The hormone prolactin in women is increased by treatment. Elevated prolactin in women: symptoms, causes and treatment

Skin and hair problems, irregular menstruation, infertility, decreased libido are just some of the alarming symptoms of elevated prolactin levels.

Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland (its anterior lobe). It directly stimulates the growth and development of the mammary glands during the development of a girl and during pregnancy, and during lactation it controls milk production. Prolactin is produced in large quantities during sleep, stress, pregnancy, and certain diseases (for example, lungs, liver).

In addition to its direct effect on lactation, prolactin is also involved in other vital processes. For example, it prolongs the corpus luteum phase, participates in the regulation of water-salt metabolism, and during lactation it suppresses hormones that cause ovulation.

Normal prolactin levels are up to 30 ng/ml (600 mU/L). But under certain conditions it can increase, causing hyperprolactinemia. Signs of increased prolactin in women manifest themselves as symptoms in the form of dysfunction of the thyroid gland, bone fragility and other pathologies.

Increased prolactin in women. Reasons

There are a number of reasons why the hormone prolactin in women is elevated:

  1. Physiological. The increased content of prolactin in women in this case is determined by the daily rhythms of hormone secretion, pregnancy, lactation, increased physical activity, and intimacy. Some surgical interventions can also cause signs of increased prolactin in women (for example, frequent uterine curettage).
  2. Iatrogenic. Some medications can cause hyperprolactemia. These include: antidepressants, antipsychotics, estrogens in high dosages, antihypertensive drugs, oral contraceptives and some others.
  3. Pathological reasons. Elevated levels of prolactin in women occur in pathological conditions such as pituitary tumors, renal and liver failure, liver cirrhosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, tumor diseases of the hypothalamus, vitamin B6 deficiency, radiation exposure, compression of the pituitary gland. Of particular note It should be noted that the cause of increased prolactin levels may be chronic stress conditions and persistent sleep disorders (for example, insomnia).

Elevated prolactin in women - symptoms

Elevated prolactin levels in women can manifest as the following symptoms:

  • Increased prolactin in women may manifest symptoms in the form of impaired reproductive function, repeated miscarriages that occur in the earliest stages, infertility (usually due to anovulatory cycles);
  • menstrual irregularities up to amenorrhea;
  • decreased libido up to frigidity;
  • galactorrhea. Depending on the duration of the disease and its degree of development, milk can be released from a few single drops to copious amounts with gentle pressure;
  • hirsutism. More often, hair begins to grow in the area around the nipple, on the face and along the white line of the abdomen (from the navel and below to the pubis);
  • acne (acne);
  • secondary osteoporosis due to decreased bone density;
  • obesity due to increased appetite and a tendency to excessive deposits;
  • Even before elevated prolactin in women is determined, symptoms manifest themselves in the form of psycho-emotional disorders. Usually manifested by sleep disturbances, depression, increased fatigue, weakened attention and memory;
  • visual disturbances are also signs of increased prolactin in women. Hormonal imbalance is characterized by numerous other symptoms - sweating, fever, nausea, constant buzzing in the head and dizziness, chest pain, the face looks flushed, and the patient is drowsy. Symptoms of this disorder sometimes indicate life-threatening diseases, signs of tumor damage to the pituitary gland appear - if increased prolactin in women arises as a result of this pathology, then there may be compression of the optic chiasm, in some cases paralysis of the cranial nerves (oculomotor, trochlear, abducens ).

However, all these symptoms are also inherent in other disorders in the functioning of systems and organs; additional examination should be performed to make an accurate diagnosis.

Increased prolactin in women. Consequences

The main serious consequence of increased levels of prolactin in the blood in women is the inability to conceive. Hyperprolactinemia suppresses the synthesis of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, which are responsible for ovulation. Persistent anovulation occurs, during which fertilization is impossible.

Elevated prolactin levels in women and its diagnosis

Before answering the question “Why is prolactin elevated in women?”, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination. First of all, you need to find out your life history and family history. In particular, you need to know about diseases of the thyroid gland, previous operations on the pituitary gland, ovaries, and chest. The patient is asked whether there are any attacks of depression or insomnia, whether there have ever been pathological fractures, how pronounced the hirsutism is and other questions that help determine the degree of hyperprolactinemia and clarify its cause.

To determine the true cause of hyperprolactinemia, studies such as:

  1. Ultrasound examination of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, ovaries, mammary glands to identify pathologies.
  2. X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging of the skull to identify pathology of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. If necessary, the study is performed with contrast.
  3. X-ray of skeletal bones to determine the presence or absence of bone loss as a result of secondary osteoporosis developing with an increase in prolactin.
  4. Biochemical blood test to detect pathology of the kidneys (increased creatinine and urea), liver (ALAT, AST).
  5. The main diagnostic method to determine whether hyperprolactinemia is present and to determine its degree is a blood test for prolactin. Donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach. Before conducting this analysis, you must refrain from intense physical activity, stress, and sexual intercourse. If there are doubts about the correctness of the results obtained, it is recommended to conduct a blood test for prolactin again.

Doctors and laboratory technicians at our center will not only select an individual examination program suitable for a particular patient, taking into account all the characteristics of the disease, but will also help to correctly interpret the results of the study.

If prolactin is elevated, treatment in women should be prescribed depending on the degree of its increase. With a slight increase in the level of the hormone (up to 50 ng/ml) with lifestyle adjustments and withdrawal of provoking drugs, it can decrease to normal values ​​on its own. If prolactin levels above normal are associated with pregnancy or lactation, treatment is not required.

If prolactin levels are significantly elevated, specialized treatment should be performed. If the cause of hyperprolactinemia is a tumor disease of the pituitary gland, drug or surgical treatment is carried out depending on the malignancy of the process and the degree of its maturity.

Doctors at our clinic will select the optimal treatment based on the diagnosis of each patient.

Prolactin is elevated - treatment in women

If prolactin is elevated, treatment in women begins with normalizing its level. The main method of treatment for elevated prolactin is medication. For drug treatment, drugs are used that affect the production of prolactin by the anterior pituitary gland. The most commonly used drugs are dostinex and bromocriptine. For ease of use, the drugs are available in the form of tablets or capsules. When prolactin is elevated, treatment in women is carried out individually, depending on the cause of the disorder and the patient’s condition.

It must be remembered that when prolactin is elevated in women, the symptoms are very pronounced: sleep is disturbed, weight increases, hormonal balance is disrupted - all these factors indicate that you should urgently seek help from a specialist. Diagnosis and treatment can only be performed by a licensed physician.

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Increased prolactin (hyperprolactinemia) is a common problem faced by women of reproductive age. There can be many reasons for this condition.

The doctor’s task is to find out through examination exactly where the pathology is and how treatment should be carried out. An increase in the concentration of the hormone poses a serious health hazard if measures are not taken in time.

What is the hormone responsible for?

Prolactin is a hormone of the polypeptide family. It is formed in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland (“sella turcica”) and in some other organs and tissues.

It is synthesized throughout the body, affects the reproductive and reproductive system of women.

Thanks to increased concentration, promotes gestation, delayed ovulation, lactation period etc.

Its role is very great, and scientists are still studying its chemical properties.

This polypeptide responsible for the following biological conditions of a woman:

  • absence of menstruation during lactation to avoid re-pregnancy;
  • protecting the unborn child from the mother’s immunity;
  • reduction of pain and sensitivity threshold;
  • stimulation of breast growth for feeding;
  • formation of colostrum, increased secretion of it with subsequent release of milk;
  • stimulation of the hormone progesterone during pregnancy;
  • feeling of orgasm during sexual intercourse;
  • development and formation of the child’s respiratory system;
  • support of water-salt balance and metabolic processes;
  • regulation of the third phase of the menstrual cycle (luteal).

Prolactin is responsible for all reproductive and sexual mechanisms that occur in a woman at the physiological level.

Its laboratory diagnosis is not difficult. In private laboratories and public clinics conduct a study of venous blood using immunoassay techniques.

In commercial medical clinics Such a diagnosis may be called a “prolactin test.” In government agencies, this is a routine test - screening for all sex hormones.

No other laboratory technique is capable of calculating its exact concentration.

When interpreting the results, it is imperative to focus on reference values, which may vary in each laboratory. This is a very sensitive hormone Therefore, it is necessary to carefully prepare for the study.

The test is taken on an empty stomach in phase 1 of the menstrual cycle.. It is better that 2-3 hours pass after waking up in the morning, since its effect is activated during sleep.
The results can be inflated and unreliable, so you should pay attention to this point.

What does an increased level of prolactin in women mean, why is it dangerous, how to treat this condition:

Why is the level rising?

Prolactin may increase for physiological and pathological reasons. In the first case, no treatment is required, only observation.

A slight increase in the hormone in the analysis is not dangerous. There's a good chance this happened within the framework of physiological reasons:

  • severe stress;
  • pregnancy or lactation period;
  • psychosis;
  • age (newborns);
  • alcohol consumption;
  • physical activity or training;
  • visiting a bathhouse or sauna;
  • smoking;
  • sexual intercourse on the eve of the study;
  • taking psychotropic medications.

Prolactin is often called the “stress hormone”, since during such a period its concentration increases sharply. If a woman is terrified of injections or having blood taken from a vein, then most likely she will have elevated hormone levels.

Excessively high values ​​indirectly indicate the presence of a serious disease.

Laboratory numbers may vary. In addition, a lot depends on the units of measurement.

Normal values ​​for a non-pregnant woman are from 4 to 40 ng/ml (depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle) or from 105 to 560 mU/ml.

In various pathologies, the level of prolactin increases greatly. This is usually a consequence of certain diseases.

If prolactin in women is higher than normal, further diagnosis is required to understand exactly where the disease is located.

Pathological causes of hyperprolactinemia:

  • diseases or tumors of the hypothalamus of the brain;
  • tumors and pathologies of the anterior pituitary gland (adenoma, cyst, prolactinoma);
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • renal or adrenal insufficiency;
  • liver diseases (cirrhosis).

Hyperprolactinemia in women:

High content during pregnancy and lactation

This the hormone increases greatly during pregnancy and lactation. This is a normal condition for an expectant mother and does not require correction or treatment.

The upper limit is values ​​up to 10,000 mU/l. It increases gradually, starting from the 8th week of pregnancy. By the 38th week, the indicators can be very high.

This indicates activation of the hormone, it promotes normal pregnancy and child development.

With the help of prolactin, the lungs, fetal respiratory system, and immunity are formed, so sudden surges in the hormone should not surprise doctors.

During pregnancy, the secretion of estrogen increases sharply, which leads to an increase in prolactin. But right away after childbirth everything evens out and he reaches normal.

During feeding, the hormone rises again, its increased concentration promotes the formation of milk, enlargement of the breast and its ducts.

Doctors usually do not study it during pregnancy, because it is pointless.

Diagnosing pathology with physiological elevation is very difficult. That's why doctors wait until the end of pregnancy and lactation.

Symptoms and signs

Excessively high concentration of the hormone has its own symptoms. For many, it is quite “erased”, so few of them go to the doctor.

The presence of symptoms does not mean that high prolactin is immediately to blame. It is necessary to examine the woman and take note of her complaints.

Usually hyperprolactinemia accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • absence of menstruation or its incomplete onset;
  • inability to conceive a child (infertility);
  • milk discharge from the breast not associated with lactation (galactorrhea);
  • lack of ovulation;
  • weight gain;
  • strong;
  • deterioration of visual acuity.

Such clinical manifestations can occur in any other pathology, which is the difficulty of the examination. It is likely that the woman may not have any symptoms or they will be completely insignificant.

Many women complain of the inability to conceive, which is facilitated by hyperprolactinemia.

Hormonal infertility can be successfully treated, since the increased concentration of prolactin simply blocks the onset of ovulation, and the hormone progesterone decreases sharply.

Why is an increase dangerous, possible consequences?

The danger of hyperprolactinemia depends on the underlying disease, which provoked an increase in the indicator.

Elevated prolactin in itself is not dangerous. if it is caused by physiological reasons.

A long course of severe depression or neurosis can cause an increase in values. This stress load indirectly harms the female reproductive system, causing ovarian dysfunction.

In this case it will be observed disruptions of the menstrual cycle, milk discharge from the breast not associated with the feeding period (galactorrhea). This is typical with hyperprolactinemia.

Then diseases of the pelvic organs may appear.

Usually the cause of increased prolactin is a tumor, a cyst in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.

Types of brain tumors:

  • prolactinoma;
  • microadenoma;
  • cyst;
  • craniopharyngioma;
  • “empty sella” syndrome.

They have a benign course, but the possibility of a change to a malignant form cannot be excluded. In most cases there is no serious threat to life, but extremely painful consequences are possible.

Tumors produce large amounts of prolactin, which causes unpleasant symptoms. The woman experiences severe headaches in the frontal region and serious visual impairment.

Without treatment, complete blindness may occur. Less common are cerebral hemorrhages or heart attacks.

The tumor begins to grow and this is indicated by impressive laboratory values. In such a situation, it is necessary to take action.

When and which doctor to go to, diagnosis

Endocrinology deals with hormonal problems, but this hormone usually manifests itself in the reproductive sphere. Therefore, it is checked by gynecologists, but it is possible that an endocrinologist can also do this.

There is also such a narrow medical specialization as gynecologist-endocrinologist. He deals only with hormonal disorders in women. The task of such a doctor is to find an explanation for hyperprolactinemia.

If there is no such specialist in the area, then A woman can consult a regular gynecologist. He will direct you to take tests and decipher their results.

You will have to take tests or undergo a thorough diagnosis from a mammologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, neurosurgeon, etc.

MRI examination of the brain, as well as blood testing, is included in the list of mandatory diagnostic methods if there is serious suspicion of the neurohormonal nature of the disease.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, mammary glands and thyroid gland also used as a diagnostic method.

Typically, women find out about increased prolactin by chance during an examination or as a result of planning pregnancy.

The reason for contacting may be severe symptoms such as absence of menstruation or irregular menstrual cycle. However, You can consult a doctor in any case, even if the complaints seem minor.


The main treatment for elevated prolactin in women is aimed at eliminating the causes of hyperprolactinemia.

Usually a tumor of the pituitary gland. For such purposes, you need to do an MRI of the brain to accurately determine the size and location of the tumor.

Based on the data obtained, you can determine exactly what to do next. Treatment is predominantly medicinal, but radical methods such as surgery are less commonly used.

There is a group of drugs that reduce the concentration of the hormone. These are popular medications that, in their pharmacological basis, are dopamine agonists or dopaminomimetics.

Dopamine is a neurohormone, the biological activity of which is aimed at regulating prolactin.

Doctors correcting hormonal levels use such drugs:

  • bromocriptine;
  • pergolide;
  • cabergoline;
  • quinagolide;
  • dostinex;
  • norprolac.

These drugs will have to be used for quite a long time, and the therapeutic effect is achieved after 2 months.

Such drugs eliminate the symptoms caused by hyperprolactinemia. After taking them, the menstrual cycle should normalize and the size of the tumor should decrease. Milk secretion from the breast also stops.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor selects therapy depending on the patient’s condition.

All medications are equally effective, but bromocriptine is usually used when planning pregnancy. This is a less toxic medicine.

If drug treatment does not help or the brain tumor increases in size, squeezing blood vessels, then surgery or radiation therapy indicated.

The operation is performed through the sinuses without affecting the skull. However, even after surgery there is a high risk of recurrence.

Diet for hyperprolactinemia

Diet is little used in the treatment of hyperprolactinemia, since it has not been precisely proven which products are useful for such a clinical picture.

There are no clear diet therapy regimens, but it is believed that certain foods should be limited in the diet.

Excessive consumption of protein foods slightly increases the rate. Therefore, doctors recommend giving up some delicacies.

Protein foods include:

  • meat (beef, chicken, rabbit, liver, pork);
  • eggs;
  • cheeses;
  • beans;
  • fish;
  • bird;
  • cottage cheese.

You shouldn't completely ignore these products, but you need to eat a balanced diet. It is better to eat low-fat varieties of meat, cottage cheese, and cheese.

You can compensate for protein deficiency with folic acid and vitamins, which are abundant in spinach, broccoli, lettuce, and Brussels sprouts.

Eating greens, vegetables and fruits has a beneficial effect on hormonal secretion.

What not to do

For any illness, you must follow your doctor's instructions. Hyperprolactinemia does not automatically mean a brain tumor or other terrible pathology.

Ordinary stress can greatly increase the hormone, but in this case no medications need to be taken.

Self-medication in such situations is unacceptable; self-administration of medications can cause metabolic disorders.

In medical practice existrestrictions that a woman must follow:

  1. Quitting alcohol and smoking.
  2. Reducing physical activity and training.
  3. Stop taking strong psychotropic medications and antipsychotics.
  4. Limiting protein foods.
  5. Avoiding stress.

These are the minimum requirements to restore hormonal balance. The basis of everything is the normalization of lifestyle and sleep.

If prolactin levels rise regularly, you need to be systematically checked by a doctor to avoid unpleasant consequences.

In conclusion, it must be said that prolactin is a dangerous hormone that needs to be systematically studied.

Its increased content may indicate for serious diseases that, if not properly treated, cause severe symptoms and painful consequences.

Modern medicine has all the means and skills to normalize the level of any hormones, therefore no reason to panic. In most cases, patients successfully cope with hyperprolactinemia.

- a hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland and has a direct effect on the reproductive function of the female body, promotes the growth of mammary glands in girls, and is responsible for breastfeeding after the birth of a child.

What does high prolactin mean?

In a healthy, non-pregnant and non-lactating woman, prolactin levels should be between 15-20 nanograms per milliliter of blood. However, the value can significantly exceed normal values ​​after sex, intense physical activity, after smoking, sleep, and nipple stimulation. In such cases, a high concentration of prolactin does not indicate pathological processes, and, as a rule, does not require treatment.

Also, high levels of prolactin are observed in women after ovulation, during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, elevated levels of this hormone can be caused by taking certain medications, such as oral contraceptives, antidepressants, antiemetics, blood pressure-lowering pills, and others.

To make sure that a high concentration of prolactin is not a consequence of pathology, the woman needs to be tested again. Since a high level of prolactin can also indicate numerous abnormalities in the female body, especially if its value significantly exceeds normal values. So, very high prolactin is observed with:

  1. Prolactinoma. A disease in which a benign tumor of the pituitary gland is diagnosed. In this case, the prolactin value is within 200ng/ml, and concomitant symptoms are also observed, such as menstrual irregularities or complete absence of menstruation, obesity, increased intracranial pressure, headaches, blurred vision, etc.
  2. Functional deficiency of the thyroid gland - hypothyroidism. A disease in which the thyroid gland produces less hormones. To confirm it, you need to take tests for the hormones TSH, T4, T3. Signs of high prolactin due to hypothyroidism may include constant drowsiness, emotional instability, dry skin, hair loss, decreased appetite, etc.
  3. Anorexia. A mental illness that manifests itself in the form of refusal to eat, severe exhaustion, and fear of gaining excess weight.
  4. Polycystic ovary syndrome can also be a consequence of high prolactin and other hormonal disorders.
  5. Kidney failure.
  6. Cirrhosis of the liver.
  7. Postoperative rehabilitation.

What is dangerous and what is the effect of high prolactin?

From the above it follows that high prolactin is not only about hair loss and obesity. This is a serious hormonal

a disorder that can cause infertility, mastopathy, osteoporosis and other equally serious diseases.

You should suspect a high level of prolactin and contact an endocrinologist if the following symptoms are found:

For a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take an analysis for the level of prolactin and other hormones, do an MRI of the brain and conduct additional examinations.

To determine the concentration of prolactin, blood is taken from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach, no earlier than three hours after waking up, it is advisable not to smoke or be nervous before taking the material, and also avoid sex and physical activity.

Prolactin is a type of hormone. This hormone is produced in the pituitary gland (brain).

If the hormone prolactin is produced in the body in excessive quantities, this phenomenon is called hyperprolactinemia and is often dangerous to human health.

The hormone prolactin is responsible for the reproductive function, as a result of which it:

  • Promotes the formation and development of secondary sexual characteristics.
  • It is a regulator of sexual behavior.
  • In women during lactation, it prevents ovulation (leads to temporary infertility).
  • Responsible for the functioning of the maternal instinct.
  • Helps the immune system fight harmful microorganisms.
  • Stimulates the balance of substances (calcium, sodium and water) in the body.
  • Helps cope with stress.
  • Affects weight gain.

Doctors note that the effect of the hormone prolactin is currently not fully studied: it is quite possible that it performs some other functions that are not yet known to medicine.

This hormone promotes lactation by helping colostrum ripen and turn into mature milk.

Thanks to the hormone prolactin, growth, full development and production of female mammary glands are stimulated.

Prolactin is an important element in the process of implantation of a fertilized egg. This hormone also promotes rapid metabolism and helps speed up protein synthesis.

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The level of the hormone prolactin can be determined only through a complex of medical studies:

  • MRI of the brain in the area of ​​the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. If the MRI results are insufficient, then additional contrast is performed.
  • X-ray of skeletal bones to determine possible irritation in bone tissue.
  • Analysis of the general condition of the thyroid gland.
  • Ultrasound aimed at examining the condition of certain organs (kidneys, liver, ovaries and mammary glands) to identify possible pathologies.
  • If a person is overweight, then the level of cholesterol and blood sugar is additionally determined.
  • If pathologies are detected on MRI, an additional examination is carried out by an ophthalmologist.

The normal level of the hormone prolactin varies from 120 to 600 mU/l depending on the age, gender and health status of the person. When the permissible values ​​of the hormone prolactin increase, a person is prescribed treatment.

To determine the concentration of the hormone prolactin, it is necessary to take tests from the 5th to the 8th day of the menstrual cycle.

On the eve of the test, you should try to eliminate any stress and remain in a calm state, since the emotional background significantly affects the test results. The day before the examination, sexual intercourse and exposure to heat (saunas, prolonged exposure to the sun, etc.) are excluded.

To determine the level of the hormone prolactin, blood is taken from a vein, always on an empty stomach. During the day, the level of prolactin in the body changes, so it is better to choose the optimal time: the most reliable tests will be obtained at 8-10 am.

In what cases is it worth getting tested for prolactin?

You should go and get tested for the hormone prolactin when you are concerned about characteristic symptoms. For the female body, such symptoms may include enlarged mammary glands, sudden release of milk in non-pregnant women, irregularities in the menstrual cycle, and lack of ovulation (infertility). In men, the main symptoms may be a decrease in general sexual desire, impotence and infertility, sudden headaches and breast growth.

Worth noting

Both men and women may be bothered by frequent headaches, a sharp deterioration in vision, a constant state of depression and stress, and weight gain. If a person is diagnosed with a pituitary adenoma, then it is necessary to be tested for the hormone prolactin.

Test results may be unreliable due to the influence of many factors: prolactin could increase due to stress, illness (even a cold), bad mood, etc. During pregnancy, as well as feeding a newborn with breast milk, the hormone prolactin is always produced in increased quantities: this means that during such a period there is no point in taking tests; high prolactin for pregnant women is the norm.

High prolactin: symptoms and consequences

Symptoms of elevated prolactin levels in women include:

  • Sudden release of milk from the mammary glands although the woman is not pregnant.
  • Hair loss in the genital area.
  • Irregularities in the monthly cycle (irregularity, scanty discharge).
  • Severe decrease in sexual desire.
  • Increased fatigue, problems sleeping, sudden loss of mood.
  • Inability to get pregnant: Problems with ovulation prevent you from conceiving a child.
  • Problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland, the consequences of which are increased prolactin levels.
  • Osteoporosis (also characteristic of low estrogen levels).

Pregnant and lactating women always observe high levels of prolactin: they are characterized by an increased level of prolactin in the blood, which is the norm in this condition.

If you suspect that your symptoms indicate high prolactin levels, be sure to consult a specialist. In this case, you will need to consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

The main problem resulting from an increase in prolactin in a woman’s body is the inability to conceive. A significant increase in prolactin levels suppresses the synthesis of certain hormones that contribute to the normal development of ovulation. For this reason, anovulation occurs, when any attempts to conceive a child are in vain.

Consequences of elevated prolactin in men

The manifestation of an increased level of prolactin in men is characterized by a weakening of potency and a lack of sexual desire in general, since there is a decrease in the amount of sex hormones and sperm produced by the male body.

The production of the male hormone (testosterone) decreases and at the same time there is a significant increase in the production of the female hormone (estrogen).

High levels of prolactin in men may indicate the presence of certain diseases. Prolactin will increase in the presence of a pituitary tumor, cirrhosis of the liver, constant stress, chest damage, etc.

Prolactin can also jump for physiological reasons: exposure to physical activity, lack of sleep, excess intake of protein foods, etc. In this case, prolactin increases temporarily and does not affect the hormonal balance in the body.

With high prolactin in men, the following consequences are possible:

  • sleep disturbances, prolonged depression;
  • excess weight;
  • growth of mammary glands;
  • decreased vitality in general;
  • Infertility and impotence are possible.

Prolactin and testosterone in the male body are in the following relationship: the more prolactin in the body, the less testosterone is produced. Therefore, the lower a man’s testosterone levels, the more different problems prolactin can cause.

Causes of elevated prolactin and how to deal with it

The normal level of prolactin is different for men and women: for example, for non-pregnant women a prolactin level of 4-23 ng/ml will be considered normal, for pregnant women - 34-386 ng/ml, for men - 3-15 ng/ml. In girls and women after menopause, the prolactin level should not exceed 19-20 ng/ml.

Depending on the research methods used in laboratories, the results of laboratory tests may vary: in each specific case they are based on the normal levels of the hormone prolactin for a particular laboratory.

Elevated levels of prolactin do not necessarily indicate the presence of any diseases; the hormone can be elevated in completely healthy people.

Reasons for increased prolactin levels:

  • Presence of pregnancy, already at 8 weeks of pregnancy the level of prolactin increases significantly.
  • Lactation period.
  • Severe stress.
  • Failure to comply with the rules for donating blood (in connection with existing standards in laboratories).

However, elevated prolactin may be an indicator for identifying certain diseases:

  • Prolactinomas are when a tumor develops in the pituitary gland, resulting in the production of excess hormone.
  • Hypothyroidism, when the thyroid gland produces too few hormones.
  • Anorexia.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome, when the menstrual cycle is disrupted, increased hair growth on the body, infertility may occur.
  • Kidney diseases, hypothalamic tumors, etc.

How to reduce prolactin levels

Treatment for elevated prolactin levels depends on how much prolactin is above normal.

If the increase in this hormone is insignificant (up to approximately 50 ng/ml), then prolactin will decrease on its own; you just need to adjust your lifestyle and stop taking medications that cause its increase.

If a woman is pregnant or nursing a child, then prolactin treatment is not required.

In other cases, prolactin levels are reduced to normal using the following methods:


Prolactin can be reduced by two groups of drugs:

  • Ergoline(preparations of ergot alkaloids): treatment is carried out with bromocriptine, lactodel, parlodel, serocryptine, apo-bromocriptine, bromergon, abegrin, dostinex, as well as cabergoline preparations (dostinex);
  • Non-ergoline: Treatment is possible with quinagolide preparations (norprolac). Products for reducing the level of the hormone prolactin are produced by large companies that have proven themselves in the pharmaceutical market: Pfizer, Novartis Farma, Apotex, Gedeon Richter, Serono, Lek, etc.

All these products are available in tablets or capsules. Only a specialist can prescribe the drug necessary for your body.

Herbs and folk remedies

Prolactin increases sharply when there is stress in a person's life. In this regard, it is necessary to take medications that eliminate stress. Such remedies in folk medicine include the herbs St. John's wort, hawthorn, elderberry, hops and lemon balm. Decoctions are made from these herbs and drunk in the evening, a couple of hours before bedtime.


To maintain normal prolactin levels, it is necessary to strictly maintain a balance of work and rest. You need to try to minimize strong physical activity, maintain a sleep schedule, and take exercise walks. Coffee and alcohol are excluded from the diet. If the cause of elevated prolactin is the presence of certain diseases in a person, then the disease itself is treated.

Prolactin may decrease on its own without treatment in the following cases:

  • The end of pregnancy and the period of feeding the baby with milk.
  • Reduce stress levels to a minimum in men and non-pregnant women.
  • At the end of puberty in adolescents, when girls have sufficiently developed mammary glands.
  • Restoring sleep patterns.
  • As a result of the treatment of diseases that provoke an increase in prolactin: for example, treatment of mastopathy (pathological proliferation of connective tissue).


There is no special prevention for prolactin: you need to eat right, not self-medicate, and try not to sunbathe too much. If you have problems sleeping, it is better to replace sleeping pills with valerian.

If a woman notices scant discharge from the nipples within two to three years after childbirth or an abortion, then do not worry: this is a normal state of the body during such a period; treatment for elevated prolactin is not required. The main thing is not to squeeze the contents out of the nipple yourself, otherwise prolactin will continue to be produced at an increased level.

Prolactin (mammotropin, lacto-, luteotropic hormone, lactogenic hormone, mammotropin, LTG) is a polypeptide hormone produced by the adenohypophysis (the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, its lactogenic cells). The level of the hormone rises during sleep and falls upon awakening. This hormone is present in the blood in several forms - monomeric prolactin (post-PEG), has one peptide chain - the most active; di- and tetrameric - inactive or with low bioactivity.

When analyzing blood, only the concentration of the monomeric form is important, since only it is biologically active. Its main organs of influence are the reproductive and reproductive systems, i.e. all its effects are related to fertility. The main organ for the action of mammotropin is the mammary glands. In addition to the breast, prolactin receptors are found in almost all other organs, but the effect of this pituitary hormone on them is not yet known.

Prolactin is necessary and can increase for lactosecretion and colostrum after childbirth, helps the maturation of colostrum, turning it into full-fledged milk. It enlarges the lobules and ducts in the mammary glands, stimulates their growth, due to which the mammary glands become enlarged and filled with milk.

Helps with the normal course of pregnancy, childbirth, and delays ovulation in the first 6 months of breastfeeding to prevent another pregnancy. The same hormone:

  • protects the fetus from attacks of maternal immunity;
  • has an analgesic effect and stimulates progesterone production during gestation;
  • promotes the formation of maternal instinct;
  • protects breast cells from malignant degeneration;
  • participates in the work of lymphocytes during inflammation processes, in the appearance of orgasm during intimacy;
  • participates in the development and formation of the child’s respiratory organs, in electrolyte metabolism;
  • regulates the luteal phase of MC.

Like any hormone, mammotropin is prone to fluctuations - it happens that prolactin is increased or decreased for various reasons. This immediately affects the human condition. LTG is not only significant for women; in men it also performs certain functions.

The work of prolactin in men:

  • participation in spermatogenesis;
  • affects potency and libido;
  • regulates immunity.

What else does prolactin affect in men? It is involved in the formation of viable sperm, increases testicular weight and stimulates the prostate. Normalizes work nervous system and everyone internal organs; the mechanism of this effect is not clear.

Reasons for the increase

The reasons for the increase in prolactin should always be known, because prolactin when increased:

  • causes infertility, MC disturbances, PMS;
  • promotes the appearance of hormone-dependent tumors of the uterus and breast.

Hyperprolactinemia: what is it and its causes? An increase in prolactin in the blood is called hyperprolactinemia. When the cause of hyperprolactinemia is not clear, it is idiopathic hyperprolactinemia.

The reasons for the increase are physiological and pathological. In physiology (healthy person), everything is done without treatment; only dynamic observation is necessary.

The reason for the occurrence of increased prolactin according to physiology:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • stress;
  • newborn age (up to 1 month of life);
  • drinking alcohol;
  • strict diets with hypoglycemia. Prolactin also increases during physical activity or training;
  • nipple stimulation;
  • smoking;
  • neck massage (there are many nerve nodes here).

Prolactin levels increase when visiting a sauna, steam baths, severe algia, lack of sleep, intimacy. Why is prolactin high? From taking psychotropics and drugs, COCs, sleeping pills, long-term use of antibiotics.

There are also herbs that cause excess prolactin: red clover, fennel, fenugreek. To avoid nipple irritation, underwear should be the right size. Prolactin also increases with aging, which is accompanied by decreased vision and hearing.

Pathological causes of hyperprolactinemia:

  • neoplasms and pathologies of the hypothalamus;
  • systemic chronic diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • disorders in the adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary gland);
  • brain infections;
  • thyroid pathology (hypothyroidism);
  • PCOS;
  • acute renal failure and decreased adrenal function;
  • cirrhosis.

Pathological hyperprolactinemia (increased prolactin) is divided into: functional and organic. Functional includes the consequences and complications of certain diseases: liver cirrhosis and acute renal failure, sarcoidosis and TB, hypothyroidism, PCOS, bruises and injuries to the head and chest; functional hyperprolactinemia does not produce organic changes.

In organic cases, the pathologies that arise themselves lead to changes in tissue morphology: tumors produce prolactin higher than normal - prolactinoma, germinoma, glioma, pituitary adenoma, meningioma. Hyperprolactinemia is 10 times more common in women.

Symptoms of elevated prolactin

Hyperprolactinemia: Symptoms vary by gender. For women:

  • anovulation or its failure occurs;
  • there is no conception and infertility occurs;
  • symptoms of increased prolactin in 90% of cases are expressed in violations of the regularity of circulatory cycles - amenorrhea is observed for six months or more;
  • galactorrhea (often for years);
  • for the same reason acne appears; hirsutism;
  • weight gain;
  • decreased libido and frigidity; osteoporosis;
  • prolactinoma.

Elevated prolactin levels are problematic in that even if such a woman manages to become pregnant, the fetus will be aborted after 2 weeks.

Prolactinoma is a benign pituitary tumor that is active and produces prolactin in excess. Hyperprolactinemia syndrome worsens memory, vision, and mood, the person becomes absent-minded, cephalgia and difficulty falling asleep appear.

Osteoporosis - during lactation, excess prolactin causes loss of calcium from the bones.

In men, increased prolactin - signs and symptoms:

  • weight gain and gynecomastia;
  • the body is covered with dotted raw materials;
  • hair on the body and face becomes sparse;
  • with increased prolactin, a man becomes apathetic;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • erection and potency weakens;
  • libido decreases;
  • infertility develops;
  • There is a strong deposition of fat on the waist and hips;
  • an increase in insulin develops;
  • appetite increases and weight gain occurs;
  • Rarely, diabetes may develop.
  • High prolactin levels in 20% of cases increase cholesterol and heart problems; the patient notes weakness and rapid fatigue.

Increased content and excess of prolactin in 15% of patients causes destruction of adenohypophysis cells. Vision drops sharply, the optic nerve swells and severe cephalgia appears; ICH increases. Often the patient becomes drowsy, and the skin of the face turns red for no reason.

General symptoms:

  • increased incidence of fractures;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • multiple caries;
  • Insomnia is very common;
  • depressed mood.

The effect of dopamine is neutralized.

What medications cause prolactin to increase when taken? These are OK, antidepressants and neuroleptics (Haloperidol), antiemetics (Cerucal, Motilium), antiulcer drugs (Omeprazole), dopamine receptor blockers - domperidone, bromopride; antihypertensive - reserpine; amphetamines; antiarrhythmic drugs – verapamil; cocaine and opiates (morphine, promedol).

Features of hyperprolactinemia in women

Prolactin is slightly at the upper limit of normal - it happens during the ovulation phase. A surge in the hormone is observed in the 3rd trimester of gestation; it exceeds the norm by 3 or more times.

Before childbirth, it decreases and immediately increases again in postpartum women. At the same time, colostrum turns into milk.

Elevated hormone prolactin – why is it dangerous? Prolactin decreases with menopause and tumors of the uterus and breast are often possible - while PRL increases. It is believed that this is the work of estrone (bad estrogen), which stimulates the synthesis of PRL. Women are more likely to have brain tumors.

Features in men

Hyperprolactinemia syndrome causes a decrease in immunity, and chronic prostatitis often forms; at the same time the potency decreases. Consequences of increased prolactin in men: leads to cirrhosis of the liver and pituitary adenoma. This benign tumor most often develops after 49 years of age. Macroprolactinomas may develop. Often the cause of the hyperprolactinemic state remains unclear, then they talk about idiopathic hyperprolactinemia, which also requires treatment.

LTG norm

The norm of prolactin in men is lower than in women: 2.5–17 ng/ml, or 75–515 μIU/l. The lowest normal value in women is 4.5 ng/ml - during the follicular phase; the highest (49 ng/ml) - in the second, ovulatory phase. During conception and gestation, the level of luteotropic hormone LTG constantly increases and can rise to a peak (386 ng/ml) at 21-25 weeks.

Then it gradually decreases, but remains elevated two to three years after lactation and immediately during it. The increase in prolactin levels constantly fluctuates; it can physiologically increase in the morning, after exercise, from tactile touch to the nipples, at high temperatures, due to stress, after sex.

Getting tested for prolactin

A test is prescribed for a man if he has 2-3 specific symptoms. The study is carried out using the immunoassay method. In commercial centers, the test is called a prolactin test.

What to do to prepare for the correct passing? A day before donating blood, avoid sex, hypothermia, overheating in the form of visiting a sauna, physical activity, and stress; in the evening, a light dinner, without protein. Give up alcohol within 2 days. On the day of the test in the morning, 2-3 hours before blood sampling, do not smoke, do not have breakfast, and do not touch the nipples.

Blood sampling is carried out 2-3 hours after sleep, no later than when prolactin reaches its highest level; preferably between 7 and 11 o'clock. Indicators should only be looked at as reference ones. Women donate blood to phase 1 of the MC. If the diagnostic indicators of prolactin are higher than normal (from 40 to 600 mU/l in fertile age and in the range of 25-400 mU/l during menopause), the diagnosis without difficulty indicates hyperprolactinemia.

Due to the instability of hormone values, the test is performed several times. A man can have 3 types of test results and the diagnosis is different: macroprolactinemia, true hyperprolactinemia and a questionable result.

In macro cases, no treatment is required; this condition is safe for men. The second option requires additional examination and the final diagnosis is postponed. If the answer is questionable, the analysis is retaken.

LTG and other sex hormones

LTG, testosterone and estrogen are all closely related. An increase in estrogen results in an increase in PRL and a decrease in testosterone. Symptoms of all these hormones cause sexual dysfunction and changes in secondary sexual characteristics.

Principles of treatment

When prolactin is increased, the choice of treatment depends on the etiology. It is not carried out if the weight is N, the pituitary structures are not damaged, and the reproductive system is normal. Prolactin can be lowered by different types of treatment: taking medications, radiation treatment and surgery. If surgery is impossible, or the patient refuses surgery, then prolactin irradiation is used. Radiation therapy provides equally effective results.

Drugs to reduce prolactin: those that reduce prolactin in case of pituitary microadenoma or functional increases in the hormone - taking dopamine agonists. The level decreases after 3-4 weeks. The course of treatment is from 6 to 27 months. BBT is measured regularly and prolactin tests are taken. For pituitary macroadenoma, treatment is carried out by a neurosurgeon.

Reduce and lower the level of prolactin: prolactin in case of adrenal insufficiency requires the use of corticosteroids, HRT, in case of thyroid hypofunction - eutirox. Only if there is no effect from the pills, a radical method or radiation therapy is used. These methods have a negative side - the substance of the pituitary gland and blood vessels of the brain are damaged.

How to reduce prolactin?

First you need to change your work and rest schedule and get enough sleep. How to reduce prolactin further? Start taking Vit. B6 to normalize cerebral blood flow. If it is necessary to use anabolic steroids, use antiestrogens.

Hyperprolactinemia is treated with the use of dopamine receptor agonists: Parlodel, Bromocriptine, Abergine, Cabergoline, Quinagolide, Pramipexole, Apomorphine - they all contain ergot alkaloid. How to treat elevated prolactin? Taking eutirox will lead to a decrease in the level of hyperprolactinemia.

How can hypothyroidism and high prolactin be related?

Hyperprolactinemia is often caused by hypofunction of the thyroid gland, the proportions between them are the opposite. With hyperprolactinemia, testosterone decreases, so HRT is prescribed. Treatment of elevated prolactin is supplemented with hepatoprotectors, diuretics, calcium compounds and vit.D.

Use of medications - treatment is often carried out with tablets. The main drug used was Bromocriptine. It gives an improvement in 4 out of 5 cases.

When the drug is discontinued, all symptoms return - the attending physician should warn the patient about this. Side effects of Bromocriptine: nausea and vomiting, orthostatic collapse, migraines, difficulty falling asleep and nightmares. These manifestations occur if treatment is started with excessive doses of the drug. Most often they occur at the beginning of treatment and then go away. Therefore, treatment begins with small doses.

Parlodel is an analogue of Bromocriptine - treatment begins with 4 mg per day, then the dose is doubled and reaches 8 mg. Cabergoline is easier to tolerate and highly effective.

Herbal preparations

Hyperprolactinemia: how to reduce it – treatment is also carried out with herbal preparations. Cyclodinone is an extract from the fruit of Vitex sacred. The drug affects the lactotrophs of the pituitary gland, effectively reduces and normalizes PRL.

Mastodinon is a homeopathic herbal preparation. It improves the condition of mastopathy, prevents a surge in hormonal levels by normalizing the psycho-emotional state. The product is well tolerated and safe.

Surgical intervention

Prolactin is increased: how to reduce it? Surgery is also performed if other treatment methods are ineffective and the means are ineffective. As the tumor grows, it can compress nerves and blood vessels, and a person can lose vision and hearing. The diagnosis is made on the basis of an MRI. The operation does not provide a 100% guarantee; in 43% there are relapses.

Preventive measures

You should not stay in the sun for a long time - UV irradiation increases the increase in prolactin. You should normalize your weight, it is better to quit smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke. It is better not to take sleeping pills, go to bed no later than 10 pm, and change your diet.

Rest should be active, and a course of vitamins should be taken periodically. It is advisable to make daily walks mandatory.



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