Enteritis foros. How to prevent infectious bowel inflammation

Enteritis refers to a group of diseases of the small intestine inflammatory in nature, which are almost always accompanied by disruptions in its functioning and pathological changes in the intestinal mucosa. The inflammatory process is provoked pathogenic bacteria, which entered the intestines from outside, protozoa, and also “thanks to” helminthic infestation.

Enteritis can be of different natures, but according to the nature of the course they are conventionally divided into acute and chronic. The chronic form of the disease develops due to the lack of treatment for acute enteritis.

Acute enteritis is characterized by a rapid course, the symptoms are very pronounced, but in chronic enteritis the symptoms are usually “blurred”, and sometimes exacerbations of the condition occur.

Young children are more susceptible to inflammation of the small intestine, although enteritis can occur at any age. The chronic form is typical for adult patients.

The acute form is almost always accompanied by gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa) or colitis (the inflammatory process also involves large intestine). In turn, the chronic form is a “concomitant” illness of diseases of the pancreas or biliary tract, pathologies metabolic processes, autoimmune system.

Causes of enteritis

The factors leading to the development of acute and chronic enteritis are somewhat different. Thus, the main causes of the acute form of the disease are:

  • infection with certain pathogenic microorganisms (causative agents of cholera, salmonellosis, etc.);
  • viral infections (rotavirus and enterovirus);
  • allergic reaction to certain foods or medications;
  • poisoning by toxins;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • Diet violation: frequent consumption of spicy, fried or spicy foods;
  • heavy metal poisoning.

Chronic enteritis develops as a result of:

  • helminthic infestation;
  • intestinal giardiasis;
  • regular diet violations;
  • smoking, frequent drinking of alcohol;
  • working in a “harmful” industry, which always entails poisoning with heavy metals, various chemicals or radiation damage;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • hereditary enzyme deficiency;
  • surgery in the small intestine.

Insufficient physical activity, kidney dysfunction, vascular problems, in particular atherosclerosis, and a genetic tendency to the appearance of allergic reactions, as well as abdominal injuries and adhesions that often appear after operations.

Symptomatic picture

Acute enteritis usually begins suddenly, proceeds violently with pronounced symptoms, but quickly subsides. The “heralds” of the disease are diarrhea, severe nausea and frequent vomiting, pain in the upper abdomen. Sometimes the patient’s body temperature rises to 38-38.5, and headache. The frequency of defecation reaches 15 times throughout the day, the stools are copious, but watery.

It is also noted severe bloating abdomen and increased gas formation. General health The patient quickly deteriorates: weakness appears, the skin acquires a bluish tint, the skin becomes dry, begins to peel off, and appears on the tongue. white coating, and along the edges there are visible marks from teeth.

If symptoms are not relieved, dehydration quickly develops, even to the point of seizures. In severe cases, hemorrhagic diathesis may occur, that is, a blood clotting disorder, shock, and subsequently coma.

With chronic enteritis, it is difficult to identify the defining symptoms; as a rule, they are “blurred”. But the disease can last for several months. In this case, the patient may complain of both enteral and extraintestinal symptoms.

Enteral manifestations include:

  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • increased gas formation, which often leads to rumbling in the intestines;
  • cramping pain in the area around the navel of moderate intensity.

Bowel movements due to inflammation of the small intestine (especially when long term) are liquid or mushy, often containing pieces of undigested food. The urge to defecate bothers the patient up to 6 times a day. In addition, weakness and general exhaustion are also observed, which is accompanied by sharp decline Blood pressure, increased heart rate, severe dizziness, tremors of arms and legs.

In some patients, the urge to have a bowel movement is characterized by strong cramps in the intestines, and watery stool takes on a greenish tint.

As a rule, symptoms increase in the late afternoon (peak gastrointestinal activity).
Extraintestinal manifestations are caused by the rapid formation of malabsorption syndrome, or impaired absorption of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in the small intestine. How longer person does not consult a doctor, the more pronounced the signs of numerous hypovitaminosis become (dry skin and mucous membranes, brittle hair and nails, iron deficiency anemia, osteoporosis). The patient's body weight decreases sharply, until dystrophy develops.

Diagnostic measures for enteritis

A gastroenterologist can make a correct diagnosis after collecting anamnesis and palpating the abdomen. However, to confirm it, additional tests are often carried out. laboratory tests:

  1. : stool macroscopy shows its consistency, coloring and smell; in microscopy – great content starch grains, fat stains and muscle fibers.
  2. Absorption tests: detection in biological fluids(particularly in blood, urine and saliva) carbohydrates.
  3. Bacteriological analysis of stool (detection of dysbacteriosis or intestinal infection) and occult blood test.
  4. A clinical blood test indicates the development of anemia, leukocytosis is also noted, and the ESR is increased.
  5. A biochemical blood test reveals persistent signs of deficiency of the majority essential vitamins and microelements.
  6. the initial section of the small intestine, along which a biopsy of the inflamed mucosa is taken.
  7. An X-ray with a contrast agent (barium suspension) displays pathological changes in the mucous membrane and makes it possible to identify ulcers and neoplasms in the intestines.
  8. Ultrasound of the liver and pancreas to detect concomitant ailments.

It is also mandatory to carry out differential diagnosis, which will distinguish enteritis from other pathological conditions accompanied by diarrhea. Among these, thyrotoxicosis and diabetes mellitus(endocrine diseases), IBS, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, intestinal cancers.

Treatment of the disease

Taking into account the factors that caused inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, patients with acute enteritis are hospitalized: the toxic nature of the disease - in the gastroenterological department, infectious - in the infectious diseases department.

All patients are recommended strict bed rest, you need to eat dietary products, sharp and fried foods, all food should be gentle with a minimum content of carbohydrates and fats, but you need to drink a lot (2.5-3 liters of water per day). If the patient cannot drink such a volume of liquid, hydration therapy (glucose solutions, sodium chloride solutions) is required.

Further treatment is symptomatic:

  • in case of severe dysbacteriosis – correction of intestinal microflora through medicines(Linex, Bifi-Form, Hilak Forte);
  • for diarrhea, it is recommended to take astringents (smecta, enterosgel, rice water);
  • when a deficiency of proteins and vitamins is detected, the introduction of polypeptide and vitamin-containing solutions.

When found bacterial infection Antibiotics are necessarily prescribed (norfloxacin, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, injectable forms - ceftriaxone). Treatment of the acute form of the disease usually lasts no more than 7 days. The patient is discharged as soon as symptoms disappear.

The basis for the treatment of chronic enteritis is adherence to diet No. 4, but in case of exacerbation you should still consult a gastroenterologist.

You will have to give up spicy, sour, fatty, fried foods, foods rich in fiber and containing milk. This diet will have to be followed throughout life, especially if congenital anomalies of the intestinal wall are identified.

To normalize digestion, enzyme therapy (Pancreatin, Mezim Forte, Panzinorm, Enzistal) is recommended. Restore work cell membranes the intestinal mucosa will be helped by Essentiale or Karsil, that is, protective drugs.

Prevention and prognosis

Preventive measures usually include dietary, but balanced diet, thorough heat treatment products, use of medications strictly according to the recommendation of the attending physician. It is also important to promptly identify and treat pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine disorders.

The prognosis for enteritis is usually favorable. If treatment was provided in a timely manner, the cure occurs within a few days (acute form).

Things are somewhat worse with the chronic form. In this case, the disease gradually progresses, and the symptoms of malabsorption increase. Without treatment, even death is possible as a result of extreme exhaustion and irreversible violations homeostasis.

It is a widespread disease, occurring in both children and adults.
Chronic enteritis varies in severity.
I degree has mild intestinal symptoms, minor disturbances general condition. At this level, functional tests are minimally modified.

Degree II is characterized by the addition of moderately severe metabolic disorders to intestinal disorders. All functional tests change significantly.

Stage III is characterized by severe metabolic changes due to significant disturbances in intestinal digestion and absorption. Characterized by a significant change in functional tests and indicators of almost all types of metabolism.
Also, chronic enteritis is conventionally divided according to the degree of activity at the stage of remission and exacerbation of the process.


The clinic of chronic enteritis is characterized by a variety of symptoms. All signs of the disease can be divided into local intestinal and general, which are expressed to varying degrees by metabolic disorders.

The clinical picture of chronic enteritis consists of three main syndromes. These are enteral syndrome, enteritis coprological syndrome and insufficient absorption syndrome (malabsorption syndrome), which results in general symptoms diseases - phenomena of polyhypovitaminosis, endocrine insufficiency, dystrophic changes in various internal organs.

Enteral dyspepsia syndrome is expressed in unpleasant sensations V umbilical region abdomen, pressure, distension and bloating. Characteristic of chronic enteritis is Obraztsov’s symptom, which consists of the appearance of strong rumbling and splashing during palpation of the cecum. This symptom occurs as a result of impaired digestion and absorption, in which rapid passage of chyme through the small intestine and the entry of undigested and unabsorbed liquid contents and intestinal gas into the cecum occur.

The pain occurs rarely, is dull or spastic in nature, localized in the umbilical region, intensifies in the afternoon, sometimes has a cramping type, subsides with the appearance of a loud rumbling. On palpation of the abdomen and strong pressure slightly to the left and above the navel, pain is often detected (Porges sign), and pain can also be detected along the mesentery small intestine(Sternberg's symptom). Sometimes after eating, phenomena reminiscent of... The appearance of these signs indicates the transition of the disease to a severe form.

Enteritic coprological syndrome is manifested by frequent (4-6 times a day) and copious stools (the total amount of feces per day can reach 1.5-2 kg). The consistency of the stool is mushy, the color is light yellow due to the presence of unreduced bilirubin and a large amount of fat, which also gives the stool a clayey, ointment-like appearance. Noteworthy is the presence in stool particles undigested food, but without visible mucus and admixtures of blood or pus. If putrefactive processes predominate in the small intestine, the feces acquire a fetid odor and alkaline reaction. When fermentation processes predominate, feces have a foamy appearance with gas bubbles and an acidic reaction. In severe cases, the frequency of stools can reach 15 times a day.

Exacerbation of chronic enteritis occurs as a result of dietary violations. Typically, patients do not tolerate foods containing large number fats and carbohydrates, milk, spicy and fatty foods. Also, the appearance of scatological syndrome is noted in response to overeating. Sometimes there is a violent urge to defecate soon after eating, and after defecation there is severe weakness accompanied by dizziness, nausea, cold sweat, hand tremors, decreased blood pressure(jejunal). In mild cases and in the absence of concomitant diarrhea, diarrhea may be absent.

Malabsorption syndrome (insufficient absorption) is manifested by a pronounced decrease in body weight, sometimes even to the point of exhaustion, weakness, increased fatigue, irritability, headaches, dizziness, decreased performance.

Due to impaired absorption of vitamins and minerals signs of polyhypovitaminosis appear: angular, increased, hair loss, thinning and polyneuritis, disorder twilight vision etc.

Due to disturbances in the absorption of nutrients and microelements, signs of damage develop internal glands. When the pancreas is damaged, hypoglycemic phenomena appear, which consist of the appearance of weakness, cold sweat, feeling of heat, palpitations, and pain in the heart area 2-3 hours after eating. These phenomena are associated with fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

If the absorption of microelements is impaired, the amount of a number of ions, especially calcium, decreases. Because of this, signs of deficiency appear parathyroid glands(hypoparathyroidism), which are characterized by pathological fragility of bones, positive Chvostek and Trousseau symptoms, and convulsions.

With insufficient pituitary function, signs of moderate severity appear, such as in combination with hypoisosthenuria. With development, the symptoms of Addisonism come to the fore: especially in the skin folds of the palms, oral mucosa, arterial and muscle hypotonia. When the function of the gonads is impaired, impotence develops in men, and impotence in women.

With a long course of chronic enteritis, symptoms of iron and dystrophy develop internal organs, including the liver, myocardium, kidneys and other organs, manifested by corresponding symptoms.

Diagnosis of chronic enteritis includes general and biochemical tests blood, scatological and bacteriological examination of stool, ultrasound of the liver, biliary tract, pancreas, endoscopic methods for examining the intestine with targeted biopsy. A general blood test reveals the presence of anemia, and a biochemical test reveals a decrease in the amount of protein and cholesterol. A scatological examination reveals undigested fat (steatorrhea), muscle fibers (creatorrhoea), extracellular starch (amilorrhea), fiber, and an increased number of mucus and leukocytes. Bacteriological examination reveals dysbacteriosis.


Also, its frequent causes are various nutritional disorders, alcoholism, abuse of certain drugs (such as antibiotics (neomycin), drugs of the salicylic group (aspirin), cytotoxic drugs, immunosuppressants). These factors lead to an imbalance of microflora in the intestines - dysbiosis, which plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of the disease.

Signs of chronic enteritis can be observed with food allergies. The disease can develop under the influence of industrial poisons (phosphorus, mercury, arsenic, lead, etc.) or ionizing radiation.

There are congenital forms reduced function intestines, which are expressed in enzyme deficiency lesions of the small intestine. As a result, the digestive processes in the small intestine are disrupted, and a picture of enteritis gradually develops.

Several main factors play a role in the mechanism of disease development. Inflammation in the intestine occurs in response to direct chronic damaging effects on the wall of the small intestine (toxic, irritant, etc.). As a result, dysbiosis develops. Typically, the small intestine has a sparse bacterial flora, which is detected mainly in its distal sections. With dysbacteriosis, the cavity of the small intestine is abundantly populated with atypical microflora, the number of opportunistic microbes increases, their cultural characteristics are transformed, and the aggressiveness of microorganisms towards the mucous membrane of the small intestine increases. For this reason, indigestion worsens, and some toxic substances, produced by opportunistic microflora and synthesized as a result of cleavage food products microbial enzymes that have a damaging effect on the wall of the small intestine.

In addition, immunological disorders play an important role in the development of the disease, which are expressed in the formation of hypersensitivity to hydrolysis products nutrients or destruction of bacterial cells. In case of chronic enteritis due to toxic effects The proteins of the intestinal wall are transformed, which themselves subsequently play the role of an antigen, and autoallergy develops.

The weakening of local factors protection, decreased production of secretory immunoglobulins. Under the influence of the inflammatory process, the production of intestinal enzymes that participate in cavity and parietal digestion, as well as carrier enzymes that carry out absorption in the small intestine, occurs. Very important factor Pathogenesis is also an increase in motor function and an increase in the tone of the small intestine. At the same time, there is an increase in excitability nerve endings in the small intestine, resulting in increased production of water and mucus.

All mechanisms of pathogenesis interact with each other according to the principle of a vicious circle.

As a result of the inflammatory process in the small intestine, pronounced changes occur in histological structure enterocytes. Their regeneration is disrupted, dystrophic and atrophic changes are noted, and the size of the villi is greatly reduced. Because of this, the absorption function of the small intestine is impaired, the production of intestinal enzymes decreases, and parietal digestion is disrupted. In chronic enteritis, a secondary dysfunction of many organs is detected: glands internal secretion, nervous system, immunity, etc.


For treatment the following is prescribed:

Treatment includes a set of measures aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes and correcting absorption processes. It consists of dietary therapy, drug therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures.

Diet therapy is extremely important important role in the treatment of chronic enteritis. In case of exacerbation, depending on the severity of the disease, diets No. 4, No. 4b, No. 4c are prescribed. In the acute stage, diet No. 4 is first used, then, as the inflammatory processes subside, diet No. 4b is used. During the recovery period, diet No. 4c is indicated (see “Diet for diseases of the digestive tract that occur with diarrhea”). After diet No. 4c, it is recommended to prescribe diet No. 2 (see “Treatment of gastritis with secretory insufficiency”) for a smooth transition to the general table. The duration of these diets is very variable and, as a rule, depends on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body.

Drug therapy includes the use of antibiotics, drugs containing normal intestinal microflora, enzymatic preparations(such as Creon, Panzinorm, Mezim, Festal), sorbents, antidiarrheal drugs, protein preparations, vitamins and microelements.

Prevention of chronic enteritis includes adherence to the principles of rational nutrition, adequate therapy acute and food poisoning.

Various diseases gastrointestinal tract lead to disruption of the digestive system and can cause serious complications. One of these diseases is intestinal enteritis, an inflammation that can occur in anyone at any age. Having a pathogenic effect on the small intestine, enteritis occurs in different forms and may require urgent hospitalization patient and immediate drug therapy. In this article, the reader will learn how and why the intestines become inflamed, what symptoms and treatment methods exist.

Characteristics of the disease: forms and types of enteritis

There are two forms of the disease, differing in their symptoms, the nature of the course and the consequences that they can cause.

  • Acute enteritis

It occurs acutely and is characterized by vivid manifestations; it is more common in children in early age. With proper and timely drug therapy, the disease can be successfully treated.

  • Chronic enteritis

If the disease is not treated in the right way(insufficient or neglected). It is more common in adults as a consequence of acute enteritis. May also accompany various hereditary and autoimmune diseases, pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.


This human organ consists of three intestines: jejunum, duodenum, ileum, in accordance with this, enteritis is called jeunitis, duodenitis, ileitis.

Most often, damage to the small intestine occurs together with other organs of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • gastroenteritis: inflammation develops in the intestines;
  • : inflammation also occurs in the large intestine;
  • gastroenterocolitis: both parts of the intestines and the stomach become inflamed.

Causes of the disease

Enteritis occurs rarely as an independent disease. Generally speaking, any form of intestinal inflammation can be triggered by problems with the body’s blood circulation, kidney disease, the presence of bad habits and insufficient physical activity.

More specifically, the acute form of the disease occurs for the following reasons:

  • infection with pathogenic bacteria;
  • virus infection;
  • reaction to food and drug allergens;
  • food poisoning;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • intoxication with chemicals;
  • radiation exposure;
  • prolonged consumption of fatty or spicy foods.

Chronic enteritis has the following causes:

Viral (infectious) and chronic enteritis: overview of the main pathogens

Viral enteritis occurs due to infection and development of pathogenic microorganisms in the human intestine.

Attention! To minimize the likelihood of contamination, it is recommended to drink water after heat treatment, and wash food (vegetables, fruits) thoroughly before consumption.

Actively multiplying, the pathogen spreads throughout the body. Infectious enteritis damages the cells of the small intestinal mucosa and produces harmful toxins. Viral enteritis manifests itself not only intestinal disorders, but also symptoms of ARVI.

  • Salmonellosis. Most often, salmonella bacilli are transmitted and enter the body through eating food of animal origin or failing to comply with personal hygiene standards.

After entering the mucous membrane, pathogenic rods begin to multiply intensively and gradually enter the blood, spreading throughout the body. They usually cause metabolic disorders, but with complications and damage to other organs, the disease occurs in a septic form.

  • Escherichiosis. This infection is common during travel and is caused by Escherichia. Bacteria can infect the body if a person fails to comply with simple sanitary and epidemiological standards of personal hygiene and eats insufficiently purified food products.

They produce toxins that disrupt intestinal function. They also cause inflammation and disrupt blood circulation in the intestines, leading to the formation of blood clots in blood vessels.

All of them have a destructive effect on the intestines and cause various adverse physiological, neurological and allergic reactions.

Chronic enteritis is considered a secondary disease that occurs as a consequence of an untreated acute form of inflammation.

  • . This is a gastrointestinal disorder in which intestinal motility is disrupted, a failure in the normal production of intestinal juice and absorption abilities nutrients. The intestines become sensitive to any infections, medications and nutrition.
  • Violation of the outflow of bile and its formation. The process is disrupted normal digestion, breakdown of nutrients. Impaired peristalsis prevents food from moving normally through the intestines. Leads to the formation and development of pathogenic microorganisms. The most well-known diseases in this area are,.

Signs of enteritis

is a gastrointestinal disorder in which intestinal motility is disrupted, the normal production of intestinal juice and the ability to absorb nutrients are disrupted

The following enteritis symptoms are distinguished:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • intensive – 10 or more times every 24 hours;
  • pain in the navel area;
  • the appearance of a whitish coating on the tongue;
  • intoxication;
  • significant increase in temperature.

Attention! (feeling of dryness) is especially pronounced when severe course illness and can lead to seizures and weight loss.

Acute enteritis is also characterized by a decrease in arterial blood pressure up to a state of shock. Due to the loss of fluid, the blood thickens, which can lead to the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels.

Chronic enteritis manifests itself during an exacerbation, which is the result of a violation of the prescribed diet. Has the following symptoms:

  • the urge to go to the toilet often occurs after eating food: loose stools with pieces of food;
  • the act of defecation is accompanied by unpleasant sensations;
  • bloating and rumbling in the abdomen are constant;
  • aching pain in the navel area;
  • a whitish coating forms on the tongue;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • bone tissue becomes brittle due to leaching;
  • frequent dizziness and weakness due to lack of iron.

Chronic enteritis can lead and, for this reason, to the emergence various diseases. The body uses up its resources faster, which leads to early aging. There is weight loss up to dystrophy.

Diagnostics and therapy

Treatment of enteritis in adults is based on a medical examination and patient complaints. To receive complete information diagnostics are carried out:

  • coprogram - examination of a stool sample;
  • general blood test;
  • X-ray;
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound);
  • endoscopy of the small intestine;

Based on the data obtained, the doctor determines the form of the disease, its characteristics and determines the course of treatment.

How to treat enteritis? Initially, you need to talk about the need to follow a diet. During treatment of the disease you should avoid:

  • fatty, spicy foods;
  • vegetable products containing coarse fiber;
  • fermented milk products;
  • black bread;
  • sweet;
  • alcohol.

The patient should eat frequently - at least 5 times a day in small portions. You need to drink up to 3 liters of water and fluids per day

  • Spicy viral enteritis involves hospitalization of the patient and taking medications:
  1. antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs;
  2. solutions with glucose and chloride;
  3. detoxification medications;
  4. vitamin therapy (vitamins C, B);
  5. antispasmodics.

Viral enteritis requires a long recovery period - at least two months; the person continues to follow a diet, takes vitamins, medications that strengthen and restore the intestinal microflora.

  • Chronic enteritis takes longer to treat; moreover, a person will have to follow a diet throughout his life.

To treat the disease the following are prescribed:

  1. medications to improve the digestion process, which include enzymes;
  2. drugs to improve intestinal motility;
  3. herbal preparations for elimination;
  4. probiotics to improve the condition of microflora;
  5. vitamin therapy.

Attention! Chronic enteritis can be cured only by giving up alcohol. Smoking cessation is recommended.

After enteritis, it is recommended to restore the intestines and the patient’s condition. spa treatment in the zone mineral springs(Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, etc.). It should also be emphasized that a patient with chronic enteritis should undergo an annual examination by a doctor.

Enteritis is a common disease in people: in one way or another, almost every person has suffered from it in their entire life, but in modern conditions low ecology, chronic enteritis is becoming more common. Modern medicine offers a sufficient range effective medicines for the healing and restoration of a person after enteritis. In this article, the reader received the main information that will help to recognize the disease in time and take a responsible approach to its treatment.

The toilet has become best friend? All the signs are there food intoxication. The diet does not help and, no matter how much you want, you have to contact a gastroenterologist. The diagnosis is frightening - acute or chronic enteritis. Treatment is required, but the prognosis is favorable.

How to recognize this disease and is it possible to use traditional methods of treatment? Or will I have to go to the infectious diseases department of the hospital? Let’s dot all the i’s and make the right decision.

Enteritis can be in two forms: acute and chronic

is the collective name for a group of pathologies that affect the duodenum, ileum and jejunum. What is popularly called the intestines.

If you go deeper into medical terms, then depending on the area of ​​inflammation inflammatory diseases are called duodenitis, jeunitis and ileitis with the addition of “regional”. Classification of enteritis depending on the duration of the pathological process:

  1. Spicy
  2. Chronic

This pathology rarely occurs on its own. Usually this inflammatory process affects all parts of the gastrointestinal tract and therefore the diagnosis is “gastroenterocolitis”. The disease does not choose the age or gender of the patient. This pathology occurs equally in toddlers, middle-aged patients, and elderly people. The causes of acute or exacerbation of chronic enteritis vary. The acute process is caused by:

The symptoms of the disease depend on the form of enteritis. The signs of an acute process differ from the activation of a chronic process.

Acute enteritis occurs as follows:

  • – from 10 times a day
  • in the mouth and on the tongue
  • with localization in the area solar plexus
  • , unpleasant sounds in the intestines
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Bile impurities in vomit
  • High temperature

Subsequently, signs of dehydration, convulsions, headaches, and dizziness increase. Thrombogenic agents build up in the blood. Arrhythmias occur, and in severe cases shock develops. Chronic enteritis proceeds somewhat differently. In this case it is observed:

  • after meals
  • Pieces of undigested food are observed in the stool
  • Aching pain in the navel area
  • Flatulence and bloating
  • White plaque with dental imprints in the oral cavity
  • Iron deficiency conditions of unknown origin
  • General weakness
  • Increasing symptoms of osteoporosis due to a constant lack of calcium and other microelements
  • Weight loss despite increased nutrition

The acute process lasts a maximum of 2 days. After this, the disease begins to spread throughout all parts of the gastrointestinal tract and, without timely treatment, the patient's condition worsens.

Diagnosis of enteritis

Helikobakter as a cause of enteritis

Diagnostic measures are aimed at confirming the diagnosis and identifying the causes of the disease. What the patient will have to face:

  • Inspection - questioning, palpation and percussion of the epigastric area.
  • Laboratory tests - general clinical tests of stool, urine, blood, occult blood, adsorption tests - how certain substances are absorbed by the body, stool culture, blood biochemistry.
  • Endoscopic methods for examining the small intestine and performing biopsies of the intestinal mucous membranes
  • X-ray examination using contrast agent

Treatment of enteritis with traditional methods

An acute process requires consulting a doctor. To determine the causes and prescribe adequate treatment, the patient will need to be hospitalized in the gastroenterology department of the hospital. Standard treatment of acute enteritis:

  • and broad-spectrum antimicrobials. If treatment is ineffective, bacterial cultures are performed to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics. The course is at least 7 days.
  • Rehydration preparations
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Enterosorbents
  • Vitamin complexes – preferably intramuscularly
  • after a course of antibiotics and antibacterial drugs
  • Treatment must be combined with diet. You'll have to stick to it long time– from 1 to 2 months.

Only in this case is a complete recovery possible. The patient is discharged from the hospital after the symptoms subside.
Treatment of exacerbation of a chronic process is also carried out in a medical institution. In this case, antibiotics are not indicated. What do doctors prescribe:

  1. Diet
  2. Vitamin complexes and
  3. Preparations for restoring cell membranes
  4. Astringents, antimotility medications, and probiotics
  5. Amino acids intravenously to maintain protein balance

If the symptoms of enteritis develop against the background of diverticulitis, tumor process in the intestine, then surgical intervention is indicated.

Enteritis. What does traditional medicine offer?

Enteritis must be treated comprehensively

Traditional medicine methods should be agreed with your doctor. Since many herbs have contraindications and side effects. And sometimes they do more harm than good. Popular traditional medicine recipes:

  • Grated raw apples – 1500 g per day in 300 g portions.
  • Calendula or chamomile flowers. Brew 1 teaspoon per 1 cup of boiling water. You can take decoctions separately, or you can take a mixture of herbs in a 1:1 ratio. Take 1/2 cup several times a day.
  • Tansy - the method of administration is the same as for chamomile and calendula.
  • Plantain juice relieves inflammation and heals the intestinal mucous membranes. Take 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed juice before meals.
  • A recipe from ancient times - apply dry goat excrement to the intestinal area.
  • Some traditional healers Copper, silver, and graphite are used to treat enteritis.

There are many recipes, but you should not experiment on yourself. By delaying seeing a doctor, you are causing yourself irreparable harm.

Diet for enteritis

Proper nutrition during treatment is prerequisite for recovery. The diet differs depending on the severity of the process. What is allowed during the acute period:

  • White bread crackers
  • Soups – pureed, with weak meat or vegetable broth
  • Steamed pureed meat dishes
  • Puree porridge with water or
  • from fruits
  • Fresh cottage cheese and other dairy products are prohibited

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What is it? Enteritis is a collective term for various pathological processes, causing inflammatory reactions in the intestinal walls. The mucous, muscular and serum membranes may be affected, but the mucous membrane of the small intestine is most often affected.

Inflammatory reactions provoke catarrhal or diphtheritic changes in the intestinal lining and can manifest themselves in various types of lesions - hyperemia and swelling of the mucous lining, hemorrhagic, purulent and ulcerative processes.

The provoking factor for enteritis may be long-term use medicines, autoimmune and allergic processes, diseases and disorders in the enzymatic and gastrointestinal tract systems, genetically determined pathologies and much more.

Types of enteritis are classified:

Enteritis can manifest itself as an independent form (primary, idiopathic), or as a secondary, symptomatic form accompanying background pathologies (mainly kidney and liver diseases).

Chronic enteritis in adults

In the development of chronic enteritis in humans, the main role is played by several factors - inflammatory reactions in the intestines develop as a response to constant damaging factors affecting the intestinal walls(irritation, toxins). Such violations become a prerequisite for the development of dysbacteriosis.

  • Typically, the small intestine is sterile or contains scant bacterial flora in its cavity. Its population is noted mainly in the area of ​​the distal segment of the intestine.

Dysbacteriosis, in turn, provokes increased colonization of the intestinal cavity by microorganisms atypical for the intestine (flora and opportunistic organisms), their transformation occurs (their features and functions change), and aggression towards the intestinal mucous membrane increases. Already disrupted digestive processes are aggravated. In the process of the toxic influence of the end products of microbial metabolism, constant damage to the intestinal walls occurs.

The formation of chronic enteritis is facilitated by immunological disorders caused by the development of food hypersensitivity reactions and autoallergy of the body to tissue decay products. With a prolonged illness, under the influence of toxins, the protein structure of the intestinal lining changes, which subsequently plays an antigenic role in the development of autoallergic manifestations.

An important component in the formation of enteritis in adults is weakened processes protective factors and deficiency of IgA immunoglobulin (secretory).

Under inflammatory influence, the processes of enzymatic secretion are disrupted, which leads to dysfunction in the cavity and parietal digestion, and the development of malabsorption syndrome in the small intestine.

Not least important in the causes of enteritis is the motor and tonic functions of the intestine, which are responsible for mixing products with food secretion and movement of intestinal contents through the gastrointestinal tract. With chronic enteritis in adults, secondary disorders are often detected in the internal environment of the body - immune, endocrine and endocrine, nervous, etc.

Symptoms and signs of the disease are variable, and manifestations depend on the form and severity of the pathology. Despite the fact that enteritis manifests itself as acute and chronic process, more often the initial diagnosis states chronic course.

This is due to the fact that adults often try to relieve the pronounced symptoms of acute enteritis on their own. And it was during this period of “successful” self-treatment symptoms of enteritis in adults, the disease, as a rule, enters its chronic phase.

  • At the same time, patients may exhibit extraintestinal and intestinal signs of the disease.

Extraintestinal signs caused by malabsorption syndrome (impaired absorption functions in the intestine). Based on their manifestations, it is not difficult to suspect problems in the body that manifest themselves:

  • Rapid weight loss. In a couple of months, a person with a normal appetite can lose over 15 kg. body weight;
  • Chronic fatigue, characteristic of rapid weight loss;
  • Psychosomatic disorders – nighttime insomnia and daytime drowsiness, imbalance and incontinence;
  • Changes in appearance - dry and brittle hair, thinning and splitting of nails, gray tint of the skin;
  • If left untreated, tachycardia, hyporeflexia and muscle cramps may develop.
individually are rare, so inflammatory reactions most often develop in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, manifesting themselves:
  • Impaired bowel movements (constipation or diarrhea);
  • Flatulence (flatulence) and tenesmus;
  • Periodic pain that occurs in the iliac and lower abdomen.

If the disease is accompanied by cholecystitis, patients experience xerostomia (), unpleasant bitterness after eating. If the genesis of the disease is due to gastritis, signs of enteritis in a person will manifest as heartburn, accompanied by unpleasant odor burps.

Development of enteritis in children, signs and symptoms

The genesis of the development of enteritis in children is due primarily to a decrease in the child’s immune defense against the background infectious diseases, vitamin deficiency and intestinal dysbiosis, provocative effects of cold drinks and foods rich in fiber. Often, the first manifestations of enteritis symptoms in children are preceded by gastritis and recent infections.

  • The main symptom of the development of enteritis in a child is diarrhea.

The stool may be yellow with many particles of undigested food and mucus included. Sometimes stool has a gray color with a characteristic clayey sheen and a fetid odor, which indicates a violation of the absorption of fats. If there is a fermentation process in the intestines, stool may have a foamy structure.

As additional signs speakers:

  • Pain during bowel movements;
  • Increased frequency of bowel movements (more than 15 times/day);
  • Flatulence and intestinal rumbling;
  • Cramping, dull, or bursting pain in the navel area;
  • Intoxication symptoms in the form of vomiting and nausea;
  • High temperatures.

Otherwise, the course of the disease in children is not much different from the manifestation in adults. Prescriptions of correct and adequate therapeutic procedures for the treatment of enteritis in children are carried out only by a doctor, after establishing the provocative factor and the severity of intestinal damage by inflammatory reactions.

Therapeutic therapy for enteritis is based on complex treatment medications together with the diet. At the same time, healing process is not aimed at eliminating causative factor, but has a symptomatic orientation - elimination of symptoms.

Treatments for chronic enteritis include:

  1. Antisecretory agents that help relieve diarrhea are Imodium and its analogues, for example, Lopreamide.
  2. Antibacterial therapy with the drugs "Monomycin", "Erythromycin", "Levomecitin", "Rifampicin" and "Oleandomycin". After this, drugs are prescribed that restore the intestinal microflora - Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin.
  3. Vitamin complexes that restore iron deficiency - “Maltofer”, “Ferocal”, “Ferum-leka”, “Aktiferin”.
  4. For disorders of absorption and digestion of food - the drug "Panangin", vitamin complexes, “Calcium gluconate”, “Protein hydrolysates” and multivitamins.
  5. Signs of flatulence are eliminated by prescription carminatives, for example "Espumizana".
  6. In the form of replacement therapy, enzyme preparations are used - “Festala”, “Mezima”, “Creon”, etc.
  7. Drugs may be included in complex therapy steroid hormones, helping to reduce the severity intestinal inflammation and improving absorption function.
  8. To restore body weight, medications are prescribed to help protein digestion– this is the intravenous administration of “Intralipid” or “Lipofundin”, which promotes rapid regeneration of the mucous coating of the intestinal walls.

The positive effect of drug therapy can be achieved only if certain nutritional rules are observed. Diet for enteritis is the main focus of therapy.

Diet time determines severity clinical symptoms and individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Diet dietary nutrition must be complete, balanced and nutritious. It is unacceptable to exaggerate the diet and “torment” the patient with hunger.

In addition to following the rules providing for a gentle regime for the intestines (mechanical and chemical effects), in dietary ration Protein foods should predominate, primarily meat, which helps counteract fermentation processes in the intestines. Main direction in therapeutic diet– this is to restore as much as possible the impaired functions of the intestines and other organs affected by the pathological process.

By influence on intestinal functions, nutrients are divided into groups:

1) Those that affect the functions of intestinal emptying are kefir, fruit juices, black bread, mineral water, fats, fiber-rich foods, salt and cold foods.

2) Delaying bowel movements are foods containing tannins(tannins) - tinctures, juices or jelly from blueberries, cocoa, strong, tart tea, red wine, pureed food and warm drink, soups with a slimy consistency.

3) Having indifferent properties - fish and meat products, prepared by chopped method, or in the form of pastes, well-baked bread, unleavened, fresh cottage cheese.

Based on these indicators, you can create an excellent menu for the patient. Usually, in a diet for enteritis, dietary (a, b and c) is recommended, for many, this does not mean anything. To put it simply, this means that in case of an acute course with signs of profuse diarrhea, a gentle diet containing normal amount protein foods with limited carbohydrates and no more than 10 grams. salt per day.

Dishes must be pureed or steamed. The total calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 2100 kcal. This type of nutrition should be provided for the first five days. Then you can move on to option (b), for a period of one to two months.

This food option is a complete diet with energy calorie content up to 3500 kcal. Avoid products that stimulate gastric secretion and contain vegetable fiber. Preparation: boiled and steamed.

  • In the remission phase - (c) option is used when the pain is relieved and there are no dyspeptic signs.

A gradual expansion of the diet begins. Products are not wiped. It is possible to include in the diet soaked herring, lean ham, boiled vegetables in the form of salad, up to 200 grams per day, raw fruits and vegetables, juices, herbs (parsley, dill), jellied tongue and fish.


At acute form diseases, mild and moderate clinical manifestations of the disease quickly stop, with proper therapy. Severe processes that are difficult to handle drug treatment, can provoke the development various complications in the form of intestinal hemorrhages, perforation of the small intestine, necrotic areas or severe dehydration, which requires emergency medical interventions.

The chronic picture is due to periods of remission and exacerbations. Gradual progression worsens inflammatory processes, spreading the inflammatory reaction throughout the gastrointestinal tract and increasing intestinal malabsorption.

Lack of adequate treatment for a long course of the disease is dangerous for severe complications and infection. As a rule, the untreated chronic course of the disease ends in mortality from exhaustion and severe internal disorders.



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