Chronic cystitis is tormented by what to do. Tormented by cystitis

In the modern world there are proven treatment regimens for bladder diseases. Usually the disease recedes quite quickly, but if cystitis does not go away within 2-3 weeks from the start of taking medication, this situation requires medical supervision. Do not hesitate, competent consultation will help to avoid complications and the disease becoming chronic.

If cystitis is tormenting you, and it is unclear what to do with the disease, you need to figure out the possible causes of the disease. The onset of the disease can be due to a number of reasons. They are not always bacterial in nature; often the disease is provoked by other problems in the body.

The causes leading to inflammation include:

  1. Decreased body's ability to fight infections. Poor nutrition, hypothermia, and past illnesses lead to weakened immunity. A weakened body finds it more difficult to cope with pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to a long course of cystitis.
  2. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Women are prone to cystitis due to the structural features of the urethra: close to the anus and the urinary tract, which are a reservoir of infections. Improper washing of the genitals and rare changes of underwear lead to the accumulation of a large number of bacteria that penetrate the bladder.
  3. Changes in vaginal microflora. The entry of foreign bacteria into the vagina also negatively affects the condition of the urinary tract.
  4. Existing foci of chronic infection, the presence of such in the kidneys has a special influence.
  5. Anatomical features of the urethra. The urethra is located very close to or inside the vagina. During sexual intercourse, the urethra may shift into the vagina, which leads to the entry of nonspecific microflora into it. The permanent presence of foreign microorganisms leads to.
  6. Anatomical features of the bladder. Meatostenosis is a narrowing of the urethra, accompanied by impaired bladder emptying. This feature contributes to the appearance of infections in the bladder and requires narrowing of the channel for treatment.
  7. Trauma to the genitourinary system. Most often it occurs after medical manipulation.
  8. Sedentary lifestyle. Physical inactivity and long office work at the computer contribute to blood stagnation in the pelvic organs.
  9. The disease can develop against the background of allergies, diabetes, and also other bladder diseases can be disguised as cystitis.

Why treatment may not be effective

The most common cause of prolonged cystitis is rapidly spreading inflammation in the body. Infectious agents can penetrate from inflammatory foci in other organs into the bladder. Therefore, if the disease continues to torment the patient for a long time, one should be examined for hidden infections.

Wrong diagnosis

Characteristic signs of cystitis can also appear in other diseases. Therefore, it is important to begin treatment only after an accurate diagnosis.

In the presence of such diseases, during treatment there may be a temporary improvement in the condition followed by the return of unpleasant symptoms for a long time. In addition, the treatment of various diseases of the urinary system with similar manifestations may differ significantly. For example, applying heat to treat cystitis can trigger the growth of tumors.

Wrong antibiotics chosen

Treatment of the disease is practically impossible without the use of antibiotics. The main causative agent of the disease is the bacterium Escherichia coli, best known as Escherichia coli. It causes up to 80% of cases of the disease. There are also complicated forms of the disease caused by colonization of the bladder by several pathogens (bacteria, fungi and viruses). In this case, antibacterial drugs will only neutralize the activity of E. coli, but will be useless against fungi and viruses.

E. coli can form biofilms that protect the bacterial colony from the effects of antibiotics. For the microflora located under the film, even the strongest concentration of antibacterial substances is not dangerous - 150 times higher than that which is destructive for flora without such a film. This explains the reason that not all antibiotics are effective in treating the disease.

If therapy with one drug does not bring results, it is replaced with another. To increase effectiveness, the antibiotic must be from a different group.

Chronic form with a resistant pathogen

Cystitis does not go away after antibiotics, because it quickly passes from acute to chronic form with frequent relapses.

A change in the form of the disease can be facilitated by:

  1. Prolonged treatment.
  2. Self-treatment followed by its cessation when unpleasant symptoms disappear.

As a result of these reasons, the pathogen's resistance to antibiotics increases. Traditional medications no longer have the expected effect, treatment is delayed for a longer period of time, and kidney complications may develop.

Wrong treatment tactics in general

Often, despite the use of antibiotic therapy, patients cannot get rid of cystitis. Continuing treatment without understanding the situation may not only be useless, but even dangerous due to complications.

Reasons why cystitis may return:

  1. Cystitis itself can be a complication of kidney disease when the infection follows a descending path. If the diagnosis is incorrect, the condition of the bladder will improve, while the condition of the kidneys will not change.
  2. Reduced activity of the body's defenses. For treatment to be effective, it is important not only to take the indicated medications, but also to improve immunity. When the body's reactivity weakens, the disease recedes only temporarily. In such a situation, even mild hypothermia can provoke cystitis.
  3. Cystitis during fasting in women is associated with insufficient estrogen production. This is manifested by dryness and burning in the vagina, as well as painful urination.
  4. Sexual activity during treatment may also interfere with full recovery. Violation of this rule, as well as failure to maintain personal hygiene after sex, provoke the return of the disease.

What to do

Prolonged persistence of disease activity is an indication for additional examination. If no treatment methods produce a positive effect, the patient should be admitted to a hospital, where therapy will last several months.

See another doctor

To solve the problem, you can try to change the doctor, who will make changes to the therapeutic regimen. In this case, the doctor should prescribe drug therapy only after accurately identifying the causative agent of the infection.

The doctor will prescribe the following examinations:

  • flora smear for women and urine test for men to determine the sensitivity of the flora to antibiotics;
  • ultrasound examination of the urinary system to detect tumors and signs of inflammation.

Do not try to self-medicate

Embarrassment in front of a doctor or other personal reasons push many sick people to self-medicate. People suffering from frequent relapses of the disease resort to one drug each time. Such actions lead to an increase in the resistance of the pathogen to antibiotics, and the bacteria stop responding to it.

There are situations in which a drug is selected for treatment that has no effect on the disease. For example, if the causative agent of the pathology is not E. coli, most drugs will not help in treatment, and the disease will return again.

Repeated diagnosis

Long-term inflammation of the bladder requires repeated diagnostics to clarify the diagnosis and exclude medical errors.

To achieve this, some activities are carried out:

  • repeated general blood and urine tests;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • repeated bacterial culture test by a urologist;
  • screening for sexually transmitted diseases.

Additionally, an examination by a gynecologist or urologist may be necessary to identify anatomical abnormalities of the genitourinary system. As well as cystoscopy to assess the condition of the diseased organ at the moment.

General principles of approach to resistant forms of cystitis

With resistant cystitis, the disease may not manifest itself for a long time. At this time, patients are carriers of bacteria, but the microorganisms themselves do not cause inflammation. Symptoms characteristic of the acute form are not observed.

Antibiotic sensitivity culture

Culture is a test used in the diagnosis of infectious diseases. In particular, its use helps in the treatment of cystitis. The resulting biological material is examined for nutrient media. After artificial growth of nutrient microorganisms in this environment, they are tested for sensitivity to various types of antibiotics.

Such a study must be carried out in order to understand which antibiotic will help with the disease. When determining the susceptibility of bacteria, treatment will give quick results.

Complex treatment

At the initial stage, patients are prescribed a standard set of medications. The result of such treatment can be either positive dynamics or lack of results. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body and the accuracy of compliance with the recommendations issued by the doctor.

Treatment will require long-term efforts from the patient and compliance with the following measures:

  1. Following the prescribed diet: exclusion of salted, fried, smoked and spicy foods.
  2. Taking antibiotics, and, if necessary, antiviral and antifungal agents.
  3. Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy is carried out in an inpatient setting or on an outpatient basis. For a home procedure, a warm heating pad applied to the lower abdomen is suitable. This method can only be used if you are completely confident in the diagnosis, since in some cases heat can be dangerous.
  4. Inclusion of agents to support immunity in therapy. It is extremely important that the body has its own strength to fight the disease.
  5. Phytotherapy. Taking lingonberries and chamomile helps cleanse the bladder of pathogenic microorganisms and helps reduce inflammation.
  6. In some cases, the use of hormonal agents is required.
  7. Painkillers may be useful for severe pain when urinating.
  8. Administration of therapeutic agents locally into the bladder, as well as douching with antimicrobial agents to reduce the likelihood of bacterial growth on the genitals.
  9. Treatment of both acute and chronic cystitis requires bed rest. This is necessary to relax the muscles and increase blood supply to the pelvic organs.

Lifestyle correction

The duration of the disease forces patients to pay more attention to their lifestyle. An illness that does not go away for a long time even with medication suggests that you need to reconsider your habits.

To eliminate inflammation, the following points are important:

  1. Empty your bladder on time. Delaying going to the toilet when sick can increase the duration of the illness and lead to aggravation of its course.
  2. Refusal of intimate hygiene products. It is also better not to use deodorants and talc temporarily.
  3. Compliance with drinking regime. Drinking at least 2 liters of water per day promotes better blood circulation and increased urine production, which flushes out accumulated bacteria.
  4. Exclusion from the diet for the period of treatment of spicy, smoked and salty foods that can cause irritation of the bladder. It is recommended to eat more vegetables, herbs and reduce the consumption of animal protein.
  5. One of the requirements is the exclusion of sexual relations during the acute phase of the disease. If the cause of cystitis is sexually transmitted infections, then the period of abstinence should last until the virus is completely eliminated.

In general, patients need to give up bad habits and adhere to a healthy lifestyle to strengthen the immune system.


After watching this video, you can find out the main causes of cystitis in women.

This video describes the mechanism of the disease and explains why cystitis does not go away after treatment.

Many women wonder when they suffer from cystitis, what to do, how to treat it and who to turn to for help. After all, this disease is quite common and can affect anyone. Young and middle-aged women suffer the most; men are less likely to be affected by the pathology.

Today, medicine offers a huge number of different drugs that can relieve pain and any other symptoms. But in order to use them wisely and get the expected effect, it is advisable to understand what and when to take. Although the most correct choice would be to contact a specialized specialist.

Cystitis is a consequence of damage to the bladder mucosa. This pathology is often infectious in nature, although there are other causes of its origin (viruses, fungi, injuries). The inflammatory process in this organ leads to rather unpleasant symptoms that interfere with leading an active lifestyle, and many cannot even leave the house.

The main features are:

  1. Frequent urge to urinate.
  2. Pain syndrome in the lower abdomen and genital area, which intensifies when trying to relieve yourself.
  3. Incontinence occurs, and it becomes almost impossible to control this process.
  4. Body temperature rises, the patient's general condition worsens.
  5. Sometimes a burning sensation and itching are felt in the pelvic organs.
  6. During intimacy, a woman experiences severe discomfort and her libido decreases.

Since these signs significantly bother a person, he tries to find a quick and accessible answer by entering into the search “Help, I’m tormented by cystitis!” And if you don’t see a doctor in time, the disease becomes chronic and worries you throughout your life.

Such women should remember the main factors that can provoke an increase in symptoms and the return of a relapse even after successful treatment:

  • various hormonal disorders and disruptions;
  • low level of personal hygiene;
  • promiscuous sexual relations with several partners;
  • weak immunity;
  • frequent stressful situations in a person’s life;
  • hypothermia, especially in the pelvic area;
  • genetic predisposition.

If, at the first case of the disease, you do not consult a doctor, but use some folk remedies, then you can only achieve the elimination of acute symptoms. But it is worth knowing that in this case the pathology will most likely develop into a chronic form. To completely get rid of the disease, you need to contact a urologist as soon as possible. He will determine which pathogen caused the pathology and how best to treat it.

What to do at home?

While you have not yet had time to see a doctor for any reason or want to help yourself alleviate the condition even with prescribed treatment, you can do the following:

  1. Stay warm at all times. Additionally, warm up the pelvic area and lower back. If there is no bloody discharge in the urine, then use a heating pad, placing it on the lower abdomen.
  2. But at the same time, visiting a bathhouse or sauna is not advisable.
  3. Significantly increase the amount of fluid you drink per day. It is better that these are natural sour drinks - fruit drinks, compotes based on berries (cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries).
  4. It would also be useful to take advantage of the power of medicinal herbs. For cystitis, decoctions based on oats, bearberry, birch buds, nettles, etc. are helpful. Pharmacies today sell ready-made urological preparations and special herbal-based preparations.
  5. Follow a therapeutic diet. Avoid spices - hot, salty, various spices. It is also advisable to exclude preservatives and marinades from the diet. It is better to give preference to dairy products and fresh vegetables. Watermelon helps flush the urinary system very well.
  6. Take care of your personal hygiene. Wash using special products and warm water. Movements should be directed strictly from front to back.
  7. In order to relieve pain, suppositories with papaverine, No-spa and various drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are helpful. But they should not be taken for too long. Sooner or later you will have to see a doctor. This is only a temporary measure to relieve the severity of symptoms.

Treatment of cystitis

You can get rid of bladder inflammation completely and permanently only by visiting a clinic or hospital. Then the urologist will be able to carry out all the required tests, establish the main cause of the disease, the type and intensity of the manifestation. Only after this will he prescribe competent treatment. It should always be comprehensive and involves the simultaneous use of various drugs:

  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics - to eliminate the infectious pathogen.
  • Uroseptics - for washing and disinfecting the walls of the bladder.
  • Painkillers – to relieve pain and alleviate the patient’s condition.
  • NSAIDs are aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process, soothing the mucous membrane and thereby promoting a person’s well-being and faster recovery.

Possible complications

Sometimes women have a question: why is it often tormented by cystitis, the symptoms return even after long-term treatment or do not go away at all? This happens for a number of reasons:

  1. Lack of timely therapy.
  2. Incorrectly prescribed medications, which happens if the required tests were not initially carried out to determine the main pathogen.
  3. Violations in the order of the treatment regimen or dosage, for example, when the first symptoms have disappeared, a person decides not to take the antibiotic anymore, thereby interrupting the course ahead of time.
  4. The presence in the body of any hidden pathologies that are asymptomatic, but can cause complications in the form of cystitis.

All this can only be determined by a doctor. Therefore, even after unsuccessful treatment, you need to seek help and undergo additional examination. To do this, they take a blood and urine test, do a bacterial culture, conduct contrast radiography, and also use other methods to try to exclude hidden pathologies of the internal organs. You may need to be examined by a number of specialists.

If you abandon the matter and self-medicate, the situation will worsen significantly. Untreated cystitis not only develops into a chronic form, but can also cause other diseases, for example, pyelonephritis and other kidney pathologies.

Video: cystitis - treatment, drugs.

Preventive measures

If you constantly suffer from cystitis, then you already know how to improve your health. But it is best to prevent such a disease. To do this, you should follow simple recommendations throughout your life:

  • Avoid hypothermia, especially in winter. Dress appropriately for the weather and avoid sitting on cold objects.
  • Lead an active and healthy lifestyle, move more.
  • Do not wear synthetic underwear, choose only natural fabrics. At the same time, it should be sufficiently free and not put pressure on the pelvic organs.
  • With the usual urge to urinate, try not to endure it, but immediately find an opportunity to satisfy the natural need.
  • For intimate hygiene, use only products specifically designed for this purpose.
  • Empty your bladder completely when going to the toilet.
  • Choose only contraceptives that are safe and suitable for your health. Be sexually active with one partner.
  • Don’t be lazy to perform hygiene procedures before and after sexual intercourse.

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If nothing is done about cystitis in women from the first symptoms appearing, the disease will become chronic. The very first thing to do at home is to take an antispasmodic and consult a doctor immediately.

With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder and urethra, the first symptoms appear in women, signaling the appearance of cystitis. You cannot hesitate in this situation. Before meeting with the doctor, it is better to stay in bed, because... movements increase spasms. To temporarily relieve pain, take antispasmodics or drugs from the NSAID group (Diclofenac, Ibuprom).

Not worth it do at the first sign of cystitis warming up the lower abdomen with a heating pad, because this may allow the infection to spread to the kidneys. It is imperative to take an antibacterial drug from the group of uroantiseptics. For example, Furagin helps eliminate infectious inflammation and neutralize the microorganism that caused it.

If you get sick, drinking plenty of fluids will help. If you have cystitis, you need to urgently brew lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries, nettles or bearberry. In the absence of such, you can drink unsweetened compote. Such drinks contain many proantyanides, which prevent bacteria from attaching to the walls of the bladder.

The onset of the disease may be associated with existing diseases, and the doctor should be notified about this. It often appears due to mechanical irritation and bacteria entering the urethra. If this happens, you need to find out from your partner about the possible presence of diseases, as well as on your own to do for cystitis in women sowing.

Sometimes the patient notices that he begins to write with blood. This symptom often indicates acute inflammation. However, in women it sometimes worsens for numerous reasons. Blood appears in the urine with severe inflammation, which is accompanied by pain.

Does not always appear at the end of a bowel movement. In some cases, blood is present at the beginning of urination. The passage of whole clots is also observed. The reasons may be different:

  • Long-term patience causes overstretching of the fibers of the muscle membrane of the bladder, and blood circulation is disrupted;
  • A mechanical obstacle is in the way of the free outflow of urine;
  • The presence of tumors in the urinary system.

The most common cause of blood in the urine is bacteria (Escherichia coli, Proteus, etc.). Exacerbation has the following clinical manifestations:

  • A sharp increase in temperature;
  • Painful burning sensation;
  • Urinary retention;
  • The appearance of hematuria.

If present blood from cystitis in women, then you cannot make appointments for yourself. To eliminate pain, the doctor prescribes antispasmodics to relax smooth muscles (No-Shpa, Papaverine). The right anti-inflammatory drugs will help relieve pain.

Cystitis with the presence of blood cannot be treated with the first available antibiotic. Only after a thorough examination of the sensitivity of the pathogen is the necessary drug prescribed. The cause of the disease can be fungi, protozoa, and viruses. Adequate treatment can quickly eliminate the disease, and again cystitis with blood will no longer bother you. What else needs to be done when cystitis begins, is to follow a special diet.

When cystitis does not go away for a long time, you need to review the completed course of therapy. During the period of recovery of the body, a relapse of the disease may occur due to:

  1. Re-infection.
  2. Poor hygiene.
  3. Stress.
  4. Weakened immunity.
  5. Hormonal imbalance.
  6. Hypothermia.
  7. Hereditary predisposition.

The first thing to do if suffered from cystitis, so this is to undergo contrast radiography. Perhaps the cause of inflammation was initially determined incorrectly. To complete the picture, neighboring organs should be diagnosed for the presence of asymptomatic diseases.

Severe cystitis every month can be caused by an uncontrolled change of partners, unprotected sex, in which infections from the partner enter the woman’s body. Constant cystitis after chemotherapy caused by drugs that are, in fact, strong toxins. During the procedures, all mucous membranes are injured. Erosion and ulceration can form in the bladder, creating favorable conditions for the development of viruses and bacteria with reduced immunity.

Weakening of the immune defense during pregnancy sometimes leads to the active reproduction of opportunistic flora and its penetration into the bladder. When you suffer from cystitis during pregnancy, you need to do only what the doctor prescribed so as not to harm the fetus. Inadequate self-medication can cause premature birth, complications, and cause fetal pathologies. Still pregnant women should do for cystitis special emphasis on rational intimate hygiene as it relates to the health of the unborn child.

When the first signs of the disease appear, some women tend to take Monural to eliminate the symptoms. And they don’t know what to do if they have cystitis after a single dose. Taking the drug will be useless if:

  • Fungal infection;
  • Bacterial resistance to Fosfomycin;
  • Allergic inflammation of the bladder;
  • Viral etiology of the disease.

Bacteria, viruses and fungi are not always the culprits of the disease; if so, then it can be caused by helminthic infestations or flour mites. First of all, you should definitely get tested for pathogens.

If the process worsens, first aid can be provided at home. To eliminate the disease, there are many reliable options. At the first symptoms, brew and drink nettle or just boiled water. They drink fruit drinks, juices from lingonberries, cranberries. Take cranberry-based herbal medicines.

Can do for cystitis at home warm baths with chamomile. The temperature is brought down with Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. An antispasmodic drug can help eliminate acute pain in men. In acute cystitis, the acidity of the urine increases, creating ideal conditions for bacteria. A homemade soda elixir will help get rid of acid. What you can’t do with cystitis is break bed rest and a special diet. By following simple recommendations, you can eliminate the disease.

The characteristic symptoms of this disease are severe cutting pain in the bladder area, as well as when urinating. The disease can be detected by urine analysis: it contains leukocytes and blood. Cystitis mainly affects women, although men also suffer from this disease. It is also unpleasant because if the disease occurs once, it can certainly occur again later. This is such an insidious disease - cystitis. How to treat it?

Causes of cystitis

The disease is spread by bacteria that enter the bladder through the urethra. These bacteria are often E. coli. Another cause of the disease may be inflammation of the urinary canal due to friction during sexual intercourse. This reason usually reveals itself within twelve hours after intimacy.

Cystitis - how to treat it?

If you find symptoms similar to the fact that you have cystitis: acute pain when urinating or blood in the urine, then you need to consult a urologist. The doctor will prescribe a full medical examination, after which serious treatment can begin. To reduce pain when urinating, you can resort to various traditional methods that help cure cystitis. The doctor will tell you how else this disease can be treated. The main thing is not to refuse to take medications prescribed by the doctor, because coping with this disease is not easy. Antibacterial drugs are often prescribed.

Self-medication is not only stupid, but also dangerous, since there are a large variety of bacteria, and there are drugs against each type. Therefore, treatment is prescribed after a complete examination.

Cystitis - how to treat it if antibiotics are not suitable, for example, you are allergic to them? Again, traditional medicine will help out. Let's look at a few recipes. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting this treatment.

Infusion with St. John's wort and corn silk

To prepare the infusion, you will need 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort and a spoon of dry corn silk. After grinding all the ingredients to a powder, mix them with the herbs and place everything in a thermos. Then you should pour boiling water over everything, close and leave for exactly one day. After the specified time, strain the mixture through cheesecloth and pour the liquid into a glass container.

The course of treatment with tincture lasts about a week when taken 2 tbsp daily. spoons at intervals of 2 hours. This method is very effective against pain due to cystitis, but remember that it is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.

Sitz baths

How to treat A fairly effective way to treat cystitis is to take sitz baths with infusions of various herbs.

How to prepare a solution for sitz baths? Take half a teaspoon of the following herbs: celandine, birch leaves, chamomile, corn silk. Mix them together, place in a container, pour in a liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and let steep for 2 hours. Sitz baths should be taken in the evening before bed, diluting the decoction with water in a ratio of 1:10. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

In order for the desired effect to be achieved, you must give up coffee, alcohol, and fried foods for the entire treatment process. It is recommended to drink 2 liters of clean water daily, as well as eat fresh fruits - and then you can recover from cystitis and forget about it.



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