World Mental Health Day. Short congratulations, poems, SMS, wishes, thanks for the holiday

For those who are sane, today's holiday is important. On World Mental Health Day, we wish all of us to remain sober and in good memory. Let our minds not let us down and the health of body and spirit remain our property. Happy holiday!

There are many situations in life
Cases and news...
In our world of innovation
It can be difficult at times.

On this day we wish everyone
Rest and bright days.
Happy Mentally Healthy Day,
People, congratulations!

Don't be nervous, control yourself
Forget neuroses and depression, try it.
Be relaxed, even if you have your head in the clouds.
Get rid of the psychic womb.

Stay healthy, don't get sick.
Let there be no disagreements with the psyche.
And don’t regret anything today,
And get rid of unnecessary passions.

Yes, it's not easy to be normal these days!
And then only ninety percent.
One hundred percent - this is not normal!
Still, we people are not trivial with you.

So let's resist! Let's keep it calm
A system of nerves in an unruly body.
A healthy spirit roams in a healthy body.
So let him never leave!

Today, October tenth,
I want to congratulate you
With such an unusual date -
Health of the inner “I”.

I want to believe in balance,
Know harmony as a friend.
Not knowing that there is an enemy is depression,
Don't offend people around you.

After all, our mental health is
The thinnest, very fragile ice.
Drink cow's milk more often,
And believe me - it will save you!

We need to take care of our nerves
The psyche is to be cherished,
To, on topic, avoid
Meeting with the green serpent.

We only have one brain
And the nervous system
So you don't have to get into it
Unnecessary problems.

On this day, rejoice
Be extremely cheerful
Chat and laugh
Avoiding stress.

Various stresses, and cataclysms in the world,
Disorders and diseases (how could we live without them?),
It is quite possible, and will lead to tragedy,
Where you will clearly feel like a real psycho.

Let's live slower, slow down.
Let's be less nervous and less tired.
Mental health is more important than any job,
Which, in fact, is easy to change.

Less stress and anxiety, more sleep -
And spring will bloom in a tired soul.
If heaviness has fallen and anxiety
And the apartment seems cramped,
That is reliable and faithful help -
Consultation with a psychologist-doctor.
All diseases, they say, come from the head -
Keep yourself healthy from the inside out.
Life is beautiful, joyful, bright,
Enjoy life, because it is one.

We will cure mental illnesses,
Although it won't be easy to do.
And to solve the eternal problem
Let's penetrate deep into consciousness.

Success awaits us in an honorable field.
What we can do, we must do.
We will surround the mentally ill with care,
Let's make their days more meaningful.

Let the world be mentally healthy,
Then it will be more comfortable for us to live,
To fill life with new meaning,
And understand each other and be friends.

Dear comrades, rest assured,
Don't be sad about stress, galaxies of problems,
We deserve harmony in life and peace,
And not panic, depression and eternal dilemmas.

Constantly maintain your mental tone,
Drive away the darkness of adversity and crises,
Endure daily time pressure
And give pleasant food to the mind.

Life scares us with stress,
Black melancholy
I wish everyone to be
Mentally healthy.

World Mental Day
We'll see you in good health,
I wish you strong nerves,
Living on the planet.

Let laughter be medicine
And joy is a balm for us,
And let smiles heal
Our mental wounds.

mental health day
Today we meet
There is a lot of symbolism
On this day originally.
Depression scares us
Stress follows,
And in a sad progression,
What many already know
They take away your health
And you have to live with a smile,
So that depression cannot
Make happiness suddenly unsteady!

Happy World Health Day!
Let harmony bloom in your mind.
Surround joys with love,
And your soul always sings.

To be mentally healthy
There were people all around.
So that smiles again and again
They came to every house.

Everyone scares us with stress,
"Overload" - they say
And health leaves
Almost everyone in a row
But we are not afraid of stress,
We will fight back against them all
We have fun every day
To avoid problems,
On mental health day,
What I want to tell you:
Being healthy is the main thing
Don't be sad, keep it up!

Treasure your mental health
Today we will celebrate the day in honor of him,
Spare yourself, take care of your nerves
From stress, from unnecessary everything!

Our congratulations to you on this worldwide day,
Always be friends with your head,
Let everything be calm, quiet, peaceful,
Well, so that there is clarity and peace in the brain!

Don't let stress in life bother you,
So that the psyche is only strong.
May fate increase happiness,
So that love blooms in the soul.

In short, mentally healthy
I always want you to be.
Enthusiasm and joy visited again, again,
There was no need for you to be sad.

Don't be nervous and don't shout
Drop your problems and relax
Take care of your health
Surrender yourself to harmony.

Health is a gift and don’t waste your nerves
On trifles, empty talk.
When you're angry, it's better to dream
What to listen to and reproach.

Fly with your thoughts to the clouds,
Forget about bitterness and disputes,
Don't waste your health here and there
Don't get carried away with empty talk.

Anxiety, frustration, put pressure on the psyche,
Sometimes due to stress, the “pot” doesn’t even cook,
You are a friend of the psyche, take care of it from disorders,
Run from unnecessary problems like a wolf!
And if there are no unnecessary problems to the eyeballs,
Go to a psychologist quickly, you’ll get a hint,
A psychologist will sort out your worries,
The right solution will be found instantly!
I wish you to be friends with your head,
In health, and in happiness, and in joy to live!

Oh, I'm freaking out about something
I'm a little in the morning
Threw the weight on the floor
And he said sternly to everyone:

"If someone here me
Won't listen
I'll get even angrier
And I’ll knock on everyone’s tambourine.”

Everything is around me at once
They stopped whispering.
And they said it was a long time ago
We are behind the times.

It's time for us to shower
And unload your body,
And in mental health
Make sure of everything.

Now we are this holiday
We honor it like Christmas.
But because the psyche
It's like magic.

When she's healthy
That is peace throughout the whole earth.
When she's sick
The war is only in the head.

Today is a great holiday,
I hasten to congratulate everyone,
Let the nervous breakdown be terrible
Doesn't shine for anyone.

Mental balance
I wish you always
So that people and finance
Didn't do any harm.

How many events affect us negatively every day? The slightest altercation can dampen our mood and cause a stressful state, which is so unpleasant to experience, and it always happens at the wrong time. Many things surround a person. We are used to dealing with stress when it is already in full swing, but we don’t really think about how we can avoid it. Psychological disorders always weigh more heavily than physical fatigue or pain.

Did you know that there is a special day dedicated to mental health? Yes, yes, exactly him. On this day you can look at the problem differently and find a solution. Read more about this day, held annually on October 10th, below.

World Mental Health Day

People have always been aware of the influence of the inner emotional state and understood the importance of always remaining as spiritually calm as possible. The great commanders realized that they should never show weakness, because such a state could become firmly entrenched in the hearts of soldiers and reduce their desire to defend the interests of the state.

At the end of the 20th century, people began to attach the greatest importance to the factors that cause it. Everyone experiences stress - some more often, some less often, it all depends on the factors pressing on the inner How many people lose the ability to work effectively, as well as before stress. It makes people sick. The most frightening thing is that a person can constantly experience certain conditions that press from the inside. Perceiving this, a person is constantly in a terrible state, negatively influencing others and reducing his productivity.

On this day, attention is focused on the fact that mental health must be protected at all times. If you do not follow this principle, then you will always have to endure suffering, drive yourself into even more disastrous stages, and develop the risk of acquiring a truly serious spiritual illness that cannot be treated.

That is why modern man realized the need for such a day. We need to support those suffering from schizophrenia, or simply those who are experiencing stress. For such people this day is very important. Methods to combat and prevent mental illness are being replicated everywhere. The stands of educational and preschool institutions are replete with materials aimed at overcoming the disease and reducing the risk of acquiring it.

The emergence of the day

World Mental Health Day was established relatively recently, namely in 1992. The initiators of the creation were the World Health Organization and the World Mental Health Organization. This day is recognized where they emphasize the importance of maintaining a positive emotional background and focus on the harmful effects of emerging diseases.

It is characteristic that in Russia World Mental Health Day began to be celebrated only in 2002. This happened thanks to Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Dmitriev.

Every year, mental health day takes on a new slogan, which brings special attention to a specific issue. For example, they were the first to pay attention to women in 1996. The topic read: “Women and Mental Health.” And the last day was held under the slogan “Life with schizophrenia.” Thus, every year attention is focused on a specific problem. This helps to overcome it most effectively.

Activities held on mental health day in preschool educational institutions

It is especially important to explain to children and adolescents the need to maintain a positive emotional background. Thus, Mental Health Day in preschool educational institutions is celebrated with various events aimed at introducing the child to a positive perception of the world around him. Educators and parents are involved in mini-games and also learn all sorts of lessons for themselves and get to know the problem better. The stands attract attention with entertaining materials that are sure to lift your spirits and explain briefly everything that the compilers tried to convey.

Same day in schools

In schools equipped with sound reproduction systems, they often play music or a recorded narration on this day, which conveys the main features inherent in this significant day and various recommendations for maintaining inner peace in good shape. Materials specific to the topic are also hung. They take breaks during classes to allow students to unwind psychologically. Open lessons are held at which arguments are presented and methods of combating mental illnesses are proposed.

Keep your inner peace calm

World Mental Health Day requires you to pay attention to your inner state and not leave things to chance. It is recommended to contact medical institutions and consult with a psychologist, do not forget about your relatives, who are the best motivator that can make you feel better. It is important to support people with different types of mental disorders in every possible way and to stand in solidarity with them.

The World Federation of Mental Health initiated the annual observance of Mental Health Day in 1992. Having international status, this date is celebrated throughout the world every year on October 10. Active participants in various events organized on this day are the United Nations, the International Labor Organization, the Pan American Health Organization and others.

Since 2002, on this day, events dedicated to raising public awareness of this problem, intensifying investment in preventive measures, strengthening mental health, and ensuring access to treatment, at the suggestion of Academician Dmitrieva, began to be held in Russia. The thematic framework for World Mental Health Day is updated every year.

Stress, nerves, overload
Today we will say “No!”
Your psyche will be healthy
Happiness awaits us, life without troubles,
Us mental health
It really needs to be treasured
With him, of course, we definitely can
Live for a very long time!

Calmness is so important!
You always need to take care of your nerves,
After all, you will understand everything one day:
This game is not worth the candle!

Health is much more important
Harmony in your soul,
Fill your heart with love
You shouldn't live in a mirage!

No to depression, smile
Be friends, appreciate, love!
Step forward, develop,
And live happily, brightly!

Happy World Mental Health Day. Well, what can you wish for on this day? Inner harmony, peace of mind, inexhaustible flow of strength, tolerance and prudence. Let every day be interesting and eventful, and most importantly, without stress and tension.

Every day there is paranoia,
Either sadists or maniacs,
The terrorists have become insolent,
Housing and communal services are a complete mess,

From depression and stress,
Sometimes it makes me shiver,
The neighbor behind me is a slacker,
Quietly sharpening a Finnish knife.

The roof is gradually being demolished,
But there is a chance to improve -
I'll sign up for the Napoleons,
Me, in ward no. 6.

Mentally healthy
I wish you to be
With your nerves
Cherish in life.

I wish you a smile
Fight stress
After all, after thunderstorms in the sky
The sun always shines.

I wish you strong
Keep yourself in your hands
So that every little thing
There's no need to freak out.

On mental health day
I wish you well
The best medicine is joy
For the nerves so that there is.

May your psyche remain healthy
Not only on this day, but always.
Let your soul not cry, but laugh,
Let sadness never come.

Let depression not even come close,
Let there always be interest in life.
And even joy doesn’t drive you crazy,
Down with all the nerves, sorrows and stress.

On this holiday I wish you
Have nerves that have become stronger,
To help yourself in everyday life
You held it tightly in your hands.

May you be mentally healthy
There will be people from all over the Earth,
I wish the feelings
We took care of each other.

The world lived so that without nervous breakdowns,
Without suffering from paranoia,
I wish you positivity
On Mental Health Day.

We are mentally healthy
I wish everyone to be there, friends.
A tiny child knows -
We can't live without it.

Take care of your nerves
Clarity of a sober mind.
Remember that life is a villain,
We are given only one.

At the hour when progress moves
Quickly walking around the planet,
Stress awaits you
Even on the Internet.

Tired? Lie down - rest
Drive away depression
Change the situation -
Keep your souls healthy!

Congratulations to you today
Happy Sanity Day,
We wish you with all our hearts
To be in friendship always, always.

Be in your thoughts,
Good-natured and bright.
Let the forces guide you
The most honest deeds, love.

Smile more often
And be warmer to yourself.
Always communicate with your loved ones
And give happiness to everyone!

A healthy psyche is very important
Otherwise things will be completely bad!
Enjoy your life to the fullest,
May she bring you joy and happiness!

But the main thing is to have a sound mind,
Always maintain peace in life,
Don't be hysterical, don't make noise,
Otherwise your psyche will suffer!

Congratulations: 33 in verse, 5 in prose.

World Mental Health Day is celebrated annually on October 10th. The holiday was first introduced by the UN in 1992. In Russia we have been celebrating this day since 2002. Here we have collected for you the best short congratulations, poems, SMS, wishes, thanks for the holiday.

Happy Mental Health Day
I hasten to congratulate you.
And I wish you to always be healthy,
And not to know about sorrows and sadness!

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Mental Health Day for Us
Means what is important at any day and time
Strive to find peace of mind,
Find a valuable source for obtaining it!

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Mental Health Day is important
After all, he makes life better, more beautiful!
I wish you not to be upset over trifles,
Meet only kind people!

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On World Mental Health Day
We sincerely wish you
Optimism, lyrical mood,
Let life be subject to dreams!

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There are so many difficult situations in life,
And stress and problems just cover you,
But the psyche must be healthy forever,
Then all difficulties will quickly recede!

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All diseases, they say, come from the head -
Keep yourself healthy from the inside out.
Life is beautiful, joyful, bright,
Enjoy life, because it is one!

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I want to believe in the harmony of the body,
Depression and grief are unknown.
And even though it’s a stormy October now,
Do not be sad under any circumstances!

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Let the world be mentally healthy,
Then it will be more comfortable for us to live,
To fill life with new meaning,
And understand each other and be friends!

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Dear friends, rest assured,
Don't be sad about stress, galaxies of problems,
We deserve harmony in life and peace,
And not panic, depression and eternal dilemmas.

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On mental health day -
I quit smoking and suffering.
And I wish you today
Start a new leaf in the book of life!

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Today is mental health day
We wish you more soul strength.
You treat your patients with love,
Good luck to you in your profession!

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On the tenth day of October we will celebrate
World Day for Mental Health,
And so that stress never overcomes us,
We will surround the world with unimaginable love!

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I would like to wish you good health today,
But not only bodies, but rather souls.
Let the melancholy recede, breathe more freely,
There are many bright days ahead of us!



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