Oral sanitation form. Dental procedure for sanitation of the oral cavity: what is it? Features and rules for carrying out treatment and preventive measures

Complex treatment teeth and gums or sanitation of the oral cavity consists of a number of procedures that are aimed at eliminating existing diseases and preventing common dental pathologies. Such an event can be assigned to a child or an adult, and the approach to it will be individual.

Sanitation of the oral cavity

Dental treatment can be prescribed by more than just a dentist. In different life situations A statement from a dentist may be required that the mouth has been sanitized. In this case, you need to go to the clinic, where the doctor will perform an examination, determine the scope of work, and provide comprehensive treatment.

After all the measures, the doctor will issue a conclusion indicating that the oral cavity has been sanitized, which means that all existing diseases have been eliminated.

Sanitation of the oral cavity is included in mandatory list preoperative examinations before replacing the native joint with an implant, more details on the Artusmed website.

Sanitation of the oral cavity includes the following activities:

  1. Identification of existing diseases and predisposing factors to them through examination using modern technologies.
  2. Professional oral hygiene- removal of soft plaque and hard dental deposits. May include teeth whitening.
  3. Removal of lesions carious lesion . The stage includes the treatment of caries and its consequences in the form of pulpitis.
  4. Anti-inflammatory therapy- elimination of foci of inflammation, treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis and periodontitis.
  5. Restoring the integrity of crowns- this is necessary in case mechanical damage, chipped, fractured tooth, pathological abrasion of enamel, poor-quality filling.
  6. Tooth extractionif it is impossible to restore them.
  7. Correcting the bite and restoring the position of the teethusing orthodontic systems or installation of a prosthesis.

How is oral sanitation performed?

The set of measures differs for each patient, and you can find out the list of upcoming procedures after the examination.

Standard sanitation of the oral cavity consists of the following procedures:

  • inspection: identification of carious teeth, foci of inflammation and defects;
  • x-ray: a snapshot of the jaw covering the entire functional apparatus;
  • professional cleaning: removing plaque with a scaler;
  • pigment removal:teeth cleaning with the Air Flow system;
  • preparation and filling: removal of necrosis and installation of a filling;
  • enamel remineralization: application of fluoride varnish and calcium to the crowns.

When chronic diseases were identified during the examination, the patient is registered and then visits the dentist at the specified time until recovery. In this case, it is considered that the oral cavity is sanitized only after complete healing.

When and why is it necessary to perform oral sanitation?

A certificate from a dentist regarding oral hygiene will be required under the following circumstances:

  • employment in an official position;
  • preparation for surgery;
  • registration of a child in educational institutions and health organizations;
  • military service;
  • work in hazardous production;
  • travel for work for a long period.

After treatment, the dentist issues a form (sample below) stating that the oral cavity has been sanitized.

The certificate of oral hygiene is valid for 2 months.

Preparing teeth for prosthetics

A consultation with a dentist will be required before surgery for implantation and, if necessary, prosthetics. This is necessary to be able to install a prosthesis without consequences. If there is inflammatory diseases or carious cavities, orthopedic design will not last long, causing constant pain.

There are therapeutic, surgical, orthodontic and orthopedic preparation for prosthetics.

Therapeutic sanitation oral cavity before prosthetics includes:

  • removal of supragingival and subgingival dental plaque;
  • polishing teeth and applying varnishes containing calcium and fluoride;
  • removal of carious lesions followed by filling;
  • depulpation of teeth (according to indications, depending on the type of prosthetics).

Surgical preparation includes:

  • removal of teeth that are not subject to therapeutic treatment;
  • removal of cysts, osteophytes;
  • implantation;
  • complex treatment of severe dental anomalies;
  • removal of hypertrophied tissues;
  • carrying out sinus lifting.

Orthodontic preparation includes:

  • restoration of the normal position of the teeth, which will later become supporting teeth, using braces or plates;
  • creating a place in the oral cavity for fixing the prosthesis.

Orthopedic training includes:

  • production of mouth guards and plates to correct the position of teeth;
  • production of functional mouth guards to relax the masticatory muscles.

Tooth extraction during pregnancy

Complex dental procedures, such as extractions, are performed during pregnancy according to strict indications when there is a risk of complications. Tooth extraction during pregnancy is possible, and it is better to do this in the second trimester. Nowadays, most dental procedures are safe during pregnancy, and the prognosis largely depends on psychological mood women and doctor's professionalism.

Indications for tooth extraction in a pregnant woman will be:

  • acute pain without the possibility of pain relief;
  • purulent inflammation with the formation of flux;
  • tooth decay with infection of periodontal tissue.

Is anesthesia possible for dental treatment during pregnancy?

A limited list of drugs is used as anesthesia during pregnancy. The most commonly used drug is Ultracain. This product does not contain adrenaline and does not penetrate the hemoplacental barrier. During one visit to the dentist, a pregnant woman can be administered no more than 6 carpules of the drug.

Gingivitis and periodontitis in children

Sanitation of the oral cavity in children is performed more often, and the reason for this will be susceptibility to various dental diseases. Gingivitis and periodontitis are common problems child under 3 and after 12 years. In order to prevent these pathologies, it was introduced planned rehabilitation, which is performed in schools and preschool institutions.

Sanitation may be required during teething in order to:

  • identifying malocclusions and deciding on the method of correction;
  • covering crowns with fluoride varnish in case of insufficient enamel remineralization;
  • elimination of caries of milk teeth.

In cases of severe gingivitis, the dentist may prescribe:

  1. Gingivectomy (partial excision of the gums). Shown in the most difficult cases, performed under general anesthesia. After surgery, cauterization or freezing is mandatory to prevent relapse.
  2. Chemical cauterization.Sulfuric acid and ether are applied to overgrown gums with a cotton swab.
  3. Diathermocoagulation(cauterization with electric current). Executed under local anesthesia, gums are affected electric shock power 4 Ampere. The procedure not only eliminates tissue proliferation, but also stops bleeding.
  4. Freezing. A sclerosing agent is injected into the gums ( calcium chloride or dextrose solution).

Brushing your teeth to prevent tartar

Professional teeth cleaning is carried out to remove hard plaque. This mandatory stage sanitation of the oral cavity, regardless of its condition. The procedure is performed by a dentist using hand instruments and special devices.

Removal of dental plaque occurs in 4 stages:

  1. Cleaning with ultrasonic scaler.
  2. Cleaning with Air Flow device.
  3. Enamel polishing.
  4. Fluoridation.

At the first stage, thanks to the oscillatory movements of the scaler, hard plaque is removed. At the second stage, pigment is removed using a mixture of water and powder, which are supplied under pressure. The third stage involves polishing the enamel to remove roughness after removing the stone. For this purpose, brushes and abrasive pastes. On last stage teeth are coated with gel to protect against external stimuli and prevention of caries.

What is sandblasting teeth cleaning

Sandblasting of teeth is carried out using the Air Flow device. Its essence is to remove plaque and pigment by applying liquid and special powder under pressure to the tooth surface. Bicarbonate is used as a powder mixture. During the procedure, the nozzle does not come into contact with the tooth, which eliminates damage to the enamel and gums.

After sandblasting, the doctor polishes the enamel surface. As a result, the teeth lose plaque and become smooth, which prevents the accumulation of food particles and pathogens on them.

How to brush your teeth correctly

After sanitation of the oral cavity, the dentist gives recommendations on how to care for your teeth and gums at home. A mandatory measure for the prevention of dental diseases will be correct movements toothbrush. As the practice of doctors shows, a huge number of people use “harmful” teeth brushing techniques, which provoke problems with gums and enamel.

Proper brushing of teeth with toothpaste and brush is as follows:

  1. The brush is positioned at an angle of 45 degrees to the gums.
  2. Sweeping movements are made from the gums to the cutting edge.
  3. The chewing surface is cleaned away from the molars.
  4. At least 10 movements with the brush are made in each area.
  5. After cleaning, the mouth is rinsed with water.

When viewed in dental clinic doctors often recommend complete reorganization mouth What does it mean?

This concept refers to actions aimed at improving and preventing dental and periodontal diseases.

In what cases is a certificate from the dentist required?

Throughout life, situations arise when such a certificate may be required - a dentist’s opinion. To provide it, there are certain circumstances outlined by legal or regulatory acts.

These include:

The oral cavity also needs to be sanitized before surgery in order to eliminate the possibility of infectious complications.

A document confirming the sanitation is issued by the dentist who performed the examination. After the procedures performed, the certificate must contain a note stating that the oral cavity has been sanitized.

If there was no need for sanitation, then it is indicated that sanitation is not required.

What procedures does it consist of?

All measures taken during reorganization are aimed at eliminating:

  • foci of dental caries;
  • crown defects;
  • pathologies of periodontal tissue;
  • soft and hard deposits;
  • non-functional teeth with volumetric destruction of the crown or root;
  • orthopedic and orthodontic problems.

Since rehabilitation provides for a solution immediately large quantity problems, then The treatment plan will depend on the patient's oral health.

Taking into account the listed problems, oral sanitation is carried out in a certain way:

  1. Detailed examination of the oral cavity using modern methods examinations.
  2. Removal of deposits: plaque and stone. At the same stage, a procedure can be performed to restore the natural shade of the crowns.
  3. Elimination of foci of carious lesions. At the same stage, pulpitis is treated with canal filling and restoration of the affected tooth.
  4. Work on restoring crowns in case of their defect or developmental pathologies (chips, cracks, hypoplasia, etc.).
  5. Carrying out anti-inflammatory therapy for periodontal tissue diseases (gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, etc.).
  6. Removal of teeth if they cannot be restored or are incorrectly positioned.
  7. Restoration of dentition and correction of abnormal bite development using prosthetics and orthodontic systems.

In advanced cases, sanitation is carried out in several visits with the participation of dentists of various qualifications. After the procedures, the doctor gives recommendations on maintaining oral hygiene. at a high level.

Sanitation can be carried out not only at the request of the employer or during pregnancy, but also as a preventive measure. For this purpose, it is necessary to visit the dentist once every 6 months.

Carrying out during pregnancy

Carrying out sanitation during planning or during pregnancy is the key to the healthy functioning of all systems of the mother’s body and the normal development of the fetus. If sanitation was not carried out before pregnancy, then the best time to carry it out is the second trimester.

In any case, consult a dentist the patient must accurately indicate the timing of pregnancy. This will help the doctor choose the most appropriate methods and means of treatment that will help safely restore the affected tooth.

Sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy has some features:

  1. For examination, a radiovisograph is used, which affects the irradiated area locally.. In addition, this procedure uses protective aprons placed on the abdomen.

    Despite all the safety of modern X-ray examination, they try to exclude it in the first and third trimester.

  2. Drugs approved for pregnant women are used as anesthesia.. They don't provide negative influence neither the mother nor the fetus, since they do not penetrate the hemoplacental barrier.

    Such drugs include “Ultracaine” with the absence of adrenaline. Maximum dose, which can be administered to a pregnant woman in one visit, should not exceed 6 carpules.

  3. Even ordinary tartar can provoke caries or periodontal disease during pregnancy. Therefore, reorganization should be carried out not only in the presence of caries, but also in small volumes of deposits on the crowns.
  4. It is advisable to carry out tooth extraction during the second trimester. In the remaining trimesters it is removed only in as a last resort when they arise urgent indications: acute pain of a constant nature or the presence of purulent inflammation.

Features of the procedure in children

The oral cavity of a child is more often susceptible to dental diseases than that of an adult. That's why children's sanitation is characterized by a higher frequency of visits to the dentist.

Successful elimination of oral problems in childhood is possible only if full orthodontic treatment is excluded, since it is very long.

On average, installation of structures of this type takes 1.5–2 years. During this time, the child may need sanitation from 1 to 8 times.

For the timely elimination of dental pathologies, it was determined planned rehabilitation. It is regularly carried out in preschool and school education institutions.

In addition, regular dental examinations are provided in institutions that organize recreation and treatment for children (camps, sanatoriums, etc.). Based on the examinations performed, the child may be prescribed an additional set of procedures and their regularity may be determined.

When the dentition is damaged by caries, they distinguish following dates carrying out sanitizing procedures that help reduce the risks of complications to a minimum:

  • first degree of caries – 1 year;
  • second degree – 6 months;
  • third – 3 months.

Before the procedures, it is advisable to premedicate the child. For this purpose, a few days before sanitation, stabilizing and sedative effect. With increased arousal nervous system General anesthesia can be used to treat a child's dentition.

Sanitation of the child’s oral cavity is considered completely complete in the case of complete elimination of caries lesions or defects with their filling, as well as relief of inflammatory manifestations of periodontal tissue.

Compliance with the terms of sanitation increases the chances of the normal development of strong, healthy teeth and the entire body as a whole.

Is it possible at home?

To eliminate dental problems a complete sanitation of the oral cavity is required, which involves the use of special equipment and techniques, which cannot be achieved at home.

But without going to the dentist, you can carry out procedures that will help prevent the development of dental and periodontal diseases.

These include the following preventive measures:

  • quality oral hygiene which consists of regularly cleaning your teeth with the right toothpaste and brush;
  • usage special means and devices. So, to eliminate plaque in the interdental space and thoroughly clean the gum pockets effective means Irrigator, brushes and dental floss are considered.

    To reduce the spread of pathogenic microbes and relieve gum inflammation, use special rinses. Fluoride products are recommended to strengthen enamel;

  • regime plays an important role and diet. Must be present solid food, for example, carrots or apples. Its use not only replenishes the supply of vitamins, but also effectively removes plaque from crowns.

    The diet should include dishes with low content sugar and s a large number micro- and macroelements;

  • regular independent external examination of the condition of the mucous gum tissue and teeth.

Compliance preventive measures and careful attitude towards one’s own health is the maximum that will eliminate serious intervention by the dentist during sanitation.

IN next video They will tell us about the importance of visiting the dentist's office:

What is the price?

The sanitation procedure during a routine inspection is usually carried out free of charge.. In other cases, going it alone may incur some costs.

The cost of rehabilitation depends on the set of procedures included in the treatment plan after a detailed examination.

Depending on the condition of the teeth and periodontal tissue, the degree of developmental activity and the extent of the spread of pathologies, a variety of procedures can be used, average cost of which is:

In addition to the services listed, may require the services of an orthodontist and prosthetist. In this case, the price will include the design used and installation services.

The amount of dentist intervention during sanitation and its cost completely depend on the condition of the oral cavity. By adhering to all the rules of hygiene and following the doctor’s recommendations, you reduce these two indicators to a minimum.

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Oral sanitation - what is it? How is this procedure done? You will find answers to these and other exciting questions in our article.

A person who cares about his own health knows that dental examinations need to be carried out regularly and even when there is no noticeable pain or other complaints. Some dental diseases do not manifest themselves in any way early stage development, and only experienced doctor will be able to determine the presence of a threat. IN dental office You can hear that the oral cavity must be completely sanitized.

A specialist can recommend the procedure for both adults and children. Sanitation will depend on the condition of the teeth and oral cavity. Now let's tell you more about it. Oral sanitation - what is it and how is this procedure performed?


The term sanitation comes from the Latin word sanatio, which means “recovery.” Based on this, we can determine that this is a complex of therapeutic and health procedures necessary to ensure the health of teeth and gums. Sometimes the oral cavity is sanitized before surgery.

Stages of manipulation

Sanitation includes a set of the following manipulations:

  • treatment diseases of the oral cavity, including the elimination of caries;
  • restoration of the integrity of teeth and dentition through fillings and prosthetics;
  • removal of tartar and plaque using ultrasonic cleaning;
  • correction of bite and incorrect positioning of incisors;
  • tooth extraction;
  • elimination of inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • development prevention inflammatory processes in the future.

What is included in oral sanitation? The number of manipulations will depend primarily on the health of the patient’s gums and teeth. For some, it will include half the list of listed procedures, while for others, only removal of tartar and cleaning of enamel will be required.

Many, having heard from a dentist a recommendation about holding an event, are afraid that it will be painful. As a rule, it all depends on the procedures required in a particular case. And in case of risk of occurrence painful sensations The doctor will always suggest anesthesia.

Indications for use

To maintain dental health, everyone should visit the dentist's office regularly. It is recommended to visit it at least once every six months. However, sometimes it is worth visiting the dentist earlier. Sanitation is recommended in the following cases:

  • pregnancy planning;
  • preparation of documents when registering for pregnancy;
  • at the end of pregnancy;
  • before long-term hospitalization;
  • before installing braces;
  • before prosthetics;
  • preparation of documents for employment;
  • when planning a trip abroad;
  • when placing a child in kindergarten or school.

Add to list necessary procedures when passing annual medical examinations employees may also include oral sanitation. In this case, the dentist may recommend certain manipulations. However, the final decision about their implementation is made by the patient.


Are there any contraindications to sanitation? As a rule, they do not exist, but if there are any pathologies chronic the procedure may be required even more often. So, it is performed on patients suffering diabetes mellitus, tonsillitis, gingivitis, asthma and heart disease. And in a number of other cases, sanitation is indicated at least 4 times a year. If there is any disease in the body, the oral cavity is exposed to increased risk development of infections and destructive processes due to reduced immunity.

Stages of complete rehabilitation

To obtain a dental report, you need to visit the clinic and undergo a number of necessary procedures. The complete one includes the following steps:

  • dental examination;
  • making diagnostic assumptions regarding the need for dental procedures;
  • taking an x-ray of the problem area;
  • ultrasonic cleaning, removal of plaque and tartar;
  • drawing up a plan further treatment if necessary;
  • connection of other specialists - surgeons, orthodontists, periodontists, if available specific diseases oral cavity;
  • carrying out health procedures;
  • coating with gel polish containing calcium and fluorine;

  • registration at the dispensary, if available chronic diseases or pathologies requiring long-term observation of the patient after their elimination;
  • issuance of a specialist’s conclusion (certificate of oral sanitation, a sample of which is installed on general principles for both private and public dental clinics);
  • drawing up an individual additional visit schedule if long-term monitoring is necessary.

Any option for sanitation of the oral cavity includes the removal of tartar and plaque. But the rest of the list of procedures - filling, prosthetics, implantation, tooth extraction, bite correction, etc. is carried out only if necessary and with the consent of the patient.

Sanitation of the oral cavity in children

Prevention should begin in childhood. Many parents mistakenly believe that there is no need to take care of baby teeth. And you need to start dental examinations only after their change. Dentists are trying to convince parents that the condition of baby teeth completely affects the health of the permanent teeth that will replace them.

Fortunately, strict monitoring of the child’s health, which includes dental prophylaxis, is carried out when registering children for kindergarten, school or health camp. These institutions do not accept patients without a special certificate from a dentist.

What procedures are performed on children?

  • treatment of caries and other diseases;
  • carrying out filling;
  • the need for fluoridation or silvering of individual units;
  • installation of braces for bite correction.

Parents should be attentive to the condition of their children. It affects not only the formation beautiful smile in the future, but also for development correct pronunciation all sounds. If a child is afraid of the dentist, measures must be taken to eliminate this fear. You can resort to some tricks yourself, or you can turn to child psychologist which will help solve the problem.

Sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy

It is recommended to undergo a dental examination at the stage of pregnancy planning. However, when registering, the doctor will still definitely give the woman a referral to undergo sanitation. Certificate that the girl passed this procedure, included in the list necessary documents for further monitoring of the patient. An appointment with a dentist should be made as early as possible so that the doctor can assess the state of your oral health and provide treatment if necessary.

Why is it recommended to strictly monitor the condition of your teeth during pregnancy? The fact is that this important period in the life of every woman, unfortunately, is not in the best possible way affects her health. Hormonal changes, fetal growth and presence concomitant diseases often leads to a lack of phosphorus, calcium and a number of vitamins. Because of this, a woman may encounter dental problems such as:

  • increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • bleeding gums;
  • swelling of the gums, swelling of the oral cavity;
  • the formation of white spots on the surface of the teeth;
  • the appearance of caries and other dental diseases.

To prevent the development of such processes in a pregnant woman, oral sanitation is recommended. What it is and why the procedure is performed should be explained by the doctor at the antenatal clinic.

Unfortunately, not all expectant mothers understand the importance of eliminating dental diseases during pregnancy. But even banal caries can cause irreparable harm to the healthy development of a child, since it is an infectious disease.

Doctors recommend dental treatment in the second trimester of pregnancy, when it is possible to use local anesthesia. However, these deadlines may be changed in each specific case. Besides, modern dentistry allows dental treatment during pregnancy without causing harm developing fetus. Even x-rays Today, expectant mothers are not contraindicated. It is important that they are carried out using special equipment - a radiovisiograph. This device affects only a small area of ​​the body without causing harm to the entire body.

When the pregnancy comes to an end, the expectant mother must make an appointment with the dentist again. At this time, the doctor must evaluate the woman's oral health to determine how much of an impact the pregnancy has had. Now it is important to determine whether there is a girl in the body infectious diseases which may affect the birth of a healthy baby.

Sanitation of the oral cavity at home. Is it possible?

Many people do not like to visit the dentist, and there may be several reasons for this. Some are afraid of pain, injections and the very atmosphere of the clinic, while others simply do not consider it necessary to spend a lot of money on it. In such cases, the question arises: is it possible to sanitize the oral cavity on your own?

This procedure cannot be carried out at home. This requires special equipment, materials and skills in performing dental procedures. It is not possible to carry out not only treatment, but also diagnosis of the condition of teeth on your own.

Preventative measures at home

However, some measures can be taken at home. Firstly, it is necessary to maintain oral hygiene - regularly brush your teeth, use mouthwash, and floss. Secondly, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of sweet and refined foods. Thirdly, it is important to monitor the condition of not only the teeth, but also the entire body.


Now you know the answer to the exciting question: “Oral sanitation - what is it?” We examined the features of this procedure and its stages. Indications and contraindications for its implementation were also named. We hope that this information was useful to you.

A smile is the main weapon of charm for every person. The path to achieving her beauty is in regular hygienic procedures.

Oral care affects not only external condition teeth, but also on their health.

Preventative procedures are carried out by everyone every day. Neglecting them leads to advanced problems that threaten tooth loss and tooth decay. general health body.

Modern dentistry makes it possible to prevent dental problems much more effectively than at home.

Innovative technologies coupled with multifunctional equipment make possible to receive healthy smile, even if there is existing problems. One of best procedures recommended for regular implementation - professional sanitation of the oral cavity.

What is oral sanitation?

Sanation (“sanatio” translated from Latin means “treatment”) – a complex dental procedures, aimed at oral health.

It is used to eliminate existing diseases and preventing the emergence of new problems of teeth and mucous membranes.

Natural sanitation (a phenomenon in which a person does not have dental problems during his life) in modern world practically impossible. Occasionally, it occurs due to genetic confinement and is maintained through hygiene and eating healthy foods.

Basically, people need professional intervention to keep your mouth in good safe condition.

Sanitation can be carried out:

  1. Individually– patient’s independent referral to a specialist at his own discretion;
  2. Planned or one-time– a course intended for limited groups of people as part of medical examination (schoolchildren, kindergarten students, pensioners, conscripts, military personnel, enterprise workers).

There are also three methods of organizing reorganization:

  • Centralized– all procedures are carried out in a medical and preventive institution (polyclinic, city dental clinic);
  • Decentralized– conducting in narrowly focused rooms at schools, enterprises and other structures;
  • Brigade– examination and treatment of patients rural areas and enterprises by a medical team in a specially equipped bus. Most often used to sanitize workers of specific plants and factories.

The standard period for reorganization is Once every six months.

Monitoring the condition of the mouth once every 5-6 months allows you to keep your teeth as healthy as possible, not lose them quantitatively, and prevent irreversible consequences dysfunction of the mucous membrane.

People with pathologies respiratory system and heart sanitation is recommended at least once every 3 months.

If conducted infrequently, the course can take a long time, so it is better to plan it in advance, be patient and have financial support. In mild cases procedures are performed only by a therapist and a hygienist.

In running versions A surgeon, orthodontist, orthopedist, and periodontist may be involved. The cost of sanitation outside the state medical examination depends on the severity of the lesion in the oral cavity.

The full price is determined only after drawing up the plan necessary measures based on the results of the preliminary inspection. Elimination cosmetic defects(whitening, teeth straightening) are included in the plan separately from medical procedures.

When is the procedure necessary?

To carry out sanitation, the patient only needs to come with such a desire to the dentist at his own discretion. But there are situations when the procedure is recommended, mandatory and even requiring confirmation with a certificate.

Planned rehabilitation is mandatory for:

  • workers of food factories (primarily confectionery, bakery) and greenhouse farms;
  • children attending educational institutions;
  • military personnel;
  • conscripts and students of military schools and universities;
  • specialists of various professions involving contact with acids and their vapors.

  • women during the period of planning and carrying a pregnancy (the second trimester is the safest for procedures);
  • people who are at the stage of preparation for surgical interventions;
  • patients with chronic diseases of the gums, nasopharynx (tonsillitis, rhinitis), stomach, asthma and heart defects.

Dentists are increasingly recommending oral sanitation for children. during the period of change of milk teeth to molars, since at these moments the formation of the future takes place adult jaw, bite

Certificate of reorganization may be needed in any of listed cases. It may be requested to renew a medical record, confirm the health of an employee or student, register with antenatal clinic or to a specialized doctor for registration sick leave and employment.

Experienced surgeons also pay attention to whether the patient has such a conclusion before operations - this approach avoids unnecessary infection and complications during rehabilitation.

Pregnant women timely treatment will help prevent tooth decay. During this period, minerals from the body are supplied to the fetus in an enhanced mode, and the teeth begin to lack them.

Therefore, it is very important not to have weak points in the oral cavity. In addition, unsatisfactory microflora in the mouth can negatively affect your well-being. expectant mother and child development. Sanitation of the oral cavity a must during pregnancy!

Watch a video about the need for sanitation during pregnancy:

Responsible people voluntarily undergo regular sanitation in order to avoid serious dental problems in the form of cysts, abscesses, and destruction.

Performing oral sanitation

The event is carried out in several stages:

  1. Inspection oral cavity specialist. Detection present diseases– periodontitis, etc. - carried out manually, using mirrors. If necessary, a survey X-ray of the jaw apparatus, tooth roots, and fillings is used.
  2. Removing teeth from surface deposits in the form of a visual plaque. Cleaning gum pockets and interdental spaces.
  3. Primary processing places with detected diseases, elimination acute complications and inflammation.
  4. Treatment of non-carious lesions.
  5. Anti-inflammatory therapy gums and tongue(with identified periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis).
  6. Removal teeth that cannot be restored or treated. Evacuation of fragments, destroyed pieces, roots. Extraction of “wise” teeth if they are positioned incorrectly and interfere with the proper functioning of the jaw. Replacement, installation of seals.
  7. Prosthetics, correction of bite problems.
  8. Remineralization tooth enamel with special gels.
  9. Consultation on further oral care.

Activities are carried out in full or selectively at the discretion of the dentist in order. In any type of therapy without strict testimony Antibiotics are not used because oral bacteria quickly develop resistance to them.

Eliminating hotbeds of infection usually passes through antimicrobials– gels, ointments, rinses.

Further processing is carried out using boron, ultrasound and laser technology. Can connect manual cleaning tools.

Sanitation of the oral cavity is impossible without the help of professional dentists. Cleaning your teeth with a brush and paste, removing food debris with an irrigator or floss, rinsing your mouth is the maximum that can be done at home. In-depth inspection without equipment or relevant knowledge cannot be carried out.

Results of the procedure

Sanitation of the oral cavity is important not only for the teeth, gums and surrounding mucous membranes.

Infection in this area is dangerous for everything human body , since it easily enters all systems through food and spreads at high speed.

A disease from the oral cavity can lead to many diseases in other organs, which not everyone thinks about.

Dentists note a direct connection between gum inflammation, caries, stomatitis and other disorders in the oral microflora with the development of such diseases, How:

  • rheumatic pathologies of the heart, joints, bones;
  • chronic tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • atherosclerosis of blood vessels;
  • latent herpes;
  • fungal candidiasis in the mouth, tonsils and throat;
  • viral damage to the kidneys and liver.

The most a terrible consequence penetration of bacteria from the oral cavity into the blood can become intoxication stroke of the brain.

If we talk about cosmetic effect, then the sanitation of the oral cavity will certainly affect the beauty of the teeth. After its implementation, the following are observed:

  • lightening of enamel by removing plaque;
  • dense surface of the teeth without carious “ulcers” and stains;
  • alignment of the dentition.

In addition, cleansing teeth and mucous membranes will eliminate unpleasant odors , will get rid of complexes when talking.

The dentist's conclusion on the sanitation of the oral cavity is very great value not only for a beautiful smile, but also for a person’s overall health.

Good health directly depends on the absence of infections in the oral cavity. That is why it is important not to neglect everyday hygiene and regularly undergo sanitation by dentists with professional equipment.

An integrated approach to caring for the dental system will relieve many problems, avoid some chronic diseases, and maintain self-confidence in any situation.

Sanation is a Latin word that implies two actions - healing and treatment. Dentists define oral debridement as a series of procedures that allow an examination to identify problems with the teeth and the inner oral region. In addition to the examination, the doctor also conducts therapeutic measures, eliminating identified diseases. If there are no problems, then sanitation of the oral cavity is a preventive measure that works to prevent diseases.

What is included in the complex of rehabilitation measures?

The initial appointment for sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out by a dentist. If certain problems are found, the patient may be referred to an orthopedist or surgeon. Sanitation of the oral cavity consists of several stages:

Having completed the examination and drawn up a treatment plan, the doctor is obliged to correct all identified problems and bring treatment to positive result. Only after all the necessary procedures have been completed can the restoration be considered completely completed. This approach is relevant for all categories of the population, including children and pregnant women, for whom sanitation is doubly important.

If during the examination certain problems are noted that require treatment, it is carried out in accordance with the plan developed by the dentist. Some actions to treat inflammation are carried out at home using special gels and ointments.

What may be included in treatment procedures:

  • removal of teeth that can no longer be cured;
  • cure caries;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • dental restoration;
  • preparing the oral cavity for prosthetics;
  • procedures to correct bite;
  • removal of plaque and tartar, whitening procedures;
  • filling teeth and replacing fillings;
  • orthodontic procedures.

This article talks about typical ways to solve your issues, but each case is unique! If you want to find out from me how to solve your particular problem, ask your question. It's fast and free!

After checking the condition of the teeth and gums, the doctor tells the patient about the presence of problems or their absence. A specialist can advise which toothbrush and toothpaste to use and how to brush your teeth correctly (this information is especially important for children). If necessary, the doctor recommends the use of a specific dental elixir. In addition, when serious problems With teeth, the dentist prescribes a course of treatment or gives a referral to other specialists whose competence lies in correcting the detected problem.

When is planned rehabilitation prescribed?

Planned reorganization will be equal to general medical examination and shown to all people. In addition, her mandatory carried out at:

  • pregnancy;
  • preparation for long-term hospitalization and before surgery;
  • prescribed installation of braces to straighten the bite;
  • upon arrival preschool age child;
  • planning a trip to another country.

Doctors rightly believe that every person who cares about their health regularly undergoes the procedure of their own free will. For efficient work dentist and to maintain dental health, sanitation of the oral cavity should be carried out twice a year. This deadline is set medical standards, it allows you to identify all problems in a timely manner and solve them at the initial stages.

How is sanitation performed during pregnancy?

An oral health check should be carried out during pregnancy planning or directly during pregnancy. A woman should understand that the condition of her oral cavity depends normal functioning her own body at the time of global restructuring. In addition, microbes formed during caries and inflammatory processes can harm the child. If your mouth is sanitized on time, it means you took proper care of it. normal development fetus

What problems can be identified?

Hormonal changes in the body that occur during pregnancy cause disruption acid-base balance in the oral cavity. Pathogenic microbes take advantage of the moment and begin to multiply vigorously, causing the formation of caries and inflammatory processes. Every second mother carrying a child complains of:

  • painful sensations in the mouth when eating;
  • noticeable swelling of the gums and the appearance of a bluish tint;
  • bleeding gums.

Annoying changes are a consequence of violations in hormonal background which can lead to gingivitis. When examining a pregnant woman, the dentist removes tartar, if any. After removing the plaque, the doctor treats tooth enamel fluoride to strengthen and protect her during pregnancy. All actions of specialists are aimed at ensuring comfortable gestation of the fetus and protecting it from pathogenic microbes that can penetrate the mother’s body.

Treatment procedures are not contraindicated during pregnancy; they are performed using anesthetics permitted during this period

Visit plan

As a rule, dentists advise carrying out sanitation before conception. If for some reason a woman is unable to undergo the procedure before pregnancy, she should go to the doctor as soon as possible. Diseases discovered during a dental examination are treated in the second trimester. An exception is made if the patient suffers from acute pain or inflammation.

Treatment with anesthesia is carried out with drugs that are approved for use on pregnant patients. The composition of such products means that they are harmless to the mother and fetus. After you visit the doctor, appropriate treatment will be carried out, he will write down in your card that you have undergone sanitation. Such a record means to the gynecologist that everything is fine with your teeth and gums, and there are no threats to the child.

Carrying out the procedure in children

The formation of the body, diet and developmental features serve good reasons For frequent visits dentist for children. Children undergo oral sanitation much more often than adults. Scheduled examinations of children are established for kindergartens and schools, which include sanitization. A dental examination can be carried out in children's camps and sanatoriums. If during rehabilitation it is determined that the child needs treatment from an orthodontist, braces may be installed. The duration of wearing them can last for 1.5-2 years, during this period little patient it is necessary to undergo sanitation several times.

Timing of inspections

If the baby’s teeth are all clean and without problematic changes, routine examinations at school or kindergarten. If a child has teeth affected by caries, in order to avoid complications, sanitation must be carried out according to the following plan:

  • initial degree of caries - once a year;
  • second degree – once every 6 months;
  • third degree – once every 3 months.

Preparing for treatment

Dental treatment for young patients requires a careful and attentive approach from the doctor. It is often performed under general anesthesia. Many children are unconsciously afraid of dentists, so a few days before the procedures it is useful to give the child sedatives, helping to calm the nervous system. If the baby is in under stress, the specialist may resort to general anesthesia. Sanitation is considered complete if the child’s full treatment and all defects were corrected.



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