Agenesis of the right kidney in a child. Kidney agenesis: causes, types and symptoms of pathology

July 19, 2017 Doctor

Congenital malformations of the urinary system include renal agenesis. The term implies a complete absence paired organ, the remaining kidney begins to hypertrophy in order to take on functional responsibilities. The cause of the pathology is the exogenous effect on the embryo during embryonic development.

Characteristics of the anomaly

Renal agenesis refers to the absence of one or two organs. Pathology belongs to the category of anatomical quantitative anomalies, when part of the child’s urinary system has not formed during the prenatal period.

Kidney aplasia is an anomaly that occurs with similar symptoms and having similar reasons. In the case of aplasia, the organ is presented as a rudiment in the form of a connective tissue cord, which does not have a full-fledged stalk and pelvis. Due to the lack of natural kidney structure, it is unable to function normally. In both agenesis and aplasia, the second organ compensatory takes on all the work. Due to the increased daily load, its tissues hypertrophy, the kidney increases in size.

The cause of agenesis does not involve hereditary factor, only developmental anomalies during intrauterine maturation. In any case, the conditions for the appearance of this type of defect can be the following factors that are activated during pregnancy:

  • diseases caused by infection at the initial stage of embryo development;
  • diagnostic examinations based on radiation;
  • alcohol abuse by pregnant women;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • drugs with high content hormones.

If the expectant mother has a disease such as diabetes, the risk of pathology in the child increases significantly; the development of the fetus inside the womb is especially closely monitored.

Forms of development of the defect

Bilateral agenesis in medical field It is less common than unilateral, since the absence of both organs of the urinary system is incompatible with the patient’s life. Unilateral pathologies of abnormal kidney development:

  1. Right-sided agenesis. It makes up a small proportion among all pathologies and is a structural anomaly right kidney.
  2. Agenesis of the left kidney. Occurs rarely, no more than 7% of all clinical cases. Like the right-sided one, it can occur with or without preservation of the ureter.

These types of congenital defects differ little from each other. In both cases, the remaining kidney hypertrophies, increases in size and adapts to dual function.

Agenesis of the right kidney may be misdiagnosed as aplasia. This is due to the fact that the ureter may be present and even function successfully. At the same time this pathology occurs more often, this is associated with the anatomical location of the right kidney. The organ is located lower, it is more mobile and slightly smaller in size.

Signs of abnormal development

The absence of one of the organs affects the work of the other with increased load. Because of this, agenesis may often not be noticed in a newborn, and the anomaly will be detected only after some time with the help of diagnostic measures(computed tomography, ultrasound examination or urography).

The child may exhibit the following external signs:

  • some puffiness skin faces;
  • slightly flat nose - the bridge of the nose is wider than usual, together with a flat back;
  • the lobes of the frontal zone are quite convex;
  • ears located below normal indicators or with deformed areas.

Agenesis on the left side has more pronounced symptoms:

  • the volume of urine per day is significantly increased;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • feeling of nausea, possibly vomiting;
  • pain syndrome in the groin area.

In males, agenesis is more common due to the structural features genitourinary system. Specific symptoms expressed due to the absence of a duct, which is responsible for the removal of seminal fluid and is caused by pain in groin area during ejaculation, sacral region, possible sexual dysfunction(impotence) and infertility.

In most cases, female agenesis is accompanied by various pathologies uterus, possible underdevelopment of the vagina or organ hypoplasia.

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Treatment and prevention

If the only one healthy kidney operates in normal mode, there are no symptoms and there is a characteristic enlargement of the organ, then doctors will not take any additional actions to improve the functioning of the urinary system. The nephrologist will only prescribe dynamic observation the ability of the kidney to produce and excrete urine, regular analysis urine and ultrasound examination.

Also provided preventive actions, which are aimed at preserving kidney functionality:

  • a diet that helps reduce the load on the only healthy organ is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient;
  • restrictions related to contact types sports (boxing, wrestling) to protect a healthy organ from injury and unnecessary damage;
  • try not to lift heavy objects;
  • maintain a constant body weight, avoid sudden weight loss;
  • give up alcohol abuse and nicotine addiction;
  • support immune system vitamins and minerals;
  • avoid hypothermia to avoid the occurrence of infectious processes.

In the absence of function of the second kidney or when severe development agenesis, when a healthy organ fails to cope with its work, intoxication occurs with decay products and toxic substances. In this case, hemodialysis and kidney transplantation are prescribed.

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Kidney agenesis is a pathology that occurs in a child at the stage intrauterine development. It is accompanied by the absence of one or two organs at once. During an anatomical study of a person, there is no presence of a ureter at the site where the organ should be located. If there is at least a small part of it, then this disease is called renal aplasia. How do patients with this pathology live? What methods are used for treatment?

What factors may cause renal agenesis have not been fully studied. What is certain is that genetics does not influence this case. The pathology is congenital, since these organs are formed in the child from the fifth week of pregnancy. During the entire course of bearing a child, the organ develops. Therefore install the real reason, at what stage and why the failure occurred is impossible.

There are a number of reasons why pathology may occur:
  1. Mother's illnesses in the first months of pregnancy: rubella, influenza.
  2. Carrying out procedures during pregnancy related to ionized radiation.
  3. Diabetes mellitus at the mother's.
  4. Reception medicines during pregnancy, especially hormonal ones.
  5. Use alcoholic drinks during the period of bearing a child.
  6. Venereal diseases in the mother.

Diagnosing diseases is difficult. This is due to the fact that for several years after the birth of a child, kidney agenesis may not manifest itself in any way. If the child has not undergone a timely ultrasound (ultrasound examination), then the presence of the disease can be found out after several years.

If a child is missing only one organ, then most of the load is distributed to the healthy one. Therefore, the person does not feel discomfort. But if agenesis is bilateral, then external signs will be noticeable in the first days of life.

Renal agenesis in infants may occur the following signs:
  • Children have facial defects, the nose is slightly flattened, the contours of the face are puffy;
  • there are a lot of folds on the child’s body;
  • too much large size belly;
  • deformed appearance of the legs;
  • insufficient lung capacity;
  • ears slightly curled towards the missing organ, in addition, they are located lower than necessary.

In the future, children may experience vomiting, signs of dehydration, increased blood pressure.

The congenital absence of a kidney leads to the fact that children may experience displacement of the organs of the reproductive system.

In girls, pathology of the uterus occurs, in boys - a violation of the seminal vesicles. In the future, this can lead to infertility.

The congenital pathology of agenesis occurs most often in boys. This disease should not be confused with a pathology such as kidney aplasia, since in the first case the organ is completely absent, in the second there is an unformed rudiment, in which the leg and pelvis may be absent.

Renal agenesis is divided into two types:
  • one-sided;
  • bilateral.

Complete absence of one kidney on both the left and right side is a pathology in which a person has a chance to live. If an ultrasound scan at 32 weeks reveals bilateral agenesis, doctors will insist on terminating the pregnancy.

Agenesis of the right kidney is most common. Girls are most affected by this disease. The right kidney is anatomically located slightly lower than the left, and in addition, it is mobile. This makes her vulnerable. At normal operation of the left kidney, it takes over all functions. But if it cannot cope with the load, the person begins to experience renal failure.

Agenesis of the left kidney is the most difficult to tolerate. But this type of pathology is less common. The right kidney is less adapted and will not be able to bear a greater load.

Congenital absence of a kidney in infants may be accompanied by the preservation or absence of a ureter. In the absence of one kidney and the presence of a ureter mortal danger does not exist for the patient. He can continue to live a normal life.

This disease is life-threatening if the fetus’s kidneys are completely absent. With such a diagnosis, a child is born immediately dead or dies on the first day after birth, as kidney failure rapidly develops.

Modern medicine makes it possible to save the baby’s life if an emergency transplant is performed on the first day. But this can only be done if the right early diagnosis. The diagnosis must be accurately established, as this may be renal aplasia in a child. For example, aplasia of the left kidney is treated with medication, since the patient has preserved the ureter and part of the pedicle.

Unilateral agenesis, the absence of a kidney on one side, has a positive prognosis for patients. They are prescribed an annual examination, clinical tests blood and urine to monitor how he is coping the only organ with load.

In severe cases of the disease, for example, if the patient does not have a left organ or there is no ureter, transplantation and hemodialysis are prescribed.

Whenever acute failure disability may be granted. This occurs when a single organ cannot carry out the load and begins to work at the expense of others, such as the liver. The disability group is determined depending on the severity of the disease.

Agenesis is a disease with which you can lead a full life, but subject to certain doctor’s recommendations.

In addition, patients with this diagnosis must undergo ongoing evaluation to determine how the remaining kidney is coping with the load.

Kidneys are vital important organs in humans, they remove water and other substances from the body and actively participate in metabolism. U healthy person There are two kidneys, however, there are congenital abnormalities. In the case of a complete absence of one of them or both at once in a person, kidney agenesis is called in medicine.

Agenesis and aplasia

When there is underdevelopment of an organ that is unable to fully perform its function, then they talk about aplasia. Renal aplasia is similar in nature to the disease with agenesis, but is a less serious anomaly and is usually detected during examination for another disease. Kidneys with this pathology do not have legs and, therefore, are not able to function and secrete urine.

With agenesis - complete absence one of the kidneys - no rudiments are observed in place of the missing organ renal tissue and ureters. In most cases, unilateral organ absence occurs; bilateral pathology is incompatible with life.

The absence of a right or left kidney in a child often does not manifest itself clinically; to identify the pathology you will need diagnostic examination. In addition, the following external signs should alert you:

  • low position of the ears;
  • deformation of the lower extremities;
  • enlarged belly;
  • wide-set eyes;
  • displacement of the genital organs.

Causes of the disease

Specific reasons for the development of agenesis have not been identified. Kidneys begin to form in the fetus in the fifth week and continue throughout pregnancy.

The main cause of pathology is congenital malformations of the fetus. The risk increases in the following cases:

There are two types of agenesis:

  • one-sided;
  • bilateral.

Bilateral renal agenesis in the fetus is quite rare. As a rule, the baby is born dead or dies during the first days of life. In such cases, termination of pregnancy at any stage is recommended.

With unilateral agenesis and aplasia, all functions are taken over by a second healthy organ, which accordingly takes on the main load and performs a greater amount of work. In addition, the ureter is usually absent. It is very rare that he is present. In this case it is important timely diagnosis.

Underdevelopment of one of the organs—renal aplasia—is considered a relatively favorable pathology compared to agenesis. Aplasia of the right kidney, with healthy and full functioning of the left, often does not manifest itself with specific symptoms.

This is what kidney aplasia looks like

Such pathology is rarely detected due to the lack of specific clinical manifestations. Typically diagnosed on comprehensive examination. After diagnosis, dispensary registration is required.

In this case, treatment is usually not required. Aplasia of the left kidney is often accompanied by underdevelopment nearby organs, for example, the urinary system. It is diagnosed quite rarely, in most cases in men. In the absence of complications, it does not require treatment, only compliance with preventive measures to prevent the development of a bacterial infection.

Right-sided agenesis

Agenesis of the right kidney occurs more often than the left and is observed mainly in females. In this case, women experience abnormalities in the development of the uterus, vagina and appendages.

If the left organ is fully functioning, right-sided kidney agenesis does not threaten health and does not require treatment. However, in this case it is required constant surveillance see a doctor and undergo regular diagnostic examinations. A person with this pathology must observe throughout his life strict diet And preventive measures to prevent the development of diseases.

If the left organ is unable to fully perform its work, symptoms appear during the first days of the baby’s life.

Mandatory ongoing consultation with a doctor

In this case, the child experiences the following disorders:

  • frequent regurgitation, vomiting;
  • dehydration, dry skin;
  • high blood pressure;
  • general intoxication of the body.

Left-sided agenesis

It is more difficult for a person to tolerate, since the right kidney is less adapted to fully perform its functions. Most susceptible to development similar pathology men. Agenesis of the left kidney manifests itself as follows:

  • present painful sensations in the groin area;
  • there is a violation of sexual functions;
  • infertility is diagnosed because there is underdevelopment and absence of the vas deferens;
  • pain is observed in the sacral region.

Treatment depends on the degree of functioning healthy organ. If the right organ is fully functioning, then antibacterial measures to reduce the risk of developing kidney disease or disease urinary system quite enough.

Unilateral renal agenesis does not threaten health if it is not accompanied by obvious symptoms. Constant monitoring by a urologist or nephrologist, regular diagnostic examinations and compliance with preventive measures are required.

In case of complications, concomitant diseases and obvious symptoms of the disease, lifelong antihypertensive therapy, and sometimes .

Each patient may have individual recommendations from the attending physician. IN in rare cases disability is issued.

With unilateral agenesis, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  • Don't allow the strong physical activity– playing sports during renal pathologies is a big question. With intensive training, the load on the body doubles functional organ. It should be borne in mind that any injury, especially severe injury, can sometimes be fatal. Besides, increased loads can provoke the development of many diseases.
  • Follow a certain diet and drinking regime. Nutrition and drinking regime play a role important role in the proper functioning of the body system.
  • News healthy image life, increasing immunity.

First of all, a woman needs to take care of her health during pregnancy:

  • exclude bad habits– smoking, alcohol, drugs;
  • observe proper diet, maintain drinking balance;
  • be observed by a doctor and monitor the development of the fetus;
  • If signs indicating the development of an anomaly are detected, you should seek qualified medical help.

People and children with one kidney live full life. If unpleasant symptoms occur or painful sensations, you should contact medical assistance to avoid the development of complications.

During a mild course of the disease, symptoms may be completely absent, so it is necessary to regularly consult a doctor. Especially if the family has precedents for the appearance of pathology. Timely monitoring will help reduce negative manifestations and give the patient’s life the necessary colors

Agenesis (aplasia) of the kidneys is a congenital quantitative pathology in which, due to improper intrauterine development, 1 or 2 kidneys are not formed. At the same time, other renal structures may remain unformed. If kidney agenesis is diagnosed, then its function is transferred to another. Due to overload due to compensatory work, its hypertrophy gradually occurs.

There is no clear evidence that aplasia is genetically determined. The pathology can be caused by various endogenous influences on a woman during pregnancy. According to statistics, renal agenesis occurs in 1 out of 1200 people (0.08%), and bilateral agenesis in 1-3 children out of 10 thousand.

Types of anomaly

The third clinical type and the most dangerous is bilateral aplasia. With such a defect, the child, as a rule, is already born dead. But sometimes there are cases of live births of children who soon die.

The first clinical type is unilateral agenesis, in which the ureter is present. Compensatory function performed by a healthy kidney, which almost always has an increased volume. If the working kidney is damaged by injury or infection, very serious consequences can occur.

Unilateral renal agenesis with absence of the ureter is the second clinical type. Formed on initial stages embryonic development. In boys, agenesis is accompanied by the absence of the seminal duct and changes in the physiology of the seminal vesicles.

A more severe option is the absence of the left kidney. The fact is that by its nature the right kidney is more mobile and functions worse than the left. Therefore, it is more difficult for it to perform a replacement function.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Kidney agenesis occurs when the metanephros duct does not reach the metanephrogenic blastema. The prerequisites for the formation of anomalies already appear at the beginning of intrauterine development, at the stage of development of the child’s organs.

Bilateral agenesis ends fatal. When a pathology is diagnosed during embryonic development, a woman is offered to terminate the pregnancy at any stage.

Kidney agenesis - congenital anomaly, which is difficult to insure against. To reduce risks, a woman needs to approach pregnancy very carefully. It is necessary to regularly see a gynecologist and take all tests. The impact of exogenous factors during pregnancy should be reduced as much as possible.

Renal agenesis is ten times less common than pyelonephritis or hydronephrosis, but the pathology causes discomfort to the patient. The defect appears during embryonic development and consists in the absence of one bean-shaped organ or two natural filters in the fetus.

To prevent a serious defect, it is important to know what factors increase the risk of renal agenesis. Doctors explain how a congenital defect occurs and what to do if a child has only one kidney. Factors provoking defeat urinary tract embryo, methods of treatment and prevention of agenesis, possible complications described in the article.

General information

Kidney aplasia is the absence of one or both natural filters in the body. Without bean-shaped organs, it is impossible to remove fluid and breakdown products, when accumulated toxic substances above permissible limits, severe intoxication and death occur.

It is important to remember the functions of the kidneys:

  • produce urine, with the help of which decay products, toxins, drug residues, and other harmful substances are removed from the body;
  • produce important hormones: renin, erythropoietin;
  • produce calcitriol for optimal absorption of phosphorus and calcium from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • maintain electrolytic balance.

The absence of one organ increases the load on the remaining natural filter, but if a number of conditions are met, a person can live and work relatively comfortably. Many patients complain that they periodically experience unpleasant symptoms, but in general the organ copes with excretory, excretory, endocrine function. Restrictions relate to physical activity, nutrition, medication, but severe complications do not occur unless you violate the rules prescribed by your doctor. It is important to regularly visit a nephrologist, have your urine tested, and have your urine tested.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Congenital defect develops under the influence negative factors during the formation of organs. A child with anomalies of natural filters is born due to a combination of environmental, genetic factors, if a woman violates the rules preserving the health of the fetus. Doctors often identify a combination negative factors, which increases the risk of anomalies.

Reasons congenital absence one or two kidneys:

  • the influence of poisons and toxins;
  • transferred viral infections during pregnancy;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • venereal diseases. Syphilis is most dangerous for the fetus;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • drug and alcohol use by the expectant mother;
  • endocrine pathologies, diabetes mellitus;
  • exposure to high background radiation for the fruit.

Renal agenesis ICD code - 10 - Q60.

Types and forms of the disease

Severity congenital pathology depends on the preservation of elements of the urinary system. The greater the tissue damage, the lower the likelihood of ensuring the process of cleansing the body of toxins.

Unilateral (ureter preserved)

Congenital defect of the first clinical type. With a unilateral type of pathology, the remaining kidney functions with double the load, and hyperplasia of the organ is often observed. Increasing the number of elements that ensure the accumulation, filtration and excretion of urine allows for the timely removal of toxins, poisons, and nitrogenous breakdown products from the body. Injury to the only natural filter leads to serious problems with blood purification.

Unilateral (no ureter)

The anomaly develops on early stages formation of the urinary tract in the embryo. There is no ureteral orifice in this type of pathology; the male fetus also lacks a duct intended for the introduction of seminal fluid. Additionally, negative changes occur in the seminal vesicles.

Anatomical disorders lead to unpleasant symptoms and sexual dysfunction. Men feel pain in the sacrum and groin area. Discomfort also occurs during ejaculation. The combination of negative factors negatively affects men's health and the ability to conceive.

Bilateral agenesis

Dangerous intrauterine developmental defect, third clinical type. Most often observed stillbirth child. In some cases, a baby was born alive, but death occurred within the first few days.

Thanks to medical advances, it is possible to perform a kidney transplant in a newborn to cleanse the body. Important points: quick selection donor organ, with which difficulties arise, timely diagnosis of the defect. Doctors should determine within the first 24 hours whether the baby has bilateral renal aplasia or other urinary tract abnormalities.


Modern methods of examining a pregnant woman make it possible to identify many abnormalities in the development of the unborn child. IN mandatory an ultrasound is prescribed for different dates to control fetal development. Standard ultrasound examination gives an accurate picture of the condition of the urinary tract.

If an anomaly is detected, they are additionally prescribed, and. If one of the bean-shaped organs is not visible on the monitor during the scan, doctors suspect unilateral renal aplasia.

To analyze the functioning of the bean-shaped organs in the fetus, during scanning, doctors measure the volume of amniotic fluid, which contains unborn child. Aquatic environment reduces risk traumatic injuries of a growing organism, allows the lungs to mature. Oligohydramnios (lack of the required volume of amniotic fluid) often develops when one or two bean-shaped organs are malfunctioning. TO dangerous consequences oligohydramnios can be attributed to damage to the lungs, which cannot form fully.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

Bilateral renal aplasia can be suspected based on several additional signs:

  • development of arterial hypertension;
  • a sharp increase in the volume of urine excreted;

Potter syndrome - that's what it's called characteristic features, indicating pathological process during the formation of bean-shaped organs. A group of defects develops in the absence of urine or a small amount of fluid in the embryonic kidneys. Instead of amniotic fluid with a balanced composition amniotic fluid contains a high percentage of urine.

External signs of agenesis of bean-shaped organs:

  • the ears are deformed and are below the usual border;
  • the fetus has a flat, wide nose;
  • the frontal lobes protrude noticeably;
  • face puffy;
  • hypoplasia of the lungs is observed;
  • lower limbs are deformed;
  • hypertelorism of the eyes appears;
  • an epicanthus appears - a special fold of skin covering the lacrimal tubercle;
  • the skin is folded.

In the first days, newborns experience:

  • dehydration;
  • renal failure;
  • high blood pressure;
  • vomit.

Note! Unilateral agenesis of natural filters does not have characteristic external signs, as with a bilateral anomaly, most often the pathology is detected by chance.

General rules and methods of treatment

Normally, a person should have two natural filters. In the absence of one kidney, transplantation of the missing element of the urinary system is required. The patient takes medications to prevent inflammation, improve urine outflow, and reduce the load on the renal glomeruli. In most cases, herbal formulations are prescribed.

If the queue for an organ transplant has not yet come, then with unilateral agenesis you can live without serious problems, if you follow the recommendations given by the nephrologist. Any violation of the rules quickly provokes damage to the kidney tissue, deterioration of health, and intoxication of the body. In severe cases, renal failure develops and death is possible.

Renal agenesis in adults and children

In the presence of one kidney, the bean-shaped organ increases in size: it is necessary to work with double load to ensure all functions. Increased stress often provokes disruption of processes in the natural filter, increased blood pressure, fluid retention in the body, and the development of swelling. Sometimes blood appears in the urine and in the background inflammatory process in the surviving kidney.

Patients diagnosed with renal agenesis are registered at a medical institution. The nephrologist monitors the patient’s condition and periodically prescribes an ultrasound of the genitourinary system and a blood test to monitor the functioning of the surviving bean-shaped organ.

The patient receives recommendations on dietary nutrition, dosing of physical activity, drinking regime. At the first signs of the inflammatory process, the provoking factor is eliminated and prescribed antibacterial therapy, reception and herbal compositions, improving the outflow of urine.

What is cystic and how to treat the disease? We have the answer!

Treatment methods for stenosis renal arteries And arterial hypertension described on the page.

Go to the address and find out about the norm and reasons for the deviation of red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy.

Helpful Tips:

  • Excessive loads of any kind should not be allowed: damage to a single kidney worsens the process of blood purification, leading to intoxication due to the accumulation of decay products;
  • it is important not to overuse medications;
  • you need to eat right;
  • you cannot lift weights;
  • to maintain the health of your only kidney, you will have to give up alcohol, smoking, and working in hazardous industries;
  • Kidney agenesis in children requires regular visits to a nephrologist. Kidney aplasia in newborns negatively affects the condition of the child while the body is not yet strong. Will need increased attention to drinking regime, nutrition, rest and physical development baby.

When identifying birth defect bean-shaped organs, the absence of one kidney, it is important to tune in to the positive development of the baby after birth, learn more information about aplasia and methods of preventing complications. Doctors give many examples when, even with one natural filter, patients active image life. Required condition To maintain health, strictly comply with the requirements of the nephrologist.



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