What to do if the patient has no appetite. Features of decreased appetite in infants

Appetite comes with eating, but not for everyone. And the very lack of appetite as such does not bode well. Usually, when a person eats little or does not eat at all, he is sick. Seeing a doctor in this case is mandatory. Another thing is that choosing a doctor can confuse you. It depends on why you are not eating. Food “refusers” can be visited by a large number of doctors - these are psychiatrists, neurologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, and nutritionists. Refusal to eat affects all functions of your body, and not just the stomach, as many people think.

But we must understand that lack of appetite means unconscious or conscious systematic refusal of food. If you don’t want to eat porridge for two days in a row, you prefer ham - this is not a disease, malfunction or pathology. But if your weight drops sharply due to malnutrition, you are indifferent to even your favorite treat, food does not bring you a feeling of fullness or satisfaction - these are signs of a serious deviation. Diagnosing some forms of the disease is very difficult. And curing this or that ailment on your own is a completely bad idea. A qualified doctor, or better yet more than one, is the way out of this situation.

Causes of decreased appetite

  • Stomach problems, such as gastritis, ulcers, stomach cancer, may well be the reason for refusing to eat. Doctors can make the latter diagnosis if the patient eats very little for a long time, loses weight before his eyes, or eats food that he never wanted before: chalk, coal, etc.
  • The psychological reason for refusing food may be sitophobia. It occurs, for example, if a chronic ulcer sufferer, experiencing pain when eating food, stops eating it. Sitophobia can also be triggered by psychological trauma or mental illness.
  • Anorexia - loss of appetite during dieting. Most women and only a small percentage of men suffer from this disease. It is mental and quite difficult to cure. Complete exhaustion of the body, physical, moral and mental, which often leads to death, is the result of a long hunger strike. Anorexia is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world, it is not easy to diagnose because people suffering from this disorder think that they are absolutely healthy. This is what sometimes causes severe forms of the disease, from which it is very difficult to recover and return to normal life. Girls who have suffered from anorexia have great difficulty adapting to a “normal appetite” again.

In all cases of refusal to eat, you should immediately consult a doctor. The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the sooner help will arrive from doctors.

What is appetite? Types of appetite

From Latin this word can be translated as “aspiration.” The lexical meaning of the word “appetite” is a sensation, a feeling that forces a living being to saturate its body with nutrients, first of all from a moral point of view and only then from a physical point of view.

The hypothalamus is the part of the brain responsible for controlling food. A person’s desire to be satisfied comes from the brain, not from the stomach. That is why most diets are based on psychological training that teaches you to give up excess food “in your head.”

There are two types of appetite - general and specialized. General appetite is a person’s desire to eat all types of foods. The second type of appetite is more specialized and selective. In the second case, you can understand what your body lacks - proteins, fats or carbohydrates.

How to deal with lack of appetite?

The folk method of regaining appetite is the first thing that comes to your mind. But first it is better to consult a doctor.

  • In order to understand what you want, concentrate and remember all your favorite dishes and products. If in this case you didn’t feel anything and didn’t want to eat something delicious, then your path should be paved to the market or supermarket.
  • Walk through each department, especially carefully look at those that you have not entered before. Perhaps some product from there will interest you.
  • The next way to eat up a little, albeit artificially, is to visit friends. At holidays there are always many dishes offered. Try ones you've never eaten before. It will feel good for you, and the hostess will be pleased that you are devouring her cooking.

  • Another way out is to change the kitchen. It’s best to go to ethnic restaurants and cafes. Who knows, maybe you will be attracted to Indian or Moroccan food.
  • Traditional medicine does not always bear fruit when it comes to appetite, so the very first step you will need to take is to consult a doctor.

Lack of appetite has a whole bunch of reasons, ranging from minor poisoning to prolonged depression. In this case, we do not recommend treatment with decoctions and grandmother’s tinctures. Medication is the only right choice.

Food should bring a person not only energy and nourish his body, but also his soul. The pleasure of this or that food makes a person truly happy. Remember the American timed hot dog eating competitions. These people are ready to eat dozens of hot sausages, and this makes them happy. May your food nourish you both physically and spiritually. And if you don’t want to see her anymore, go see a doctor.. Don’t get sick and quickly get your table set and the guests back at it.

Usually, women who are losing weight desperately wish that they would lose their appetite. However, when this actually happens, even they begin to seriously fear for their health. The feeling of hunger can be dulled for completely different reasons.

If, in addition to this symptom, you experience sudden weight loss, you should urgently consult a doctor, especially if you do not follow and have not followed any weight loss diets.

The cause of this clinical manifestation should be clarified as soon as possible. This condition should not be regarded as something normal and transitory. Indeed, in some cases, this may be caused by some minor disorder, such as weather sensitivity.

However, you must investigate in detail and find out whether everything is as harmless as it seems at first glance. Remember that loss of appetite, especially long-term loss, should never be ignored.

So, what are the reasons for loss of appetite?

Causes of decreased appetite

The feeling of hunger is a physiological reaction of the body to a lack of nutrients. When the body feels an acute lack of them, a signal is sent to the brain about the need to replenish nutritional resources. This often occurs against the background of an elementary decrease in the level of glucose and other substances valuable for the body’s functioning in the blood. It is at this moment that a person wants to eat, and not selectively, but in general.

If there is a craving for a certain product without an objective feeling of hunger, this is already a psychological problem, and not a biochemical reaction of the body.

What to do if you lose your appetite? First of all, you need to determine - has it really completely disappeared, or do you just not want to eat what is being offered to you at the moment?

Loss of appetite comes in different forms:

  1. Dulling of the feeling of hunger as such (even under the condition of an objectively long-ago meal, when a person himself realizes that it would not hurt for him to eat, but, roughly speaking, he “the piece doesn’t go down my throat”);
  2. Complete lack of appetite for a long time (anorexia);
  3. A sharp change in taste preferences (for example, disgust or dislike for a certain group of foods).

By the way, the last symptom is also quite alarming. For example, an aversion to meat food among meat eaters often indicates the presence of tumors in the body, and in the vast majority of cases - malignant. However, such drastic changes can also occur against the background of, for example, poisoning. Quite often, a person who has once been poisoned by mushrooms does not perceive them as an attractive product subsequently. The same can apply to other categories of food.

Objective reasons for suppressing the feeling of hunger in humans

Appetite naturally decreases when a person is sick. This applies to viral and infectious diseases, internal inflammation, and intoxication. At the same time, you lose your appetite and sometimes feel nauseous. This process is associated with the body’s natural reaction to foreign microorganisms, toxins and decay products.

The body spends all its energy on eliminating or neutralizing them, and therefore it simply does not want to spend energy resources on digesting food and does not send corresponding impulses to the brain.

For the same reason, during illness a person feels tired without the slightest physical effort.

If you are suffering from acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections, and you suffer from appetite suppression, there is nothing to worry about, and you can regard this as a natural protective reaction of your body. The same goes for food or chemical poisoning, even minor ones.

In addition, the reason, if hunger is dulled, may be hidden in the following factors:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which appetite naturally decreases due to pain or discomfort;
  • Endocrine system disorders (disorders of the thyroid gland, hypothalamus and adrenal cortex);
  • Disorders of metabolic processes in the body (most often associated with oncological processes);
  • Neuropsychic disorders, including neurotic and depressive states, psychoses, etc.

If you lose your appetite during neurosis, this should also be regarded as normal, since all functions of the nervous system suffer. The feeling of hunger, and sometimes the innervation, especially of the limbs, is dulled. Impulses are not released and projected in a normal manner - all processes in the body become inhibited.

True, this does not mean that there is no need to treat neurosis. You should contact a competent and experienced specialist for help with your problem. Remember that the nervous system controls almost every process in our body, which means that its neglected disorders can provoke serious diseases and syndromes that are very difficult to cure.

Specific pathological causes

If we talk about specific diseases that provoke suppression of hunger, the most common among them are the diseases from the list:

  • Bronze disease (Addison's disease);
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Chronic polyarthritis;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux;
  • Depression;
  • Stressful conditions;
  • Dementia (dementia);
  • Affective disorders, in particular seasonal ones;
  • Schizophrenia and schizophrenic personality disorders;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Anorexia.

People prone to hypochondriacal and neurotic disorders tend to immediately look for cancer and other pathologies of this kind. In fact, such behavior may indicate the presence of neurosis rather than an actual pathology of a malignant nature.

It should be remembered that neurotic disorders can lead to serious internal pathologies, so they also cannot be written off as a potential health hazard.

Appetite disorders during pregnancy

Many women are interested in the question of what to do if they lose their appetite during pregnancy. In fact, it may also be due to physiological factors. For example, in the early stages of pregnancy, many women suffer from toxicosis.

Constant nausea simply cannot help but affect your appetite - who wants to eat when you only want to empty your stomach? Toxicosis is also a natural reaction of the immune system to the invasion of a foreign body (which is what your body thinks your fetus is).

With toxicosis, hunger is almost always dulled. And toxicosis itself can last quite a long time, although in some lucky women it is completely absent. It must be said that this condition in the later stages should be regarded as relatively dangerous. In addition to normal nausea, an increase in blood pressure and protein concentration in the urine (which leads to edema) may be added.

Gestosis, as late toxicosis is called, requires constant monitoring by an obstetrician-gynecologist supervising pregnancy. Otherwise, this condition can lead to premature birth, placental abruption, stillbirth and intrauterine fetal death. In especially severe cases, the violation can threaten the life of the mother.

In addition to toxicosis, a dull feeling of hunger in the first trimesters of pregnancy can be triggered by a deficiency of folic acid in a woman’s body. In this case, you should urgently begin to replenish its resources, since it is vital in the process of bearing a child. This can be done by adjusting the diet, as well as using multivitamin complexes. However, the latter must be prescribed by a doctor - amateur activity is inappropriate here. It is also important to verify precisely this reason for the violation.

Food must be taken in sufficient quantities. Food is strength, health, intelligence, endurance. By skipping meals, we deprive the body of the substances it needs. Where else can you get strength other than from food? Unfortunately, man has not yet learned (and is unlikely to ever learn) to draw energy from sunlight for his body.

The reasons for which may be different, the problem is very common. In some cases, a person seems to understand that he will feel bad without food, but cannot bring himself to eat. We are not talking about any mental disorders (for example, anorexia), but about a state where there is no urge to eat.

It can appear completely unexpectedly in adults and children. In some cases, the cause is not always easy to determine. What to do if the reason is clear? You just need to eliminate it, and everything will return to normal.

Lack of appetite: reasons

Problems with eating may arise due to some illness. We are talking not only about stomach disorders or any other digestive organs - a common cold can lead to loss of appetite. When sick, a person cannot eat, but in order to recover, he needs to eat normally. So it turns out that in such a situation you need to eat even through force.

The loss of appetite, the causes of which we are considering, can be caused by severe stress. This is quite understandable, since severe stress affects the condition of the entire body. Other causes include mental disorders such as depression and apathy. They are directly related to the fact that a person loses the desire to live, move and strives in every possible way to distance himself from the world around him. The mood in such cases is always bad. Refusal to eat can last a very long time, and the consequences will be that you will lose weight and become weak. Without healthy food, it is very difficult to overcome a mental disorder.

Loss of appetite, the causes of which are not always easy to determine, often occurs in people who move very little. Try to work physically - you will instantly want to eat, and very much. When moving, a person burns a large amount of energy, which, in turn, gets from food. Hunger is a signal that it’s time to eat. What can a person who sits at home all day expect? Yes, he is guaranteed to have problems with appetite.

Pregnant women sometimes lose their appetite. This is a completely normal phenomenon and there is nothing abnormal about it.

How to increase your appetite?

First of all, I would like to advise you to move as much as possible. Sports activities are encouraged. Nobody forces you to become an athlete - even a banal jog will provide a lot of benefits.

Loss of appetite, the causes of which lie in stress, can only be eliminated with the help of rest. Take a vacation and go somewhere that really makes you feel good. It is important to unwind and distance yourself as much as possible from the gray everyday life. The same can be recommended for depression. New experiences will help you fall in love with life again and regain your appetite.

It is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes. Force yourself to eat fruits, meat, fish. Be sure to drink milk - it is truly a wonderful product. Healthy food, consumed even through force, will help you quickly return to normal.
If you suspect any disease, be sure to go to the doctor and get all the necessary tests done. Remember that health-related issues are very important. Give them maximum attention, and no ailments will cause you trouble.

Situations when a person notices that he is haunted by a constant feeling of hunger are not so rare. But he does not always connect the causes of this condition with malfunctions in the body. The feeling of hunger is controlled by the nutrition center in the cerebral cortex. This center is connected to the organs of the digestive system through the endings of the nervous system. And if certain disturbances occur in the body, they can lead to a malfunction of this system. What causes a constant feeling of hunger, and what needs to be done if a strong feeling of hunger does not disappear, will be discussed in this article.

What are the symptoms of constant hunger?

The desire to eat appears at the moment when the first impulses begin to emanate from the stomach. If a person is healthy, then the desire to eat does not appear until several hours after eating. First, the stomach is compressed by short spasms, which are repeated again after a break. When a certain period of time passes—usually about half an hour—the spasms become constant, and the person perceives them more acutely. A feeling of “sucking in the pit of the stomach” appears, and the stomach rumbles. More acute sensations that appear later are described by people something like this: “My stomach hurts, as if I’m hungry.”

Doctors note that hunger is more painful for people who have high blood sugar. However, if hunger cramps appear almost immediately after eating, then the cause of this phenomenon can only be determined by a specialist after conducting all the necessary research. After all, we can talk about both organic and psychological disorders.

However, in the modern world people eat depending on emotions, and not on the feeling of hunger. That is, the process of eating is rather determined by the desire to enjoy something tasty, and not to satisfy hunger. Therefore, many people rarely experience natural hunger.

And if the natural desire to eat is felt several hours after a meal, then the consequence of a failure of physiological processes is the desire to eat almost immediately after a person has eaten.

The feeling of hunger begins to bother a person at the moment when a signal about a lack of energy reserves comes from the stomach to the brain. This is a reaction that protects the body from exhaustion.

If a person is healthy, then this chain of reactions looks like this:

  • the brain receives an impulse about the need to replenish energy reserves;
  • the body receives the necessary amount of nutrition;
  • the next impulse arrives in the brain, signaling that saturation has occurred;
  • after eating, the feeling of hunger disappears.

But provided that you constantly want to eat, we are talking about the fact that one of the links in this chain is broken. And if you do not determine in a timely manner why hunger does not go away, and do not carry out the correct treatment, then the patient’s well-being will worsen. In addition, he is in danger.

There are many conditions in which a person constantly painfully wants to eat:

  • Hyperrexia - in this state, you constantly want to eat; when eating, a person cannot get enough, but the body does not experience a physiological need to replenish its supply of nutrients.
  • – hunger is a concern due to too active production of the enzyme by the thyroid gland.
  • A number of stomach diseases - with gastritis with high acidity.
  • Too much mental stress.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Development of psychological dependence.
  • Increased physical activity, as a result of which a person loses a lot of energy.
  • Significant dietary restrictions.
  • Protracted, constant stress.
  • Irregularities of the monthly cycle.
  • Intense thirst.
  • Improper nutrition.

Conditions in which you constantly want to eat

  • With pathologies of the central nervous system, almost constant irritation of the hunger center can occur. In this case, an integrated approach to treatment is required, and it should be carried out by a qualified specialist.
  • When there are disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, the feeling of hunger is associated with hormonal imbalance. The hormone - the so-called satiety hormone - in optimal quantities ensures a normal effect on the energy, metabolic and neuroendocrine reactions of the body. With its excessive or insufficient production, disturbances occur, leading to a constant feeling of hunger and other unpleasant symptoms.
  • A deficiency of certain vitamins can also provoke an uncontrollable desire to eat. Lack of a number of vitamins, especially those related to group B , leads to deterioration of the condition of the skin, nails, hair, and also leads to increased pain. When there is a desire to replenish the supply of nutrients, so the person wants to eat.
  • An indomitable appetite often manifests itself in those who adhere to. Simple carbohydrates are the main food for the brain. As a result, their absence leads to a lack of brain nutrition, which affects the body as a whole. The brain constantly requires replenishment of such a deficiency, and during a low-carbohydrate diet, those losing weight feel intense hunger and crave sweets.
  • Increased appetite may be associated with a fall glucose in the blood, which occurs in connection with a number of physiological or psychological problems. If an imbalance of glucose and insulin occurs over a long period of time, it can lead to the development of diabetes. And the constant desire to eat something leads in such a situation to the development of obesity, which is also a harbinger of diabetes.
  • Sudden changes in diet associated with the transition to a diet, healthy eating, etc., cause a restructuring of the digestive system, which, in turn, can cause a feeling of hunger.
  • This also happens with significant restrictions in the amount of food. It is quite natural that, without receiving enough food, a person feels hungry. In such a situation, it is recommended to eat as little and as often as possible.
  • If a person is regularly stressed, this can also lead to a persistent desire to eat a lot. When the nervous system is excited, there may be a desire to “eat” stress. If you constantly follow it, persistent “stress-eating” connections may arise, which will subsequently require the help of a psychologist.
  • Attacks of unreasonable appetite also appear during increased mental stress. People engaged in heavy mental work very often eat chaotically, without adhering to a regimen at all. Instead of full meals, they eat snacks. As a result, this leads to a desire to eat within a few minutes after the next snack. To break the vicious circle, you will have to establish a clear diet with four full meals and no snacking on unhealthy foods. If you want to kill your hunger with something, fruits or dried fruits are suitable.
  • Often adhering to a variety of diets, a person “tunes” the body to a food shortage regime. But the body constantly demands to replenish reserves, and, as a result, the person losing weight is bothered by the constant desire to eat. To avoid this, it is necessary to practice a complete healthy eating system, rather than short-term diets.
  • If there is a lack of certain substances in the body, the feeling of hunger can also appear almost constantly. We are talking about vitamins and microelements. For example, you may crave sweets due to magnesium deficiency. In this case, it is necessary to conduct medical research and adjust the diet so as to compensate for the lack of substances.
  • In women, attacks of uncontrollable appetite may appear during the period. A couple of days before the start of menstruation, many women have an irresistible desire to eat something and does not disappear even after the woman has had a snack. This symptom is associated with a lack of hormone in the body. These days it is recommended to eat less baked goods and sweets. It is also important to drink a lot of water and eat fruits and vegetables.

Pregnancy and hunger

During this period, a global restructuring of the female body occurs. At the same time, very sharp changes in hormonal levels occur, as a result of which many expectant mothers feel an indomitable appetite.

However, the expectant mother should know that an increased appetite may signal a lack of vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, etc. in her body. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the most balanced diet - with a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits. You also need to take vitamin complexes. Walking in the fresh air will also help. If a pregnant woman constantly wants to eat, this will lead to excessive food consumption and gaining extra pounds. And excess weight gain is unsafe for both mother and baby.

Nausea and increased appetite

If the desire to eat is accompanied by constant nausea, this may be due to various diseases. This often indicates hypoglycemia when plasma glucose levels are very low. The body tries to compensate for this deficiency with food, especially sweets. This condition needs to be treated.

However, such symptoms can be evidence of other diseases. Therefore, such symptoms should be a reason to consult a doctor.

For gastritis

The desire to eat can be triggered by increased acidity when hyperacid gastritis . People with this diagnosis often experience sucking pain in the pit of the stomach. They subside when a person eats at least a little. Similar symptoms may also be evidence of other gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, it is important to clarify the diagnosis before starting treatment.

Constant hunger in a child

If some babies are very difficult to feed, then it also happens that the child asks to eat almost constantly. If a child does not reach the saturation phase, this may indicate disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract or a failure of metabolic processes. A baby who eats a lot may have a very large stomach. In this case, each time he will need more and more food to be satisfied. Therefore, in this case, parents should definitely consult with a specialist as soon as possible.

Having determined the cause of such disorders, the doctor will prescribe treatment and the right diet. But in this case, the parents themselves should follow the advice of a specialist. First of all, the child should eat 4 times a day, without snacks in between. If you can’t do without them, you need to give your baby vegetables and fruits. The child should lead an active life, walk a lot in the fresh air. Finally, the most relevant advice is this: parents themselves should eat right, exercise a lot, setting an example for their child.

Which doctor should I contact?

If hunger bothers you almost constantly, this is either a physiological or psychological problem. Accordingly, you need to contact either a gastroenterologist, or a psychiatrist or psychologist. You may also need to consult an endocrinologist. Perhaps a nutritionist can help solve the problem.

But first of all, you need to contact your local doctor, who will help you determine which specialist you should contact next.

If the patient has not been diagnosed with serious pathologies, the nutritionist can give him the following advice:

  • Introduce more fiber-rich foods into your diet.
  • Try to drink mineral or regular water during attacks of hunger to quench your appetite.
  • Chew food thoroughly and very slowly. In the process of slowly eating, the stomach will have time to send a signal to the brain that it is already full.
  • You should not eat in front of the computer or TV, but in appropriate places.
  • During the diet, you should not restrict the body too much.
  • After you are full, you need to get up from the table so as not to overeat later.
  • Remove foods that stimulate appetite from the menu - spicy, salty, alcohol, etc.
  • Do not leave tasty things within reach, so that during work you will not have the desire to snack.
  • Try to keep yourself busy with interesting and exciting things so that you forget about food. The interval between meals should be about four hours.

No feeling of hunger

However, the opposite situation is often observed - a person has a lack of appetite, which also indicates disturbances in the body. If there is no desire to eat even after a long break between meals, problems with various systems and organs are likely. Why the healthy feeling of hunger has disappeared, you need to find out by visiting a doctor.

Despite the fact that many people at first consider a decrease in appetite almost a gift from above, since it helps to lose weight, such a symptom cannot be ignored. If the body does not receive vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances for a long time, this will soon have a detrimental effect on well-being. Complaints like: “I don’t feel hungry” should initially be expressed to a therapist, who will refer you to more specialized specialists.

Dyslexia is a general term for appetite disorders. One of the most common appetite disorders is anorexia – a condition in which there is no appetite at all.

Why no appetite?

There are many reasons why this phenomenon occurs. This can be either a consequence of stress or depression, or a hormonal disorder.

Sometimes short-term appetite disturbances are easily eliminated. It is enough to drink tea with mint, lemon balm, chamomile for calm, or a collection of herbs that stimulates appetite.

However, loss of appetite accompanies many diseases. Among them are dysfunctions of the thyroid gland, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, oncological processes, diseases of the digestive system, liver, kidneys, heart, etc.

Many expectant mothers experience worsening appetite already in the first trimester of pregnancy, when pregnancy begins. In this state, a woman needs to listen to her body and eat what she wants. Appetite disappears due to lack of iron and. Therefore, it is advisable to replenish the supply of these substances by eating cabbage, buckwheat, and green leafy vegetables.

If there is no appetite immediately before the main meal, this may be due to the fact that the person is simply not eating properly. Perhaps snacking on high-calorie foods simply discourages you from eating.

Also, poor appetite may be due to a lack of B vitamins and zinc. In such a situation, you should take a multivitamin complex and consume more foods containing such elements.


Appetite disturbances should not be perceived as a normal state of the body, especially if this continues for a long time. The reasons for this condition can be very different, and only a good specialist can determine why appetite disappears or, on the contrary, severe hunger bothers you. In this case, you should not self-medicate, because only a doctor will help establish a diagnosis and eliminate the problem.

A person is constantly exposed to environmental factors that affect health and well-being. Violation of the general condition entails the appearance of unpleasant sensations: loss of strength, fatigue, loss of appetite, drowsiness. General weakness in the body exhausts a person, disrupts sleep, weakens the immune system and discourages the desire to work. With prolonged disruption of the general condition, the body is depleted, viral diseases and neuroses are often associated, adults become irritable and tired.


The appearance of fatigue can be triggered by various diseases, physical activity and mental experiences. Experts point to the following causes of fatigue:

  • hard physical labor;
  • exhausting mental work;
  • viral diseases;
  • oncology;
  • neuroses, depression;
  • the use of certain medications: sedatives, sleeping pills or antiallergic drugs;
  • playing sports;
  • chronic diseases: hypertension, diabetes, hypothyroidism.
  • period after the operations.

Chronic fatigue negatively affects intellectual capabilities and physical work. When feeling tired, patients present the following complaints:

  • reluctance to work;
  • drowsiness in the morning and at lunchtime;
  • brokenness;
  • overwork even after not hard work;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • decreased activity;
  • deterioration of memory, concentration.

Often symptoms of fatigue go away after good rest, massage sessions, and acupuncture. Otherwise, when complaints persist even after a long rest, doctors talk about chronic fatigue syndrome.


Sometimes adults complain about loss of strength without understanding the reasons for this condition. This symptom may appear suddenly or be chronic.

The patient suffers from loss of strength due to chronic diseases of the digestive tract and genitourinary system. Also of great importance is the mental state, the presence of nervousness, depression, and cognitive impairment.

During a loss of strength, a person may present the following complaints:

  • loss of interest in work, physical activity, study;
  • general malaise;
  • muscle weakness;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • abdominal discomfort;
  • scheduled tasks are debugged “on the back burner”;
  • A few hours after completing the work, severe weakness sets in.

A sharp loss of strength may occur as a result of diabetes mellitus, especially hypoglycemia (blood glucose below 3 mmol/l). In this case, tremors in the hands, dry mouth, faintness, and a feeling of hunger occur. The danger is that fainting can occur suddenly within a few minutes if the patient is not helped in time.


Unexplained lethargy and weakness, if they last for 2-3 weeks, indicate a serious illness. The first step is to exclude oncology, since it is this disease that quickly takes away vitality and energy. You should not be reckless about difficulties at work, hard physical labor, or stress. Such conditions maintain tension in the body, exhaust, increase temperament and irritability in a person.

Lethargy is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • decreased activity;
  • Bad mood;
  • interest in classes decreases sharply;
  • a person spends a lot of time in bed;
  • constantly bothered by the desire to fall asleep in the middle of the working day;
  • dizziness;
  • muscle weakness.

In this state, people’s heads stop “thinking” and vital energy disappears. It is simply impossible to concentrate on anything; one gets the impression that the person is exhausted, exhausted or sick. Usually, after a short rest and sound sleep, strength is restored and the body is saturated with vital energy.

General weakness

The concept of general weakness includes various conditions in which it is difficult for a person to adapt to the external environment. Malaise in the body is caused by the following reasons:

  • chronic diseases: hepatitis, pancreatitis, pyelonephritis;
  • systemic diseases: rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • use of chemotherapy drugs for oncology;
  • allergies during the flowering period of plants;
  • insomnia;
  • work at night;
  • high body temperature;
  • early postoperative period.

Feeling the general weakness of the body, a person becomes vulnerable, and a viral infection may occur. Significant drowsiness is felt, even minor exertion becomes unbearable. Patients often complain of weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs, dizziness and pain in the head and spine.

The working day is not as efficient as usual, everything falls out of hand, you constantly want to sleep and relax. Performance drops sharply, concentration and self-control deteriorate. It is difficult for a person to force himself to work, his moral state is depressed.

Fatigue during physical activity

During physical activity, the body uses up its own energy, which needs constant replenishment. Overstrain occurs in the functioning of the muscles, nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. The blood supply to the muscle fibers increases, the heart accelerates its contractions, and a large amount of hormones enters the blood. All these reactions squeeze “all the juices” out of the body.

A person quickly gets tired, muscle weakness and soreness appear. Within 2-3 days after the exercises, “soreness” occurs, in which the movements of the limbs and torso are constrained.

Fatigue can be overcome with constant training and a good and balanced diet. This way they get rid of general malaise, weakness and heaviness in the muscles, and rapid exhaustion. You can also increase your endurance by gradually increasing the duration and intensity of your workouts.

Lack of appetite

A balanced diet provides a person with the necessary microelements, vitamins and fiber. The body is dependent on the intake of these substances from food, requiring daily absorption of essential particles.

A good appetite is a sign of health and well-coordinated functioning of the digestive tract. As soon as a person gets sick, he has problems eating. This is especially noticeable in inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, enteritis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, spastic colitis.

In this case, the patient cannot eat the foods that are required and constantly feels hungry. Lack of appetite is considered one of the main symptoms of cancer. Cancer cells distort taste and cause aversion to meat and certain foods. This is how intoxication affects the body.

In addition to lack of appetite, patients may complain of nausea, discomfort and abdominal pain, sometimes vomiting, diarrhea, and general weakness.


The feeling of cold can appear at any time of the year. Chilliness is an unpleasant feeling of cold throughout the body. At the same time, it is very difficult to warm up quickly and for a long time. This condition is especially common in winter and in rainy, windy weather.

Chilliness is also accompanied by the following unpleasant sensations:

  • trembling in hands;
  • coldness of fingers and toes;
  • the appearance of “goosebumps” on the skin;
  • trembling of the whole body;
  • for better warming, a person curls up into a ball and dresses in warm clothes;
  • A runny nose, cough, or cold may appear.

Typically, such symptoms occur in people with low blood pressure, Raynaud's disease, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. This is due to impaired vascular tone, insufficient heart function and constant spasm of the vascular wall in cold conditions.

Sometimes a person complains of redness or bluish skin on the hands, a decrease in overall body temperature, and swelling of the skin of the extremities. In this case, it is very difficult to control the movements of the fingers, but most importantly, frostbite may occur in uncovered parts of the body.


A person’s desire to sleep, moderate inhibition of actions and decreased activity are called drowsiness. The appearance of such signs indicates that the body needs to rest and relax. During a 2-3 hour rest, the brain recovers and becomes fully ready for work.

Fatigue manifests itself in the following signs:

  • drowsiness;
  • yawning;
  • dullness of reaction;
  • decreased heart rate;
  • weakness in the body;
  • muscle weakness;
  • mild headache;
  • loss of strength and energy.

Fatigue can occur due to the following reasons:

  • Overwork at work.
  • Staying in a confined space for more than 5-6 hours.
  • Insomnia.
  • Head injuries.
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Heart failure;
  • Previous strokes or heart attacks.
  • Chronic back pain.
  • Migraine.

The appearance of fatigue in the body after hard work is a physiological process. This is how the body reacts to physical exhaustion. After rest, signs of fatigue quickly disappear, and the person fully regains his strength.


An increase in temperature is the body's response to inflammation. At the same time, patients feel a very unpleasant feeling of chills - a feeling of coldness and trembling in the body, general weakness. A person may also complain about:

  • chilliness;
  • dry mouth;
  • headache;
  • feeling of pressure on the eyes;
  • aches in muscles and limbs;
  • malaise.

Chills occur due to a sharp contraction of peripheral small vessels, so a person’s fingers are cold, and sometimes cramps may appear.

The causes of chills are as follows:

  • Viral diseases - influenza, rotavirus, adenovirus in children, herpes.
  • Purulent otitis, tonsillitis, meningitis, rhinitis, sinusitis.
  • Abscesses of the abdominal organs, lungs, subcutaneous tissue.
  • Infectious diseases - malaria, dysentery, typhoid fever, salmonellosis, leptospirosis.
  • Pneumonia, pyelonephritis, inflammation of the female genital organs, prostatitis.

Chills are felt when a person has a fever, especially after sudden increases in body temperature. It is important to remember that a rise in temperature to 400C and above causes protein destruction and irreversible changes in the body.

Slowness, lethargy, fatigue

Physical and moral exhaustion is fraught with deterioration in a person’s health. Some of the signs of poor condition are general fatigue, lethargy and slowness. These symptoms appear due to the following reasons:

  • overwork after a working day;
  • night work;
  • lack of rest after a hard week of work;
  • daily intensive training;
  • overwork;
  • frequent exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • seasonal plant allergies;
  • taking painkillers, antihistamines, sleeping pills;
  • condition after surgery;
  • depression;
  • insomnia.

Slowness also depends on the character and temperament of a person. Such people take a long time to join the team, are unproductive, do not complete assigned tasks, and are “difficult to get up.” Lethargy and fatigue are characterized by a bad mood, general weakness, and drowsiness, which quickly disappear after a short rest.

Night sweats

Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is considered a pathological condition when the sweat glands produce excessive amounts of sweat. The skin is constantly wet, sticky and has an unpleasant odor.

Night sweats occur due to several reasons:

  • in case of tuberculosis, one of the main signs of intoxication is excessive sweating at night;
  • fever;
  • toothache;
  • purulent abscesses, boils, carbuncles;
  • nightmares, poor sleep;
  • teething in young children;
  • vitamin D deficiency in infants;
  • neuroses, schizophrenia, persecution mania;
  • malignant neoplasms of any location.

Sometimes at night adults wake up in a cold sweat from nightmares, experiences, neurosis, depression. In this case, the armpits, neck and palms and feet sweat the most.

Even healthy people suffer from excessive sweating, this is especially noticeable after heavy physical exertion, grueling workouts, constant standing and high activity.


In humans, a certain center in the brain is responsible for the feeling of hunger. This happened in the process of evolution, because the need for food is considered one of the main ones for people. There are various causes of hunger:

  • poor nutrition;
  • exhaustion;
  • malnutrition;
  • fever;
  • diabetes mellitus, especially hypoglycemia (glucose below 3 mmol/l);
  • upon completion of physical activity, training;
  • church fast;
  • neglecting breakfast before work;
  • vegetarianism;
  • oncology: cancer of the stomach, intestines, esophagus.
  • taking cytostatics, hormonal drugs;
  • insulin overdose in diabetes mellitus;
  • irregular diet.

The feeling of hunger is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms. The person begins to complain of pain in the abdomen, in the stomach area, nausea, and sometimes the urge to vomit. If you don't have breakfast or drink sweet tea, you will faint. Tremors appear in the fingers, muscle weakness, general fatigue, malaise, and dry mouth. To suppress hunger for a while, you can simply use sweet candy.

Decreased mental performance

The best and most productive time for work is considered to be 8-11 am. It is during this period that the peak release of hormones from the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, and pituitary gland into the blood is observed. As a result, brain function is activated, accelerated passage of impulses along the nerves is noted, and blood supply to the muscles increases.

However, mental abilities can sharply decrease, and the reasons for this are the following factors:

  • lack of rest at work;
  • lack of oxygen in the air;
  • long work at the computer, in the office;
  • living in a polluted city;
  • increased body temperature;
  • overload during training;
  • mental disorders;
  • stress;
  • migraine;
  • consequences of head injuries, stroke.

Reduced mental performance is closely related to a feeling of fatigue throughout the body, headaches, and fatigue. In this case, the efficiency and effectiveness of the work done is lost, and the person is not able to complete the task he has begun.

Decreased appetite

A good appetite is a sign of good health. Eating a variety of foods without feeling abdominal discomfort, pain or nausea indicates the well-coordinated and proper functioning of the digestive tract. Decreased appetite may be due to the following factors:

  • inflammatory diseases: gastritis, duodenitis, enteritis, spastic colitis;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • cancerous tumors of the stomach, pancreas, intestines, liver;
  • stress, neurosis;
  • operations performed on the abdominal and oral cavity organs;

Due to decreased appetite, a person suddenly loses weight and looks exhausted. Irritability, bad mood, and insomnia occur. A person is also worried about abdominal pain, nausea, general weakness, muscle fatigue in the legs and arms, and fatigue.

Increased appetite

Bulimia, or pathological increase in appetite, often occurs in young girls, but can also occur in other people. This condition is of a nervous nature, due to disturbances at the level of the brain.

People with this disease note the occurrence of sudden attacks of increased appetite. Sometimes we simply dream about food; adults cannot get rid of the thought of food. At this time, a person begins to consume flour, sweets, sour or salty foods in large quantities.

Doctors consider the following to be a distinctive feature of a pathological increase in appetite due to nervousness:

  1. A person cannot cope with the desire to eat something; even expired foods are included in the diet.
  2. A person always seems to be exhausted, unattractive and too thin.
  3. By inducing vomiting, using laxatives, or fasting, a person counters the desire to constantly eat.

Also, the causes of increased appetite can be hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, insulin overdose, insulinoma, taking laxatives, and prolonged fasting.

Increased fatigue

To provide for their families, people sacrifice time and health. Physical and mental processing quickly depletes the body, “squeezing out all the juices.” In this case, the work of the brain is suspended, inhibition processes predominate and the person is not able to perform the necessary tasks. Increased fatigue occurs, other reasons for which are:

  • irregular working hours;
  • neglect of breaks;
  • working at a computer monitor for more than 5-6 hours;
  • frequent training;
  • poor sleep;
  • daily consumption of coffee in large quantities;
  • viral infections;
  • chronic diseases;
  • migraine;
  • neurasthenia.

Feeling increased fatigue, a person thinks about rest and does not want to work. Drowsiness, loss of strength, malaise, and fatigue occur. Self-control is lost, irritability appears, the person is disturbed by loud sounds, music, bright lights. If the symptoms do not go away after rest, then we can talk about chronic fatigue syndrome.

Loss of appetite

Vitamins, all kinds of nutrients, microelements, amino acids, and carbohydrates enter the human body with food. All this gives energy, strengthens the body, accelerates biochemical processes in cells. Due to various reasons, you can lose your appetite and dramatically weaken your health. These factors include:

  • oncological diseases, mainly of the digestive tract.
  • nervous breakdown, stress, depression;
  • pathological need to reduce body weight;
  • social status - lack of funds to purchase quality food;
  • chronic diseases of the abdominal organs, which are accompanied by abdominal pain;
  • long-term use of antibiotics and weight loss medications.

You should pay close attention to such an unusual symptom as loss of appetite. First of all, a complaint about reluctance to eat food should alert you to the possible progression of oncological pathology. In this case, patients lose weight every day, become exhausted, pale and dry skin, muscle weakness, and facial features become sharpened.

Aches all over the body

The human body works like a well-coordinated, high-precision mechanism, using methods little studied by science. A disorder of one of the body systems leads to disorders that sharply worsen the state of health. Aches throughout the body and general weakness appear. The reasons for this condition are:

  • chronic diseases;
  • GRVI, especially the first days after the onset of influenza, rhinovirus infection;
  • hepatitis;
  • food poisoning;
  • hard training;
  • conditions after operations on muscles and bones;
  • fever;
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • weather change, approaching cyclone;
  • lack of sleep, insomnia.

Aches throughout the body are characterized by pain and weakness in the muscles, especially the lower extremities and back. Sometimes there is a high body temperature, chills, drowsiness, and trembling in the fingers. Adults say that the joints in the legs and arms seem to “twist” or “ache.” Any movement of the body is accompanied by soreness in the muscle area.

Itching, burning, heaviness in various parts of the body

Itching and burning of the skin, the presence of peeling in the joints indicate psoriasis. The cause of this disease is stress, nervous strain, and heredity. Sometimes the patient's skin is torn until it bleeds, experiencing a pathological sensation of constant itching.

Burning and redness of the epithelium of various parts of the body appears with eczema, dermatitis, and allergies. In this case, the only help is hormonal ointments.

Heaviness, swelling and pain in the joints occurs with injuries, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis. At the same time, it is difficult for patients to move, the skin around the joints turns red, and the bone is deformed.

A burning sensation in the opigastric region of the abdomen, under the “spoon”, pain and heaviness indicate gastritis, gastric ulcer. In this case, the patient loses his appetite, each meal is accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, and sometimes vomiting.

Itching and burning in the face, nose and eyes can be caused by allergies and viral diseases. A runny nose, photophobia, sneezing, nasal congestion, and pain in the eyes appear.



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