Starry sky dream book. Thunder and lightning in a dream

Why do you dream of constellations in the sky? Such a plot can be seen quite rarely; it promises good luck and success. Dream books sometimes give this symbol the ability to foretell victories or big wins. If you see him in a dream, know that fortune is smiling on you!

Possible surprise from someone

Seeing constellations in the sky in a dream means that soon a large company of friends and acquaintances will come to the dreamer. They want to make a surprise, so there is no need to disappoint them by showing how they were waiting for their arrival. By the way, the more stars you dream about, the more guests there will be.

Why do you dream of star figures in the dark night sky? The dream book says: a stranger will present a surprise.

Business sphere

Did you dream that they were very bright? Such a dream promises unexpected success in business. Projects that are initially not particularly profitable will bring excellent profits.

Seeing a starry sky where the outlines of figures are clearly visible, looking for a path by the stars is a good sign. A person will be able to find the right solution to some important matter. The main thing is not to wait for someone else to do it for him.

Miller's Dream Book: How bright are the stars?

Bright stars and constellations in the sky in a dream are a harbinger of good health, well-being, and prosperity. When they are dull, purple, and barely visible, troubles and failures should be expected.

Pleasant surprises

Seeing them in the night sky often means a find. The sleeper will unexpectedly find something he needs. Dream books usually interpret this vision, giving it a positive meaning.

Such a dream can warn: an incident will occur that will cause amazement. Most likely, these will be pleasant emotions.

Why do you dream of a beautiful starry sky? According to the dream book, it foretells a successful purchase - probably a large useful item for the household.

When clouds dissipate in a dream, and constellations in the sky gradually appear through them, things and circumstances that were previously unclear will become clear to the dreamer.

Winning awaits you!

Finding different constellations in the starry sky in a dream means that in reality the dreamer will have good luck in the game. However, you should not abuse this, because you may not notice when the player’s luck leaves and pleasure becomes a nightmare.

Did you dream of bright large stars that make up groups known to everyone? The dream book states: the time of good luck is coming, now a lucky win is possible. After such a dream, you can buy a lottery ticket to make sure of this.

Constellations in the sky in a dream promise success to everyone. Even if you are not into gambling and lotteries, you can also take advantage of this chance. Try to do what you have long dreamed of, but did not dare. Take a non-standard path to your goal - you will be pleasantly surprised!

Find out what fate has in store for you

Have you observed the outlines of star figures in the night sky? You will be able to understand how the stars treat you. By their shape and the angles at which the conventional lines intersect, you will find out what the near future promises.

Why do you dream of constellations in the sky with sharp corners? You will manage someone. With straight lines - your life is well established and has a solid foundation. Smooth rounded lines of outline indicate, according to the dream book: a person strives to improve. An incomprehensible form means unexpected twists of fate lie ahead.

If there are so many stars in a dream that it is impossible to grasp the sequence of their location, new events will soon occur that will come as a complete surprise.

How nice it is to see the night sky dotted with stars. Many people know that when a star falls, make a wish and it will come true. But what if you dreamed about a shooting star? What to expect after such a dream?

Why do you dream about a star in the sky - basic interpretation

The starry sky has always attracted people with its mystery and secrets. Stars from Earth seem so small, although in fact they are enormous in size. In some religions it is generally accepted that stars are the souls of deceased ancestors. But why do you dream about a star in the sky?

Such a dream usually promises good luck and success, the possibility of concluding a profitable deal, or resolving a difficult situation. A shooting star promises a person a lot of luck and success. But if it suddenly goes out in the sky or begins to shine very dimly, you should expect troubles and misfortune.

If you dreamed about a five-pointed star, expect a happy coincidence of circumstances and luck in life. If the star is six-pointed, it will not be possible to do without sorrows and trials. If the star is seven-pointed, your cherished wish will come true. A few stars in the sky means good news. If the whole sky is strewn with stars, you are on the right path. If you hold stars in your hands in a dream, prosperity and joy await you. Starfall in a dream - the girl’s love wishes will come true, it is even possible to meet her future husband.

Why do you dream of a star in the sky according to Miller’s dream book

Stars in a clear sky in a dream speak of the opportunity to strengthen your position in any chosen business and the opportunity to get on your feet financially. Dim stars in a dream mean that troubles and adversities will soon visit you; you should prepare for the blows of fate and not allow you to lose heart and strength. Why do you dream of a shooting star? She dreams of imminent losses and destruction of plans.

If you were planning to make a profitable deal, but a shooting star appeared to you in a dream, you should postpone any financial investments and decisions, because they will not bring the desired result. If you were planning to get married and saw the sky strewn with stars, this is a very favorable sign that promises you victory over many troubles. If you saw one shooting star, then you should think about the correct choice of the chosen one.

Why do you dream of a star in the sky according to Freud’s dream book

Freud's dream book says that a star in the sky symbolizes hope for a bright future with your soulmate, and for finding family happiness in the near future. This is a very favorable dream that promises a person new achievements and making decisions that will ignite his soul.

Such a dream may indicate the possibility of soon changing your place of residence, changing your love partner. Also, for those who cannot find a soul mate, a dream in which a person sees a bright star in the sky indicates that life in the future will give him the opportunity to fulfill his dream of a full-fledged family.

For those who have been in a quarrel for a long time, a dream in which a person sees a star indicates that the quarrel will end in reconciliation and everything will return to normal. There is a real opportunity to improve the relationship. You just have to recklessly pave the way to your dream.

Why do you dream of a star in the sky according to other dream books?

The Wanderer’s dream book says why a shooting star is dreamed of – the completion of an old process in life and the beginning of a new one. According to the dream book, a star in the sky symbolizes advancement in financial affairs and spiritual growth.

Medea’s dream book says that the star symbolizes friendship, the desire to move forward and achieve goals. A bright star in the sky can foretell the birth of a child. Twinkling stars promise changes in life, secrets that will become apparent. Dim stars promise illness and trouble.

The Tarot dream book says that a star dreams of higher protection. You should not give up hope for a favorable outcome. A brightly shining star promises quick changes in life, moving. A shooting star suggests that it is worth preparing the ground for further achievements.

The dream book of Nostradamus says that the star is a symbol of the highest blessing, the highest will. If in a dream you see a star falling, a happy life will await you, your wishes will come true. If you dream of a huge number of falling stars, expect hail.

Scarlet stars dream of a change of power in the country;

A flight to the stars promises the opening of new horizons in life;

To see stars in the daytime sky in a dream - your secrets will become clear, you should take care of them;

Seeing a shooting star in a dream means having many opportunities to realize yourself, but not being able to take advantage of them.

The esoteric dream book says that a star in the sky dreams of spiritual growth, an increase in energy in life. Why do you dream of a shooting star? To the sadness that will accompany a person and light tears. If you clearly see the geometric shape of a star, you will be drawn into some kind of magical ritual, perhaps you will be influenced by lower magic.

The psychological dream book says that a star is dreamed of as a spark of Divine energy; it symbolizes a person’s liberation from earthly routine. A person dreams of the star of Bethlehem in the sky as a symbol of the future in hopes and their unconditional realization. If you dream of a star in the sky at Christmas, you will be gifted with a blessing from above.

The children's dream book says that a star is dreamed of as a symbol of hope and a good end to things. There will be very little joy in your life. If the stars peek through the clouds in the sky - despite the illusory nature of victory - you will win it. The joy of life will come to you.

The women's dream book says that bright and sparkling stars are a symbol of prosperity and good health, a long happy life. If the stars are dim, it means that troubles and misfortunes await you in the future.

The women's dream book says that clear sparkling stars are dreamed of as a symbol of improved health and hope for a full recovery in case of a protracted illness. If the stars are dim and purple, misfortunes and troubles await you in the future. If the stars flare up and then go out, changes and mysterious incidents await you. Whether the changes will be for the better - the whole dream will tell you about it.

Why do you dream about a shooting star? It means there is no way to stop the course of events. If you dream that the stars revolve around the Earth in a dream, you will witness a large-scale catastrophe that you are unlikely to be able to avoid.

The Veles dream book says that a star is dreamed of as a symbol of fertility, including as a symbol of imminent conception. Clear stars promise success and wealth, while evening stars promise empty hopes for love.

Meneghetti’s dream book says that people dream of stars as a need to throw off the burden of everyday problems and do something more spiritual and enjoyable. Why do you dream of a shooting star? It means that a person needs to think about his purpose on Earth and why everything happens in his life.

The dream book for the whole family says that fate will present a life-changing gift to those who dream of a star in the sky. This will be something that will change the course of a person’s life events for a long time. If the stars in the sky flare up and then fade away, the events will not bring much joy to a person; he should rely only on his own strength and not on outside support.

Tsvetkov’s dream book says that

Stars dream of happiness, fidelity in love;

Dim stars dream of danger and grief;

Evening stars for unrequited love;

Shooting stars dream of missed life opportunities.

The French dream book says that one dreams of stars, especially sparkling ones, for prosperity and general well-being. If they are dull, you should expect misfortunes and disappointments.

If they shine in the house, then the head of the family will be in danger; he may be threatened with financial ruin, depletion of energy reserves due to a long-term illness. If you dream of a comet, you should expect good news. If stars fall through the roof of your house in a dream, you should expect huge troubles in it.

Dreams are not a one hundred percent prediction of the future, but they indicate opportunities to change fate, opportunities to understand the current situation. Of course, it’s nice to see favorable dreams, but even those that carry some negative connotations should be taken into account and interpreted based on the existing situation, in the hope of a bright future.

If you saw the sky in a dream, consider that you have looked into your own soul. As the Ancient Dream Book says, the sky in a dream can tell you how your life will turn out in the near future.

When it is clear and blue, then everything will go well and smoothly for you, and when it is gloomy and cloudy, this is a reason to adjust your actions so that the firmament of your life becomes clearer.

Did you dream about the sky last night? Remember what it was like: blue or dark, daytime or nighttime, clear or overcast, or maybe you saw a sunset or an approaching sun in the sky? The interpretation of your vision depends on what kind of sky you saw:

  • Pure daytime and blue.
  • Overcast, dark or in clouds.
  • Dawn or sunset.
  • Grozovoe.
  • Night - clear and starry or gloomy and joyless.
  • Were there any flying objects or signs in the sky?

To dream that the sky is high and bright, according to Miller’s Dream Book, means respect for the dreamer on the part of others, and also promises an exciting and educational journey to distant lands. According to most dream books, the blue sky is interpreted as a harbinger of a cloudless, calm and serene life.

Clouds and sunsets

Why do you dream about the sky when in your vision it is covered with clouds? The dream book for the whole family believes: such dreams warn of possible obstacles in business, minor troubles, and sometimes health problems. The main thing for the dreamer after such a dream is to pull himself together, not worry unnecessarily and deal with life’s problems in order.

Seeing a sky with clouds and gaps between them in a dream means that your efforts will not be in vain, and you will be able to succeed and overcome all obstacles. If the sky in night dreams is completely covered in dark clouds, the Noble Dream Book advises simply waiting out the not most favorable period in life - these are temporary difficulties that will be dispersed by the winds of change. A dream book for the whole family interprets a blue sky with light clouds in a dream as a symbol of new ideas that will help you achieve well-being.

Looking at the red sky at sunset with clouds in a dream, says the Maly Velesov dream book, means your health may deteriorate, watch your health. And Miller’s dream book considers the red, cloudless sunset sky a harbinger of a turbulent situation in society. Esoteric interpreter Tsvetkova warns that if you saw a red sky in a dream, then you should not conflict with people: even a small quarrel can drag on for a long time.

A beautiful sky at dawn is a dream on the eve of a new stage in life.. You will be able to use the experience and knowledge that you have already accumulated to your advantage. A very beautiful sunset sky - a successful completion of the work started. Why do you dream about the sky being painted pink? The pink sky, says the Modern Family Dream Book, is a symbol of mutual and faithful love in old age.

Looking at a pink cloud in a clear sky is a sign of youthful dreams and isolation from reality. If you happen to see a pink cloud in your dreams, switch from building castles in the air to real things that will ensure your well-being.

You need to prepare for an unfavorable situation if you happen to see a stormy sky in your dreams. In reality, you have ill-wishers, and you should not reveal your plans to everyone you meet, so as not to destroy what you created with such difficulty.

A night, gloomy, stormy sky in clouds is the most formidable warning sign in a dream. In reality, the dreamer will need maximum caution in words and actions.

Stars and birds

Why do you dream about the sky - night and starry? In some dream books, the starry sky is considered a harbinger of imminent important news that the dreamer will receive. In others, the starry night sky is called a symbol of good attitude towards you from others.

Looking at the starry night sky in a dream, in which you can also see it, is a symbol of wisdom and peace of mind that will help you overcome all life’s obstacles. Some interpreters also consider the starry sky to be a sign of future material wealth. If it is partially cloudy, then you will have to work hard to achieve well-being.

The psychoanalytic dream book considers star diversity in the night sky to be a harbinger of a happy romantic date. Seeing large stars and even planets in the sky at night means your life will gradually change for the better.

As the Noble Dream Book says, the black sky is dreamed of when the dreamer faces a period of serious moral trials. If it is very dark and cloudy, the interpreter of Medea advises you to reconsider your wish list. What you want now is almost impossible to bring to life - you need to bring your desires into line with the circumstances.

If you dreamed of flying - it doesn’t matter whether the sky was dark or blue - such a plot portends changes for the better. And the more planes we managed to see, the more tangible the changes will be and the more successful life circumstances will be. The main thing is to use them correctly.

However, if you dreamed of a blue sky against which you saw military aircraft, in reality be vigilant: competition in the workplace will intensify or a rival will appear on the horizon. A UFO in the sky means that events will soon occur that will greatly surprise you.

Looking at the sky very carefully in order to get a good look at the flying ones means that you will soon be able to rise to new heights. and other birds of prey indicate that considerable effort will have to be made to achieve success.

White birds in a dream promise that luck will greatly contribute to your success. And the crane wedge promises a long and happy family life. If you yourself were flying across the sky with birds in a dream, everything will work out easily for you, as if by itself.

The starry sky is a harbinger of material well-being and personal happiness. The sky dotted with stars fascinates the dreamer with its beauty and promises him a long life. A detailed interpretation of a dream depends on its details. The dreamer must remember what the starry sky looked like and what constellations he observed. Starfall and the Milky Way are also bright symbols in esotericism. The actions of the dreamer and the emotions he experienced in the dream are of great importance.

General interpretation

A dream in which the dreamer watched the starry sky is interpreted ambiguously. It is important to take into account the details of night vision and correctly understand their meaning. Dream subjects:

  • Soaring through a sky strewn with stars on a mythical creature is a bad sign. The dreamer will be cheated on by his loved one, and his betrayal will be revealed.
  • The night sky, which is illuminated by the Moon, foreshadows the acquisition of wisdom and peace in the soul. The dreamer will be able to overcome all obstacles in his path.
  • The firmament with clouds warns the dreamer from danger. He should be careful and not put his life at risk. An alternative interpretation warns a person that he will not be able to turn his plans into reality. The prediction should not upset the dreamer; a favorable period for his endeavors will soon come. The main thing is to be patient and not lose confidence.
  • If you dreamed of a clear blue sky that suddenly darkened and was covered by clouds, then the sleeper will meet an old acquaintance. They will have a good time together and, over a long conversation, will remember their past.
  • Looking at distant planets through a telescope is good news. They will affect the dreamer's family.
  • The silhouette of a bird against the backdrop of a large moon represents the dreamer’s envious people. They want to harm him and damage his reputation. The sleeper must carefully control his emotions and not succumb to provocations.
  • If in a dream the dreamer studies a map of the starry sky, then in reality he will be engaged in scientific work or preparing a presentation or report to speak at an important meeting. The dreamer's emotions in a dream are of great importance. If he felt at peace, then his performance would be a success.
  • A clear sky with stars shining brightly symbolizes a person who will change the dreamer’s life. This could be a lover or just a good friend.
  • If the moon is reflected in the surface of the sea, the dream foreshadows a quick journey. The sleeper will go on vacation and have a good time in pleasant company. Sleep can also signal fatigue and problems with the nervous system. You should take a vacation for a while and devote more time to yourself.
  • Seeing a flickering light in the distance in a dream is a sign that the dreamer hopes for a favorable outcome to a situation that has been troubling him for a long time. For your wish to come true, you need to make an effort and not retreat from obstacles.


Shooting stars, from which a person cannot take his eyes off, reflect the dreamer's anxiety. He worries about questions to which he cannot find answers. You can’t rush the future, everything has its time. If the sky has cleared, then the dreamer’s troubles will soon be resolved and his life will improve.

For a woman who watches a starfall, the dream promises the onset of a romantic period. Her life will be filled with bright emotions and warm memories. The man she loves will truly care about her.

An unusual interpretation occurs if the dreamer flies in a dream. A flight accompanied by a fall followed by a sharp takeoff is a good sign. The dreamer's problems will be resolved unexpectedly for him. The right decision will come at the last moment and will amaze you with its simplicity and simplicity. Everything ingenious is simple! Don't forget about this.

Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

Constellations in the sky

Even ancient astronomers noticed unusual clusters of stars in the sky. With the development of science, scientists have gained opportunities to study celestial space. Based on much research and painstaking work, constellations were identified.

If you manage to remember the constellation you saw in a dream, then based on this you can find out additional information.

The bucket of the constellation Ursa Major symbolizes success, which will accompany the sleeper in all matters. He can safely take risks and implement his plans. The constellation Cross, which is watched by the sleeping person, foreshadows the achievement of career heights. Seeing the constellation Leo or Orion explode is a sign that cannot be ignored. You need to protect yourself from injury. You should not engage in extreme sports - it is dangerous.

The sky is the image of the soul, the picture of its life.

The sun in the sky is the center of the life of the spirit, your mind.

The balls flew into the gray sky - a temporary collapse of all hopes.

The daytime sky always symbolizes such phenomena in the life of the soul that you can clearly understand.

Seeing a clear, clean sky or light clouds without the sun means quiet hours and inner composure; can be used for spiritual development.

Beautiful clouds in the sky, their slow movement and play of shapes are the harmonious life of the soul.

Seeing one bright cloud in the sky is something good.

And above your head is honor.

Clouds rapidly running across the sky are a symbol of interference from the outside world to your spiritual development / unpleasant and rapid changes in mood, vanity, everyday troubles and worries.

Cirrus clouds are secret, soul-elevating sorrows.

Clouds piling up on the horizon and advancing are your concerns/fears; feeling of anxiety.

A gloomy sky covered with clouds is a call for patience / temporary difficulties.

Thunderstorms, storms high in the sky - disharmony in the life of the soul.

The sky is an unnatural color - strange, sometimes dangerous states in the life of the soul.

Red sky - quarrel, disagreement.

Yellow or greenish - anger, envy, etc.

To ascend into the sky is to live in constant labor.

Being in the clouds is news / new position.

The night sky symbolizes a phenomenon in the life of the soul that is beyond the limits of waking consciousness, which is a mystery to it.

The night sky is gloomy and without stars - a time of testing is coming, you have to live only in the “higher world”, a time unfavorable for calm spiritual work.

The sky with stars is the fulfillment of cherished secret desires, joy, a sign that your soul is in the hands of your higher self.

Brightly burning stars - a happy future.

Foggy, shrouded in a light haze - secret sadness.

To see the bright milky way is not the hope of the strength of the soul and help from above / the inextricable connection of external life with otherworldly existence.

Interpretation of dreams from


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