What is good to eat for mastopathy? Diet and proper nutrition for mammary gland mastopathy

Mastopathy is a disease that is found in many women, children and even men. The causes of the disease are many, and the symptoms are also varied. Helps get rid of pain and discomfort correct treatment and lifestyle changes.

An important part of prevention is proper nutrition . Include foods in your menu that will help you overcome the disease by avoiding foods that can trigger attacks. In the article we will talk in more detail about nutrition for mastopathy, what you should always eat, and what foods you should avoid.

Women with overweight or obese people should be especially careful about their diet. Adipose tissue provokes the release of estrogen, increasing hormonal imbalance and tightening.

Having lost weight, patients feel relief, even if they do not take it.

Nutrition for mastopathy should be varied, tasty, and not too high in calories.

The daily diet ranges from 1700-2000 calories, depending on the patient’s height. To prevent your diet from seeming too strict, include as many healthy foods as possible.

For mastopathy, you should choose the following products:

  1. Fiber-rich foods. This category includes root vegetables, all types of cabbage, green beans, spinach, heads and lettuce, whole grain cereals, bran, pasta from coarse flour. Fiber improves digestion and normalizes metabolism, it is nutritious and helps fight obesity.
  2. Soy products. Soy milk, pasta, cheese, cultured meats and other foods help reduce estrogen levels and are good substitutes animal proteins. It is important to choose products that do not contain dyes, preservatives or artificial flavors.
  3. Low-fat dairy products, especially cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt. Portion fermented milk products should be present on the menu daily; for greater nutritional value, you can add bran or powdered fiber to them.
  4. Lean poultry and fish. Natural source protein, which does not contain excess fat, accelerates metabolic processes and does not affect hormonal background. Besides protein products help maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time.
  5. Fruits. Source natural vitamin C and antioxidants. Raw and baked apples, pears, apricots, and citrus fruits are especially useful. Be sure to eat red and black berries: currants, strawberries, cherries, blueberries, blackberries, rose hips. The daily intake of any fruit is at least 500 g. It is useful to drink juices for mastopathy.

It is preferable to eat foods raw, bake in the oven, cook in a double boiler or microwave.

Avoid pan-frying or deep-frying, as well as long cooking, which destroys vitamins.

Stop list: foods to avoid

Many people ask the question: “What foods should you not eat if you have mastopathy?” The list of prohibited foods includes all fast food, dishes containing large portions of preservatives, dyes and other chemical additives.

They suppress the thyroid and pancreas, increasing hormonal imbalance and prolonging the disease.

What else should you not eat if you have mastopathy?

For the same reason, it is worth removing from the menu:

  • smoked meats;
  • canned meat and fish;
  • grilled dishes;
  • salo;
  • fatty meat;
  • dairy products with increased share fat (country cream and sour cream).

Is it possible to drink drinks that contain caffeine and theobromine if you have mastopathy?

If you have this disease, you should not drink instant or natural coffee, black or green tea, cocoa, hot chocolate, carbonated drinks.

Why can't you drink coffee if you have mastopathy? It, like all of the above, increases the calorie content of the diet without adding nutrients. What can you drink if you have mastopathy? Water, compotes, rose hips.

What should you not eat if you have mastopathy? It is better to remove all industrial sweets containing hydrogenated oils and sugar from the menu.

For the same reason, it is better to exclude from the menu white bread, baked goods made from refined flour, polished rice and other foods with a high glycemic index.

Bad habits

Women diagnosed with mastopathy need to stop smoking.

Nicotine and tobacco resins suppress the ovaries and thyroid gland, impair blood flow and do not combine well with the drugs prescribed by the doctor.

An equally categorical ban is imposed on alcohol. Problems with estrogen production - dangerous symptom, and alcohol in any form can only aggravate the problem. Avoid not only strong alcohol, but also wine, beer, carbonated cocktails and energy drinks.

Is it possible to cure with diet alone?

The peculiarity of mastopathy is not only the variety of symptoms, but also the unpredictable course of the disease. Having arisen suddenly, it can end just as unexpectedly.
When hormonal system will return to normal, fibroids and cysts will gradually decrease, painful sensations, heaviness and discharge will disappear.

Experts are confident that when initial form mastopathy not associated with a complex hormonal imbalance, proper nutrition can easily cope with the disease.

Fasting cures mastopathy; by losing weight, a woman reduces estrogen levels to normal, this will not only help avoid attacks of pain, but also protect against the occurrence of malignant tumors.

Proper nutrition - important point in the treatment regimen for mastopathy.

Healthy foods will help smooth out hormonal imbalances and strengthen the immune system, and exclusion from the menu junk food will significantly reduce the risk of relapse.

You will be able to find additional information on this topic in the section.

Among girls and women, breast pathology is very common, characterized by the formation of an overgrown connective tissue. Depending on the predominant component (fibrous and/or cystic) in its structure, benign neoplasms are divided into several forms.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease include:

  • stressful situations, depression;
  • abortions and inflammatory diseases genital area;
  • sexual factors;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • genetic (hereditary) predisposition.

For the disease to occur, 2-3 factors must be present. Diet for mastopathy will help restore hormonal balance in the body, maintain the concentration of estrogen at the required level.

Remember! Various diets for weight loss provoke a surge in hormones, which negatively affects the mammary glands.

Relationship between pathology and nutrition

The basis for the synthesis of estrogen is a component contained in animal fats (cholesterol). Therefore, eating a large number of foods that have high content cholesterol leads to excess formation of estrogen. As a result, their number prevails over progesterone, disrupting hormonal balance and activity reproductive system. The diet for breast mastopathy is based on the following principles:

When treating mastopathy, a special diet is aimed at strengthening protective forces body.

Important! In addition to following a diet, with mastopathy you also need to limit yourself from irritants that cause nervous tension. Stress aggravates the disease.

Healthy Products

How to eat with mastopathy? Experts identify types of products that not only have a positive effect on general condition body, but also slow down tissue growth. In some cases pathological process turns back. Useful products:

  1. Rich in fiber: nuts, seeds, fruits, some types of vegetables (beets, carrots).
  2. Legumes.
  3. Fish and seafood containing iodine and fatty acids ( seaweed, herring, shrimp, salmon, squid, mackerel, sardine).
  4. Bread made from second grade flour, with bran and black.

  1. Selenium and lycopene (brewer's yeast, tomato, Brazil nut). The content of these substances in products promotes the absorption of iodine, neutralizes free radicals, forms protection against negative impact ultraviolet rays and prevents the formation of cancer cells.
  2. Antioxidants. Spinach and broccoli contain a coenzyme that provokes the formation of cells that suppress tumors. Beetroot is characterized choleretic effect and, as a result, normalizes the activity of the liver, which promotes the production of certain types female hormones.
  3. Any dairy products.
  4. Calcium. Among dairy products, the richest source of calcium is cottage cheese. It is also necessary to eat dried apricots, hard cheeses, celery, almonds, and sesame seeds.
  5. Thanks to the components contained in green or white tea, namely catechins, the elimination of sugar and toxins is accelerated. What else can you drink if you have mastopathy? Fruit drinks, decoction of rose hips, hawthorn, compotes, chicory, yogurt.

Important! The duration of taking vitamin E (tocopherol) should not exceed 3 months, otherwise it will have a detrimental effect on health.

Experts say that eating is good for mastopathy. healthy food not only a certain period of time, but turn dietary food into a lifestyle. Use healthy food has a beneficial effect on the health of the body, protects against many ailments.

What you need to give up

What should you not eat if you have mastopathy? Consumption of foods that provoke an increase in the secretion of female sex hormones can increase growth benign neoplasms:

  • Fried and spicy food, freshly baked products from wheat flour, pasta of non-firm varieties.
  • Animal fats, canned food, sauces, marinades, spices, flavored foods.

  • Black tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, cocoa, dark chocolate.
  • It is prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages. Patients recovering are allowed to drink a small amount of dry red wine.

Important! It is necessary to adhere to a diet not only for breast mastopathy, but also for its prevention for women at risk.

IN medicinal purposes for mastopathy, the diet should include steamed, stewed or boiled dishes.

Advice. Before consuming fruits and vegetables, you must first heat treatment to avoid negative influence on the intestines.

  1. For breakfast you can eat a steamed omelet, fresh fruit salad, cottage cheese, cheese, and oatmeal.
  2. Second breakfast and afternoon snack may contain a soft-boiled egg, bran bread, seaweed salad, nuts, apple.
  3. The lunch menu should include vegetable or bean soup, porridge, boiled chicken breast, stewed fish, vegetable salad.
  4. Dinner: stewed vegetables, casserole with veal and vegetables, salad with fish.
  5. Yogurt, herbal tea, kefir, rosehip decoction.

Proper nutrition for mastopathy is subject only to the woman herself, since she independently builds her diet. It is necessary not only to review your usual menu, but also to give up bad habits.

The basis of treatment of any form of mastopathy is always correction of hormonal levels. For this purpose they use various means and , but above all special attention focuses on . By using healthy diet You can bring the hormonal status back to normal, and, therefore, stop the development.

How diet normalizes hormonal levels

Any products consumed by people take part in the metabolic process. This means that, having gone through a series of biochemical transformations, these products become part of the body’s tissues and various biologically active elements, including hormones.

Nutrition can affect the metabolism of steroids in the body. Steroids- these are substances that are subsequently converted into female reproductive hormones. When consumed fatty foods and meat, the level of androgens in the blood decreases, and estrogens, on the contrary, begin to predominate.

It is also worth paying attention to the content vitamins and coarse fiber fiber in the usual diet.

  • It has been proven that there is a connection between the development of breast diseases and the use of methylxanthines, which are found in large quantities in coffee, black tea, chocolate and cocoa. It is these substances that provoke the proliferation of connective tissues and the accumulation of fluid in cysts. For mastopathy it is recommended not to use such products at all.
  • , as well as breast cancer, is closely related to sluggish gastrointestinal function intestinal tract which may be accompanied by changes in intestinal microflora, constipation, reduced content fiber in the body. Sometimes secondary absorption of estrogens that have already been processed and excreted through bile may occur. That is why women suffering from any form of mastopathy are recommended to consume products containing fiber and as much as possible more water . Thanks to this, you can avoid constipation, and therefore normalize intestinal function and ensure timely disposal of toxins and other harmful substances.
  • In addition, you should pay attention to the functioning of the liver and bile ducts, because it is through them that the body gets rid of estrogens. Toxic effects fatty and fried foods, spicy food, alcoholic drinks. For the liver to work well, you need to take B vitamins, as well as certain nutritional supplements.

Basic rules of diet for mastopathy

For diffuse and fibrous cystic mastopathy optimal diet is considered to be one in which the amount of fat consumed is limited. In this case, the food must contain increased amount slow carbohydrates . This diet is complex system nutrition that should be followed both for and to cure it.

To achieve best results, you should adhere to the following rules for correcting diet and lifestyle:

  • provide good rest and sleep 8-10 hours a day;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of clean, still water per day;
  • take I write 5 times a day in small quantities and warm;
  • do not eat less than 2 hours before bedtime;
  • Absolutely exclude from consumption: alcohol, caffeine, fatty and smoked meat, pickled and canned foods;
  • reduce salt intake to a minimum;
  • instead of sugar, use sweeteners or natural honey;
  • consume as many fruits and vegetables, fiber, iodine-containing foods as possible;
  • quit smoking.
List of staple foodsRecommended for useIt is recommended to limit or completely eliminate consumption
MeatSteamed poultry, skinlessPork, beef, smoked and fried meat
FishAny fish, including sea fish once a week (chum salmon, pink salmon, salmon)
Dairy and fermented milk productsFermented milk products, cheese and milk, low or reduced fatFat cheese and sour cream
Oils (butter and vegetable)Olive and sunflower oil, fresh butter in limited quantitiesMargarine, rancid fat
Flour productsBread made from flour coarse with branPasta, baked goods made from premium and first grade flour
Salt, sugarSugar substitute, fructose, honeySalt, sugar, sweet drinks, jam, sweet confectionery
FiberBran and whole grains, alfalfa sprouts, wheat, barley, brown rice
Vegetables, fruitsSoybeans, cabbage of all varieties, legumes, citrus fruits, apples, grapes
DrinksMineral still water, fresh juices from vegetables and fruits, green teaTea, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, sweet carbonated drinks, alcoholic drinks

Thus, based on the above recommendations, it is possible to draw up sample menu for the day:

  • breakfast: oatmeal with honey and nuts, fresh fruit juice;
  • first snack: a handful of nuts or raisins;
  • dinner: steamed fish or chicken with any side dish (except fried potatoes and pasta), it is advisable not to add sauces and large amounts of spices;
  • afternoon snack: natural yogurt, fruit or a cup of berries, vegetable juice;
  • dinner: vegetable salad, fish or seafood, green tea.

Under no circumstances should you adhere to extreme diets. The daily calorie content of meals should be no more than 2200 kcal. For cystic mastopathy, the diet may include herbal teas, which are prescribed by the attending physician. In addition, we must not forget about vitamin complexes. With mastopathy the body especially necessary:

  • vitamin E;
  • vitamins A and C(antioxidants);
  • B vitamins.

As a rule, all the necessary vitamins and useful microelements enter the body along with the food consumed, but sometimes the doctor may prescribe individual drugs , making up for their shortage.

If you adhere to all of the above nutritional principles, you can achieve the following results:

According to medical observations, diet and nutrition during fibrocystic mastopathy simply necessary, because correct menu increases the effectiveness of therapy by 30–50%. If you are diagnosed with mastopathy, then pay special attention to your diet.

The importance of proper nutrition for mastopathy

Development has a direct bearing on the functioning of the intestinal tract. Weak activity of the intestinal tract, accompanied by chronic constipation, inadequate consumption of fiber (a complex form of carbohydrates) and changes in the microflora of the organ causes the reabsorption of excreted estrogens with bile. So for those who suffer similar disease, doctors strongly recommend eating food every day that contains a lot of fiber and drinking about 1.5 liters of water per day.

Diet objectives:

  • remove harmful elements from the body;
  • prevent constipation.

Since the conclusion steroid hormones depends on the functioning of the liver and biliary tract, then you should take B vitamins, which are contained in food additives or pharmaceutical products.

The main principles of rational nutrition:

  • increase the consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • reduce the mass fraction of fats in food products;
  • normalize the order of drinking water during the day;
  • use minimum quantity table salt.

What not to eat with mastopathy

It is prohibited to use:

  • animal fats - they contain a lot of cholesterol, which impedes the functioning of the liver, which affects height, weight, skin and even hair color;
  • fried, smoked and spicy food– it contains many carcinogens;
  • preservation – contains substances that provoke cancer;
  • salt - it should not be abused, as it tends to retain water in the body;
  • alcohol - aggravates the work of the liver, therefore, the decomposition of sex hormones occurs, intensifies specific gravity estrogens;
  • soda - contains many steroid hormones that increase the risk of local accumulation of subcutaneous fat. Estrogens accumulate in the fat cells of the body and persist for a very long time;
  • cocoa, coffee, black tea - contain methylxanthines, which enhance tissue proliferation mammary glands and causes fluid to accumulate in them.

Nutrition should provide the body with what it needs nutrients in the correct proportions.

The diet allows:

  • meat low-fat varieties(rabbit, horse meat, turkey, chicken, beef and veal);
  • fermented milk products (yogurt, fermented baked matsoni, etc.);
  • oil (vegetable or butter);
  • vegetables (cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, etc.);
  • fruits and berries (oranges, apricots, lingonberries and blueberries, etc.).

It is better to buy homemade meat. As for fish, it has a high iodine content, the lack of which can cause lumps in the mammary gland.

IN daily menu should include a large amount of vegetables, as they contain fiber. Vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked. If raw vegetable crops cause abdominal discomfort, then it is better to refuse and give preference to vegetables that have undergone combined heat treatment.

Fruits, especially apples, are rich in fiber. Therefore, you need to eat them every day. Berries are also very useful. They contain many vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Diet for fibrocystic mastopathy

Diet for mastopathy is rational nutrition with a small content of saturated fatty acids with a predominance of plant foods.

Pros of the diet:

  • decrease pain in the chest area;
  • partial or complete changes in breast tissue;
  • reducing the risk of developing malignant tumor in the chest;
  • getting rid of extra pounds;
  • have a positive effect on other organs and systems of the body.

In the process of treating mastopathy, doctors attach great importance to vitamins and other nutrients. They provide protection cell membrane mammary gland from damage, have a beneficial effect on cells and stabilize the nervous system.

Thus, with the diet described just above, everything nutrients V the right amount enter the body. This diet can be followed by people who have health problems and those who do not.

This diet helps restore health and maintain good shape for many years.

Traditional recipes for mastopathy

All of which are conventionally divided into external and internal (decoctions, infusions, powders and juices).

Infusion of string, motherwort and common yarrow

2 tbsp. l. three-part series, 1 tbsp. l. motherwort and 1 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water over ordinary yarrow and let it brew for 60 minutes. Strain. Drink 100 ml in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals. Pregnant women are prohibited from taking this infusion.

Watermelon rind compress

Grind the dried watermelon rinds. Pour boiling water over them until they have the consistency of porridge. Apply the warm mixture to the sore breast at night after 24 hours until the lumps completely disappear.

Cabbage and yogurt compress

Grind the cabbage in a meat grinder, add yogurt, transfer the resulting mixture to a linen cloth and apply it to the unhealthy part of the chest. During the day, the compress needs to be changed several times, without allowing it to dry out. Apply until the pain disappears. In parallel with this application, you need to: boil 100 grams in 500 ml of milk. dill seeds Set aside for 2 hours. Take 160 ml morning, afternoon and evening 30 minutes before meals (21 days).

Celandine, eucalyptus and celandine

1 dessert spoon each - string, eucalyptus leaves and celandine. Mix. Then 1 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water (glass) over the resulting consistency. It should be brewed for 30 minutes, then strain. Take 2 tbsp 15 minutes before meals. l. morning, afternoon and evening (30 days).

Flatbread with iodine

1 yolk from chicken egg, 3 tbsp. l. rye flour, 1 tsp. mix honey, 3 drops of iodine and knead the dough well. Make tortillas. Apply on the chest for 14 days, then take a break (21 days) and apply again for 14 days.

Beetroot and cabbage compress

Ingredients: 1 medium-sized beetroot, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 cabbage leaf.

Grate the beets, add honey, stir and place on a cabbage leaf. Apply the compress to the chest in the morning, afternoon and evening for 40 minutes.


Ingredients: 1 glass lemon juice, 1 glass of black radish juice, 1 glass carrot juice, 1 cup squeezed garlic juice, 1 cup beet juice, 1 glass of Cahors, 1 glass of honey.

Mix everything and pour into jars, store in a cool place. Take 1 tbsp. l. morning, afternoon and evening 30 minutes after eating until the end of the mixture, take a break (30 days) and repeat the dose (5 courses).

Before turning to folk medicine Be sure to consult a doctor who will prescribe you gentle medications.

Of course, the diagnosis of “mastopathy” sounds very scary, although it does not pose any danger. This disease is diagnosed in half of the female population. And he can cope with it simple diet, but you just have to stick to it constantly.

Treatment of mastopathy requires integrated approach. Besides drug treatment, important role is given to the patient’s lifestyle. Special diet for mastopathy fibrocystic form helps speed up recovery.

About the disease

By mastopathy we mean pathological change mammary tissue. The disease is characterized by the formation of small compactions - cysts. The course of the disease is always complicated by pain syndrome that develops in the area of ​​compaction in glandular tissue.

The pathology is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain syndrome of varying severity;
  • formation of compactions and nodes determined by palpation;
  • painful enlargement of the mammary glands before menstruation.

Pathological changes in glandular tissue can be due to a number of reasons - from hormonal imbalance to age characteristics body. In most cases, mastopathy develops in women after 35 years of age, however, with early puberty, lumps may appear in the breasts of very young girls.

Mastopathy refers to benign diseases and in most cases the prognosis is favorable, but only with timely treatment. In advanced cases, there is a risk of degeneration of glandular tissue cells into malignant ones.

Benefits of diet therapy

Since mastopathy has a hormonal nature of development, treatment is aimed at normalizing the production of female hormones. Excess estrogen in women is often caused by metabolic disorders and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract. With excess weight, almost all patients experience a hormonal imbalance associated with metabolic disorders.

Thus, a diet for mastopathy is prescribed for the purpose of:

  • reducing body weight;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • saturating the body essential vitamins and microelements;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stabilization of hormonal levels.

Diet therapy also helps detoxify the body by normalizing the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.

The principle of therapeutic nutrition

Nutrition for mastopathy of the mammary gland largely repeats therapeutic diet recommended for patients with cholestasis. The formation of fibrocystic compactions in the tissues of the mammary glands is associated with an increase in the amount of estrogens in the body. When the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted and bile production decreases, estrogens accumulate, provoking the development of mastopathy or worsening symptoms.

Vitamins and microelements play an important role in the treatment of mastopathy. As you know, vitamins from food are better absorbed, so the diet is designed in such a way as to cover daily norm necessary for the body substances:

  • For mastopathy it is very important to use sufficient quantity antioxidants. Such substances include vitamin C and retinol (vitamin A). Latest Research have proven that antioxidants prevent the transformation of benign tumors into malignant ones. In addition, antioxidants protect against the effects negative factors environment and help prolong youth.
  • An important vitamin that supports the health of the female reproductive system is tocopheryl acetate or vitamin E. Sufficient intake of this vitamin from food normalizes work endocrine systems s, and also relieves the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.
  • For normal functioning reproductive and endocrine systems, it is very important to receive a sufficient amount zinc, selenium and B vitamins.

The diet for mastopathy from a mammologist is designed taking into account the needs female body in vitamins and microelements. Proper nutrition will allow you to receive these substances in sufficient quantities without resorting to taking vitamin supplements.

Basic diet

So, what is proper nutrition for mastopathy and what should you always eat to normalize hormonal levels and reduce the manifestations of the disease? The basis of the diet should be the following groups products:

  • any fermented milk products;
  • vegetable fats;
  • lean meat;
  • any vegetables and fruits;
  • cereals.

Fermented milk products contain large amounts of vitamin B. Vegetable fats normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and help the liver produce bile. Sources of such fats are any vegetable oils, nuts, olives, avocados.

Vegetables, fruits and berries are rich in vitamins and minerals. However, in the diet for mastopathy special value and are beneficial for the body dietary fiber(fiber) contained in plant foods. Fiber improves digestion and intestinal motility, and is also a food for beneficial microflora. It is also contained in cereal crops, so porridge is introduced into the diet. The diet for breast mastopathy does not exclude meat and fish.

Prohibited food groups

It is very important to remember what you should not eat if you have mastopathy. Restrictions apply to the following dishes and food groups:

  • fried and smoked foods;
  • high fat dairy products;
  • any canned food;
  • carbonated drinks with colors and sweeteners;
  • confectionery;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee and black tea;
  • alcohol.

To get rid of the disease you will have to give up milk, fatty cottage cheese and cream. These products should be replaced with kefir and yogurts homemade. If you have mastopathy, you should not eat fatty cottage cheese; low-fat cottage cheese is not prohibited.

Confectionery is a source fast carbohydrates, which inhibit metabolism and provoke a set of excess weight. If you have mastopathy, you will have to forget about cakes and buns. Also prohibited wheat bread, but it can be replaced with a small amount of wheat crackers and rye bread.

Restrictions are also imposed on salt consumption - no more than 10 g per day is allowed. large quantities salt leads to fluid retention, which may result in swelling of the mammary glands and increased pain syndrome. For the same reason, coffee is also prohibited for mastopathy.

All dishes should be steamed, boiled or baked. Fried foods increase the load on the liver and disrupt the process of bile production. As a result, estrogens are not excreted from the body, metabolism and hormonal levels are disrupted.

Sample menu

The diet for mastopathy is not strict. It is enough to give up prohibited foods to improve your well-being. Approximate diet This will help you avoid getting lost in planning your menu for the week.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal on water with the addition of raisins and dried apricots (a source of B vitamins) and any nuts (contain vitamin E and vegetable fats). Instead of coffee, you can drink chicory drink or herbal tea.
  • Lunch: any vegetable salad, dressed vegetable oil, light vegetable soup, rabbit stew. For dessert you can eat yogurt with fruit.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad with boiled squid. Before going to bed, you can drink kefir with added bran. This normalizes digestion during the night's rest.


  • Breakfast: toast from rye bread and low-fat brine cheese or feta cheese, boiled chicken egg.
  • Lunch: pea or lentil soup, tomato vegetable salad, baked eggplant with feta cheese or sheep's milk cheese.
  • Dinner: green vegetable salad with boiled turkey fillet, crackers or rye bread.


  • Breakfast: hot toast with low-fat cheese, avocado and tomato.
  • Lunch: borscht without meat, vinaigrette, steamed meatballs from minced chicken.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese casserole with raisins, dried apricots and prunes.



  • Breakfast: a portion of low-fat cottage cheese with herbs and a little salt.
  • Lunch: seaweed, seasoned olive oil with lemon, chicken broth with breadcrumbs, vegetable casserole with turkey fillet.
  • Dinner: rice with vegetables and soy sauce, crackers.


  • Breakfast: omelet with tomatoes, herbs and pickled cheese, rye toast.
  • Lunch: fish soup, cabbage and carrot salad, cauliflower casserole, zucchini and minced chicken.
  • Dinner: green salad with shrimp, low-fat yogurt.


  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits and nuts.
  • Lunch: creamy mushroom soup, mashed potatoes and steamed cutlets and ground beef, baked zucchini and green bean salad.
  • Dinner: rice meatballs, cucumber and herb salad, dressed with kefir.

How to add variety to your diet?

The menu shown is an example. There must be a snack between main meals. It is recommended to eat citrus fruits, berries, and soufflé as a snack.

Since tea and coffee are prohibited, many will be interested in what to drink for fibrocystic mastopathy. Should be consumed throughout the day herbal teas, green tea or chicory drink. It is recommended to drink a glass of rose hip decoction two to three times a week. Compotes allowed homemade and freshly squeezed juices. Be sure to drink enough clean water.

Can it be cured with diet alone?

The diet for fibrocystic mastopathy is quite varied, but such a diet must be followed for a long time, in some cases, throughout life.

At timely treatment The only way to get rid of the problem is through diet. Changing your diet will help you forget about pain and discomfort if your breasts swell and hurt only in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

In all other cases, the effectiveness of diet therapy and the need for additional drug treatment is determined by the doctor after examinations.


In our video you will find a few more useful tips on creating a diet for mastopathy.



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