Bronchitis symptoms in children 5-6 years old. Obstructive bronchitis in children consequences

Bronchitis in children is a respiratory disease characterized by a nonspecific inflammatory process in the area lower section respiratory tract. Young children are most often affected by the disease, since their immunity is not yet fully developed.

The main manifestation of this inflammatory disease is persistent cough, the intensity of which is increasing every day. This should be the first symptom a wake-up call for parents and encourage them to visit a child specialist.

The first symptom that suggests the presence of bronchitis in a child is a lingering dry cough.

Causes of the disease

The causes of bronchitis in children are varied. This disease develops in infants when pathogens and irritants such as:

  • Viruses. They are first activated in the nasopharynx. If appropriate measures are not taken in time, viruses enter the bronchial mucosa. Viral bronchitis may be the result of untreated ARVI or influenza.
  • Bacteria that infect the bronchi. The causative agents of inflammation are streptococci, pneumococci, chlamydia, staphylococci, which cannot be removed from the body without antibiotics.
  • Allergens that enter the respiratory tract through the nasopharynx.
  • Fungi. Bronchitis of this etymology occurs in weakened children, for example, premature babies or those who have previously been frequently exposed to antibiotic therapy.
  • Toxins that enter the body when inhaling polluted air. The body of babies reacts very sharply to tobacco smoke, so passive smoking should be banned.
  • In addition, the disease can quickly manifest itself after prolonged hypothermia or exposure to a draft.

Symptoms of bronchitis

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The signs of bronchitis in children are so obvious that attentive mothers can recognize them when the disease has just begun to develop. It manifests itself in infants with the main symptoms:

  • A wet cough that replaces a dry one. Severe attacks bother the child during and after sleep.
  • Heavy breathing accompanied by wheezing.
  • Chest pain when coughing.
  • In some cases - temperature.

Sometimes babies experience shortness of breath with strong heartbeat. The secondary signs of this disease may differ, since they directly depend on its stage and form.

Is the temperature rising?

In children, prolonged bronchitis, as a rule, rarely causes a high fever. This disease is characterized by temperature instability. Infants with bronchitis often have a temperature between 37.5-38 degrees, after which there is a sharp rise or fall without taking antipyretics.

IN in rare cases in children, the temperature rises to febrile (38-39 ºС) or pyretic (39-40 ºС) levels. Parents in such a situation do not need to panic. They should understand that fever during bronchitis in children is a symptom that the body is trying to fight the disease by localizing inflammation.

In addition to coughing, with bronchitis the temperature rises (most often up to 38 degrees)

There is still no clear answer to the question of what temperature is normal for this inflammatory disease. The numbers are purely arbitrary and depend on the strength of the baby’s immune system, as well as on the cause of the disease.

What is a cough like with bronchitis?

On initial stage A small patient has a dry cough, which after some time turns into a wet one. A dry cough is painful for a baby, because with it the child cannot completely cough up mucus.

When a baby coughs wetly, huge amount mucus that accumulates in the bronchi. U one year old child it makes breathing more difficult, since the airways at this age are much narrower than in older children. The main coughing attacks occur during sleep or upon awakening.

The most severe attacks coughs occur at night

If the treatment prescribed to the child turns out to be ineffective, the cough becomes recurrent. Protracted cough in children is very difficult to treat outpatient setting. Most often, the baby requires hospitalization.

Does breathing change?

With bronchitis, parents themselves may notice changes in the toddler’s breathing. For any mother, wheezing and whistling while exhaling and inhaling will not go unnoticed. Very rarely, against the background of the disease, shortness of breath occurs, accompanied by a rapid heartbeat.

At the initial stage, the pediatrician listens for dry wheezing, which becomes wet when the cough changes. The percussion sound remains within normal limits if the disease occurs in an unadvanced form.

Types of bronchitis

Only a pediatrician can determine the type of bronchitis, after which he will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Depending on the duration of the disease in the baby, doctors distinguish:

  • Acute bronchitis. It begins against the background of hypothermia. Another reason is that bacteria or viruses have entered the bronchi. Children over 1 year of age are susceptible to this form of the disease. The baby has a headache, becomes apathetic and lethargic, loses interest in food, and begins to cough. The cough is dry in the first days, after which it becomes wet. At the same time, the intensity of the cough increases every day. Coughing up sputum is the key to a child’s recovery, so parents need to monitor how much sputum their child coughs up. As for the temperature, it can remain normal, but most often it rises to 37.5-38 degrees.
  • Chronic form. Untimely and Not effective treatment acute form of bronchitis leads to chronic stage disease, that is, to relapse several times a year. In this case, a child’s cough in acute form occurs for 1-2 months.

Depending on the severity, we can talk about three types of disease:

  1. Uncomplicated bronchitis. Characterized by copious discharge sputum and deep wet cough.
  2. Obstructive bronchitis (we recommend reading:). The child can clearly hear wheezing. Distinctive feature This form is bronchial obstruction, expressed by shortness of breath. At the initial stage, the child may be bothered by rhinitis and a dry cough. Soon, parents may hear wheezing from the child, which prevents him from sleeping peacefully. At the same time, the baby’s temperature begins to change, sometimes reaching high levels.
  3. Obliterative. This is persistent bronchitis. It is characterized by overgrowing of the canals that are located in the bronchi, which significantly complicates the baby’s breathing.

Depending on the stage of development and severity of the disease, the doctor makes specific treatment

Localization is another criterion for classifying types of bronchitis into categories such as:

  • Tracheobronchitis. The inflammatory process is localized in the bronchi and trachea. The child suffers from coughing attacks, but it is very difficult to get rid of phlegm.
  • Bronchiolitis, affecting the bronchi and bronchioles. This disease mainly affects children under one year of age, since they immune system is not yet able to protect itself from viruses that penetrate deep into the respiratory system. The main manifestations are fine wheezing, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat. Another sign of bronchiolitis is an increase in temperature to febrile levels.

How to treat children for bronchitis?

Most often, an infant can be treated for bronchitis at home. However, sometimes doctors want to play it safe and insist on hospitalization. This happens when the disease is severe or if the patient is less than 3 months old.

If close relatives and the doctor agreed to come to general decision regarding treatment at home, parents must impeccably follow all doctor’s instructions. Only effective treatment will allow the child to be thoroughly cured and not develop the disease.


The main treatment for bronchitis is based on taking medications, the most effective of which are the following tablets and syrups:

Groups medicines Names of funds
Antiviral drugs used to treat viral bronchitis
  • Umifenovir hydrochloride
  • Rimantadine
  • Interferon
  • Viferon
Antibiotics that must be taken if the temperature persists for 3 or more days, and also if the disease has a bacterial etiology
  • Amoxiclav
  • Amoxicillin
  • Augmentin
Antihistamines recommended for children with allergies
  • Fenistil
  • Supratin
  • Zyrtec
  • L-Cet
Antipyretic drugs, which are given to babies at a temperature that reaches febrile levels (more than 38.5 degrees)
  • Nurofen
  • Paracetamol
Cough medicines that thin mucus and remove it from the bronchi
  • Ambrobene syrup (more details in the article:)
  • Lazolvan
  • Fluditek (more details in the article:)
  • Mucosol
  • Ambroxol
  • Gedelix
  • Erespal (we recommend reading:)
  • overslept
  • Gerbion
  • Bronholitin
Antispasmodics that reduce bronchial spasms in obstructive bronchitis
  • Drotaverine
  • No-shpa
  • Papaverine
Bronchodilators intended to relieve obstruction
  • Teopek
  • Eufillin
  • Salmeterol
  • Ascoril (see also:)
  • Clenbuterol

You should treat your child with antibiotics with extreme caution. They are prescribed only when high temperature, which does not go astray for three days, as well as when infected with streptococcus, staphylococcus or pneumococcus.

In all other cases, it would be appropriate to treat bronchitis in children without antibiotics, using tablets and syrups.

Drainage massage

Drainage massage refers to auxiliary methods therapy of a child during treatment for bronchitis. It is very effective for removing phlegm. Massage is allowed only from 6 months of age. Dry cough and elevated temperature are contraindications for drainage massage. It is carried out no more than 10 minutes 2 times a day.

The technique for performing drainage massage is as follows:

  1. First, the baby needs to be placed on his stomach. It is best to place a blanket or large pillow under the baby's body. This is done so that the head is in a half-lowered state.
  2. Next, the parent proceeds to direct back massage using essential oil. After this, you need to start tapping the branches along the spine using your fingertips. The procedure should be carried out with gentle and unobtrusive movements without using excessive force. During these soft taps, mucus is removed from the walls of the bronchi and removed from them.
  3. The last stage is to sit the baby on a chair so that he can take an upright position and cough up mucus.


During inhalation, the medicine acts on the bronchi, resulting in a positive effect.

Today you can carry out inhalations at home using a nebulizer. The only contraindication for inhalation is elevated body temperature.

Before using inhalation products, you should read the instructions, since some of them are approved only after 2 years. Medicines used for inhalation for different forms bronchitis:

Traditional medicine

In order to cure bronchitis without using medications, some parents resort to remedies traditional medicine.

When treating bronchitis, it is very important to drink large number liquids: simple teas it is recommended to replace it with herbal decoctions that have an immunostimulating and restorative effect

The most famous among them:

  • Compresses from sunflower oil and honey. The oil compress is heated in a water bath, and then applied to the back or chest baby and is wrapped in polyethylene, after which it is necessary to wrap the child in a warm woolen scarf or blanket. You can also add honey to the oil and mix the components in equal proportions. However, it should be remembered that honey is allergenic product, so it must be used with extreme caution.
  • Potato cake is the safest and quickly relieves cough. To prepare it, you need to boil the potatoes in their jackets, then crush them and place them in cheesecloth. In this form, the cake is applied to the back and wrapped in polyethylene, and covered with a warm blanket on top.
  • Mustard plasters. They can be applied to children from 5 years of age on the chest area without affecting the heart area.

Therapy folk remedies includes drinking plenty of fluids. Milk with honey and butter has a softening effect on the respiratory tract. Warm lingonberry juice with honey has a similar effect.

Treatment with folk remedies also involves the use of herbs:

  • One of the most effective is a decoction of thyme, which should be taken 3 times a day instead of tea.
  • A tincture of the following herbs- marshmallow root, licorice, anise, sage and pine buds. This collection must be poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes, then drained, divided into 4 parts and drunk 4 times a day.
  • Medicinal syrup can be replaced with a decoction of mint and wheatgrass. To do this, pour 3 teaspoons of mint and 5 teaspoons of wheatgrass into three glasses of water, put on fire, bring to a boil and consume 1/3 glass before each meal.

How to prevent bronchitis in your baby?

Hardened children have strong immunity and very rarely turn white

Prevention of bronchitis in a child is aimed at strengthening the immune system, therefore, to prevent this disease, parents should make their children healthier in the following ways:

If your baby gets sick with ARVI and is tormented by it severe cough, it is not necessary that the disease will develop into bronchitis. In order to prevent bronchitis, parents should pay attention to the therapy of the baby - complete the full course drug treatment prescribed by the pediatrician, do not overcool the child, give warm drinks and vitamins as often as possible, and also observe bed rest.

If your baby has a fever, wheezing and a burning sensation in the chest, and a dry cough appears in the evening, it’s time to sound the alarm. It is quite possible that this is how the child shows signs of bronchitis - an inflammatory disease of the bronchi that threatens with all sorts of complications, including pneumonia and pulmonary atelectasis. Complex treatment Only a doctor can prescribe it, but you can help your child using effective folk remedies.

Causes of bronchitis in children and signs of how the disease manifests itself

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial wall. Usually in inflammatory process Mostly the mucous membrane lining the bronchi from the inside is involved, but with severe bronchitis, the entire bronchial wall can be affected by the inflammatory process.

The main cause of bronchitis in children is the effect of viral and coccal infections on the bronchi. Weak children and those who do not have sufficient quality care are more susceptible to the risk of bronchitis. However, even children with good care suffer from bronchitis. Very rarely, bronchitis develops as independent disease; usually they occur as a complication of acute respiratory disease (acute respiratory disease), adeno viral infection. In some cases, bronchitis also begins. Children who have adenoid growths and suffer chronic tonsillitis, suffer from bronchitis more often, and the duration of each disease is longer.

Regardless of the cause, bronchitis in children most often begins with the same symptoms. Typically, symptoms of bronchitis in a child begin to appear on the second or third day after the onset of an acute respiratory illness. As a rule, the baby develops a strong febrile reaction - up to 38.5 ° C. However, the body temperature may be slightly lower - it depends on the cause of the disease. Older children, falling ill with bronchitis, complain of a feeling of discomfort and burning in the chest, and a headache; one must think that this also worries a child under the age of one year. Soon a cough appears, which is the main symptom of bronchitis. As bronchitis manifests itself in children, the cough undergoes changes over time. If in the first days of the illness it is dry and painful, worsening at night, then already on the fifth or sixth day of the illness the cough becomes milder, with the appearance of sputum - first mucous, and then mucopurulent in nature; in severe cases, the sputum may be purulent and streaked with blood. In babies of the first year of life, it can be difficult to determine the nature of sputum, since they tend to swallow it.

In most cases general condition in children with bronchitis, the external appearance remains within normal limits, but quite severe shortness of breath may be observed. A doctor listening to a child's bronchi with a phonendoscope hears wheezing - scattered dry wheezing and moist medium- and large-bubbly wheezing. Wheezing may vary throughout the day. After coughing, they decrease or disappear altogether. The painful process ends with recovery after 7-14 days.

What types of bronchitis occur in children: obstructive and acute forms

There are two main types of bronchitis in children: obstructive and acute forms.

In a child in the second half of life, the disease develops as obstructive bronchitis. The word “obstruction” (lat. obstructio) means blockage, obstacle, hindrance. Obstruction occurs due to swelling of the mucous membrane, blockage of the bronchial lumen with accumulations of mucus, and also due to bronchospasm. This form of bronchitis is characterized by a somewhat elongated whistling exhalation. The wheezing that occurs in the bronchi is clearly audible without any phonendoscope - even from a distance of several meters. However, with obstructive bronchitis, children do not suffer from suffocation.

Most severe course characteristic of the so-called capillary bronchitis (it is also called “acute bronchiolitis”). With capillary bronchitis, many small bronchi and bronchioles become clogged with mucopurulent plugs. Since ventilation of the lungs is significantly impaired, the child develops severe shortness of breath; breathing becomes noisy, shallow, the frequency of respiratory movements increases - up to 80-90 per minute. The child's chest is swollen and may take on a barrel shape. The skin becomes gray and even bluish-gray; the mucous membrane of the lips also takes on a bluish color. With acute bronchitis in children, the body temperature rises greatly and signs of intoxication appear. Due to developing hypoxia, the child may become agitated, and in some cases convulsions appear. The cough has an obsessive paroxysmal nature; At first it is dry, then it becomes wet. Coughing attacks can provoke vomiting.

Another type of bronchitis that occurs in children with the development of obliteration (infestation) of the lumen of bronchioles and arterioles is obliterating bronchiolitis. With the development of emphysema, blood flow in the lungs is disrupted, and respiratory failure increases over time; changes that are irreversible develop in the bronchioles and arterioles of the diseased area of ​​the lung.

Due to impaired bronchial obstruction, a child may develop acute pneumonia. Among the complications acute bronchitis you should also call atelectasis (collapse) of the lungs.

How to treat bronchitis in a child at home and prevent the disease in children

When symptoms of bronchitis are detected in children, comprehensive treatment is prescribed, and this is done exclusively by a pediatrician. Such therapy consists of many important points. A sick baby must be provided for good care, good nutrition- complete, varied, abundant in vitamins.

Drinking plenty of warm drinks is of great importance in the treatment of bronchitis in children (the bronchi warm up, sweating and urination increase, and, therefore, the body leaves the body faster and faster). more toxins are removed). The room in which the sick child is located should be ventilated more often. If the child's body temperature rises, bed rest is observed, the child is given the antipyretic drugs prescribed by the doctor.

In the process of treating a child’s bronchitis at home, it is necessary to give the child medications that suppress a dry cough; when the cough becomes productive, it is necessary to take expectorants to cleanse the bronchi of mucus. At home, it is recommended to inhale soda steam.

How else can you treat bronchitis in children after consulting a doctor? If someone at home knows how to massage, then they should give it to a sick child every day. Massage eliminates stagnation in the body, promotes the removal of toxins and waste from it and thereby favors speedy recovery baby.

In the system preventive measures great value have hardening (without forcing the temperature regime) from the first months of life, regular implementation physical exercise, massage. Timely and sufficient treatment of influenza and other colds. To prevent bronchitis in children, the possibility of hypothermia must be excluded; When going for a walk with a child, a mother is always obliged to think very carefully about what to dress him in. Choosing the right clothes for your baby is especially important when the air humidity is high. Rational feeding of the child and sufficient exposure to fresh air are also important.

How to treat bronchitis in children using traditional medicine

For symptoms of bronchitis in children, treatment with folk remedies can only act as an additional method of therapy.

  • young children who do not know how to cough should change their body position more often, for example: turning the baby from one side to the other; at the same time, the sputum accumulated in the bronchi begins to flow down under the influence of its weight and irritate the walls of the bronchi; Such irritation naturally causes reflex cough, and after coughing it becomes easier for the child to breathe;
  • In the process of treating bronchitis in children with folk remedies, you need to include milk oatmeal in your diet more often;
  • rub the soles of the child’s feet with turpentine ointment once a day; do it better in the evening, before bedtime; the procedure is performed as follows: a small amount of ointment is applied to the sole, which is then rubbed with force with the palm - so that it becomes baked in the palm; Once the rubbing is complete, woolen socks are put on the child’s feet, and the child is covered with a blanket.
  • Another effective folk remedy for bronchitis for children is hot wraps at night using any vegetable oil. These wraps are made like this: the oil is heated to a temperature of 44-45 ° C, gauze folded in several layers is soaked in it (the gauze should be large enough to cover right side chest and back, - i.e. projections of the lungs, with the exception of areas bordering the heart), and lightly squeeze; quickly, before the oil has cooled, wrap the gauze around the body, cover the top with cellophane or wax paper, cover the compress with a thick layer of cotton wool, secure all layers with several turns of the bandage and put a flannel shirt or even a sweater on the child; the compress remains overnight; In the morning, when the child wakes up, remove the compress and wipe the skin thoroughly with a dry towel; However, it should be remembered that such compresses cannot be used when the child’s body temperature rises;
  • good therapeutic effect can be achieved with the help of ordinary heating pads (2 are enough), which are applied simultaneously to the child’s chest and back during sleep; At night, you should change the heating pads 2 times (each time you need to pay attention to whether the heating pads are leaking); if the child’s body temperature rises, heating pads are not used;
  • to facilitate coughing, give the child warm milk with the addition of Borjomi mineral water;
  • A remedy such as warm milk with butter, baking soda and honey also relieves cough;

Traditional methods of treating bronchitis in children: the best recipes

Below is a selection of the best folk recipes for bronchitis for children that will help fight the disease.

  • As an expectorant, you can give your child a decoction of coltsfoot leaves; preparing the decoction: pour 1 tablespoon of dry, crushed leaves with a glass of water and boil over low heat for 12-15 minutes, cool, strain; take 1-2 tablespoons 4-6 times a day; alternate with other means.
  • When treating bronchitis in children with folk remedies, it is recommended to use an infusion of small-leaved linden flowers; preparing the infusion: place 1 tablespoon of dried flowers in a heated bowl, pour a glass of boiling water and leave, wrapped well, for about an hour, strain; take warm, 0.5-1 glass 2-3 times a day;
  • drink freshly squeezed for a wet cough cabbage juice(you can add a little sugar to improve the taste) 1 teaspoon 5-6 times a day.
  • Another good method for treating bronchitis in children is to drink a decoction of figs in milk several times a day;
  • drink infusion of black currant leaves; preparing the infusion: pour 1 tablespoon of dry, crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave, wrapped, for about half an hour, strain; drink warm 0.5-1 glass 2-3 times a day;
  • take black radish juice with honey; preparation of the product: peel a medium-sized radish, squeeze out the juice, add 1 tablespoon of honey to it and mix thoroughly; give the child 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes. before meals;
  • for a strong dry cough, inhale with clove oil;
  • As an effective expectorant, you can take a decoction of viburnum flowers; Preparation of the decoction: pour 1 tablespoon of dried flowers with a glass of water and boil over low heat for 12-15 minutes, cool, strain. This folk recipe treatment of bronchitis in children should be used 1-2 tablespoons 4-6 times a day;
  • use an infusion of elecampane root for coughing; preparing the infusion: pour 1 teaspoon of dry, crushed root (can be crushed using a manual coffee grinder) with a glass of cold boiled water and leave covered for 8-10 hours, stirring occasionally, strain; take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals;

Methods for treating bronchitis in children: what folk remedies can treat the disease

What other folk remedies can treat bronchitis in children in acute and obstructive form?

  • use an infusion of marshmallow root for coughs; preparing the infusion: place 1 teaspoon of dried and crushed root in a preheated thermos and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for several hours, strain; take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day;
  • use an infusion of next collection: coltsfoot leaves - 2 parts, marshmallow root - 2 parts, oregano herb - 1 part; preparing the infusion: place 1 tablespoon of the dry, crushed mixture in a preheated thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for several hours, cool, strain; take 1-2 tablespoons 4 times a day after meals;
  • use an infusion of the following collection as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent: coltsfoot leaves - 1 part, plantain leaves - 1 part, licorice root - 1 part; preparing the infusion: place 1 tablespoon of the dry, crushed mixture in a preheated thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for at least an hour, cool, strain; take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day after meals.
  • This one has also worked well folk method treatment of bronchitis in children, like a warm bath with an infusion of Scots pine needles added to the water. Preparation of infusion; Cut 100 g of dried pine needles as finely as possible, pour into an enamel pan and pour 1-2 liters of boiling water, leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours; do the procedure for the child before bedtime; Maintain the water temperature at 37.5 °C; duration of the procedure - 4-5 minutes; infusion baths pine needles should be done approximately 2 times a week; the product should be used with the consent of the attending physician;
  • give your baby a bath with an infusion of fresh (dried in winter) birch leaves added to the water; preparing the infusion: you need to cut fresh leaves as finely as possible with a knife, pour 100-200 g of this raw material into 1-2 liters of boiling water and infuse, covering the container with a lid and wrapping it tightly in a towel, for about an hour, strain through cheesecloth, squeeze out the remaining raw material; take the procedure 2 times a week at a water temperature of 37.5 °C; duration of the procedure - 4-5 minutes; the course of treatment consists of 6-7 baths;
  • regularly give your baby a bath with a decoction of burdock roots; preparing the decoction: the dried raw materials need to be crushed, pour 80-100 g of powder into 1-2 liters of water and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes, then infuse the product for about half an hour, strain through 1-2 layers of gauze, squeeze out the remaining raw materials, pour the broth into bath water and stir; the procedure should be taken at a water temperature of 37.5 ° C; duration of the procedure - 4-5 minutes; For a course of treatment, it is enough to take 6-7 baths.

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Improper treatment of flu or colds often leads to complications and the development of bronchial diseases, so it is important to promptly determine the first signs of bronchitis in a child in the early stages of development. Bronchitis develops as a result of complications of laryngitis or tracheitis. This leads to inflammation of the bronchi in children and disruption of air circulation in the lungs. 1

What types of bronchitis occur in children?

Bronchitis in children under one year of age can be acute or chronic. Acute disease progresses much faster, and if treated incorrectly or neglected, the disease becomes chronic.

According to the form and signs of development, they distinguish the following types diseases:

  1. bronchiolitis;
  2. spicy;
  3. obstructive.
The bronchi are a network of branched respiratory tubes through which air enters the lungs. With bronchitis, mucus accumulates, and the walls of the bronchi become swollen, causing disruption of the lungs. Bronchitis in a 2-year-old child is treated under the strict supervision of a pediatrician to avoid complications.

Although you can find many recommendations on the Internet on how to identify bronchitis in a child, it is necessary to seek medical help at the first sign of illness. The infection spreads quite quickly and can affect other organs of the respiratory tract.


What are the symptoms of bronchiolitis?

With bronchiolitis, both the small tubes of the organ and the bronchioles are affected. The disease develops as a result of complications of acute respiratory viral infections and viral infectious diseases. The cause of the development of the disease is various gases that the baby inhales along with cold air.

Symptoms of bronchiolitis:

  1. dry cough;
  2. dyspnea;
  3. the appearance of a large amount of mucus in the mouth;
  4. dry mouth;
  5. the baby loses his appetite;
  6. sometimes temperatures reach 37-38 degrees;
  7. fine bubbling ringing wheezing;
  8. deterioration of the baby’s general condition;
  9. The child is capricious and cries often.
Bronchitis in a one-year-old child is not recommended to be treated independently at home. During treatment, he is hospitalized and is under the supervision of the attending physician.

You can alleviate the child’s condition by creating favorable comfortable conditions in the house. The room should be regularly ventilated and a humidifier should be turned on. In addition to medications, do steam inhalations.


How to determine the acute type of disease?

Hypothermia of the body, high humidity and sudden temperature changes lead to the development acute bronchitis. It often develops due to transfer serious illnesses such as sinusitis, sinusitis or rhinitis. In this case, changes occur in the mucous membrane in the bronchi, it becomes hyperemic, and purulent plaque.

Signs of bronchitis in children under 3 years of age:

  1. weakness and malaise;
  2. frequent headaches;
  3. loss of appetite;
  4. sputum;
  5. dry or wet wheezing;
  6. the appearance of a barking cough.
On average, the disease lasts from 7 to 22 days, with strong immunity leaks quickly. With weak immunity, it can become chronic. Therefore, young parents need to consult a pediatrician and know how to recognize bronchitis in a child and take all necessary measures.

It is recommended to provide the child with plenty of warm fluids. Ventilate the baby’s room as often as possible and provide the room with sufficient humidity and fresh air. Clean the room where the patient with bronchitis is located every day. It is advisable to take anti-allergy medications.


What syndromes occur with obstructive bronchitis?

Obstructive bronchitis in children under one year of age it begins to develop after influenza or a viral infection. Signs of the disease appear already on the 3rd or 4th day of a cold (flu).

How does bronchitis manifest in a child:

  1. hoarse breathing;
  2. vomit;
  3. increased breathing rate;
  4. debilitating cough.
The baby has no fever or sputum. Breast baby becomes restless, cries often and eats poorly. The development of obstructive bronchitis stops in children by the age of 4 years. The disease develops rather slowly and is very difficult to identify, so bronchitis in children under one year of age is treated with antibiotics.

Treatment of the disease is more effective in a hospital. It is recommended to follow the recommendations of your doctor and use bronchodilators, antispasmodics and antibiotics. Do not rub children's bodies with warming ointments, such as essential oils and Dr. MOM.


What are the signs of bacterial bronchitis?

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the lower respiratory tract, which is quite often diagnosed in children. What are the causes of bronchitis in children? It is important to find out the culprit of the disease, since it determines what treatment will need to be carried out and what needs to be done for the purpose of prevention.

The main reasons for the appearance

There are several main factors for the occurrence of bronchitis in children. This:

What is recurrent bronchitis?

The main causes of recurrent bronchitis are frequent respiratory diseases, but parents who smoke in front of the child can also be an irritant. In some cases, sputum analysis reveals Haemophilus influenzae, indicating the presence of a bacterial infection.

The symptoms of the disease are similar to the course of acute bronchitis. However, the period of coughing is much longer, and may be completely absent temperature reaction. At the beginning of an exacerbation, the cough is dry, hysterical, but after 5-7 days it is replaced by a wet one. The total duration of cough is from 14 to 30 days.

After a relapse, the child feels completely healthy, but during physical activity, anxiety, or stress, symptoms may appear. residual cough. For used general methods combating inflammatory processes in the bronchial tree: taking expectorants, mucolytics, antibiotics. In addition to this, you can do foot baths, mustard wraps, breathing exercises.

Why do children get sick often?

A child suffers from bronchitis more often than an adult, which is caused by structural features respiratory system, as well as an immature immune system, which is not yet able to fully protect the body from all infections. The respiratory tract of a child is distinguished by wide and short bronchi, which makes it much easier for infections to settle in them than in the bronchi of an adult.

An important factor on the ability is also external influence, because a child attending kindergarten or school is constantly surrounded by his friends, where often at least one is sick. If the baby’s immune system is weak, then he will certainly “catch” viruses circulating among his peers. In addition, children are often in rooms where it is either too hot or cold, which is also a catalyst for the development of the disease.

Parents often think: if a child has suffered one bronchitis over the winter, then he will not be threatened with this disease again. But that's not true. The active appearance of certain viruses can occur in different periods years, for example, parainfluenza and rhinovirus are more likely to rage in the fall, the influenza virus prefers to “host” in the winter, and respiratory syncytial viruses - in the spring. Therefore, a child can get sick several times a year.

Common cause frequent bronchitis Children also have an adaptation period in kindergarten, especially if the child has immunodeficiency states. After the first year of visiting the garden, the tendency to get sick decreases.


To prevent your child from getting bronchitis, it is necessary to exercise in a timely manner. If the parents paid enough attention to the baby’s health and taught him to healthy image life, then the child will not be afraid of not only bronchitis, but also other diseases.

There are general or simplified prevention methods, such as:

  • nutritious healthy diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Adequate fluid intake;
  • sufficient rest, both day and night;
  • morning exercises, washing and wiping with cool water;

  • active lifestyle with regular walks in the fresh air;
  • summer vacation on the seaside;
  • keeping the baby in the room optimal temperature and humidity. It is useful to teach your baby to sleep and play if the window is open in the room.

If the child is prone to illness, then it is recommended to do enhanced prevention, which includes:

  • taking multivitamins and restorative medications. Pick up suitable means a consulting pediatrician will be able to;
  • breathing exercises and special chest massage;
  • Vaccination is indicated if the baby gets sick more than 3 times a year. This will help the body learn to resist germs;

  • sanitation of the oral and nasal cavities is indicated for cases of hereditary and allergic predisposition to bronchitis;
  • visit health resorts specializing in the treatment of the respiratory system.

What is residual cough and does it need to be treated?

Often after bronchitis, a child experiences a residual cough, which is characterized by periodic coughing without fever, wheezing, or mucus. Continue similar condition maybe from 5 to 14 days. With longer periods of manifestation, the doctor can diagnose. How long a cough will bother a child depends on the immune system and the cause of the disease.

A residual cough appears due to the fact that during the acute period of bronchitis, a sufficiently large number of viruses accumulate and develop in the bronchial tree, affecting its mucosa. After recovery for full recovery The mucous membrane may take several days or even weeks, during which the cough will appear periodically.

There is no need to specifically treat residual cough, but if it greatly annoys your child, you can:

  • do daily inhalations in order to quickly normalize the functioning of the bronchi. To do this, it is recommended to use nebulizers with Borjomi water, decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, and linden. A few hours after the procedure, walking in the fresh air is beneficial;

Acute bronchitis in childhood- a common phenomenon, especially in children under three or four years old. Usually the disease develops against the background of acute respiratory viral infection or influenza. The cause of the disease clinical manifestations and the severity of the course depend on the type of pathogen, the age of the child, other pathologies in the body, as well as the resistance of the immune system.

What is acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis - pathological process, in which the mucous membrane and walls of the bronchi become inflamed. It develops quickly, on average per day. Most often, toddlers under 3 years of age become ill.

Medical statistics give incidence rates of acute bronchitis in the range from 70 to 260 per 1000 children, which is associated with the time of year (the highest peak occurs in the autumn-winter season) and the spread of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.


  1. In most cases, acute bronchitis develops as a complication as a result of infection:
    • adenoviral;
    • rhinovirus;
    • parainfluenza;
    • respiratory syncytial;
    • mixed type - viral-bacterial.
  2. Inflammation of the mucous membrane caused by microbes - staphylococcus, streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, pneumococcus, moraxella - occurs less frequently. In addition, bronchitis of bacterial origin is provoked by factors such as:
    • narrowing of the larynx;
    • cystic fibrosis;
    • disorder of bronchial drainage;
    • penetration of foreign bodies.
  3. Infection with fungi and chlamydia provokes the development of acute bronchitis with reduced body resistance (immunodeficiency).
  4. The cause of allergic bronchitis is inhalation of allergens - toxins, dust mites, microdroplets of aerosols and powders household chemicals, pollen, cosmetic and hygiene products, wool, dried saliva and skin particles of animals.

    There are also bronchitis, which develops after inhalation. carbon dioxide, nitric oxide.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi, affecting mainly their mucous membrane

Provoking factors

Factors influencing the occurrence of bronchitis are related to the specific structure of the respiratory system of young children:

  1. Anatomical and physiological characteristics- narrow airways, the possibility of rapid swelling of the bronchial walls even with minor pathological effects.
  2. Tendency to enlarge the glands in the bronchi (hyperplasia).
  3. A small amount of immunoglobulin A in the cells of the mucous membrane, which resists infection.
  4. Small lung capacity, weak respiratory muscles.
  5. Overgrowth of adenoids.
  6. Chronic tonsillitis.

In young children serious problems with breathing occur very quickly as a result excessive secretion viscous secretion and edema, which causes bronchial obstruction (clogging with lumps of mucus) and spasm of the walls. This quickly leads to a lack of oxygen in the blood.


According to clinical signs There are several types of acute bronchitis, and the symptoms of each of them can differ significantly. To choose the right treatment regimen, it is necessary to quickly and accurately determine the specific type of bronchial inflammation.


  1. Simple acute bronchitis, developing quickly, occurring without obvious signs of obstruction - impaired air flow.
  2. Acute obstructive, which is characterized by bronchospasms and obstruction. This pathological condition expressed in the form respiratory failure.

    The sudden development of obstructive syndrome in young children is life-threatening, as it leads to acute hypoxia and cell death due to impaired ventilation of the lungs. Providing professional medical assistance must be immediate.

  3. Bronchiolitis - acute inflammation, affecting bronchioles and small bronchi. Expressed in severe respiratory failure. Usually observed in allergic children under 2 years of age. The course is long-term, treatment is carried out in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit.

Bronchial obstruction - obstruction of air flow

Symptoms in children

Clinical symptoms are related to the cause, form of bronchitis, age of the child, and associated factors.

Clinical symptoms Types of acute bronchitis
simple spicy acute obstructive acute bronchiolitis
  • dry, persistent, turning into wet after 1–2 days with an increase in the volume of sputum discharge;
  • lasts up to 14 days or more, depending on the type of infection.
  • dry, strained, paroxysmal, with viscous sputum and low productivity;
  • during treatment, it gradually becomes more frequent and moist, which indicates an improvement in the condition of the bronchi and the relief of spasm.
  • dry, painful, with pain in the chest and rapid increase in shortness of breath;
  • gradual release of thick, viscous sputum in small quantities;
  • long period of transition to productive cough with sputum discharge.
  • from normal to subfebrile;
  • the duration is related to the pathogen: with parainfluenza, acute respiratory syncytial viral infection (the causative agent is the RS virus), the temperature lasts about 3 days, with adenoviral and fungal infections - up to 7–10 days or longer.
  • high temperature for 2 – 3 days;
  • The duration of low-grade fever is associated with the pathogen.
X-rayshows the severity of the pulmonary patterna symptom of “cotton lung” is observed (severity of the pulmonary pattern, merging of one-sided focal shadows with blurry contours), bloating of the chestwith severe blockage of the bronchioles, collapse of the lung tissue (atelectasis) is observed, acute pulmonary emphysema is detected - pathological expansion bronchioles, marked bloating of the chest
Wheezing, obstruction
  • coarse widespread dry (and wet) large-bubble wheezing, changing depth, tone and location when coughing;
  • obstruction is not expressed.
  • development of manifestations of obstruction, often in the first day of acute respiratory viral infection - characteristic elongated exhalations, multiple dry, scattered, fine-bubble wheezing, often asymmetrical, whistling, audible at a distance;
  • development of crepitus (small crunching sounds in the lungs).
fine-bubble diffuse rales during inhalation (both dry and wet) and prolonged exhalation; moist large-bubble rales can be heard with a change in their number after a change in body position or coughing
Respiratory disordersnot clearly expressedthere is shortness of breath, rapid rhythm breathing (40 per minute - for a baby, 25 - for a baby over 1 year old)increasing manifestations of acute infectious inflammation in the small bronchi - increased breathing rhythm, expansion of the wings of the nose when inhaling
Hypoxia (lack of oxygen)not detected at all or expressed to a mild degree
  • increasing symptoms of hypoxia, excess carbon dioxide in tissues and cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • in case of respiratory disorders, the patient’s muscles get tired, provoking apnea syndrome - temporary cessation of breathing, participation of auxiliary muscles in the breathing process, retraction of the tummy and intercostal soft areas when inhaling.
  • increased signs of respiratory failure: blue skin in the area of ​​the child’s nose and lips, severe shortness of breath, swelling of the chest, difficulty breathing with the addition of additional muscles, retraction of the soft spaces between the ribs, areas near the collarbones;
  • As a result of breathing problems, infants experience significant difficulty in sucking during feeding. breast milk or bottle feeding.

Mechanism of development of bronchiolitis


Laboratory, instrumental studies necessary to clarify the diagnosis and extent of damage.

The main diagnostic methods include:

  • examination, which reveals manifestations of acute respiratory pathologies and symptoms of respiratory failure;
  • listening to the lungs, determining the respiratory rate;
  • blood tests, urine tests - detected in the blood increased ESR, possible leukopenia and leukocytosis (decrease/increase in the number of leukocytes), increase in the number of lymphocytes, in case of allergies - increase in eosinophils;
  • general radiography, which shows the pulmonary pattern, the severity of swelling of the lungs with the development of emphysema (accumulation of air in the organ).

To additional diagnostic methods include:

  • culture of the patient's sputum to identify the pathogen and determine its sensitivity to specific types of antibiotics (to exclude microbial pneumonia);
  • taking swabs and swabs from the mucous membranes of the throat and nose to determine the type of virus;
  • study of blood gas composition with determination of oxygen content - its deficiency is detected throughout the month;
  • tests to detect bronchial function;
  • performing computed tomography (CT), bronchogram, bronchoscopy, biopsy;
  • if necessary, determine the state of the immune system.


The treatment regimen for acute bronchitis in children depends on the type of disease, the age of the child, possible complications And additional factors intoxication and allergic manifestations. General recommendations:

  1. Bed rest until the temperature drops.
  2. A diet containing mainly an abundance of dairy products, fruits, and vegetables.
  3. Drinking regime - increased consumption of liquids to facilitate sputum discharge (fruit drinks, compotes, rosehip decoction, weak tea, alkaline mineral water, warm milk).
  4. Restoring normal nasal breathing during congestion and swelling. Apply vasoconstrictor drops(Xylen, Tizin, Xymelin), for allergies - drugs combined with antiallergic drugs (Vibrocil - drops for children up to one year old), hormones (Flixonase - from 4 years, Tafen nasal - from 6). Drops are used in short courses so as not to cause thinning or proliferation of the tissues of the nasal mucosa.
  5. Antipyretic medications in a child dose at a temperature above 38.0° C. You should not leave a child with a fever - this aggravates shortness of breath, increases the pulse rate, and worsens the general condition. The main drug for children is paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Efferalgan in syrup, suspension, suppositories (for infants).

Excluded: Aspirin, Amidopyrine, Phenacetin.

Pediatricians do not recommend because side effects use analgin. However, with strong prolonged fever for children over 3 years of age, a combination of paracetamol and analgin in half doses is allowed. This mixture quickly relieves fever, helping the child to relax, sleep and regain strength for a while.

Antipyretic and painkillers - gallery

Paracetamol for children - suspension for fever
Ibuprofen in suspension form is intended for very young children. Ibuprofen suppositories for pain and fever are allowed from 3 months.
Efferalgan - paracetamol-based syrup for babies

Specific treatment aimed at suppressing viruses and microbes, relieving swelling and inflammation in the bronchi and bronchioles, and restoring respiratory functions.

  1. Anti-cough medications - Libexin, Lazolvan, Sinekod are prescribed by pediatricians for dry, difficult cough. Absolute contraindications- copious accumulation of persistent sputum and bronchospasm.
  2. Expectorants - Ascoril, marshmallow root, licorice, Gedelix, Doctor Mom.
  3. Mucolytic (reducing viscosity and improving sputum discharge) - ACC (from 2 years in syrup, effervescent tablets), Bromhexine, Mucaltin, Cysteine, Ambroxol.

    There are complex medications (Bronchicum) that simultaneously relieve inflammation, swelling and remove phlegm.

  4. Antibacterial agents for microbial bronchitis (only after consultation with a pediatrician to avoid acute allergic reactions and others side effects). The choice of the main antibiotic is made taking into account the probable cause and the sensitivity of the suspected pathogen to antimicrobial agents:
    • Suprax - antibiotic III generation, suppressing bacterial pathogenic flora for acute bronchitis. Convenient form release for babies from 6 months - in the form of a suspension;
    • Azithromycin;
    • Sumamed;
    • Flemoxin solutab;
    • Ceftriaxone;
    • Augmentin;
    • Zinnat;
    • Amoxiclav, etc.
  5. For obstruction, bronchodilators are used in the form of tablets and inhalations. ß-Adrenergic agonists and anticholinergics (Pulmicort, Atrovent, Bioparox, Berodual) are used. Use Ventolin, Salbutamol. Erespal is prescribed, which effectively dilates the bronchi and promotes the removal of sputum.
  6. Conduct antiviral therapy: Interferon is dripped into the nose of babies or used for older children in aerosols using an inhaler. If an adenovirus is suspected as the causative agent, deoxyribonuclease is prescribed. For bronchitis due to influenza - Remantadine, Ribavirin; with obvious manifestations of ARVI - immunoglobulin.
  7. Rehydration (restoration of moisture) of the respiratory tract is carried out using steam inhalations with solutions of soda and alkaline mineral water.
  8. Performing vibration or drainage massage, therapeutic exercises to facilitate the removal of mucus.
  9. Prevention and elimination of dehydration.
  10. The use of diuretics in minimal pediatric doses with mandatory monitoring of the patient’s weight and general well-being helps to alleviate the condition.

    When fluid is retained in the body, the child may have a rise in blood pressure, urination decreases, leading to intoxication and increased swelling in the bronchi.

  11. For immunodeficiency and a high risk of complications, Ribavirin is prescribed. The medicine is indicated for young patients with altered gas composition blood, increased amount carbon dioxide in tissues and during artificial ventilation lungs.
  12. Children with obvious signs of respiratory failure are given oxygen therapy using a nasal catheter and mask.
  13. In the treatment of complicated bronchiolitis, agents for dilation of the bronchi, glucocorticoids (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone) in the form of inhalations are used.

    If signs of acute brochiolitis appear, serious violation breathing of all children, especially infants under 6 months, are immediately taken to the hospital in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit.

Drugs for the treatment of acute bronchitis - gallery

Lazolvan - cough suppressant Sinekod is used for dry, difficult coughs Doctor MOM - children's chewable cough lozenges
Bronchicum is a complex drug that relieves inflammation and removes phlegm. Amoxiclav is an antibacterial agent.
Suprax - strong antibiotic in the form of a children's suspension, Erespal relieves bronchospasm and removes phlegm
Gedelix - a natural cough suppressant

Is acute bronchitis dangerous at an early age?

Complications of childhood bronchitis often transform into serious ones, requiring long-term treatment pathology.

The younger the child, the more dangerous it is for him to develop acute bronchitis due to narrow airways and the risk of rapid swelling of the bronchi and bronchioles, which can lead to asphyxia and death of the baby.

The main forms of complications in children:

  1. Development of recurrent bronchitis with transition to chronic.
  2. Pneumonia to varying degrees severity - an inflammatory process developing in the lung tissues with impaired gas exchange, intoxication, high probability spread of sepsis throughout the body.
  3. External respiration dysfunction and increased sensitivity bronchi to infections.
  4. Formation of the syndrome bronchial obstruction with transition to asthma.
  5. The development of obliterating bronchiolitis (difficult to treat inflammation with obstruction of bronchioles) and the formation of chronic bronchopulmonary pathology.
  6. When an infection spreads through the bloodstream, there is a threat of inflammation in the membranes of the heart (endocarditis), in the tissues of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis), during inner wall blood vessels (vasculitis).

More often complications develop when late diagnosis, improper therapy, violation of the duration of treatment.

Pediatrician Komarovsky believes that bacterial bronchitis never occurs initially. This disease is always caused by a virus. And only after improper treatment or if the child’s immunity is weak, pathogenic microflora develops. Thus, bacterial bronchitis is essentially a complication of viral bronchitis.

Immunity against viruses is developed in about 5 days, and if the baby does not feel better by 5–6 days, then antibacterial drugs may be required.

  1. Among expectorants, the most effective is a 3% potassium iodide solution, which reduces the number of pneumonias by up to 70%.
  2. Among herbal preparations- Bronchicum, Gedelix, Mucaltin, Eucabal, Doctor Mom.
  3. Medicines of non-herbal origin include Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Fluimucil and Carbocysteine.

Carbocysteine ​​most strongly reduces viscosity and removes phlegm. The choice of this medicine is explained by the fastest manifestation of the therapeutic result - the effect is noticeable within 4 hours after using the product.

Doctor Komarovsky about bronchitis in children - video

When acute bronchitis develops in children, it is necessary to closely monitor the manifestations of the disease. If a dry cough does not become moist by the third day of the disease, the temperature rises, the baby’s well-being worsens, and the symptoms of respiratory distress, hypoxia, and shortness of breath increase, then it is necessary immediate help pediatrician The sooner the disease is diagnosed, the sooner your child will breathe deeply.



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