Cancer business horoscope for April. Work and business sphere

Romantic Cancers have high hopes for April 2019. Will a love horoscope satisfy their need? Cancers will be able to find out about this right now. Our horoscope contains accurate predictions about love, sex, family and relationships for Cancers in April of this year.

Love horoscope for Cancers for April 2019

The emotional sphere of Cancers will be unstable again in April. Love horoscope predicts them many impressions, both positive and negative character. In April, representatives of this zodiac sign will once again be faced with the need to solve problems related to matters of the heart. As a result, the situation should return to normal.

The Moon's wards will dream a lot in April. This will prevent them from realizing some of their plans regarding certain individuals. Every Cancer in the middle of spring of this year is simply obliged to pull himself together and assess the current state of things soberly. It will not be easy for representatives of the sign, but such awareness will help them build harmonious and right relationship in April.

Family Cancers have no serious problems not expected. The love astrological forecast recommends that they tune in to other things while relationships with their spouses do not require intervention. At the end of the month, representatives of the sign are likely to have quarrels with their chosen ones, but if you do not treat them too emotionally, then they will pass like ordinary troubles that periodically visit every family.

Love horoscope for Cancer woman for April 2019

April of the year Yellow Dog- Not best time for rupture. Therefore, Cancer girls should either postpone such a question for the future or forget about it altogether. For a month, those girls of this sign who are in trouble best stage relationships with other halves will not be easy. Love astrological forecast encourages them to be patient. Subsequently, the stars will definitely take into account the Cancers’ humility and present them with extremely pleasant events as a reward.

Women of the Cancer sign should be on their guard this April. Their soulmate will be nearby, and the main thing is not to miss the moment to get to know her better and start at least some communication. Cancer girls are not expected to have a serious romance in April, but it won’t hurt to prepare the ground for it.

The love relationship between Cancer brides will develop as usual. Girls will be able to get to know their significant other better, and will also have a chance to make a good impression on the closest circle of their chosen ones. Lonely Cancers will be less lucky. In April they will not have the opportunity to successfully meet each other, but the stars compensate for this minus in a very unique way. Heavenly patrons will give Cancer girls a chance to have a good time and get incomparable pleasure from non-binding love pleasures.

Love horoscope for a Cancer man for April 2019

April 2019 will be remembered by Cancer men, but not at all for what they are waiting for: in their life will happen There are many interesting events that are not at all in the love sphere. The only thing a Cancer man can count on is his woman’s devotion. In a relationship with her, feelings will gain new strength, and tenderness will flow like a river. Isn't this sufficient compensation for Cancers for the lack of bright events in their lives in the spring?

Lonely Cancers will go to great lengths. They will want to look for love in the most unexpected places. As a result, only those who are smart and surprise the person they like will be lucky. A sudden acquaintance will lead to an equally unexpected romance, which the Cancers themselves will be surprised for a long time.

Cancer grooms will experience strong temptation in April. If they cannot resist him, the wedding will be in jeopardy. Therefore, Cancer brides should be as gentle and sensitive as possible, and not neglect the wishes of their beloved.

Love horoscope for Cancers for other months of 2019

What does April 2017 have in store for Women under the sign of Cancer?

Cancer women will need finances in April. They will have many conflicts at work, but in public presentations they will perform at their best. There will be no health problems, but you need to take preventive measures for your vision. In terms of love, Cancers without a partner will have a lot of fans, and family representatives will sympathize with someone else's man.

Love horoscope for Cancer Woman

Single Cancer women will be very lucky in April. They will have many romantic meetings and acquaintances with young people. One of the gentlemen may invite you on a romantic trip, don’t miss this chance - give yourself the opportunity to take a break from the bustle of the city. Also, such an offer should be considered as an opportunity to find out better than habit and the character of your new chosen one.

Married representatives of this sign will face temptation. You will suddenly become interested in another man, and your spouse will notice. You shouldn’t do anything stupid, because the well-being of the family is much more important than a momentary hobby. Nothing good will come from an affair on the side, so there is no need to tempt fate; it is better to direct the newly discovered energy into the channel of the family.

Love horoscope for April 2017: Cancer A woman will feel that she likes another man.

Finance and work

In April, things will be bad with finances. For financial help, it is better to turn to loved ones, best of all to your parents, because they will never refuse you difficult situation. But the horoscope does not recommend going to the bank for a loan; this is an unfavorable time for such loans. At work, your relationship with your boss will go wrong. And if you are a manager yourself, then your subordinates will behave very unprofessionally, refusing to carry out your instructions, and the relationship will not be important. The month is also favorable for public speaking; they will be as successful as ever.

Health and leisure

Your health will be fine. The horoscope advises sitting at the computer less, taking vitamins for vision, increasing intake healthy products for the eyes and go to an appointment with an ophthalmologist in order to prevent problems in the future.

April can bring tangible changes in your work and your relationships with your bosses. And if you are the boss yourself, difficulties with your subordinates are likely - someone will rebel and refuse to obey you. Some Cancer women may come to the conclusion that it is necessary to change jobs, but we must remember that impatience is a bad adviser here.

Cancer men in the first half of the period can be very sensitive to work-related problems and difficulties. You will begin to maniacally underestimate your chances - as when moving into new company, and during a conversation with the boss about a salary increase. This will be a consequence of the influence of eclipses on you and your relationships with colleagues and employers.

Horoscope for April 2017 Cancer woman

  • Favorable days for Cancer women in April 2017: April 2, 7, 19, 23, 27.
  • Difficult days for Cancer women in April 2017: April 4, 11, 28.

Love. You and your loved one will want to get away from the city and noisy companies and to be closer to nature and simple life - an expedition to a country house or a holiday home is quite suitable.

  • From 1 to 10 April. Now you should stay away from family quarrels and showdowns. The best thing you can do is to give advice to your loved one, but do not take part in disputes or showdowns.
  • From 11 to 20 April. Fabulous luck in personal affairs. Don't miss the moment - now the prince of your dreams will be next to you.
  • From 21 to 30 April. During this period you will be surrounded by love and everything connected with it: entertainment, communication with children, and romantic dates. Indulge in enjoyable activities - you won’t regret it!

Health. Pay attention to your emotional and mental state. Avoid large cluster people, seek solitude and relaxation. The minor mood will soon pass.

  • From 1 to 10 April. Fitness and sports in reasonable quantities will bring you tangible benefits. Don't be afraid of exercise machines, fight laziness.
  • From 11 to 20 April. This week, practice diets and massages, your skin will become fresh and velvety thanks to a balanced diet and cosmetic procedures with natural remedies.
  • From 21 to 30 April. Stick to it proper diet And healthy image life. The main condition is not to eat after 6 pm.

Finance. If you realize that you have no funds for a further life of freedom, you can ask your relatives - they are unlikely to refuse you. The main thing is don’t take out a loan, it’s unreasonable now.

  • From 1 to 10 April. The period will open up good prospects for you - especially if you establish relationships with foreign partners.
  • From 11 to 20 April. Now perfect time For public speaking. Whether you have a report or an exam waiting for you, you will be at your best.
  • From 21 to 30 April. There will be a lot of scope for initiative related to work and household affairs. Even after simple cleaning, everything in your home will shine as if it had been renovated.

Horoscope for April 2017 Cancer man

  • Favorable days for Cancer men in April 2017: April 1, 6, 16, 20, 22, 28.
  • Difficult days for Cancer men in April 2017: April 3, 5, 15.

Love. Your beloved is ready to forgive you a lot, and all thanks to your charm: you can inspire her with anything.

  • From 1 to 10 April. This period is good for travel and communication. A very good and interesting acquaintance awaits you; you can easily impress the pretty girl you like.
  • From 11 to 20 April. Your interests lie in the spiritual sphere - if you have long been searching internally loved one, you will be lucky. Such a woman appeared in your environment.
  • From 21 to 30 April. In love, excellent opportunities will open up for you; a chance meeting will become fateful. Look around carefully, your beloved is already somewhere nearby.

Health. A difficult week, you may be nervous about work. You should make it a rule to leave your problems at work, otherwise your immunity will weaken and you will get sick.

  • From 1 to 10 April. Deep emotional feelings about the impossibility of achieving the goal that you recently set for yourself can lead you to neurosis. Review your requirements.
  • From 11 to 20 April. If your friends take you out into nature, you will be happy to go for a walk to get some fresh air.
  • From 21 to 30 April. A calm and smooth week awaits you with good emotional background. Do general and sports massage, follow a diet, rest more and walk.

Finance. You have worked long and hard to resolve an important family issue, and finally everything will end successfully.

  • From 1 to 10 April. If you were waiting for money to arrive in your account, a bonus or fee to be paid, rejoice, now the chances are especially high.
  • From 11 to 20 April. Now you are on horseback, authoritative and very respected person in your circle. This week you will hear so many enthusiastic compliments addressed to you that you will be surprised.
  • From 21 to 30 April. Finding important and influential friends is real happiness for you. They can help you.

Horoscope for April 2017 Cancer child

Daughter. Good opportunities will appear for Cancer girls who really want to succeed. Your task is to support your child and guide your daughter towards the goal that best suits her personally. At the beginning of April, problems with teachers are possible: her grades may be lowered, and she will have to defend her innocence before those who are obviously stronger. Towards the end of the period, passions will subside.

Son. During this period, Cancer boys are highly likely to have a conflict with their parents. Your son may be very offended by unfair punishment or strong pressure, which you exert on him. Your relationship will be at risk if you begin to ignore him and stick to your line or, on the contrary, begin to adapt too much to his mood swings.

Pisces women will be concerned about the fate of your finances. The money you earn is clearly not enough to achieve your goals. April will push you to work even harder, but Saturn in Sagittarius portends rapid fatigue. You will need more strength to complete the intended amount of work.

In the first half of April, you can make good money. But this will happen only because you will be forced to do something all the time under the threat of various penalties. You won't like it, but you will be spurred on by the fear of angering your superiors. After April 15, the pressure on you will decrease, but at the same time your income will decrease.

Read the horoscope for April 2017 for other zodiac signs:

Cancer horoscope for April 2017.

In April 2017, Cancers will have an alarm clock or reminder ringing in their heads all the time: “DON’T FORGET”! To make it clearer, let's explain. Cancer, you had the feeling that you had an alarm clock in your head, set for 9 pm, with a reminder “DON’T FORGET TO EAT AT THE NIGHT”! About the same alarm clock will ring in your head all April, throwing you into something that is not allowed, into something that is harmful or forbidden! Therefore, Cancers, try to limit yourself next month. And don’t let you go to the refrigerator after 21-00 or take yourself home after 23-00, knowing that you have to work tomorrow. Because on the wave of successful and Happy April You may drift a little behind the buoys.

The fact is that, judging by the horoscope, April 2017 will remind Cancers of the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” but not in the sense of adventures or bride kidnappings by grooms. I mean, it’s a little reminiscent of Vitsin’s quote from this film “life is good and living is good”! Although persistent and not very necessary fans in April 2017 will often prevent Cancers from correctly understanding personal life. Therefore, the horoscope for April advises you to remember another phrase from “Prisoner of the Caucasus” - “the one who bothers us will help us.” Firstly, fans or groupies that you don’t really need will help restore Cancer’s self-esteem to right place, and secondly, attract the attention of those you really need. This is certainly not your style. BUT. Considering that the principles of Cancers do not change over the years - they just grow up, then everything is possible in this world. And even Cancers can stop moving back into their “home hole” and start looking forward. And in April 2017, the most advanced Cancers can even “have fun” - that is, change the wardrobe of their views, and change their views on already unnecessary “winter” things or on “winter” people. But the main thing is, as the horoscope suggests , next month you will be able to become yourself again - a little childishly spontaneous, a little absent-minded and childishly charming and cheerful. Of course, if Cancers suddenly want to punish themselves, then in April they can also completely switch to a healthy lifestyle. Why not? A little care for your own health and good “shape” before the Summer, in April 2017, will definitely not hurt Cancers. After all, even if there is strength in beer, health in wine, nobility in cognac, and microbes in water... this does not mean that you need to completely replace water in your diet with these drinks.

As we have already warned in detail - this year you are not having such difficult task- Maintain peace and quiet at all times. Imagine the situation: “Silence! Come on, everyone shut up!!! And who will say again: “Down with the judge! "- will leave the courtroom!!! - Down with the judge! “Defendant, this does not apply to you!!!” Therefore, Cancers, do not shout “Down with the judge”, “Fate”, and other “down”, maintain peace and quiet and 2017 will make a decision in your favor!!!

Horoscope for April 2017 Cancer favorable days are 1, 6, 18, 20, 22, 28 and 29.

Horoscope for April 2017 Cancerunfavorable days- what a person has kind heart doesn't mean he can't punch him in the face. The situation is approximately the same with favorable and unfavorable days. Favorable days can also “punch you in the face.” And unfavorable days can teach you something, or be useful and interesting. The main thing is not to plan “black streaks” for yourself, and then there will definitely be fewer of them!

The April 2017 horoscope for Cancers of all ages reminds us that a sleeping baby is not only cute, but FINALLY! So April 2017 will be as sweet for you as a sleeping child. The main thing is that you don’t wake him up yourself with your desire to squeeze him harder!!!

Horoscope for April 2017 Cancer work, career and business. And again and again, the site’s astrologer reminds Cancers of the old truth that you shouldn’t consider yourself smarter than others... especially out loud. If you follow this rule, then in April 2017 you will find the right approach not only to management, but also to clients, partners and colleagues. And in general, April is favorable for searching for Cancers. So, Cancers, search and you will easily find not only new paths, but also new successes. In April 2017, you will be able to achieve a lot in your professional career, even if during the day you teach labor at school and at night work part-time in a nightclub as a go-go. But in April 2017, Cancers will still need to “command” at work, even if you are a second assistant to a junior volunteer without a salary. Just gently but persistently suggest what needs to be done and what has not yet been done, and most importantly, why you should at least try it. This will help you feel the taste of power on your lips again, even at work. After all, even this way of manipulating people, and the taste of power is like waiting for sex - the consequences are unpredictable, but it’s great.

Horoscope for April 2017 Cancer finances. There is nothing more painful than waiting for a miracle. And sometimes they wait for money like a miracle, and this is exactly what should happen to some Cancers in April 2017. The main thing is you yourself immediately after the Miracle, don’t start “wondering”.

Love horoscope for April 2017 Cancer. Horoscope for April 2017 Cancer Love. In the personal life of Rakov in April 2017, it is unlikely that anything will change. And although, as we already said at the beginning of the horoscope, it is likely that persistent admirers may appear in the lives of representatives of your zodiac sign, this is unlikely to change anything globally in the lives of most Cancers. First of all, this applies to Cancer women. Because Cancer men in April 2017 will more often act like epic heroes- went to God knows where, brought God knows what, thought God knows what, and gave it to God knows who. Therefore everyone family Cancers The love horoscope for April 2017 reminds us that the more holes there are in the cheese, the less cheese there is in it, and this rule of “cheese and holes” works the same way for love and relationships.

The horoscope for April 2017 does not advise single Cancers to show their feelings or interest at the beginning of dating. Just be “childishly” spontaneous and “cancerous” sexy. You somehow know how to attract people to you in an incomprehensible way. At the same time, without promising anything. So attract them in April, also without promising anything. And since Life is an unfair thing... only for those who do not believe in it, then in April 2017 you can quietly believe in it and it is quite possible that it will not disappoint you. The main thing is not to believe it too loudly, so as not to scare it away.

At the end, the horoscope for April 2017 for Cancers of all ages reminds that a sleeping child is not only cute, but FINALLY! So April 2017 will be as sweet for you as a sleeping child, and for some Cancers - FINALLY! The main thing is that you yourself do not wake him up with your desire to squeeze him harder. Therefore, Cancers, as we said at the very beginning, try to limit yourself next month. And don’t let you go to the refrigerator after 21-00 or take yourself home after 23-00, knowing that you have to work tomorrow. Because on the wave of a successful and favorable April, you may get a little carried away “beyond the buoys”.

Favorable days for Cancer women in April 2017: April 2, 7, 19, 23, 27.
Difficult days for Cancer women in April 2017: April 4, 11, 28.


From April 1 to April 10. Now you should stay away from family quarrels and showdowns. The best thing you can do is to give advice to your loved one, but do not take part in disputes or showdowns.
From April 11 to April 20. Fabulous luck in personal affairs. Don't miss the moment - now the prince of your dreams will be next to you.
From April 21 to April 30. During this period, you will be surrounded by love and everything connected with it: entertainment, communication with children, and romantic dates. Indulge in enjoyable activities - you won’t regret it!


Pay attention to your emotional and mental state. Avoid large crowds of people, seek solitude and relaxation. The minor mood will soon pass.

From April 1 to April 10. Fitness and sports in reasonable quantities will bring you tangible benefits. Don't be afraid of exercise machines, fight laziness.
From April 11 to April 20. This week, practice diets and massages, your skin will become fresh and velvety thanks to a balanced diet and cosmetic procedures with natural products.
From April 21 to April 30. Follow a proper diet and healthy lifestyle. The main condition is not to eat after 6 pm.


If you realize that you have no funds for a further life of freedom, you can ask your relatives - they are unlikely to refuse you. The main thing is don’t take out a loan, it’s unreasonable now.

From April 1 to April 10. The period will open up good prospects for you - especially if you establish relationships with foreign partners.
From April 11 to April 20. Now is the perfect time for public speaking. Whether a report or an exam awaits you, you will be at your best.
From April 21 to April 30. There will be a lot of scope for initiative related to work and household affairs. Even after simple cleaning, everything in your home will shine as if it had been renovated.

Horoscope for April 2017 Cancer man

Favorable days for Cancer men in April 2017: April 1, 6, 16, 20, 22, 28.
Difficult days for Cancer men in April 2017: April 3, 5, 15.


Your beloved is ready to forgive you a lot, and all thanks to your charm: you can inspire her with anything.

From April 1 to April 10. This period is good for travel and communication. A very good and interesting acquaintance awaits you; you can easily impress the pretty girl you like.
From April 11 to April 20. Your interests lie in the spiritual sphere - if you have been looking for an internally close person for a long time, you will be lucky. Such a woman appeared in your environment.
From April 21 to April 30. In love, excellent opportunities will open up for you; a chance meeting will become fateful. Look around carefully, your beloved is already somewhere nearby.


A difficult week, you may be nervous about work. You should make it a rule to leave your problems at work, otherwise your immunity will weaken and you will get sick.

From April 1 to April 10. Deep emotional feelings about the impossibility of achieving the goal that you recently set for yourself can lead you to neurosis. Review your requirements.
From April 11 to April 20. If your friends take you out into nature, you will be happy to go for a walk to get some fresh air.
From April 21 to April 30. A calm and smooth week with a good emotional background awaits you. Get a general and sports massage, follow a diet, rest more and walk.


You have worked long and hard to resolve an important family issue, and finally everything will end successfully.

From April 1 to April 10. If you were waiting for money to arrive in your account, a bonus or fee to be paid, rejoice, now the chances are especially high.
From April 11 to April 20. Now you are on horseback, an authoritative and very respected person in your circle. This week you will hear so many enthusiastic compliments addressed to you that you will be surprised.
From April 21 to April 30. Finding important and influential friends is real happiness for you. They can help you.

Horoscope for April 2017 Cancer child

Daughter. Good opportunities will appear for Cancer girls who really want to succeed. Your task is to support the child and guide your daughter towards the goal that best suits her personally. At the beginning of April, problems with teachers are possible: her grades may be lowered, and she will have to defend her innocence before those who are obviously stronger. Towards the end of the period, passions will subside.

Son. During this period, Cancer boys are highly likely to have a conflict with their parents. Your son may become very resentful of the unfair punishment or the intense pressure you put on him. Your relationship will be at risk if you begin to ignore him and stick to your line or, on the contrary, begin to adapt too much to his mood swings.



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