Age-related colpitis treatment with folk remedies. Age-related colpitis (atrophic vaginitis): causes, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment

How to live and fight senile colpitis? This question worries many. Many people probably know some information about what senile colpitis is, its symptoms and treatment. The female body, especially the genitals, is susceptible to all sorts of diseases. These include inflammatory processes, allergic manifestations, and all kinds of fungal infections.

To prevent complications from gynecological diseases, you must regularly visit your doctor. Systematic examinations and observation by a gynecologist should occur twice a year.

Main signs of colpitis

Age-related colpitis is one of the gynecological diseases. This is an inflammatory process of the female genital organs. During menopause, a woman may experience some discomfort, itching and burning in the vagina. Colpitis in elderly women is caused by atrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the vagina and genital organs. The functionality of the ovaries decreases, the acidity of the vaginal microflora can drop to a catastrophic level. In especially severe cases, the secret fluid no longer contains an acidic, but an alkaline environment. Pathological flora begins to develop.

Colpitis can pass unnoticed, without causing concern and without revealing itself in any way. Sometimes mucous discharge appears, bloody, with obvious signs of pus. But a woman usually associates these symptoms with other diseases. More common signs include:

  • burning;
  • swelling of the labia;
  • strong mucous discharge, which may have a milky or cheesy consistency, with obvious signs of blood or pus;
  • disgusting smell;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent urine output;
  • lethargy;
  • fatigue;
  • in severe cases, fever.

With senile colpitis (colpitis during menopause), dryness in the genitals is most often observed. Sometimes the dryness is so progressive that itching occurs. If there is severe itching, purulent-bloody discharge and other symptoms, you should consult a doctor to check for the formation of malignant tumors.

Causes of the disease and diagnosis

A number of categories of elderly women are susceptible to colpitis:

  • with untimely onset of menopause;
  • with normal (age-related) menopause;
  • those who have undergone chemical therapy for the pelvic organs;
  • HIV-infected;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • with reduced immunity;
  • having reduced thyroid function.

Disease-provoking actions can be added to these risk groups. During a medical examination, minor damage to the vaginal mucosa may occur. The infection can occur through sexual contact without using a contraceptive. These reasons can also provoke senile colpitis or aggravate its course. With additional factors that worsen the course of the disease, colpitis can develop into a form that will produce constant relapses (recurrences) after stages of remission (recovery).

In order for the remission stage to last as long as possible, it is necessary to carry out treatment in a timely manner and maintain personal hygiene. Unprotected sexual intercourse should be avoided and chemical scented gels and bactericidal soaps should be avoided. These products contribute to an imbalance in the acid-base environment of the vagina. You should make a clear choice in favor of underwear made from natural materials. Synthetics do not allow air to circulate freely, thereby creating all the conditions for the viability of bad microbes.

To diagnose senile (senile) colpitis, the following manipulations are performed in the gynecological office: examination with a mirror, determination of the acidity level, and other tests. If necessary, cervical and vaginal secretions are diagnosed. This is done if there is a suspicion of specific factors in the occurrence and development of colpitis, for example, sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment using folk remedies

Non-traditional methods of treating various female diseases are always offered and used as more gentle. Natural components do not harm other organs and systems of the human body.

For senile colpitis, the use of cauterizing liquids and ointments is prohibited, and the use of tampons is also prohibited. Douching with chamomile infusion or decoction is indicated. When suffering from senile colpitis, the vagina must be moisturized with vitamin ointments. These can be ointments containing aloe juice, rosehip oil, sea buckthorn extract. You can use baby cream.

Colpitis in old age can be successfully treated with herbs:

  1. Mix 50 g of knotweed grass, 50 g of nettle (leaves), 10 g of cinquefoil root, oak bark and 20 g of chamomile (inflorescence). Place the dry mixture in a hermetically sealed container to prevent moisture from entering. From this mixture you will need 2 tbsp. spoons, which need to be poured with a liter of water, boil and continue cooking for 10 minutes. To douche, you need to cool the resulting medicinal liquid, then strain. It is always best to do douching before going to bed.
  2. Pour cut marigold flowers (medicinal calendula) into a glass of hot (100°C) water and leave for one hour. You need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of calendula. Cool and then strain. This calendula infusion is suitable for douching. It is also indicated for oral use (2 tablespoons or 5 teaspoons 2-3 times a day).
  3. Place 20 g of immortelle (sandy) in boiling drinking water and leave for one hour. You need to take 0.5 liters of water. This medicinal infusion is used for douching.
  4. You need to take 1 tablespoon or 3 teaspoons (without top) of oak bark, chop well, pour a glass of boiling (100 ° C) water, and keep in a water bath. Then leave the resulting liquid for 10-12 hours. Strain and douche. The duration of such procedures is 10 days.
  5. A very good decoction is a mixture of the following herbs and plants: garden peony, creeping clover, white water lily, field cornflower, chamomile, willow (grass), cat's paws (flowers), garden rose petals, knotweed. Everything is taken little by little and in equal quantities. A tablespoon is taken from this dry mass and filled with a liter of boiling water (100°C). It is boiled for 10 minutes, then allowed to brew and filtered. You should drink the resulting folk medicine before meals 3 times a day. Drink half a glass at the same time. You can also add honey or sugar. The course of treatment is 3 months, then a break is taken for 2 weeks. After this, treatment is repeated (3 months).

All folk methods boil down to the use of various herbs in decoctions and infusions, the main effect of which is to restore normal microflora.

Official medicine in the fight against disease

Doctors prescribe etiotropic or anti-inflammatory drugs for the disease. The use of candles is also effective.

At the next stage of treatment, priority is given to eliminating relapses.

Ovestin and estriol are used as medications. Their release forms are suppositories and ointments. They act on a specific organ or part of it. In the form of tablets and patches, modern medicine offers estradiol, tibolone, Angeliq and other complex therapy drugs. Medicine also recommends phytoestrogens (herbal preparations). Hormonal treatment is designed to last for many years.

If there is a frequent urge to urinate, then antibiotics are prescribed: sulfanilamide, nitrofuran and others.

Suppositories are very effective in treatment. local action are prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination and diagnosis. Suppositories are inserted into the vagina. They help reduce itching and burning and destroy bacteria foreign to the body.

Colpitis is not a death sentence. In order for life to be comfortable with it, it is necessary to fight this disease every day. Knowing the symptoms and ways to combat the disease, you can cope with it.

Colpitis is an inflammatory change in the vaginal mucosa of infectious origin. This disease affects mainly the fairer sex of childbearing age, but it does not ignore both girls and postmenopausal women. Colpitis in gynecology is diagnosed in 65% of patients and is considered the most common inflammatory pathology of the external genitalia.

What kind of disease is this, what are the causes and symptoms in a woman, as well as what treatment is most effective for a quick recovery - we will look at this in the article.

Colpitis: what is it in women?

Colpitis is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa or vaginitis. This is one of the most common diseases among women of predominantly reproductive age. According to statistics, every 3rd woman in modern times suffers from various forms of colpitis, often without even knowing it. Signs of the disease include excessive leucorrhoea, itching, pain in the vagina and lower abdomen.

Most often in gynecology, colpitis refers to damage to the vagina, but inflammation can also spread to the external genitalia. Although the disease most often affects women, girls before the period of hormonal changes are also vulnerable to the pathology.

  • The disease colpitis in the international classification (ICD) has code N70-N77, its second name is vaginitis.

The general condition of a woman may also suffer:

  • performance decreases,
  • sexual activity,
  • health worsens.

All these processes are the result of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, and the disease is called colpitis.


The only cause of colpitis is infection. However, not all women have an infection in the vagina that causes inflammation. A healthy vagina can independently cope with infectious aggression.

Opportunistic pathogenic flora is represented by microbes that, in a normal state of immunity, are in equilibrium with the normal flora, but the balance is very fragile. Once the immune system is weakened, this flora becomes pathogenic.

If a woman is healthy, then the vaginal flora consists mainly of Doderlein vaginal rods, which produce lactic acid, which has a detrimental effect on various microbes.

The main reasons causing the development of colpitis include:

  • Bacterial, fungal and viral infections (including sexually transmitted ones).
  • Various allergic reactions.
  • Medications for topical use (tablets and suppositories);
  • Chemical reagents used as douching solutions;
  • Foreign bodies.

Predisposing factors for the occurrence of colpitis are:

  • weak ovarian activity;
  • various anomalies of the reproductive system (prolapse of the vaginal walls, displacement of the genital organs, wide gaping of the genital slit, etc.);
  • various diseases of internal organs and systems;
  • poor sexual hygiene (frequent changes of partners);
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • changes in the vaginal mucosa as a result of irrational use of contraceptives, too frequent or improper douching, thinning of the mucous membrane during the postmenopausal period;
  • various vaginal injuries (chemical, thermal or mechanical).

Colpitis can be caused by the following sexually transmitted diseases:

  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;

In each specific case, the causative agent of the disease enters the vaginal mucosa during unprotected sexual intercourse.


Depending on the nature of the infection, colpitis is divided into 2 types:

  • Specific.
  • Non-specific.

According to the localization of the initial infectious focus, colpitis is divided into:

  • primary, when the process immediately develops in the vagina;
  • secondary, in case of infectious agents entering the vagina from other places (ascending - from the surface of the vulva and descending - from the uterine cavity).

The only symptom of colpitis present in any of its forms is pathological vaginal discharge, and its volume and appearance is determined by the causative agent of the disease. Heavy purulent discharge during colpitis often indicates the specific nature of the inflammation.

Acute form

The acute form can sometimes go unnoticed. When opportunistic microorganisms multiply, redness of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, burning and itching during urination, and copious discharge are observed.

Chronic colpitis

What is chronic colpitis? When a woman ignores the symptoms during the acute course of the disease, the infection goes into a latent state, as a result of which the form of the pathology transforms into a chronic one.

In addition, a chronic inflammatory focus is an entry point for other pathogenic (disease-causing) microbes and viruses. And it has been proven that chronic colpitis significantly increases the risk of developing cancer of the genitourinary system.

Atrophic colpitis

Atrophic colpitis (also known as senile colpitis), as a rule, develops due to estrogen deficiency, which leads to a decrease in the secretion of the vaginal glands and thinning of the mucous membrane of the organ.


Inflammation is caused by the proliferation of fungi, which, as a result of provoking factors, exhibit pathological activity (another name for yeast colpitis). Among the most striking clinical symptoms are cheesy discharge and itching. These fungi are opportunistic microorganisms and can be found not only in the vaginal cavity, but also on the oral mucosa or in the large intestine.

Trichomonas colpitis

What form is this? It is a widespread sexually transmitted disease. Trichomonas colpitis in women is often combined with inflammation of the urethra and cervix. Mostly the disease has a chronic course with occasional periods of exacerbations.

Symptoms of colpitis

The clinical picture of colpitis is largely determined by its origin and form, but is not distinguished by a wide variety of symptoms. Typically, colpitis of any etiology occurs with a similar clinical picture, and their cause and form only affect its severity.

  • Vaginal discharge can be observed in any phase of the menstrual cycle and rarely depend on it. The nature of the discharge may vary depending on the cause of the disease. Light or milky discharge may be normal.
  • Unpleasant smell– mostly mild, but slightly sour;
  • Swelling in the area of ​​the external genital organs, their redness and irritation;
  • Feeling of itching and burning, which begins to increase during long walking, as well as during the period of night rest and in the afternoon;
  • Insomnia, increased irritability, neuroses caused by a complex of disease symptoms that constantly bother a woman;
  • Recurrent pain with colpitis, localized in the small pelvis. They may intensify during the act of defecation or during intimacy;
  • Frequent urge to urinate, in rare cases, urinary incontinence is observed;
  • Temperature rise body to subfebrile levels.
Symptoms in a woman
Acute colpitis
Chronic form
  • sensation of itching and burning;

However, with a long course of the disease, the signs of colpitis become less noticeable. However, after a cold, hypothermia, overwork, or after sexual intercourse, they can appear with renewed vigor.

Symptoms in a woman
Acute colpitis
  • discharge in large quantities (mucous, mucopurulent, sometimes bloody) with an unpleasant (sometimes foul) odor;
  • itching and burning caused by the irritating effect of pathological discharge;
  • swelling and redness of the mucous membranes of the vagina and external genitalia;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and genitals (feeling of fullness, pressure);
  • pain when urinating.
Chronic form In the chronic form, the pain is insignificant or completely absent, the woman feels normal, but her libido decreases. The disease may be accompanied by:
  • secretion of secretions with an unpleasant odor of various colors and thickness;
  • sensation of itching and burning;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort during sex and urination.

Periodically, symptoms disappear on their own.

Colpitis during pregnancy

The presence of an inflammatory process in the vagina during pregnancy contributes to discomfort. But this is not as scary as the consequences that may arise due to the presence of colpitis. The infection can cause a big blow to the child’s health, and the baby can also suffer during childbirth.

Most often, colpitis during pregnancy is fungal in nature, and it is quite severe: with a large amount of discharge, pronounced swelling of the vaginal walls, painful itching and bursting pain in the perineum.

From the vagina, the pathogen easily penetrates through the cervix into the uterine cavity and can lead to:

  • Intrauterine infection of the fetus with delayed development, pneumonia, damage to the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Threat of miscarriage and miscarriage;
  • Inflammation of the placenta and fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • Rupture of the genital tract during childbirth;


The consequences for young women can be quite serious. In the absence of proper treatment, the inflammatory process affects other genitourinary organs and can lead to:

  • endometritis,
  • kidney diseases.

Such diseases cause damage to the reproductive system, including infertility.

Prolonged absence of treatment increases the risk of complications. A guaranteed consequence of ignoring the disease is its transition to a chronic form, when periods of improvement with the slightest weakening of the immune system are replaced by exacerbations of the woman’s condition.


Knowing what colpitis is in women, and suspecting the first signs of this disease, you need to immediately visit a specialist. You can reliably find out about the presence or absence of this disease in the body only after a diagnostic examination.

Before diagnosing colpitis, the doctor collects anamnesis and conducts a comprehensive examination of the patient, consisting of:

  • examination of the cervix and vaginal walls using gynecological speculum;
  • examination of the urethra, clitoris, labia, thighs for redness, swelling, cracks, ulcers;
  • palpation of the uterus and appendages to identify complications of vaginitis.

Mandatory studies:

  • microscopy of discharge from the cervical canal, vagina and urethra for bacterial flora, including Trichomonas, Gardnerella, gonococci and fungi;
  • bacteriological culture of native material with isolation of the pathogen and determination of its sensitivity to antibiotics (preferably no earlier than 3 weeks after taking antibacterial drugs);
  • smear for oncocytology
  • PCR - polymerase chain reaction, a research method that allows you to identify most infections;
  • cytology - examination of scrapings of the mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, which is prescribed to identify possible complications of colpitis.
  • general blood test;
  • general urinalysis;
  • blood test for RW, HIV;
  • culture for gonococcus;
  • diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections (herpes, papillomavirus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma);

Treatment of colpitis

Treatment of colpitis in women involves eliminating the pathogens that caused the disease, restoring normal vaginal flora and stimulating the immune system. Self-medication of vaginitis is not allowed. Therapeutic measures are prescribed to all patients, regardless of their age and form of the disease, or the presence of concomitant pathology.

The general principles of treatment of colpitis are:

  • etiotropic therapy;
  • treatment of the patient's sexual partners;
  • restoration of normal vaginal microflora;
  • treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • diet;
  • the use of physiotherapy;
  • traditional methods.

Treatment should be general and local. The main task is to fight the infectious agent. For this purpose, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • Antibacterial (azithromycin, doxycycline, tetracycline, cefapexin);
  • Antiprotozoal (metronidazole) - for the treatment of Trichomonas colpitis;
  • Antifungals (fluconazole, ketoconazole, nystatin) - for the treatment of candidal colpitis;
  • Antiviral agents (acyclovir, interferon).


Vaginal tablets and suppositories help to locally disinfect the mucous membranes of the vagina and help normalize the microflora and restore the acidic environment. They significantly alleviate colpitis - treatment in women involves the administration of the following drugs:

  • Iodoxide;
  • Betadine;
  • Nystatin;
  • Terzhinan;
  • McMiror;
  • Neotrizol;
  • Lomexin;
  • Fluomizin and similar.

Preparations for restoration of flora

In the final stage of treatment for colpitis, medications are prescribed to help restore the natural flora of the vagina and increase its protective properties.

For this purpose, a variety of drugs are used, in particular:

  • Acylak;
  • Vagilak;
  • Bificol;
  • Bifidumabacterin;
  • Lactobacterin.


To monitor the cure of colpitis, smears are taken on the 4-5th day of menstruation in women of the reproductive period, in girls and menopausal women - after completing a course of treatment. To prevent relapse of the disease, the course of treatment should be repeated after 4-5 months.

As a rule, if you seek medical help in a timely manner and adequately complete all necessary prescriptions, the course of treatment for vaginitis is 5-7 days. During this period, experts strongly recommend abstaining from sexual contact, and, if necessary, the patient’s sexual partner should be treated at the same time.

Maintaining a proper diet

Following a diet is necessary to strengthen the general condition of the body, the immune system, and the speedy restoration of damaged tissues. For colpitis, diet is not a mandatory item in complex treatment, so it comes down to some general recommendations.

  1. copes well with the initial stages. Take 40 grams of dried flowers and mix, and then pour half a liter of boiling water. Use the decoction for douching in the morning and before bed.
  2. Yarrow herb
  3. Colpitis can be treated chamomile decoction
  4. calendula tincture

Your diet should include foods rich in polyunsaturated acids - trout, fish oil, cod, salmon, flaxseed oil, tuna. With colpitis, a woman often suffers from a lack of vitamins, so it is necessary to consume the following foods:

  • There is a lot of vitamin B in legumes, nuts, mushrooms, liver, garlic, spinach.
  • Vitamins A and E are found in seaweed, viburnum, broccoli, dried apricots, sorrel, spinach, and prunes.
  • Vitamin C is found in strawberries, currants, oranges, sea buckthorn, strawberries, kiwi, and lemon.

Folk remedies

As a folk remedy for treating colpitis, douching with herbal decoctions with wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effects is used.

  1. A mixture of St. John's wort and calendula flowers copes well with vaginitis in the initial stages. Take 40 grams of dried flowers and mix, and then pour half a liter of boiling water. Use the decoction for douching in the morning and before bed.
  2. Yarrow herb- 20 g, sage leaves - 20 g, pedunculate oak bark - 40 g, rosemary leaf - 20 g. Mix everything, add three liters of water and boil. Use twice a day for douching.
  3. Colpitis can be treated chamomile decoction. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of chamomile flowers into a bowl and pour a liter of boiling water. After this, the dishes should be covered with a lid. When the infusion has cooled, it must be strained. The prepared decoction is used for douching in the morning and evening.
  4. Will cope perfectly with this disease and calendula tincture. It is prepared as follows: you need to take two teaspoons of calendula tincture, add it to half a glass of cold boiled water and use the resulting mixture for douching.
  5. Take chamomile (5 teaspoons) + sage (3 teaspoons) + walnut leaves (5 teaspoons) + oak bark (2 teaspoons). A tablespoon of herbs is poured into a glass of boiling water. Use the infusion for washing.
  1. It is advisable to carry out therapy both sexual partners, since the asymptomatic course of the pathological condition can provoke the development of the disease in the future;
  2. must be maintained careful intimate hygiene using antiseptics;
  3. During the period of treatment, sexual intercourse should be completely avoided;
  4. if a child is sick, you should wash him after each urination and defecation, and also make sure that he does not scratch his private parts;
  5. I need underwear wash with anti-allergenic products, do not contain unnecessary additives;
  6. You must follow a diet (consume large amounts of fermented milk products, avoid spicy and salty foods), and it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages.


There is no specific prevention of colpitis, since this disease can be caused by many different reasons. Nonspecific prevention includes a number of measures that significantly reduce the risk of developing colpitis.

You can reduce the risk of infection in the following ways:

  1. Carry condoms with you to protect yourself if you are not sure about your partner.
  2. Find out what products you are allergic to. Many contraceptive medications contain allergens that can have an extremely negative effect on the genitals.
  3. Maintain hygiene and buy a special washing gel; as a rule, it does not contain allergens and does not cause irritation.
  4. Visit your gynecologist more often, especially if you have even the slightest symptoms or discomfort.

Colpitis is a rather serious and unpleasant disease that brings a woman a feeling of discomfort. But this disease can be cured if you do not self-medicate and immediately consult a specialist.

Atrophic (senile) colpitis is a disease that is characterized by inflammation of the epithelium in the vagina, occurring due to structural and functional changes.

Most often found in postmenopausal women.

Due to a decrease in the level of estrogen production, associated with natural menopause or an artificially induced cessation of hormone production, this disease occurs.

The disease is also called senile colpitis and senile vaginitis.


The most important cause of the disease is a deficiency of the hormone estrogen.

The production of hormones by the ovaries not only provides the ability to become pregnant and bear a child, but also maintains the entire genitourinary system in a certain state.

At a time when the production of hormones in the required quantity stops, structural changes occur, including in the vagina.

The mucous membrane becomes thinner, vaginal secretion ceases to be produced, and this condition causes dryness. For this reason, even minor stretches lead to microtraumas.

These minor injuries introduce microorganisms that cause swelling and inflammation.

Another reason is the change in the natural flora of the vagina during postmenopause.

Lactobacilli die, so the acidity in the vagina begins to increase, which is an excellent environment for the development of coccal flora.

Provoking factors for the occurrence of the disease

There are quite a few factors that can cause senile colpitis in women. These include:

  • taking antibiotics that destroy the natural bacterial flora of the vagina;
  • mechanical damage (tampons, contraceptives used in the vagina, any foreign body);
  • excessive or insufficient hygiene;
  • vaginal contrast shower;
  • lack of estrogen;
  • various pathogenic organisms, for example, worms, gonococcal bacillus, staphylococci, herpes, treponema, E. coli and others;
  • use of low-quality underwear.

Risk group

Women at risk for developing age-related colpitis include:

  • after menopause;
  • with chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • with reduced immunity (this also includes AIDS carriers);
  • with diseases of the endocrine system;
  • after operations to remove the uterus or ovaries;
  • after radiation therapy in the pelvic area.


Senile colpitis is a specific type of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa associated with systemic hormonal changes in a woman’s body. The term “senile” is equivalent to the definition of “senile”, and the nature of inflammation in this disease is such that degenerative processes occur in the mucous membrane, therefore senile colpitis is also called atrophic.

This disease occurs in postmenopausal women, when the balance between male and female sex hormones changes. The immediate cause of thinning and atrophy of the uterine epithelium is a significant decrease in estrogen levels.

Reasons for the development of atrophic colpitis

The main point: almost all cases of the development of atrophic colpitis occur in women during menopause. Almost 45% of all women over 40 years old have senile colpitis. (cm. " ")

However, age and the associated menopause are not the only reason for the development of colpitis, although it is the most significant. Eat a number of factors that reliably influence the likelihood of developing colpitis:

  • the presence of chronic diseases in decompensation that deplete the body (diabetes mellitus, for example);
  • HIV infection or AIDS;
  • insufficient hygiene of the external genitalia or, on the contrary, too frequent washing with soap;
  • removal of the ovaries, regardless of the reason for the operation;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, which are accompanied by a decrease in hormone production;
  • wearing underwear made of low-quality synthetic fabric;
  • radiation or chemotherapy;
  • venereal infections.

Symptoms of senile colpitis

Atrophic colpitis is a disease that in any case has a chronic course. Atrophy of the mucosa, its thinning with loss of function always occurs gradually. Traditionally, all inflammatory diseases (with rare exceptions) are called chronic if their duration is more than 3 months. Senile colpitis can take years to develop.

There cannot be acute, obvious manifestations of chronic colpitis. The mucous membrane, changing, loses its properties, and the glands, which normally should produce mucous secretion (it is not for nothing that the mucous membranes are called mucous membranes), cease to function. The mucous membrane of the inner lining of the vagina dries out, normal acidity is disrupted, and all the characteristics necessary for the normal functioning of all local protective systems and the functioning of “healthy”, beneficial microorganisms change.

The main manifestations of senile colpitis are associated precisely with these two factors: drying out of the mucous membrane and a change in the microflora of the vagina.

How can atrophic colpitis manifest itself? Of course, this disease has symptoms. But they are not even always noticed! We will now look at theoretically possible manifestations that sometimes occur in practice (usually atrophic colpitis does not particularly bother a woman). So, what can be observed with senile colpitis:

  • and in the area of ​​the external genitalia, perineum. As a rule, the itching is not very pronounced (for comparison, here is a symptom in which this symptom can even cause insomnia) and is especially noticeable after sexual intercourse, washing or prolonged wearing of tight, uncomfortable underwear made of synthetic fabric.
  • A moderate burning sensation in the perineal area (less often, this sensation is clearly localized, and the woman can indicate a burning sensation in the vagina).
  • . Urine has a fairly aggressive environment, so when it comes into contact with an atrophied, vulnerable mucous membrane, irritation occurs, which is accompanied by pain. In addition, there may be an increased urge to urinate and urinary incontinence.
  • They often appear, which have a watery consistency and a strong, unpleasant odor. The discharge also causes irritation of the vaginal mucosa and external genitalia.

Atrophic changes in the mucosa lead to the fact that local protective factors cannot perform a protective function. This leads to the development of secondary bacterial infections. In this case, all signs of an acute inflammatory process (fever, intoxication, pain, etc.) from the genital tract are also added to the clinical picture.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnostic process begins with a bimanual examination and a speculum examination. As a rule, these manipulations are combined with extended colposcopy - examination of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, and probing of the cervical canal.

A gynecological examination allows you to determine the secretory function of the mucous membrane (with senile colpitis, the mucous membrane becomes dry and may become covered with erosions), the degree of the atrophic process, the presence of secondary infections or concomitant diseases.

It is important to measure the acidity (pH) of the vaginal environment. This indicator is an indicator not only of the loss of the mucous membrane’s functionality, but also of the risk of developing bacterial vaginosis (dysbacteriosis) and secondary infections.

Treatment of senile colpitis

Since senile colpitis is a disease that is caused by a systemic disorder, a disorder of the endocrine glands, treatment should also be systemic in nature (first of all!). Atrophic colpitis always has a chronic course, so treatment must be long-term and regular to ensure long-term remission.

Since the root cause of the disease is endocrine disorders, the basis of treatment is taking hormonal drugs containing natural estrogens. In addition to systemic administration of hormonal drugs, local preparations with estriol are often used - ointments and vaginal suppositories.

Changes in senile colpitis are associated with a decrease in local immunity and the appearance of bacterial complications. This is the reason why antibacterial drugs are used in the treatment of atrophic colpitis. Most often these are vaginal baths with antibiotics, but there may also be drugs for systemic use.


The main factor leading to the occurrence of atrophic colpitis is hormonal disorders associated with age-related changes. This is a factor that, unfortunately, cannot be influenced. But besides this, there are other factors that can be influenced.

Prevention of senile colpitis includes the following aspects:

  • adequate and regular intimate hygiene;
  • wearing high-quality underwear that does not cause discomfort;
  • timely treatment of inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases of the genital organs - “advanced” diseases can lead to various complications, which may be the reason for surgery to remove the ovaries;
  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and their timely treatment.

Diagnosis of age-related atrophic colpitis, which gynecologists also call senile or chenille, is often diagnosed for women who have crossed the 50 or 60-year mark. That is, for those who have already reached menopause.

This is a period in the life of every woman that requires special attention and careful treatment. The natural process of extinction of the female reproductive system, those anatomical formations that make a woman a woman.

What happens in the body during menopause

During the reproductive period, a woman's ovaries secrete sex hormones - estrogens. They are responsible for the formation of the mammary glands, external genitalia and the femininity of the figure during puberty. There are receptors for these substances in almost the entire female body. Thanks to this, a woman is protected from coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke before the onset of menopause.

Gradually, the reserves of eggs in the ovaries are depleted (menstruation stops), and the formation of hormones stops. Lack of estrogen causes all the characteristic changes for menopause. Dystrophic processes occur not only in the uterus and vagina, but also in other mucous membranes, the bladder, pelvic floor muscles, skin, bones and blood vessels. Therefore, it is not uncommon for various diseases to manifest during menopause.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of menopause and menopause. Menopause is the last natural menstruation in a woman's life. This concept can be applied if there is no menstruation for 12 months. Menopause occurs at the age of 45-55 years, but there are early and late variants. The period before menopause is called premenopause and is characterized by irregular menstruation and its changes (scanty or heavy). The period after menopause is called postmenopause. It continues for the rest of the woman's life. The concept of menopause characterizes all of these periods together.

Symptoms of atrophic (chenille) colpitis or vaginitis

With age, symptoms appear such as a feeling of dryness in the vagina, unbearable itching and burning pain that occurs after sexual intercourse or on its own.

The onset of complaints is observed 3-5 years after menopause. They are caused by a decrease in glycogen synthesis in the mucous membrane, a decrease in the number of lactic acid bacteria and a change in the pH of the vaginal environment from naturally acidic to alkaline. Under these conditions, microbial agents often join, which causes an inflammatory process in the vagina. With frequent inflammation, scars and adhesions form. In this case, urethral syndrome develops.

If these phenomena are accompanied by atrophic changes in the labia minora and sclerosis of the vulva, vulvar kraurosis occurs. This condition is characterized by resistance of symptoms to hormonal therapy.

Under conditions of reduced resistance, microbes (strepto- and staphylococci, Escherichia coli bacteria) colonize the mucous membrane and nonspecific colpitis is formed - microbial inflammation of the vagina. In addition to microbes, colpitis is caused by various mechanical and chemical factors.

Senile colpitis in the acute stage is characterized by the severity of complaints (itching and burning sensation, dyspareunia - pain during sexual intercourse), as well as serous or purulent discharge from the vagina.

Often, damage to the vagina is accompanied by damage to the mucous membranes of the cervix or urethra. When examined by a doctor, the vaginal mucosa is swollen and bright red. There is bleeding when touched lightly. There are purulent accumulations on the walls of the vagina. In severe forms, mucosal defects—erosions and ulcers—are formed. They are caused by desquamation of the epithelium and exposure of deeper tissues.

The chronic stage implies some subsidence of the inflammatory process. The main complaint during this phase is suppuration from the genital tract. Redness and swelling also decrease, and delicate scar tissue forms at the site of erosion. Granulation colpitis is formed.

What methods help clarify the diagnosis?

To diagnose this pathology, in addition to examining the vagina, a number of methods are used. To accurately determine the pathogen, methods of sowing discharge from the vagina, urethra and cervical canals are used. An important stage of the examination is microscopy of vaginal smears. Used to examine the mucous membrane through a lens system. By enlarging the image several times, the doctor will be able to identify subtle signs of inflammation and, which is important in the early diagnosis of tumors. Atrophy of the integumentary epithelium of the cervix after 40 years is a normal colposcopic picture.

A cytological examination is carried out. It is based on determining the morphology of vaginal cells. During menopause, an atrophic type of smear is often found. It implies the presence of epithelial cells from its various layers with signs of atrophy. The results of the cytogram may also contain such a concept as pseudokeratosis. Inflammatory infiltration indicates the activity of the process. These types of smears do not occur in women of reproductive age, but can be detected in those under 16 and over 55 years of age.

How and how to treat inflammation of the vagina from infections

Treatment of atrophic colpitis should be comprehensive and carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist. Therapy is aimed at combating infectious agents and concomitant diseases, increasing the body's resistance.

To reduce microbial flora, douching with antiseptic solutions is prescribed locally ( Dioxidin, Miramistin, Betadine, Chlorophyllipt) 1-2 times a day. Long-term (more than 4 days) douching interferes with the restoration of the natural flora and acidic environment of the vagina, so it is not recommended.

Antibacterial agents can be prescribed locally and orally. Combination drugs are used locally. They come in the form of gel, suppositories, and vaginal tablets. Widely used drugs: Terzhinan, Ginalgin, Neopenotran, Polygynax. These are the most effective vaginal suppositories. If intestinal flora is detected, use Metronidazole, Ornidazole, Betadine. Oral antibiotics are prescribed when the process is severe and strictly according to the sensitivity of the identified bacteria to antibiotics revealed by culture.

Eubiotics used: Lactobacterin, Biovestin, Vagilak, Bifidumbacterin. They restore the natural flora and pH of the vagina. They are prescribed after a course of antibiotics.

As a non-hormonal prevention of relapse, periodic use of suppositories with anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects is prescribed - Depanthol And Methyluracil. Interestingly, methyluracil suppositories are used not only in gynecological practice, but also for the treatment of hemorrhoids and rectal fissures. In this case, they are used rectally.

To heal cracks in the dried out mucous membranes of the labia and vagina, ointment is used Pantoderm. It contains the substance dexpanthenol, known to many mothers of infants with skin problems. It is included in the popular cream "Bepanten".

The listed activities will relieve symptoms at any age. However, during menopause, the main mechanism for the development of diseases is estrogen deficiency. It is this component that is the target for the main treatment - hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Without hormones, it will not be possible to get rid of inflammation of the genital organs for a long time (and often they spread further to the urinary system, causing cystitis and pyelonephritis). And this is already dangerous.

Hormone replacement therapy

Many patients at doctor’s appointments ask the following question: “I have been suffering from vaginal dryness for a long time, which has made sexual intercourse impossible. Is it possible to restore the mucous membrane and resume sexual activity, what does this mean? Or is it too late and we need to come to terms with it?”

The answer is simple: it is possible and necessary to fight this disease. Pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of drugs to treat estrogen deficiency. They help restore normal vaginal epithelium and microflora and increase tissue resistance to infection. But you need to accept the fact that cure will not happen in 1 day. It will take at least 2-3 months before you feel the first improvements in your condition.

You should know that hormone replacement therapy is prescribed strictly on the recommendation of a doctor and only after a comprehensive examination. It is necessary to conduct an oncocytological examination of the cervix, pelvic ultrasound, and mammography. This is aimed at identifying neoplasms in these organs. Prescribing hormonal drugs if a tumor is detected can lead to its increased growth. In addition to tumors, pathologies of the blood coagulation system are excluded, otherwise the prescription of replacement therapy is fraught with the development of thrombosis.

Hormone replacement therapy is divided into local and general. General means the prescription of hormonal drugs for oral administration according to certain schemes. They immediately enter the blood, having a systemic effect throughout the body. However, these drugs are prescribed strictly according to indications, and the need to prescribe them is decided by a gynecologist in each specific case.

Local hormonal therapy is the only correct and most preferable in the treatment of atrophic colpitis. Natural estrogen preparations are used. They come in the form of cream or candles. This Ovestin, Estriol, Elvagin, Estrocad. Treatment with estrogen has been carried out for many years, since withdrawal within 2-3 weeks will lead to the return of all symptoms present before treatment.

Since the drugs are quite expensive and the treatment period is indefinite, therapy is carried out according to appropriate regimens. There is a phase of intensive estrogen treatment and a phase of maintenance doses.

Treatment of atrophic colpitis using the example of the drug Ovestin

  1. Systemic treatment (ingestion of tablets). Intensive phase: 4 mg/day for 2 weeks, 2 mg/day for 1 week, 1 mg/day for 1 week. In the maintenance phase, the use of Ovestin is reduced to 0.5 mg/day every other day indefinitely.
  2. Local treatment. In addition to tablets, Ovestin comes in the form of cream or suppositories. Intensive phase: 1 dose of cream/suppository per day for 3 weeks, then 1 dose of cream/suppository every 3 days for 3 weeks. Maintenance phase: 1 dose of cream/suppository at night once a week indefinitely.

It's important to note that Topical application of Ovestin is most effective. The drug is not absorbed into the blood, but acts on nearby tissues (vaginal mucosa, urethra, bladder). It is devoid of many side effects that occur when taking hormonal pills orally. Treatment is more effective the earlier it is started, and can continue indefinitely without harm to health. The drug is inserted into the vagina at night. In addition, Ovestin cream is used during sexual intercourse. It is important to use a special dispenser for the cream to avoid overdose.

Folk remedies for use at home

They will not help restore normal vaginal microflora, only slightly alleviate the symptoms. The problem will remain if medication is not treated. Folk remedies are only suitable as a supplement or temporary measure until you visit a gynecologist and receive a treatment regimen from him.

Sitz baths with chamomile

Baths with chamomile are a traditional remedy for treating local genital irritation. They are even used to relieve inflammation in infants. Chamomile rarely causes allergic reactions. But it can lead to dry mucous membranes, that is, worsen the course of atrophic colpitis, if you take chamomile baths too often and for a long time.

Chamomile baths are available at home and are easy to prepare. 3-4 procedures are enough for the burning and swelling to become less noticeable. Medicinal chamomile flowers have a positive effect on the delicate microflora of the labia and carefully eliminate discomfort due to their antiseptic properties.

10 grams (2 tablespoons) of dried flowers of this plant must be poured with 1 liter of boiled water and steamed for at least 10 minutes, then cooled to 35-38 degrees. Take sitz baths for 20-30 minutes. This decoction is also effective as a douche.

Sea buckthorn suppositories and tampons

To prepare it yourself, you need to crush 200 grams (1 cup) of washed sea buckthorn berries into a thick paste. Pour the resulting mixture with refined sunflower oil and leave for a week. When working, use glass containers with a tight lid.

A gauze swab is soaked with the prepared oil and placed in the vagina overnight. The course of treatment is 14 days.

An alternative is to use sea buckthorn suppositories vaginally. They are sold in pharmacies.

Mud tampons and applications

This procedure must be agreed upon with a gynecologist, since it has a number of contraindications. Pre-warm mud tampons or tubes slightly to 38-42 degrees and slowly insert them into the vagina for 30-40 minutes. Tampons are recommended to be combined with a mud application on the lower back. After time, you need to remove the mud tampons and rinse the vagina well with mineral water.

The mud of Lake Tambukan, located in the Stavropol Territory, is usually used as a remedy. But other options are also possible. Mud therapy in gynecology is an unconventional method of treating and preventing female diseases.

Baths with coltsfoot

Pour 100 grams of dried herbs into 1 liter of boiling water, leave for about an hour and take sitz baths. Use only freshly brewed infusion daily. Carry out treatment for at least a month.

Douching with herbal mixture

Peeled chamomile - 25 g, dried wild mallow flowers - 10 g, dried oak bark - 10 g, sage leaves - 15 g. Mix all ingredients, pour 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew. Strain the finished infusion and use it in the form of baths and for douching.

To summarize, I would like to note that menopause is an inevitability, a certain period in a woman’s life. And it depends only on you what it will be like. With the help of a competent doctor and special tools, you can avoid many troubles and continue to enjoy life as before.

A for a snack We bring to your attention a video from the respected Elena Malysheva on the topic of atrophic vaginitis.



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