Healing properties of birch bark and tar. Birch tea: tea made from birch buds, bark, leaves Birch bark and birch bark

Using natural medicines that birch provides in abundance, modern people feel confident that this is not a tribute to tradition, but an effective means of healing. And there is plenty of evidence of this. Everyday observations, facts that everyone can check, indicate that birch has unique properties. And scientific research conducted over many centuries confirms this.

The latest research in the field of pharmacology and organic chemistry confirms and develops the discoveries of past years. Substances isolated from birch bark provide promising opportunities for curing many diseases. The most relevant are the discovery of compounds that have anti-cancer properties and also help get rid of HIV.

All properties of the bark

Finely chop a teaspoon of raw materials, pour boiling water (one glass), hold on low heat for a while, leave and strain.

Birch bark for hair

Dermatologists use the properties of birch bark to solve many skin and hair problems. Creams, ointments and shampoos containing birch bark preparations in the form of additives or main products are effective for skin and hair. For example, in the case of seborrhea.

You can make a hair rinse at home. Boil one tablespoon of crushed bark in half a liter of water, leave for 30 minutes and rinse your hair.

These are the unique properties that birch bark has, take advantage of all the gifts of nature!

Using natural medicines that birch provides in abundance, modern people feel confident that this is not a tribute to tradition, but an effective means of healing. And there is plenty of evidence of this. Everyday observations, facts that everyone can check, indicate that birch has unique properties. And scientific research conducted over many centuries confirms this.

The latest research in the field of pharmacology and organic chemistry confirms and develops the discoveries of past years. Substances isolated from birch bark provide promising opportunities for curing many diseases. The most relevant are the discovery of compounds that have anti-cancer properties and also help get rid of HIV.

All properties of the bark

The valuable properties of birch bark were noticed centuries earlier and were successfully used by many “researchers” - traditional healers.

Birch bark, and various preparations made from it, were an effective salvation from serious ailments:

  • it was used to treat purulent wounds, boils, and fungal skin lesions;
  • used as an antipyretic;
  • used to improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • used for gynecological problems, diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • the bark helped get rid of neoplasms, often malignant.

This is an excellent remedy for the treatment of psoriasis, various eczemas, and scaly lichen. Coal is a recognized adsorbent, which is indispensable for intoxication, flatulence, and increased gastric acidity.

Birch bark: contraindications for use

Like any medicine, birch bark requires careful attention. Its use may be harmful if you have a predisposition to allergies. Dermatological treatment should be dosed so as not to lead to skin irritation.

  • pregnant women;
  • patients with dysentery or colitis;
  • people diagnosed with kidney disease;
  • in parallel with taking antibiotics (penicillin group) and glucose preparations.

The effectiveness of using birch bark confirms its high ability to affect the body. Therefore, under no circumstances should you engage in treatment without consulting a doctor.

Cough remedy

Betulin, as an anti-inflammatory agent and immunomodulator, can be used to treat inflammatory processes in the body. Colds, throat or oral diseases “cannot resist” such medicines.

Finely chop the bark (60 g). Mix 1.2 liters of hot water with crushed bark and simmer over low heat. When 0.8 liters of liquid remains, filter the broth. Drink half a glass several times a day.

Birch bark for diarrhea

Treatment of diseases of the digestive system with decoctions of birch bark is effective, which confirms the use of drugs in scientific medicine.

Betulin has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa, prevents excess acid production, and has hepatoprotective capabilities. This is the reason for its use in the treatment of even very severe liver diseases. “Birch” medicine helps with colitis and diarrhea.

Finely chop a teaspoon of raw materials, pour boiling water (one glass), hold on low heat for a while, leave and strain.

Birch bark for hair

Dermatologists use the properties of birch bark to solve many skin and hair problems. Creams, ointments and shampoos containing birch bark preparations in the form of additives or main products are effective against fungal infections of the skin and hair. For example, in the case of seborrhea.

You can make a hair rinse at home. Boil one tablespoon of crushed bark in half a liter of water, leave for 30 minutes and rinse your hair.

These are the unique properties that birch bark has, take advantage of all the gifts of nature!



From time immemorial, people have valued and known the healing properties of birch bark.
And now birch is called a warm tree. Even in a cold room, a piece of birch bark or a product made from it remains warm, as it has great positive energy.
It is enough for an excited person to look at it for a while and hold it in his hands - and he immediately calms down.

In Rus' they said that birch takes away pain and gives health. Many peasants in Russia wore tramps and birch bark bast shoes not out of poverty, but to be healthy and protect their joints from rheumatism.
The healing properties of birch have been known to man for a long time. This tree gives everything to a person for his health: bark, sap, buds, tender roots, leaves, young twigs, birch mushroom, tar, birch charcoal.
It also has excellent bioenergetic therapeutic effects.
In a birch grove you will feel calm, cheerful, and filled with the power of life.
Numerous tips on the treatment of diseases are given in herbalists of the XYI-XYII centuries. With the help of birch bark, diseases of the joints, nervous and urinary systems were treated.
Wounds were sprinkled with crushed birch bark so that they would heal faster and not fester.

Birch bark relieves headaches, heals wounds and improves blood pressure. Headbands and hairpins made from birch bark do not accumulate static electricity, and birch bark jewelry does not contain substances that cause skin irritation.

Healing extract from birch bark, which has been used for centuries in treatment and in everyday life, is a natural combination of various healing natural compounds - betulin, lupeol, betulinic acid, etc.

One third of birch bark consists of betulin, which also has another name - birch camphor.

Raw materials are officially approved for use in medicine in Russia, the USA and many other countries.


Betulin protects liver cells from damage by various chemicals. prevents the occurrence of cancer cells, suppresses the causative agent of tuberculosis, helps to avoid the disease in close contact with patients.
Helps neutralize and remove harmful substances from the body. Relieves manifestations of allergies: allergic runny nose, lacrimation (hay fever), skin rashes, etc. facilitates the course of the disease.
In birch bark containers, bread is preserved much longer than usual and does not grow moldy for a long time. a long-known method of air disinfection.
Drop a few drops of birch tar, which is obtained from birch bark, onto the coals and the air in your room will become almost sterile. This is how in the old days they prepared rooms for childbirth. It’s not for nothing that Chinese doctors call our birch Russian ginseng.

Both in Russian folk medicine and in foreign and Russian official medicine it is recognized that birch bark and its components have healing effects. As you know, one third of birch bark consists of betulin, which also has another name - birch camphor.
First in the USA, and then in Russia, this substance began to be called “white gold” for its special biological properties.
Birch bark (birch bark) is harvested mainly from growing trees and trees after felling. In this case, the upper white layer of bark is cut to the phloem. Birch bark from the middle part of the tree is considered the best. The prepared raw materials are dried in air.

The raw materials are official (i.e., approved for use in medicine) in Russia, the USA and many other countries.
Betulin has antitoxic, hepatoprotective and alcohol-protective effects, which were studied in three classical models of hepatitis.
The anti-stress effect of birch extract, hepatoprotective effect in acute gastric injuries, reserpine and histamine ulcers, subchronic butadione, acetylsalicylic ulcers and chronic acetate ulcers were also studied.
At the same time, birch bark extract not only demonstrated a gastroprotective effect at the level of befungin and plantaglucide, but also had a complex effect on the gastric mucosa when it is damaged.
An effect associated with both an impact on protective factors and a weakening of the acid-peptic potential of gastric juice and a decrease in the level of hydrochloric acid.
At the same time, birch bark extract demonstrated antispasmodic, analgesic and phlogistic effects.

Why is birch bark so remarkable?

Birch bark is a wonderful and beautiful material. Its light and durable structure also has extraordinary energy.

The birch attracted everyone with its dazzling white bark - birch bark and greenery. The medicinal properties of birch sap, leaves, and birch bark have also been known to man since ancient times. Birch bark has enormous healing potential.

Please note that houses have never been built from birch. Why? Because birch wood rots quickly. But how then, you ask, does the birch tree grow high into the sky for decades? Due to the unique properties of birch bark - birch bark.
Birch bark has powerful antifungal, antiviral and bactericidal effects. When you are in the forest, poke a long-fallen birch tree with your foot. Only birch bark will resist your foot. The wood had already all turned into dust, into dust, but the birch bark was well preserved.
What can I say, the Novgorod birch bark letters are almost 700 years old, and yet all these years they lay in the ground. And only the last half century in the museum.

Phytoncides are volatile substances that protect plants from pests at a distance.
The phytoncides secreted by birch leaves are well known. Because of them, in a birch grove there are no more than 400 pathogenic microbes per cubic meter of air.
For comparison, the norm for operating rooms is 500. So, birch bark releases phytoncides.
Direct evidence? Please!
Bread is preserved in birch bark containers much longer than usual.
Another example: a long-known method of air disinfection.
Drop a few drops of birch tar, which is obtained from birch bark, onto the coals and the air in your room will become almost sterile. This is how in the old days they prepared rooms for childbirth. Our great-grandfathers knew many secrets of longevity.

As mentioned earlier, bread in birch bark tueskas does not mold for a long time. Now imagine a person in the place of bread.
In a house where there are products made from birch bark, a person breathes healing air. Homeopathic doses of birch bark phytoncides fight all the time, day and night, for his health.
What is, for example, stomatitis? This is an oral disease caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. This is also a specialization of birch bark.
The effect of birch bark against the herpes virus has also been proven. Of course, at first glance, all this may seem useless to a healthy person. But we must not forget about prevention. After all, it is impossible to save on health without damaging it, but you can restore it.
Try it yourself - our medicinal birch bark products are affordable for everyone, this is truly traditional medicine.

Birch bark insoles heal!

A universal new product for health – birch bark insoles!
Surprisingly, but true - soldiers and officers of the tsarist army never had fungal diseases, because they wore boots with birch bark insoles!
Walking in shoes with birch bark insoles is not only pleasant, but also useful!

What is the secret of the beneficial properties of birch bark?

At the end of the twentieth century, the secret of the miraculous power of birch was discovered. It turned out that birch, especially its bark, is rich in betulin. After a series of studies, it turned out that betulin has very powerful anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties and has a beneficial effect on human health. Betulin evaporates evenly from the insoles and has a healing effect.

Firstly, it reduces foot sweating, eliminates fungi and bacteria, wearing insoles ensures the disappearance of foot odor.
- Secondly, betulin, penetrating through the skin into the blood, heals joint pain, relieves fatigue from the legs, and increases the body’s resistance to disease and the development of oncology.
There are studies that indicate that betulin improves liver function.

These substances enter our body from birch bark through biological points and stimulate the functioning of internal organs.
It has been scientifically tested that the beneficial substances of birch bark protect vision, lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, spleen, intestines, bladder, and sciatic nerve.

Today, betulin is under close study by immunologists and oncologists!
Doctors have high hopes that betulin will help cope with the body’s low immune defense and the development of cancer.

The slender, graceful birch is not just a beautiful tree, but has many medicinal properties that have been used by humans for treatment for many centuries. Medicinal products from it can relieve headaches and fever, eliminate excess water in the body, thin the blood and treat urinary tract infections. White birch is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory remedy for rheumatism, arthritis and gout. The salicylates it contains can help get rid of warts.

What other useful and medicinal properties does birch have, how to use it and recipes for use will be described in this article.

Although modern medicine has achieved very impressive results in treating the most serious diseases, many people do not forget the traditional methods of treatment that our distant ancestors used. Birch is one of the most common and frequently used medicinal plants. And most importantly, one of the most affordable. After all, birch grows almost everywhere in our country.

Birch has many uses in people's daily lives. But its healing properties are not at the bottom of this list. In the spring, many go to the forest to collect a truly life-giving elixir - birch sap.

The leaves serve as raw material for a tonic drink. Kidneys are one of the best treatments for the urinary system. Birch tar is extracted from the bark.

In every part of the birch tree, any person can find for himself what his body needs to maintain his health.

Birch description

Birch is one of the most common species of deciduous trees that grow throughout the globe, mostly in the northern hemisphere, and has more than a hundred species. White or silver birch is the most common species.

It is distinguished by a tall (growing up to 25 meters in height) smooth trunk with white bark with characteristic black spots and a dense crown. Young trees have yellow-white bark, which becomes white and smooth over the years. The lower part of the trunk of old trees is dark with cracks.

Young branches are drooping and flexible with resinous warts, which is why it is also called warty birch, hanging birch, and weeping birch.

In early spring, resinous sticky buds appear on the birch from which leaves bloom. In early spring, in April - May, birch throws out flower stalks - earrings, collected in inflorescences. At the end of summer, at the beginning of autumn, fruits ripen from them - lentil-shaped nuts.

Birch reproduces vegetatively or by seeds and often occupies vast areas in areas where pine and oak forests have been cleared or after fires.

There is no point in listing where white birch grows. Its habitat occupies vast territories both here and in the former Soviet republics. Even in the Far North you can find dwarf birch species.

Birch beneficial properties

Birch has always been valued among us for its many beneficial and medicinal properties. For this purpose, all parts of the plant are used: buds, leaves, bark, chaga mushroom. Birch brooms and a bath are the first remedy for back and joint pain.

Many valuable useful substances were found in its chemical composition:

Carotene and vitamin C;

Essential oil;


Flavonoids: (hyperoside, luteolin, quercetin);



Birch bark contains betulin, glycosides, tannins, and essential oil.

Essential oils, coumarins, tannins, and flavonoids are found in the leaves.

The kidneys contain a lot of resinous substances, alkaloids, ascorbic acid, and flavonoids. Essential oil and fatty acids are also present.

Of great importance are glycosides, which break down to produce methyl salicylate, a precursor to aspirin. Without yet knowing such a scientific name, our ancestors used the birch bark of the tree to relieve headaches, pain during exacerbation of arthritis, rheumatism, and gout.

As some studies by scientists show, betulin is able to affect cancer cells of some types of cancer and cause their self-destruction, so-called apoptosis. There are suggestions that betulinic acid may slow the growth of melanoma, a form of skin cancer. Although such studies have so far been carried out only on mice, studies by American and German scientists have received positive results.

Birch essential oil is considered one of the most effective remedies for treating skin diseases.

They rinsed their heads with a decoction of the leaves to strengthen their hair and get rid of dandruff, and treated their feet in case of excessive sweating.

Birch phytoncides, which are present in all parts of the plant, can suppress the growth of microbes literally within 3 hours.

Birch mushroom relieves headaches, improves appetite, and restores strength. It also has anti-cancer properties.

In addition to its medicinal uses, birch is important in economic activities. It is used to make paper; toys and furniture are made from wood. The first chronicles were written on birch bark - birch bark.

Due to the presence of tannins, birch bark is used in the tanning industry for tanning leather.

This graceful tree has found application in the cosmetic and culinary fields. Birch sawdust is the best for smoking fish.

The healing properties of birch

In Ancient Rus', even before the adoption of Christianity, the only goddess who was called the mother of everything on earth was Bereginya and she was represented in the form of a birch, worshiping this tree. Since then, we have come to understand this tree as a symbol of life and health. Its medicinal properties are truly extensive, ranging from cleansing the body to treating many inflammatory diseases. Among its medicinal properties it is necessary to highlight:









Birch leaves contain chemicals that enhance the removal of water from the body through urine. By promoting the outflow of urine, it is effectively used to treat urinary tract infections, cystitis, prostatitis, and kidney stones.

As a diaphoretic, it increases sweating, removes toxins through the skin, reduces fever, and helps cope with colds and flu.

The presence of betulin and betulinic acid makes it an excellent antiviral agent. Some researchers claim that betulin can slow the growth of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Birch bark, due to the presence of astringent substances - tannins, is used to treat certain stomach and intestinal disorders, such as diarrhea and dysentery.

Birch preparations are considered mild sedatives and can be used for insomnia.

For local use, birch-based preparations are used in the form of poultices, ointments, creams for skin diseases: eczema, wounds, warts, boils, ulcers, psoriasis, for the treatment of joints and rheumatism.

Its diuretic properties are also used for weight loss. By removing excess fluid from the body, it reduces the appearance of cellulite.

Due to the presence of substances with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces pain during joint inflammation during the premenstrual period.

Birch application

Birch, having excellent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic and other medicinal properties, is used not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine. Many medicines have been created based on this tree of life.

Decoctions and tea in early spring help cope with spring vitamin deficiency and cleanse the body of waste and toxins. They drink them for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, colds, coughs. It can be used to treat:


Muscle pain;


Kidney and bladder stones;



For cosmetic purposes it is used:


To strengthen hair;

Anti-lice (birch tar);

For cellulite;

Skin rashes and acne.

Birch buds

Birch bark

The most important substance in birch bark is betulin. Fresh bark is applied to wounds, abscesses, and used to treat abscesses. Preparations made from it serve as an excellent tonic that relieve fatigue and increase tone.

Birch sap

In early spring, sap flow begins in the tree trunk and at this time it is time to collect the healing drink. Birch sap is not only a delicious refreshing drink. This is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that the white-trunked beauty has accumulated.

It is drunk as a vitamin supplement that increases the body's defenses, giving a boost of vigor and energy. The juice cleanses the body well of toxins and waste, removes all harmful substances from the body, stones and normalizes metabolic processes. It is indicated for those who suffer from gout, arthritis, and normalizes stomach acidity.

Birch tar

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is another well-known birch product. It is used for poisoning, atherosclerosis, and cleansing the body. Its application is extensive and is not limited only to the field of medicine. It is used in economic activities and everyday life. Carbon water filters are the most common water purification devices.

Based on activated carbon, the drug “Carbolen” is produced, which is used for flatulence and intestinal colic, to reduce high acidity of the stomach, to lower cholesterol, as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases and oncology.

Birch use in folk medicine

For treatment, traditional medicine uses all parts of the plant: bark, buds, leaves, juice, mushroom. From all this, decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures, and oil extracts are prepared.

Birch bud decoction

To prepare the decoction, take 10 grams of dried buds and brew 200 ml of boiling water. Place the saucepan on low heat and simmer over low heat for half an hour.

Remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes and then filter. Drink the decoction 3-4 tablespoons a day as a diuretic, disinfectant, and expectorant.

Birch leaf decoction

To prepare a decoction of 30 grams of birch leaves, brew 400 ml of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to the filtered broth.

This decoction can be drunk as a choleretic and diuretic, made as a lotion for cuts and abscesses, and used in the form of baths for eczema. Drink 100 ml decoction 3-4 times a day.

Aqueous extract of birch leaves

It is prepared from young leaves. To do this, pour 50 grams of fresh leaves into 400 ml of boiled water cooled to 45 degrees. Leave for 5 hours. Drain the resulting solution and refill the leaves with the same amount of water. Leave for 6 hours. Strain and mix with the first liquid.

The aqueous extract is taken for disorders of the nervous system, as a stimulant, for renal colic, as a vitamin and anti-inflammatory agent. Drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day.

Infusion of birch leaves

A standard infusion of leaves is prepared from 1 tablespoon of dry leaves and a glass of boiling water. Leave for 15 to 30 minutes, strain and drink as a diuretic, diaphoretic, can be used as a lotion for wounds, eczema, suitable for rinsing hair after washing your hair, for freezing facial cubes.

Alcohol tincture

Alcohol tincture is often made from birch buds. It can also be made from the leaves or bark of the chaga mushroom. To prepare the tincture, take 15 grams of birch buds and pour half a liter of vodka or 70% medical alcohol.

Place in a dark place for 3-4 weeks. Shake the container daily. After the expiration date, strain and store in a dark glass bottle in a cool place.

The tincture is taken for kidney disease, bladder disease, gastric ulcer, and for worms, 20-25 drops, pre-diluted with water.

It is used to treat bedsores, wipe problem skin, acne, boils, and rub sore joints.

Similarly, you can prepare a tincture from birch leaves.

Birch leaf tea

Tea with birch leaves can be brewed with either fresh or dry leaves. To brew tea you need to take small fresh green leaves. For tea, take 4-5 leaves and brew a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 5-10 minutes and drink 3-4 glasses a day for kidney and bladder stones, gout and arthritis, rheumatism, as a diuretic for cystitis, as a diaphoretic.

Tea can be used to make lotions for psoriasis and eczema, herpes, cleanse the body in the spring, use it as a facial tonic, and for rinsing hair.

Oil on birch leaves

It’s easy to make your own birch oil at home. You can use olive or sweet almond oil as a base oil.

To make the oil, collect the bright green leaves in spring or early summer. Rinse and dry well. Place in a jar and pour oil over them until they are completely covered with oil.

Cover the jar with a napkin and secure it with an elastic band. Place in a warm place, maybe in the sun, for a month. Stir the butter regularly with a clean wooden spoon.

Filter the finished oil extract and pour it into a clean, dry jar and let it settle. If there was water in the leaves, it will sink to the bottom of the jar.

Pour into a sterile dark glass bottle and close tightly with a lid. Store in a cool, dark place.

The oil can be used for massage against cellulite, for rubbing against muscle pain, muscle pain, rheumatism, eczema, psoriasis.

Infusion of birch leaves to cleanse the body

To cleanse the body of waste and toxins, brew 8-10 grams of dry or 10-15 grams of fresh birch leaves with a glass of boiling water in a thermos. Let it brew for 4-5 hours and drink a tablespoon 4 to 5 times a day.

Infusion of birch leaves for cholelithiasis

Brew one tablespoon of dried leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Strain and drink 100 ml before meals 4 times a day.

Infusion for prostate hypertrophy

Brew two tablespoons of leaves with 500 ml of boiling water and leave for two hours. Strain and drink 100 ml 3 to 5 times a day before meals.

For sciatica or radiculitis, it is useful to take birch baths. To prepare the decoction, young birch twigs along with leaves are used.

The same decoction can be used for eczema on the hands. Place your hands in the prepared bath and hold for half an hour. To achieve lasting results, do these baths two or three times a day.

For cardiovascular problems, kidney disease or vitamin deficiency, a decoction of birch buds is prepared. To do this, brew 10 grams of kidneys with a glass (200 ml) of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 12-15 minutes. After straining, add the broth to the original volume. Take a tablespoon 3 to 4 times a day.

How to prepare raw materials

Each of the birch gifts must be collected at its own time. Birch sap is harvested at the very beginning of spring, when sap flow begins. The sap collection season is short and lasts no more than 10 days.

Buds are also harvested in early spring before the leaves begin to bloom. Dry them outdoors in the shade or in vegetable dryers. Drying temperature no more than 30 degrees. The shelf life of the kidneys is two years.

It is better to collect birch leaves when they are still very young and no larger than 10 kopecks in size. This is just the time of birch flowering.

They are dried in the same way as the kidneys, in a ventilated area in the shade or in a dryer, spread out in one layer. The leaves are well dried if they break. The shelf life is two years.

Birch contraindications for use

In general, all birch preparations are considered safe. The exception is individual intolerance, which may manifest itself as an allergic reaction.

In addition, women are prohibited from using preparations based on birch buds and leaves during pregnancy.

Chaga mushroom is contraindicated in chronic colitis and some other chronic diseases.

Treatment with birch is prohibited during a course of treatment with penicillin or during intravenous glucose administration.

If renal function is impaired, there may be irritation of the parenchyma. In this case, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and constant monitoring of urine tests.

Birch is one of the most beautiful and graceful plants, which bestows us with its many beneficial and medicinal properties. She was revered and given love by all peoples. Let us use it only for the benefit of our health.


Perhaps, if not all, then many health problems can be resolved with the help of Mother Nature. After all, there are a colossal number of plants that can help a person improve their well-being. These include a charming tree called birch. It is noteworthy that in folk medicine almost all of its parts are used: the buds, the juice, the foliage, the branches, and even the bark of this tree, which will be discussed today.

Description: what is the name of birch bark

Birch bark, or, as another name for what covers the trunk of this tree - birch bark, has been used by people for a very long time. And if initially it was used as an improvised material that replaced paper and served for the manufacture of various household items, now the scope of its use is much wider. With the help of this material, various diseases are treated and used as a prophylactic against ailments.

Chemical composition

Birch bark contains many useful substances, which explains its popularity among traditional healers. It contains minerals such as:

  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • aluminum;
  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • strontium;
  • vanadium;
  • magnesium;
  • chromium;
  • selenium;
  • cobalt;
  • barium.

It also contains flavonoids, tar, tannins, nicotinic and ascorbic acid, coumarins, wax, resin, essential oils, palmitic acid and the triterpenoid betulin (a white organic pigment).

Reviews from the network about the use of birch tar

My mother-in-law told me about birch tar. She loves its smell, sniffs tar at the first sign of a cold, even inserts tar bags into her nose when she has a runny nose and washes herself only with tar soap. While visiting them, the mother-in-law suggested trying to smell the contents of the bottle. I didn’t like the smell, it’s very pungent; when you inhale it once, it stays in your nose for a long time. I didn't want to smell it anymore. But then I read on the Internet that tar has an antiseptic, disinfectant effect and as soon as people do not use it. Basically, tar helps with skin problems. Tar color is black. It is made from birch bark. I still bought a bottle of tar at the pharmacy, it’s not expensive. And now, when a child gets sick, so as not to get infected myself, I sniff tar once a day. The husband and child refuse to smell the tar. In addition, the child is allergic to birch pollen and therefore, everything related to this tree is not recommended for her.

Marie deka



Medicinal properties

With the help of birch bark you can cure:

  1. Gout.
  2. Lung diseases.
  3. Skin diseases and inflammations.
  4. Fungus on the skin.
  5. Dropsy.
  6. Malaria.
Also birch bark:
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves appetite.

Application in medicine

Birch bark is used in both folk and traditional medicine. It is included in many medicines and herbal preparations. This is due to the fact that she:

  • helps with inflammatory processes;
  • relieves high fever;
  • stabilizes metabolism;
  • promotes weight loss and weight gain;
  • very quickly copes with wounds and purulent formations on the skin, helps in the treatment of melanoma (skin cancer).

Use in cosmetology

Birch bark has also found its use in recipes for beauty and youth. With its help you can eliminate problems such as acne. Regular washing with a decoction of this raw material promotes rapid healing, as well as improving the condition of the skin and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Rinse hair with a decoction of birch bark after washing; this procedure gives shine to the hair and promotes rapid growth and prevents hair loss.

Role in everyday life

This material has long been used to make things that people use in everyday life; in the old days these were bast shoes, baskets, and toys for children. Nowadays, many products that we use in everyday life are also made from birch bark, including hairpins, combs, combs, baskets, decorative jewelry, cups and much more.

In addition to its healing properties, this material is highly durable and retains heat well, which makes it attractive for making a variety of tableware.

Important!Birch firewood is one of the best for fireplaces because it does not produce sparks when burning (if dry).

Side effects and contraindications

Birch bark should not be taken in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • kidney problems;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • during therapy with penicillin-based drugs;
  • in combination with medications containing glucose;
  • for dysentery and colitis.

When used correctly, birch bark does not cause adverse reactions. But if you use this product irrationally, some problems may arise. Therefore, it is always worth remembering that this remedy is auxiliary, and self-medication can cause negative consequences.

How to remove bark from a tree

It is not at all difficult to obtain such raw materials; all you need to do is choose a healthy, beautiful birch tree and have a sharp knife with you. Using a knife, you need to make a vertical cut on the trunk to a depth of 1-2 mm and separate the bark. If the right time is chosen, the bark will literally separate from the tree itself.

Important!This should be done during the period of sap flow - mid-May to mid-July.

The resulting raw materials are dried in the fresh air for 7-10 days, and then placed in fabric bags and plastic containers and stored in a cool, dry place. The shelf life of dry raw materials is 3 years from the date of procurement.

Video: how to remove bark from a birch tree

Did you know? Among the ancient Germanic peoples, the birch was a symbol of Nertha - the goddess of fertility, Mother Earth.

Preparation of healing potions

And now we move on to the most important thing - the process of preparing medicinal drugs. The recipes are simple, and birch bark for cooking can be purchased at a pharmacy if you don’t have the time or opportunity to get it yourself.

Did you know? One of the types of birch - Schmidt birch - is also called iron birch, since the strength of its wood is equal to the strength of this metal, and the tree is also highly resistant to fire.


For preparation you will need:

  • 60 g birch bark;
  • 1 liter of boiling water.
Dried birch bark must be crushed, placed in a saucepan and filled with boiling water. Then place the pan on the stove and bring the liquid to a boil. After it boils, turn down the heat and leave the broth to simmer on the stove for 40-50 minutes. During this time, about 0.4 liters of liquid should evaporate. Then the broth is filtered and taken 100 ml 3-5 times a day.

This decoction will help cope with cough and facilitate sputum discharge. It should be taken until the condition improves. This decoction can also be used externally and cure foot fungus, skin diseases and scabies. To do this, you need to wipe the affected area with a cotton swab or soft cloth soaked in the medicine 2 times a day.



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