case? It is acceptable to put it this way: “I am very strict with myself,” “very prone to cleanliness.” This will actually show you from the best side, presenting you as a neat, clean and responsible person.

Many people ask: “What should I say at an interview if I haven’t worked for a long time?” In this case, it is worth justifying the reasons without going into personal details.

How to communicate with an applicant correctly?

When interviewing an applicant, you need to follow a number of recommendations and take into account what is customary to say at an interview and what is best avoided:

  • evaluate a person’s appearance, how clean, tidy and appropriately dressed he is;
  • the conversation should begin with a short story about the company, at the same time you can find out whether the potential employee has read anything about the organization in which he wants to get a job;
  • it is necessary to clarify information about the previous place of work, the reason for leaving;
  • ask about experience in various fields, about education, about situations that you have encountered at work in order to form your opinion about the person’s professional competence;
  • You can play out in front of the applicant several situations that are common in his future job. For example, how to convince a very capricious client to buy this or that item.

How to answer questions correctly?

What to say at a job interview? The most important rule is to listen carefully, without turning your head or being distracted by foreign objects or other people.

You should not answer in monosyllables; it is better to give a detailed answer in 3-4 sentences, and to the point.

If you are talking about your life, then you should not remember all its events, starting from kindergarten; it is better to limit yourself to education, marital status, and business trips. It is better to write down possible questions in advance and rehearse the answer in front of a mirror at home. You can also prepare information about yourself and your past employment.

During the interview, the applicant can also ask his own questions. The most important thing is that they are clear and have an idea of ​​the scope of future work. Don't immediately jump into questions about salary.

How should you not answer?

When answering an employer's questions, you should avoid the following possible mistakes:

  • be silent for a long time, thinking about the answer;
  • answer in monosyllables;
  • speak too softly, too loudly or unintelligibly;
  • show your nervousness by spinning in your chair or turning around;
  • speak out of place, stammer.

Now you know what to say during a job interview, let’s look at what you shouldn’t say.

What should you not say in an interview?

In some cases, it happens that the interlocutor made an excellent impression with his track record and skills, but during the interview he suddenly says something that immediately cancels out his opportunity to work in this company. Is there anything you shouldn't say during an interview? Yes, definitely.

It is necessary to avoid such “blunders”:

Talking badly about your boss at your previous job. For example: “this Ivan Ivanovich constantly irritated us all.”

More than once.

Talk about what you want. For the employer this is not important, all that matters is what the company needs.

Ask about sick leave. This topic is best avoided, since there are no employers who would be satisfied with the constant illness of their subordinates.

Don't talk about personal things. For example: “It’s so hard for me now, I divorced my husband and moved to the other side of the city, so I’m looking for a new job.”

You can't use slang. Talking too much is also inappropriate, since employers value, first of all, clarity and specificity. First, think carefully about what to say at the interview.

Another point from the section is what you shouldn’t say during a job interview: you don’t need to show that you are smarter than everyone else, don’t overwhelm your interlocutor with scientific terms and concepts.

In any case, you need to prepare for such an important event as an interview in advance, taking into account all the nuances. Even if you don't pass it, don't be too upset - it's an invaluable experience that you can learn from for the future. Well, now you know well what to talk about at a job interview.

Watch the video: how to prepare and what to say during a job interview.

The question of how to pass an interview worries all people looking for a job. Let's try to figure it out. What tips should you take into account? We bring to your attention 7 secrets for a successful interview.

Secret No. 1. Monitoring the situation

When you are looking for a job, you expect a call with an invitation to an interview like manna from heaven. We prepare ourselves in every possible way for this event: we turn on the ringer sound on the phone at full volume, warm up our voice and free up time for waiting, because it is important to position ourselves correctly even during the first telephone interview. Having the right mindset is undoubtedly very important, but you also need to decide on a plan of action. Collect as much information as possible about the company for which you are applying. What main ideas does she preach? What message does it convey to society? To get acquainted with this, just go to the official website of the company. Well, having collected all the necessary information, you will know what is the most important thing.

Secret No. 2. Preliminary preparation of answers to basic questions

Regardless of what job you are applying for, there are common “classic” interview questions that will be asked 98% of the time. It is by the answers to them that the employer will judge how suitable you are for the job and how ready you are for it. And when it comes to how to successfully pass a job interview, you should separately discuss each of the predictable interview points to keep anxiety to a minimum.

  1. Tell us a little about yourself.

This question usually comes right after the obligatory greetings and introductions. It is important to understand that the person will spend the time you answer the question collecting his thoughts and making the first (most important) impression of you. Briefly summarize the contents of your resume, focusing on the key points (those that meet the employer’s requirements). Your monologue should last an average of 2 minutes and include only work-related information. But the main thing is to stay positive, speak in a confident voice and establish strong eye contact with the interlocutor during the story.

  1. What are your greatest strengths? What about the weakest?

At the first stage of acquaintance, the employer is not at all interested in knowing everything about you, so it would be correct to tell only about those advantages that intersect with your field of activity. If this is trade, mention communication skills, working with finances requires responsibility and attentiveness, and in the teaching field, the main thing is love for children. And even in shortcomings, try to praise yourself by mentioning perfectionism or scrupulousness. You should not talk about things that contradict the desired position, even present them in a good light. So, if you are applying for a leadership position, revealing a soft, compliant personality will be unnecessary.

  1. Why do you want to work in our company?

This is where the information you collected about the company comes in handy. Mention prestige, reliability, adherence to modern trends, as well as what company representatives boast about on the official website.

  1. What made you leave your previous job?

Speak kindly about your previous place of work. Say that you have gained a lot of irreplaceable experience that will stay with you for life, but you feel that you have outgrown the position. Or if you decide to change your field of activity, you can say that you see your new job as your life’s work.

  1. What achievements do you consider to be your most significant?

Naturally, we are talking about professional achievements, and even if you have four wonderful children, you can only mention this in passing. Talk about projects you have successfully completed or ideas that have been successful.

Secret No. 3. Ideal image

We are, of course, talking about your appearance. Unless you are applying for a creative position where creativity is a key requirement, you should appear as neat as possible during the interview. A neatly collected hairstyle, light, natural makeup (for women) and a classic, discreet manicure will become your main assistants in creating the image of a reliable business person. Which one ? The advice of stylists in this case is clear: a well-chosen outfit for an interview should consist of clothes that you can wear to work.

In most cases, a set consisting of a plain blouse, pencil skirt and pumps is perfect for women; jewelry should be used very sparingly. A man can be sure that it will be appropriate to look at an interview in a suit of modern cut with a plain shirt of not too bright colors and classic men's shoes. After all, when hiring, the interviewer will take into account your appearance on the same level as your professional merits.

Secret No. 4. A pleasant first impression

A successful interview begins from the moment you cross the threshold of the office. Be sure to say hello to the employees in the room, clearly introduce yourself and correctly explain the reason for your visit. At the same time, try to smile and look as welcoming and friendly as possible, because often the interviewer consults with office staff before making a final decision, and they can put in a good word for you.

It is also important to create the impression of a punctual person. When preparing for an interview, try to plan your route as carefully as possible to get to the desired location in advance. After all, according to statistics, over 90% of people who are late for an interview are denied a job.

Secret No. 5. Nonverbal openness

Positioning yourself correctly is one of your main tasks in an interview. It is known that a person perceives 80% of information subconsciously, through non-verbal (visual) signals. Try to ensure that your posture and gestures express maximum openness, friendliness and confidence. Here are some great examples of good nonverbal behavior:

  1. Hands hanging freely along the body, or lying on the knees.
  2. The knees, torso and head are directed towards the interlocutor.
  3. Showing your interlocutor your open palms.
  4. Direct and open gaze into the eyes, but not too intently.
  5. A smile present on the face throughout most of the interview.
  6. Correct beautiful posture.
  7. Moderate gestures and facial expressions.
  8. Nodding during the interviewer's speech as a sign that you understand what the interlocutor is saying and that you are listening to him.

Secret #6: Demonstrating Professional Competence

To pass an interview successfully, you need to show how competent you are in your field. Part of this will help to do this by presenting your work experience and a short story about your career achievements. It is also possible that during the interview you will be asked to take special tests or fill out questionnaires to determine your qualifications.

There is even a practice of creating presentations when applying for a job, in which you can talk about your ideas for further promotion of the company, which can well demonstrate the professional suitability of the employee. However, the person conducting the interview may try to determine your level of competence using the usual interview method. In this case, try to unobtrusively expand a few questions about work processes prepared for you by the interviewer into a whole small conversation, because this moment should be your finest hour.

Secret No. 7. Pertinent questions to ask the employer

Questions about lunch breaks, vacation time, advances, and the ability to take unscheduled time off to attend family events should be deferred until you have established yourself as a competent employee. Passing an interview requires the future employee to show how committed he is to successful mutually beneficial cooperation. Of course, you can ask all the questions that arise during the interview process, but the main emphasis should be on (this will show your ambition and seriousness of aspirations), as well as an explanation of your immediate responsibilities.

As you know, any job and successful career begins with a simple interview with an employer. Based on the results of the interview, the head of the company or his representative responsible for personnel selection draws conclusions and makes a decision on hiring the employee. Even the best specialist, who has all the data for the proposed position: level of education, age, professional qualities, may not get the desired job if he does not know how to behave during the interview.

How to behave at an interview: appearance

The appearance of the applicant plays an important role in employment. It has been noticed that employers give preference to those who come to an interview in a business or democratic free style, emphasizing your individuality. It is unacceptable for a woman to wear flashy outfits, with deep necklines and bright, provocative details in order to attract or impress a male manager. It is worth remembering that an interview is a business negotiation, not a date.

Clothes can tell a lot about our inner world and attitude towards life. Thus, a wrinkled shirt and unclean shoes will create the impression of a disorganized person who does not respect himself, and therefore those around him. Girls should not show off a bright, catchy manicure, wear a large amount of jewelry and decorations, or use perfume with a strong aroma; all this can turn off a potential employer.

How to behave at the beginning of an interview

  • Don't be late for a meeting. To feel confident and comfortable, arrive 15-20 minutes before the appointed time, look around, get your bearings in an unfamiliar place, and tune in to the upcoming communication.
  • Before you enter, knock. Introduce yourself, say your name loudly and confidently. If the interviewer was the first to extend his hand to you, shake it; if not, it means that in their team it is not customary to shake hands with employees.
  • Your task is to win over the manager and set him up in a friendly manner. Therefore, be relaxed, open and friendly, and smile. It is very important to remember the interviewer's name after he introduces himself to you.
  • If you are very nervous, admit it to your employer; this will defuse the situation a little and make further communication easier.
  • When choosing a place for a conversation, it is better to give preference to a place next to the employer, so he will perceive you as a like-minded person. If the only place where you can sit is opposite him, take an even posture without crossing your arms and legs, demonstrate maximum openness when communicating with your interlocutor.
  • Don’t forget about gestures; excessive hand waving may be taken by the employer as excessive emotionality or considered a sign of lying.

What to talk about with an employer at an interview

  • Using the psychological technique “mirror pose” helps to tune in to communication and on the same emotional wavelength with the employer. The essence of this technique is that you unobtrusively copy the poses and some gestures of the interviewer. Movements should be as natural as possible.
  • It is also worth noting that all questions asked by the employer must be answered truthfully. Experienced interviewers will quickly suspect lies and inconsistencies. Do not exaggerate your knowledge, capabilities and abilities. It’s better to say that you are ready to learn and grow professionally, strive for new knowledge.
  • When asked what the reason was for leaving your previous job, give a specific reason: relocation, unsuitable schedule, layoff, low salary. You should not mention conflicts with your team or superiors; this may create the impression of you as an unbalanced and conflict-ridden person.
  • If during the dialogue you misspoke or made a mistake, apologize and continue the conversation without focusing on the mistake.
  • Don't talk too much about yourself when detailing your biography. Clearly and concisely communicate your hobbies and professional qualities.

What not to talk about at an interview

In the process of free communication on arbitrary topics, you should not touch upon topics such as:

  • Don't talk about personal problems, failures, or financial difficulties.
  • Avoid political and religious topics.
  • Don't discuss your previous boss.
  • Do not use jargon or slang words in conversation.
  • Do not take the lead role in the conversation, flaunting your deep knowledge of the issue during the discussion, this can cause negativity in the manager.

By putting our tips into practice, you can be sure that your interview will go well. But, even if your attempt to find a job fails, do not despair, remember that you are gaining invaluable experience, and the next interview will be successful.

Today, getting a job is not so easy, and taking a vacant position in a good organization is even more so (much like a student entering a prestigious university upon admission). How should a graduate behave at an interview? We propose to consider this issue in more depth. We propose to identify the following questions as the main topic: how to behave correctly during an interview and what to say in order to attract the attention and favor of the future employer.

How to behave during a job interview?

Many people in modern society cannot get a good job, even if they have all the data for the proposed position: appropriate education and level of knowledge, age, absence of children, etc. . Often it all ends at the interview. What is the reason? Everything is simple, even good specialist must know how to behave during a job interview.

It is this point that potential employers often pay attention to. Leading employees have been hired to test future employees psychologists , who have developed a lot of psychological tests, based on which they focus not only on knowledge, but also on stress resistance and suitability for the proposed vacancy when choosing a candidate. But tests are not the whole arsenal. Important points such as behavior, a wardrobe properly selected for this purpose, speech, gender, experience(yes or not), etc.

How to behave correctly during a job interview

It is in view of what was described above that it is important to know how to behave during an interview with an employer when applying for a job, what to wear to the interview and what should or, on the contrary, should not be said during the process. However, no specialist can offer a single image, since in this option much depends on the choice of the applicant, i.e. the vacancy itself.

Eg, for work in the service sector in any variation: hostess, secretary, nanny in a kindergarten, courier, car dealership, realtor, cook, sales agent, merchandiser, teacher, advertising agent, consultant in the Euroset, in a fitness club, housekeeper, waitress or maid in a hotel(for a woman or girl on maternity leave), beauty salon, etc.., it is enough to have a cooperative and at the same time strict outfit. And here for work in Gazprom, FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, prosecutor's office, police/militia, lawyer, security service (for civil service), a teacher in a school or a teacher in a college, a system administrator, a programmer, a doctor in a hospital (city hospital), an engineer, a designer at a modeling agency, etc. completely different requirements that are not limited to smiling, strict attire and sociability, but we will talk about all this in more detail a little later.

Basic rules of conduct when applying for a job: video

Getting a job is an art selling… yourself, your time, your knowledge (whether you have experience or not), etc. The presentation in this version must be appropriate. Don't be shy such an interpretation, because in a sense this is exactly how it is. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some techniques (video tutorial, so as not to be refused admission) for beginners, based on the advice of psychologists: training for beginners, how to dress, how to behave, how to prepare, what applicants may encounter when receiving offers from a recruiter, so that they can be calmly accepted even by the boss in a shopping center(find any other vacancy, watch a master class from a pro or download it to your computer):

Advice from a psychologist: how to behave during an interview

Psychologists around the world have already determined main aspects how to behave at an interview, advice at the first stage begins with an offer to study in detail information about the future place of work . Today, finding out such details is not a problem: find on the Internet(receive recommendations on forums, the company’s official page, etc.), find out from friends who work in the selected company(they know a lot and can help them get a job, bring them to their superiors, for example, with recommendations), their friends, etc..

The second important aspect is punctuality. In order to arrive at the interview on time, study the route in detail, calculate the time it will take to travel, think through the entire route and eliminate mistakes. It is strictly not recommended to be late; it is better to arrive early, 10-20 minutes earlier (if the applicant is late, he is perceived as an unserious candidate).

I'm going for an interview - how to behave?

A smile wins hearts , even if it is a potential employer, be sure that she will be in place . But it’s important not to overdo it here. Your goal is to create the impression of a friendly applicant, and any hint of stupidity (and excessive smiling can be regarded as such) should be completely absent.

One of the important points is preparation for the process and here we can include full preparation for the point : question answer. And, most importantly, this is a mutual process, i.e. It is important not only to know the correct answers to possible questions, but also to prepare your questions for your opponent.

How to behave at an interview if you have no work experience

  • How to behave during an interview with an employer?
  • How to behave at an interview to get hired without experience?

The main thing that the applicant needs to do is to convince the opponent that he has the necessary knowledge base, sufficient (or better than exceeding) for the intended position. It won't be amiss convince him of your ability to learn. But the height of resourcefulness in this option would be to convince him that the lack of experience is more of a plus than a minus. Since in this option he himself will be able to correct your knowledge in the right direction . This can only be done if you are aware of the requirements for the applicant for the vacancy (knowledge of the responsibilities). Such information is usually posted on the company’s official website. If the selected organization does not have its own portal, use related resources (pages of similar enterprises).

Rules of behavior during a group interview

Group interview carried out during mass recruitment of personnel for the same or related positions (for example, waiters at McDonald's). For HR manager - This is an opportunity to select with the least loss of time. In this option, you need to be able to competently and adequately show your best skills and qualities. Try to take the situation into your own hands - show initiative and leadership qualities, if this is typical for you. Ask questions, answer questions , in a word, make sure that you are remembered in the best possible way.

How to behave during an interview on Skype?

Online dialogue is also intended to reduce the time spent by the recruiter, as well as preliminary conversation by phone(with an HR employee or manager). This allows him to evaluate the applicant's speech, appearance and business acumen. In this option, it is important that the conversation is not distracted by extraneous noises, pets, friends and relatives, etc. If the call does not ring at a convenient time, apologize and gently ask to call back a little later. Appearance also plays an important role in this matter. Homemade pajamas or a T-shirt are not the best option.

Interview in a cafe: what and how to say?

Option business interview in a cafe or restaurant with management is not much different from a conversation in the office. But applicants for leadership positions are more often invited to such conversations. In this case, it is important to understand the purpose of the visit. Therefore, ordering a large number of dishes in this case would be inappropriate . Knowledge of etiquette is also important. The applicant has a unique opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of the rules of business etiquette.

First interview - how to behave?

We discussed in general terms how to behave at an interview to get hired. We just didn’t touch on the topic appearance applicant. Meanwhile, people are greeted by their clothes. Especially if there is an interview with the director, how should you behave in this case?

In most cases, the requirements for appearance are identical, so we suggest you familiarize yourself with how to dress correctly: business suit, hairstyle, minimal makeup (for girls), complete lack of bright details (accessories, lipstick, nail polish, etc.). Availability too expensive things would also be inappropriate.

How to behave at an interview to please the employer

  • Pay attention to your voice: he must be moderately sonorous, speech is coherent and free, there should be a pause between phrases, questions and answers.
  • Get rid of stiffness.
  • Keep track of yours gestures And pose. Practice in front of a mirror.
  • You have to create an opinion serious and confident person. And yours embarrassment And stiffness will be transmitted to the interlocutor, and he will feel uncomfortable, which will negatively affect the general opinion of you.

To conclude the topic, we present some advice from behavioral experts for certain types of vacancies:

  1. How to behave during an interview for a leadership position. A good manager must have: leadership qualities(organize the work of the team, accumulate direction, ability to manage, etc.), have the ability to cope with several tasks at the same time, initiative, a tendency for introspection, the ability to attract resources from outside, etc. It is these qualities that the HR manager will look for in the applicant. good leader will give affirmative and confident answers to all questions: I did it, I delivered it, etc. . Successful experience in a similar position, for example, as a general director or his deputy (when transferring to a higher position (career promotion) at an open meeting with management, for example, if an applicant was invited, etc.), will be a good help.

  2. Interview for a job as a manager, sales manager, sales representative. The main qualities of a manager, sales representative, supervisor, etc.: communication skills, persuasion and resourcefulness, stress tolerance (the ability to take a punch will probably be tested during an aggressive, i.e., stressful interview (initial or repeat)) and good sense of humour . At a business interview, your task is to convince the logistician of these qualities. And, of course, the appearance should inspire confidence and be conducive to conversation.

  3. I want to work as a salesperson: advice from psychologists. The seller is an intermediary between the buyer and the manufacturer. His main tasks: assess opportunities, needs and offer what you need . The main advice of a psychologist will help with this: learn to adapt to the voice and behavior of the buyer. This simple technique will help guide your opponent to the desired decision. It doesn’t matter if you want to get a job as a salesperson at Pyaterochka or as a cosmetics consultant, selling books, or in a sportswear store at Adidas or Sportmaster.
  4. Interviews for the position of psychologist, accountant, bank employee. These three professions are united required level of knowledge, references and resume . For an interview for the position of an accountant, the applicant is recommended to confirm his professional skills, especially knowledge of prof. programs, availability of relevant certificates, etc. The applicant must take care to outperform his competitors not only in theory, but also be prepared to demonstrate in practice (to successfully qualify for the final interview). The same tasks are facing psychologist, but in this situation, in addition to supporting documents about prof. In preparation, the interviewer must be prepared for mandatory compliance testing. For bank employee(for example, a girl was invited to the position of economist at Sberbank) the qualities and skills of a manager are important. If you have no experience, you can demonstrate your achievements in competitions during training, for example. It won't be superfluous Demonstration of knowledge in banking : successes and failures in the work of competitors, etc.

  5. How to behave during an interview at the American embassy . One of the most difficult tasks is successfully passing an interview at the embassy of the USA, the Czech Republic, Poland and especially the Schengen countries(Israel, for example). One of the important conditions for an interviewer is a neat appearance: Provocative outfits, flashy makeup, etc. are not allowed here. Jeans would also be appropriate, but don’t overdo it, everything should be in moderation. One more point - knowledge of the country(culture and history). Questions on this topic are required in the program. Besides, consul or Officer The consulate will definitely ask questions about you and about the program (for studying at an institute, working with foreigners (Chinese, for example), for medical education, a tourist visa. Sometimes questions are asked:

An interview is like a game, a mixture of poker and chess: both parties sometimes need to think through their actions many steps ahead and maintain a “poker face” at the same time. Towards the end of the interview, the applicant struggles to understand - what opinion did the employer have about him and what decision did he make? Or haven't you accepted it yet? What does "We'll call you" really mean? RJob asked recruiters and employers to share the hidden signals they give to candidates who fail an interview. After all, if the candidate realizes in time that something has gone wrong, maybe it’s not too late for him to change his behavior strategy?

Sometimes during the interview it becomes clear that the candidate is not suitable for the position, but you don’t dare tell him about it directly. Instead of throwing a resume in the trash and abruptly ending the interview - after all, the person spent time on this meeting - polite recruiters change the course and mood of the conversation using special phrases or gestures. Here are a few markers by which you can read the thoughts of your interlocutor about your fate in this company.

  • The recruiter speeds up the interview, trying to complete it under any pretext (an urgent call to management, an urgent call, etc.). Interview time is reduced from the planned 30-45 minutes to 10-15.
  • The interview takes on a formal character, without stories about the structure of the department, the company, potential managers, or immediate tasks.
  • A small number of standard questions in a standard sequence. You are not asked about the nuances of your previous job, about other areas of life, family, hobbies.
  • The interview takes on a question-and-answer format, without “selling” the vacancy. You don't get praised by the company you're with Not you will work.
  • Avoidance of “thorny”, controversial issues, the discussion of which may cause controversy.

Polina Trifonova

expert, Legal Service

Such an interview is similar to a “short, sweet chat” with routine questions and the same routine answers. Rather, it is a tribute to the fact that the candidate took his time and came to the meeting.

  • You are not offered a test task.
  • You are suddenly presented with qualification requirements that you cannot confirm.

Tatiana Lavrentieva


We always try to openly inform the candidate in a polite manner that, for a number of professional qualities, he does not correspond to the vacancy for which he is applying. Sometimes we even give advice: what to work on, what areas in the industry and what vacancies to pay attention to. But sometimes it’s really impossible to refuse a person outright, and then there are several ways to “hint” about it. An astute person will understand that he is being asked not to count on a vacancy and to continue searching.

Finally, you can resort to the technique of leading questions that will clearly show the candidate what exactly he is incompetent at. Often, the applicant quickly realizes that he cannot cope with the responsibilities and is ready to give up the position.

  • The recruiter no longer asks clarifying questions about experience and motivation, but before that, in the first part of the interview there were enough such questions and he was keenly interested in everything you said.
  • The recruiter does not ask you whether you are in competition for vacancies at other companies, whether anyone has made you a job offer, or when you need to make a decision, that is, they are not interested in your current job search status.

Svetlana Kataeva

Managing partner of the personnel company AVRIO Group Consulting

As a rule, candidates decide whether they “failed” or not, not by the behavior and words of recruiters, but by their personal feelings, which, of course, are subjective. Professional recruiters will never show a candidate during an interview that he is completely overwhelmed. After all, the candidate is assessed after the interview, in comparison with other applicants for this position.

I would like to give an example when candidates do not understand that they failed the interview, but the recruiter does not show this. One candidate had a final interview with a manager for the position of his personal assistant. Before that, she successfully passed an interview with a recruiter, and formally, based on her experience, she was quite suitable for this vacancy.

In the final part of the interview, the manager invited the candidate to ask the 2 most important questions, in her opinion. The first question is: how long before you can expect a salary increase, the second: how long will you need to work as a personal assistant. The manager smiled, politely answered both questions and said this wonderful phrase “We will contact you if the decision is positive,” but, as you understand, the interview was a failure.

  • The recruiter clearly loses interest - he rearranges the papers, simply looks around or at his watch.
  • The recruiter often interrupts the interview by actively answering calls or texts.

Olga Nikitina

Head of the recruitment department at Biplan

I try not to convey negative information to my interlocutor directly. There have been cases when we returned to a “dubious” candidate after some time. Mainly because everyone else turned out to be a little worse. One of the details you should pay attention to if you are interviewing with us: tea or coffee. About 15 minutes after the start of the interview, I ask the secretary to bring me one of the drinks. When I feel comfortable and the conversation is interesting, I choose tea. But if I'm really bored and need to cheer myself up, then I choose coffee.

  • A recruiter looks at a resume too often, as if seeing it for the first time. A good recruiter will prepare for the interview and review all your documents in advance.
  • The time of the next contact is not specified.

Alla Martynova

expert of the Russian School of Management

It is worth highlighting three situations, depending on who is being interviewed. This could be a representative of a recruitment agency, an internal company recruiter, or a direct supervisor.

The situation is similar when interviewing a direct manager, although in this case, oddly enough, a candidate who is not quite suitable may have a greater chance of a positive answer - the manager, conducting the interview, is based not on formal characteristics, but on the general impression and does not strive to make a decision right away, but wants to “look at everyone,” listen to his inner voice and carefully weigh everything. And this takes time.

In any case, refusals (especially if they are justified) are an opportunity to adjust your behavior, expectations for the position and remuneration, and decide on a truly suitable vacancy.

Code phrases that accurately signal failure

  • We are reviewing a few more resumes and a decision will likely not be made soon.
  • It seems to me that you won’t be interested in us, it will be a step back for you.
  • The search for this vacancy is currently suspended because there is a finalist candidate.
  • Unfortunately, this position has become irrelevant, but we will keep you in mind as soon as the need for such a specialist arises again.
  • You need to consult with your colleagues. (Of course, some positions require a collegial decision. But if your candidacy is going to be defended, then you will never hear these words.)
  • Phrases with "if". “If the director is interested in your candidacy, then I will invite you,” “If by the time of the next stage you are still free...”. "If" means doubt.
  • Agreeing on the final candidate takes quite a long time.
  • We want to find the candidate with the most extensive experience in this field.

Galina Evtyagina

HR director of the consulting company "KRAM"

It happens that a fairly trusting relationship is established with a candidate during the interview, and then there is a desire to give something in return for his wasted time. Then you can conduct a brief audit of his resume and compare the text with the candidate’s goals - after all, for some reason we invited him on the basis of his resume, but he still didn’t suit us... Candidates are grateful for this, although it’s a small help in finding the right one work.

What does the phrase “We will call you” mean?

There is no point in relying on this encouraging phrase. It can mean anything, even its complete opposite.

  • You are interested, but there are still candidates for the position who they want to look at.
  • You are the best candidate, but the company takes the position that it needs to collect additional information and recommendations on you, and then take the next steps.
  • You are the only qualified candidate, but the company wants to convince you otherwise and is taking a time out to save face.
  • No one will call you, and this is just a routine phrase that relieves the recruiter of the burden of direct refusal here and now.
  • They will actually call you.

Lisa Potemkina,

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