Vitamins in blackberries. A wonderful plant - blackberry

Blackberries are wild berries that have excellent taste qualities and many medicinal properties. She comes from North America, but it is also actively grown on our continent. The plant is a bush with shoots, stems and thorns. Its fruits are similar in shape to fruits, but have a different color and different taste. Blackberries are superior to raspberries in yield, but are less frost-resistant - this creates some problems in their cultivation in Russia. Currently, the world knows more than 200 types of blackberries. During the ripening process, the fruit exhibits three colors: at the ripening stage, the berry changes green turns red, and when fully ripe it turns black. But what kind do blackberries have? beneficial properties?

Blackberries with raspberries

What are the benefits of blackberries?

Blackberries are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The berries contain vitamins such as A, B, E, K and P. Blackberries also contain many vital important elements: phosphorus, magnesium, nickel, iron, manganese, potassium, chromium. This plant represents full complex medicinal and nutrients, including citric, malic, tartaric acids, sucrose, glucose and fructose.

Daily consumption of blackberries helps strengthen the body and saturate it. useful elements and vitamins. These berries also have positive effect with atherosclerosis. Including blackberries in your daily diet will improve your blood composition. The berry is used to prevent diseases bladder and kidneys, it is recommended for weakened immunity and vitamin deficiency. By the way, for atherosclerosis, anemia and kidney diseases, not only blackberries, but also ordinary ones can be beneficial.

Frequent use blackberries have a beneficial effect on brain activity, improves memory, has a positive effect on well-being and condition nervous system, provides good sleep and reduces excitability. Unripe blackberries can also be beneficial: for example, they are often taken to treat constipation. Ripe berries, on the contrary, are excellent for helping with diarrhea, and are also recommended for use with diabetes.

Blackberries, which contain only 34 kcal per 100 grams, are a natural metabolic regulator, so they can be used to solve problems with overweight and combating obesity. The berry contains catechins, which prevent the absorption of fats in the body. As a result of the acceleration of metabolic processes, these substances lead to an increase in energy expenditure. As a result, calories are burned faster, which, in fact, leads to weight loss.

From fresh fruits and blackberry leaves are prepared into juice, which effectively treats many diseases. It is taken to relieve symptoms of pharyngitis, sore throat, bronchitis and tracheitis. Blackberry juice will be useful for anemia, dysentery, feverish conditions And gynecological diseases. In general, this berry juice has a calming and restorative effect on the body.

IN winter time can be used dried berries blackberries: after all, all the beneficial properties of the plant are preserved in dry fruits. But it is necessary to take into account that it is worth drying only ripe berries. They can then be stored for up to two years. Another option for storing berries for the winter is frozen blackberries, which also retain many beneficial properties.

Benefits of blackberry leaves and roots

Blackberries, benefits and harm which is of interest to many lovers of this berry, it is famous not only for its fruits. It is worth noting that the leaves and roots of the plant also have medicinal properties and can also be very beneficial for your health. The leaves contain up to 20% berries tannins, amino acids, minerals and vitamin C. A decoction of blackberry leaves stimulates digestive processes. It is also used in the treatment skin diseases, such as eczema or skin inflammation. Often in folk medicine, an infusion of blackberry leaves is used, which is characterized by diaphoretic, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties.

A decoction of the leaves and roots of the plant helps with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, and also when pulmonary hemorrhage. An infusion of leaves is often used as a mouth rinse for stomatitis. A decoction of blackberry roots has beneficial effect at urolithiasis: It is especially recommended to use it in the preoperative period.

Blackberry leaves make excellent healing ointment, which is applied to abscesses, wounds and bruises. The pulp from the leaves of the plant is often used to treat skin diseases: lichen, trophic ulcers and eczema.

Ways to use blackberries

Blackberry leaf tea: first, fresh leaves are kept in a closed enamel container for some time, sufficient for them to darken and completely wither, then they are dried in air. The resulting raw material is brewed with boiling water.

Porridge, which is usually applied to wounds or damaged areas of skin, is the easiest to make - just take some leaves, chew and spit out.

Blackberry leaf infusion prepared differently, depending on the disease. For example, for atherosclerosis - two teaspoons of dry crushed raw materials per 1 glass of boiling water are infused for 20 minutes, and then filtered and drunk 3 times a day. For stomach problems, take not 2 teaspoons, but 1 tablespoon of dry crushed powder and leave it in a thermos for 3 hours, take half a glass 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals. For stomatitis, an infusion for rinsing the mouth is obtained by mixing 4 tablespoons of dry crushed raw materials with 2 cups of boiling water, then leave for 30 minutes and filter

Decoction of blackberry roots and leaves do approximately the same: take 20 grams of raw material, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, then leave for 3 hours, filter and bring the volume to the original boiled water. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals.

Here we have listed only some of the ways to take blackberries. In more detail, specific doses and volumes for certain diseases can be found in specialized literature.

Blackberries are not only a very tasty and healthy berry, but also a very easy product for the body. 100 grams of the edible part of blackberries contains only 34 kcal. You can learn more about the nutritional value of the fruit from the table below.

If you measure the calorie content of this berry in glasses, then energy value A 200 ml glass of blackberries (which is approximately 160 grams) will be equal to 54.4 kcal.

Blackberries - contraindications

Despite all its beneficial properties, blackberries in some cases can be detrimental to health. Therefore, before eating it, you should find out about contraindications to the use of this berry. The fruits of the plant should not be included in the diet of patients suffering from diseases. small intestine And gastric tract. For some people individual intolerance for blackberries, which is impossible to predict. Therefore, when eating berries for the first time, you should limit yourself to not a large number fruits Blackberries can also cause an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea and swelling of the mucous membranes. It is also not recommended to give fruits to children in large quantities. Otherwise, blackberries are a very healthy and tasty product.

And, having focused on the medicinal properties of blackberries, we forgot to mention that they are also very tasty - and this is a huge plus. Agree, it is much more pleasant to eat a glass of delicious berries than one bitter tablet. And don’t forget the basic rule that applies not only to food, but to life in general - everything is healthy, but in moderation.

Well, at the end of the article there is an excerpt from a program dedicated to the beneficial properties of blackberries:

Blackberry is a thorny shrub belonging to the genus Rubus (Rosaceae family). The blackberry fruit is a black-purple berry, similar in appearance to a raspberry. Although blackberries grow everywhere, America is considered its homeland, where it is actively cultivated. Gardeners in Mexico are especially successful in this. In Europe, the berry is almost never grown.

Types and varieties of blackberries

There are about 200 types of blackberries, in Two of them are widespread in our country:

  1. Bushy blackberry, or bramble - a bush covered with thorns and has inclined stems. The berries are sweet and sour, with a blue-violet color.
  2. Gray blackberry (ozhina) - a bush with straight shoots with small thorns, like a raspberry, covered with a whitish coating. The berries are quite small, covered with a bluish coating.

To date, more than 40 varieties of cultivated blackberries are known, let’s name the most famous of them:

Nutritional value, calorie content and composition of blackberries

Blackberries have many beneficial properties. One of them is low calorie content. In 100 g fresh berries contains only 36 kcal.

Nutritional value of 100 blackberries:

  • 5.3 g carbohydrates.
  • 2 g proteins.
  • 0.5 g fat.

Composition of blackberries (per 100 g):

1. Vitamins:

  • 15 mg vitamin C.
  • 1.2 mg vitamin E.
  • 0.4 mg vitamin PP.
  • 0.1 mg beta-carotene.
  • 0.05 mg vitamin B2 (riboflavin).
  • 0.01 mg vitamin B1 (thiamine).
  • 17 mcg vitamin A.

2. Minerals:

The benefits and harms of blackberries

Useful properties of blackberries:

  • Thanks to the large amount of vitamin C, blackberries are an excellent remedy to strengthen the immune system. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.
  • Decoctions of blackberry berries and leaves are used to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines, including gastritis.
  • An infusion of leaves is used to reduce blood pressure and treatment of atherosclerosis.
  • Studies have shown that blackberries prevent the development of cancerous tumors.

What harm can blackberries cause to the body?

  1. For all its advantages, blackberries are a strong allergen, so they should not be consumed by people prone to allergic reactions for products.
  2. The berry will not bring benefit to people suffering from kidney diseases and increased acidity.

Blackberries in the diet of pregnant and lactating women, children, diabetics and athletes

Blackberries are very beneficial for pregnant women . It restores metabolism and normalizes work digestive system and saturates the body with energy.

Nursing mothers
In the first 3 months of lactation, it is better to refrain from eating blackberries, as they can cause allergies in the baby. Then you can carefully begin to eat berries, at first limiting yourself to a few pieces. If the child does not have allergies, you can eat about 300 g of blackberries twice a week.

Blackberries are also very useful for children. . Berries are able to regulate digestion and effectively fight diarrhea. In addition, blackberries improve vision and strengthen the baby's blood vessels.

Blackberries containing healthy fructose, recommended for people with diabetes mellitus . At the same time, an infusion of leaves and berries helps fight the disease by lowering blood sugar levels.

In the diet of athletes Blackberries can be included to prevent diseases of the joints and cardiovascular system.

More in ancient Rome The blackberry was very famous for its ability to create impenetrable thorny hedges. And its berries were eaten with pleasure. However, blackberries were not grown on an industrial scale at that time.

The famous ancient eastern healer Ibn Sina advised many of his patients to eat juicy black blackberries for acute respiratory diseases and digestive problems. A little later, Paracelsus supported him, saying that blackberries are excellent useful remedy from the fever.

And already in modern times, blackberries began to be actively grown on an industrial scale in America, where many of its varieties were carefully bred. This berry has also gained some popularity in our country. It did not reach industrial cultivation in Russia, but garden varieties of thornless blackberries were bred and actively introduced into horticultural culture.

This popularity of the berry is easy to understand. Too many useful and interesting properties she has.

Blackberries in cooking

In terms of its juiciness and softness, it can only be compared with. Indeed, its ripe berries literally burst when touched. For these properties, as well as for their high sweetness, wasps are very fond of them, sometimes creating problems for gardeners in harvesting.

Juicy blackberries are very often used to make jam, which in its consistency is somewhat reminiscent of a very sweet compote. In Rus', dumplings and pies with this berry were very popular. This filling made all the baked goods very soft and tender, for which it was also called “baby berry.”

However, blackberries are most useful in fresh, just picked from the bush. At this moment, its composition is literally stuffed with vitamins, minerals and other equally useful substances.

Useful properties of blackberries

1. Benefits for digestion.

No less useful and effective anti-sclerotic components of blackberries are some phenolic compounds, which also help strengthen the walls blood vessels.

The berry contains large quantities. It also helps maintain the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and, in addition, regulates blood pressure and normalizes the rhythm of contraction of the heart muscle.

3. Protecting the body from cancer.

And not just from cancer. Blackberry contains large number vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin E.

The first two components provide powerful support immune system, helping her fight viruses, microbes and helminths. And they, like , have strong antioxidant properties, preventing the appearance and activity in the body free radicals– main carcinogenic agents.

4. Cold medicine.

It is blackberries and blackberry jam that are recommended in folk medicine to be used as a medicine for acute respiratory infections, pneumonia and influenza. But these beneficial properties of blackberries are not the only ones.

It is she who is able to lower body temperature during fever, as Paracelsus noticed. The berry also has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, if at internal inflammations It is recommended to consume the fruits, but for external damage, blackberry leaves will be just as effective.

5. Improvement in overall well-being.

The berry normalizes many metabolic processes in the body and helps to increase overall motor and mental activity. A large amount of iron in its composition helps improve blood condition and treat anemia. And the same beta-carotene has properties to improve vision.

In general, blackberries - wide range actions and with numerous healing properties. Being extremely tasty and healthy, strong and unpretentious, it is almost an ideal garden plant. And planted along the fence, it is also an excellent obstacle for any unwanted guests. And once a year, such a hedge will give its owners luxurious, healthy berries that will appeal to all family members.

Blackberries are a close relative of raspberries that came to us from North America. The juicy and sour berry is perfectly refreshing on a hot summer day and relieves hunger. An unpretentious shrub with thorny branches, like hedgehog needles, common in forests middle zone Russia, it is also grown in private plots. Let's learn more about the beneficial properties of this plant, and also consider what contraindications blackberries should not be eaten.

Blackberries are a record holder for the content of vitamins, fiber, tannins and antioxidants. Delicious berry renders healing effect for the whole body:

Not only useful delicious berries, but also other parts of the plant:

  • Leaves and shoots have anti-inflammatory, astringent action, a decoction of them is recommended for gargling with pharyngitis and sore throat, as well as for use during an exacerbation chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and other diseases of the digestive tract.
  • A decoction of the roots of the plant has proven itself as a powerful diuretic and hemostatic agent.

Do they change? healing properties blackberries after processing? Each of the derivatives of the amazing berry is real vitamin bomb, good for health:

  • Blackberry juice has positive influence at inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract, anemia, gynecological problems.
  • Frozen blackberries proper storage does not lose the beneficial properties of fresh food and is a real salvation in treatment colds in the cold season.
  • Dried berries are also convenient to prepare and use in winter to prepare vitamin tonic teas, infusions and decoctions.
  • Jam and compote are favorites natural treats adults and children.
  • Essential oil from blackberry seeds is successfully used in cosmetology to restore the tone of dull and sagging skin, get rid of fine wrinkles, provide intensive nutrition and hydration.

Are garden berries good?

Large dark purple berries are grown relatively rarely in household plots, preferring the more “homey” and less prickly raspberries. Garden blackberry crops are, of course, just as useful as their wild counterparts, and a huge advantage is that you can enjoy the delicious fruits throughout the entire summer season: the bush is always nearby, you don’t need to go into the forest.

Table: Chemical composition of the product (per 100 g)

Video: Black sister of raspberries - benefits, features of selection and storage

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite the maximum beneficial properties, the juicy berry has a number of serious contraindications to its consumption. It is not recommended to eat blackberries if:

  • individual intolerance to a product or a tendency to allergies (manifests loose stools, vomiting, skin rash, swelling of mucous membranes);
  • hypotension - low blood pressure;
  • urolithiasis due to the risk of renal colic.

For everyone else, add it to your diet. healthy berries it is possible and even necessary, following the recommendations of doctors.

Remember that the sugar in blackberry jam significantly increases the calorie content of the product, so you should not overuse this dessert - it can lead to metabolic disorders and extra pounds.

How many blackberries can you eat: rules and regulations

For an adult

It is best to eat fresh berries. During the summer season, doctors recommend healthy people consume up to 200–300 g of blackberries daily. More is possible if the product does not cause intestinal disorders. But the inclusion of berries with added sugar in the diet (in jams, preserves, compotes, pies and marmalades) should be limited to one or two servings per week.

It is better to enjoy blackberry jam no more than twice a week.

During pregnancy

Expectant mothers can and should eat blackberries. The main thing is to follow the simple recommendations of doctors:

  • It’s good if the first trimester of pregnancy coincides with the blackberry harvest season. On early stages It is recommended to eat the berry more often: a large amount of vitamins, as well as folic acid reduce the risk of miscarriage and disturbances in fetal development.
  • In the 2nd–3rd trimester, the product will help cope with delicate issue- constipation, which bothers up to 80% of pregnant women. Choose only ripe and intact berries that are deep purple in color.
  • While you are expecting a baby, it is better to eat blackberries grown in your garden. If this is not possible, then buy the berries from trusted sellers and rinse thoroughly under running water.
  • If you haven't tried this before pregnancy useful product, then you shouldn’t get acquainted with it while waiting for the baby: the body can react unpredictably.
  • Eat the berry not as a dessert, but half an hour before meals: this will reduce the risk of developing fermentation processes in the intestines.
  • Do not forget about the norm recommended by doctors - 200–300 g of blackberries per day.

When breastfeeding

The juicy berry is also useful for nutrition of women who are pregnant. breastfeeding. You can try introducing blackberries into the diet when the baby is 3 months old. Start with 1-2 berries in the morning. Watch your child's reaction, because... in rare cases the product can cause diathesis in the baby.

There is a widespread belief that blackberries are highly allergenic due to their bright color- this is nothing more than a myth. Allergies to dark purple berries are rare.

For children

If the baby is healthy, you should not delay his introduction to the berry for a long time. He can try blackberry puree as early as 7–8 months of age. After a year it is allowed to give delicious fruits As a vitamin snack, add them to porridge and cottage cheese casseroles.

When a child is allergic to many fruits and vegetables, it is better to introduce blackberries into the diet later, at 1–1.5 years. Monitor the baby's reaction and when skin itching, rash, swelling of the mucous membranes, be sure to consult a doctor.

Children are allowed to eat blackberries from a very young age.

For various diseases


In the first few days after an exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas, blackberries, like any other fruits and vegetables, are strictly contraindicated. A week after the onset of the disease, when the vomiting stops and the abdominal pain decreases, you can add sugar-free berry jelly, mousses, puddings and jellies to your diet.

During remission, it is allowed to eat fresh berries. Give preference to sweet, ripe fruits and do not exceed the recommended amount - 100–150 g per day.


Blackberries are extremely useful for inflammation of the gallbladder. During an exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to drink half a glass of blackberry tea and a decoction of the leaves of the plant half an hour before meals. And during remission, you are supposed to eat up to 150 g of berries every day (during the season).

The exception is calculous cholecystitis. If in gallbladder there are stones, blackberries, which have choleretic properties, are contraindicated in any form.


During exacerbation of gastritis and gastric ulcer, eating berries is not recommended. Active components Blackberries can irritate the inflamed gastric mucosa. During remission, you are allowed to eat no more than 80–100 g of ripe fruits 3–4 times a week.

People suffering from gastritis with high acidity should limit the consumption of freshly squeezed blackberry juice to 200 ml per day.

If you have gastritis with high acidity, you should not indulge in blackberry juice.

Diabetes mellitus

Blackberries are beneficial for controlling glucose levels in diabetic patients. It is recommended to eat it fresh, as well as brew it with leaves to obtain a vitamin and tonic drink. Blackberry jams, preserves and confitures containing large amounts of sugar are prohibited for people with this disease.

When losing weight (on a diet)

Blackberries are an indispensable product for those who want to lose weight. A glass of berries, which can completely saturate the body, contains only 60 kcal, and the biological components included in the fruit trigger metabolism, which helps to get rid of extra pounds.

During the berry season, anyone who wants to get slim is recommended to consume up to 250 g of fresh blackberries as one of their snacks. Be sure to drink plenty of clean boiled water.

Recipes for medicinal products using the plant

Decoction of leaves for patients with diabetes mellitus


  • dry blackberry leaves - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 2 l.

Pour water over the raw material, put it on high heat, bring to a boil and evaporate the liquid by half. Strain the resulting broth and drink throughout the day in small sips every 10–15 minutes. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Video: Healing jam made from blackberry infusion

Infusion for irritability and insomnia


  • blackberry leaves - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh (or frozen) blackberries - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • leaves black currant- 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon balm - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • strawberry leaves - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mint - 1 tbsp. l.

Pour 1 liter of boiling water over all herbal ingredients and leave for 1 hour. The finished product is drunk 250 ml 4 times a day at regular intervals. The course of treatment is 14 days.

It's lightweight and fits well sedative to get rid of nervous excitement during menopause.

Compress for wounds, swelling, trophic ulcers and inflammation

Must be applied to the sore spot fresh leaf blackberries for 15–20 minutes, changing if necessary herbal compress. The procedure is carried out twice a day until pain and inflammation are completely eliminated.

Berry powder for diarrhea

Dried blackberries are ground in a coffee grinder or blender to a powder and take half a teaspoon three times a day with plenty of water. The course of treatment is 5–7 days (until the symptoms of intestinal disorder disappear). The product is safe and approved for use by children over 3 years of age.

Vodka tincture for flu and bronchitis

Blackberry tincture will be useful for common seasonal diseases

Prepare blackberry tincture at the rate of 60 g of fresh berries per glass of vodka. Place the product in a dry and cool place for 3 days. Take 20–30 drops three times a day at the first symptoms of flu and colds.

Diuretic decoction based on the root


  • blackberry root (chopped) - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water - 300 ml.

Pour water over the plant material, place on low heat and simmer for 10–15 minutes. Cool, strain and consume ready-made remedy one tablespoon every 2 hours during exacerbation chronic pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis.

Blackberries in home cosmetology

Anti-inflammatory mask for rashes

Wash fresh blackberry leaves thoroughly under running water, rinse with boiling water, grind in a blender or meat grinder until pasty, apply to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, for 10–15 minutes. The course of treatment for inflammation on the face using this method is 10–12 procedures, performed every other day.

Refreshing treatment for sagging skin

Mix two tablespoons of mashed blackberries with the same amount of heavy cream. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 15–20 minutes and rinse. This mask can be used 1-2 times a week.

Blackberries are an amazing berry. Modestly located on the edge of the forests, it is a real storehouse of vitamins and biologically active substances. Even ancient healers knew about the benefits of dark purple fruits and other parts of the plant, successfully using blackberries to treat and prevent many ailments. Try one of the recipes too traditional medicine, discussed above, and see the power of this berry.

Delicious and sweet black, red or yellow, prickly stems (and the spines are like those of a pike, curved back: you’ll get caught and won’t escape), high yield - these are all blackberries or “hedgehog berries”, as they called them in XVIII-XIX centuries this is a plant. The fact that it is delicious is known to everyone who has tried it. But what blackberries are, what they are like, and whether they can cause harm to health - we will now try to figure this out.

Blackberries: calories, nutritional value, vitamins and minerals

This berry can be classified as low-calorie foods– 31 kcal per 100 g (in a glass of 250 ml – 64.6 kcal). During heat treatment The calorie content of blackberries increases: in dried - 64 kcal, in jam (with added sugar) - 92 kcal.

Her nutritional value is (7.5%), (5.3%), (0.7%), (0.4%). Of 100 g of berries it is about 86%, ash is 0.48%

Berries and leaves of the plant - important source:

  • – , B ( , acids), ;
  • micro- and macroelements (copper, iron, strontium, manganese, etc.).


The roots are used in the form of a decoction: pour 20 grams of roots with a glass of boiling water, boil and cook for 20 minutes, then leave for three hours. Medicinal properties Blackberry roots appear during treatment:

  • ascites (removes fluid);
  • , tonsillitis;
  • urolithiasis.

Collection and storage of blackberries

The berry retains its unique medicinal properties and all the benefits of blackberries, even after processing. This makes it possible to stock up on valuable raw materials for autumn and winter using freezing, drying, making jam, juice and other methods. Harvested raw materials can be stored for up to 2 years (roots - up to 3 years). However, if possible, it should not be used for a long time; it is better to stock up fresh every year.


The collection begins in July and lasts until the end of August. To preserve berries, use several ways:

  • drying. Dried blackberries retain all micro- and macroelements and most vitamins. Dry it in the oven (no more than 40 degrees), in the open air (but not in the sun). Berries for drying are used unripe and unwashed (brush off the dust).

Important! When drying, you should expect that up to 10 kg of fresh blackberries are needed per 1 kg of dried berries. Readiness is determined by squeezing the berries - the raw material is ready if no juice is released.

  • quick freezing. Frozen blackberries retain all their valuable properties, and the benefits of its use are great. Ripe berries are frozen. Before this they are cleaned, washed and dried. Frozen berries are placed in portions in bags and stored in the freezer for no more than a year.


Leaves are collected throughout the summer. Gardeners who know everything about blackberries say that the most valuable qualities possesses raw materials collected during the flowering period. Then you can also stock up on blackberry petals (for brewing).

Collected raw materials must be properly prepared for storage. Tea requires fermented leaves:

  • spread out the leaves thin layer and mash with a rolling pin - they should release juice. Place in a container and keep closed for three days;
  • extract and dry, and then grind.

Did you know? In Christianity, blackberries symbolize the purity of the Virgin Mary, but folk signs seeing a hedgehog berry in a dream means upcoming illnesses; eating it means losses; getting entangled in its thickets means a dream sent by the devil.

Medicinal raw materials:

  • spread the leaves in a thin layer on a sheet of plywood and dry in the shade.
  • If drying occurs in the oven, ensure that the temperature is not higher than 40°C.

Raw materials are stored in linen bags or paper bags in a dry and cool place for no more than a year.


Raw materials are harvested in late autumn after the plant has shed all its leaves for the winter (before snow falls). Harvesting in early spring is also possible, but more harmful to the plant. The dug roots are cleared of soil, washed, dead or damaged parts are cut off, cut into pieces (10 cm each) and dried.

You can dry it in the open air (not under the sun), in a dryer or oven (the temperature should be increased gradually - from 30 to 60°C). The finished raw materials are wrapped in paper or cloth and stored in a dry and cool place. Dried roots can be stored for up to 3 years.


Contraindications to the use of blackberries come down mainly to limiting its overconsumption . If you have a sick stomach, you should not eat whole berries - it is better to drink blackberry juice.

The only reason to refuse to take these berries is personal intolerance.

Did you know?valuable honey plant. Honey from blackberry nectar has clear water, a pleasant aroma and excellent taste. A hectare of this honey plant provides 20 kg of honey.

Thus, we are convinced that blackberries are extremely necessary for the human body, given its beneficial properties and practical complete absence contraindications.



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