Protection from any witchcraft and damage - St. John's wort. The wonderful magical power of St. John's wort St. John's wort aura

Myths, legends, beliefs

In French, St. John's wort sounds like “millepertuis”, which means “a thousand passages”. Since ancient times, St. John's wort has been known as a magical plant.

In southern Germany and Bohemia, sashes are woven from St. John's wort, which are then burned in a fire lit in honor of St. John the Baptist.

In the Norman forests, St. John's wort, collected on the eve of Ivan Kupala, is considered a preventative against spoilage of cows, preventing them from giving milk.

St. John's wort is often called the “herb of St. John”, and the Germans call it “the blood of St. John”. It is recommended to have the plant with you on St. John's night, as St. John's wort is believed to ward off any witchcraft. One of the authors of the Middle Ages wrote about St. John's wort: “Devils have such an aversion to this herb that they immediately run away from the place where they burn it.” This was explained by the fact that St. John's wort, being a sunny flower, drives away the dark forces of the night.

Practical Application

Since ancient times, St. John's wort has enjoyed the reputation of a reliable and effective means of protection against negative energies and negative vibrations. Its magical properties are so strong that St. John's wort was revered as one of the most powerful amulets. So, for example, in Gemania this plant is considered hostile to sorcerers and witches, but only if it is collected on the night of Ivan Kupala.

But the tradition is that the next morning you need to weave a wreath from St. John’s wort, put it on your head and not take it off while dancing around the fire, and then protect it as a talisman against damage. In this way they protected themselves from evil spirits for a whole year.

For personal protection from the machinations of ill-wishers and evil spirits, the stalk of St. John's wort should be placed in shoes, or worn around the neck or attached to a hat.

With the help of St. John's wort they also protected the house from negative energies and attacks from evil people. To do this, a branch of St. John's wort was hung in the doorway or hidden under the threshold. It was believed that this would prevent a sorcerer or witch from entering the house.

In order to cleanse the house from unwanted vibrations, ancient priests and sorcerers recommended fumigating rooms with St. John's wort.

St. John's wort, used as an incense, cleanses space not only from harmful vibrations and layers of negative energies, but also from the presence of evil spirits.

Also, to protect the house from thieves and robbers, St. John's wort stems are attached crosswise to the windows.

Ancient magicians also used St. John's wort as a reliable talisman for vegetable gardens and fields. St. John's wort scattered throughout the field during sowing protects it from damage and the evil eye, and also, according to some beliefs, from hail.

St. John's wort is also very popular as a healing plant, in particular, as a remedy for healing wounds. In this regard, in English, St. John's wort is usually called "Balm-of-Warrior", which means "balm of warriors" and, since its strength is really great, it is also sometimes called "grace-of-god", which means “God's grace”, and some English healers called this plant “Touch-and-Heal” - “touch and heal.”

St. John's wort was often used to cure impotence. To do this, several branches of St. John's wort had to be placed under the mattress at night.

There were more extravagant ways to cure such ailments. For example, one of the ancient witchcraft treatises suggested tying three branches of St. John's wort with red threads to the male genital organ to get rid of impotence, which should be worn for three days, changing the branches every six hours. It was believed that St. John's wort would take away the disease, and in return would give, as the sorcerers said, “an inflexible person.”

In Russia, St. John's wort infusion was drunk for bruises. And, I must say, this practice was very popular.

St. John's wort also has the ability to positively influence the general tone of a person, helping to maintain vigor and health for a long time. For this reason, it was often recommended for use by those who got tired very quickly or did exhausting work.

For the same purpose, St. John's wort was also used by soldiers, especially those who had to make long treks on foot. The magical properties of St. John's wort helped soldiers, even during a multi-day forced march, to maintain vigor and the ability to instantly respond to extreme situations.

Magicians strongly recommend collecting St. John's wort on the eve of Midsummer, since it is during this period that St. John's wort is most active, and, therefore, endowed with the greatest magical power. But if the day of Ivan Kupala falls on the new moon, then it is recommended to collect St. John's wort on June 25.

St. John's wort is used for:

  • wound healing;
  • protection from evil spirits;
  • protecting your home from thieves and robbers;
  • protection from the machinations of ill-wishers;
  • protection from sorcerers and witches;
  • protection from evil spirits;
  • expulsion from premises of evil spirits;
  • healing from impotence;
  • healing for bruises;
  • protecting the house from sorcerers and witches;
  • cleansing space from harmful vibrations;
  • protecting crops from hail;
  • protecting crops from damage and the evil eye;
  • maintaining health, vigor and tone.

The magical properties of St. John's wort have been used for many centuries. Our ancestors believed that this “solar herb” was able to cleanse the body and room of negative energy and protect against evil spirits. It was believed that if you bring St. John's wort to the mouth of a witch, she will make a confession about the deeds she has committed. St. John's wort was used for healing, cleansing from damage and bringing desired events into life.

Amber herb for cleansing negativity

St. John's wort is also popularly called amber grass or amber grass. It's all about the connection of this plant with solar energy. It is believed that St. John's wort (naturally, in moderate quantities and in the absence of contraindications from a doctor) is useful to drink as tea in cloudy weather or during cold weather to maintain the energy of the luminary, cleanse, restore the emotional state and strengthen willpower. Typically, the above-ground part of the plant is used for healing and occult purposes. To protect against evil spirits, it was necessary to support several branches of St. John's wort over the fire, and then hang them in the house in a secluded place on the wall or hide them under the threshold. In this case, a person with bad intentions simply will not be able to enter the house.

St. John's wort as an intermediary fills a person with solar energy and brings success to all areas of life

If you plan to use St. John's wort in various rituals, collect the plant on the night of Ivan Kupala - July 7th.

Cut St. John's wort branches so that only a few shoots remain. Our ancestors believed that St. John's wort is capable of remembering the pain caused to it and, at best, the plant will be useless to you, at worst - the next time you go looking for it, you may not find it.

The best in this regard is considered to be blue St. John's wort or hyssop, which is able to influence a person's energy, cleansing his energy channels. An effective way to cleanse yourself of negative programs is as follows. On one of the days of the waning moon, light a wax candle, wait a minute until the flame gets higher and bring a sprig of St. John's wort to the fire, but only slightly scorch the plant.

Blue St. John's wort has particularly powerful cleansing properties

Immediately after this, start patting yourself with a twig on your left palm if you are performing the cleansing ritual yourself, or if your assistant should do this. After this, move the “broom” to the left shoulder, then to the right and finally to the center of the chest. Immediately after this, sharply lower the St. John's wort branch into a container of water. Then repeat the procedure two more times, only now cleanse the lower part of the body. Follow this pattern: left foot, left knee, right knee, right foot, lower abdomen. For the third time, move the St. John's wort branch like this: left palm, solar plexus, right palm, right knee, left knee, right palm.

A sprig of St. John's wort and a candle stub should be wrapped in a sheet of crumpled paper and taken out of the house. Throw the package into a trash can or trash container only after you have passed three intersections. You need to go back without turning around and without talking to anyone.

Sun symbol to attract wealth

If St. John's wort is dried, crushed, poured into a canvas bag (it's great if it is sewn with your own hands) and carried with you, you will remain invulnerable. St. John's wort powder will strengthen willpower, increase stamina and open up new opportunities for you to increase income. It is best to prepare St. John's wort powder for such purposes on one of the first three days of the new moon. Dry an odd number of plant branches in advance, and on the desired day, grind it into powder in your palms. Light a wax candle, pour St. John's wort into a bag and, before tying it, hold it in your right palm above the candle flame at a distance of 20-25 cm from the fire.

The power of this ritual is based on the combined energy of fire and the sun.

Look at the fire and mentally imagine how its energy fills the St. John's wort powder. By connecting with the power of the plant, it will help you “hear your heart” - develop intuition. After this, holding the powder in your palms, recite the spell twelve times: “I fill it with the power of the Sun, I kindle it with the power of Fire, I open locked doors, I accept my true wealth. My word is strong. My word is true. As I command, so it will be.” After this, tightly pull the edges of the bag with regular red thread and tie it into five knots. Your personal amulet is ready.

St. John's wort attracts wealth into your life due to its ability to accumulate the energy of the Sun.

It is believed that St. John's wort unites the spirit, soul and body into a single whole. If you carry St. John's wort with you, you can not only attract wealth into your life, but also strengthen your own divination abilities. If this is your goal, be sure to harvest St. John's wort in mid-July. The contents of the bag need to be updated once a year. And one more important rule. Don't let other people take your amulet into their hands. His power is exclusively for you.

St. John's wort pillow for health

St. John's wort is considered the "herb for 99 diseases." Moreover, the plant eliminates not only the consequences of the disease, symptoms, but also eliminates its energetic cause. It is thanks to this property that this plant has a special value. Under no circumstances should you cancel the course of treatment prescribed to you by your doctor for a particular disease. The occult power of St. John's wort will help activate the restoration processes in the body and the treatment will be much more effective and work faster. And having your own little thought pillow filled with St. John's wort, you can prevent and avoid illnesses in the future.

An even simpler option for making a little thought is to pour St. John's wort into a canvas bag

St. John's wort pad is called dumochka for its ability to improve sleep. It is believed that if such a talisman pillow is located near the place where you sleep, you will not only have a good rest, but will also receive additional strength to realize your desires.

You need to start sewing the pillow on your date of birth in the current month, regardless of the phase of the moon. For example, if you were born on January 12th, start making your personal amulet on July 12th or the twelfth day of the next month. Prepare in advance a new needle, a piece of linen or silk fabric or a special one for embroidery up to 20 cm long and 10-15 cm wide. You can use two new scarves as a base, but certainly from natural fabric. Ideally, you need to collect St. John's wort on Ivan Kupala, dry it and grind it in a wooden mortar. Sew a bag from one scarf or piece of fabric: fold the fabric with the long side (20 cm) in half and sew on both sides with thread of the same color.

Sew the second bag in the same way, leaving one edge open. Place the second bag over the first one, already filled with crushed dry St. John's wort, like a cover so as to cover the open edge. After this, sew up the remaining side. First sew a padding seam, and then a tight loop seam (shown in the figure). In the upper right corner, if desired, you can embroider the Uruz rune if you want to improve your health. While embroidering, mentally say: “I embroider, I open strength, I strengthen the health of (your name). So be it."

Appeal to the goddess Freya to find mutual love

In order to improve your personal life, you need to embroider a sequence of runes on the pillow: Gebo (marriage, the right choice of a partner for marriage), Mannaz (will help draw the attention of a suitable partner to you), Uruz (strengthens love relationships), Fehu (provides physical intimacy and compatibility). During the embroidery process, you need to ask the goddess Freya for help. The size of the runes is no more than a centimeter. No special abilities are required here. You will be embroidering runes for your own talisman, and not for an embroidery competition. First draw runes on the fabric with a simple pencil, and then embroider with a simple stitch following these lines.

Goddess Freya will help you find happiness in family life and strengthen relationships

Before use, read on the pad with love runes: “Goddess Freya! I turn to you for help. Just as precious stones sparkle on your neck, so let the flame of mutual love sparkle in my life. Just as you soar into the heavens like a falcon, so let my love lift me to new heights. Give me happiness, give me true love, give me a long-awaited meeting. These flowers are a gift to you, Freya.” The first three nights after making the “love pillow” should lie under your pillow. On the first day, as you said in the plot, you need to buy flowers for Freya. It is enough to buy a small bouquet and place it in your room, mentally addressing gratitude to the goddess.

Harness the power of runes by embroidering them on personal charms

The goddess Freya is considered one of the most significant and is second only to Odin's wife, the goddess Frigg. She has no equal in beauty either among the gods or among people. Freya's heart is compassionate and responds to the needs of those who ask.

The main thing when making amulets using St. John's wort is your personal attitude. It is very important in the process of working on the amulet to clearly formulate your goal: for example, “I have excellent health,” “my love is mutual, I have happiness in my marriage,” “I live in abundance, I always have enough money for everything.” You can formulate your goals more specifically depending on your needs. St. John's wort, symbolizing our luminary the Sun, will direct energy to the realization of your desires in the shortest possible time. The result will not take long to arrive.

You will find information on specific plants in the "Lecture Hall" section - a textbook for those interested in Herbalism. I would like to point out right away that I do not trade anything and do not provide treatment.
When preparing the materials, the goal was not to discover something new in terms of botany or magic. The main thing was to select material from various sources and arrange it in a form convenient for assimilation, to create a Textbook that would help when conducting Herbalism lessons in any magical or near-magical schools.
Taking into account the specifics of the subject, and I do not write about things that I made up myself, of course, I use a huge number of sources that are listed on the site. The reference to specific sources in specific lectures has been replaced. The goal was not to create some kind of scientific work in which citations must be indicated with footnotes. This is a textbook for a magical school with a list of literature used. Considering that this is not a printed publication, the formalities are more than met. The description of plants uses material from the encyclopedia.

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/ 06.07.2015

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  • "Amulets" - a cabinet on the subject of Amulets, Amulets and Talismans. Both subjects are taught at Hogwarts Sirius.
  • The "Favorites" section will contain selected student works. Just those that I, for one reason or another, wanted to post.
  • "My hog." The best students and assistants, memories and photographs. Hog's life. Dusty scrolls lie throughout the castle in various places. When will I finish this section and get organized? Probably never. This process will be endless. And if you have any advice or suggestions regarding this section, this is always welcome.

The herb St. John's wort is one of those that is used in Slavic divination. Northern herbs: St. John's wort, wormwood, nettle - primarily used to drive out evil. Yes, each herb has its own special properties. Here we talk about what kind of magical plant St. John's wort is, and how its small yellow flowers are used in magic.

This is what small flowers of the herb St. John's wort look like

The use of St. John's wort in Slavic magic

There are many ways to use the St. John's wort plant. Here we will briefly talk about them, and we will describe one northern rite in more detail:

1. Bags of St. John's wort herb are worn as a talisman against magical attacks and temptations.

2. Bags of St. John's wort were hung over the entrance to the hut or hidden under the threshold to scare away evil spirits and prevent the undead from entering the house.

3. The smell of the herb St. John's wort promotes divination.

4. St. John's wort hidden in shoes protects from devils and sorcerers.

5. St. John's wort in the hand or on the belt - relieves fatigue when walking.

6. St. John's wort, scattered throughout the field during sowing, protects the field from hail.

7. In the form of a decoction, St. John's wort heals coughs and helps heal wounds.

8. In the form of incense or a candle, it bestows happiness, love, and protection.

9. A belt woven from St. John's wort is worn and it will take on evil, and if you throw the belt into the fire on November 1, all the evil accumulated on the belt will return to the one who sent it. 10. Taken with you into battle, bestows courage and determination.

11. Protects against “lessons, ghosts and nightly disturbances,” i.e. from all types of damage.

12. A magical remedy against infertility, in the form of fumigation with smoke.

13. Protects babies from evil, placed at the head.

14. Fumigating the house with dry herb St. John's wort helps against all evil.

15. Helps with depression and fatigue.

16. If you carry St. John's wort with you, your will will be strengthened.

We know such a northern conspiracy with the St. John's wort plant. To stop grieving for the deceased, you need to weave a wreath of St. John's wort on the night of Ivan Kupala, throw it into the water, saying:

“Mother fast river, sandy shores, accept St. John’s wort from me, and calm my melancholy and sadness.”
We, following the traditions of northern magic, use it in rituals for the development of magical abilities and spirituality, for health, freedom from addictions, for cleaning people and homes, protecting people and homes from misfortunes. St. John's wort will give strength and protection during rituals, will help to gain physical and spiritual strength, will frighten and drive away all evil.

You can buy St. John's wort in the following forms:

And also read:

How to make reliable protection against witchcraft, conspiracies and damage?

There are special herbs that have magical properties. They are used by knowledgeable people both to bewitch the victim and to protect them from witchcraft and evil slander.

One such herb is St. John's wort. With its help, you can install protection against severe damage yourself. St. John's wort should be collected on a certain day of the year - on the eve of Ivan Kupala (summer solstice June 21 - 24) or on the day of Perun (August 2), then it is considered miraculous.

A branch of St. John's wort is hung above the entrance to the house or crosswise on the windows, placed under the threshold, stuck into the cracks of the house - this is a strong protection against witchcraft and damage.

In addition, this witchcraft grass is carried with oneself as a talisman against the evil eye, induced damage and other evil spells.

Our ancestors said that St. John's wort has its own strength against any enemy force. St. John's wort smoke with special spells is used to fumigate a house to expel evil spirits and neutralize negative energy.
St. John's wort will help you independently install protection against damage and witchcraft.

In the Middle Ages, this plant was considered an assistant to warlocks. According to knowledgeable people, this herb has the ability to ward off thunderstorms, protect a person from evil witchcraft and protect from devilish temptation. St. John's wort is also avoided by demons.
With the help of St. John's wort you can provide protection against witchcraft damage to livestock.

If you stick dry branches of St. John's wort into the cracks of a stable, the witch will bypass it. Also for this reason, in the old days, on St. George’s Day, during the first spring pasture, cattle were fumigated with the smoke of dry St. John’s wort. And to enhance the fertility of livestock, St. John's wort was added to the feed.
How else can you independently protect yourself from severe damage to a person with the help of St. John's wort?



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