Cherries: benefits and harms - how the sweet and sour berry is useful for children and adults. Cherry: beneficial properties and contraindications

Cherries, healthy and harmful properties which is described in many books, belongs to the Rosaceae family, and it is a woody plant. It bears fruit as a drupe with one spherical or ovoid stone. The cherry fruit has a sweet and sour taste and comes in small or large sizes. The color of the berries can be of various shades: from pink to almost black. The fruit seed is small and has sharp ribs.

Useful properties of cherries

Even healers used cherries in their practice for medicinal purposes. It helped with kidney disease, indigestion, gout and illnesses bladder. The thing is that cherry fruits contain a huge amount of fructose and glucose, which is about 11.4%. Also a component of cherries is vegetable fiber, occupying 0.5% and organic acid – 1.4%. Organic acid is represented by succinic and citric acid ami containing mixed in the berry, as well as formic acid, but in smaller quantities. Cherries contain a lot of useful minerals, namely: sodium - 22 mg%, potassium - approximately 255 mg%, manganese - 25 mg%, phosphorus - approximately 30 mg%, calcium - 36 mg%, and many others. The berry is rich in vitamins. It contains about 15 mg% of vitamin C, B vitamins, folic acid and others. But the most valuable, vitamin-like substance contained in cherries is inositol. This substance perfectly regulates metabolic processes in the body. Anthocyanins contained in cherry fruits help strengthen capillaries and are an excellent antioxidant. Dark color cherry, or rather its pulp, indicates a large amount of anthocyanins.

Cherry components such as oxycoumarin and coumarin in combination with medicines produce positive effect in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, ischemia, phlebothrombosis, cerebral stroke and myocardial infarction. Chlorogenic acid regulates liver and kidney functions.

In addition, cherries have a beneficial effect on the body:

  1. Promotes growth and normalization of vital functions beneficial bacteria intestines;
  2. Frees from harmful products exchange;
  3. Removes excess cholesterol, which is important for people with obesity and atherosclerotic disease;
  4. Cleanses the body of chemical compounds;
  5. Serves as prevention and treatment of anemia;
  6. Helps in the treatment of catarrh, as it is an excellent expectorant;
  7. The juice is a good diuretic.

They also have beneficial properties cherry leaves. They serve good antiseptic. Excellent fortified teas are prepared from cherry leaves.

The interesting thing is that beneficial properties the berries are preserved even when frozen, dried, and even ground with sugar.

Application of cherries

Cherry fruits, namely its juice and pulp, are widely used in cosmetology.

  • Cherry juice is used to care for oily skin

Vichy fruits are ground and the juice is squeezed out. A cotton swab and gauze pad are moistened in it and applied to a cleansed face for twenty minutes.

  • Mask for oily and porous skin

Mix one tablespoon of cherry juice with potato flour, a small amount of it. Apply a mask to clean skin face and hold for twenty minutes. This mask perfectly tightens pores, making your face look fresher.

  • Mask for nourishing and healing skin

Apply the mask to the face and neck area. Make a paste from mashed cherry fruits. You need to keep the mask for twenty minutes, then remove it with a cotton swab soaked in warm water. The mask helps tighten pores.

Cherries are also used in folk medicine. It is recommended for:

  1. Improved appetite;
  2. Normalization of digestive processes;
  3. Treatment of joint diseases and uric acid diathesis;
  4. Treatment of stomach ulcers;
  5. Relief of radiculitis, neurosis and seizures;
  6. Treatment of diarrhea accompanied by chronic colitis;
  7. Treatment of intestinal atony.

For swelling, decoctions from cherry stalks are used. The leaves are used to treat jaundice by boiling them in milk. The leaves are used to stop nasal and external bleeding.

Cherry has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, calming it and thus preventing the occurrence of seizures. Sometimes it is even used to treat epilepsy. It also helps relieve constipation and relieve fever. Eating cherries with milk can cure arthritis. The pulp and juice of the berry help in the treatment of inflammation respiratory tract.

  • Dry berries can be used to prepare a remedy for reducing fever in children.

Pour one hundred grams of dried cherries into two glasses of water and steam over low heat.


Despite its beneficial properties, cherries have a number of contraindications.

  1. Stomach ulcer;
  2. Duodenal ulcer;
  3. Gastritis with increased acidity;
  4. Chronic lung diseases;
  5. Violation normal operation intestines;
  6. Diabetes mellitus;
  7. Obesity.

You need to eat cherries very carefully, since the elements it contains: glycoside and amygdalin, form a strong acid in the intestines during their breakdown. The seeds that are found in the pit of the cherry fruit, when consumed in a huge number, can even be very poisonous to humans. But if you take the seeds moderately, in small quantities, they turn into real medicine. This medicine is an excellent remedy to get rid of kidney stone disease and from gout.

And so, cherry is a plant whose fruits, leaves and seeds have beneficial properties and a healing effect. But not everything is so safe, because the same cherry can turn into poison for a sick person and even for an absolutely healthy person. Therefore, before starting treatment with this remedy, you need to consult a doctor. He will help you create a scheme according to which the treatment will be carried out, and also determine in what doses the use of cherries will not harm human health. So, the use of cherries in unlimited quantities is strictly prohibited and contraindicated even for healthy person, but if you approach its use wisely, taking into account the doses, then it will turn into an irreplaceable and useful medicine.

Ripe, dark burgundy cherries are one of the most beloved summer fruits. Thanks to the abundant harvests during the season, this berry is present on our tables in all forms - fresh fruits, compotes and jams, fillings for pies and cherry wine... However, during the period of such active consumption of berries for food, the question of the benefits and harms of cherries for the body arises. What do these fruits contain and is it safe to eat them in any quantity?

For those worried about their figure, one of the first reasons for concern is the question of the calorie content of cherries. There is no need to worry about this. The sugars contained in the pulp give it very little energy value. 100 g of fresh berries is only 52 kcal.

In terms of chemical composition, cherries are very rich in beneficial substances. Here are the most useful of them:

  • organic acids
  • Sahara
  • vitamins (ascorbic acid, thiamine, folic acid and vitamin PP).

There is a lot in the fruits and valuable microelements. Thus, the content of iron, which is extremely necessary for hematopoiesis, in cherries is 500 mcg per 100 g ripe berries. This content is not found in almost any other fruit.

The pulp is rich in phosphorus, potassium, copper and manganese, zinc and fluorine. The fruits also contain a lot of substances that are highly valued by nutritionists: flavonoids, anthocyanins, fiber. All these substances normalize metabolic processes, which helps maintain weight within normal limits.

When processing content useful substances in berries it changes somewhat. Thus, during drying, water is lost, which increases the content of other components of the composition. However, in terms of caloric content of the fruit, dried cherries are superior to fresh ones (290 kcal per 100g). Higher plant fiber content has a beneficial effect on digestion and reduces the negative effects

The fruits tolerate freezing well, and the calorie content of frozen cherries does not differ from fresh ones. So you can safely freeze these fruits and enjoy them throughout the year without worrying about your figure.

Useful properties of cherries

The beneficial properties of berries are largely determined by the vitamin set. Vitamins in cherries are contained in large quantities. The most significant ones:

  • Vitamin C is an important regulator metabolic processes and an immune system stimulant.
  • Thiamine, or vitamin B1, controls the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and is necessary for the normal conduction of impulses in the nervous system.
  • Vitamin A, or retinol, is a powerful antioxidant. In addition, this compound is necessary for the production of light-sensitive pigment in the retina, and therefore for normal vision.

From other useful substances important role plays natural salicylic acid. This makes cherries a natural antipyretic and antimicrobial effect. For example, its beneficial effect on the microflora of the digestive system has been proven.

Also, one should not underestimate such important component like fiber. In combination with anthocyanins and pectins, fiber reduces the risk of developing oncological processes in the digestive tract. She absorbs like a sponge harmful substances, which accumulate during digestion, and helps remove them from the body.

The benefits of cherries for women

It is difficult to list all the benefits of cherries for women's health. Antioxidants contained in berries slow down the aging process. During menopause regular use eating cherries reduces discomfort. This berry also helps with varicose veins.

The benefits and harms of cherries for pregnant women and children

The healing properties of cherries will also help during pregnancy. Rich in iron the berry will reduce the risk of anemia and increase hemoglobin. In the first trimester of pregnancy, folic acid is necessary for the development of the child, and berries are a real storehouse of this useful substance. And of course, the vitamins contained in the pulp of the berries will be useful for both the baby and the mother.

The benefits and harms of cherries for men

The benefits of cherries for men's health. Strengthening effect vitamin complex This berry will help you get sick less; iron increases hemoglobin and gives you strength. This is especially useful during the cold season, when it is difficult to maintain health.

The benefits of dried cherries

To make dried cherries, the berries are first boiled in syrup and then dried. The benefit of this method is that high temperatures do not affect the berries for a long time (as happens when drying). At the same time, less vitamins are lost, which means that the beneficial properties are more fully preserved.

Sun-dried cherries store well and can be useful throughout the year. However, it is worth remembering that dried berries have more calories than fresh ones, because they contain less water And more content sugars

The use of cherries in folk medicine

In folk medicine, cherries were found wide application. They use not only berries, but also dried leaves, stalks, tree resin (sap). Here are some ways to use this plant in folk medicine.

  • Collected and dried may leaves can be brewed as tea. This drink (especially with the addition of honey) will be useful for colds. This product also perfectly strengthens the immune system.
  • A decoction of the bark and twigs of the plant is used for radiculitis.
  • Water infusions of berries and decoctions of bark calm the nervous system.
  • Tree tar (sap protruding from wounds on the trunk of a plant) is used for inflammation of the stomach.

Before consuming any part of the plant medicinal purposes, you should consult your doctor

Storing and freezing cherries

Frozen berries almost do not lose their properties. To freeze the fruits, you need to thoroughly wash them and remove the stems. Then the berries are placed in plastic bags, distributing in one layer. The packages are placed in the freezer. Frozen berries retain almost all vitamins and are excellent both for eating and for making compotes and jams.


The beneficial properties of cherries are great, but there are also contraindications that are worth remembering. Here are some diseases this product can cause harm:

  • Stomach ulcer and peptic ulcers intestines. Plays a negative role here great content organic acids in pulp
  • Gastritis with high acidity
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Inflammatory processes in the lungs

An allergy to cherries is associated either with one of the components of this berry (and then it will often manifest itself in other products), or with natural dyes that color the berry dark red.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction are itching, urticaria, swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. An allergy develops either immediately after eating the berry, or with a slight delay (up to two hours). If allergy symptoms appear, you should take antihistamines.

The sour pulp is also unsafe for tooth enamel. The acids contained in berries can destroy the coating of teeth, especially when consumed in large quantities. Therefore, after eating you need to rinse your teeth.

Harm from cherry pits

Cherry pits are unsafe, especially for small children. A swallowed bone can get into the windpipe and block the air supply. Therefore, young children should be given peeled berries, and older children should be explained that cherry pits dangerous to swallow or keep in mouth.

The bitter kernels of cherry pits contain toxic substances. If you accidentally swallow one seed, there will be no harm. But swallowing a dozen nucleoli is no longer safe, because... you can get poisoned.

Cherry is a valuable crop, the fruits of which are rich in nutrients and have a beneficial effect on the body. But in order not to harm your health, it is worth remembering that there are contraindications. And of course, main principle use of any food products – moderation!

Almost every one of us loves to enjoy cherries since childhood.

But we think about its benefits and possible harm at an older age.

But, really, are cherries so healthy and can everyone eat them?

Cherry: benefits and harm. Vitamin and mineral composition of fruits

Until now, scientists have not come to a consensus: is a cherry a berry or a fruit? Some classify it as a berry, while others claim that it is a stone fruit. However, disagreements do not make the taste of cherries worse or the composition less valuable.

Cherries are rich in vitamins B, C, PP and B12 (folic acid). It also contains the following minerals, like potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, manganese and iron. Thanks to organic acids, vegetable fiber, fructose and glucose in cherry fruits, it is used to treat many diseases.

Cherries are rich in a substance called inositol. It helps normalize metabolism.

The anthocyanins contained in the composition have a beneficial effect on capillaries, namely, they strengthen their walls.

Coumarins and oxycoumarins in cherries make its fruits indispensable for people with ischemic diseases heart, thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis.

Chlorogenic acid normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Pectin and fiber remove toxins and have a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

Iron and copper increase hemoglobin levels.

What are the benefits of cherries?

Cherry has long been known as a product eternal youth. Due to its high content of antioxidants, its consumption inhibits the aging of the body. It has a strengthening effect on everything vital important systems body: heart, nervous system, intestines, liver and kidneys. Cherry fruits also improve vision and reduce cholesterol in the blood.

What other beneficial properties does this product have?

1. Increases hemoglobin and lowers blood pressure, strengthens capillaries.

2. Prevents the development of heart attack, stroke, thrombosis, complications of atherosclerosis and reduces the risk of an attack of angina.

3. Relieves joint inflammation, reduces the level of uric acid in the body, which contributes better treatment gout and arthritis.

4. Due to the high content of copper in its composition, cherries are able to heal mental disorders(of course, together with drug treatment), including epilepsy.

5. Cherries can be consumed to speed up the treatment of dysentery, as well as get rid of staphylococci and streptococci.

6. The high content of pectins has a positive effect on the intestines: waste and toxins are removed, constipation is prevented.

7. Cherries are also used to treat coughs (as an expectorant) and reduce body temperature.

8. In women, cherry fruits ease menopause.

It is worth noting that this delicacy is used not only for its intended purpose, but also in for cosmetic purposes. Thus, cherry pulp and juice are included in many masks and creams aimed at strengthening the skin and hair.

Many representatives of the fair sex use cherries as the main ingredient in their diet for weight loss. The calorie content of the fruit is only 52 kcal per 100 g of product.

Cherries are one of the few foods that are allowed for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, since it has a low glycemic index. Anthocyanins contained in the pulp slow down the absorption of sucrose, which is also very important for diabetics.

Cherries are very useful for pregnant women to prevent anemia, which often appears when carrying a child. The fruits also contain folic acid, which is very important for correct formation And further development baby in the womb.

Receive valuable substances You can get rid of cherry fruits not only during their ripening period. The berry tolerates freezing well and retains almost all its beneficial properties.

cherry leaves

Invaluable benefits Not only the fruits, but also the leaves of the cherry tree can benefit the body. They are brewed to stop bleeding and relieve hypertension.

Infusions from leaves are no less popular. They are drunk for frequent nosebleeds and heavy menstruation. And people suffering from liver diseases are recommended to drink a decoction of cherry leaves with milk from time to time.

Cherry: benefits and harm from excessive consumption

Despite wide range beneficial properties of cherries can be harmful. First of all, this concerns cherry pits. They contain substances such as glycoside and amygdalin. When they enter the intestines, they interact with putrefactive bacteria, decompose and form a toxic substance - hydrocyanic acid. It is dangerous for humans because it causes severe poisoning.

To reduce the risk possible harm If you eat cherries, you must spit out the pits.

Also, do not forget that before eating cherries, they must be thoroughly washed. Even if the fruits have been picked from the tree, this does not mean that they are perfectly clean. At a minimum, roadside dust settles on them. IN best case scenario this can lead to intestinal upset and, at worst, lead to serious poisoning.

Excessive use cherries negatively reflect on tooth enamel. It is advisable to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth well after eating the fruits.

Cherry: beneficial properties and contraindications

Not everyone can eat cherries. Even if you spit out the seeds and wash the fruit well, the body can be harmed by eating the berries. This applies to those who have the following diseases:

● stomach ulcer;

● increased stomach acidity;

● obesity;

● chronic pulmonary diseases;

● disrupted work digestive tract;

● gastritis in the acute stage.

The benefits and harms of cherries: in what form can you eat them?

Fresh fruits are considered the most valuable in terms of usefulness. However, cherries can also be prepared for the winter. There are several ways to do this.

What are the benefits of cherries and how to freeze them

You can freeze fruits with or without seeds. The difference will be that in the first case the cherries will be more saturated. How to freeze cherries:

1. Fruits should be selected only whole, without damage, and not overripe. It should also be remembered that the less time passes from picking cherries to freezing, the better.

2. There is no need to wash cherries before freezing.

3. Can be stored in bags or plastic containers with a lid. In the first case, it is better to first freeze the cherries on a baking sheet so that the fruits are whole, one to one. When choosing containers for freezing, it is important to remember that cherries absorb foreign odors well, so you should take care of their tightness.

4. Optimal temperature frosts for cherries are in the range from -18 to -23 degrees.

5. The berry can be stored for up to one year.

Frozen fruits retain almost all the properties of fresh ones. They can be used in baking, for making compote or adding to porridge.

What are the benefits of cherries and how to dry them correctly

The fruits are dried without stalks and seeds. In an airtight container and at room temperature, cherries can be stored in this form for several months. How to dry fruits:

1. The oven must be heated to 90 degrees.

2. Wash the cherries well, remove seeds and stems, and dry on a paper towel.

3. The baking sheet is lined with baking paper, on which the cherries are laid out in one even layer.

4. Drying lasts for 8 hours with the door open oven.

The dried fruits become the size of raisins and have a pleasant purple hue. Dried cherries can be enjoyed as a snack or added to various dishes and compotes. The only disadvantage of this preparation is that the fruits lose about half of their nutrients.

Dried cherries: calorie content and how to prepare

The calorie content of cherries in this form is only 290 kcal per 100 g of product. Thanks to this, it can be used as a snack or treat during a diet.

Sun-dried cherries differ from dried cherries in that they are more aromatic and tender. Unlike dried, jerky is prepared without exposure high temperatures.

How to cook:

1. Dried cherries are cooked in syrup. Based on 3 kg fresh fruits, take 1 liter of water and 800 g of sugar.

2. Ripe, undamaged cherries are washed well, cleared of seeds and stalks.

3. Water is poured into the pan and sugar is added. When the syrup has boiled and the sugar has completely dissolved, cherry is added to it.

4. After 8 minutes of cooking, remove the cherries from the pan in a colander to drain excess liquid.

5. Cooled and dried fruits are laid out on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and stored in a dry, dark place for 3 days.

6. After this time, each cherry is turned over and put back for another week and a half.

Ready dried cherries are stored in a closed container for several months. It can be eaten as a separate dish or added to baked goods, cereals, drinks and desserts. This process of harvesting fruits allows you to preserve most of the beneficial properties.

Cherry - delicious and very useful product. The main thing to remember is that even fruits picked from a tree must be washed before consumption. Do not forget about moderation, because uncontrolled consumption of cherries can not only not bring benefits, but also harm the body.

Cherry has earned its popularity not only for its pleasant sweet and sour taste. Its medicinal properties have been known for a long time. Cherry tinctures and decoctions are used to treat a wide range of diseases. Eating cherries has its contraindications, and if you ignore them, you can harm yourself. Reviews about the use of cherries leave no doubt about its benefits.

Composition and properties of berries

Almost all fruits and berries are natural source vitamins and minerals for our body. Among them it occupies a leading place. Its composition is a storehouse of useful substances.

Cherries are rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins C, groups B, A, E, PP. It contains a lot of iron, magnesium, cobalt, and zinc. Tannins and pigments help the body absorb vitamins. This helps improve blood flow, strengthens blood vessels and immunity, the body’s resistance to exposure increases harmful factors. B vitamins (B1, B6), when interacting with iron, will cope with anemia of any etiology.

Cherries are useful as in fresh, and in canned

Of the organic acids contained in cherries, the most valuable is folic acid, which is necessary for the development of the embryo during pregnancy. Ascorbic acid necessary for people suffering frequent bleeding, and protects us from contracting viruses and infections. To normalize work nervous system And internal organs cherry contains sufficient quantity succinic acid. Researching cherries for their medicinal properties showed that ellagic acid, which is part of it, stops the development of cancer cells.

The natural dye in cherries (anthocyanin) is easily absorbed by the body, and the coumarin content helps improve blood clotting. The combination of these components in cherries is used for atherosclerosis and its prevention. Anthocyanidins in cherry fruits reduce the level of uric acid in the body and the likelihood of gout, and pectins help cleanse the body of nitrogenous waste.

The benefits and harms of cherries

Cherries can benefit the entire body, from the brain to the joints. It is low in calories, perfectly quenches thirst and increases appetite.

Cherry juice

  1. Cherry juice. Stimulates brain function and is used to treat neurological and mental illness. Cherry juice is recommended to be taken after a heart attack or stroke, for prevention cardiovascular diseases. Coumarin in cherries thins the blood and prevents the occurrence of thrombosis. The berries are used for coughs and fevers. Cherry juice will quickly increase hemoglobin in the blood to normal and help cure anemia.
  2. Cherry leaves. The juice of cherry leaves acts as a healing agent and can stop nosebleeds. A decoction of them is an excellent expectorant and mild diuretic, as well as an analgesic for radiculitis. This decoction is effective for liver diseases.
  3. Cherry with milk. This combination will help cure arthritis and arthrosis. Cherry leaves in milk are indispensable in the treatment of gout.
  4. Cherry kernel flour. Emulsions of such flour are used to treat kidney and genitourinary diseases, joints, and stomach ulcers.
  5. Decoction of branches and bark tree acts as a mild diuretic and will relieve pain from radiculitis. It will not be superfluous to take it for liver diseases.
  6. Decoction of the stalks used for diarrhea and dysentery. His astringent action It will also help with uterine bleeding.

Advice. The use of cherries has not bypassed cosmetology. It perfectly refreshes the skin and tightens pores. A mask made from cherry pulp reduces hair oiliness and saturates it with a healthy shine.

The benefits of eating cherries can hardly be overestimated.

Remember that cherry pits should not be eaten

At the same time, if certain rules are not followed, it can cause harm:

  1. Cherry is a strong allergen, and its bright color just screams about it.
  2. The acids in cherry juice can damage tooth enamel, so after eating cherries you need to rinse your mouth with water.
  3. You should not swallow cherry pits. They are capable of releasing hydrocyanic acid, which will lead to severe poisoning. Seed flour for medicinal purposes should also be taken very carefully, using only fresh kernels for grinding. You can protect the release of poison from the seeds heat treatment berries

Contraindications for use

Cherries are contraindicated for people suffering from high stomach acidity, gastritis, diabetes, and obesity. In these cases, cherries can only be consumed in small quantities. Chronic lung diseases also limit the use of cherries in cooking. For medicinal purposes, its use is unacceptable.

Cherry juice is useful both for strengthening the immune system and speeding up recovery.

Medicinal use

Fresh cherry juice can be diluted boiled water. You should not add sugar to sour juice, it will not bring any benefit. It is better to replace it with honey. You need to drink cherry juice in small sips so that it is absorbed while still in your mouth.

Attention! Young children should be given cherry juice only after consultation and approval of a pediatrician.

Cherry infusions and decoctions are widely used in medicine. To prepare them, take dry branches, leaves, roots, bark at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of water. There is no need to boil them for a long time, 3-5 minutes is enough. After steeping for 1-2 hours, cherry decoctions are taken on an empty stomach. The daily dose of cherry decoctions and tinctures is 200 ml.

Preparing cherries in milk is also very simple. For daily dose take 1 liter of milk and about 600-700 g of ripe berries. After boiling, the cherries are simmered in milk for several minutes. Then the “potion” is infused. Boiled berries and milk are also consumed.

Eating cherries with milk is good for joint health

Alcohol tinctures are kept for at least two weeks, preferably in a dark place. The proportions for their preparation are a spoonful of cherry raw materials per glass of vodka. Take 20-30 drops several times a day.

For prevention various diseases during the season, do not forget to eat at least a handful of these healthy berries a day and drink fresh fruit drinks and juices. This way you will saturate your body with useful substances for the whole year.

Doctors of traditional and traditional medicine, homeopaths and people who have experienced the effects of this sweet and sour berry.

Reviews about the use of cherries found online are always positive. Here are some of them:

  • Valentina, 57 years old: “My joints hurt for a very long time. What I didn’t do: I applied all kinds of ointments, and gave injections. old granny She advised me to boil cherries in milk and drink cherry tea. At that moment I was already so desperate that I was ready for anything. And here is a recipe with my favorite cherry. The joint pain subsided after 10 days. Now I make cherries for future use (I freeze them) and carry out cherry therapy for my joints several times a year.”

Despite all the beneficial properties, you should not eat too many berries at once.

  • Lyudmila, 27 years old: “During pregnancy, my hemoglobin level dropped significantly. The gynecologist advised me to drink cherry juice and, if possible, eat cherries. On next appointment my tests were already normal.”
  • Evgeniya, 53 years old: “Even my grandmother, when the cold season began, always gave us cherry decoctions. Maybe that’s why we practically didn’t get sick. Now I am a grandmother myself. I also drink cherry tea to my children and grandchildren. It’s both tasty and healthy.”

Nature has rewarded cherries with a whole bunch of useful substances. Cherry maybe natural medicine from many diseases, if you use it “wisely”. It is not advisable to eat cherries in unlimited quantities, and you should not forget about contraindications.

Benefits of cherries for human health: video

What are the benefits of cherries: photo

Everyone knows cherries as a common fruit crop. But this tree is more valuable than many of us think.

Cherry is actively used in cooking, medicine, and cosmetology, and its beneficial properties are countless for our body.

Cherry – botanical information

Cherry is a fruit shrub about 2-5 m high. The plant belongs to the Rosaceae family, the Prunaceae species.

A spherical crown, brown bark, elliptical leaves with a sharp end and a waxy coating - the plant has a simple appearance and doesn't stand out as anything special.

The cherry tree has large actinomorphic flowers that fall off after the flowering period. The corolla consists of 5 white petals.

The fruits of the tree are small sweet and sour red berries with a seed inside.

The bush blooms in mid-April or early May. The fruit appears in early summer.

Cherry - chemical composition of the berry

For the body, the most valuable are not only the fruits of this tree, but also the branches and leaves of the cherry bush.

Freshly picked cherry fruits contain many biologically active and beneficial substances, namely:

  • various flavonoids,
  • pectins,
  • antioxidants,
  • vitamins and minerals.

Cherry leaves and young branches of the bush contain large number essential oils, water-soluble vitamins, coumarins and minerals.

Please note - do not eat cherry pits!!!

The seeds contain a substance called amygdalin. There is also an enzyme that breaks it down - amygdalase. After the decomposition process, this component releases hydrocyanic acid, which serves as a deadly poison.

Cherry branches, as well as wood and bark, contain cherry resin, that is, gum.

Therefore, the use of fresh drupes and their juice is recommended by many experts for the health and beauty of the body.

What are the benefits of cherries - medicinal properties

Treatment with cherry fruits helps in various situations.

The pulp of these berries is effective for:

  • increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • prevention of thrombosis;
  • prevention of heart attack and stroke;
  • treatment of an attack of angina;
  • getting rid of gout, arthritis, epilepsy;
  • cleansing the bronchi during colds;
  • increased appetite;
  • prevention and treatment of disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system.

For more information about the benefits of cherries, watch this video.

The main beneficial properties of cherries:

  • Cherry fruits protect the body from free radicals, remove waste and toxins.
  • These berries will be an excellent remedy for digestive disorders, metabolic problems, and poor blood clotting.
  • Cherry juice and pulp serve good antiseptic, they calm, relieve cramps, kill viruses and bacteria.
  • The fruits of the cherry tree contain anticyanides, which help strengthen the immune system and get rid of harmful bacteria.
  • For anemia or other blood diseases, cherries will be good additional treatment, due to the presence of copper, magnesium, iron and B vitamins in its composition.

What are the benefits of the leaves, bark and stalks of the plant?

The stalks of this plant have a diuretic, stone-dissolving, and hemostatic effect.

The leaves of the bush will also be useful for humans. They help stop bleeding in external wounds.

You can make teas and decoctions from the leaves, which will help with various kinds inflammations.

Infusions are prepared to treat hypertension and stop bleeding from the nose or during menstruation, which is especially important for women.

Read more about the benefits of cherry leaves in this interesting article.

Gum in the composition of bark and wood has enveloping effect, it has a gentle effect on the mucous membrane, improving digestion.

Therefore, decoctions from the branches of a young bush will be effective for diarrhea and stomach upsets.

Tea made from cherry twigs will help with colitis or intestinal atony.

The roots of the tree can be used to treat ulcers.

Who benefits from eating cherries?

This fruit crop is grown mainly for use in food and cooking.

Cherries can be consumed fresh, dried or frozen.

Let's take a closer look at the main points:

  • At colds Vitamin C in cherries helps fight infection by reducing inflammation and fever, killing bacteria.
  • Cherry fights inflammation in the throat, improves the condition of the patient with gastritis, and normalizes intestinal function.
  • The presence of pectin, vitamin PP, cobalt, malic and citric acids in cherry juice and pulp prevents the formation of cancer cells.
  • For people suffering from diseases cardiovascular system, cherries are especially useful - consuming them regularly can reduce the likelihood of a heart attack.
  • Cherry will serve as an excellent expectorant, antibacterial and antiseptic. Cold syrups are often made from cherries.
  • IN sour berries Cherries contain a lot of coumarins, which help improve blood clotting, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, people who have problems with capillaries should definitely include cherries in their diet.

What is healthier: cherries or cherries?

There is a debate among people about which is healthier: cherries or cherries.

And to prevent them, it is worth saying that these 2 fruit trees are similar to each other, but the composition of cherries is much less.

Sweet cherries, along with cherries, have a softer and sweeter taste. However, when choosing between these fruits, you should give preference to the fruit that you like.

What are the benefits of cherries for pregnant women?

The use of cherries is also relevant for pregnant women.

Availability folic acid in these berries is especially important for the development of a child. Potassium in their composition is necessary for the prevention of autoimmune diseases.

During pregnancy, by eating cherries, a woman not only takes care of her baby, but also nourishes her body important vitamins and minerals.

Cherry fruits will improve the immunity of both mother and child, relieve inflammatory processes in the body and help maintain required level glucose.

What is the healthiest way to prepare cherries?

The healthiest options for harvesting cherries are drying and freezing.

  • How to freeze cherries?

Before harvesting, regardless of the chosen method, the berries need to be prepared.

First, remove leaves, stems or even seeds from the fruits, then wash and dry.

It’s easy to freeze cherries; you need to place the already dried berries in the freezer on a plate so that they freeze a little (for a few hours), after which they are collected in a bag or a special container.

Frozen cherries also have this entire list of substances, but some vitamins are still lost with such a sharp change in temperature.

  • How to dry cherries?

Dried cherries are obtained in approximately the same way, only the fruits are laid out in the oven at a temperature no higher than 55 degrees.

All vitamins are preserved in dried berries, but this method of preparation can only be used for making tea or compotes.

Cherry – tea and compote recipes

Cherry tea can be of 2 types: based on berries and tree leaves or based on just leaves.

How to make cherry tea:

  1. Tea with the addition of cherry ingredients is prepared as follows: for 100 g of black tea, take 30-40 g dried berries. You need to mix these components thoroughly, you can then brew tea in the usual way, a few teaspoons at a time. dry mixture per 300-400 ml of boiled water.
  2. Tea based on cherries and their parts can be prepared as follows: 2-3 tsp. dry cherry leaves mixed with 2-3 tsp. dried berries, pour into a teapot and pour boiling water over it. Infuse this tea for about 5 minutes.

How to prepare cherry compote:

  1. For cherry compote, you can choose frozen fruits. First, take the fruits out of the freezer, defrost them, pouring the juice from the berries into a glass. Pour water over the cherries, add sugar to taste and boil. After the resulting compote has cooled, pour in the remaining juice.
  2. Dry cherry compote is no less useful. To prepare it, soak the dried fruits in water for 35-40 minutes, then put the compote on the fire. After boiling, add sugar. If desired, you can add other dried fruits to this compote.

Cherry berry - contraindications for use

No matter how beneficial cherries are for humans, they still have their contraindications.

Cherries should not be consumed:

  • diabetics due to high content Sahara;
  • people with gastritis increased level acidity, the presence of acids in the composition of cherry berries will irritate the mucous membranes.;
  • those suffering from stomach ulcers;
  • to those who suffer chronic diseases lungs.

These fruits should also be used with caution by people who have allergic reactions when eating cherries.

Do not eat cherries with pits, as this may cause toxic poisoning. In any case, be vigilant and monitor your body’s reactions to various foods.



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