The harm and benefits of walkers for children: are they needed at all? At what age can baby walkers be used for girls and boys, pros and cons.

It is necessary to find answers to a number of questions before buying a walker for a child: at what age are they allowed to be used, in what cases is it better to refuse them, which model to give preference to. Parents often wonder whether children need such devices at all or whether they can do without them.

In fact, situations are different. In some cases, designs that allow children to “walk” without having sufficient skills to do so bring obvious benefits. In others, there is a risk of negative effects on the body of children, so it is better to initially coordinate this issue with a pediatrician.

What is a walker and does a child need one?

Walkers are quite complex devices consisting of a base, wheels, a chair and a tabletop. They support the baby's body in the position necessary to take his first steps. When the baby is placed in the product, his legs are able to reach the floor, thanks to which he can push off and move around the room.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether it is necessary to put the baby in a walker or whether it is better to wait until he stands on his own legs and walks. Even pediatricians cannot come to a consensus. Some insist that stimulating toddlers with the help of specialized devices brings only benefits.

Of course, if there are no contraindications to the use of products, the child is planted at the physiologically correct time and safety precautions are not violated. But there are also pediatricians who insist on completely natural development of children and the rejection of any assistive devices. Ultimately, parents will have to make their own decisions based on publicly available information.

At what age can a child be introduced to a walker?

It is strictly forbidden to try to put a child in a walker if he is not yet six months old. This is the extreme age indicator that parents and doctors compare to, provided that the baby is developing very actively and this process is not accompanied by any pathological or specific conditions.

In general, the optimal time is considered to be 7-8 months. It is at this time that children try to get up, leaning on a wall or sofa, and begin to take uncertain steps. Some experts even believe that if, in the presence of such signs, you do not take care of a baby walker, he may make several attempts to walk and, having failed, will refuse further experiments for a long time.

What benefits can a walker have?

If you use baby walkers correctly and in a timely manner, you can count on the following positive aspects:

  • A child who cannot walk is able to move independently. This leads to the development of posture, slight strengthening of the necessary muscles, and the formation of anatomical deflections in the spine. If, from a certain age, you regularly place your little one in the product, he will learn to walk fairly quickly.

Advice: Recently, a new medical theory has emerged that says it is generally not recommended for boys to practice using walkers, regardless of age. Experts argue this due to the structural features of the male body and the high risk of developing adverse consequences. This is partly true, but now special devices have appeared specifically for small men, which take into account all the specific anatomical aspects, and from a medical point of view, are absolutely safe for children.

  • The baby develops the coordination necessary to carry out complex actions using the body. It is worth considering that, contrary to popular belief, balance does not improve from using a walker!
  • The child has the opportunity to explore the world from a new perspective. When children stand on their feet, they begin a new stage of development, in which they can look at everything around them, without necessarily crawling and constantly raising their heads.
  • Many modern children's products come with toys or music to help kids have fun. By the way, this often allows the mother to go about her business without letting the baby out of control.

All of the positive aspects listed do not at all indicate that the baby needs to be put in a walker often and for a very long time. Regardless of the age at which it is decided to use this design, it should be more of a form of leisure, rather than a mandatory exercise machine.

Contraindications to using walkers

In addition, you need to remember a number of contraindications to the use of walkers. You should not even think about purchasing a product when the following factors are present:

  1. The child has rickets or there are signs of this condition.
  2. The baby has problems with the musculoskeletal or nervous system.
  3. There are rashes on the baby's skin, in those places that will come into contact with the structure. This also includes various dermatitis.
  4. Increased or decreased muscle tone.
  5. The child simply has no desire to use this device.

Before purchasing baby walkers, it is worth considering a number of rather negative aspects that may appear in some cases. Moreover, this does not depend on the age at which the baby is taught to use the product and how to do it:

  • If your baby has a calm temperament, he may refuse to move without a walker when the time comes to walk independently.
  • If a toddler is overweight, the load on the spine may be excessive, which will lead to health problems.
  • Neurologists are also not happy with this device. Regardless of the age at which a newborn is placed in the product, he will move on his toes, which is harmful for children.
  • Equilibrium not only does not develop, the opposite result is observed. A baby who is used to moving with support may experience problems in the future.
  • Due to the fact that the device protects the child from all sides and in all possible areas, his sense of fear disappears. Falls and collisions with obstacles allow you to develop protective reflexes and teach you to group when falling.

Don’t forget that not all walkers are made from high-quality materials. Some products themselves pose a danger to children.

Rules for choosing functional devices

To minimize the risks of purchasing the wrong model, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The tabletop should not be wider than the base, otherwise the structure will not be very stable.
  • The wheels are located throughout the base and distributed evenly, there are at least 6-8 pairs of them.
  • The possibility of locking the wheels is welcome, allowing you to turn the walker into a table.
  • It’s good if the chair is deep, equipped with a high hard back and a removable cover.
  • You should not even consider products in which the height is not adjustable. The baby should reach the floor, but not bend his legs too much.
  • If the tabletop has many functions, it will keep the child occupied for several minutes. The most popular are the music and educational blocks.

In general, in order to purchase a truly suitable and safe item, you should read the product data sheet. It indicates the minimum and maximum height and weight of the baby, beyond which it is not recommended to go. If there is no such passport, it is better not to consider a specific product as a possible option.

How to teach a child to walk in a walker?

You should not immediately place your baby in a new device. First you need to give him time to inspect and touch the unusual structure, and ride it. You can even wait a few days until the little one gets used to the new toy. It is recommended to make the first practical attempt an hour after the baby has had breakfast or lunch. It should not exceed 10 minutes, even if the little one likes it. Gradually increase the duration of the activities to half an hour (add 2-3 minutes per day). You should not exceed this figure.

Walkers should bring joy to the child. It must be remembered that they are not a mandatory device; there is no need to impose them on the baby.

Due to the fact that there is still a lot of controversy surrounding this miracle device about its dangers and benefits, there is no clear definition of what a child can do. But there is a certain list of recommendations that young parents should follow. In this case, you need to focus exclusively on the individual characteristics of your baby.

Age restrictions

For the proper development of a child, it is very important to master physical skills in a timely manner. Young, inexperienced parents often find themselves at a dead end at the next stage: is it worth “pushing” the baby or is it better to trust the natural flow of events?

When a child turns four or three years old, many parents have a question: do they need to sit him down? On the one hand, he still seems too small and clearly does not feel the desire to twist his back. On the other hand, a neighbor says that her five-month-old baby can already sit if you put a pillow under his butt. And my cousin’s friend says that she started teaching even earlier. And if you listen to others, you can only be upset - is the baby really behind in development?

Are boys seated before girls?

If parents do not intervene in the development process, babies begin to sit independently in different ways. If they are trying to help, then it’s useful to know that you can seat them a little earlier than. At the age of 3-4 months, you can arrange a soft bed of pillows for the baby to imitate a semi-sitting position. This does not put stress on the spine, but helps the back get used to this position.

For kids, this skill is an important step in understanding the environment that surrounds them. When you finally manage to sit without resting your hands on the floor, the child gains the opportunity to master new games and exciting activities.

In order not to be tormented by doubts, the best option is not to listen to neighbors and family friends, but to talk to the doctor who is observing the baby. Most likely, the advice will be this: you need to act depending on the natural development of the baby, so as not to go against his physical capabilities and desires.

The health of the child in the future largely depends on when parents begin to sit the child down, so you shouldn’t be too zealous.

What is most important for sitting ability?

Before sitting your child down, you need to pay attention to how his skeletal and muscular systems are developed. In order for the baby to sit independently, the body must first prepare. If you do not allow your muscles to strengthen properly, your spine and other bones will receive excessive stress, which may not have the best effect on your health.

Very young children have a soft spine and very light cartilage; under load, they easily move out of place, and the spine can bend because of this.

A completely physically healthy child begins to sit up independently when his bones and muscles are well prepared. In order to sit, you first need to learn to hold your head up. At the age of four months, you can begin to sit your baby briefly on a soft surface. At five months he will be sitting in pillows quite confidently. It is considered normal when a baby can sit upright at 6-7 months.

The child's body is ready for stress when he tries to sit up. You shouldn’t interfere with him, even if you think it’s too early. Of course, at first the child will do this hesitantly, but gradually he will get better and better.

Walkers are a modern children's “gadget” that brings joy to the baby, helps them learn to walk and explore the world around them, and also gives the mother the opportunity to free her hands and have some time. Today we’ll talk about when you can put your child in a walker, and also discuss in detail the contraindications and features of their use.

From how many months is it possible and why?

You can put him in a walker no earlier than 6-8 months. It is at this time that the baby begins to confidently sit and crawl, the muscles and bones of the spine become strong and ready to withstand the load. In addition, the psychological development of children also depends on gradual physical development: the baby holds his head, sits, crawls on all fours and only then stands on his feet. If one of the important stages is missed, the child will not be able to go through all the steps of natural comprehensive development.

Important! Before purchasing, you need to consult with a pediatrician and orthopedist, rule out possible dysplasia, rickets, muscle tone of the legs and determine the time of use of the walker in order to avoid negative effects on the genitourinary system due to friction of the perineum.

From what months can boys and girls start: is there a difference?

Girls are most often susceptible to hip dysplasia, so pediatricians advise paying close attention to the baby’s physical readiness. You cannot force your daughter to walk if she does not sit or crawl on her own. Do you know when girls can get walkers? Some experts recommend waiting up to 6-9 months to exclude the possibility of developing musculoskeletal diseases.

Parents of boys should also not get carried away with using walkers and limit the time spent in them to 40 minutes a day. When walking for a long time, friction occurs, diaper rash appears, and the risk of pathologies of the genitourinary system increases. When using a child's “gadget” correctly, there are no problems, so moms and dads should know how to adjust the walker. Lower the seat to a level from which the baby cannot fall out, and in order to prevent the baby from developing flat feet, his legs must rest firmly on the floor.

Pros and cons

  • the child learns to lean on his feet and take steps faster;
  • coordination and spatial orientation skills develop;
  • independent movement allows you to evenly dose the load and rest;
  • physical activity keeps the muscles of the legs and back toned, which also helps improve appetite and sleep;
  • The child can use his hands while in an upright position and develop fine motor skills.


  • babies begin to walk independently a few weeks later, since there is no need to maintain balance;
  • frequent use leads to excessive stress on the spine, which can cause health problems;
  • the risk of injury increases - you need to constantly be near the baby;
  • An incorrect position of the foot is formed, and as a result, the gait deteriorates. You can mitigate this factor with comfortable shoes. It is also necessary to carefully adjust the height of the walker;
  • a number of psychological problems arise. If the child crawls little, problems may arise in learning, especially in reading. The inability to sit, bend, or lie down at will affects intellectual and mental development.

Precautionary measures

  • Make sure your child's feet are flat on the floor.
  • Consult with a specialist and find out at what months a walker is allowed for your baby.
  • Do not forget to wear shoes, it is best if the model is orthopedic.
  • Adjust the height of the walker, monitor the baby’s comfort.
  • Do not leave your child alone; the child should always be supervised.
  • Carpets and other furnishings should be removed from the floor, freeing up space for safe spending time.

Reference! Start walking with 1-3 minutes a day, gradually increasing the load.

Which is better: choose correctly

Often, the baby’s comfort when walking depends on how much the walker costs. When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the following features:

  • high and rigid back;
  • wide and deep seat, soft edge treatment that does not rub sensitive skin;
  • wide base, as well as a large number of wheels rotating in all directions;
  • adjustable height of walkers.

How to choose the best walkers? First of all, it is necessary to understand their classification.

  • Classic: Such models represent the usual design and construction of a frame on wheels, inside of which there is a seat for the baby.

  • Transformers: This type is characterized by the ability to use the gadget as a walker and rocking chair at the same time.

  • Wheelchair: is a safer option, as the child leans on the structure and pushes it forward. The baby does not experience friction, the load on the spine is significantly reduced. The use of a wheelchair is allowed only after 10-12 months, when the baby is already fairly confident on his feet. Parents should see for themselves when a child can use a walker.

Rating of the best models

On the market for children's products you can find many companies, both foreign and domestic, producing walkers. Among the large assortment, mothers note the following brands:

  • Baby Care;
  • Pituso ABC;
  • Chicco Baby Walker.

The lines of the above companies are presented in different price categories, so every parent will find a suitable option that matches the desired cost and quality. Among the items there are both classic models and transformers and gurneys.

Useful video: expert opinion

By using walkers wisely, for short periods of time, you can diversify your baby’s leisure time and speed up his development, but we must not forget that the child requires constant attention. Dr. Komarovsky also advises taking your time and carefully “dosing” the minutes spent in the walker:

The history of baby walkers goes back a long way. It is difficult to name the exact date of creation of this device. But the first mentions of walkers are found in works of art of the 15th century. Hieronymous Bosch's painting Christ Child with a Walking Frame, created in 1480, depicts a baby leaning on a three-legged device on wheels. The canvas of this artist hangs in Vienna, in the Kunsthistorisches Museum. Since then, walkers have undergone many transformations and changes, but the purpose of the device - to be a support for the baby when taking the first steps - remains the same.

Pros and cons of walkers

Baby walkers are still popular these days. Nowadays, almost no family with a small child can do without them. In the first months of a child's life, a walker will be a good gift. And parents are looking forward to trying out the device in action.

But when using walkers for children at an early age, parents can unknowingly harm the baby. Walkers place a strong vertical load on the child's spine and muscles - perhaps this is the main drawback of walkers for children. And if the muscles are not yet strong, this can negatively affect the child’s health. First, the baby must learn to sit, crawl, and thereby train the muscles and spine. If the muscles are not sufficiently strong during upright walking, the load on them increases.

But you shouldn’t completely abandon baby walkers. A few minutes of walking a day won't hurt. You just need to observe the child and his condition, whether he gets tired from walking.

It is believed that when wearing a walker, the baby begins to walk faster. But this fact has not been confirmed or disputed. After all, each child develops individually. And it can be quite difficult to say what exactly influenced his ability to walk.

But after using a walker, a baby may develop a fear of walking independently, without support. Therefore, if the child suddenly has a desire to “walk around”, it is better to simply support him while walking around the house. But don't overdo it. Remember: everything should be in moderation and on time.

After being in a walker for a long time, the baby may never learn to crawl. And this is also not good for him. After all, crawling improves the neural connections in the brain necessary for the child’s further development. If there is a lack of crawling, there will be no development of neural connections. And, of course, we should not forget about the benefits of crawling for strengthening the muscular system of the back, and in the future - for the correct formation of the biological mechanism of walking.

In addition, remember that in a walker the baby moves by pushing his legs off the floor. Because of this, the child may develop the incorrect ability to place his foot on the floor. Often, babies who often run around in walkers first begin to walk on their toes (on tiptoes).

The advantage of using walkers is that the world opens up much wider for little girls and boys. This has a positive effect on the child’s emotional state (he is interested, he is happy) and broadens his horizons.

When to put your baby in a walker

Some parents put their baby in a walker as early as possible, believing that this will help the child quickly learn to walk. Other mothers and fathers are in no hurry with this, arguing their choice by the fact that each stage of the baby’s skills has its time, and there is no need to rush to get ahead of it.

So at what age should you put your child in a walker? What are the benefits of walkers? And does the baby need them? Pediatrician, Candidate of Medical Sciences, author of popular books and television programs about the health and development of children, Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky, believes that the use of walkers is not the need of the child, but of the mother and father. Walkers are "useful" for parents because they can temporarily "neutralize" the baby while the mother takes care of business, a doctor says. He is of the opinion that there is no need to rush with walkers. Before the baby reaches nine months, Evgeniy Komarovsky categorically does not recommend using walkers. Until this time, it is best to replace them by keeping the baby in a playpen, where he can crawl, sit, and even stand if he needs it.

On average, the age when a child can be placed in a walker is 7-8 months (if we are talking about a baby born on time). If the child was born ahead of schedule (premature), add as many weeks to the age as the birth was earlier.

Reaching 7-8 months is considered a suitable age for walkers, because at this time children confidently hold their heads, can sit without support and stand near support. And this, in turn, indicates the maturation of the musculoskeletal system and readiness for upright walking.

But parents should know that even at 7-8 months the baby’s spine and muscles are not yet ready for long-term stress, which is walking. In addition, sitting in one position in a walker, the body weight is distributed on the pelvic bones and spine. Due to incomplete support on the foot, the baby may develop pathological curves of the spine or develop displacement of the vertebrae. Therefore, if you decide to use a walker, do not keep your baby in it for a long time. Be sure to take breaks and do not put too much stress on your child.

Safety precautions when using walkers

Do not leave your baby in a walker without adult supervision. A child at this age has poor balance and may fall out of the walker. And don’t forget: an unattended child in a walker is at risk even in an apartment.

When your child gets into the walker, close the cabinets so that he cannot open the cabinets and bedside tables. Hide breakable objects higher up so he can't reach them. Close sockets with special plugs.

Limit your baby's movement so that he does not go onto the stairs or into the street. Make sure that the child does not fall on the thresholds.


Hello, what about delivery to Salekhard Eches?

04.11.2018 12:04:37, Kunduz

Comment on the article "At what age can you put a child in a walker"

Walkers. Recommendation from an orthopedist. Doctors, clinics. A child from birth to one year. I myself am against walkers, by the way. But I am also against wearing diapers all the time. The best walker for the first steps, by the way, is an inverted stool with crossbars between the legs.


I don’t know about walkers, but I can tell you about walking.
I started walking after a year, although I had been crawling purposefully since I was 4 months old. Why did I have to strain myself with mastering a new untested method, and also with the risk of falling, when I was crawling so that no one would catch up?)) I crawled up, stood up, grabbed it and crawled away)
I started talking before I could walk, so my parents found out that I was stupidly afraid without support and they vilely deceived me))) They handed me a piece of paper, and I went with it. Maybe it will work for you too?))
My brother didn’t really learn to crawl, at 8 months he immediately started walking, what else was left for him))

11/30/2013 00:41:45, harpist

Walking at 1 year is an ideal norm, not just a norm, but an ideal one. It is not at all necessary to comply with this standard). Doctors now consider a situation where a child does not walk on his own until 18 months to be a deviation. There is a plus to prolonged crawling: near vision, attention, and everything connected with it develop well.

26.11.2013 21:06:55, Anastasisya

I put and continue to put all the children in walkers. if there are no initial problems with the hips and the child periodically runs in them and at the same time has the opportunity to learn to crawl and stand. The child was literally put in a walker to wash his hair, quickly prepare food, etc.


In my opinion, they are not needed.

I put and continue to put all the children in walkers. if there are no initial problems with the hips and the child periodically runs around in them and at the same time has the opportunity to learn to crawl and stand on his own, then everything will be fine. My eldest daughter is 15 years old, my middle son is 10

02/14/2011 22:26:23, wampuka

Walkers are really cool in terms of developing spatial orientation - I go wherever I want, I touch whatever I want, and of course, mommy’s hands are free. That's all the advantages, then there are only disadvantages - incorrect formation of the foot, incorrect formation of the walking stereotype...


As for the development of the vistibular apparatus, it’s complete nonsense, mine didn’t get out of the swing for almost 2 hours, it could dangle, and after 3 years it began to get motion sickness, and not on the bus, but in the car. We used a walker, although of course he did not stay in it for long, so that my mother had a good rest, there were no problems with her foot. But he didn’t jump in the jumpers, he didn’t want to

Everything you like "for"

walkers: pros and cons. Strollers, car seats, kangaroos. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. walkers: pros and cons. Tell me, who has experience - are walkers necessary or not? My pros: 1. The longer the child does not walk on his own, the...


definitely against it! Point by point: point 1 - The back should not be easily loaded, but trained. Let him crawl. turns around and stands up. P.2- Let him crawl! point 3 - He will crawl where he needs to and do what he wants. P.4- And at this time the mother is just minding her own business, and not thinking about what to do with him. My son once ran around the apartment on all fours, just like a cat. And children who start walking too early cause concern among neurologists, and they are advised to teach them to crawl and walk on all fours, at least after the fact, for some reason this is necessary.

It is very useful for a child to crawl (the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle develop, fine motor skills improve - no artificial stimulation gives such an effect, etc.). Unfortunately, children who spend a lot of time in walkers are almost deprived of the ability to crawl and, accordingly, often bypass this very important stage for development.

Walkers: pros and cons?. Strollers, car seats, kangaroos. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. Tell me how harmful or beneficial and safe it is for the child. Maybe there are contraindications? In general, I'm back with...


Thank you, we'll think about it))

As far as I've heard, orthopedists don't really recommend them. In a walker, the child’s weight rests on the crotch; he only pushes lightly off the floor with his legs, that is, he doesn’t actually learn to walk - completely different muscle groups are involved and everything is different in general, so it’s not very useful in the end...

Do you need a walker? Strollers, car seats, kangaroos. A child from birth to one year. Caring for and raising a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness We inherited walkers, I don’t regret it. In the kitchen I need to prepare something to eat, the baby is spinning and playing next to me, and...


We have, it seems to me that it was thanks to them that there was a certain “qualitative leap” in development - the understanding came that you can get to something (somewhere) on your own. And now I really like to walk without a walker - by hand or even on my own (a little bit at a time).

We inherited walkers, I have no regrets. In the kitchen I need to prepare something to eat, the baby is spinning and playing next to me, even when I am cleaning the apartment, he is in a walker so as not to get in the way, the child happily follows me and watches the process, and of course he likes to ride - he accelerates and rides . He also learned to walk in a walker, and still loves to jump into it and ride around the apartment. You just need to secure the apartment, remove everything from the lower shelves. I’m happy with the walkers, even though everyone told me that they were dangerous, that the child would have trouble walking later, nothing like that happened, of course I got a lot out of them, not without that...

23.10.2003 15:34:43, Rud

Does a child need a walker? When can baby walkers cause harm (contraindications) Yes, you can’t say anything! At what age can you put a child in a walker? Yes, it’s better not to use them at all. walkers: pros and cons. Tell me, who has experience - do you need a walker or...

walkers: pros and cons. Strollers, car seats, kangaroos. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition Share your experience, please, we are in doubt whether a child needs a walker, at what age and for how long. In general, it will be interesting to know your opinion.


I'm against. We were not advised by either an orthopedist or a high-class masseuse. Arguments: the child learns to place his foot incorrectly; a sense of danger does not develop; is lazy to walk independently; psychologically do not help the child achieve the goal, because Usually the child crawls or goes somewhere to take a toy, but then the table (if wide) does not allow him to take the toy, and if it is small, then it is very easy to jam the handle between the table and, for example, the door. But the first argument that he was placing the leg incorrectly was enough for me. Much better than machines that require you to push off with your feet - they strengthen the legs, but at the same time the baby places his foot correctly.

THANK YOU ALL FOR THE ADVICE! Still, I probably won’t. Let him learn life and bumps.

I'll add my little penny :)
We used walkers as needed. My little son would not let me go anywhere, but he crawled slowly and howled as soon as I went somewhere. So it was impossible to do any business, and he slept very little. Therefore, when I had to go out to hang out the laundry or prepare something, I closed the door from the room, put my little son in a walker, and went about my business. But I tried to do this as little as possible - any walker can turn over, for example, if you run into a threshold at good speed and rush on, and he quickly learned to climb out of them. In addition, I agree with what was written below about getting used to placing his legs anyhow - then he had to “learn” to fall and walk almost every time he got out of the walker.
It would be better to get by, especially since the child will not fall for a long time and struggle painfully - they very quickly “learn” to control their body.

A walker is a convenient combination of a seat and a frame on wheels, thanks to which the baby can safely move around the room. Also, each model has a special panel with attached play elements, or a regular feeding table.

In the latter case, the mother does not even have to buy an additional high chair to feed the baby. There is an opinion that thanks to walkers, the baby will learn to walk faster than his peers, but this is a wrong assumption. Let's figure out when you can put your child in a walker and is it worth it?

What are walkers for?

The main task of this design is to help the baby strengthen some muscle groups responsible for the formation of walking.

And again, this does not mean that by the age of 9 months the child will walk independently with a firm step.

If a mother wants to help her child get on his feet and walk as much as possible, it’s worth signing up the baby for a therapeutic massage; it definitely hasn’t harmed anyone yet.

Despite all the contradictions, walkers have positive aspects:

  • With their help, the child can actively move around the room, getting additional pleasure from the opportunity to independently get some things.

This is a kind of pleasant knowledge of the world around us. Almost all mothers try to create the most comfortable conditions for the development of their baby.

  • The use of walkers and reins helps many mothers not only to put the child on his feet, but also to avoid overworking his back.

Agree, driving a small child in a half-bent position is very difficult. But 10 minutes will not be enough for the baby, he is just beginning to discover the “step” and it will be very difficult to tear him away from the tempting walk with his feet.

So maybe walkers are the way to go? The child walks on his own, there is safety, and the mother can happily rest for a few minutes.

Important! Don't rush to put your baby in a walker too early. The child must develop in a timely manner, and accelerating this process is fraught with illness and postural disorders.

Therefore, if you still need to buy a walker, pay attention to the rules for using walkers and existing contraindications.

Walkers for boys and girls

Everyone knows that the structure of girls and boys is different and they also develop differently. So how to use walkers for children correctly and at what age should a boy or girl be put in them?

Our girls develop earlier than boys, and there is also an opinion that they begin to walk a little earlier. But this does not mean that they need to be put in a walker at 5 months.

The optimal age for a walker is 7 or 8 months. It’s just that in the case of girls, you need to pay special attention to her physical health and keep track of the following points:

  1. If the child is overweight, you should go to a massage therapist and prepare your legs to start walking;
  2. Girls are more likely to develop dysplasia of the hip joints, so mothers should pay special attention to properly familiarizing themselves with walkers. The fact is that, through ignorance, you can aggravate the development of this disease.

Now we know when we can put girls in walkers, let’s move on to our boys:

  • In the case of a boy, the mother should pay special attention to the child’s comfort in the walker, so as not to squeeze the genitals and prevent overheating. When can boys be put in walkers? As in the case of girls, the optimal option is 7-8 months, taking into account his physical activity and stage of development.

For both boys and girls, 3-5 minutes of being in a walker is enough to start with; in the future, you can increase the time to 40-50 minutes per day.

Walkers: benefit or harm?

A walker is a kind of simulator for learning to walk. Also, thanks to walkers, you can further entertain the baby, or just give mom a rest. For example: a mother can work while being next to her child (sewing, sitting at the computer, cleaning, cooking), and the baby will safely move behind her.

But is it safe to use this unique device? The opinions of specialists and mothers are divided.

Some praise innovations such as walkers, reins and jumpers, the other half are against it, explaining their protest by the fact that babies have a fragile structure and such interference in their development can lead to adverse consequences, for example:

  1. violation of the instinct of self-preservation;
  2. development of clubfoot;
  3. inability to place the foot correctly and firmly on the full foot. Read the important article: a child walks on his toes: reasons?>>>

And this, you see, is difficult to fix later. So, maybe we should immediately abandon this type of assistance in favor of normal movement with our legs? Let's take it in order.

The benefits of walkers for a child

  • Every woman, and especially a young mother, needs a few minutes of rest a day.

Considering that during the period when a baby appears in the house, the mother has no time left for herself, she often hastily prepares food, cleans the apartment and at the same time looks after the child - the nervous system is exhausted and the woman becomes irritable and aggressive (read about this in the article: How can a young mother manage everything after giving birth?>>>).

In the case of using a walker, the mother seems to transfer some of the worries to them. Now she can take care of household chores and not worry that her child will crawl far away or suddenly get hurt. He is in mom's line of sight, playing with rattles in his walker.

  • The walkers are designed in such a way that, in addition to developing a leg trainer, they also have the function of developing fine and gross motor skills. Almost every model has entertaining game elements in the form of figures of varying functionality;
  • Thanks to the stability of the walker models, the child can actively move, turning, squatting, and stepping. All these movements help strengthen the baby’s spine and muscles;
  • When a child is not in a confined space (for example, in a playpen), he has a better view, thereby stimulating his intellectual development.

The harm of walkers for a child

  1. Staying in a walker should be short, so as not to tire the child and thereby harm his physical health by ruining his posture and deforming his legs;
  2. A baby who could already move independently, holding onto furniture, while in a walker, relaxes and does not strive to keep his body in the correct position. Often the child may lean forward, push off with their feet (placing their feet incorrectly), and go limp in a squat. Thus, he will not be able to walk normally without additional assistance;
  3. If there is no free space for movement, or there are thresholds in the house, the wheels can catch on which, the child may fall: by sharply pushing off and leaning forward.

Note! It will be correct if the baby, using a walker, wears comfortable shoes, for example, orthopedic ones. Adjust the height for it so that the child places his entire foot on the floor and his knees are bent (for ease of pushing off).

How to choose a walker and what you should pay attention to first

Let's buy walkers correctly!

Before purchasing, you should study the walker as much as possible, if there is a need to ask additional questions and study the accompanying documents. So, how to choose a walker:

The basis:

  • The stability of the walker is a very important detail. If they are stable, this is a guarantee that the walker will not turn over, and therefore the child will not be injured;
  • It’s good if the walker model in question has a protective bumper. Thus, this will be an addition to the safety of your baby.


  • The wheels should be small in diameter, but in large quantities. Thanks to this quantity, children's transport gains maneuverability and additional stability;
  • All wheels should rotate 180 degrees.


  • The main load falls on the seat; if it is made of thin, low-quality fabric, the child will experience discomfort and chafe his butt and legs. Correct seat: wide, medium hard, thick fabric;
  • If the seat depth is calculated correctly, the baby will be comfortable and will not fall out;
  • The material for the seat should be washable, since the mother will sometimes feed the baby in the walker; Interesting article: How to feed a child correctly?>>>
  • It’s good if the seat has an additional bumper inside - it will create soft protection in a collision, softening the impact.


  • Check that the walker has a built-in backrest; it should be rigid and high in order to hold the child upright.


  • 12-15 kg - permissible load weight, with a height of up to 80 cm;
  • The height is adjustable, please note that you need to immediately adjust it to your baby. The child should fully plant his feet, not bend his knees and not hang on his toes. Incorrectly calculated height deforms the development of the musculoskeletal system.

Important! Don't leave your baby alone for a minute. He must be in sight at all times. Sometimes a second is enough for a child to injure himself.

Time will pass, the child will grow up, and the mother will be able to be in different rooms with him with greater calm.

Existing contraindications to the use of walkers

You should not put your baby in a walker if:

  1. The baby does not yet hold his back firmly when sitting;
  2. The child has skin problems in the perineum (diaper rash, sweat rash, inflammation);
  3. The baby was diagnosed with rickets (more about rickets in infants >>>). In this case, walkers will only harm the baby’s health, aggravating the consequences of the disease;
  4. The muscle tone of the legs is not normal. There is hypertonicity or hypotonicity;
  5. The baby's musculoskeletal system is impaired;
  6. The child has signs of weakness, has a fever, or simply has no desire to sit down.

Do not be upset if your baby falls into the category of children for whom any devices for learning to walk are contraindicated. Help your baby learn to walk on his own and you will see that in your case a walker is a completely useless thing.



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