State metrological service. Objects and subjects of metrology

Under uniformity of measurements is understood as such their implementation, which ensures the reliability and comparability of the results of homogeneous measurements, and the values ​​of the measured quantities are expressed in legalized and generally accepted units.

The entire social practice of people's activities and especially their cognitive process require the sameness, the unity of essentially similar dimensions. Therefore, various units of measurement arose - measures.

For example, from ancient times the unit of measurement for precious stones is known - carat (translated as “bean seed”, “pea”), as well as the pharmaceutical unit for measuring the weight of medicinal granules - grain (“grain”). In Rus', such units of length were previously used as vershok (“top of the finger,” i.e. the length of the end phalanx of the index finger) and span (from the word “five”, “five” - the distance between the ends of the outstretched thumb and index finger). There were also such Russian measures of length as arshin, equal to approximately 0.7 meters, as well as sazhen (from the word “reach”, “reach”), i.e. the distance at which you can reach with your hand, and equal to the length of three cubits; oblique fathom - the maximum distance from the sole of the left foot to the end of the middle finger of the outstretched right hand; fly fathom - the distance between the ends of the fingers of outstretched hands; verst (from “vert”, “turning” the plow back) is the length of the furrow of the arable land, equal to 500 to 1000 fathoms; field - the distance that a horse runs from rest to rest, equal to approximately 20 miles.

The first international General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) took place in 1889. At this forum, Russia received two meter standards made of a platinum-iridium alloy. The length of 1 meter on the standards was marked with strokes.

Subsequent, regularly convened CGPM clarified the values ​​of the basic units of measurement and improved their standards - the standards of the kilogram, meter, second.

The decisions of the international CGPM were accepted for implementation by many countries on a voluntary basis. For example, on September 14, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted a legislative decree “On the introduction of the International Metric Decimal System of Weights and Measures.”

In 1960, at the 11th CGPM, the main international standards were adopted and are still used by all countries of the world today.

nal units of measurement (SI - international system) and their standards.

The Law on the Uniformity of Measurements, adopted in our country on April 27, 1993, establishes the legal basis for ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the Russian Federation, regulates the relations of government bodies of the Russian Federation with legal entities and individuals on the issues of manufacturing, production, operation, repair, sale and import of equipment measurements and is aimed at protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, the established legal order and the economy from the negative consequences of unreliable measurement results.

For the purposes of this Law of the Russian Federation, the following basic concepts and their definitions are established:

Unity of measurements is a state of measurements in which their results are expressed in legal units of quantities and measurement errors do not go beyond established limits with a given probability;

Measuring instruments - a technical device intended for measurements;

A standard of a unit of quantity is a measuring instrument intended for reproducing and storing a unit of quantity (or multiple or sub-multiple values ​​of a unit of quantity) for the purpose of transferring its size to other means of measuring a given quantity;

State standard of a unit of magnitude - a standard of a unit of magnitude recognized by a decision of an authorized state body as the initial one on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Regulatory documents to ensure the uniformity of measurements - state standards, duly applied international (regional) standards, rules, regulations, instructions and recommendations;

Metrological service - a set of subjects of activity and types of work aimed at ensuring the uniformity of measurements;

Metrological control and supervision - activities carried out by the state metrological service body (state metrological control and supervision) or the metrological service of a legal entity in order to verify compliance with established metrological rules and regulations;

Checking a measuring instrument is a set of operations performed by the state metrological service bodies (other authorized bodies, organizations) in order to determine and confirm the compliance of the measuring instrument with the established technical requirements;

Calibration of a measuring instrument is a set of operations performed to determine and confirm the actual values ​​of metrological characteristics and (or) suitability for use of a measuring instrument that is not subject to state metrological control and supervision.

Ensuring the uniformity of measurements is carried out by a set of legal, organizational, technical and economic measures.

The legal basis for the implementation of uniformity of measurements is legal metrology, which creates state acts and regulatory documents at various levels (for example, state and industry standards, enterprise standards, technical conditions, methods, etc.) regulating metrological rules, requirements and norms. A legal guarantee of ensuring the uniformity of measurements is administrative and criminal liability for violation of the requirements of legal metrology.

The unity of measurement is ensured by the subjects of metrology - the State Metrological Service, which is led by Rostekhregulirovanie, which links its activities with industry metrological organizations, metrological services of the federal authorities of the Russian Federation and metrological services of legal entities.

The State Metrological Service includes seven state scientific metrological centers, the All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service and about 100 centers.

The State Metrological Service carries out state control and supervision in the field of metrology and supervision in the field of measurement.

Objects of state control: measuring instruments, including standards, methods of performing measurements, the number of packaged goods in packages of any type during their packaging and sale, etc.

State metrological control includes:

Measurement type approval;

Verification of measuring instruments;

Licensing of activities of legal entities and individuals for the manufacture and repair of measuring instruments.

State metrological supervision is carried out:

The number of goods alienated during trade operations;

The number of packaged goods in packages of any type during their packaging and sale;

Issue, condition and use of measuring instruments, certified measurement techniques, standards of units of quantities, compliance with metrological rules and regulations.

Measuring instruments that are not subject to state metrological control are subject to calibration.

Organizational support for the uniformity of measurements is carried out by Rostekhregulirovanie and its divisions in the regions of the country, as well as departmental metrological services.

The technical basis for the uniformity of measurements is a system for storing standards, as well as a system for reproducing and distributing prototypes or equivalents with the transfer of information about them to everyone interested in this.

The economic factor of ensuring the uniformity of measurements lies in the objective requirements for the creation of the necessary products and their market exchange. Actually, all practical economics needs unity of measurements of properties, their combinations, qualities, values, etc.

In accordance with the Law “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements”, state management of activities to ensure the uniformity of measurements in the Russian Federation is carried out by the State Standard of Russia.

The State Metrological Service (SMS) is administered by Gosstandart and includes:

1) divisions of the central office Gosstandart of Russia, carrying out the functions of planning, management and control of activities to ensure
uniformity of measurements at the intersectoral level;
2) state scientific metrology centers (SSMC), metrological research institutes, which, in accordance with the law, are responsible for the creation, storage and application of state standards and the development of regulatory documents to ensure the uniformity of measurements in a fixed type of measurement;
3) State Migration Service bodies in the territories of the republics and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Bodies of the State Metrological Service, formed on a territorial basis, carry out state metrological control and supervision on site.

State scientific metrology centers (SSMCs) are responsible for the creation, improvement, storage and application of state standards of units of quantities, as well as for the development of regulatory documents to ensure the uniformity of measurements.

The State Metrological Service (SMS) includes the following SSMCs:

− All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service (VNIIMS);
− All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology named after. DI. Mendeleev (NPO VNIIM named after D.I. Mendeleev);
− All-Russian Research Institute of Physical, Technical and Radio Engineering Measurements (VNIIFTRI);
− All-Russian Research Institute of Optical and Physical Measurements (VNIIOFI);
− Siberian State Research Institute of Metrology (SNIIM), Novosibirsk;
− Ural Research Institute of Metrology (UNIIM), Yekaterinburg/

The main center of the State Metrological Service HMS is VNIIMS. The most important areas of activity of VNIIMS as the main center of the State Metrological Service of the State Migration Service are general scientific and methodological management and coordination of the activities of metrological services, as well as the development of scientific, methodological, organizational, technical, economic and legal foundations for metrological support of the national economy.

The main centers of standards are:

- VNIIM(specialization of length and mass values, mechanical quantities, thermophysical quantities, ionizing radiation, pressure, physical and chemical composition and properties of substances). VNIIM has created and maintains state primary standards of all basic units of the International System, except for units of time and frequency. The unit standard was originally represented by the No. 28 platinum-iridium line meter, a copy of the international standard. In 1895, after the work of A. Michelson, the possibility of replacing the real standard with a natural one was recognized - the light wavelength of a certain spectral line of an atom. A new definition of the meter based on the orange line of krypton 86 was adopted later - only in 1960 at the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures. Starting around 1930, VNIIMS began work on the transition to a new definition of the meter. The work ended in 1968 with the creation of a new state primary standard of length.
The standard unit of mass is represented by the platinum-iridium kilogram No. 12, received in 1889 from the International Bureau of Weights and Measures as a copy of the international standard. In the post-war years, the primary standard of the unit of current intensity and the standard of the unit of luminous intensity - the candela - were created at VNIIM. To reproduce the unit of temperature - the kelvin - a precision helium gas thermometer was created and the temperatures of reference points were determined: the boiling of oxygen, the solidification of cadmium, zinc, tin and gold.
In addition to the listed main standards of the International System of Units, VNIIM has created standards and reference installations for many units of various physical quantities. Of the total number of state standards in our country, about 50% are concentrated in VNIIM.
- VNIIFTRI(radio engineering and magnetic quantities, time and frequency, acoustic and hydroacoustic quantities, low temperatures, ionizing radiation, pressure, hardness, aerosol characteristics, etc.), in which the time standard is stored.
- VNIIOFI(optical and optical-physical quantities, acousto-optical spectrometry, measurements in medicine, measurements of laser parameters).
- SNIIM(radio engineering, electrical and magnetic quantities, etc.).

A number of standards are stored in the centers of state standards: VNIIMS, All-Russia Research Institute of Flow Measurement, Kazan, NPO Dalstandart, Khabarovsk).

The State Metrological Service (SMS) is responsible for metrological support of measurements in the country at the intersectoral level and carries out state metrological control and supervision of metrological services of legal entities.

Main activities of the state metrological service bodies

is aimed at ensuring uniformity of measurements in the country. It includes the creation of state and secondary standards, the development of systems for transferring the sizes of PV units to working measuring instruments, state supervision over the production, condition, use, and repair of measuring instruments, metrological examination of documentation and the most important types of products, methodological management of metrological services of legal entities. The management of the state metrological service is carried out by Gosstandart.

State scientific metrological centers (SSMC) are formed from among the enterprises and organizations under the jurisdiction of Gosstandart or their structural divisions that carry out work on the creation, improvement, storage and application of state standards of units of quantities, as well as leading the development of normative documents to ensure the uniformity of measurements and having highly qualified scientific personnel.

Assigning the status of SSMC to a specific enterprise or organization does not change the form of ownership and organizational and legal form, but means classifying them as objects that require special forms of state support.

Main functions of the SSMC:

Creation, improvement, storage and application of state standards of units of quantities;
. carrying out fundamental and applied research and development work in the field of metrology, including the creation of unique experimental installations, scales and initial measures to ensure the uniformity of measurements;
. transfer of sizes of units of quantities from state standards to the original ones;
. conducting state tests of measuring instruments;
. development of equipment necessary to equip state metrological service bodies;
. development and improvement of scientific, regulatory, organizational and economic foundations for activities to ensure the uniformity of measurements in accordance with specialization;
. the metrological service of federal executive authorities, the metrological service of enterprises and organizations that are legal entities interacts with the State Scientific and Technical Center;
. information support for enterprises and organizations on issues of uniformity of measurements;
carrying out work related to the activities of the GSHF, GSSSD and GSSO;
. conducting an examination of sections of metrological support of federal and other programs;
. carrying out metrological examination and measurements on behalf of the court, prosecutor's office, arbitration court and federal executive authorities;
. training and retraining of highly qualified personnel for metrological services;
. participation in comparison of state standards with national standards of other countries, development of international norms and rules.

Cheat sheet on metrology, standardization, certification Klochkova Maria Sergeevna


The object of metrology is physical quantities. The concept of “physical quantity” in metrology, as in physics, is understood as a property of physical objects (systems) that is qualitatively common to many objects, but quantitatively individual for each object, i.e. a property that can exist for one object one or another number of times greater or less than for another (for example, length, mass, density, temperature, force, speed). The quantitative content of the property corresponding to the concept of “physical quantity” in a given object is the size of the physical quantity.

The set of quantities interconnected by dependencies forms a system of physical quantities. Objectively existing relationships between physical quantities are represented by a series of independent equations. The number of equations m is always less than the number of quantities n. Therefore, m quantities of a given system are determined through other quantities, and n – m quantities – independently of others. The latter quantities are usually called basic physical quantities, and the rest – derived physical quantities.

The presence of a number of systems of units of physical quantities, as well as a significant number of non-systemic units, inconveniences associated with recalculation when moving from one system of units to another, required the unification of units of measurement. The growth of scientific, technical and economic ties between different countries necessitated such unification on an international scale.

A unified system of units of physical quantities was required, practically convenient and covering various areas of measurement. At the same time, it had to preserve the principle of coherence (equality to unity of the coefficient of proportionality in the equations of connection between physical quantities).

In Russia, GOST 8.417-2002 is in force, which prescribes the mandatory use of SI. It lists the units of measurement, gives their Russian and international names and establishes the rules for their use. According to these rules, only international designations are allowed to be used in international documents and on instrument scales. In internal documents and publications, you can use either international or Russian designations (but not both at the same time).

Derived units of the International System of Units are formed using the simplest equations between quantities in which the numerical coefficients are equal to one. Thus, for linear speed, as a defining equation, you can use the expression for the speed of uniform motion v = l/ t.

With the length of the path traveled (in meters) and time t, during which this path is covered (in seconds), the speed is expressed in meters per second (m/s). Therefore, the SI unit of speed - meter per second - is the speed of a rectilinearly and uniformly moving point at which it, in time t c moves a distance of 1 m.

Subjects of metrology:

– state metrological service;

– metrological services of federal executive authorities and legal entities;

– metrological organizations.

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Ensure uniformity of measurements (organizational basis). These include:

State Metrological Service (SMS)

Metrological services (MS) of federal authorities and legal entities

International Metrology Organizations (IMO)

Consist of:

Metrological research centers

State metrological scientific centers (SSMC-VNIIM named after Mendeleev)

State Migration Service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (there are more than 100 of them)

State Service of Time, Frequency and Determination of Earth Rotation Parameters (GSHF)

Ensures the unity of time and frequency measurements used by navigation and control services for aircraft, ships and satellites, a unified energy system, etc. The average consumer learns about this service twice a year when changing the clocks.

State Service for Standard Samples of Composition, Properties of Substances and Materials (GSSO)

Provides the creation and use of standard (reference) samples of the composition and properties of various materials, that is, substances and metals, as well as samples of hardness, roughness, various medications, etc.

public service of standard reference data on physical constants, properties of substances and materials, including the properties of minerals, oil and gas.

This information is mainly used by product designers.

Metrological services of federal authorities and legal entities

They can be created in ministries, organizations and enterprises that are legal entities to perform tasks to ensure the uniformity of measurements and the required measurement accuracy, as well as to carry out metrological control and supervision. For example, MS have been created in the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Atomic Energy, the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Ministry of Defense.

The rights and obligations of the MS are determined and approved by the heads of management bodies or legal entities. In small enterprises, responsible persons are appointed to ensure compliance with the requirements for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The rights and responsibilities of these persons are established by job descriptions, which are agreed upon with the federal agency for technical regulations and metrology.

In operation since the end of the 19th century.

BIPM (International Bureau of Weights and Measures) is the earliest (1875). Located in Sèvres, France. Stores international standards and organizes periodic comparisons of national standards with international and international standards.

OIML (International Organization of Legal Metrology), 1956. Members include 85 countries. It develops general issues of legal metrology, establishes accuracy classes of measuring instruments, ensures the uniformity of certain types of measuring instruments, samples and measurement systems of instruments, recommendations for their testing in order to establish the uniformity of metrological characteristics of measuring instruments, which should be independent of the country of origin, and also establishes the verification procedure and SI calibration.

The work of the MMO is very useful and effective. For example, most countries, following the recommendations of the IMO, have adopted the international system of physical quantities, use compatible terminology and use recommendations on methods for standardizing metrological characteristics and certification of measuring instruments.

44. Basic provisions of the law “on ensuring uniformity of measurement”

One of the most important areas of activity for standardization of phenomena. provided unity of measurement. Work in this area is regulated by the “law on unity of measurement.”

Supply Activities Department units of measurement entrusted to the “Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology”, which, in accordance with the law, performs the following functions:

1. Interregional and intersectoral coordination of support activities. units of measurement

2. Provision by the government of the Russian Federation of proposals on units of quantities allowed for use.

3. Establishment of rules for the creation, approval, storage and use of standards of units of quantities.

4. Definition of general metrologists. requirements and measuring instruments using the measuring method. and processing of results.



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