Tree of organizational goals. Personal tree of goals and objectives or success pyramid

The success of an organization largely depends on proper planning. Maximum profit and high profitability in the long term are always the general goal. What is the role of the goal tree in planning?

What is objective tree

Management objectives are presented in large quantities and diversity, therefore each enterprise needs an integrated, systematic approach to the selection of their composition. The process of setting goals is called goal setting.

The objective tree of the organization is:

  • structured list, diagram of organizational goals;
  • hierarchy of multi-level goals;
  • a model that allows you to organize and combine goals into a single complex.

The product of applying this method of strategic planning should be a logical and simple enterprise management scheme. The goal tree makes it possible to justify the general goal and makes subgoals more achievable.

The system of goals is determined by the organizational structure. A huge structure, a large number of departments and work lines will require the development of a complex “branching” tree with many decomposition levels.


The tree is filled from top to bottom, from central goals to secondary tasks. At the “top” (“root”) there is a general goal, the achievement of which is not an easy task. This means that we have to decompose it into smaller elements, “goal-branches”, that is, carry out decomposition. This is how a plan of movement towards the main goal arises.

All subsequent levels are formed in such a way as to contribute to the achievement of the previous one.

Goal directions
Target Content
Economic Maximizing profits from sales of products or services in the required quality and volume
Scientific and technical Maintaining products and services at a given scientific and technical level, R&D, increasing labor productivity through the introduction of know-how
Production Fulfillment of the product release plan. Maintaining rhythm and quality of production
Social Improvement, development and replenishment of human resources

Branches and leaves

Branches - subgoals extending from the top are again subject to decomposition. “Sprouts on the branches” represent the next level of goals. The process is repeated at each level until the goals are simplified. Simplicity is achievability, understandability and consistency.

All “branches” describe the result that expresses a specific indicator. The goals of one parallel are independent of each other.

An enterprise goal tree is created based on 3 important elements of any goal.

“Leaves” are specific activities to achieve a goal. The characteristics and indicators indicated on the “leaves” help you choose the best option:

  • deadline;
  • the likelihood of achieving the goal by the planned date;
  • cost indicators;
  • the amount of resources consumed.

Tree elements in the same group are connected to each other through logical “AND” (denoted “∧”). Alternative groups interact through “OR” (“∨”).

Tree of organizational goals. Example

Let's look at a simple goal diagram for maximizing profits while increasing results and reducing costs.

To get closer to the general goal (high profitability and maximum profits), three areas need to be worked on. Enter the resulting options into the tree of the organization’s goals. The example is presented in table form.

Apple Strategy and Goals

Why is Apple's strategy a winning one?

The company's field of activity is information and radically new products for working with it. The priority is the process of creating content and consuming it.

For example, Apple paid attention to cultural aspects. The music consumption model has been improved. iPod makes it easier to listen to music on digital media and browse the Internet.

The line of iPod, iPhone and iPad corrects the shortcomings and improves the basic ways to create and use information. This model, used for laptops, desktop computers, and television, will allow the Apple corporation to further increase its income.

The decade resulted in three universal inventions and business platforms. They are not an end in themselves, but a means to achieve the goal: gaining access to the main methods of information consumption.

It is natural that Apple's general strategy is to develop its existing product line.

Building a tree of organizational goals using the example of Apple

The main goal of any business is to expand market boundaries and win an endless number of customers. Apple is no exception and prioritizes improving its product line in the interests of the consumer.

Consider a company's goal tree for a product such as the iPhone, whose value is reflected in the motto “Simple. Comfortable. Aesthetically." The main goal of the tree will be to improve the iPhone, taking into account the interests of potential users.

The main competitive and consumer-relevant factors in this market are:

  • product cost;
  • variety of functions and energy-intensive battery;
  • brand popularity;
  • technologies for connoisseurs;
  • design and size;
  • range (was abolished by Apple).

The goal tree will help answer the question: “What to do?” For example, to reduce cost, the interface needs to be simplified.

What industry factors need to be created? What properties should I improve? These are memory volumes, design, games and entertainment. What to focus on: the functional component or the emotional one?

Table with iPhone subgoals at three levels

Apple's goal tree is presented in a simplified version in the form of a table.

Improving iPhone with consumers in mind
First level goals
1. Eliminate the range and popularity of the brand 2. Simplify the interface 3. Increased attractiveness for consumers 4. Improved ergonomics
Second level goals
2.1. Simplify manufacturability 3.1. Creating a new design 4.1. Special owner status
3.2. Increasing memory capacity 4.2. Last mile solution
3.3. Enhancing the entertainment aspect 4.3. Reduce size

To solve the “last mile” the following tasks were identified:

  1. Use touch screen and make sure there are no buttons.
  2. Create additional options.
  3. Enlarge screen.

The next step is to fill out the “leaves” or activities to achieve the subgoals. To do this, specific deadlines for completing tasks, the required volume, resources, cost and significant quantitative indicators must be indicated.

The last step is to depict the goals in the form of a tree with branches.

Task tree. Example

Tasks are called subgoals. They do not need decomposition and “end-means” links. The goal tree includes goals of the highest and lowest levels.

Objectives are the basis for creating a program to achieve a specific goal at the grassroots level. Solving a problem is a set of actions.

The goal tree, as an option, may contain the following tasks.

Thus, the tree of goals becomes an ordering tool for creating a company development program. Examples confirm the principle of its formation “completeness of reduction”: goals are “split” into subgoals until the original goal becomes clear and achievable.

The established goals of the organization must meet the following criteria:

· Clarity;

· Measurability;

· Reachability;

· Necessity and sufficiency;

· Time binding;

· Consistency, according to the management hierarchy.

The consistency of all these factors contributes to the setting of clear subgoals, the achievement of which will lead over time to the realization of the general goal of the organization.

Building a “tree of goals” for an organization - an example

Dividing the main mission into smaller ones makes it easier to achieve. In this way, levels of objectives are created until an easy-to-achieve goal is set. The construction of the “goal tree” is carried out taking into account the “from general to specific” method. The quality of such a plan depends on the skill level of the specialist who was entrusted to create it.

Let's say your goal "increasing company profits" . If you think logically, then you can achieve it in two ways:

· Increasing income;

Any organization (commercial, government, charity or public) pursues its own goal. Thanks to the presence of goals, enterprises exist and function.

Depending on the direction of the organization, its goals are determined:

· A commercial company’s goal is to obtain maximum profit;

· For social - fulfillment of a socially important task;

· At the charity - helping those in need.

The goals are:

· Short-term. Achieved within a year;

· Medium-term. Completed in 1-5 years;

· Long-term. Achieved in no less than 5 years.

An example of an organization's goal tree

The top of the tree always belongs to the overall goal of the company (its mission). Next comes the division into subtasks, the implementation of which contributes to the achievement of the main mission. One level is occupied by goals that do not depend on each other, and also do not originate from each other.

The set of company goals is individual, but there are some areas of activity in which organizations show genuine interest:

· Production;

· Sales policy;

· Income and finance;

· Policy towards personnel.

The number of levels that make up the main goal of an organization depends on the size of the company, the complexity of its goal, the hierarchy in management and the organizational structure.

The goals of the organization set in different areas of its activities


· Cost reduction;

· Improving the competitiveness of the product;

· Increasing production efficiency;

· Development and use of the latest technologies.


· Promotion of goods on the market;

· Increasing the range of products.


· Achieving effective financial management of the organization;

· Achieving improved solvency and profitability;


· Improvement of personnel qualifications;

· Improvement of enterprise personnel;

· Development of an incentive system;

· Increasing the productive aspect of work.

For the quality work of an organization, the approach to goal setting is very important. They are the starting point when planning the entire range of activities of the organization. The tree of organizational goals serves as the basis for building relationships in the company, as well as a motivation system. Evaluation of the work of personnel, organizational units and the entire structure in general is possible only if the assigned tasks are achieved.

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"Velikoluksk State Academy

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Department of Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines

Course work

Tree of goals in the organization

Prepared by a student of group 28

social and humanitarian


Nikulina Irina Vasilievna


n.e.p. Stepanov A.A.

Velikiye Luki, 2015


1.1 The concept of "goal"

2.1 Requirements for building a goal tree

2.3 Building a tree of organizational goals using the example of Apple





A goal is the desired state of the system or the result of its activity, achievable within a certain time interval. The goals should reflect the development perspective of the system. The goals of the activities of socio-economic systems are largely determined by environmental conditions.

The process of setting goals is a very important factor on the path to success. The goal of an organization does not arise only because it needs to have guidelines so as not to perish in a changing environment. First of all, the goal arises because an organization is an association of people pursuing certain goals.

In an organizational management system with a hierarchical structure, the goals of subsystems at different levels are examined and formed in accordance with the functions they perform. In this case, the set of goals of subsystems of one level must ensure the fulfillment of the goals of the subsystem of a higher level to which they are subordinate. A set of successively fragmented goals in accordance with the decreasing level of subsystems is called a goal tree. Thus, the goals of individual subsystems are linked into the goal tree diagram, which is a visual graphical model of the hierarchical relationship of the goals of the system as a whole and its individual subsystems.

For an organization, the process of setting goals is a very important factor on the path to success. The goal principle in the activities of an organization does not arise only because it needs to have guidelines so as not to perish in a changing environment. First of all, the goal principle in the activities of an organization arises because an organization is an association of people pursuing certain goals. When we talk about the target principle in the behavior of an organization and, accordingly, about the target principle in the management of an organization, we usually talk about two components: mission and goals. Establishing both, as well as developing a behavioral strategy that ensures the fulfillment of the mission and the achievement of the organization's goals, is one of the main tasks of top management and, accordingly, forms a very important part of strategic management. Determining the purpose of a system is one of the most important, complex and difficult to resolve issues. Its importance is beyond doubt - an incorrect or insufficiently clear definition of the goal leads to very serious consequences for the system as a whole, dooming it to “blindly” wandering in dynamically changing environmental conditions.

Any management system, by definition, is a goal-oriented system that has a hierarchical structure and is organized to achieve goals called the goals of the management system.

One of the methods used to improve the management of an organization is the “tree of goals”, which is what is to be considered in this work.

The purpose of my course work is to explore the concept and construction of a goal tree.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. reveal the concept of goal

2. reveal the concept of the “tree of goals” of the organization

3. consider the process of constructing a tree of goals.

The object of study of the course work is the “goal tree” method.

The subject of the study is the construction of a “goal tree”.

The theoretical basis for the work was provided by textbooks on the study of control systems.

Chapter 1. The concept of “goal tree” and the theory of the method

1.1 The concept of "goal"

A goal tree is a fairly common concept among managers and business owners. This is one of the most effective planning methods. It does not represent anything supernatural, and is a reflection of all general principles of planning.

The idea of ​​the goal tree method was first proposed by American researchers C. Churchman and R. Ackoff in 1957. The scheme got its name due to its resemblance to an upside-down tree.

The concept of a “tree of goals” is an ordering tool (similar to a company’s organizational chart) used to form elements of the company’s overall target development program (main or general goals) and correlate with specific goals of various levels and areas of activity.

The novelty of the method proposed by C. Churchman and R. Ackoff was that they attempted to assign quantitative weights and coefficients to various functional subsystems in order to identify which of the possible combinations provide the best return.

The term “tree” implies the use of a hierarchical structure obtained by dividing the general goal into subgoals, and these, in turn, into more detailed components, which can be called subgoals of lower levels or, starting from a certain level, functions.

As a rule, the term “goal tree” is used for hierarchical structures that have strictly tree-like relationships, but the method itself is sometimes used in the case of “weak” hierarchies.

This method is widely used to predict possible directions for the development of science, technology and technology.

Thus, the so-called tree of goals closely links long-term goals and specific tasks at each level of the hierarchy. In this case, a higher-order goal corresponds to the top of the tree, and below, in several tiers, local goals (tasks) are located, with the help of which the achievement of the top-level goals is ensured.

The concept of “goal” and the associated concepts of expediency and purposefulness underlie the development of the system.

The process of goal setting and the corresponding process of justifying goals in organizational systems is very complex. Throughout the entire period of development of philosophy and theory of knowledge, ideas about the goal developed. An analysis of the definitions of goal and related concepts shows that, depending on the stage of cognition of the object, the stage of system analysis, the concept of “goal” is given different shades - from ideal aspirations (goals that are impossible to achieve, but which can be continuously approached), to specific goals - final results achievable within a certain time interval.

In some definitions, the goal seems to be transformed, taking on different shades within a conventional “scale” - from ideal aspirations to material embodiment, the final result of activity.

Along with the above definition, the goal is called “what a person strives for, worships and fights for” (“struggles” implies achievability in a certain time interval); the goal is understood as “a model of the desired future” (in this case, various shades of feasibility can be included in the concept “model”) and, in addition, a concept is introduced that characterizes a type of goal (“a dream is a goal that is not provided with the means to achieve it.”

The contradiction contained in the concept of “goal”, the need to be an incentive to action, a “leading reflection” or “leading idea”, and at the same time the material embodiment of this idea, i.e. to be achievable - has been manifested since the emergence of this concept: thus, the ancient Indian “goal” meant simultaneously “motive”, “reason”, “desire”, “goal” and even “method”.

There was no term “goal” in the Russian language at all. This term is borrowed from German and has a meaning close to the concept of “target”, “finish”, “hit point”.

The dialectical-materialistic understanding of the goal is very important when organizing collective decision-making processes in management systems. In real situations, it is necessary to stipulate in what sense the concept of “goal” is used at this stage of consideration of the system, which should be reflected to a greater extent in its formulation - ideal aspirations that will help the team of decision makers (DMs) see prospects or real opportunities ensuring the timely completion of the next stage on the path to the desired future.

The goal is the main results that the enterprise strives for in its activities over a long period of time. The success of the enterprise depends on how correctly the goal is chosen and how clearly and clearly it is formulated. Ill-conceived and unclear formulation of the goal leads to the fact that the entire management system works ineffectively. Consequently, in modern management, without a clear definition of the goal, without identifying the relationship between goals, means of achieving goals, evaluating effectiveness and ways to achieve goals, it is impossible to solve the problem of effective enterprise management.

In an enterprise management system, goals perform a number of important functions:

? Firstly, goals reflect the philosophy of the enterprise, the concept of its activities and development. And since activities form the basis of the general and management structure, it is the goals that ultimately determine the nature and characteristics of the enterprise;

? Secondly, goals reduce the uncertainty of the current activities of both an enterprise and an individual, becoming guidelines for them in the world around them, helping them adapt and concentrate on achieving the desired results;

? Thirdly, goals form the basis of criteria for identifying problems, making decisions, monitoring and evaluating the results of activities aimed at their implementation, as well as material and moral encouragement for the most distinguished employees.

When formulating a goal, it is necessary to emphasize its relevance and significance.

The relevance of the goal is checked as often as possible as the main factors and conditions of the external and internal environment change. Consequently, goals and their priorities are not constant; they can be revised and clarified if the goal is considered achieved, or turns out to be unfulfilled or unrealistic.

The goals that the organization sets for itself can be classified according to the following criteria:

1. by sources of occurrence:

* determined by the needs of the environment in which the organization operates;

* arising as a result of the need to meet the needs of the organization's participants;

2. from the point of view of complexity:

* simple;

* complex ones that are decomposed into subgoals;

3. in order of importance:

* strategic, which are set to solve promising large-scale problems;

* tactical, which are developed to achieve strategic goals;

4. according to the time required for their implementation:

* long-term (over 5 years);

* medium-term (from one year to 5 years);

* short-term (up to one year);

* technological, which are installed to computerize the organization and provide it with new technologies;

* economic, necessary to achieve financial sustainability;

* marketing, which are developed to form a new product and enter a new market, etc.;

6. In terms of priority:

* necessary, which ensure the functioning of the organization;

* desirable, the achievement of which will have a beneficial effect on the organization;

* possible, which will not in any way affect the existence and development of the organization at the present time;

7. by direction:

* on the final result, for example the release of a product or the provision of a particular service;

* carrying out certain activities, for example improving working conditions in production;

* achieving a certain state of the management object, for example, advanced training or acquisition of a new profession by an employee;

8. according to the form of expression:

* expressed in quantitative terms;

* described by quality characteristics;

9. from the point of view of interaction features:

* indifferent - goals that are indifferent to each other;

* competing;

* complementary - goals that complement each other;

* antagonistic - goals that exclude each other;

* identical, i.e. matching;

10. by level of occurrence:

* mission (serves as the basis for all further goals of the organization. It includes the philosophy of the organization, its values, a description of the services provided by the organization or products produced, characteristics of its market, the external image of the company (image). A briefly and correctly formulated mission of the organization will create understanding and support for the organization’s actions from its environment, help employees focus on their chosen areas of activity and combine their actions);

* general ones, which are developed for the long term and reflect the main directions of the organization’s activities. For example, developing new areas of activity for the organization, ensuring optimal profitability;

* specific ones, which are developed on the basis of common goals in each department. For example, determining profitability for each individual division.

Thus, any activity in the management system is justified if the following requirements are taken into account: specificity, measurability, reality, flexibility, compatibility, mutual support.

Firstly, the goal must be specific, i.e. expressed not only by qualitative, but also by quantitative indicators.

Secondly, the goal must be realistic and achievable under the given conditions.

Thirdly, the goal must be flexible, capable of transformation and adjustment in accordance with the changing conditions of the enterprise.

Fourthly, the goal is achieved as a result of the joint activity of all personnel, as it has a significant impact on the motivation of employees who want to achieve the goal set for the enterprise. If the goal is not achievable, the employees' desire for success will be blocked and their motivation will weaken, because... In everyday life, it is customary to associate rewards and promotions with achieving the goal of the enterprise.

Fifth, goals must be compatible with each other in time and space and not direct personnel to actions that contradict each other.

Sixth, the goal must be measurable. In terms of goal measurability, it is important to know:

? what to measure;

? how to measure;

? specific measurement functions;

? what are the measurement costs;

? availability of methodological and information database;

? selection of final criteria (indicators) for measurement.

1.2 Disclosure of the concept of the “tree of goals” of the organization and its role in management

The number and variety of goals and objectives of management are so great that no organization, regardless of its size, specialization, type, or form of ownership, can do without a comprehensive, systematic approach to determining their composition. As a convenient and practice-tested tool, you can use the construction of a target model in the form of a tree graph - a tree of goals.

A tree of goals is a structured set of goals of an economic system, program, plan, built on a hierarchical principle (distributed by levels, ranked), in which the general goal (“top of the tree”) is highlighted; subgoals of the first, second and subsequent levels subordinate to it ("tree branches").

The concept of a "goal tree" was first proposed by C. Churchman and R. Ackoff in 1957. It allows a person to put his own plans in order and see his goals in the group. No matter whether they are personal or professional.

By means of a tree of goals, their ordered hierarchy is described, for which a sequential decomposition of the main goal into subgoals is carried out according to the following rules:

- the general goal located at the top of the graph must contain a description of the final result;

- when developing a common goal, it is assumed that the implementation of the subgoals of each subsequent level is a necessary and sufficient condition for achieving the goal of the previous level;

- when formulating goals at different levels, it is necessary to describe the desired results, but not the methods for obtaining them;

- subgoals of each level must be independent of each other and cannot be derived from each other;

- the foundation of the goal tree should be tasks that represent the formulation of work that can be completed in a certain way and within a predetermined time frame.

The “goal tree” method is used in conjunction with expert procedures. The place of a number of expert probabilities and estimates can be taken by a variety of mathematical models and estimates obtained on the basis of formalized methods of analysis.

First, general goals are reduced to specific ones and arranged in the form of a tree of goals. Cleavage is carried out to targets that can be quantitatively or qualitatively assessed. As a result, a system of private evaluation criteria is formed. In turn, particular criteria are collapsed into aggregates to obtain estimates of more general goals and are ordered in the form of a tree of indicators. As a result, the tree of verbally specified goals is projected into a certain tree of evaluative indicators.

The construction of the tree proceeds from top to bottom, from general goals to specific ones, through their disaggregation, decomposition and reduction. Thus, the achievement of the main goal is ensured through the implementation of the first level goals.

In turn, each of these goals can be decomposed into goals of the next, lower level. The decomposition can be based on various bases, for example, by areas of activity, and within areas - by subareas, by elements of an organized structure, by the regional structure of the system, etc.

The representation of the main goal in the form of a goal tree may be incomplete, since its inherent properties may be lost. The problem of completeness in this case is solved through the qualification of the expert who forms the complete description and the use of more complex structures, for example, by turning the goal tree into a more general graph.

Goals are further determined by evaluative indicators - and vice versa, evaluative indicators are additionally determined by target constructs. The construction of particular criteria for achieving a goal presupposes the possibility of identifying already at the first stage of this procedure a number of factors by which a quantitative assessment of the degree of achievement of the goal will be made. Combining the sets of all private criteria will give a set of private criteria that evaluate the achievement of the original goal.

Thus, the levels of decomposition depend on the scale and complexity of the goals set, on the structure adopted in the organization, on the hierarchical structure of its management.

Chapter 2. Building the target model

2.1 Requirements for building a goal tree

Methods for constructing a target model in the form of a tree graph have become very popular.

So, the construction of a tree of goals proceeds “from top to bottom,” that is, from general goals to specific ones, through their decomposition and reduction. Thus, the achievement of the main goal is ensured through the implementation of the first level goals.

In turn, each of these goals can be decomposed into goals of the next, lower level. The decomposition can be based on various bases, for example, by areas of activity, and within areas - by subareas, by elements of the organizational structure, by the regional structure of the system, etc.

One of the basic principles of constructing a tree of goals is completeness of reduction: each goal of a given level must be presented in the form of subgoals of the next level in such a way that their totality completely defines the concept of the original goal. The exclusion of at least one subgoal deprives the completeness or changes the very concept of the original goal.

The basic requirements for constructing a goal tree are as follows:

? the general goal located at the top of the graph must contain a description of the final result;

? when expanding a goal into a hierarchical structure of goals, it is assumed that the implementation of subgoals (tasks) of each subsequent level is a necessary and sufficient condition for achieving the goal of the previous level;

? when formulating goals at various levels, it is necessary to describe the desired results, but not the methods for obtaining them;

? the subgoals of each level must be independent of each other and not deducible from each other;

? The foundation of the goal tree should be tasks, which are the formulation of work that can be performed in a certain way and in predetermined lines.

The “goal tree” is built by performing 2 operations. Decomposition is the operation of isolating components and structuring is the operation of isolating connections between components.

The process of constructing a “goal tree” is divided into the following stages:

* script development;

* goal statement;

* generation of subgoals;

* clarification of the formulation of subgoals (checking the independence of the subgoal);

* assessment of the significance of subgoals;

* checking goals for feasibility;

* checking the elementary nature of subgoals;

* building a tree of goals.

When building a “goal tree” you must follow the following rules:

* each formulated goal must have the means and resources to achieve it;

* when decomposing goals, the condition of completeness of reduction must be met, i.e., the number of subgoals of each goal must be sufficient to achieve it;

* decomposition of each goal into subgoals is carried out according to one selected classification criterion;

* the development of individual branches of the tree can end at different levels of the system;

* the vertices of the higher level of the system represent targets for the vertices of the underlying levels;

* the development of the “tree of goals” continues until the person solving the problem has at his disposal all the means to achieve a higher goal.

Thus, the goal tree is a structural representation of the distribution of goals across management levels. Such a tree of goals is built for each level of management, and then the tree of goals of each level is combined into a common tree of goals of the enterprise.

2.2 Tree of goals using the example of an organization

Rice. 1. Tree of goals in the organization.

profit management tree

The meaning of a person’s existence is determined by the achievement of his life goals. The same can be said about the existence of any organization, be it commercial, public, charitable or government. Any enterprise, association or entrepreneur pursues its own goals, which are the reasons for its existence and functioning. Let's look at different types of goals and build a tree of goals using an organization as an example.

Mission and purpose

Any enterprise has its own mission - the main task that justifies its entire existence. For a charity company, this is, for example, helping cancer patients. For a commercial company - obtaining maximum profit. For social - achieving a socially significant task, for example, adaptation of disabled children in modern society.

Achieving a mission is divided into several components - “steps”, goals, the overcoming of which allows you to get as close as possible to solving the main task.

Types of goals

Every organization has several desires and aspirations that it would like to fulfill in the near future. Such goals can be short-term, medium-term and long-term. Typically, short-term tasks are solved in a year, medium-term ones - over a period of one to five years, and long-term ones are set for a period of at least five years.

How are goals set?

Goals for the organization as a whole and for its individual divisions can be set by the center, or locally, by department heads (centralized and decentralized). This depends on the management system adopted at the enterprise.

Also, with a decentralized method of setting goals, events can develop in two ways: top-down and bottom-up. In the first method, the center sets large goals, and local managers, in order to solve them, develop their own, smaller goals and set them for the staff. In the second method, goals are initially set in departments, and based on them, management determines the main objectives of the company and the path of its development.

All goals are set based on an analysis of the impact of the internal and external environment on the enterprise, based on the main mission of the company. Only then are specific and individual tasks determined.

Tree of goals using the example of an organization

It is very convenient to represent the model of the organization's goals in a graphical representation in the form of a tree. This allows you to organize the hierarchy of goals. There are certain principles for constructing this graph.

At the top of the tree is the overall goal (mission) of the company. Next, it is divided into separate subtasks, without which the main mission is unattainable. At the same time, when formulating a task, you need to describe the desired result, but in no case the method of achieving it. At the same level there should be goals that are independent of each other and do not stem from each other.

Of course, the set of goals of each organization is purely individual. But, nevertheless, we can highlight several areas of its activity in which each company has an important interest.

* Income and finances.

* Sales Policy.

*Personnel Policy.

* Production.

The number of levels into which the organization's main mission is divided will depend on the size of the company and the complexity of the mission, as well as on the organizational structure and hierarchy in management.

Examples of specific company goals

Let's look at some examples of the organization's goals in various areas of its activities.


* Market promotion.

* Expansion of the product range.


* Cost reduction.

* Increased production efficiency.

* Improving the competitiveness of products.

* Development and implementation of new technologies.


* Training.

* Optimization of enterprise personnel.

* Incentive system.

* Increased labor productivity.

* Effective financial management of the company.

* Improved solvency and profitability.

* Increasing investment attractiveness.

Thus, competent goal setting is of great importance for an organization. This is the starting point for planning all its activities; the tree of goals underlies the building of relationships within the company and the motivation system. Only by achieving the set goals can one monitor and evaluate the results of the work of personnel, individual divisions of the organization and its entire structure as a whole.

2.3 Building a tree of organizational goals using the example of Apple

Consider Apple's goal tree for a product such as the iPhone, whose value is reflected by the motto "Simple. Convenient. Aesthetic." The main goal of the tree will be to improve the iPhone, taking into account the interests of potential users.

The main competitive and consumer-relevant factors in this market are:

· cost of the product;

· variety of functions and energy-intensive battery;

· brand popularity;

· technology for connoisseurs;

· design and size;

· assortment (was abolished by Apple).

The goal tree will help answer the question: “What to do?” For example, to reduce cost, the interface needs to be simplified.

What industry factors need to be created? What properties should I improve? These are memory volumes, design, games and entertainment. What to focus on: the functional component or the emotional one?

Table with iPhone subgoals at three levels

To solve the “last mile” the following tasks were identified:

1. Use touch screen and make sure there are no buttons.

2. Create additional options.

3. Enlarge the screen.

The next step is to fill out the “leaves” or activities to achieve the subgoals. To do this, specific deadlines for completing tasks, the required volume, resources, cost and significant quantitative indicators must be indicated.

The last step is to draw the goals in the form of a tree with branches.

Thus, for the company, the main goal of any business is to expand market boundaries and win an endless number of customers. Apple prioritizes improving its lineup for the benefit of the consumer.


Thus, in order to achieve the organization's goal, which is to increase profits by 30% within one year, it was decided to apply a strategy to increase the volume of service production. This strategy is associated with minimal risk, and an increase in the volume of services provided will in no way entail a decrease in the quality of services. And this is an important factor influencing the further development of the organization in conditions of fierce competition.

Strategic planning can be used in the future to improve management. To do this, it is necessary to implement formal planning programs, increase the level of participation and commitment of senior management, pay less attention to raw numbers, develop better strategies, etc.

The “goal tree” method is aimed at obtaining a complete and relatively stable structure of goals, problems, directions, i.e. a structure that has changed little over a period of time with the inevitable changes that occur in any developing system. To achieve this, when constructing structure options, one should take into account the patterns of goal formation and use the principles and methods of forming hierarchical structures of goals and functions.

As practice has shown, correctly formulated goals of an enterprise are at least 50% of the success of its activities. After all, the goals of the enterprise determine the strategy of the company’s behavior in the market and much more. An organization cannot function without targets.

The target principle in the activities of an organization is determined primarily by the fact that its activities are influenced by the interests of various groups of people. The goal in the functioning of an organization reflects the interests of such groups or groups of people as the owners of the organization, employees of the organization, customers, business partners, the local community and society as a whole.

Thus, the “tree of goals” can actually be aimed at achieving the effectiveness of information support for management processes, i.e. the process of developing, adopting and monitoring the implementation of management decisions.

Knowing how to build a tree of goals, you can confidently look into the future and plan what this or that action will lead to. To achieve success you need to be able to clearly formulate your goals. They must be specific, measurable by various deadlines and achievable.

Managing people is essential to all organizations. Unless the relationships between people and organizational units are clearly defined and coordinated, the effectiveness of specialization will be lost. To do this, management must find an effective way to combine key task and people variables.

Organizational structure is one of the main elements of organization management. In essence, the management structure is an organizational form of division of labor for making and implementing management decisions.


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Annex 1


1. Autocratic leader- a leader who seeks to concentrate in his hands all power based on reward and coercion, and relies on legal authority.

2. A tree of goals is a structured, hierarchical (distributed by levels, ranked) set of goals of an economic system, program, plan, which identifies: a general goal (“top of the tree”); subgoals of the first, second and subsequent levels subordinate to it ("tree branches").

3. Unity of command is an organizational principle meaning that an employee should receive authority from only one boss and answer only to him.

4. A task in management is a work (task) or a set of works (tasks) necessary to achieve a goal.

5. Information support for management - a set of information resources, tools, methods and technologies that contribute to the effective implementation of the entire management process, including the development and implementation of management decisions.

6. Control is a management function that involves monitoring the actions of employees, the organization’s strict adherence to the chosen course, as well as making the necessary adjustments.

7. Motivation - the use of existing and formation of necessary motives of human behavior in the practice of managing his activities. Motives manifest themselves in the form of a person’s reaction to factors of his internal state or the influence of the environment, external environment, situations, conditions. Each person has his own structure of motives, which is formed in the processes of his development, manifestation and self-assessment of his abilities, and the achievement of any results.

8. Decision - a choice made from several options.

9. Senior management - presidents (directors), and vice presidents (deputy directors). They determine the general directions of functioning and development of the organization as a whole and its large divisions. Make key decisions, operating and development strategies; hiring additional staff.

10. A system is a certain integrity consisting of interdependent parts, each of which contributes to the characteristics of the whole.

11. A goal in management is the desired state of a managed object or the expected results towards which the organization’s activities are aimed.

Appendix 2

Rice. 2. Goals in the shape of a tree with branches

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A person is a goal-setting creature, so he is faced with a choice: set tasks for himself skillfully and intelligently, or do it ineffectively. The ability to set goals and develop methods to achieve them is a genius skill needed to achieve success. Its development will bring great benefits to the business and ensure its positive results.

Only 3% of people set goals for themselves in life. The mistake everyone else makes is that when they have an idea of ​​what they want, they don't take the time to think about how to get it.

To help people make their lives interesting and rich, to fill it with new emotions, achievements, and successes, the so-called goal tree method was developed. Its principle is to obtain a detailed, indestructible structure of problems that would not change over a long period. This method allows a person to get all possible combinations that will provide the best return and will work for the result.

Goal tree method

What is this technique, how to use it correctly, what results should you expect? First of all, it should be noted that a goal tree is a list of tasks created according to the principle of hierarchy and has a clear structure. The following principle works here: lower tasks are the basis for achieving higher ones, and at the very top of the pyramid is the main, general goal. Therefore, in order to climb to the top, it is necessary to decompose it into smaller tasks, the cumulative completion of which contributes to the achievement of the main goal.

Then the process is repeated for each lower-order goal until the task becomes so simple and realistic that it can be completed in the planned time. When creating a tree of goals, construction proceeds according to the principle from general to specific. However, this method in itself is just a strategy for achieving the main goal. The very result of using this technique depends on the performer.

The Value of Setting Goals

The human consciousness is designed in such a way that it believes only in what it can imagine and therefore can achieve. The tree of goals plays an important role here, because by visualizing images and methods of solving problems, the human subconscious gives instructions for action.

When a person has figured out what he wants, he has the desire to find the right path and go in the right direction, thus he begins to act. The goal tree provides motivation, so time and funds are distributed wisely. A person begins to plan and think through everything down to the smallest detail, and enthusiasm appears. Sooner or later, he will begin to notice opportunities and ways to implement a given plan that arises on his way.

Setting goals

There are several rules that, by defining goals, help change your life.

  1. Adequacy (harmony). Objectives and values ​​are selected so that they match each other as closely as possible. When they are in complete harmony, you can get good results.
  2. Relevance. Values ​​and goals should be in the area in which a person is perfect. This is the only way to develop your talents and realize your untapped potential. Success will be achieved by those who correctly find the area of ​​their perfection.
  3. Diamond placer. It is necessary to carefully consider your capabilities, since they can be disguised and not obvious.
  4. Balance. It is recommended to set several goals in six areas of life. Such balance will provide the opportunity to constantly improve, making life a continuous flow of development.
  5. Defining the main goal. This is the starting point for achieving success. The main goal becomes the principle that organizes all human activity.
  6. Call. The goals set should excite the person. A 50% chance of achieving them is the ideal level for motivation. By solving such problems, you can gradually lower the level to forty and even thirty percent. Sufficient motivation will contribute to the formation of the desire to succeed.
  7. Determination of deadlines. It is necessary to set goals, the achievement of which will be calculated both for the long term (2-3 years) and for a short period of time. It is not recommended to set a deadline for intangible tasks.
  8. Identifying obstacles. It is necessary to identify possible obstacles to achieving the goal and draw up a plan to overcome them.

Developing a Habit

The tree of goals forms the habit of setting goals for oneself, making a person the master of his own destiny. The habit of constantly forming goals over time turns into a need. This can be explained by the fact that a person experiences delight in any achievement, positive feelings and emotions that are associated with overcoming obstacles, as well as with victory achieved despite any obstacles.

How to build

  1. Setting a goal. Forming a plan begins with answering the question “What?” For example: “What can you see when the goal is achieved?” Here it is important to very richly describe the image of the problem.
  2. Definition of the task. The definition helps to understand the criteria by which a person will see the right path and time to achieve the task.
  3. Decomposition. The goal must be divided into components (subgoals) that will fill the temporary space between the present and the future of a person. Each task must have at least three types of operations through which it will be achieved.
  4. Setting restrictions. This includes types of behavior, relationships, states of systems, etc., which are not subject to revision and are associated with the values ​​of people or imposed by society.
  5. Analysis of options. It is necessary to analyze the options for achieving a particular goal, select the best ones and think about spare ones.
  6. State. A person must have the mindset to overcome obstacles and complete assigned tasks. He must have open-mindedness and freedom of creativity; there is no place for prejudice here.

Golden rules

It is necessary to create a tree of goals not according to ready-made templates and scenarios, since each person is individual and has different needs and abilities. When drawing it up, you need to remember that sometimes you have to compromise.


You can use plain paper to build a goal tree. This approach, although simple, is effective, since there will be no reason to delay using the technology. The creative process of building a tree brings you so close to technology that it makes it possible to quickly understand the essence of the technique. Moreover, after a month of using this method, you will develop the habit of automatically building a ready-made plan of action in your head.

Methodology in practice

Practice shows that a small number of people master this technology. Some don't have enough time, others are afraid of doing something wrong, and so on. The key to success is systematic training and understanding of your actions. You can start with something simple: set a goal for yourself to master the “Tree of Goals” technology in a month. Constant training helps develop habits, and achieving even minor successes will generate motivation for activity. Of course, this is a matter of time, but a properly constructed tree and specific methods for achieving goals, willpower and endurance will help achieve considerable success not only in activities, but also in a person’s life.

The essence of the “goal tree” method

strategic planning investment management

A goal tree is a graphical diagram that shows the breakdown of overall goals into subgoals. The vertices of the diagram are interpreted as goals, edges or arcs are interpreted as connections between goals. The goal tree method is the main universal method of system analysis. The tree of goals links the goals of the highest level with specific means of achieving them at the lower production level through a number of intermediate links. This method allows a person to put his own plans (personal or professional) in order and to see his goals in the group.

The concept of a “tree of goals” was first proposed by C. Churchman and R. Ackoff in 1957 and is an organizing tool (similar to a company’s organizational chart) used to form elements of the company’s overall target development program (main or general goals) and correlate with specific goals various levels and areas of activity. The novelty of the method proposed by C. Churchman and R. Ackoff was that they attempted to assign quantitative weights and coefficients to various functional subsystems in order to identify which of the possible combinations provide the best return. The term "tree" suggests the use of a hierarchical structure obtained by dividing the overall goal into subgoals. When constructing a tree of goals, one should take into account the patterns of goal formation and use the principles of forming hierarchical structures. The goal tree is built in stages, from top to bottom, by sequentially moving from a higher level to a lower, adjacent level. The goal tree is based on the coordination of goals among themselves. The specification of goals from top to bottom should increase: the higher the level, the better the goal is formulated.

For cases when the tree order is not strictly maintained throughout the entire structure, V.I. Glushkov introduced the concept of a “forecast graph”.

The goal tree method is aimed at obtaining a relatively stable structure of goals, problems, and directions. To achieve this, when constructing the initial version of the structure, one should take into account the patterns of goal setting and use the principles of the formation of hierarchical structures. Widely used to predict possible directions for the development of science, technology, and technology. The so-called tree of goals closely links long-term goals and specific tasks at each level of the hierarchy. In this case, a higher-order goal corresponds to the top of the tree, and below, in several tiers, local goals (tasks) are located, with the help of which the achievement of the top-level goals is ensured. The principle of dividing the overall goal into subgoals and tasks is illustrated by the diagram presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Breaking down the overall goal into subgoals and tasks

A higher-order goal (general, main goal) corresponds to the top of the tree; local goals (tasks) are located in the branches of the tree, which ensure the achievement of the top-level goals. The main requirement for a goal tree is the absence of cycles. The presentation of goals begins at the top level, then they are specified. The basic rule for disaggregating goals is completeness - each goal of the top level must be presented in the form of subgoals of the next level in such a way that the combination of the concepts of subgoals completely defines the concept of the original goal.

The assessment of the relative importance of goals and the significance of the connections between them is carried out with the help of experts, and evaluation matrices are usually used to consistently determine the significance of goals and objectives at various levels. The assessment of the coefficients of relationships using these matrices is carried out, for example, as follows: 10 points evaluate the influence of one factor on another, without which it is impossible to solve the problem. The influence without which the solution of the problem will be difficult to a strong, medium and weak degree, respectively, is estimated at 9.8 and 7 points. Scores of 6.5 and 4 points are assigned in cases where the influence of one factor can, to one degree or another (strong, medium, weak), accelerate the development of another factor or the solution of a problem. The minimum level of influence of one factor on another is assessed as 1 point.

Thus, the process of constructing a “goal tree” is divided into the following stages:

  • 1) script development;
  • 2) goal formulation;
  • 3) generation of subgoals;
  • 4) clarifying the formulation of subgoals (checking the independence of the subgoal);
  • 5) assessment of the significance of subgoals;
  • 6) checking goals for feasibility;
  • 7) checking the elementaryness of subgoals;
  • 8) building a tree of goals.

When building a “goal tree”, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • - each formulated goal must have the means and resources to achieve it;
  • - when decomposing goals, the condition of completeness of reduction must be met, i.e. the number of subgoals of each goal should be sufficient to achieve it;
  • - decomposition of each goal into subgoals is carried out according to one selected classification criterion;
  • - the development of individual branches of the tree can end at different levels of the system;
  • - the vertices of the overlying level of the system represent targets for the vertices of the underlying levels;
  • - the development of the “tree of goals” continues until the person solving the problem has at his disposal all the means to achieve a higher goal.


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