Using nicotinic acid for hair growth reviews. Nicotinic acid - a vitamin bomb for hair

However, expensive cosmetics and fashionable salon procedures most often do not live up to expectations. Life would be easier for many women if they knew that there is nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules. This drug costs a penny, but its effect is excellent. Using this substance is very useful and simple, as evidenced by customer reviews.

Composition and properties of nicotinic acid

In medicine, nicotinic acid is used to treat many diseases. These are hepatitis, colitis, pellagra, hypovitaminosis, problems with blood pressure, etc. In cosmetology, this drug helps to cope with dandruff, strengthen curls and enhance their growth. This is explained by the fact that nicotinic acid ampoules stimulate blood circulation very well on the head.

What hair vitamins are in this product? The “nicotine” itself is niacin, nicotinamide. Simply put, this is vitamin PP or B3. When the body lacks this substance, lipid metabolism is disrupted and the structure of tissues, including hair, deteriorates. This vitamin is partially synthesized by body cells, but most of it comes from diet and medications. Therefore, it is necessary to take nicotinic acid orally in tablet form. Only the attending physician can advise the dosage. Vitamin V3 can also be rubbed into the scalp for greater effectiveness.

Benefits of nicotinic acid for hair

As already mentioned, niacin in liquid form, when rubbed into the scalp, increases blood circulation. Thanks to this, the capillaries are saturated with oxygen, which, in turn, makes their walls more elastic. This action has a beneficial effect on hair. Nicotinic acid is good because it nourishes all follicles. Therefore, premature baldness is prevented, and the strands increase in density. Curls stop splitting and become strong and shiny. In addition, the appearance of gray hair is prevented, since the coloring pigment begins to be produced naturally.


Vitamin V3 is a medicine. Before you start using it, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to it. For the drug in ampoules they are as follows:

  • Intolerance to B vitamins. It is the main cause of side effects. Manifests itself in the form of redness, rash or itching.
  • Skin diseases. If there are wounds, inflammations or rashes on the scalp, then increased blood circulation can only complicate the problem.
  • Low or high blood pressure. The substance perfectly dilates blood vessels, and this can become a source of headaches and other ailments.
  • Liver diseases. Nicotinic acid in hair ampoules is very useful. However, its excessive amount in the blood increases the load on the liver.
  • Peptic ulcer disease. Niacin has an extremely irritating effect on the mucous membranes, which can aggravate the condition.
  • Pregnancy. Doctors prescribe nicotine to many expectant mothers because it has a positive effect on the development of the fetus. However, uncontrolled use of the drug can negatively affect the course of pregnancy.
  • Breast-feeding. In this case, you should also refrain from procedures with nicotinic acid. The substance may pass through the blood into milk and harm the baby.

In any case, before using a vitamin for hair growth, you should consult a specialist.

Expected results

As reviews show, nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair growth is becoming a real godsend! With its help, you can not only increase the length of your curls, but also treat them. What results will vitamin B3 help achieve?

By increasing blood circulation, hair loss stops. Damaged bulbs are strengthened, and new ones are activated. The cells of the head are renewed, so the skin is significantly improved. Pigment is produced, the strands begin to shine and acquire a deeper shade. This allows you to delay the appearance of gray hair. With regular use, hair oiliness decreases. Curls stay fresh longer, so there is no need to wash your hair every day.

It is worth noting that you should not expect a mind-blowing and instant effect immediately after the first use. Clear visible results will be noticeable after the first course. But healthy shine and root volume will appear after just a few sessions.

Course duration

The duration of use of nicotinic acid in hair ampoules directly depends on their condition. You can rub the vitamin into the scalp for ten, twenty or thirty days. It is recommended to use no more than three ampoules per day. Moreover, it is important to do this every day and not skip procedures. After a full month's course, you need to take a break for about fifty days. Only after this can you use nicotinic acid again.

Allergy test

Even if you do not have any diseases and are physically healthy, you need to try the product to see if it is tolerable. This will help prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction when using nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules.

It is usually recommended to apply a small amount of the substance to the skin of the wrist or to the area behind the ear and wait about fifteen minutes. If after this time no rashes or itching appear on these tender areas, then “nicotine” can be safely used. However, to begin with, you should limit yourself to only half the ampoule. If the procedure is successful, then next time it can be used in its entirety.

The use of niacin as an independent remedy

Nicotinic acid should only be applied to a clean head. Even slight sebaceous secretions can interfere with the penetration of beneficial substances. Therefore, it is better to wash your hair first and dry it with a towel. The shampoo should be chosen as natural as possible, since silicones form a film on the skin that makes it difficult for the product to penetrate. When the curls are dried, you can proceed to the process itself. How to use niacin ampoules for hair? Everything is very simple.

Open one ampoule and remove all contents. It is inconvenient to shake out the liquid into a separate container. In addition, there is a high probability of cutting yourself with sharp edges. Therefore, girls recommend extracting the product from the ampoule using a syringe. After this, the needle must be removed. Now you can squeeze the required amount of vitamin directly onto your scalp or first onto your fingers. This will make the procedure safer and more comfortable.

If the scalp is dry, first dilute the injection solution with water in a one to one ratio. This will allow you to easily and evenly distribute the substance over the entire area. Apply nicotinic acid to the skin, lightly rubbing it with your fingertips. Try to apply just a little product so that it is enough for your entire head. The second ampoule should not be opened so as not to provoke an allergic reaction.

Dry your hair naturally, without using a hair dryer. Otherwise, high temperatures will neutralize the effects of the vitamin. If you can’t do without a hairdryer, then use only the cold air mode.

Nicotinic acid in shampoo

Some women find it most convenient to use nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules, mixing it with shampoo. To do this, immediately before washing your hair, the detergent must be combined with one ampoule in a separate container. It's better to take a plastic cup. The shampoo should again be as natural as possible. Otherwise, the chemical components will negate the entire effect of the vitamin.

Distribute shampoo with nicotinic acid over your head and lather well. Leave the mixture on your hair for three to five minutes and rinse thoroughly with water. After just four weeks of such procedures, the condition of your curls can be significantly improved.

Masks for hair growth

For comprehensive restoration and treatment of damaged strands, it is recommended to combine nicotinic acid in ampoules with other nutritional products. This will be very beneficial for your hair.

Just don’t need to apply various masks to your curls every day. On the contrary, an excess of nutrients can lead to the opposite result. It is better to make masks periodically. Two or three times a week will be enough. It’s not difficult to prepare healthy ingredients at home. Try the following recipes.

Vitamin mask

Take an ampoule of nicotinic acid, half a teaspoon each of liquid vitamins A and E, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil and an egg yolk. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a glass to obtain a fairly thick mass. Rub the resulting mixture into the hair roots. If there is any left, distribute it over the entire length of the curls. This can be done with your hands, but the most convenient way is to use a comb with teeth. After an hour and a half, wash off the mask with warm water. As a result of using nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules with other vitamins, you will get smooth and silky hair, shining with a healthy shine.

Mask with aloe and propolis

To prepare this composition you will need an ampoule of nicotinic acid, twenty milliliters of propolis tincture and fifteen milliliters of aloe juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly in a separate container. Apply the mask evenly to a clean and moisturized scalp, and then distribute throughout all hair with a toothed comb. After an hour, you can wash off the composition with a herbal decoction, but this can be done with ordinary warm water.

Multi-component mask

This recipe with nicotinic acid is very good. But it is also effective for other problems due to the many components in its composition. You will need an ampoule of “nicotine”, an egg yolk, a pea-sized amount of honey, ten milliliters of liquid vitamin E, the same amount of olive oil and fifteen milliliters of jojoba oil. Place honey in a small bowl. If it is sugared, then melt it in a steam bath. After this, add the remaining ingredients to it one by one, stirring constantly.

Before applying the mask, it is recommended to wash your hair with shampoo, but do not dry it. Rub the mixture into the roots and generously lubricate all the curls. Leave the nourishing mask on for about forty to fifty minutes. Meanwhile, prepare warm water with a little lemon juice. If you cannot wash off the composition the first time, then rinse your hair again with added shampoo.

Vitamin PP in scrub

Be sure to try a scrub with added nicotinic acid in ampoules. This will be a real salvation for hair if it suffers from dandruff or excessive oiliness. It is prepared from one ampoule of “nicotine”, a couple of drops of any citrus essential oil and a tablespoon of fine salt. Mix all ingredients and apply to damp scalp. Massage gently for three to five minutes. Afterwards, rinse your hair thoroughly with cool water.

Nicotine spray

It is very convenient to use nicotinic acid in the form of a spray. To do this, you need to prepare a bottle with a sprayer of about one hundred milliliters. Pour a third of a glass of still mineral or purified water into it. Add the contents of the ampoule and, if desired, a drop of essential oils of pine, rosemary, thyme and sage. Use the spray after each shampoo, spraying it onto the roots. This product can be stored for three days on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Cost of vitamin for hair

The price of an ampoule of nicotinic acid depends on the region. On average it is eight rubles. Nicotinic acid is sold in packs of ten ampoules. The cost varies from fifty to one hundred rubles. You can buy the vitamin at absolutely any pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription.

Many girls and women dream of long thick hair without split ends. To achieve the desired effect, they are ready to try many different methods, read on the Internet on dubious blogs or use the advice of friends. But the problem is that these methods are not always effective. What to do when your hair grows very slowly and its condition leaves much to be desired? There is an exit! A nicotinic acid For hair growth – An excellent alternative option that allows you to solve the problem in a short time.

The use of this drug improves the condition of the hair, heals and strengthens the hair. You can use the beneficial vitamin as a stand-alone product, or add it to cosmetic products or hair balms. How to use niacin for hair growth, what beneficial properties does this product have, and will recipes based on it be beneficial? Let's find out.

Essentially, nicotinic acid is vitamin PP or nicotinamide (niacin). Despite the similar name, it has nothing to do with the nicotine contained in tobacco products. This drug is one of the forms of B vitamins. In medical practice, a solution of nicotinic acid is used for injection in the treatment of diseases associated with metabolic disorders and hypovitaminosis (lack of essential vitamins). The drug is prescribed for intravenous administration or used in a physiotherapeutic procedure such as electrophoresis.

Nicotinic acid is involved in most redox processes occurring in our body; without its participation, the synthesis of enzymes, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in living cells is impossible.

You can get this healthy vitamin from meat, mushrooms, and offal (liver, kidneys). Nicotinic acid is found in rye bread, buckwheat, beets, mangoes and pineapples. A lack of this substance in the body can lead to serious diseases (migraines, angina pectoris and even stroke).

For the needs of the food industry and medicine, vitamin PP is synthesized artificially. The drug is produced in the form of an injection solution and in tablet form. In cosmetology, nicotinic acid is an important component of many cosmetics intended for skin and hair care. The vitamin brings particular benefits to problematic hair, promoting its healing and growth.

Niacin (vitamin PP) When caring for hair, it exhibits the following beneficial properties:

  • It is quickly absorbed into the scalp and delivered through the bloodstream to the hair follicles, providing them with the necessary nutrients.
  • Helps saturate the roots with oxygen, which has a positive effect on the condition of the scalp and hair.
  • Accelerates hair growth by activating hair follicles.
  • Quickly penetrates the epidermis, strengthens the hair follicles and hair structure from the inside.
  • Improves blood circulation in the scalp by dilating blood vessels and increasing their elasticity.
  • Hair and scalp are saturated with vitamins, which improves their condition, eliminates brittleness and dryness of strands, roots become stronger, and hair loss stops.

An important advantage of nicotinic acid is its versatility. The drug can be used for any type of hair, it normalizes the production of sebaceous secretions and at the same time does not dry out the hair, provides gentle care and optimal protection from adverse environmental influences.

Thanks to its vasodilating properties, this vitamin activates cell renewal, heals the scalp, reduces hair loss, strengthens hair follicles and reduces excessive oiliness in strands. In addition, niacin activates pigment production and reduces dandruff. Nicotinic acid does not have an unpleasant odor, after use it does not weigh down the hair and does not create a greasy film, so the curls remain fresh and clean for a long time.

It should be understood that nicotinic acid is a drug that can bring not only benefits, but also harm. If you have overly sensitive skin, this drug may cause irritation and inflammatory reactions. Niacin is a rather aggressive substance, and in some cases it can act as a strong allergen. Therefore, before using any nicotinic acid-based product for the first time, perform a skin test; this simple measure will protect you from unwanted complications.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are high blood pressure, individual intolerance, pathologies of internal organs (ulcerative lesions, liver and kidney dysfunction), pregnancy and breastfeeding.

When used externally, nicotinic acid in some cases can provoke adverse reactions in the form of redness of the skin and a burning sensation. In addition, due to the vasodilating effect, dizziness may occur, associated with a decrease in blood pressure.

Therefore, before using the drug, even as an external remedy, you should consult a doctor and identify possible contraindications.

Methods of using nicotinic acid for hair growth

recommends rubbing the treatment into the roots after washing your hair. This method of application activates blood circulation in the scalp, which will ensure the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles and will stimulate hair strengthening and growth.

For procedures you should use nicotinic acid in ampoules. It can be purchased at any pharmacy and is quite inexpensive. Niacin is recommended to be applied in a specific sequence. To carry out the procedure, it is better to use a pipette, with which you can control the volume of the applied drug. You should start from the temporal area, rubbing the product in with light massage movements and gradually moving from the side areas of the head to the crown. Residues of nicotinic acid should be distributed on the hair using a comb.

After applying the drug, the head must be insulated with plastic film and a towel. This will create a greenhouse effect inside, which will ensure easy penetration of active substances into the depths of the skin. It is not recommended to wash off nicotinic acid; it is quickly absorbed and does not weigh down the strands. During treatment, you should avoid using shampoos with silicone, which create an invisible protective film on the surface of the hair that prevents the vitamin from penetrating into the hair shaft.

The drug must be used immediately after opening the ampoule, since nicotinic acid quickly erodes and its beneficial properties are lost. It is recommended to use no more than one ampoule of solution per procedure. The drug is rubbed into the scalp with your fingers to protect your hands; it is better to do the procedure with gloves. The use of the remedy must be regular; a lasting healing effect can be achieved after a 30-day course of treatment.

If the scalp is oily, regular use of the drug will reduce sebum production and improve hair condition. After this treatment, the hair will not look greasy, it will acquire freshness and an attractive appearance. Cosmetologists recommend combining nicotinic acid in hair masks with useful ingredients such as honey, ginger, herbal infusions and decoctions, natural and essential oils (olive, flaxseed, lavender, ylang-ylang or rosemary).

If after or during the application of nicotinic acid a burning sensation on the head, redness or itching appears, the concentration of the solution should be reduced. You can dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio. If discomfort persists after this, it is better to stop using this drug.

Popular recipes

We present to your attention recipes with nicotinic acid that help improve hair growth.

. This homemade spray is very convenient to use; you will need an empty bottle with a sprayer, which is filled with the following composition: 10 ampoules of nicotinic acid are diluted in 100 ml of distilled water and 5 drops of lavender and rosemary oil are added. All ingredients must be mixed, poured into a spray bottle and shake well. You need to spray the treatment on your hair before going to bed for a month, then take a break.

Another popular treatment method is masks with nicotinic acid for hair growth. Masks provide a more gentle effect, so it is better to start using nicotinic acid with a course of hair masks.

Mask recipes:
  • 2 teaspoons of nicotinic acid should be mixed with 2 teaspoons of aloe extract and the same amount of propolis tincture. Then apply to hair and, after 40 minutes, rinse.
  • Mix 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid solution with egg yolk, vitamin E capsule and 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil. Apply to hair and rinse after an hour.
  • Mix 1 ampoule of solution with 1 tablespoon of ginger juice. Apply to hair and rinse after 40 minutes.
  • Mix 2 ampoules of acid with tinctures of sage, nettle and chamomile (1 teaspoon each). Apply to hair and rinse after 1 hour.

You can independently develop for yourself the most optimal recipe for a mask with nicotinic acid by experimenting with different oils. For example, adding instead of linseed, olive, mustard or castor.

The basic rule when treating with nicotinic acid is to observe a mandatory break of a month after each course of treatment. The hair needs to be given rest, otherwise it will get used to the acid and the desired effect will not be achieved.

Use of various forms of the drug

Niacin is sold in pharmacies in various forms: ampoules and tablets. For hair care, it is more convenient to use the drug in ampoules, since in this case the vitamin product acts faster. Penetrating into the scalp, it has a direct effect on the source of the problem and allows you to improve the condition of your hair in a short time.

Taking nicotine tablets will also have a positive effect on hair growth and quality, making it strong and healthy. Nicotinic acid for hair growth in tablets taken in courses of 15 days. Take 2 tablets per day, which should be washed down with plenty of milk or water. Niacin tablets should not be taken on an empty stomach; it is recommended to take the drug after meals. Remember that when using the drug, you must strictly adhere to the instructions and recommended dosage, otherwise you can provoke unwanted side effects, including swelling of the face, the appearance of rashes and hair loss.

They never left it. Therefore, girls trying to grow their precious healthy curls have to carefully care for their hair, resorting to a variety of means. These can be pharmaceutical preparations, for example, nicotinic acid for hair, which will help achieve an effective result: active growth of strands and improvement of the condition of the entire head of hair.

Hair treatment with nicotinic acid is an excellent medicine that interferes with the oxidative processes that occur in the cells of the human body. It is often confused with nicotine due to its name, which is a completely false statement. Nicotinic acid is vitamin PP, whose beneficial effects on hair have been known for quite some time. It is sold in the pharmacy chain in the form of tablets and ampoules. Its initial appearance is a white powder with a sour taste. As for foods, nicotinic acid is found in pineapples, mushrooms, black bread, meat and beans. As a hair product, it is used only in the form for external use.

Useful qualities of nicotinic acid

Considering its composition, nicotinic acid for hair helps:

  • Stimulation of blood circulation under the scalp, increased nutrition of hair follicles, which has a good effect on hair growth;
  • Stop possible baldness and make your hair look stronger;
  • , protect it from drying out and your hair becomes healthy and shiny.

In addition, pigment production occurs under the influence of nicotinic acid. Thus, the natural hair color can take on a different shade, and when the hair begins to turn gray, this process will slow down a little. The effect of acid normalizes fat metabolism, which is very important for owners of oily hair.

It is imperative to avoid treating hair with nicotinic acid in children, pregnant and lactating women. Also considered contraindications are diseases such as glaucoma, ocular and intracranial pressure, atherosclerosis, migraines and severe headaches.

How to treat hair with nicotinic acid - home treatments?

The benefits of nicotinic acid for hair have been proven by many users. In addition to rubbing nicotinic acid alone into the scalp, women resort to another method - preparing hair masks with the addition of the main ingredient.

Additional components here can be herbal decoctions, especially from hops and burdock, and it is also a good idea to use aloe juice, or even from a living flower. No less effective is vitamin A oil, natural dyes and basma.

IMPORTANT! For each individual procedure, you need to prepare a new mixture.

When all the necessary components are mixed, the mask is applied to clean hair and distributed throughout the strands. Be sure to put a cellophane cap on your head and insulate it with a scarf or towel for about 2 hours. Then the mask is washed off with shampoo. If it happens that the mask is overexposed, there is nothing to worry about, only benefit.

Express mask with nicotinic acid for hair treatment. Ideal for people with limited time. Nicotinic acid is simply added to the shampoo every time you wash your hair. You should not add it to a full bottle of shampoo; it is enough to pour the contents of one ampoule into a single portion of soap.

Egg mask. To prepare such a mixture you will need one ampoule of nicotinic acid and vitamin E, tincture of Eleutherococcus and flaxseed oil in a ratio of 1:2 tablespoons. The mask should be applied only to clean hair and rinsed well after an hour.

Strengthening mask with nicotinic acid for hair. . Mix aloe juice, propolis tincture and nicotinic acid, apply to hair for at least 40 minutes, then rinse. After application, the scalp feels warm, a slight burning sensation or goosebumps, which is completely normal. This means that nicotinic acid has begun its effect.

A fairly simple method to increase the volume of your hair by mixing nicotinic acid and aloe juice in equal quantities.

Results of using nicotinic acid, How is it good for hair?

To analyze its positive effects of niacin on hair, a certain test was conducted in which 150 people took part. The data showed:

  • Improvement – ​​slightly more than a third of participants;
  • Side effects and deterioration – 12%;
  • No visible changes – more than half of respondents.

As a conclusion, the use of nicotinic acid helps solve the problem of baldness or, in most cases, does not have a negative effect. Some women claim that hair grows up to 4 cm per month under the influence of nicotinic acid, it becomes much stronger and healthier.

You can also treat your hair with nicotinic acid tablets. One course of administration is 15 days, one tablet twice a day. According to the instructions, you need to drink them after meals and be sure to drink plenty of mineral water or milk.

If you still have doubts about whether you should try making masks with it, you can read the reviews and advice of experienced people.

Elena, 28 years old. I’ve been making nicotine masks for about 2 months, and after the first month my friends began to notice that their hair had grown noticeably and didn’t look as dull as before. It is important for me that this is a fairly economical home method of hair care. I applied it using a syringe without a needle and always on damp hair. I recommend it to all girls who dream of long hair.

Olga, 26 years old. I tried nicotinic acid for the first time at the insistence of my hairdresser, I wanted to treat and strengthen my hair. A week later, an unpleasant moment occurred - dandruff appeared and the skin began to itch. Despite the excessive oiliness of my hair, I did not give up and continued to rub the acid into my scalp. After another week, all the unpleasant moments disappeared, and the condition of the hair improved noticeably. Satisfied with the result!

Video about stimulating hair growth with nicotinic acid

To become the owner of beautiful, healthy hair, it is not necessary to resort to salon services. There are more accessible ways on the path to beauty. These include nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules. It can be purchased at an affordable price at any pharmacy. In this article we will explain in detail how nicotinic acid is useful for hair and how to use this product.

Why is it needed?

Nicotinic acid for hair growth (also known as vitamin pp/b or niacin) is a pharmaceutical drug that is one of the water-soluble vitamins. This product is a DNA enhancing B vitamin. Also participates in the energy metabolism of hair follicles.

In nature, such a useful substance can be found in fish and cereals. It is also obtained synthetically. Girls who want to improve the structure of their hair and prevent hair loss can treat their hair with nicotinic acid. It’s just better to buy it in ampoules, since tablets are not as effective. In what cases is nicotinic acid in tablets used? Read the advantages and disadvantages of this form of the drug on our website.

Composition and benefits

Nicotine for hair has many advantages over other drugs of the same spectrum of action. These include:

  • low price of nicotinic acid;
  • Using nicotinic acid is not particularly difficult. It can be added to shampoo, hair conditioner, or simply rubbed into the scalp;
  • nicotinic acid in ampoules has a beneficial effect on hair: it heals it, saturates it with useful microelements, nourishes each bulb and even strengthens the blood vessels of the head;
  • the result of using this drug is visible after just a few procedures;
  • Nicotinic acid for hair loss has no odor. The strands after it become soft and silky. No stickiness. The curls look very neat and beautiful. This is how vitamin PP works in ampoules;
  • Nicotine treatment helps to reduce the production of secretion by the subcutaneous sebaceous glands, which is important if a person has oily hair.


The list of pharmaceutical companies producing vitamins for hair, which includes nicotinic acid, includes:

  • Bufus (Russia);
  • Pharmstandard (Russia);
  • Darnitsa (Ukraine);
  • Vial (Russia, China);
  • Dalkhimpharm (Russia).


The cost of vitamin PP for strands is very affordable. One package of the drug in ampoules, depending on the manufacturer, will cost 20–90 rubles.

Features of application

The effect of nicotinic acid on the hair of men and women is the same. Men use this remedy for alopecia. For this purpose, the contents of the ampoule are rubbed into the roots with massage movements. The procedure is repeated for 1–2 months (the duration is determined depending on the stage of baldness).

The beautiful half of humanity uses vitamin PP to grow chic long hair. We will list for you several features of how to properly rub nicotinic acid into the scalp:

Attention! Nicotine tincture may cause side effects. Therefore, after the first use, monitor whether noticeable rashes or atypical irritations appear on the skin.

Compatible with vitamins and minerals

It goes well with the drug:

  • herbs (decoctions and tinctures);
  • vitamins A, E;
  • pyridoxine and iron.

With these components you can mix nicotine and prepare medicinal masks for strands.


Since the drug has a direct effect, it has significant contraindications:

  • some diseases of the scalp: psoriasis, lichen, scabies and other ailments of this kind;
  • individual intolerance to a substance such as nicotine;
  • During pregnancy, vitamin PP should not be used for hair;
  • nicotinic acid against hair loss is strictly prohibited for use during the lactation period.

Rules of application

Now we will list in detail the basic rules for using nicotinic acid for hair growth in capsules:

  1. First, wash your hair with shampoo and dry it.
  2. Open the capsule and use a regular medical syringe to remove all the contents.
  3. Squeeze the medicine from the syringe into any clean container (bowl or saucer). If you are using the drug for the first time, then use only half the contents of the capsule to see the body’s possible reaction to the drug.
  4. Distribute the curls into several equal parts.
  5. Drop the medicine onto the partings between the strands and distribute it evenly with your hands throughout the curls.
  6. There is no need to wash your hair after the procedure. But pay attention to whether you have dandruff. If it appears, then if hair loss occurs, you will have to use another product.

The course of treatment with nicotinic acid, as a rule, does not exceed 30 days. Then you should take a month's break and repeat the treatment if necessary.

Methods of application

There are several options for rubbing nicotinic acid into your hair.

Adding to shampoo or conditioner

Squeeze the cosmetic product into your palm or into the bowl where you originally poured the vitamin. Recommended dose: for every 100 ml of shampoo add 10 ml of nicotine. Stir the mixture with a fork and then wash your hair as usual.

Advice. To improve the effect, you can leave the mixture on your hair for 10 minutes. This procedure has a beneficial effect on their growth.


The recipe is simple: dissolve a vitamin PP capsule and aloe vera juice in 50 ml of mineral water. Spray your hair with it after each wash. In a month you will see how useful the use of this spray is and what are the effective benefits of nicotinic acid for hair. You can find even more useful recipes for preparing vitamin spray for hair growth at home on our website.

Mask recipes

  1. A mask made from vitamin PP and E, flax oil, one egg yolk, and tincture of eleutherococcus is very effective. How to use? Apply the created ointment to washed strands for one hour. Then the hair should be rinsed with clean warm water.
  2. Mix vitamin PP with one tablespoon of aloe vera juice and the same amount of propolis tincture. This hair mask with nicotinic acid is washed off 30–40 minutes after application.
  3. Combine vitamins PP and E with 20 g of jojoba oil in one bowl, add the same amount of liquid honey and add one egg yolk. The product should be washed off 40 minutes after application with a solution of water and apple cider vinegar.
  4. Vitamin mask. To prepare it you will need: 2–3 tablespoons of balm, 3 drops of vitamins in an oil solution A and E, 1 ampoule of beneficial vitamins of group B (1, 6,12,3), aloe ampoule. All components are added one by one. The composition mixes well. Apply to clean hair. Leave for at least an hour (2 maximum) under plastic wrap. Rinse off with running water.
  5. Dimexide mask. Due to the fact that dimexide helps niacin penetrate the skin better, the product has an active effect on the bulbs and accelerates growth. To prepare, 1 ampoule (dose) of nicotine is mixed with 2 doses of base oil and heated in a water bath (up to 40 degrees). Dimexide is also added here (1 dose). Everything is mixed, and the mass is applied to the washed curls, and the top is covered with polyethylene and a towel. Holding time is half an hour. Then the mixture must be washed off with shampoo. A dimexide mask is used no more than once a week for a course of two months.

A mask with burdock oil is effective.

To prepare it you will need:

  • any cosmetic mask or base oil (jojoba, coconut, etc.) in the amount necessary to cover the entire scalp;
  • egg yolk;
  • 2 teaspoons (without top) of blue clay;
  • 2 table. spoons of burdock oil;
  • 1 ampoule of niacin;
  • a pinch of red pepper.

Preparation: all ingredients are mixed in a plastic or ceramic bowl with a plastic spoon or brush. Then they are applied to the hair, especially in the root area. Wrap your head in polyethylene, a warm towel or cap and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Effect of use

Does nicotinic acid help hair growth? Yes, when used correctly. After 14 weeks of using the medicine, the effect will be noticeable:

  • the curls will stop falling out. While combing the brush, the number of strands that fall out will decrease;
  • Another important point is how nicotinic acid affects the growth of strands - the undercoat appears, indicating that the previously dormant hair follicles have awakened.

We have listed the main ways to make your hair beautiful, silky and manageable using a cheap hair product.

However, remember, despite the unconditional positive properties of nicotine, it can be beneficial and harmful. If you have no contraindications to the use of such a product, you should definitely buy it. Then you will see for yourself how effective a simple hair treatment with nicotinic acid can be.

Useful videos

Nicotinic acid for hair growth.

The use of nicotinic acid.

Nicotinic acid is one of the products that can help grow hair.

Girls tend to constantly change their hairstyle preferences. We want to cut off our long hair, but after a while we get bored with the short length, and we again start looking for ways to grow our curls faster. The article will discuss ways to use nicotinic acid, how to use it in ampoules, how to properly apply it to hair, and effective masks with nicotine.

Nicotine is a vitamin PP and has nothing to do with nicotine, its use is safe and gives noticeable results. This vitamin is completely natural. In pharmacies you can buy nicotinic acid in the form of ampoules, which makes its use a simple and time-consuming procedure.

Benefits of nicotinic acid for hair

  1. This product quickly supplies the hair and its roots with vitamins. They are strengthened and restored, becoming healthier, stronger and softer.
  2. It dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation. More oxygen and nutrients reach the hair follicles.
  3. Helps moisturize the scalp.
  4. The main property of Niktotinka, as it is commonly called, is the stimulation of hair growth. The growth rate of curls can reach up to 4 cm per month, depending on their initial condition.
  5. After just two or three uses, hair loss stops in most cases.
  6. Gradual drying of oily hair. After completing a course of procedures, they will remain clean longer.

Nicotinic acid has a double effect: it improves the supply of the scalp with necessary microelements due to its warming property, and nourishes them with vitamin PP (niacin). This is an excellent remedy for solving problems of hair loss or slow growth.

Before you start using it, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances, recommendations and contraindications.

Trichologist about nicotinic acid (vitamin PP or B3):

Nicotinic acid for hair: methods of use

You can only use nicotine in ampoules for hair growth externally. There are 2 ways to use niacin for hair: rubbing into the scalp in pure form and as part of homemade or store-bought masks.

You can combine them to achieve better results, but it is not advisable not to use both on the same day to avoid oversaturation of the scalp and the occurrence of side effects. The course of rubbing lasts 1 month, then a break is required for at least 2 weeks. After this, it is permissible to repeat the course.

There is also a way to use nicotine for eyebrows - it will make them thicker and fuller. Natural eyebrows, not thinned by plucking, are now becoming more and more popular. The fashion for natural beauty is gradually returning - long, silky hair, well-groomed thick eyebrows that highlight the eyes.

After opening the ampoule, the beneficial properties of nicotinic acid disappear within 10-15 minutes, so it cannot be stored open. It makes sense to apply the remaining nicotine to your eyebrows after using it on your hair.

How to apply nicotinic acid to hair

Method 1: nicotine is used in its pure form

In this case, it is applied to the roots of the hair and rubbed in thoroughly.

This is done correctly as follows:

  1. Rubbing is carried out daily for 30 days. You should take this recommendation seriously and do not skip procedures, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.
  2. Apply to freshly washed, naturally dried hair. It is better not to use a hairdryer so as not to further dry out the skin.
  3. During the entire course, do not use the balm at all or apply it only to the ends. The roots should remain clean.
  4. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening before going to bed.
  5. Apply the product with your fingertips. You can wear medical gloves.
  6. The curls are divided into partings. The distance between partings is no more than 4 cm, so that nicotinic acid is distributed throughout the scalp. To separate parts, it is convenient to use a flat thin comb.
  7. First, rub the nicotine into the crown and temples, and lastly, into the back of the head.
  8. There is no need to distribute the vitamin along the length.
  9. Massage your head for 5 minutes to warm up and further enhance blood circulation.
  10. Comb your hair. There is no need to rinse off the product.

This method is convenient because it does not require rinsing. Simply apply the vitamin to the roots of your hair and then you can go about your business. The procedure takes very little time; it is suitable even for very busy girls and women.

Method 2: nicotinic acid is used in masks

  1. Choose a mask based on your hair type, whether it’s a store-bought product or a homemade recipe.
  2. In this case, the mixture is applied not only to the roots, but also to the entire length of the curls.
  3. Nicotinic acid for hair in masks works best if you wrap your head in cellophane and then insulate it with something like a towel.
  4. The holding time depends on the additional components, but usually it should not be less than 20 minutes.
  5. Since masks usually contain a lot of nutrients or oil, they should be applied before washing your hair.
  6. When trying a new recipe, first check to see if it causes allergies. Apply the mixture to the crook of your elbow and rub in, rinse off any remaining residue after 15 minutes. There should be no itching, runny nose or nasal congestion. But a little redness is a normal reaction, because nicotinic acid stimulates blood circulation.
  7. Wash off the masks with shampoo. If necessary, use conditioner, but only on the ends of your hair.
  8. It is advisable to replace the balm with a herbal infusion - chamomile, calendula, nettle, hibiscus, mint or lemon balm. Fresh or dried herbs from the pharmacy will do. You can also add a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice or 6 percent apple cider vinegar to this rinse.

Nicotine for hair: what results can you expect

The result always depends on the individual characteristics of the body, nutrition, emotional state and hormonal balance. If the problem of hair loss or slow growth is caused by insufficient care, then in most cases nicotinic acid for hair growth in ampoules will have a noticeable positive effect if used correctly.

Even before the end of the course you may notice:

  • The appearance of the so-called “undercoat” - short new hairs growing from previously dormant hair follicles. Nicotine awakens them.
  • Stopping the loss. Some girls notice that their curls begin to fall out less after using masks or rubbing vitamin into their roots several times.
  • If the hair follicles receive enough microelements and vitamins from the diet, then nicotinic acid accelerates their growth by 1-3 cm per month. Curls that previously grew only 1 cm in 30 days can grow at a speed of up to 4 cm.

But if you have health problems, even such a strong remedy as nicotine will not help. Loss can be caused by hormonal imbalances and a lack of vitamins, as often happens when you restrict yourself in nutrition, during stress, as well as after the birth of a child and during feeding. Analyze what the problem is, and if necessary, consult a doctor.


Nicotinic acid is still a drug, and it has contraindications. Be sure to consider this before deciding to use it.

The use of nicotine is prohibited in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy at any stage and throughout the lactation period.
  • For cuts, very dry and sensitive scalp, otherwise nicotinic acid will cause dandruff, itching or flaking.
  • For glaucoma, high blood pressure and migraines.
  • Atherosclerosis also makes it impossible to use this remedy.

Apply no more than 1 ampoule at a time

Often girls strive to further accelerate hair growth and rub several ampoules of medication into their hair at once. Such an overdose can cause headache, weakness, and severe itching. But even if only 1 ampoule is applied, and negative consequences appear, you should immediately wash off the product with shampoo and plenty of water. This will indicate individual intolerance - choose another product for hair growth.

Hair masks with nicotinic acid

Try homemade masks with niacin for hair growth. They will stimulate the roots and nourish the length of the curls. Below are recipes for different hair types. For short hair, the total volume of the mask should be reduced, and for very long hair, increased.

Nicotine with essential oils and argan

Essential oils will allow nicotinic acid and argan oil to penetrate as deeply as possible, bringing the greatest benefits.


  • Argan oil - 15 ml.
  • Em. cinnamon - 3 drops.
  • Em. jasmine - 2 drops.


  1. Combine nicotine with oils and mix.
  2. Apply 1 hour before washing your hair. Rub into the roots, distribute the remainder to the ends.
  3. Wrap in cellophane and insulate.
  4. Wash off 1-2 times with a mild shampoo, do not forget about rinsing.

Warming mask with mustard for oily hair

Mustard powder will additionally dry the scalp and improve blood circulation. Please note that you can keep it on your head for no more than 5 minutes.


  • Mustard powder - 2 tablespoons.
  • Nettle infusion - 20 grams.
  • Burdock oil - 1 tablespoon.
  • Nicotine - 1 ampoule.


  1. Prepare nettle infusion in advance. It is better to make it in a thermos. Pour 1 teaspoon of dry herb with a glass of boiling water, close the thermos and leave for 2 hours. Then strain.
  2. Dilute mustard powder with infusion, add burdock oil and nicotinic acid. Mix.
  3. Apply to unwashed hair, rubbing into the roots. There is no need to wrap your head in a towel.
  4. After 5 minutes, rinse with cool water and shampoo. Rinse with water containing the remaining nettle infusion.

Moisturizing and promoting hair growth for dry hair

Aloe is a universal moisturizer. Glycerin will complement its properties and create a protective film on the curls.


  • Aloe gel - 1 tablespoon.
  • Glycerin - 10 ml.
  • Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.


  1. Cut an aloe leaf, scrape out the pulp and mash it. If you don’t have homemade aloe, a store-bought gel will do.
  2. Mix aloe, nicotine and glycerin.
  3. Apply for 45 minutes before washing your hair. Wrap in plastic.
  4. Rinse with organic shampoo, rinse your hair with water acidified with any herbal vinegar.

Mask with onion juice and nicotine against hair loss for normal hair

Onion juice has a strong smell, but it's still worth trying this recipe because of the onion's powerful ability to stop shedding. Cinnamon will reduce the unpleasant aroma. With prolonged exposure, such a mask can slightly lighten the curls.


  1. Onion juice - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Nicotine - 1 ampoule.
  3. Ground cinnamon - half a teaspoon.


  1. Squeeze out the onion juice. If you don't have the equipment for this, use a blender and make onion puree.
  2. Combine nicotinic acid, onion and cinnamon. Stir.
  3. Immediately rub into the roots and distribute the remainder throughout your hair. Wrap them in film.
  4. Wash off with shampoo after 30 minutes. Rinse with herbs.

Mask with nicotine and clay to strengthen weak hair

Clay is rich in a wide range of valuable microelements that thicken curls and make them more voluminous and dense. Apply to washed, damp hair.


  • White, green or blue clay - 30 grams.
  • Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.
  • Mineral water - 20 ml.


  1. Pour mineral water over the clay and mix.
  2. Add medicine.
  3. Apply to roots and lengths, be sure to wrap with film.
  4. Leave for at least an hour.
  5. Rinse without detergents, use water with 3 tablespoons of lemon juice to rinse.

Anti-dandruff mask with nicotinic acid, flaxseed oil and egg

The egg and oil will prevent the nicotine from drying out the scalp. Hair will grow faster while remaining hydrated and shiny.


  • Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flaxseed oil - 30 ml.


  1. Beat the egg with a blender or mixer.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and beat again.
  3. Apply to curls under a cap for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Wash off with shampoo without SLS. Instead of rinsing, you can simply lubricate the ends with a drop of linseed oil.

Shampoo mask with nicotine, colorless henna and vinegar

At the same time it accelerates hair growth, washes, nourishes and conditions it.


  • Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.
  • Colorless henna - 50 grams.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 5 ml.
  • Filtered water - 30 ml.


  1. Boil water, pour henna into it, cover with a saucer or lid.
  2. After 20 minutes, add vinegar and nicotine, stir.
  3. Apply to unwashed hair, without missing a strand.
  4. After 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm running water. You don’t have to rinse, your curls will still be soft and smooth.

How much does nicotinic acid cost?

The price depends on the manufacturer and purpose of the drug. Today, some companies make ampoules with nicotinic acid specifically for cosmetic purposes, adding other useful ingredients. For example, these could be vitamins or oils. Such products are more expensive than standard nicotine ampoules. The buyer decides for himself whether to purchase this vitamin without additives, or in the form of a finished cosmetic product.

Nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules in its pure form can cost from 30 rubles to several hundred rubles for a package of 10 ampoules. One course requires 3 such packages. Different pharmacies sell drugs from different manufacturers, and somewhere a more expensive product may be sold. It’s convenient to order it online and pick it up at the nearest pharmacy - then you can be sure in advance of an acceptable price.


When using nicotinic acid for hair growth, do not forget about precautions, do not exceed the permissible amount and take breaks. In addition to rubbing nicotine into the roots, take comprehensive care of your curls, try different home recipes and ready-made cosmetics. Regular hair care will definitely give excellent results!

Nicotinic acid for hair growth: reviews

I study and work, leaving very little time for self-care. But you want to be well-groomed and have long hair! With my constant state of stress, my hair almost stopped growing. The doctor advised me to take vitamins, and at the same time I decided to take a course of using nicotine. With this comprehensive approach, the situation quickly changed, hair began to grow faster and generally looked healthier!

I used a course of 30 ampoules (2-3 months). First you need to wash your hair, then rub it into the roots of your hair and massage your head. 1 ampoule is enough for 1 session. Personally, I used this product not for hair growth, but against hair loss in the autumn-winter period. I was pleased with the result. More details in the video:

Immediately after stopping breastfeeding, I started using nicotinic acid. After pregnancy and the birth of the child, the hair thinned very much, but it was necessary to wait until the end of the feeding period so as not to accidentally harm the baby. And a miracle! After a couple of weeks, many new hairs appeared and the volume returned. I’ll take the course, take a break and repeat it again!

There were certain changes in my life, after which I suddenly wanted to change my appearance. I cut my hair, but after a month I regretted it. I can no longer do my usual hairstyles, I don’t have enough length. I started looking for ways to grow my hair - I found a trick. No wonder there are so many good reviews about it! I have already completed 2 courses, my hair has grown by 9 cm in 3 months (including a month break)! This is a lot for me!

I was afraid to use nicotinic acid for hair because of its name; I had the wrong associations) It turns out that it’s just a vitamin, and of natural origin. As soon as I found out about it, I immediately purchased it and started testing it. Hair growth broke all records - 4 cm in a month. I have dyed hair, so the changes are very noticeable. I'll let my hair rest and continue in a couple of weeks.


See my experience of growing hair using vitamin PP in the video:

Recently I changed my style to a more feminine one, I wear dresses and skirts. And short hair doesn’t look very harmonious with it. I read about nicotine, rub it into the roots and make different masks 2 times a week. It seems that you can do no more than 2 courses every six months, but I don’t need more. While using nicotinic acid, my hair began to grow faster, and to my surprise, it maintained this speed for another 1 month after. Now the length is almost optimal)



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