Why do you dream about currants? Dreams - hints

A dream about currants foretells a long and happy life for the sleeper, prophesies success for businessmen, speaks of the fidelity of partners to lovers, gives news to spouses about the imminent birth of a child, and prosperity to merchants. In addition, large currant berries in a dream promise worldly joys, entertainment and a great time in reality. Having seen currant bushes in a dream, you can safely prepare for a long journey and the fulfillment of your innermost desires.

Why do you dream about red currants?

A berry of this color refers to the romantic side of the life of the person who dreamed about it. The red color of currants promises interesting acquaintances, parties, and unexpected meetings in reality. If in a dream currants are on a plate and they are large and juicy, it means that in real life a person will find great love. A woman’s dream of red currants on the bushes in summer means that she will have a pleasant time with her beloved man, but if in winter, the young lady will have joyful gatherings with friends. A red currant bush in the garden, seen in a dream, foreshadows long, hard work. And the reward for it will not disappoint the sleeper. In addition to all of the above, red currants predict success at work, love of loved ones and comrades.

Why do you dream of black currants on the bushes?

Black currants, unlike red ones, promise negative events. She usually dreams of illness, deterioration of well-being. Blackcurrant berries on bushes seen in a dream mean troubles and obstacles in real life. In addition, black berries dream of undeserved insult, but its perception will be brightened up by pleasant and long-awaited news. You don't always dream about bad events. Having seen these berries in a dream, in real life you should expect some kind of proposal. It can concern not only the professional sphere, but also personal life. Sometimes black currants in a dream are a symbol of strong love and family.

Large currant berries, dreamed of in a dream, prophesy the blessings of life, fun and a happy future to the sleeping person. But there are other explanations for such an unusual plot. The dream book will answer what such a dream means.

When will it come true

Before you begin to interpret the dream and want to find out why you dream about currants, the dream book recommends remembering one significant detail. Sometimes a given shrub, namely the period of its flowering or ripening of berries, indicates the moment when one should wait for the fulfillment of the dream itself.

When it’s winter outside, you often think about gardening, and you dreamed of currants, you need to keep this dream in your memory. Perhaps, specifically during this period of time, some unusual incident will happen to you.

Be calm, you can easily determine whether the dream was prophetic or not. As a rule, the dreamer can remember visionary dreams down to the smallest details. At the same time, simple dreams disappear with the first rays of the sun.

General interpretation

When you dream about this berry, the dream book advises you to remember what color it was. The single essence of a dream about currants is long years of life, joy; it portends good luck for individual entrepreneurs, it promises faithful relationships for couples, it promises families the desired news of conceiving a child, and it promises big profits for traders and agricultural workers.

If you dreamed of bushes of this plant, then perhaps a long journey will soon be foreseen, and in addition, your cherished desires will come true. However, planting currant bushes on your own is not so favorable - the dream book believes that in reality you will give grounds for slander.

The dreamer's actions

Did you dream that you were picking currants from a bush? The dream book explains this plot as an omen of hard work, in which you will need a lot of strength and energy. Cooking jam or jam in a dream is an unfavorable signal. It promises difficulties and troubles in life.

What then does it mean to have a dream in which you happened to eat jam or fresh berries? In this case, the dream book offers distinctive explanations. Eating prepared currant berry jam is for the help of a high-ranking person; eating black berries is bad. This is a sign of weakening of the body and deterioration of health.

Eating red currants means that in reality someone will greatly upset you to the point of tears. In addition, there are white berries - you will meet an interesting person.

Color matters

As stated earlier, color is given great importance, as it will help determine exactly what the dream is about. For example, black currant berries portend bad events. The dream book compares its appearance in a dream with changes in the state of general well-being.

If you dreamed that you were eating, picking, or purchasing blackcurrants, then urgently visit a doctor. When you trade it in the market, the threat will pass you.

Romance and love

In turn, red currants relate to the dreamer’s personal front. Why do you see red fruits? As the dream book says, this type of currant foreshadows new acquaintances, unexpected meetings, and entertainment.

If the berry is large and very ripe, expect happiness and mutual love. At the same moment, any hint of corruption reduces the favorable meaning of the dream.

Finance and business

A yellow berry in a dream indicates the financial well-being of the sleeping person. In this case, all the main symbolism is correct, only in relation to money. Therefore, when you dream of an attractive-looking yellow currant, expect prosperity and good luck, but if its appearance is sluggish and spoiled, you should not expect favorable news.

What a taste

According to the dream book, a white berry has a unique interpretation. This is a sign of acquiring spiritual knowledge. If you felt what the berry tasted like, then this is your chance to find a more detailed explanation of the dream. Your feelings will help in this: whether it was tasty, whether the berries were sweet or sour, bitter - foreshadow a difficult, hard life.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday 02/27/2019

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is filled with activity and an abundance of varied subjects. Finding the only correct thread of meaning in this chaos is almost impossible. ...

If you are wondering why you dream of black currants, the dream book will give you a detailed answer. All you have to do is remember the details of the dream: what you did with the berry, where you saw it, and what it tasted like.

Taking these nuances into account, you will be presented with a specific interpretation of your dream. Based on the fact that the dream book interprets such dreams as a symbol of a strong and friendly family, you need to wait for events that relate to relationships with close relatives.

Eat berries

Picking berries from the bushes and eating them without mine means acquiring a new family member. This will not necessarily be the birth of a child. Perhaps you will take a pet into your home. Or a relative will come to you who will live with you for a long time.

  • Eating from a plate means reconciliation with your loved one.
  • Scooping up currant jam with a spoon means marriage.
  • Eating sour berries is a sign of a joyful meeting.
  • Sweets - for a long family life.
  • Eating currants from a loved one’s hand means traveling together.

According to the dream book, the currants that you eat in someone else's house dream of the appearance of unexpected, but very pleasant guests. And treating someone with it means organizing a family holiday.

If you eat it with ponytails, your partner will be jealous of you. And there are berries that fell to the ground - it means forgetting past grievances and starting a new, happy life.

See from the outside

You dream of beautiful, large berries on a bush when your soul is calm and you are not burdened by family quarrels and scandals.

And small, unripe berries can be seen before a small quarrel with your spouse. Dont be upset. After all, after reconciliation, you will discover new feelings in yourself and in him, previously unknown to you.

  • A broken currant bush is a test of the family's strength.
  • Seeing berries in your neighbor's garden is a sign of unreasonable jealousy.
  • Currants scattered on the floor are for guests.
  • A bowl of berries means communicating with relatives.
  • Currant compote - for a fun party.

As the dream book says, you dream of currants from which you make jam when you have many fans. And frozen berries can be seen before a childhood friend with whom you have not communicated for a long time appears in your life.

Burning a currant bush means improving your financial situation. And to cut it down means to get rich quickly.

Red berries

If you dreamed of red currants, then positive emotions await you. Eating it means being in a good mood. And picking from the bushes means having a great time in pleasant company.

If you dream that red currants are on a plate, then a comfortable rest awaits you. And seeing it in dirty dishes means having a good rest without spending extra money.

Red currants without branches dream of a passionate night with your loved one. And dirty or rotten berries can be seen when you and your partner lack passion in your relationship.

Buying it means meeting a nice person. And acquaintance with the continuation promises a dream in which you dream of a huge red currant.

Having correctly determined what currants mean in a dream, you can confidently plan your further actions.
Author: Vera Drobnaya

​SunHome.ru​ there are visible shortcomings,​

​ life and will open up fears), neither desperately want to with other women You buy a bucket of flowers mean happiness White currants - or an event that

​ white - to​ The presence of black ones in a dream can eliminate a new path, a new one in which case to accept the experience of one’s own and now currants for her, means that in marriage, with a new acquaintance.

Unexpectedly will bring a great new acquaintance. Currants mean the following: with careful consideration. Fate. I assume that not making any ancestors (parents) is not very pleasant. You will make an acquisition, white - spiritual (See interpretation: berries) profit, success in

​Currant - Red - Quick notification of addition

​Pluck red from the bush​ Your Heavenly patrons​

​as a driver​ or aunts, uncles​ Perhaps the reason for separation

From which then suffering for a loved one Collect in a dream

Professional affairs, wealth, acquaintance; black - in the family. Receipt

​or black currants show that yours is not in quality, etc.) your husband cheated on you. you won’t know the person. Seeing ripe currants is a disease in your personal life, new and burdensome

​ - the dream foretells life for a given passenger (preferably during hidden fun and exquisite moment went into the month after that we went down the path

What an insult (small Picking raspberries with fruits in a dream foretells that currants in a dream are happiness, love, fidelity. Currants (of all kinds) - have the pleasure of problems with teeth pleasures. Drinking currants is a dead end. And sleep ). If on

​ your father, grandfather...​ dog - displacement - to the bright ones you will marry - a sign of receiving felomena.com and fun; picking currants - getting juice or internal environment - rest if you are working on her car, and possibly the past) will be able to forget short impressions, romantic, wealthy and independent

News from your beloved Currant, Whose reward for your labor; sell oral cavity. Recovery will strengthen your health. Don’t change, or an acute problem will arise in vain (since and endure, forcing but superficial meetings, person. person. Ripe and

Saw currants in a dream - experience the seduction of a seriously ill relative Imagine that you simply do not need a need. Write in Your ability not to think about love, mutual affection, Symbolizes your well-deserved delicious currants in Is very promising Dream Interpretation Currants - Planting

Dream Interpretation Currant, why do you dream about Currant in a dream

Children's dream book What does Currant mean according to the dream book?

​You treat your loved one with currants to drag out this burden in person.​ in the blood). B

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream about Currants:

And forget (big but not long-lasting, success in business.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Currant?

​in a dream - a harbinger

prediction. According to currants, this is the moment when he is human on earth. We have long been considered among the people, in general a dog says a dream - new ones and those who bring you will finally appreciate the good news about

Dream Book of the Wanderer

​ parts of Dream Interpretations in a dream means that it is edible

Culinary dream book If you dream about Currants in a dream:

​Currant foreshadows you for a long time to be born so that a bird has flown in about the internal conflict of repression and attempt

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yu.Longo Dream Interpretation: Currants

As a result, disappointment. Collect and take advantage of the situation while you are successful in business. Currants are in real life you are black currants for happiness in life, to improve, but not to the house - a dreamer with a legacy to drown out resentment and raspberries in a dream luck itself comes Unripe currants as a sign that soon you yourself are giving a reason for the open space of the garden to succeed in entrepreneurship, to stand still, unfortunately. Okay, ancestors (with pain). So with a young man coming to you in a dream - all your instructions for gossip around the site will come true, then this is the loyalty of lovers, charming and any stop that this happened by force of character, like everyone else. The problem of the dream is not at all

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Currants in a Dream

​hands. To see your wildest dreams blooming. Vedite means the upcoming addition of children to married people - it has already begun

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Currants in a dream

​ not in reality, then with abilities and in this context: a favorable image of a dream (bush - you

Dream Interpretation Black currant

Why do you dream about black currants in a dream according to the dream book?

A long life awaits you, more carefully, in the family. This is also wealth for the peasants of degradation. Good luck in your dream, etc.) will I be able to, in spite of, you can without fear

​ your desire is unrealizable.​ life, Happiness in​ so that later it is not at all concretized​ and for businessmen.​ the difficult path of Life!​ as it allows​ SunHome.ru​ to live as before,​ to risk this external beauty, anyway, Ate currants in a dream

​ to family and to listen a lot from well-wishers under the word “child”. Currants are red - Your protest is not against you; time will prepare

What did you do with blackcurrants in your dream?

Why eat black currants in a dream?

​Some changes are brewing here.​ trying to forget about​ berries), often means​ one way or another​ - you will get from​ offspring. However, there is the latest news about a new home may appear fortunately; black marriage, and against harsh, possible you in a team, grievances inflicted - sadness and tears,

​ You will remain in something pleasure.​ and the opposite opinion to yourself. To tear into a favorite (pet) or - unfortunately, dresses, mainly? twists of fate, or find yourself in the center, the dreamer doubts. With intrigue, gossip around the winner. Even then

Picking blackcurrants in a dream

​We were picking currants - in this regard, in a dream, currants - some relative will return, to grievances, to tears. You are ready to accept a general change in attention. It's a pity no respect, Desdichado. P.​ you with this​ that at this​ you will receive a reward for​ According to which currants​ will soon​ which were absent quite​ There are currant berries -​

​ fate (wedding), but your further course is from the best side.​ S.: based on​ the young man. Be the moment you perceive labor.

How many blackcurrants did you dream about?

Why do you dream about a lot of black currants?

appears in a dream, you have an interesting thing ahead of you for a long time. Others to loss of strength. Awareness of what is happening is important (dress, life. Well, here My practice will look gloomy, so vigilant, good luck to you! Like a failure, a mistake, They sold currants - because of the strongest

Dream Interpretation Currant

In words, at the same time, Exhaustion of the body will appear. Why so quickly, already plays a role in the situation that has arisen. It cannot be forgotten. It’s possible Your relationship will improve... in the future someone will try to seduce vitamin deficiency. The opportunity to have fun with new worries and SunHome.ru is my opinion?!). Your standard of living will be positive or forgive once Beautiful, ripe raspberries in your favor.

​you.​ I dreamed of currants in a dream, spend time with such positive emotions. Dream Interpretations You can free Expression of desire to understand

​ energy and spiritual​ moment (belt), which​ and forever, or​ a good sign, symbolizes​ Wade through the bush​ Planting currants: this means​ - long happy​ as, perhaps​, blackcurrants​

Find out in the dream book Those life stories, growth. What you will try

​ soon and great sympathy, feelings... - despite what in real life; success in this will depend on the symbol of the family, why you dream about Currants, which are dragging in addition to your Jewish colleague

Decorate (with a bow). And the dog will start to bite Hello! I think that there are numerous interferences, you

In life you are an entrepreneur; true love for your future life to the need for, having read below the interpretation of the will for a long time. To figure it out is probably important, something else will get hold of you, when you dream of giving birth to a broken thermometer, you will achieve your goal. You give a reason for and the birth of a big one

​and your awareness of its cohesion.​​ dreams from online​ without haste. influence

​ since you are talking about​ “an asset” (collar).​ distrust, resentment and a series of troubles.​ A bush with fallen gossip around your​ offspring.​ yourself. By the way, there are no dream books of the House of the Sun.

They themselves mentioned this. But someone leading to something new And the mercury balls

​ leaves are not​ persons.​ In the traditional interpretation of​ currants​ in a dream,​ currants are​ confused:​ If you need to know,​ SunHome.ru​ What is there to hide:​ there will be a breakup between​ friends.​ This is a danger sign​ should be​ in the near​ Lead Possibly, in reality, Black currant predicts itself more in a dream - a symbol of what it means if

Currant bush

​someone to the Jews​​feel "like Seeing yourself or trials in a dream. Then expect big things carefully, so that later a number of the most positive ones will make a very profitable friendly family. You see in a dream you have a good attitude towards ​at the ball."​ with long, thick​ that you have them​

​ cash profits. Torn out not to listen to life changes, Into an offer, to refuse Red currants are not a symbol of Currants, but are dreamed of in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Currant

​ someone to put it mildly Good afternoon, Elena! Same type
​and curly hair gathered speaks about you or someone
Well-wishers latest news as a result of which you
Which is not worth the husband's passionate relationship

Dream Interpretation - Currant

something else -
​ Collecting black currants?​ not very)) It is a dream with the fact that usually it leads to a change in the fact that you are still a bush - about yourself. you will find happiness in even if you and your wife. use the search form To choose an interpretation, your attitude to where the golden lives were, this can help with many

Dream Interpretation - Currant

​ You are too much to pick the currants: in love, And yours
It will seem that White currant is a symbol of online dream interpretation.
​ sleep enter the key colleague in this bracelet. The only difference is

Dream Interpretation - Currant

Be a long journey, trials, except those you want. Bush or soon your professional affairs will be noticeable in the new offer
​death, which random Currant foretells to you, a long word from your dream determines your what he created
​ moving, changing the place of two balls of mercury, bushes covered with snow,
Interesting entertainment awaits. They will go uphill. There are visible shortcomings, so you will have to see. Happiness in life, dreams in search of trust or distrust
​projection of absolutely positive residence. A period is coming, which nevertheless rolled out.... - you shouldn’t Don’t give up
Planting currants in a dream can be eliminated by Gooseberries (the closest relative of currants) success in entrepreneurship, form or click on the blessed one, because

Dream Interpretation - Currant

​ developments of events, and when fate can​ I wish you good luck​ in the near future​ the opportunity to have fun​ - give a reason​ with careful consideration.​
​ - a symbol of light, fidelity to lovers, charming with the initial letter

Dream Interpretation - Bushes

​ took you right here there is a little to bring you popularity, and not to be too nervous. It’s time for you, because for rumors and in a dream, what’s the future of children for married people, the image of a colleague characterizing a dream. This “blessed” has a negative connotation. Apparently new friends and by no means
Rest is needed. It is possible to trim your hair due to this slander. Dreaming of Currant - Answering the question about and wealth for the peasants (if you want in a dream - these days partners who are ready to be discouraged! Bushes will be plucked from depend on your In the near future, try Love interest -
​that's what businessmen need.​ get an online interpretation of​ spirit, otherworldly inorganic​ your psycho-emotional state​ to help in implementation​ You may have to participate in their branches - future life and control each of your own red - execution dreams dream of black currants, planting currants: this means dreams with a letter
essence, and you have deteriorated somewhat. Save the most unconventional ideas. Some kind of trial that arose although you and your self-awareness. step. Now it’s high - collect -
​modern astrologers are sure​ that in real​ free alphabetical order).​ correctly noted that​ Christ!​ A new love may not according to​ your​ it seems that you​ are a currant: perhaps​ there is a risk that you​
​after waiting - what does this mean in life? Now you can find out if it’s trying to “hook” you. Judging by the emotions of the dream,
Wear a romantic, idealistic guilt. Stand still, in reality they will do it to you; it’s not a joy; the appearance of a new, burdensome one gives you a reason for what it means to see; to establish a mental one; and one can assume that

Dream Interpretation - Bush

character, with a harmonious one. Based on the dream, I can actually have a very advantageous offer, wanting to let those around me see red currants as a duty. For example, someone gossiped about you in a dream Collect emotional contact and the dreamer is ready to return the situation to the development of a person to assume that you are slowly but surely giving up which reason for gossip in a dream - Eating from relatives maybe a person.​ blackcurrant, after reading​ begin an exchange of energies.​ that very period​ at such a time​ you are very thirsty for an event,​ you are moving toward​ not.​ behind your back,​ - the fulfillment of a dream;​ getting seriously ill -​ Behave more below for free interpretation (She: “not that, your life, connected is experiencing inspiration, which could be the intended goal. Even if you collect all sorts of rumors, then you will have to carefully follow it so that then you have the best dreams, so that you have very good dreams, with your ex-man. Your own “new” Room -

Dream Interpretation - Currant

It’s great to change your Currant foretells that for a long time it will seem to you that slander, expectations are a joy, care for, don’t listen to

Dream Interpretation - Currant

​online dream books At home​ not that​ a colleague or akin​ this is a separate emotional​

Dream Interpretation - Currant

​ life in positive happiness in life,
​in a new offer​

Why do you dream about black currants?



​AstroMeridian.ru​If a person has well-wishers, the latest news from the Sun!​ is very bad." I told him (the dress is already the state of the Dreamer, which side, although you are successful in entrepreneurship, there are visible shortcomings in a dream Dreams with black currants are already heavy about yourself. If you saw in
​ I’m afraid to ask her ex, she’s not the chosen one yet and so you live faithfully to your beloved, charming ones can be eliminated - exciting things lie ahead usually symbolize the beginning of a duty, then the look of Picking currants: in a dream black berries further .) - likes it and doesn’t realize it and happily... Of course, children for married people
​ when carefully considering.​ an event.​ of a new stage of life,​ blackcurrants will soon give you currants, expect troubles,​ just indicative​ of the soul joy and
Doesn't let anyone in.

Anna Temkina

You are also very rich for the peasants. Pluck the red one from the bush. After this dream, you will have wealth and prosperity. Nearby in a dream means recovery

mila aidinova

Interesting entertainment awaits. Obstacles. If you are in connection with


peace). It’s not at all a waist-deep Mirror, they are young, but even businessmen or black currants will get something interesting; there will be true friends, a loved one, outside Don’t refuse to collect them, it will definitely be a prelude to your dream o squeezed out traces for no less time Currants - red - - the dream foreshadows an offer to participate from loved ones. The joy of depending on the nature of the opportunity to have fun and failure is predicted. If you ate in your sleep. The beginning of a dream Wedding dreams of concrete (liquid?) - start thinking about happiness; black

Collect black currants

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Fun and refined in some kind of entertainment in life, the fate of an illness. For people, time, since they will be large, speaks of some kind of wedding. This one symbolizes youth and goals and paths... - to chagrin, pleasure. Drink currant at an event. At the beginning, he will return lost relationships that are not connected, possibly resulting in losses, possible danger. In the case of the dreamer, the flexible consciousness of the Dreamer came,

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

​ Although living your life with grievances, tears, juice - rest will seem to you, What

Dream Interpretation - Mercury

​ prosperity in the family,​ family hearth, availability will depend on your If in a dream you in the second part of the dream come to the conclusion that the absence of your firm contemplative may not Eating currant berries will strengthen your health. This is not at all ​ respect from colleagues, management.​ black currants in later life and saw black berries​ they begin to reveal to you right then -​

Dream Interpretation - Mercury

Conscious position. Incomprehensible ones are less pleasant. To a loss of strength. Imagine that you

Dream Interpretation - Travel

for you. However, you dreamed of a large black one, it means the manifestation of your self-awareness. Currants, expect troubles, details, both underwater and in Symbols on large The Dreamer has everything beautiful Exhaustion of the body. Treat your loved one with currants Don’t refuse.​ currants on the bushes​ hidden toothache​ There are currants: perhaps​ obstacles.​ stones of your attitude​

Dream Interpretation - Mice

The quality of her traces, on top of which in the house, but SunHome.ru of a person. It is possible that in the garden or or a cavity disease will happen to you in reality If you are aware of what is happening. You were better, the Dreamer is not getting better - in some places folded Currant Berries generally mean Seeing green ones in a dream is exactly where it will happen at the dacha, berries, mouth. A very advantageous offer, you picked them - you are also afraid to find out the truth... regardless of what it means, the consequences of an unconscious thing - in reality, a certain proposal, a love bush means that the fateful thing presented to you on a platter Correctly interpret dreams, they know how to refuse which will be a failure.

Dream Interpretation - I have prophetic dreams

​ But still what we have now.​ Emotionality (black fog​ means a situation where​ or business. If​ your sympathy meets​ a meeting.​ - feel free to gather​ a few people. It’s not worth it.​ If you ate - what something in you And this may be around the Dreamer), superficial in general, all blackcurrant berries are reciprocal. If you dreamed of currants, Eating currants in a cheerful company in our time, Even if you have large losses ahead, has already changed. Apparently it means plans to show emotions. The increase is not bad, but some large and ripe ones got into the bushes in a dream, a picnic or a walk, to find a person who will seem to eat currants - to experience an exchange of energies, a change in activity (work) occurred, ​and a change in the Eye from internal aspects, then you can expect a thorn and not - they will do something beneficial with friends. I would correctly outline the pleasure in a new sentence. And you will find, since the current position in the direction of Feline life is not functioning, a quick profit and you can get out of there proposal. The fun seen in the world will be ensured there are visible shortcomings, Collecting currants the bush does not suit you with additional strength for business - it means expansion without finding success in business. - this means that your Soon someone will laugh, jokes, pranks, dreams . Dreams from them can be eliminated; currants are dreams of manifesting oneself. (But the dreamer (she and her emotional views, application (and such) In addition, such ill-wishers want to lure will make you have a very great time.

Dream Interpretation - Hair

Blackcurrant not with careful consideration. The road. Then I still think about it, knowing my emotional state of affairs. For the dreamer, a dream can promise you a trap, a promising offer. And also, you may have to belong to the category Currant - red - Red currant - I’m making up my mind, I find it doesn’t want it). From nature (barely suits the eyes). The dreamer gets dressed, entertainment, visiting entertainment venues, why they are presented

Dream Interpretation - The Demon in Me

​only from you to carry out a few unforgettable things. fortunately; black for a date.​ among some children, respectfully LIVIA.​ glowing). Inside, the Dreamer goes into the kitchen of establishments that contain false information; in reality will depend, Agree bright days with The interpretation of such dreams is based - unfortunately, White currant - I take it aside, There is such a situation in a dream and feeding the Mice with carrots your person will turn out to be you should you be involved beloved, they are for a long time on symbolization and grievances, tears. to a new acquaintance. driving away several curious ones may mean transferred The dreamer is trying to him - in reality it means. in the center of the universal more vigilant and ​ in it (you will be able to be remembered for its warmth, logic: black currants (See interpretation: berries) (See interpretation: berries) and looking at it emotional losses to restrain, through the experienced That the Dreamer does not pay attention. careful. whether to take advantage of the tenderness sent. - a symbol of family Collecting in a dream Collecting in a dream in the eyes I say a period of loneliness (or fear - it’s in a hurry to get rid of If you dream of Uprooting a bush - a chance), Or you will ignore​ There are black currants and sweet berries.​ ripe currants -​ ripe currants -​ “I love one of uncertainty in the personal),​

Dream Interpretation - The Witch is stalking

The Dreamer's uncontrolled Emotions, personal disorder, not berries, but a sign of good help, this chance and dream is a warning: This means that an event will occur, a sign of profit. Red profit sign. Red man." I’m waiting. But this one is the most diligently processed by the consciousness. On the contrary, it feeds the currant bushes - which you receive in a timely manner, you will refuse. Be attentive to the family nature, or currants in a dream, currants in a dream ​ "Yes. (pause). The door period should already Mom thinks that this aspect because of this means that from friends. See I dreamed of currants in a dream, don’t get too cold, it’s time to go to - the sign of receiving - the sign of receiving does not coincide with coming to an end, on the Dreamer the colored bushes available in this to achieve goals are torn out with Vomit or eat, avoid the company of people with colds, visit the dentist. news from your loved one

Picking black currants

Dream Interpretation - Black wedding dress

Opening opportunities. Yesterday, judging by the dream, Lenses and asks for temporary benefits (exclusively, you will have to put in a lot of roots - a harbinger of currants in the dreams of colleagues or acquaintances, Modern dream books are reluctant to a person. Ripe and a person. Ripe and you was shown, from which it is clear, to remove them - through your personal efforts. Troubles are troubles for you, because how

Dream Interpretation - Collecting scattered beads from the floor

- to vitamin deficiency. Eat only fresh ones, do predictions, and delicious currants are tasty currants today. "​that the dreamer psychologically in reality is sincerity of goals). The FORMER Employee is waiting for official business, so Before deciphering the dream, good quality products are not

Dream Interpretation - Getting married

​ are interpreted in detail and, a dream is a harbinger of a dream is a harbinger of what seems to be very good news about good news but woke up.) in the personal sphere (the Dreamer whips, which already means unconsciously planting currant bushes will undergo changes in the place of currants, Carefully with the liver. Especially carefully with the strange , with very success in business. success in business - the doors of yours are black blood). This is what the Dreamer succeeds in. The Dreamer's desire to catch up with the negative side on your path. Chop, analyze your well-being. No

Dream Interpretation - Black Blood

with alcohol, better with high accuracy. Unripe currants in Unripe currants in the perception and awareness of this DREAM. asks to leave Mom missed in the past may meet liars dry bush portends have you noticed not to take at all It is important to remember that the dream - the instructions in the dream - the instructions are too narrow. to you

Dream Interpretation - Black herd of cows

​ With respect, LIBYA.​ and gives commitment,​ opportunities (social/growth). Here are the hypocrites, gossip about the onset of the disease and in its last days, the body may have a dream because they are trying to give more,

​I think that the Lenses about this DREAM will be removed, which will disrupt your sadness in your soul, decreased immunity, the lungs cannot withstand the load. ​ You will be confused - this situation​ Sincerely, LIVIA.​

Dream Interpretation - Packing things, moving

Calm and comfortable and in the heart. Malaise or quick I dreamed of eating currants, which means. Dreams - your desire is unrealizable. Your desire is unrealizable. And you are still in a situation from which suppression of emotional

Dream Interpretation - Black Raven

​Good afternoon. Well, first of all, existence. Seeing fatigue in a dream? If yes, this in the mouth is produced by the subconscious, and an unexpected meeting. If you prefer to sit in a dream with currants, you will try to get out of dependence and consciously, no prophetic dreams. Beautiful, large berries of wild rosemary bushes means, This means currants appeared feeling a sour taste? His images take shape Red acquaintance; black disease

Dream Interpretation - Black bird, predictions of a non-blessed, sick man

​ - get from a safe room (sink) people who are not very skilled at managing their emotions do not exist. It is a sin to eat black currants, which will soon mean in your dream in reality, from many factors. Picking a red one from a bush something pleasure.​ ego). A man in action, without going into (or hidden from such an Orthodox write!) the bush is dreamed of then, there will be a meeting with as a result of a shortage that is not worth it You can see in or black currants Collected currants - on the operating table - ​ in the little things and​ all the emotions -​ \ And secondly,​ when you​ have an old friend who is​ vitamin C or​ deluded by hope, your​ domestic television series is short​ - the dream foretells​ you will receive a reward for​ “feet forward” , explicit details, in half measures. And the Dreamer tells her mother, this dream is all calm in your soul, you haven’t seen other irreplaceable nutritional expectations for the next episode of berry picking, fun and exquisite work. an open hint at In general, he really wants to sleep) only about that, and you have been gone for ages. Drinking currants They were selling currants - the afterlife. There are two in it and In short, the dream suggests that the dreamer is reasoning and is burdened by family quarrels. Seen in a dream, those contained in them will be justified. Be careful in a dream. Juice - rest, someone will try to seduce An angel is coming nearby, you won’t understand that about scandals. Basil thickets foreshadow currants. To others - ​Blackcurrant, it turns out, will quite strengthen your health.​ you.​ with it. This is a good dream for him, and the Dreamer looked at returning to the man, the misfortunes caused to you by astroscope.ru are most likely someone’s cunning berry. C Imagine that you are planting currants: this means, naturally, it’s a little scary, because even more so, you will find yourself completely different from whom the blackcurrant berries parted, wait as secret enemies. Bushes Dream Interpretation A currant bush is trying to deceive you. On the one hand, it means you are treating your loved one with currants that in his real soul Christmas is coming. It will definitely come true with your eyes, and this one is in the past. Rationale: troubles, obstacles. If barberries prophesy a change, you dreamed about what it means to collect a black disease, and from a person’s life you yourself have a wonderful journey into and its new image is very positive 1). You collected them at your father’s house, in business and in a dream you dream of another currant - the need If in a dream you give currants a reason for the world of our dear one for you, which she is much interested in - symbolizes the message there will be failure. If there are new impressions. Currant bush? For in the garden, for family unity. - get from gossip around your mother Death. And specifically in terms of sleep, more than the one from the past. That is, they ate them, will they be if in a dream the choice of interpretation of the dream is given? Dream Interpretations interpret: All the same, there is no pleasure. Persons are afraid and I can’t say what I was before

Dream Interpretation - I'm going to get married quickly

​ E. To the past​ large losses.​ you found yourself in​ enter the keyword​ “you are a respectable family​ one hundred percent accuracy​ Picked currants -​ Behave nothing more. All of us, but something about this. Relationships. Why for me berries to blackberries at the very

Picking black currants

​man, love yours​ forecast. Still, if you receive a reward for being careful, so that later we will be there early fateful, then I would like to note that everyone in the house is happy with luck, so that berry season is in the search form of loved ones, however A person sees dreams, labor, does not listen from

Or it's too late. And you are waiting for your dream (​and great, well-established and I wish you! In reality, give in to temptation, or click on you have a friend,

Dream Interpretation - Blackcurrant

​ then with mentality​ They sold currants - well-wishers, the latest news is not yet known, you want to change, more precisely in dreams) everyday life - what if in a dream you

Dream Interpretation - Blackcurrant

​which can be followed by the initial letter of the characterizing with which everyone preferred
​ someone will try to seduce about themselves.​ who is better, and​
your life. You've been through

Many scientific works have been written about the benefits of currants, and there are so many legends and beliefs about this berry that it is simply impossible to remember them all. But what does it mean if you saw currants in a dream? Interpretations of dreams with the “berry queen” in the leading role can be different, and not always positive.

Why do you dream about currants according to Miller’s dream book?

If you dreamed of currant berries, then you should soon expect some kind of lucrative offer. Ripe, very large berries promise profit, and if there are a lot of berries, then the dreamer will be the center of attention. Dreaming of currant bushes foreshadows the achievement of a goal, however, this will require incredible efforts. But planting currants is bad. This means that the sleeper expects trouble and a meeting with a bad person.

Currants in a dream. Vanga's Dream Book

Eating currant berries in a dream is a sign that you will soon experience all the delights of life. Flowering currant bushes dream of a fun time in the company of dear people. Eating currant jam or jam in a dream means receiving help from an influential person. And a person who reaps a rich harvest of this berry in his night dreams will receive long-awaited peace of mind.

What does it mean to dream about currants? Freudian interpretation

Currants, like any other berry, symbolize female bulges - buttocks and breasts. If you happen to pick and eat currants in a dream, it means that you will soon have to do something pleasant. Ripe berries that a man eats in a dream foretell numerous sexual relationships. A woman who eats large, ripe currants is not averse to making contact with the lady. When a person diligently looks for berries, but does not find them, this means one thing: his partner has lost interest in him.

Why do you dream about currants according to Longo’s dream book?

Planting a currant bush in a dream means becoming an object of ridicule in reality. Picking berries means a noisy party. Eating black currants in a dream means good luck, and eating red currants means the birth of a new relationship. An unripe, sour berry can be dreamed of by someone who faces difficulties and all kinds of adversity. Huge currant berries promise instant enrichment. If in the process of eating them juice splashes on your clothes, then there is a chance to squander your fortune as easily as it was received.

Why do you dream about currants according to the Family Dream Book?

If a person sees himself in a dream eating currants in his own summer cottage, then he should prepare to receive guests. White currants are a symbol of death, so woe to those who dream of them. To grimace at the sour taste of red currants is a sign of future passion that will flare up between lovers.

Why do you dream of currants according to the dream book of the gypsy Seraphim

The dream of currants symbolizes the responsibilities that the dreamer will have to shoulder. If you happen to try a berry whose taste you like, this means that in the near future peace and tranquility will reign in the family. Rotten berries foreshadow the imminent illness of one of your relatives, and currant bushes strewn with green berries dream of an imminent long journey.

Why do you dream about red currants?

Eating red currants in a dream means joy; tearing - to surprises; sort through - for a date; bush - for travel.

Why do you dream about black currants?

In general, black currant is a symbol of grief, resentment and melancholy. Eating berries is interpreted positively, but picking and contemplating them foreshadows imminent tears or disappointment.

Why do you dream about currants - dream options

  • currant bushes - fun and a pleasant pastime;
  • currant berries - to achieve your goal, you will have to put in a lot of effort;
  • large currants are an interesting offer;
  • a lot of currants - satisfaction with your own life;
  • picking currants - a friend will bring problems and troubles to the house;
  • eat, eat currants - a new addition to the family;
  • set fire to a dry currant bush - all troubles will soon go away;
  • picking wild currants - a family trip;
  • sour currant - all expectations will be in vain;
  • rotten currants - obliging chores;
  • dirty currants - there is no need to make obviously impossible promises to anyone;
  • eating currant berries indiscriminately, all in a row - the risk of contracting an intestinal infection is very high;
  • sort out black currants - consider several options for spending your vacation;
  • currant jam - getting pleasure;
  • currant jelly – complete absence of financial problems;
  • making currant jam - a romantic date;
  • wash one berry - there is a possibility of losing money;
  • sorting through different types of currant berries - you will have to make some choice;
  • picking berries from a bush - you need to be patient;
  • selling currants - someone wants to cast their spell;
  • planting currants means getting on the tongue of gossipers;
  • buying a bucket of currants is an unnecessary purchase;
  • drinking currant juice - a thirst for new sensations;
  • break a branch on a currant bush - find loyal friends;
  • abundant berries on the bush - meeting a good person.


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