How to do a back massage: we consider various options. What types of back massage are there?

From journalist to massage therapist. This is only possible in the “Journalist Changes Profession” competition, which has been held in the Altai Territory for the third year in a row. They train media workers in various working professions. The correspondent is studying to become a massage therapist at the Department of Polyclinic Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation with a course of additional vocational training at the Altai State medical university. Wellness massage, honey massage, children's massage, corrective massage, aroma massage, massage for osteochondrosis - this is still to come. We tell you what we managed to find out.

Organizers of the competition: Altai Construction magazine, Ministry of Education and Science Altai Territory, Barnaul-Spetsodezhda LLC.

Who can get a massage?

A professional massage therapist must ask you why you came for a massage, find out your chronic diseases, previous surgeries, whether you came on the doctor’s prescription or advice, or at your own request.

So here you go general indications for massage:

  • diseases cardiovascular system;
  • injuries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • diseases and damage to the nervous system;
  • diseases of the ear, nose and throat;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • inflammatory diseases male and female genital organs;
  • skin diseases;
  • eye diseases;
  • metabolic disorders.

Of course, if you have no contraindications, then you can do massage for general strengthening body, to relax or, conversely, increase tone.

Who shouldn't have a massage?

There are a number of contraindications for which massage is highly discouraged, or even prohibited. Here they are:

In some cases, contraindications to massage and self-massage are temporary, for the period of exacerbation.

What kind of massage therapist should you be?

It just seems that massage is a simple matter and does not require special knowledge. But this is not true at all. " Bad hands business" can be futile, uncomfortable or even dangerous.

By law, any activity related to human exposure and capable of causing harm to health must be licensed and certified.

So a massage therapist must have a medical education and a certificate in medical massage.

But even if a relative or friend gives you a massage and you are aware of his unprofessionalism, you need to know several important points for the procedure.

Whatever the massage, the person who gives it to you should have warm hands. After all, you notice that one always has warm hands, and someone is like a frog, cold-blooded. Therefore, before touching someone's back, the massage therapist should warm up their hands by rubbing. Oil or cream must also first be rubbed in your hands, and only then touched on the client’s body.

Massage is not only physical contact, but also energy metabolism. Therefore, after the session, the massage therapist washes his hands in order to wash away other people’s energy.

By the way, some experts are sure: a woman should give a massage to a man, and a man to a woman.

Where on the human body can’t massage be done?

Massage can both excite and calm. The methods also depend on the goals.

Massage can be done almost anywhere: face, head, hands, cervical-collar area, back, legs and so on. But the neck is special zone, and must be handled with extreme care. But on inner surface hips and popliteus muscle You can’t do a massage at all due to the proximity to the surface large quantity lymph nodes.

Main topics: medical therapeutic massage, how and where massage is done, general therapeutic massage, how often to do massage, therapeutic massage, how to do a massage, how to do a therapeutic massage.

If you are going to your first massage session, then you will definitely have worries and many questions. But don’t worry or worry ahead of time. To help you relax and forget about anxiety, let's consider a few frequently troubling questions:

What type of massage do I need most?

The variety of massages is very large. But the most popular massage is Swedish, as it perfectly relaxes all muscles and provides therapeutic effect. An equally popular type of massage is deep. It affects all muscles of the body, including the smallest ones. Also in demand thai massage, stone therapy and hot stone massage. If you want individual approach, then it is better to choose a special massage. This sports massage or massage for pregnant women.

What to consider when choosing a massage therapist?

Firstly, the massage therapist must be a specialist with medical education. If you find a massage therapist through an advertisement, ask about his experience in this field and pay attention to the presence of a secondary specialized diploma or higher education. In addition, if you have cancer, or, you should select a massage therapist who has a special technique. After all, if this is a real professional, he will definitely inquire about the state of your health, listen carefully to all complaints about your ailments and will patiently listen to your wishes and answer your questions.

When is the best time to have a massage?

Before going for a massage, make time in your schedule to visit this important procedure. It is not recommended to go for a massage immediately after lunch or before eating. A massage after which you will not eat for at least some time will be more beneficial.

Will massage help get rid of diseases?

Experiments have shown that massage helps reduce stress in those suffering from cancer and Parkinson's disease. In general, massage has a very wide therapeutic spectrum. It helps lower blood pressure and eliminate headache, also helps relieve stress and has great healing effects.

Do I need to completely undress before a massage or not?

It is not necessary to undress completely. You can take off the clothes you think necessary. But the fact is that through clothing the massage effect is much less. To do this, there is a screen in the office behind which you can undress and put your things there. There will be a terry towel on the couch and, to keep you warm, the massage therapist will cover the part of the body that he is not working on with a terry towel.

Is it possible that massage can cause pain?

In theory, massage should not cause pain. But, if you have such discomfort during the massage, you must tell the specialist about this. A massage should bring a feeling of relaxation and pleasure, not pain. You don't have to endure it if you're in pain. Massage may be sensitive at times, but never painful.

Is it necessary to talk during the procedure?

This is up to your choice, because all people are different. Some people like to listen to music and remain silent, enjoying the procedure, while others, on the contrary, try to start a light dialogue. In any case, you should inform your massage therapist about your preferences. And regardless of whether you are talkative or not, be sure to tell the specialist if you feel cold, painful, uncomfortable, hot, or even if you don’t like the music that is playing.

What if I fall asleep during the massage?

After a massage, the feeling of relaxation is quite normal reaction. Sometimes this feeling can last for a day. But this is a healthy relaxation, as if you had taken a walk on fresh air or left the steam room. This is due to an increase in endorphin and serotonin in the body.

And you don’t have to wait for your back pain or pain to disappear after visiting one procedure. chronic pain. Because massage is only part of the treatment that will give its positive results.

A woman has spent a lot of effort throughout her pregnancy and childbirth, and in order to recover quickly, a young mother needs not only the care of loved ones, but also the help of specialists. Of course, all new mothers visit a gynecologist at least once after giving birth, but few resort to the services of a massage therapist. And this is clear: everything free time take on new responsibilities in relation to the child, fatigue and an unsettled daily routine do not allow time to take care of themselves.

And yet, you shouldn’t completely forget about your own health: massage after childbirth leads to faster female body back to normal, speeds up recovery processes and improves overall well-being.

Massage after childbirth should begin only two to three weeks after the birth of the child, if the birth went well, and only after consulting a doctor if the birth had complications.

Massage increases the elasticity and performance of muscles, their overall tone and contraction. Massage allows you to short terms restore abdominal muscles and also helps relieve fatigue in other muscles. A couple of minutes of massage have a more beneficial effect on the body than half an hour of rest. But saving time and effort is very important for a young mother.

Massage has a positive effect on the joints, improving its blood supply and thereby strengthening it. This effect is useful for the spine, as it has endured increased stress throughout pregnancy, and now can respond painful conditions. Massage eliminates this problem completely.
The effect of massage has a beneficial effect on solving problems from excess weight, enhancing metabolism and burning fat.

Massage helps improve the condition of the skin by cleansing it of dead particles of the epidermis and other particles that clog the pores of the skin, improving sweating. Blood and lymph circulation are activated, the skin becomes elastic, smooth (relevant for stretched skin in problem areas) and does not react as much to changes in cold and heat.

Skin has many nerve endings, so the nervous system feels beneficial influence massage. Massage can calm and relax.
Under the influence of massage, increased urination begins, blood production increases blood cells. At the moment physical fatigue Lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, causing pain and leading to general fatigue, and massage treatments will have a positive effect on tired muscles.

When is postpartum massage especially beneficial?

  • Pain in the spine and lower back;
  • State of anxiety;
  • Excess weight.
Before starting massage sessions, you should consult a doctor so as not to harm yourself in case of contraindications: Massage should be carried out in courses of ten sessions. The time of one procedure is no more than an hour.
After just a couple of procedures, the patient will notice improvements in her well-being, and the pain will disappear by the 3-4th session. If the pain, on the contrary, intensifies, massage procedures should be postponed and consult a doctor.

Massage after childbirth has its own characteristics:

  1. Particular attention is focused in the area abdominal cavity;
  2. The massage is carried out an hour and a half after eating, with an empty intestine and bladder;
  3. Circular stroking has a beneficial effect on the uterus and intestinal function;
  4. Attention is paid to the oblique muscles of the abdomen, stroking is carried out from the lower ribs to the pelvic bones;
  5. The rectus muscles are stroked in two directions, relieving tension in this place.
  6. The massage procedure is completed with light strokes, the woman accepts comfortable position body and rest for about 20 minutes under a blanket.
At the end of the conversation about massage, let’s add that this procedure not only returns wellness, but also gives a lot pleasant sensations and peace of mind.

According to both Western and domestic experts, you can start postpartum restorative massage no earlier than 2-3 weeks after birth.

Under the influence of massage, the elasticity of muscle fibers increases, their contractile function. Massage helps improve muscle performance, while speeding up recovery after intense physical activity. Even with a short massage (for 3 - 5 minutes), the function of tired muscles is better restored than during a rest for 20 - 30 minutes. During the postpartum period, massage can help restore muscle tone in the anterior abdominal wall, as well as relaxation of other muscle groups, relieving the feeling of fatigue, very familiar to a young mother.

Massage has a significant effect on joints. Under the influence of massage, blood supply to the joint improves and the ligamentous apparatus of the joint is strengthened. This effect in postpartum period has special meaning for joints spinal column. In a woman after childbirth, the joints and muscles of the spine are exposed to increased load, which is the cause of back pain. Massage will help you cope with this problem.

The effect of massage on the subcutaneous fat layer is also significant. It's no secret that quite a lot of young mothers face the problem of excess weight. Massage acts on adipose tissue indirectly, through overall impact on metabolism. Raising metabolic processes in the body, by enhancing the release of fat from fat depots (places where fat accumulates), massage promotes the “burning” of fats found in excess amounts in adipose tissue.

Massage has a diverse physiological effect on the skin: it is cleansed of the detached horny scales of the epidermis, and along with them - of foreign particles (dust, etc.). trapped in the pores of the skin, and microbes usually found on the surface of the skin; the secretory function of sweat and sebaceous glands and their outlets are cleared of secretions; lymph and blood circulation of the skin is activated, the influence of venous stagnation, blood supply to the skin increases and, therefore, its nutrition improves; skin-muscle tone increases.

Thanks to massage, the skin becomes more elastic, firm, smooth, and its resistance to mechanical and temperature influences increases. After childbirth, this is especially true for the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks, since the skin in these areas was subjected to the greatest stretching during pregnancy.

The nervous system is the first to perceive the effect of massage, because... found in the skin huge amount nerve endings. By changing the strength, character, and duration of the massage, you can reduce or increase nervous excitability. After childbirth, massage aims to calm and relax the woman.

With gentle, slow stroking, the excitability of the massaged tissues decreases, and this has a calming effect on the nervous system; with vigorous and rapid stroking, the irritability of the massaged tissues increases.

Massage has a variety of effects on metabolic processes. Under the influence of massage, urination increases. The amount of hemoglobin, erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood increases. Massage does not cause an increase in the amount of lactic acid in the muscles, the accumulation of which during physical activity leads to fatigue and tiredness. This explains his beneficial effect on tired muscles.

The beneficial effects of massage will be beneficial for any woman after childbirth. However, it will be especially useful in the following cases:

  • for back pain;
  • for anxiety, depression;
  • with excess weight.

In case similar problems, before contacting a massage therapist, you must first consult with a therapist, obstetrician-gynecologist, and if you have back pain, definitely with a neurologist.

Attention! There are some contraindications for massage:

  1. Acute febrile conditions (high temperature).
  2. Bleeding and predisposition to it.
  3. Blood diseases.
  4. Purulent processes.
  5. Various diseases skin, nails, hair.
  6. Any acute inflammation circulatory and lymphatic vessels, thrombosis, severe varicose veins.
  7. Allergic diseases with skin rashes.
  8. Diseases of the abdominal organs with a predisposition to bleeding.
  9. Mental illness with excessive excitement.
  10. Serious illnesses heart, lungs, and other internal organs.
  11. Acute respiratory diseases (ARI).
  12. Intestinal dysfunction (nausea, vomiting, loose stools).

As a rule, during the procedure, massage therapists use various creams and oils or medicinal ointments. They are needed for better gliding. The choice of these funds depends on the preferences of the specialist.

According to statistics, 95% of massage therapists use oil for massage, 5% use talc, baby powder for gliding, or do not use any means to enhance gliding.

Mineral oil (Johnson Baby, etc.) is widely used for massage. Usually it is cleaned, flavored and vitamin E is added to it. It is quite liquid and forms a slippery film on the body, so you need to carefully dose the amount of oil: when long-term use it causes dry skin. Its advantage lies only in its relative cheapness, because... it is produced from petroleum products.

Olive oil is also widely used for massage. It has a higher density than mineral oil and is easily absorbed. When massaged with olive oil the body warms up well. The oil has a very slight odor.

IN lately Other oils used for massage began to appear on sale, such as almond, avocado, peach, and grape seed oil. These oils are quite expensive. Before use, they are usually tested on the skin of the forearm in order to see possible allergic reaction. For back pain, a massage therapist can use ointments that have an analgesic effect. (VIPROSAL, balm BENGAY).

Warm air, dim light, pleasant calm music help to enhance healing effect massage.

On average, a massage course is 10-15 sessions. The first one or two sessions last 30 - 45 minutes, the subsequent ones - 45 - 60 minutes.

You can talk about the effectiveness of massage after several sessions. A woman’s overall well-being and mood improve, her skin becomes smoother, and her muscles become more elastic. For back pain, pain should decrease after 2-3 massage sessions. If the pain intensifies after the procedure, the next session should be postponed and consult a doctor before it.

It should be noted that massage for weight loss is carried out in long courses (minimum 15 sessions) and is combined with physical exercise, that is, we can talk about losing weight as a result of a massage only after the 10th - 12th procedure.

IN postpartum massage The main focus is on the abdominal area.

When performing an abdominal massage, a woman should lie on her back, her legs are slightly bent at the knee joints, her arms lie freely along her body. Abdominal massage is carried out no earlier than 1.5 hours after eating. Intestines and bladder women should be free.

During abdominal massage, the muscles, intestinal tract, and uterus are affected. Circular motion clockwise is due to the stroke intestinal tract. Such circular movements help improve intestinal motility.

Then the oblique abdominal muscles are stroked from the lower ribs to pelvic bones. The next stage is stroking the rectus abdominis muscle. Lightly stroking the rectus muscles with the dorsum and palmar surfaces of the palms in both directions will relieve tension in this area.

After the massage session, the patient is asked to take the most comfortable position; she is covered with a warm sheet or large towel. It is advisable that she rest for 15 - 20 minutes.

Concluding the conversation about massage, I would like to note that this procedure gives us not only health, but also something more - the joy of physical and spiritual comfort, inner freedom.

Subjective sensations during and after massage with the right choice massage techniques and the method of their use, as well as the dosage, are expressed in the appearance of a feeling of pleasant warmth throughout the body, improved well-being and increased general tone. If massage is used incorrectly, it may cause general weakness, a feeling of weakness and other negative general and local reactions.

Massage techniques

Any massage begins with STROKING. It may be different types: straight, zigzag, wavy, longitudinal, transverse, superficial and deeper. Its main task is to calm and relax the body as much as possible. The movements are soft and rhythmic - this improves the emptying of lymphatic vessels and calms the nervous system, promotes a local increase in the temperature of the massaged area, cleanses the skin of keratinized scales and residual secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands, enhances metabolic processes in the skin and increases its tone. Muscles relax and tissue swelling decreases.

TRITURATION used for massage of joints, tendons, ligamentous apparatus, helps to achieve stretching of scars and adhesions. When rubbing, the skin is massaged, displacing it with the underlying tissues. Such a deep effect helps eliminate swelling, enhance local blood supply and lymphatic drainage, which improves tissue nutrition and helps relieve pain.

KNEWING is one of the main massage techniques. It has a profound effect on everything muscular system, increases its contractility, increases the mobility of the ligamentous apparatus. In terms of its effect on muscles, kneading can be compared to passive gymnastics. It helps to increase blood and lymph circulation, which improves tissue nutrition, enhances metabolism, helps remove metabolic products from tissues, and significantly improves or completely relieves muscle fatigue.

There is another group of techniques - drums: TAPPING, SLAPPING, CHOPPING, SATTING. This group of techniques is widely used in therapeutic massage, since they increase the excitability of the nervous system, the flow of arterial blood to the massaged area, reflexively affecting smooth muscles internal organs.

VIBRATION TECHNIQUES, As a rule, a massage session ends. Depending on the intensity and duration, vibrations have a stimulating or calming effect on the nervous system. They help strengthen and sometimes restore extinct reflexes, have an analgesic effect, and affect the secretory function of the gonads, liver, stomach, and intestines. Vibration massage relieves fatigue, accelerates restoration processes in tissues.

A woman's desire to be slim does not disappear with the arrival of a newborn. And the main problem that interferes with this is cellulite. She demands complex impact. Anti-cellulite massage after childbirth is considered an important and effective part of it. But will it do any harm at this stage?

Read in this article

The positive effects of massage

Massage against cellulite has many advantages for a young mother:

  • On early stage problem development can be very effective. After all, for many it appears during pregnancy.
  • The method assumes local impact. This means other parts of the body will not experience mechanical pressure, will not be harmed in any way.
  • Helps to get rid of not only the main problem, but also to reduce excess volume of the hips, legs,. For many women after childbirth, this is important.
  • The method is a transitional stage to return physical activity. Massage not only gets rid of the “orange peel”, but also tightens muscles that have weakened during pregnancy.
  • Will give positive emotions. Feeling well-groomed is very important for maintaining peace of mind. This will help you avoid slipping into depression, which happens to some women after childbirth.
  • Allowed for initial stage. This problem also often first appears after childbirth. Professional massage will also help strengthen vascular tone.
  • Easy to do at home. A woman who already has little free time will not have to waste it on the way to the salon, because a specialist will manual massage you can invite me to your place.

Negative impact on a young mother

A massage that eliminates the “orange peel” can bring not only positive results. Its use by a young mother is sometimes associated with negative aspects:

  • Physical pain. Some types of anti-cellulite massage require intense exposure.
  • Allergic manifestations. The procedure is carried out using anti-cellulite agents or essential oils, which are sometimes difficult to find.
  • The need for regular implementation. In a woman who has small child, it doesn’t always work out, but massage happens from time to time desired effect won't give it.
  • The inability to perform the procedure only at the request of the young mother and the need for her. Anti-cellulite massage, despite local application, affects the entire body.
  • Possible deterioration general well-being women. This is possible if she has not yet recovered enough after childbirth, and the massage is carried out too intensely. After all, in essence, this is serious physical activity.

In the video about anti-cellulite massage:

When can you start doing

I want to improve my figure and make my skin still smooth faster. Therefore, young mothers are eager to find out when they can do anti-cellulite massage after childbirth. There are restrictions on the timing of the procedure, primarily related to the baby.

If a woman is breastfeeding, massage may prevent this.

The effect of the procedure is achieved by adipose tissue is destroyed. Its breakdown products are excreted through the blood and lymph, but can also pass into breast milk. Instead of benefit, the child will receive toxins, which cannot be allowed. Anti-cellulite massage for a nursing mother can only be safe for children over 9 months old. By this time, the child’s body is strong enough not to react to substances.

If a woman is not lactating, there is still no need to rush to do an anti-cellulite massage. Her body must also be ready for the impact. Therefore, you should start body contouring no earlier than a month after a normal birth. If they were pathological, the procedure, especially, should be postponed for a longer period.


There are several types of anti-cellulite massage. Each has its own advantages, but there are also features that force you to choose a different option. Fight with " orange peel" Can the following types massage:

Type of massage Description
Classical The option is also acceptable when feeding if the child is 9 months old. The main thing here is to choose the right massage cream. It should have an anti-cellulite effect, approved for use during lactation, but not cause allergies. Typically these are products that do not contain active ingredients, so you need to be prepared to wait for the result. It won't be instant.
Ultrasonic Under its influence, air bubbles form in them, breaking the membranes. Fat cells shrink in size, cellulite disappears almost before our eyes. And upon completion of the course, the effect intensifies. But ultrasonic massage has a significant drawback. It should not be given to nursing mothers. The procedure causes a very active release of toxins into the blood and lymph. This can affect milk not only by getting harmful substances, but also a change in taste. The baby will refuse the breast or become intoxicated.
Vacuum It is made using silicone cups. Before exposure, the problem area must be warmed up with a wrap or a stay in a bath, which is not always useful even for a non-breastfeeding mother. Moreover, you can’t do it vacuum massage during lactation. After all, it is aimed at enhancing microcirculation, which stimulates the destruction of adipose tissue and the release of its breakdown products into the blood. That is, quality breast milk worsens as toxins enter it. Hence, vacuum procedure shown only healthy woman, whose lactation has ended.

Regardless of the circumstances, whether it is possible to do anti-cellulite massage in a particular case after childbirth, you should always ask your doctor. The specialist will determine whether there are any contraindications that the woman may not be aware of, and will determine the optimal type of procedure. Those who have suffered a difficult birth or caesarean section should take this especially seriously.

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